01x19 - The Gypsies

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x19 - The Gypsies

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn honking]

[Wind howling]

[Thunder rumbling]

(John-boy) times were
hard everywhere

During the days of
the great depression.

But on walton's mountain,
we were better off than most.

For many though, it
was a time of wandering,

Of looking for
some better place,

A new grasp on life
or a change of scene.

And I remember when some
wanderers came to our mountain

One wild, stormy summer night.

[Dog barking]

No one.

Get the others.

[Dog barking]

Came to the right place.


[Horse neighing]

[Wind howling]

[Baby wailing]

♪♪[Theme from the lone
ranger playing on radio]

[Static buzzing on radio]

Now, there was nothing wrong
with where that dial was set.

It's the storm doing it.

I'm just trying to get it
come in a little clearer.

If that static keeps up,
maybe we ought to turn it off.

That's what I've been trying
to do with her for years.

I don't know which is more fun,

Making popcorn
balls or eating 'em.

Making 'em.

Eating 'em.

Big old thunder and
lightning storm coming up.

It'll probably shake
down the whole house.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Mama, she's scaring me again.

Mary ellen, stop
scaring your sister.

Honestly, isn't she
the nastiest thing?

That's exactly how I feel.

Nasty as an old fishing worm.

It feels squishy.

And they taste squishy, too.

“I see the lights of the city

“Gleam through
the rain and the mist

“And a feeling of
sadness comes o'er me

“That my soul cannot resist

“A feeling of
sadness and longing

“That my soul cannot explain

And resembles sorrow only
as the mist resembles the rain”

[Mary ellen screams]

Ben, I'm gonna knock a
hole clean through you!

I don't care, mama.
They were picking on me!

Can't even take a
joke, mary ellen.

Everybody in this house
is always picking on me.

Nobody in this house
ever really listens to me.

I listen to you, mary ellen.

Ok, tell me one thing
you've ever heard me say.

A while ago, you
said... [Screams]


Someday I'm going 1,000
miles away from this place.

The only time you'll
ever hear from me

Is after I'm famous
and go on the radio.

What are you gonna do
on the radio, mary ellen?

Sing, crack jokes,
and tell all the world

How you all picked
on me all the time.

All right, who's ready
to make popcorn balls?

I am!

Watch out, it's hot!
That looks good.

Careful. All right.

(John-boy) found a new
word in the dictionary today.


That's me: wanting things
to stay like they are forever

Here on walton's mountain.

And yet wanting to
be grown up and away,

To find new things to
see and write about.

Ambivalence. It's a good word.

Thing is, knowing
the word doesn't make

The 2 wants any
easier to live with.

(Radio host) there was
no v*olence, however,

As the wily gunman
spirited out of the area

By the time the police moved in.

Nelson is known to be a
close friend of john dillinger,

Public enemy number one.

And police have established...

[Radio static buzzing]

What with the static from the
young'uns and the static from up there,

I think we'd best go to bed.

You're right, pa. Turn it off.

It's driving me crazy.

How come... How come when
we're all eating the same thing,

Jim-bob always
makes his look like

It tastes better than mine?

It probably is.

Keep it out of
your hair, jim-bob.

You, too, elizabeth.

Yes, ma'am. I will.

Don't know why I try
to listen to the radio

When a storm's threatening.

It's enough to
drive a man to drink.

Try a popcorn ball.

You going over to matt beckwith's
tomorrow to help with the plumbing?

Said I would.

Got a casserole I want you to
take over to martha when you go.

Jason, when we finished
airing out the baldwin place,

Do you remember if you
closed the 2nd story window?

Didn't you?

I think so, but I'm not sure.

You think? Miss mamie and miss
emily are paying you a fortune

To look after that
house while they're away.

I know. We'd better go
check on it right away, I think.

Better wear something warm.

Jason, will you get
my coat and gloves.

I'm gonna go light up a lamp.


All right, you children.

Let's save some of
this for tomorrow.

Oh, can I keep one?

No. Oh, mama.

[Thunder rumbling]

[Chickens clucking]

Go get daddy.

[Thunder cracking]

(John-boy) sure made a big hole.

Times are hard enough without
feeding the foxes as well.

It was no fox, mama.
Too big. It was a dog.

Would you look at that?

The way I make it out,

It k*lled 4 of your hens, mama.


Why, I never saw a
fox that size before.

It was a dog. I reckon.

I'm positive. Fox or dog,
we'll have to sh**t it

If it comes around here
again. Come on inside.

(John-boy) I'll fill
up the hole, daddy.

(John) get in!

Ah, franzia, at last.






[Baby wailing]

Something wants my baby.

No, franzia.

Twice today

The wind tried to
suck his breath away.

And when the black
clouds were overhead,

Something dropped from
them that was not rain.

Little black drops of poison.

(Volta) the old one
will know what to do.



Excuse me,
everybody. I gotta run.

(Olivia) where are you
rushing off to, young lady?

G.w. Haines. Promised him
we'd meet and toss a few.

I'd like you to toss
a few dishes first.

Why can't erin do them?
Erin likes doing dishes.

Look at her putting
words right in my mouth.

I hate doing dishes!

All right, girls. Get
about your chores.


[John-boy laughing]

Hey, you ought to take turns.

John, I told you it
wasn't gonna rain.

How'd you know that, grandpa?

Because of the new crescent
moon tilting upwards.

It never rains when
it is in that position.

I'm glad it didn't

Since you 2 boys
never did get a chance

To check on the baldwin place.



I'm sorry, I forgot.

That fox raided the
chicken coop last night,

And it just plum
slipped my mind.

I still say it wasn't
no fox. It was a dog.

(Olivia) you'd better
get over there now.

Thank you.

I've gotta meet matt
beckwith at ike godsey's.

If you fellows want a ride,
hurry up, I'll take you. Thanks.

I've got a few things I'd
like you to pick up there.

Make a list and you
got 'em, sweetheart.

I'm gonna warm up the
truck. Come on, jason.

[Wagon creaking]

[Baby wailing]

[Baby coughing]

So long, daddy!

So long, daddy!

[Dog barking]

We might have
left a window open,

But I know we locked the door.

Come on.

Do you see anything?

Shh. There's people in there.

[Wagon approaching]

They're real strange-looking.

Could be baldwins.

No, they look like
foreigners to me.

[Wagon approaching]

Let's go.

What do you wanna do?

We'd better tell the sheriff.

Here you go, matt.

Thanks, ike.

See, now, I tell you the truth,

If a fellow's gonna
face bad times,

He's a lot better
off facing them

In a place like this
than in a big city.

I tell you, matt, the
smartest move you ever made

Is moving down here and
buying the benson place.

Yeah, I'll tell you
something else, too.

This is the first
time in my life

That I've ever met real people.

Now, you take john walton.

Why, he's not only doing
that plumbing job for me

But he drove all the way
out to drew narramore's place

Just to pick up
them used u-joints.

Well, ike, you're the one
who told him about them

Just to save me money.

Uh, john said if he
wasn't back in an hour,

That he'd meet you
over at your place.

I was kind of depending
on him for a ride.

I don't know how to
get that pipe to my place.

Tell you what I'll do, I'll bring
it to your place at lunchtime.

Ike, can I use your phone?

What's the matter, john-boy?

Some gypsies broke
into the baldwin place.

We nearly walked
right in on them.

Lucky we're still alive.

Let's get out there
and take a look.

Matt, I think I better let
sheriff bridges know first.

No, you've done
enough in telling us.

Ike, can you round up...

I think john-boy is right. I think
the sheriff should take care of this.

Oh, just round up 2 or 3...

I've heard some bad things
about them gypsies, you know.

Never thought I'd run
in on a nest of them.

You know, a band of them
came in here a year or so ago,

And they walked out with half
my merchandise in their pockets.

I'll tell you about a
situation we had up north.

Just last year a whole
band of them no-goods.

We settled with
them in short order.

I'll tell you one thing, by the
time we were done with them,

We didn't have any more
trouble with gypsies.

Not as long as I lived there.

Well, it seems to me you should've
let the law take care of that.

Uh, law's too slow.

We just had one thing in mind:

Get those foreigners
out of there.


They're still there?

Far as we know.

Settled in for the
winter, if I know that breed.

How many of them are
there? Could you tell?

4 Or 5.

We'll come with you, ep.

I don't need any help, matt.

Well, I'm going that way
anyway. I could use a lift.

We're gonna come, too, sheriff.

What am I running,
a sight-seeing tour?

All right, come
on, climb in. Let's go.

[Baby wailing]

[Baby coughing]

[Volta cooing]

[Car approaching]

[Dog barking]

[Baby wailing]


You're the leader of this bunch?

All right, matt.
I'll handle this.

Jason, why don't
you go inside and see

What kind of damage
there is in there.

You folks are trespassing.

Who are you, and what
are you doing here?

My name is volta.

I am seeing to the
needs of my family.

By breaking and entering?

By any means I can.

Yeah, well, your means just
landed you in a peck of trouble, gypo.

All right, now hold it, matt!

You're breaking the law, mister.

[Baby wailing]

There was a storm coming.

The wagon roof was broken.

The women needed
protection. I brought them here

Because there was no
place else to bring them!

So you just bust in and
make yourself at home, huh?

We have harmed nothing!

Yeah, well, it just so happens

That the owners of this
place are friends of ours.

Matt, I'll thank you
to keep out of it.

Is that baby sick?

Bringing lord knows
what kind of disease.

Now, they've broken
the law, arrest them.

How am I gonna lock up
5 gypsies and a sick baby?

That baby needs a
doctor, not a jailhouse.

(Sheriff) jason, what kind of
damage was done in there?

(Jason) there's no
harm done, sheriff.

It's a little messy,
but nothing broken.

What am I gonna do?

Well, I reckon they could
camp out at our place.

(Sheriff) oh, john-boy.

(Matt) you don't know
what you're saying.

(John-boy) they've got a
broken-down wagon and a sick child.

What do you expect them to do?

Well, now, can't you just see
this passel of ungodly thieves

Descending on the walton place?

[Baby crying]

Uh, you're welcome to
come to our home if you like.

(All) daddy, gypsies
are coming to live here!

I know. I know. I just saw ep
bridges and matt beckwith.

Now, where is john-boy anyway?

He's likely off with the gypsies,
showing them the way here.

It's all right to be curious about
people, I can understand that.

But bringing gypsies home,
now that's going too far.

Gypsies steal children
and make slaves out of them.


On 2nd thought, it might be
fun to travel in a gypsy caravan.

I wouldn't volunteer if I were
you, mary ellen. Let them abduct you.

Now, livie, what ever
possessed that son of ours?

Hmm, some of his father's
generosity, I guess.

Hey! Hey, look, they're coming!

[Reckless barking]

Reckless, stop that.

Ben, tie him up in
back of the barn.

Ok, mama.

Here. Here. Here. Whoa!

[Reckless barking]

Volta, this is my
mama and daddy,

My grandparents, and
my brothers and sisters.

Where best we put the wagon?

It's all right
where it is for now.

John walton.


But for the broken roof of
the wagon and the sick baby,

We would not be bothering you.

What's wrong with the baby?

He has a bad humor.

I'll look at him.

I do not think so.

This is my family.

That is zvelei, my brother.

The boy is craska, my son.

This is franzia, my woman.

Zena, my mother.

We will repair our
wagon, and we will go.

You're welcome to
use any tools you need.

We ask for nothing.
We take nothing.

[Baby coughing]

That's the croupiest
cough I ever heard.

Here, let me take
a look at that.


Good heavens, I was
just trying to help.

Zena will look to him.

We will now look for a
place to make our camp.

Well, now, they're
not exactly friendly.

Well, they're proud, grandpa.

Hmm what have they
got to be proud of?

Grandma, you don't know
anything at all about these people.

And you do?

Seems to me, it'd take a long
time to get acquainted with them.

All right, you children,
get in the house.

Time to wash up for supper.

[Dog snarling]

Go, get out of
there! Go, go. Git.

Daddy, I'm sorry, but I just
couldn't let them sit out there

With that sick child, and
maybe gonna get arrested.

You know, I've been thinking.

Maybe they ought to camp
right here, near the water spout.

All right, I'll go tell them.

[Baby crying]

I thought I'd bake an extra pie

And take it to them, grandma.

Just take care you don't
get your hand bitten.

That's just their way.

I guess most people
have been so mean to them,

They don't trust anybody.


[Dog barking]


You wanna swing?

Go on, I'll push you. Go on.


We need wood for the fire.

We've got lots.
Take some of ours.

Go to the forest.

Cut what we will
need for supper.

How goes it?

It goes all right.

Where do you folks
hail from anyway?

Across the water.

Headed any place
special or you just...


What's it like,
traveling around?

It's all right.

(John-boy) it must be wonderful.


Well, don't let me
interrupt your work.

I was just passing the
time of day with you.

♪♪[Music playing]

Do you want anything else, mama?

No, thank you, boys.

Amos 'n' andy will
be on in 10 minutes.

(Olivia) I'll be right there.

Just listen to those
vagabonds out there.

Takes all kinds to
make a world, grandma.


But I'm too old to have to learn

How to cope with the odd ones.

I can't see them traveling
on with a sick baby.

Yeah, well, that baby
needs better looking after.

What he needs is a poultice,
something to loosen up that cough.

They're caring for
it in their own way.

They sure are.

That cough's real bad,
and what are they doing?

They're sitting out there,
playing that bolshevik music.

[Dog barking]

Mikkla, mikkla,
come on. Come on.

Good morning.

Good morning.

You come from
very far from here?

Very far.


A place you have never heard of.

I know lots of places.

I read about them in
my geography book.

Places I'll go someday.

You hear of bulgaria?

Sure. It's in europe,
on the black sea.

When did you leave there?

We are not long here.

This butter's almost done.

Would you like some?

We ask nothing. We take nothing.

I made some extra. I
thought you might like some.

It's vegetable stew.

My family likes
it and I thought...


We will take.

I've seen better manners.

Some folks need a good
swift kick in the britches.


Thank you, john-boy.

You know, john
walton's got them staying

At his place like they
are part of the family.

Matt, john is just trying to
help these people on their way.

Now, what's wrong with that?

You just wait until they
show their true colors.

You'll whistle a
different tune, believe me.

(Godsey) but what
harm can they do?

They're just a bunch of poor
people wandering the world

Without a place
to call their own.

What about them
chickens that got torn

To smithereens
out at your place?



They've got that dog
foraging, same as they do.

They're dirty, and
they carry dirt.

Lord knows what kind of disease

They're spreading around
here with that sick baby.

I say we get rid
of the whole pack.

Mr. Beckwith, you don't know a
darn thing about those people.

Do you?

Yes, sir. I think I do.

I know that since
they've been here,

That dog hasn't once
come near our chicken coop,

And they haven't touched
a thing that belongs to us.

As for that sick
baby, I don't know

What's wrong with it, but
could you honestly tell me

That you could turn it
away from your door?

Like that.

Well, then I feel sorry for you.

See you later, ike.

(Grandpa) up you go.

There you go.

What are you so
cheerful about, son?

The depression over?

F.d.r. Gonna give us all
40 acres and a new mule?

Are the banks open?

I cannot abide matt
beckwith and his kind.

You have a run-in with matt?

Tempted to, but
I held my tongue.


He's down at the
store telling everybody

To get ready for
the plague to hit!

I don't believe the good
lord would inflict us

With a plague on top
of the depression.

Well, he's spreading
word over half the county

That these gypsies have
brought something with them.

Telling everybody
about that poor sick child.

[Dog barking]

[Hens clucking]


Where did it come from?

The woman.

She brought.

You took from her?

Foreign woman, but good.

You took from her!

I have family to feed.

I feed!

[Pot clanking]

[Baby crying]

(Franzia) volta, this is all.

[Baby crying]


We ask for nothing.

We take nothing!

Even if we go hungry.


(John-boy) it sure
is frustrating

To have these people
in the front yard

And not learn a
thing about them.

What I'd like to do
is go down there

And sit around the
campfire with them.

♪♪[Bouzouki playing]

Such sad music.

We are so lucky, john.


[Baby coughing]

Where is the old woman?

Zena is in the forest.


Now that cough's
getting worse and worse.

Now, you mark me,

That baby better get
the right attention,

Or there's no telling
what might happen.

We are doing for it.

Well, let me take a look.

Maybe there's
something I can do.

Zena is in the forest
for the roots.

The roots?

The roots, gathered the first
day after the crescent moon.

My baby will be well soon.

It looks for all the
world like influenza to me.

We better keep the
children away from them.

Now, esther, couldn't
you be mistaken?

Of course I could.

But that tight
cough, chills, fever.

All the signs are there.

And that old woman's
treating that baby

With some kind of hocus-pocus.

(John-boy) daddy, sheriff
bridges is outside.

Why don't you try
some asafetida?

(Sheriff) that dog around now?

(Volta) he's with my boy.
They're hunting game.

(Matt) yes, sir.

I know exactly what kind
of game they're hunting.

What's the trouble, ep?

Oh, matt here says
this fellow's dog

Raided his chickens last night.

He k*lled 3 and dragged one off.

(John) you see the dog?

Clear as day.

What you gonna
do about it, sheriff?

You know that dog could get
itself shot if he keeps this up?

The dog was with
my son all night.

Is that all you're
gonna do, sheriff?

Let him off with a warning?

Matt, if you want my job, I suggest
you run for it next election.

(Matt) well, now, I
just might do that, ep.

We'll have a little
justice around here.

In the meantime, I'm gonna
run this the way I see fit.

[Baby coughing]

Don't touch!

Now, you children, all of
you, get in back in the house.

Why, grandma?

That little baby
might have influenza,

And we can't chance
getting it. Go on.

What did she say
about influenza?

Grandma thinks
the baby may have it.

Come on, ep. Let's
get out of here.

John, I'm sorry for the bother.

No bother, ep.

[Baby crying]

You tie that dog up as soon
as he gets back with the boy.

If you wish.

Matt beckwith sure has
it in for those people.

If he weren't picking on them,

He'd be picking
on somebody else.

[Franzia screams]

My baby! He can't breathe!

Give him to me.

Don't touch it!

Come on.

I was afraid something
like this might happen.

Hm, his little throat's so
swollen he can't get any air in.

Now, you mumbo-jumbo
all you like,

But I'm gonna tend to this baby.

Stop her! Stop
her! She will k*ll it.

They k*ll gypsy babies.

Old woman, be quiet!

(Grandma) is the
flannel hot, livie?


Zeb, will you get
the menthol salve?


John, we'll need
a crib in my room.

This baby will have to have
medication every couple of hours.

Come on, breathe in.

Ok, breathe in. Breathe in.

Breathe in.

Ah, he's better already.

Thank you.

Well, I'm just mighty glad
that I knew what to do.

And in the winter, we go
south for the warm weather.

It is a hard journey.

Many towns will not
let us stay overnight.

We keep going.

Very hard for me to imagine.

Traveling all the time,
never having a home.

Ah, home to us
is... Is not a place.

It is a feeling of
being together.

The family.

Your little boy's resting easy.

Breathing real smooth.

I thank you.

[Dog barking]

[Hens clucking]

Mikkla, mikkla, come! Come!

Mikkla, come.

Come, mikkla.

[Leaves rustling]

[Birds chirping]

[Dog barking]


Daddy, he's over here.

[Dog whimpering]


[g*n firing] craska!


[Dog yelping]

Hey, come here, look at this!

[Dog whimpering]

(John) it was a fox.

Good dog, mikkla. Come.

Come, mikkla.

You have been good to us.

Good luck to you folks.

For your trouble.

We ask nothing. We take nothing.

(John-boy) they might have come
from some different planet,

But they touched
our lives briefly

And then, in my mind,

Went on into some gaudy,
mysterious and wonderful world.

Nearly 30 years have passed,

But still those days
are bright in my memory.

I can still hear the
scratch of my pen

As I recorded all that wonder.

The cozy patter
of rain on the roof

And our voices just
before going to sleep,

As we called one
last drowsy message.

(Erin) mama, mary ellen's
sleeping on the floor.

(Livie) mary ellen, why are
you sleeping on the floor?

(Mary ellen) I'm pretending
I'm a gypsy, mama,

Traveling in a caravan
across bulgaria.

Try to be home by morning.

I will, mama.

Sweet dreams.

You, too, mama.
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