01x18 - The Courtship

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x18 - The Courtship

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

(John-boy) it was spring
on walton's mountain,

That special time
when all of life seeks

And finds its own
renewal and strength.

A time when the season,
like the mountain,

Calls back those whose
lives have taken them

So many miles and years
away from the land.

One of those who was called
back in that spring of 1933

Was my mother's uncle.

His name was cody nelson,

And he'd come all the way
home from cincinnati, ohio.

Uncle cody?

John-boy walton.

Olivia's son?

Yes, sir.

Ever since mama got your letter,

We've sure been looking
forward to your visit.

I wasn't sure she'd remember me.

Here, let me take that for you.

Just brought the old truck.

You have to get in that
side. I'll put this in the back.

30 Years. How come he
never visited us before?

When a man grows older,
he begins to find his way home.

On my mother's side, I'm
the only family he's got left.

Must be lonely
for him, so far away.

We'll be his family from now on

For as long as he wants to stay.

We drew straws to see who
had to come home and milk.

I lost. You want
me to strain it?

No, I'll take care of it. You run
along and get washed up for supper.

Well, did he or didn't he?

Well, grandpa says in all
his years of catching catfish,

That old cat in
the rockfish river

Is the smartest and
strongest he's come up against.

I heard him say it yesterday.

And the day before.

And last week, and
the week before that.

Ever since that fish got away
from him in the first place.

The way she's been cooking today

It looks like mama's
gonna turn your arrival

Into a real event in our family.

Of course, she's always said
you were special, uncle cody.

She's always said
you're an example

Of the success a person can gain

From going on to
higher education.

I have some ambition
that way myself,

So it's very interesting to me.

I'd like to go on to college.

That all depends
on this depression...

I went home this week
over to howardsville.

That's where my people
lived, over at howardsville.

There was only the
chimney left standing.

Just the chimney.

That's all that remains
of the house I was born in.

And those family reunions.

Uncle clarence always seeing
to it that a preacher was on hand

To make up for a
whole year of baptizing.

[All laughing]

I must've been all of 8 years
old last time I saw uncle cody.

Remember? You'd just come
back from schooling in richmond.

Uh, how you attracted the pride
and attention of everyone that day.

It won't be long now before our
oldest will be going off to college.

So he said.

May I have a glass
of water, please?

Of course. Mary ellen?

Milk hardly agrees with me.

Water it will be from now on.

And, uh, I can't
tolerate fried foods.


Liv tells me the
last time she heard

You were living
in cincinnati, ohio.


Thank you.

Mary ellen, isn't it?

Yes, and you're welcome.

I've been living there
for the past 29 years.

Never married?


Good to know there's
still some fellows out

Picking their own wildflowers.

Ben, uh, keep on passing
that biscuit along.

(Livie) why don't you let
me fix you some soup?

I'm fine. Really. Just fine.

I seem to recall my mother
said you'd gone into banking.


Bet you're glad you're
not a banker nowadays.

Never thought I'd
live to see the day

When the president
of the united states

Would be forced to close
down all the banks in the country

Because of lack of enough money.

(Jason) not enough
money in a bank.

I still can't get
used to the idea.

Well, I thought it was just because
that there was more going out

Than there was coming
in. Isn't that what...

What are they saying in the
cities nowadays about the banks?

Well, I've served as an accountant
in the same bank for 29 years

And I'm assured the
situation is only temporary.

Uncle cody, I've been reading
about those paddle wheelers.

You know, those boats on
the ohio river near cincinnati,

The ones that take the
passengers down to new orleans.

You ever ride on one of those?

Excuse me.

Is the president talking
on the radio, daddy?

Not that I heard.

(Male newscaster) and
now the 7:00 news.

As the nation's banks
remained closed,

With no word yet as to when
they might open their doors again,

A grim and determined president

Assembled the 73rd congress
in an extraordinary session.

All right, you children,
start clearing the table.

Won't you have some dessert?

Oh, not tonight, thank you.

I baked a pie
especially for you.

[Sighs] if you don't mind,
I'd just like to go to bed.

I am very tired.

No, of course not. I'll have the
children do their homework down here.

That's a very good idea.

I haven't slept well lately.

We're awfully glad
to have you with us.

Thank you.

And you're welcome to stay
with us as long as you like.

There's no better
place for a man

To spend his vacation
than with his family.

That's exactly how we feel.


About this bank
closing business,

Don't get the idea that your
uncle cody's here for a hand-out.

Of course not.

I have money.

A man doesn't put all
his money into a bank,

Even if he works there.

Good night, olivia.

Sleep well.

He wants to think he's on
vacation instead of out of a job,

So I say let's give
him that vacation.

Let's help him forget
his problems if we can.

No call for a nice man
like him to be going around

Like he's forgotten
how to smile or laugh.

Fishing is the best
vacation that I know of.

The only kind of vacation
I've known most of my life.

Mmm-hmm, if we had
more time and more money,

We could take him to some of
these tourist places around.

What if we invited
some company over?

Somebody well-educated
and traveled

Who could draw him out,
make him relax a little.

Someone with a real education.

Someone like the
reverend fordwick.

Yeah, that may be. But
by the time rev. Fordwick

Gets to comforting
and consoling him,

He might be sorrier for
himself than he is right now.

I reckon that yancy and me,
we could take him hunting.

What if... What if

We invited a woman
over to supper?

After all, there is
more to this county

Than hunting, fishing,
and well-educated men.

In spite of the way he's
acting, he is quite eligible.

Now, hold on, you two.

You sound like a
couple of matchmakers.

We don't even know
this poor old man.

Amy pritchard from
down at the county library.

Now, mama, don't
you do that to him.

But, john-boy, with all
the books she's read,

She could probably
talk on any subject.

And amy pritchard has not
endangered a man in over 30 years.

Not since that encyclopedia
britannica salesman took...

John, you had something
you wanted to say.

Mama, it's not that I
don't agree with your idea,

Because it's perfect.

It's just that uncle cody
needs someone charming

And lively to make
him laugh and smile.

And I've never seen
miss amy do either one.

Besides, she doesn't
even believe in dancing.

Who said anything about dancing?

I intend to speak to
her. And while I'm at it,

I'm gonna speak to the
well-traveled widow tremmaine.

Mom, almadene tremmaine
is the most stuck-up,

Self-centered, self-righteous
old biddy in this community.

He's right, liv.

You got a better suggestion?

All right. The way
I'm looking at it,

I can see just one lady
who is well-traveled,

Well-read and charming
and lively and loves to laugh.

She's got a smile
that melts sunshine,

And she goes to all the
picture shows in charlottesville.

You know where else she's been?

She's been to the altar 4 times.

Given half a chance,
she'd go for 4 more.

Cordelia hunnicutt.

Of course.

Now, son, I'm not
sure uncle cody's

Up to such a lively
and sociable woman.

And I'm not up to acting
as a... A matchmaker

For that woman and her schemes.

Cordelia hunnicutt.

[Tongue clicking]

Old man, you're about
to offend my jealousies.

Now, hold on here.

I understand we're talking
about her uncle cody.

I think john-boy has
hit the nail on the head.

He has picked us a lulu.

And if these 2 ladies
here are too high-falootin'

To issue forth with an
invitation to lady cordelia,

John-boy and I are not above
going to ask her to come here.

Tomorrow suit
you fine, john-boy?

[Birds chirping]

Gee, I sure hope
grandpa talked cody

Into going catfishing with him.

Well, your grandpa does
have a way with words.

Did you speak to
cody about washing

His socks in the bathroom sink?

He said hereafter he won't
let them soak overnight.

Wouldn't let me
wash them for him.

[Snickers] you know what
grandpa told cody?

He said, “cody, this
catfish expedition

Is just for the wisest and
oldest members of the family.”

And then what happened?

He stole my bait
and broke my line.

After all these years of
sharing this river together,

Me and that wily old catfish
are gonna match our wits again.

Now, in the city,

It takes people with
money to dine on catfish.

Ah, I suppose you've
done considerable

Hunting and fishing in your day.

As a boy.

Ah... I think when
we get to cordelia's,

You ladies better
let me do the talking.

It's my place to do
the inviting, john-boy.

(Cody) and had I stayed,

I would have done
as my father did.

[Reckless barking]

As you do.

Hunt and fish for most of the
things you put on your table.

How old are you, cody?

As of today, I'm 64 years old.

Well, congratulations. Now you
can start growing young again.

Young? I'm afraid not.

I've invested a
lifetime in growing old.

Just to reach the
age of 65 and retire.

That's a good idea.

But around here, you
don't retire until you die.


[Birds chirping]


Ah, thanks.

You mean to say that you ran
around with them springer boys?

Uh-huh, the very same.
Over at carter's bridge.

Come saturday night,
they'd hitch up the wagon...

Hitch up the wagon, and we'd
head for the closest dance.

I was always shy
about the dancing.

Not yours truly.

Grab her hands, circle
around for the john paul jones.

♪ Bird in the cage, the bird
hops in the crow hop out ♪♪

Then the caller would
call, the fiddler would play,

Pass the jug around, and
we'd dance till the morning sun.

[Grandpa sighs]

And then...

Then would come those
lazy sunday afternoons.

In what rivers did you do
most of your fishing in, cody?

The james, the
rivana, the hardware.

We, uh, used to work
the hardware by night.

Top-lining for catfish,

Gigging for the
delicacy of frog leg.

Rowing down the dark
river by lantern light.

And all around us,
the night reflecting

The thousand flickerings
of lightning bugs.

Perhaps it wasn't
the same river.

But you've been
there many times.

For me... Uh, that
was a long time ago.

Such a marvelous
surprise, john-boy!

Especially to receive a
visit from you walton ladies.

How's that handsome
husband of yours, mrs. Walton?

He's well.

You give him my regards.

We're old friends.

Mrs... Mrs. Hunnicutt...
Cordelia, please.

Isn't he the most
polite young gentleman?

You're probably
wondering why we're here.

Oh, john-boy, before I forget.

I heard about the most marvelous

New southern writer,
erskine caldwell.

He wrote god's little acre.

I hear some of the passages
are simply scorchers.

[Cordelia giggling]

Yes, I have heard of that book.

Uh, cordelia, we'd
be most pleased

If you'd have supper
with us tonight.


(John-boy) my mother's uncle
cody has come for a visit.

He's a bachelor and a banker.

In that order?

He's come all the
way from cincinnati

And we'd be honored if
you'd be his supper guest.

Maybe I ought to
correct john-boy.

He's... He's not
really a banker.

He... He just works
in the bank as an,

As an accountant.

In that order.

Quite a banker's holiday
the country's having, isn't it?

Well, that's what
uncle cody thought.

So he decided to
take a vacation.

Will you come to supper?

This certainly is what you could
call a short-notice invitation.

Well, I'm sure you and john-boy
could work out another time.

As you can imagine,

My social schedule is a
filled calendar of invitations.

Can't say we didn't try.

That's perfectly understandable
under the circumstances.

Thank you for your
tea and your time.

Um, I should have
known you'd be busy.

Well, I was planning to go
to the tea dance in richmond.

I go every year.

But since I always make it my
practice never to miss an opportunity

To meet an attractive,
eligible man,

I shall be most happy to
surrender my tea dance

In favor of honoring
your kind invitation.


Blessed by god! I
think we're in luck.

Reckless, hush up.

Here, hold my pole, will you?

Reckless. Reckless, hush up.



We would have gotten him
if I hadn't talked so much.

We were privileged to
have a good conversation.

That old devil took
advantage of it.

[Reckless barking]

Reckless, hush up.

[People chattering]

[Cordelia] why, I'm so thrilled
and flattered you remembered.

He does have a marvelous
memory, doesn't he, mrs. Walton?

Cordelia, you grow more
captivating with each passing year.

Oh, I still remember
when I was a little girl,

You protected me

By an engagement of pugilism with
lester richards and freckles claxton.

[All laughing]

(John) grandpa, pass the peas.

The peas? What the devil
are you kicking me for?

Peas? Most certainly.

Did cody tell you that he comes
here all the way from cincinnati?

Oh, john-boy told me.

Acted like a born matchmaker.

The way he romanced me all the
details of your most eligible kin.

I was just teasing your brother.

But I'm thrilled to be here.

How selfish of us. We've barely
given you a chance to say a word.

Well, that's only the
privilege of good conversation.

[All laughing]

Well, if everybody's finished, I'll
start clearing the table for dessert.

Mary ellen. Jason.

Oh, my, what a lovely watch!

May I see it?

Later, perhaps.

Oh, what a
thoughtful inscription:

“For 25 years of devoted
loyalty and service.

Great national bank of ohio.”

I really must excuse myself.

Now, cody, we sure would
appreciate if you'd sit awhile.

Radio, huh? Can't you
stay away from the news

For just one evening? Can't you?

Don't you know
it's your birthday?

(Cordelia) oh, happy birthday!

(All) happy birthday!

When grandpa told us
it was your birthday...

Well, everybody in
this family gets a cake

And a chance to blow
out some candles.

I'm sorry I'm so
low on the candles.

Make a wish.

You have to make a wish.

This is the first birthday cake

Anyone has baked me in 30 years.


Then you have 30 years
of wishes to come true.

[All cheering]

(John) you do the honors.

Are you certain
this is a good idea?

You're the gentleman.
She's the lady.

Mrs. Hunnicutt.


I perceive these...

This gift of flowers to be a,

To be a proper
acknowledgement of...

Uncle cody, are you ready to go?

John-boy, I am ready.

Do you think he went to see her?

He was mighty
dressed up just to ride

Along with a load
of lumber to town.

Did you notice?

He didn't even turn on the
radio news this morning.

First one up this morning, too.

The children said he took a whole
half hour just bathing and shaving.

And that breakfast
he packed away.

4 Eggs and 5 pieces of toast.

Oh, that john-boy and
that husband of mine.

I just bet you they're
in cahoots on this thing.

I don't know which is worse:

A bank 100 miles away that's
locked him out of a job or...

Or a scandalizing woman
that's been married 4 times

And still counting.

[Doorbell ringing]

Hello, cordelia.

Why, cody, come on in.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Why, sheer impulse
had just about

Sent me driving over to see you.

Well, I came here to see...

Here's flowers.

They are beautiful, cody.

Oh, like the
thought behind them.

Well, let's say I
perceived them to be

A proper acknowledgement of
having made your acquaintance.

You'll probably think this
terribly forward of me but...


Surely you must have
plans for this evening.


There's a new gable film
playing in charlottesville.

I see all the movies
that come to town.

Oh, I never miss a movie
that plays in cincinnati.


This is a very
beautiful automobile.

A gift from my late husband.

My sympathy.

What kind of car do
you drive, cody dear?


Heavens, it's too
expensive for me.

I ride the trolley.

I agree with will
rogers. He said:

“We are the first
nation in the world

To go to the poorhouse
in an automobile.”

That is a very famous and
true remark of will rogers.

[Cordelia giggling]

Oh, tomorrow night,
cody. Please. You must.

That sweet-talking woman.

(Cody) you are being a very
persuasive woman, cordelia.

Sounds like he's
playing hard to get.

Then say you will.

Well, I haven't danced in years.

Oh, then it's settled.

Tomorrow I'll pick
you up at 7:00 sharp.

And, cody?


If today was wonderful,
tomorrow can only be marvelous.

Just like a movie queen.

Mama says she's had 4 husbands.

Do they allow that many?

It's 3 more than we're used to.

John, she's working on a
5th husband, and you know it.

Somebody ought
to set him straight.

Now, honey.

First you say he's too
young to be acting so old.

Now you're saying he's too
old to be acting so young.

Do you approve?

I don't know.


[Car honking]

Good afternoon
to you, mr. Nelson.

(Cody) and a very good
day to you, mrs. Hunnicutt.

I can hardly wait for you

To meet my dear friends,
the baldwin sisters.

♪♪[Music playing]

Just like your feet
were made for dancing.

♪♪[Romantic music playing]

(John-boy) “is it possible?”
He asked himself.

After all these years

Could it be possible he
was loved by such a woman?

But why else would she
seek out his company?

Why else would she not allow a
day to pass without being near him?

What better reason than
the time of a courtship,

Which, like the season, had
blossomed to steal their hearts?

The uncertainties of which
could always await tomorrow.

More tea?

No, thank you.

I hope my visit is not imposing

On your calendar
of social events.

How considerate.

I believe my uncle has more than
taken up your schedule this past week.

We've been very good
company for one another, yes.

Shouldn't I say that you
have something to tell him?

Why not?

[Both laughing]

Now, you have
something to say to me?

Oh... Born and
raised a virginian,

Weren't you, cody dear?

Mind you, I've never been
less than proud of it.


All my husbands were virginians.

All 4 of them.


Venable carlton
from albemarle county

Was my first husband.

Why, he took a child bride of 16

And sailed her off on a
continental honeymoon.

Sad to say, all those years
of wedded bliss we planned

Were cut distressingly short

When my venable suffered a
most complete heart attack

During our brief stay in london.

Carter wingfield
harrison of lynchburg.

Carter aspired to
a career in writing,

And I was to be the
zenith of his inspiration.

Why, that man spirited me
off to a new york elopement

Faster than you could
say theodore dreiser.

We were mad about one
another, until my money ran out

And he proved himself to be
a dreadful failure in the arts.

He was the first of 2
husbands I would abandon.


Divorce, cody dear,
is the legal definition.

I did have high hopes
for tommy chester.

My military man.
V.m.i., Naturally.

I met him at the christmas
cotillion in richmond.

Having returned from a
hero's service in the philippines,

He was the dream of every
college girl in attendance.

Honey, he took me like
grant took richmond.

And a whole lot quicker, too.

As it turned out,

Marrying me was his last
promotion between wars.

I married augustus
for money and security.

He was a richmond stockbroker.

Successful, ambitious,
and important.

Why, I bought all my party
dresses in new york on 5th avenue.

Augustus' grandfather
used to bellow in his bourbon

That I was 2nd only
to mary todd lincoln

In running up
charge account bills.

And some said she was crazy.

The market crash
k*lled augustus.

You could say he wasn't
alone in dying for that cause.

Dear judge baldwin did his best

On the settlement after
all the bills were paid.

I own my house and the car.

As for cash money,
sweetheart, look.

Even the rings of 4 marriages
have had to pay their way.

Cody, have you ever
been in love before?

Cordelia, women have
held little interest in me.

Cody nelson.

I am but an accountant

Who has spent his life
adding and subtracting.

If you have serious intentions
towards me, cody dear,

I must tell you that my
intentions toward you

Are quite serious.

[Reckless barking]

Please? We'd love
for you to help us.

You run along
and do the planting.

I'll do the watching from here.

Come on, reckless.

Uncle cody! Uncle cody,
we just heard the news!

The president's ordered
all the banks open!

Cody, I do believe we
should celebrate the day

By taking another
crack at that old catfish.

They're only opening certain
federal reserve banks in certain cities.

Well, cincinnati's
a city, isn't it?

Job or no job, I am
leaving tomorrow.

Oh, I do believe that's
all the more reason

For us getting on
down to the river today.

What do you say?

Grandpa, you better go on alone.

If uncle cody wants to
spend his last day alone,

That's his business.

I'm gonna go cut some wood.

I reckon it's just as well.

Not doing himself any good here.

He's just been sitting
out there all day,

For 3 days now.

(Cordelia) all my
husbands were virginians.

All 4 of them.

2 Husbands, I would abandon.

Divorce, cody dear,
is the legal definition.

Have you ever
been in love before?

My intentions toward
you are quite serious.

You don't have to tell me.

I know I got no cause
to blame myself.

Oh, livie.

Sooner or later somebody had
to make an honest woman of her.

I am just sorry it had to be.

But it was for his own good,

And it was better
sooner than later.

And what if they were
really in love? Both of them?

The coffee's perked...

I would like to borrow
your son for the afternoon.


What can I do for you, cody?

I would like to borrow
your son for the afternoon.

I'd like to oblige you, but
I really can't spare him.

All right. I'll walk!

All right, son, go ahead.

Uncle cody, wait for me.

My daddy changed his mind.

If you'd like me to take you
somewhere, I'd be willing to do it.

Where is it you
have in mind going?

I don't have much money,

But I suspect a plain
gold wedding band

Like your mother's
will do, don't you?


What do you think?

I haven't asked her yet.

That's our first stop. Come on.

(John-boy) whoo-hoo!

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking exactly
what you're thinking.

I never would have met
her if it hadn't been for you.

And here I was trying to figure an
apology for doing you such a favor.

John-boy, if the lady
accepts my apology,

I'll ask you to be my best man.

[Truck bumping]

[Both laughing]


As you can see, I'm
scarcely prepared

To receive a gentleman caller.

Get some light on the subject.

You'd better
understand this about me.

I've never tried
to go through life

With the world by the
tail on a downhill pull.

Now, I suppose
you heard the news

About some banks in some
cities opening for business.

I heard.

Don't get your hopes
up. Even if they open,

They won't be needing all
the employees they had before.

Perhaps you
underestimate your worth.

Am i?

There are upwards
of 15 million people

Out of work, and right
now, I am one of them.

Cody, if you've come
to say goodbye...

My roots are here.

My home in cincinnati.

A one-bedroom apartment in
the university section of the city.

Modest, but pleasant.

The rent of $25 is precisely one
quarter of my monthly salary.

Perhaps, should I be rehired,

I would have enough due me
from retirement and pension

To purchase a home for us.

I love you with all my heart.

And I would be proud if you would
consent to become my first wife.

Should you accept,

I've asked john-boy
to be my best man.

He's assured me that

A reverend fordwick
would be available

To perform the wedding

At the home of my
family, the waltons


We do have time to get
the ring and license today.


I love you.

You're looking mighty
pleased with yourself.

Well, I got myself the
prettiest woman in the world,

A houseful of
thoroughbred babies, and

I just sold $2
worth of firewood.

Aren't you keeping
any for yourself?

What are you gonna live on?

Woman, I'm living on love.

(John-boy) with money short,
and a wedding coming up,

That $2 didn't hang
there very long.

It became our family's
contribution to paying the preacher.

(Grandpa) the bridegroom,
he was with me.

We went after that catfish.

And I almost had him,
but my net broke and...

Well, I'll just consider
it a lesson in patience.

Well, when you catch
up with that catfish,

Don't you forget me, mr. Walton.

I'm looking forward
to blessing that meal.

John, we're ready.

Children. Mary
ellen, jason. It's time.

Come along, now.

Careful, honey.


♪♪[Playing the wedding march]

Please be seated.

Dearly beloved, we are
gathered together here

In the face of this company

To join together
this man and woman

In holy matrimony.

Cody, wilt thou have this
woman as thy wedded wife?

I will.

(Rev. Fordwick) wilt thou
love him, comfort him,

Honor and keep him,

Forsaking all others,
keep thee only unto him

So long as you both shall live?

I will.

(Rev. Fordwick) i, cody,
take thee, cordelia...

“I, cody, take
thee, cordelia...”

To be my wedded wife.

“To be my wedded wife.”

For better or worse,
for richer or poorer...

“For better or worse,
for richer or poorer...”

In sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish...

“In sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish...”

Till death do us part.

Till death do us part.

Those whom god hath joined
together, let no man put asunder.

And now, by the
powers vested in me

By the commonwealth of virginia,

I pronounce you man and wife.

[All chattering]

Here they come!

[All cheering]

Happy returns of the day.

Thank you.


I want you both to know,

I want you to consider
us your family always.

This house will
always be your home.

No two people in love could
start life with a better gift.

Best man.

(Mamie) everybody!

Look this way!

Quickly, sister, don't let
the sun get behind a cloud.

(John-boy) cody's
bank did reopen

And he was hired back to his old
job in the accounting department.

There he remained until
his retirement a year later.

Great uncle cody died in 1953,

And cordelia followed
him within 6 months.

There are many who believe
that she died of a broken heart.

(Ben) john-boy, what
happens if you get married

To a girl and find
out you don't like her?

(John-boy) better make
sure you love her

Before you get married, ben.

But maybe there's things
you might not know about her.

Maybe she sleeps
with her teddy bear,

Or snores, or
wears socks to bed.

If you really love her you'll
put up with such things, ben.


Good night, ben.

Good night, john-boy.

(Male narrator) in a moment,
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