01x20 - The Deed

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x20 - The Deed

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

(John-boy) walton's mountain
had been in our family

Since long before I was born.

It was a mountain
that gave of itself.

We took trout from
its swift streams,

Quail and venison
from its high meadows.

And we took from it constantly
the lumber and firewood

Which provided our
family with income.

My grandfather used to
say that the land was alive,

That if you knew how to
listen, you could hear its voice.

But at 17, I did more
talking than listening.

I remember one morning during
the depression, hiking with grandpa,

Searching for trees that
were ready for harvesting.

Grandpa. Yeah?

Grandpa, you know, we passed a
fair stand of pine a while back there.


Well, that's a lot
closer to the mill.

Don't you think in the long run,

That'll save us a lot
of walkin' and haulin'?

Ah, that's true enough.

But then, you know,
thinning out trees

Is somethin' like cuttin' hair.

You take a little,
you leave some.

Or you cut down one,
you plant a couple.


I feel almighty
close to god up here.

So do i, grandpa.

(Man) hey!

Would you mind stepping
aside, one way or the other?

[Bird twittering]

I'd be obliged, gentlemen, if
you'd move a couple of steps.

Just what do you think
you're doin' up there?


Well, I can see that.

(Grandpa) are you
government men?

Packard lumber. Mark and stake!

You hold on there.

You've got no call to
be surveyin' around here.

I'm afraid I have to.

Our logging road's
coming right through here.

Your logging road?

Yeah. Packard lumber owns
the timber rights to this section.

We gotta get our
logs out by truck.

Now you just hold
on, mr. Packard.

Tinker. Samuel tinker.

I'm the field surveyor
for the company.

Well, now mr. Tinker or
whatever, you just take your new

thing on out of here.

This is walton land,
and has been since 1789.

Maybe, you'd better
take a look at this map.

I don't need no map to
tell me where I am at.

I was born here.

But this map clearly proves
our right to the timber!

Before you plant that,
you're gonna have to plant me.

Why don't you take a look at this
map and explain it to the old man.

Explain what?

See this section? This
is unregistered land.

Now there's no deed of record.

According to law, a company can
file for lumber and mining rights

Which is exactly what packard
lumber did over a year ago.

My daddy will show
you a deed of record

If that's what you want, mister.

But I advise you
not to do any sawin'

Or cuttin' until then,
until you talk to him.

You tell him what I said.

Well, I'll do that. You
just wait right here.

I'm just a surveyor
doing a job of work!


I just know that old
deed is in that trunk.


You know, the one with birth
certificates and photographs in it.

I can't wait to see that man's
face when we show it to him.

Time was when we had no need

For fancy deeds
and legal scribblings.

Yeah, well, we do have
some kind of deed, don't we?

Your great-great-
grandpappy walton,

He cleared this meadow fit for
grazin' back in the summer of 1796.

He went clear over
to buckingham county

To get a guernsey,
purebred, to put on it.

Grandpa, don't we?

And over there,
behind that ridge,

Your uncle charlie
met up with that bear.

He... Well, you know that story.


And over there john tyler moore

Built the rock creek
dam with his own hands.

And he lost a thumb in doin' it.

Well, we better have one.

You mean to say we
have to go to court

To keep 'em from
stealin' our land?


Doesn't all this mean anything?

Looky here, all these entries

In the family bible, right
down through the years

And all of 'em born right
here on walton mountain.

And all these last
wills and testaments,

Doesn't that mean something?

You bet they do,
mr. Walton. In court.

The land act of 1850

Allowed all the early settlers

To file legal deeds on land.

They had a right to
long possessions.

Now, here it is.

The only trouble is,

The waltons never
came in town to do that.

What would you
recommend we do, will?

There's nothin' you can do

Unless you go to court.

All right, that's what
we'll do, go to court.

There's one... One other thing.

(Grandpa) what's that?

It's expensive.

How expensive?

Well, I can wait on my fee,

But the courts won't.

How much is it gonna cost, will?

You're gonna have to post a bond

To show your
seriousness for the trial.

And then I'll talk
to judge goddard

To grant an injunction

To prevent any logging
or road-building.

How much is it gonna cost, will?


Good heavens.


I haven't got that
kind of money.

Yeah, I know.

Not many people do, these days.

I've got no way of
gettin' that kind of money.

No, sirree.

Not unless we sell the land.

It's not for selling.

I'm sorry, john.

You get that deed,
and I'll be happy

To arrange a real estate loan.

If I get the deed, mr. Moffat,

We won't need the loan.

No, i... I guess not.

Believe me, mrs. Walton,

I... I wish we could
accommodate you.

Give my regards to mrs. Moffat.


Thank you, sir.
You're very kind.

(John-boy) 12 2x4s. $3.50.

(John) fitzharris, 2 cords. $3.

Fitzharris, 2 cords. $3.

(John) masters, one cord. $1.50.

Got it.

That paid for, or a promise?

Delivered and paid for, pa.

What does that make it, son?

(John-boy) carry the 6... Uh...

That comes to $46.75.

That includes the
sawdust for the icehouse.

Well, that's close.

About as close as
we are to mexico.

Stop talking like that.

I'm simply statin' the facts.

(Livie) exactly how
much are we short?

Well, from $200,

That makes a debit of $153.25.

Even with the depression on,

There's got to be
some money around.

I'll just have to put on my thinking
cap and figure a way to make it.

Daddy, can I have
a thinking cap, too?


I don't have one.

Me neither.

I could try to get some
butter and egg customers.

To raise $153?

That's a start.

With this mob to feed,

We're not gonna have any
butter and eggs left over to sell.

Well, we'll just have
to make do with less.

I could open up
a lemonade stand.

Where would you get the lemons?

I'd find a way.

Daddy, I could be a delivery boy

At huck feeney's icehouse.

(Erin) we could bake
things and sell them.

How about that?

Daddy? What is it, honey?

I never showed this
to anybody before.

Where'd you get this?

You know the ruins
of that old house

That was supposed to be
designed by thomas jefferson?

Sure, down by mount alto.

I found it there one
day after the rain.

I saw an edge of it sticking
up out of a plowed field.

I think it's antique silver.

It looks like an antique.

I want you to take it and put it
back where... Where you keep it.

Daddy, let me do something
important for this family. Just once.

No thank you, honey.

Go ahead.

I could sell my doll. I
could put its head back on.

I could unload
my catcher's mitt.

I could sell my harmonica.

I could sell my music box.

And I could sell
my rock collection.

I appreciate what you're sayin'.

Those are your treasures.
I want you to keep 'em.

Please, all of
you, go on to bed.

(Grandpa) if we
keep on thinkin',

I'm sure we'll come
up with somethin'.

All these years of work,
liv, and I can't raise $200.

You had it before
this depression hit.

There wasn't a
week, that went by

When you didn't put some money
away in that savings account.

(John-boy) daddy?

Somebody left this
wheeling paper at ike's store

And I've been
reading the want ads.

Just take a look
at these job offers.

Well, you know, that's the
first practical suggestion

I've heard today.

John! I know, liv.

I know I promised never to
work away from home again

But this is a crisis
if ever I've seen one.

No, daddy, I meant a job for me.

And leave school?

Sure. I can make the work
up at the end of the semester.

No, son.

Just take... Just take a
look at the ads there.

“Sell liberty magazine.

“Win a daisy air r*fle.

“Apprentice. Apprentice.

Office boy. Apprentice.”

There's not a job for a
man in this whole paper.

That's what I mean. Maybe I could
get one of those apprentice jobs.


Did I say somethin' wrong?

No, son.

I'm proud of you
for making the offer.

Daddy, with any luck, I could
take home $9 or $10 a week.

It's my duty to provide for
this family, and it's your duty

To get yourself an education.

Now go on, off to bed.

Yes, sir.

I'll try to figure
somethin' out.

(Livie) john.

There are a lot of
good men ridin' the rails,

Looking for jobs
that don't exist.

You're needed here to help
keep this family together.

I gotta do somethin', liv.

I went ahead and I told will
guffy to start the court action.

(Livie) there's no other way?

Once they strip the timber
from those mountains, liv,

The watershed will be gone.

Summer rains will take
the topsoil right out.

This place will be like a
dust bowl, like it is out west.

Grandpa finished that.
I'll make another pot.

It's a gamble, liv, but
it's a gamble I had to take.

I sure could use your approval.

You had that the day I
married you, remember?

I also remember the
preacher stuttered.

My knees shook.

So did mine.

You never told me.

I didn't want you to know.

I sure was scared.

So was i.

I'll tell you something, liv.

I'm scared right now.

Damn this depression.

Yes, sir, I'll have another one.


Mornin', son.

(Livie) everybody's taking
their time this morning.

Where's jason?

He went to see john-boy
about something.

(Erin) mama, john-boy's
cereal is all lumpy.

Well, you can have
it if you want it.

I'll warm him up some.

Sure. I like the lumps.

(Jason) daddy? Mama?

What is it?

John-boy's gone.

(All) gone? Where?

He left this note.

Well, read it out loud.

“Dear folks, by the
time you read this,

“I'll be on my way to
wheeling to find a job.

“I may be only 17,
but I feel old enough

“To share responsibility
for this family.

“Soon as I get my first week's
pay, I'll send some money home.

“Mama, don't you
worry about me now.

“I won't go hungry.

“I packed a whole
pile of sandwiches

“And I took some soap
to wash my clothes.

“Tell grandma I'll go to church.

“And, grandpa, I'll always
remember I'm a walton.

Your loving son, john-boy.”


What would you have
done when I was 17

And left home
sayin', “i'm a man now”?

You've got a short memory, son.

That's exactly what you did do.

I asked your permission.

Yes, but you didn't have mine.

You were too young.

And you came home a man.

You went down to newport news,

Made a salary,
all of $12 a week.

John, you've gotta
bring him back.

I could use the
extra money, liv.

But he doesn't know
anythin' about cities.

Maybe the experience
will do him some good.

Wickedness and
sin on every corner.

The times I've warned
that boy about the city!

Hold on, now. He'll be fine.

What I'm worried about is how
I'll get along here without him.

Don't worry, daddy.

I'll try to do john-boy's work.

And I could do jason's.

I'll do ben's.

And I'll help, too.

Who's gonna do yours?

I'll do hers, too.

Lucky you caught me, john-boy.

I don't often get
over to wheeling.

I sure do appreciate
the ride, yancy.

I gotta take some supplies
over to a sick friend.

Medicinal supplies.

You ever been there before?

Wheeling? A long time ago.

I don't remember
much about it, though.

Big city. Fine city.

But this is 1933,

And, well, people over
there aren't as friendly

As they are on
walton's mountain.

How do you mean?

Well, a young man's
gotta be careful.

You know, not get into trouble.

For instance, stay away
from the new yorker inn.

The new yorker inn?


Lot of drummers and fast ankles,

Drinkin' and carryin' on
to all hours of the night.

The most notorious,
unsavory place I've ever...

Uh, heard of.

And don't even have so much

As a cup of coffee
in palmer's cafe.

That's a real jazz garden.

All right, I'll
watch out for it.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Got any idea where
you're goin' to stay?

Not yet. I just thought I'd take
a look around when I got there.

You ought to try
mrs. Vandenberg's.

Roomin' house on market street.

It's clean and cheap.
And respectable.

All right, I'll do
that. Thank you.

Yancy, how long do you
think it'll take us to get there?

Oh, we ought to
be there by dark.

I sure do envy john-boy
going off to the city

And doing something
really important.

He hasn't done it yet.

But he'll have a chance to.

It's more than I ever
have, or maybe ever will.

You know, grandma, life
is rotten for females.

Nothing but dishes, and
sweeping, and ironing.

That's it for females.

Your time will come, child.

But grandma, I'm 13 years old

And nothing has happened to me.

Life just passes by,
and all I do is sit around.

Well, I've got the
solution to that.

You go on out and start
churnin' some butter.

Maybe we can sell a few pounds.

Well, go on.

[Door opening]

You get out here and
stretch your legs a bit.

I got to unload my supplies

Down this alley at
the back entrance.

Doud's tattoo parlor?

I'm accommodatin' a friend.

Oh, can I help you?

No, no, no, you wait right here.

I'll only take
but a few minutes,

Then I'll drive you over
to mrs. Vandenberg's.

All right.

I'll leave my
suitcase right here.



Go on!

Did you see them? 2 Of them?

Yeah, they went down the
street there. What happened?

Tried to hold me up.

Oh, we'd better get the police.

No. No police. All right.

Well, where'd yancy
go? He's got my suitcase.

And my supplies.

[Crickets chirping]

[Clearing throat]


Evening. Evening.

Mrs. Vandenberg, please.

You're looking at her.

My friend, yancy tucker,
recommended your establishment to me.

And I'm here and I
need a place to stay.

With or without?

I beg your pardon?

Meals. It's $13.50
a week with meals,

And $4 a week without.


Well, uh, come in.

[People chattering]

We have 2 hard and
fast rules here, mr...

Walton, ma'am, j.b. Walton.

2 Rules, mr. Walton.

Be a gentleman at all times,

And positively no
cookin' in the room.

To be sure.

Well, I guess you'd better
meet my boarders here.

Ladies and gentlemen,

This is the new 2nd
floor front, mr. Walton.

Good evening.

This is mr. Peabody,
men's shoes,

Mr. Krumm, buyer,

And mr. Lynch,
ladies' millinery.

Ms. Wicks, and ms.
Fortman, and ms. Brubaker

And my son, monty.


Are you any kin to the brubakers
over in jefferson county?

Well, i... I hardly
think so, mr. Walton.

Well, it's been a regular
privilege meeting you folks.

A pleasure and a privilege.

Your room is at the head
of the stairs to the right.

And if you'll excuse me now,

My dinner's gettin' cold.

Oh, certainly. Thank
you. Good evening.

[Chattering continues]

Excuse me, ma'am. Excuse me.


About your rules...

Speak up, boy. I've
got flannel ears.

Uh, you said that cookin'
was not allowed in the rooms.

That's right.

I was wondering if
eatin' would be all right.

Eatin' what?

Oh, uh, sandwiches, and
fruit, and such things.

Well, cold snacks are
permissible from time to time.

Oh, thank you very
much. I appreciate it.

You can see all next
week's menu in advance.

[All laughing]

Excuse me, I'm terribly sorry.

It's all right. I've
got it. It's all right.

[Paper rustling]

I'll take that. Thank
you very much.

You're welcome.

Good night.

Are you all right?

Yes, I'm all right. Thank you.

Mr. Walton?

I, uh, lied in there.

My father runs the livery
stable at hickory creek.

Hickory creek?

That's only 6 miles
from walton's mountain.

I'm afraid so.

Oh, how come I've never
seen you around there?

I was away at school and,
now, here I am, a career girl.

You mean you're
here on your own?

I've been in wheeling and
self-supporting for 3 months.


I know that's not very long.

Well, it's been less
than 3 hours for me.

And I've gotta be more than
that, I've gotta send money home.

Have you got a job?

Uh, not yet, but I'm gonna start
lookin' first thing in the morning.

They're pretty scarce
these days. I know that.

You wouldn't happen to know
where they're hiring, would you?

No, I don't.

Oh, maybe I could
think of something.

I wish you luck, mr. Walton.

Oh, john.

Well, actually, it's john-boy.

That's what they
call me back home.

It's nice to have someone
from back home to talk to.

Likewise, miss brubaker.


That's what they
call me back home.


(John-boy) “dear mary
ellen, I'm thinking of you

“And how you're always
dreaming of the world

“Beyond walton's mountain.

“I can tell you that
it is very different.

“People who barely know each
other sleep in adjoining rooms.

“Each is locked in his
own life and seems lonely.

The city at night is
close to camelot.”

[Knocking at door]

Oh, hi.

Cissy tells me you're
looking for a job.

Oh, I sure am. Come on in.

Thank you.

Well, what can you do?

Well, i, um...

I reckon I can do just
about anything. I... I...

Nothin' special.

I thought... I thought maybe I
could be some kind of an apprentice.

Apprentice what?

Apprentice anything.

I'll tell you what.

I stand in pretty good at
the slaughter machine shop.

I'll see what I can do for you.

Oh, thank you.

Don't mention it.

Thank you.

Meet me in the morning and
I'll take you down there with me.

I'll be waitin' on the porch

Just as soon as sunup comes.


Well, that's a little early.

I don't leave
for work till 7:30.

See you then. Good night, monty.

Thank you again.

John-boy walton,
machine shop apprentice.

That's not too bad for the
first night in town, eh, daddy?

(John-boy) “the best
news is that I may be

“Getting a job tomorrow morning.

I'll let you know later.”

How are you doing?

Well, it's kind of
tricky, but I'm catchin' on.

Sure, it's just a question
of synchronization.


Oh, I'm sure glad
you spoke up for me.

I'm sure that's the only
reason they hired me.

Well, I did it for my mother.

She has to keep
her rooms rented.

Oh. I thought maybe
miss brubaker...

Cissy? Yeah, she
mentioned you needed a job.

She's very nice. I like her.

She's ok. She knows
what she wants.

I like an independent,
free spirit.

No prude. You know what I mean?

You gotta know
how to handle her.

It's like running one
of these machines.


I'll see you later.

Cut the motor, jason!

Blade's too dull to cut.

If we could get ourselves another
saw, we could double our output.

I hope this equipment holds
up till we get the job done.

It's plumb wore out.

Wore out?

Who's wore out?

I tell you one thing, I'll
be sawin' and stackin' wood

When you risin'-bellies
are draggin' your rears.

Grandpa, he meant
the saw. What's that?

He meant the saw.

Then why didn't he say so?

Mary ellen.

Something's burnin'.
Can't you smell it?

Oh, I'm sorry.


You've ruined a good
stew, wasted good food

And you know we have
to save every penny.

I said I was sorry.

Well, that's not gonna
get supper on the table.

The men have been workin'
hard. They'll be hungry.

Now I asked you
to keep an eye on it!

I'm just not any good in the
kitchen and I never will be.

Sorry, mary ellen.

You can be good at
anything you want.

Maybe something's wrong with me,

But I really don't want
to be a cook, or even a wife.

Every woman feels
that way sometimes.

Even you?

About 3 times a day.

But there's always somethin'
that needs tending to, and we do it.

There's somethin'
to be said for that.

Right now, the
problem is supper.

Can I help?

Not so green, that
should burn real good.

We need a kiln for drying.

(Erin) all done? (Jason)
oh, yeah, pretty much.

Ah, let's eat.


How come we're having
breakfast at night?

It's still good food.
There's potato pancakes

And apple sauce. And you eat.

Mama, isn't there any meat?

We had some. Mama made a stew.

But I burned it.

That's too bad.

Liv, aren't we being
a little too frugal?

Can't we have some
eggs or somethin'?

I sold the last
dozen, and the butter.

Here's a dollar.

Now we pray.

Lord, help me to keep
my foot out of my mouth.

Bless this family,
help us to be thankful

For what we are
about to receive.

Amen. (All) amen.

Go ahead, son. Help yourself.

The mail was good today.

John-boy says he's fine and he'll
be sending you a money order soon.

Did he say how much?

No, but he'll send what he can.

So far, we're $15 ahead of
where we were last week.

Ah, got a long way to go.

You're just a ray of sunshine.

[Radio playing]

(Man on radio) this is the world
championship fight here tonight.

The defending
champion is jack sharkey.

His opponent tonight is
primo carnera from italy.

Sharkey backs off now.

This time sharkey covers
with a series of left jabs.

They do not seem
to shake carnera

Who seems to be a bit stronger

At this time of the fight

Compared to sharkey.

They're moving around in
the left corner of the ring.

The left corner would
be sharkey's corner.

Now they're back
out in the middle.

An attempted left jab
to the jaw by sharkey...

Uh, let me have a bowl of soup.

Without bread.

Counter punches on the
part of primo carnera.

They're going at it
with all kinds of energy.

A variety of punches,
a variety of sh*ts

Here in the 5th round of
the world championship fight.

Once again, sharkey throws off

The left of carnera and drives

[Bell rings] and
there's the bell.

That's the end of round 5.

Once again, between rounds

And about to begin round 6
of the world championship

Between the defending
champion jack sharkey,

And italy's primo carnera.

We've had plenty of world
championship fights in recent years.

Thank you.

In 1930, max schmeling and jack
sharkey, fighting here tonight

Fought for the heavyweight
gold in new york city.

In round 4 in that one, schmeling
was declared winner on a foul.

Then, on july 3, 1931, max
schmeling stopped young stribling

(Monty) hey, fella!

Hey, monty.

[Radio continues playing]

What are you wasting
friday night here for?

Oh, just having a bowl of soup.

Hurry up and finish.
Today was payday.

Tonight we paint
the town polka dot.

Well, I don't think I can
afford to do much paintin',

But I'd love to come
along for a look-see.

How much money have you got?

Well, I've got $18.

But tomorrow morning, $10
of it has to go off to my family

As soon as the post office opens

And $4 has to go to your mother.

I've got to live off
the rest next week.

(Monty) well, I got a few bucks.

We'll have a couple of beers
over at the new yorker inn.

[Audience cheering]

(John-boy) the new
yorker inn, eh?

(Monty) yeah, it's a lot of fun.


Didn't you have a date
with cissy tonight?

W... Never give 'em too
much of a good thing.

Monty, how old are you?

Well, confidentially, I'm 19.

But most folks think I'm older.

I guess city livin' must
age a body faster, huh?


And how old do
you reckon cissy is?

Well, 22 or 23.

But I don't mind older women.

In some ways, they're
actually better.

You know what I mean?

You know, monty,
I don't believe you

Half as much as you think I do.

Oh, hey, let's go.

Ok, just a minute.

(Man on radio) sharkey backs off

With his left and
goes against the ropes

Thank you.

The referee breaks them up.

The crowd on their feet again.

They're very excited...

We'll cut through
the alley. It's shorter.

Boy, are we gonna
have a good time tonight.

(Man) hold it!

This is a stickup.
Hand over your dough.


Don't sh**t.

Come on, you.

I'm not gonna give you my money.

Do what they say.

Haven't I seen you fellows
somewhere before, anyway?

Run, j.b.!

(Man on radio) sharkey
lands a left on the jaw!

Carnera punches back
with a right to the gut.

Sharkey is down! The
referee is counting

One, 2, 3, 4...

About 6' tall,

And I guess about,
oh, 175, 180 pounds.

And they must have been
between 25 and 30 years old.


We'll keep an eye out for 'em.

Well, you're gonna do
more than that, aren't you?

I... I mean, don't you
usually do somethin' like

Go and look for
'em or somethin'?

This is a big city, son.

Uh, where would you suggest?

You don't think

They're going to be waiting
for us at that alley, do you?

No, I don't think they're gonna
be waiting for us in... In that alley,

But you're not gonna
find 'em just by sittin' here.

They took all my money.
My folks need that money.

We'll do the best we can
to find them, young fellow.

There's been a lot of
these holdups lately.

Men are out of work.
You gotta expect it.

I know all about that.

That... That's not the
first time these guys

Have tried somethin' like this.

I mean these are the same guys who
tried to hold up doud's tattoo parlor.

Oh? We haven't had
any report on that.

Well, I guess you haven't.

Now you let us know
if you see 'em again.

Well, if I see 'em again, I'm
gonna do more than that.

You be careful.

Mama, daddy, everyone,
a letter from john-boy!

(Erin) what does
it say, mary ellen?

(John) bring it over here.

“Dear daddy, “i'm sorry
to disappoint you,

“But I won't be able to
send you anything this week.

I was held up and robbed by 2
fellows who took everything I had.”

Oh, my lord.

I was afraid somethin'
like that'd happen.

(Grandpa) go on.

“My send-home
money, and what I was

Holdin' to pay next
week's board bill.”

What's he gonna do?
How's he gonna live?

“If you could send me
$5 until next payday,

“I'm sure I can handle the rest.

Your loving son, john-boy.”

You see, ma'am, I'm
all out of sandwiches.

So, if I could just give you
half the week's rent today,

Then I'd pay you the rest

As soon as I got
next week's pay check.

I'm real sorry for what
happened to you, john-boy,

But I've heard all the
sad stories I want to hear.

Ever since the banks
failed, I've been swindled,

Hoodwinked, and
flummoxed and shortcaked

By half the roundheels
in the united states.

Now, john-boy,

I have to run a business,
not a free mission.

Excuse me.

I couldn't help but overhearing.

This ought to take care
of it, mrs. Vandenberg.

Well, thank you.
Oh, cissy, no...

It's all right, john.

That's real nice of you.

One moment. Cissy?

Cissy, that's the nicest
thing anybody in the world

Ever done for me,
except my family.

But I can't take that money.

Oh, I thought I was
a back-home friend.

True. Still, it's not fittin'.

Hickory creek is only 6
miles from walton's mountain.


But a man doesn't take
money from a woman.

It's only a loan, john-boy.

“You may be handsome, big boy,

But you're not that handsome.”

Does that sound
like mae west to you?

Uh, I don't know her.

You are back-home.

Lord, how I've missed that.

(Livie) jason, your lunch
is on the table inside.

(John) I need him here, liv.

He's a growing boy.
He needs a hot meal.

And I need to fix this motor.


Well, he advanced it too
much. He burned out the parts.

I'm sorry, daddy, I was just
tryin' to get it speeded up.

How many times
did I tell you to...

I know, son,

It's gonna take a miracle
to meet this deadline.


Liv, I'm sorry. What is it?

There's a notice in the mail from
the court at charlottesville.

And a bill from mr. Guffy.

If that postman
was a real friend,

He'd take them insults
right back with him.

Go ahead, son. Go eat.

I'll be back after lunch.

We're not gonna make it, anyway.

Let's eat.

How much are we still short?

Still over $100.

Then we're gonna
lose. I hope not.

But that's the way it
appears at the moment.

How come they're
still trying so hard?

Because they're men, and proud.

Mary ellen walton, what are
you doin' so far from home?

I know your route, vernon.
I was waiting to see you.

Why? Business.

Monkey business, or
“business” business?

Is it silver or pewter?

Hmm. Pewter.

But good pewter.


Oh, I'd say so.

How much?

Ooh, it's... It's old,

But it would take an expert
to appraise such a piece.

Take a guess. How
much do you think?

I would say

About, uh, $10 to $30.

I'll have to take it
over to a dealer I know.

All right, take it.

And if you can get more
than $10 for it, sell it.

Ah, I'll have to charge
a commission: 15%.

It's a deal.

Well, I'm going to
charlottesville, saturday morning.

And you meet me here
about 2:30 in the afternoon.


Evening. Evening.


Yes, john-boy?

I was thinking, uh,

I'd like... I'd like you to come to
the movies with me some evening.

That would be lovely.

What about this evening?

Oh, this evening... Why,
it's a little late, isn't it?

I mean I'd have to
change and wash.

We can catch the last show.

Well, see, I was plannin'
to pay you back on friday

And then when I'm free and
clear, I'd like to take you then.

I'd like that, john-boy as long
as it's a friendly dutch treat.

Oh, no. A date is a date.

I've checked the
prices. I can afford it.

All right.

I'll tell you
what. I'll loan you

Another dollar
until friday night.

But tonight, we'll
go to the movies.


Thank you.

I do like you.

I know. You kissed me.

John-boy, do you know how
many kinds of kisses there are?

Well, I reckon I do.

I wouldn't want you to think
that mine was the wrong kind.

Oh, of course not.


Warner baxter and bebe
daniels in 42nd street.

I've been wanting to see
that for the longest time.

Me, too. That's why I
wanted to come tonight.

It's changin' tomorrow.

We don't get to
see... Wait a minute.

What is it? What's goin' on?

Those are the fellows
who took my money.

Hand over the money.

Come on, come on, hurry up.



Well, I sold it.

How much did you get for it?

Here's a check, made out to you

Less my commission.

Thanks, vernon!

What with grandpa and
jason and me brought in

And $25 from mary
ellen's antique,

We have ourselves $140.

(Grandpa) well,
that's something!

(All) we still need $60 more.

Well, for once I did something
really important, didn't i, daddy?

You sure did, honey.

(Livie) and timed it just right.

Well, what do we do now?

Mary ellen, you got any
more miracles up your sleeve?

Wish I did.

We should be hearing
from john-boy pretty soon.

Well, you can hear from him now.

(All) john-boy!

How are you?

Oh, grandma!


What have they done to you?

Oh, I'm fine. I just got
tired of the big city.

It's good to have you home, son.

It's good to be home, daddy.

How much was it
you say you needed?


Well, here's $50.


Where'd you $50?

(All) $50!

You didn't do anything
wrong, did you?

Oh, grandma, that's
the reward they gave me

For catching the
fellows who did this.

Now I warned you!

Wasn't that kind of dangerous?

You might have been k*lled.

Oh, no, they were just a couple
of country boys out of work.

They didn't have any g*ns. I
saw that before I tackled 'em.

Well, you look thin
and peaked to me.

Are you hungry?

That, I purely am.

Well, come on.

[All cheering]

Here it is! One legal grant deed

Signed, sealed,
certified and recorded!

[All cheering]

Oh, it don't look like much

After all those aches
and troubles, does it?

Come on, pa, let's go home.

(John-boy) I had lived in a
city, known adventure,

Found friends, and even
been kissed by a pretty girl.

But it was good to be home again

To know that special love,
and to hear those special voices.

(Elizabeth) can I
come in, john-boy?

(John-boy) sure, elizabeth.

(Elizabeth) I just wanted to
see if you're really home.

(John-boy) I'm here, honey.

(Elizabeth) I love
you, john-boy.

(John-boy) I love
you, elizabeth.
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