01x22 - The Bicycle

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x22 - The Bicycle

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

(John-boy) times were hard when
I was growing up in the 1930s,

And many people tried
to escape those times

By living in other worlds,

Created for them by glossy
magazines and the movies.

My own family was so close

And we were so involved
with our everyday lives

That we didn't seem to
need those dream worlds.

So it came as a
surprise, when one day

We discovered that our mother
had a dream world of her own.

[Birds chirping]


Ike, you reckon anybody's
going to buy that thing?


Well, I doubt it.

But there's no accountin'
for some people's taste.


How do you like the color?

It's bright.

Well, that was the only
can of paint I had open.

I like it. I like it.

Yeah, well.

[Door opening]

[Store bell jingling]

Ike, uh, that truck
took 8 gallons of gas.

Oh, my mama needs some
sugar, I almost forgot.

Five pounder? Yeah.


Let's see.

I think I'll give you a
discount on it, john-boy.

Oh, yes?

That will be, uh,
[cash register ringing]


There you go. There's $125.


Hello, john-boy.

(Ike) hi, curtis. Bonjour.

That's "howdy" in french.

I got the stuff
over here for you.

Were there any
letters for me, ike?

Yeah, there was. The letter
that came in this morning. Just one.

I think I put it in
with the onions.

Oh... Get it. Get it. Get it.

Here it is.

I never thought
she'd answer so soon.

Dear lord.

Come on, open it up, curtis.


What does she say?
What does she say?


What? What? What? What?

She accepted.


She accepted my proposal.


Ah, she says, uh:

"I... I can't wait. And I'm
going to be arriving there

On the bus at 1:30 today."

Oh, i...

Listen to this, "at first, as
you know, I had my doubts,

"But like jeanette
macdonald in rose-marie,

Your last beautiful letter
completely swept aside all my doubts."

Yes, she... She really goes on
about them movies, doesn't she?

Oh, my. This afternoon.

I've got to get the house ready.

I've gotta shave now. I'm
not going to be ready in time.

Curtis, curtis, don't worry
about it. Just go home and shave,

Get the house ready,
get all dressed up.

And I'll be here to pick her up.

Can someone let me
in on what's happenin'?

Curtis is gettin' married!

Getting married?

Who's the lucky girl?

Miss ann harris. She's a
secretary from buffalo, new york.

Uh, she was born and
raised in richmond.

He went down there for 3
months for a high-school reunion,

And she was there
on her vacation.

I only took her out once.

I didn't think she liked
me too much that time.

Oh. Maybe it's all those
letters you've been writing.

I guess it was.

[Clears throat]

But, well, to tell you the
truth about those letters,

I... I didn't really
write 'em. John-boy...

Now, curtis, I just
helped you a little.

More than a little.

Those letters were
real romantic and pretty...

I just wrote down what you
wanted to say, curtis. That's all.

Last 3 months, I haven't
thought about anything

Except wanting to
marry that little girl.

I've never been
much with the ladies.

I bet I won't be able to think
of one thing to say to her.


"Your last beautiful
letter completely

Swept aside all of my doubts."

Dear lord.

Hey, mama.

Thank-thank you.

We're going to
feed the chickens.

(John-boy) like I
was telling you,

Jimmy came riding down
the hill on his bicycle.

(Grandpa) so long, kids.

Elizabeth, sit down,
finish your pie.

Everett cooper
stopped by this mornin'.

(John) did he say how
much wood he wanted?

No, he came to see me.

Ben, jim-bob!

How many times have I told you

To put your dishes in the sink?

Livie, could you mend these
overalls I tore up this mornin'?

Grandpa, I've got a million
things to do. Couldn't grandma?

She's gone off down the
road to deliver a baby.

Just put 'em in the sink.

He wanted to ask me if I'd...

(Grandpa) john, hadn't we
better be gettin' back to work?

(John) I'll be right there, pa.

He wanted to know if I'd come
down to the church one afternoon.

Who did?

Everett cooper.

Somethin' important?

Not really, but I was real
surprised and flattered.

(Grandma) anybody
seen my purse, livie?

Never find anything
when you're in a hurry.

Oh, mama, I'm sorry,
I forgot the sugar.

I bought it at ike's, but I
left it there. I'm sorry.

I'm going to need it before
suppertime, john-boy.

Well, I'll... I'll get it if I can, but
first I have to go pick up a saw...

I'll get it myself.
Now you run along.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Grandma, here's your purse.

Oh, I thought I lost it.
Can you give me a lift?

Which way you going?

Thelma pickett's.
She's expecting.

(John-boy) sure.

Well, I've got to
get myself to work.

Erin, didn't you hear what
I just told jim-bob and ben?

Now take your plate and
put it in the sink, please.

Seems like nobody around here
listens to a word I say anymore.

What were you sayin'?

Everett cooper wants me to be
the lead singer in the church choir.

Well, that's real nice, honey.

Mama, I can't eat this pie.
It hasn't got enough sugar.

If you're going
to be lead singer,

I might even be there.

Come on, let me
help you with that.

You might be there,

But I'll be here doing
dishes and mending clothes.

[Dishes clattering]

Thank you, ike.

Bye, livie.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Huh, I guess so, if you're in
the market for such things.

How much is reasonable?


Seeing how it's you, uh,
livie, very reasonable.

Oh, heavens, I wasn't
thinking of buying it.

I was just curious how much
second-hand bikes cost these days.

Nice color.

Thanks a lot.



I haven't ridden one
of these things in...

Oh, it must be about 25 years.

25 Years. Imagine.

Used to love it, though.

Pedaling along,
freewheelin' down the hill

My hair blowin' in
the wind behind me.


Go on. Take it for a ride.


Go on.

I've probably
forgotten how by now.

Go on. Take it.

Well, now, don't tell anybody.

Will you go on and take
her for a spin? Go on.

[Dog barking]


♪ Bring back, bring back ♪

♪ Bring back my
bonnie to me, to me ♪

♪ Bring back, bring back ♪

♪ Bring back my bonnie to me ♪♪

"Like to the lark
arising from... From..."

S-s-something "earth."
Something "earth."

"Sullen earth." "Sullen earth."

I will never remember
that word: sullen.

"Sullen earth." "Sullen earth."

"Like to the lark
arising from sul..."

[Bus horn honking]

(Ike) hello, al.

The u.s. Mail got
through again, huh?


Listen, I want to show you
an order that I got here...

[Al chattering]

[Papers rustling]

Ma'am, I'm john-boy walton.

I'm a close friend of...
Of curtis n-norton.

Oh. Oh, where is curtis?

Well, he asked me
to come and meet you.

Why didn't curtis come?

He's kind of prettying
things up for you.


Congratulations. I don't know
if that's what you say to a lady.

Oh, you can say it to me. It's not
every day a girl ends up marrying

A poetic man like curtis norton.

Well, I think we ought to go.

My truck's right over here.
Oh, no, I'll take that for you.

Oh, thank you. Right over here.

Oh, it's so beautiful here.

Just look at that. Look
at those mountains.

Did you see the movie
the farmer takes a wife?

I reckon not.

Oh. Oh, I did. I saw it 3 times.

Henry fonda and janet gaynor.


(Ann) it looked
very much like this.

Oh, it was such
a romantic story.


I think you're gonna
find real life here

Quite a bit different than
the way it is in the movies.

When I met curtis, it
was just like a movie.

We were in the richmond
high-school reunion.

The high-school
band was playing.


Curtis asked me to dance.

Yeah, he said you are
a wonderful dancer.

Oh, curtis was
the wonderful one.

Just swept me off my feet.

A real clark gable type.

[Car horn blowing]

[Car horn blowing]

Hey, here we are.

[Car door opening]

[Dog whimpering]



How have you been?

Ah, fine.

[Birds chirping]

How have you been?

Been, uh, busy.

I've got a mare
here about to foal.

I stayed up all night with her.

Oh, that's fine.

Well, I reckon I'll
be leavin' now, folks.

No. No, no.

I mean, why don't
you stay for a while?

Well, sure, curtis. Thank you.

I'll show y'all around.

That's all right.

It's called the
approaching storm.

Belonged to my daddy.

Oh, well, it's beautiful.

He was real fond of it.

Oh, it's real nice.

Oh, aw, I'm sorry.
No... It's all right.

It's ok. Livin' alone, things
just, uh, don't get fixed.

That needs a coat
of paint, too, you see.

I thought we... Uh, I mean i...

Well, uh, the
both of us could...

It'll be fun.

And i... [Tittering]


Oh. I could make new slipcovers.

Uh, curtis, why don't
you show me the upstairs?


(Curtis) this way.

This is the linen closet.


Th-th-that's the bathroom.

This is the medicine cabinet.

Very cozy.

[Metal clanking]

I need that. I forgot it.

Uh... Uh, until we...
For the time being,

I've moved all my
stuff out to the shed.

I'm gonna be sleepin' there.

I see.

I'll show you your room.


I've got to be going.

No, stay.

C-curtis, you're
going to marry her.

You've got to spend
some time alone with her.

John-boy... (Ann) curtis!

Dear lord.

She's not upstairs.

Boy or girl, grandma?

(Grandma) it was a boy.


John-boy, have you
seen your mama?

N-not since around noon.

Not for the life of me, I
just don't understand it.

What, understand what?

Oh, look.

18 Years olivia's been
my daughter-in-law

And I've never known her to
leave the place in such a state.

Well, have you ever
seen her do this?

John-boy, grandma! Come
here, quick. Right away.




All right. All right.

[Laughing] how do you
like my new bicycle?

(Erin) oh, I like it!

(Ben) it's great!

[All chattering]

(John-boy) this is
from ike's, isn't it?

(Livie) you don't
know where I've been.

By 29.

Ah, I'll do the chairs in
a flowered cretonne.


Miriam hopkins had a sofa
like it in her last picture.

Did you see it?

No. I don't see many movies.

Oh, why not?

The nearest movie house is in
charlottesville. That's 28 miles away.


28 Miles.

I'm really very happy
with my records

And victrola here.

They're right here.


Get off.

Go on there, earl.

♪♪[Music playing on gramophone]

Get down. Hmm.

Curtis, ah, can you help me...

Can you please get him off the
couch? He doesn't smell right.

Well, that's, uh, his place.

He sleeps there. He always has.

Well, he's going to have to
find a new place after we've, uh...

After I've made the slipcovers.

I don't think he'll like it.


Why don't we train him to
sleep in the blacksmith shop?

You know it's hard to
teach an old dog new tricks.

Well, I guess we're
all finding that out.

Mary ellen, I want you to
help grandma with the cookin'

And you can all pitch
in with the dishes.

(Mary ellen) yes, mama.

I'll do it, livie.

Erin, there's ironin' to do.
Get elizabeth to help you.

Yes, mama. I'll take
care of it, livie.

Grandma, I want the girls to learn how
to take care of a house by themselves.

After all, we don't want a couple of
old maids on our hands, now, do we?

I'm goin' to be a bachelor girl.

When are you plannin'
to come home, mama?

I don't know, john-boy.

Have a nice day, everybody.

See you later. Bye, mama.

Bye, mama. Bye, mama.


I talked to the children.
They know what to do.



Just worried about what
people are goin' to say.

About what? Me
singin' in the choir?

No, about... [Clears throat]

About you, uh, ridin'
around on this contraption.

Oh, I figure they'll
probably say,

"There goes olivia
walton on a bicycle."

Bye, honey.

[Machinery whirring]

[Metal clanking]


Miss harris,

This is my daddy, john
walton. My grandpa.

How do you do? I'm very
pleased to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to see you. Very
pleased to meet both of you.

What happened?

It's, uh, it's curtis.

Somethin' wrong?

Oh, no, no. No, he's
all right. It's just...

He just doesn't seem
to be the same man

Who wrote me those letters.

Miss harris,
curtis is a shy man.

But you'd have to go a long
way to find a better one.


Look, it's more than that.

It's just that i...

Oh, it just won't work out.

And i... I think that I should
leave here right away

On the next bus.

If one of you, please, would
be kind enough to drive me.

We surely will.

But the next bus doesn't
go until tomorrow.

Oh, oh.

You're welcome to stay here.

Uh, if you want to wait a
while, my wife will be back

And get you settled.

Sure, you can stay in my
room. I'll sleep in the barn.

Look, I wouldn't want
to inconvenience you.

It's no inconvenience.
It's the least I can do.

Come on.

Come on.

Now, what do you think he meant
by, "that's the least I can do"?

(Choir) ♪ amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet the sound ♪

♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪

♪ I once was lost ♪

♪ But now am found ♪

♪ Was blind, but now I see. ♪

♪ 'Twas grace that taught ♪

♪ My heart to fear ♪

♪ And grace my fears relieved ♪

♪ How precious ♪

♪ Did that grace appear ♪

♪ The hour ♪

♪ I first believed ♪♪

Real nice. That one spot
needs just a little work.

♪ Pum, pum-pa-da-di-
da-da-da-da ♪

But it's coming along real well.

Thank you.

Ladies, thank you.

Miss tyler, would you be good
enough to gather the hymnals?

Surely, mr. Cooper.

Do you have time
for a cup of coffee?

Well, no, I'm afraid not.
I have to get to work.

Time and tide wait for no man.

Neither do the freight
trains, I'm afraid.

See you all tomorrow, then?

Glad you could
be with us, olivia.

My pleasure, mr. Cooper.

It was just lovely.

Oh, oh. Just
lovely, miss olivia.


I'll fix it.


Coffee, olivia?

(Livie) oh, well, i...

You are stayin', aren't you?

Just for a little while.

Oh, well, I should hope so.

I always say what's
choir practice

Without a little
socializin' afterwards?

Isn't that right, ladies?

Did you all hear rudy vallee last
night on the royal gelatin program?

No, listened to lanny ross.

How about you, olivia?

Yeah, I like him.

Especially when he
sings the rose of tralee.

She's all right, curtis.

But she says she is going
to leave on the next bus.

Well, what am I gonna do?

Go to the house and talk to her.

Well, I tried talkin' to her.

You saw where that got me.

Well, you're not just
going to let her get on a bus

And leave town, are you?

(Curtis) john-boy,

Do you think I
want her to leave?

You think i... I
want to live here

In this house, all by myself?

[Metal clanging]

Every word that you
wrote in those letters,

I really meant.

Well, then there's got to
be some way to keep her here.


I could write her
another letter.

[Metal clanking]

Yes, and ask her to
stay for a few more days.

And then, and then,
maybe by that time,

I'd have somethin'
I can say to her.


I really don't know if I should
have written those letters

In the first place.

I'll help you all I can, but I can't
write you any more of those letters.


I can't just let
that little girl

Get on that bus and leave.

Curtis, if you want to write her
a letter, then write her a letter.

I can't.

When I write it, the words
don't come out right.

I'm sorry, but I can't, curtis.

I just can't write a letter.


sh**t. All right, I'll
write you one more letter,

But this is the last one.

I better wash up my hands first.


I hope you'll be
comfortable here.


I'm sure I shall.

I'll have john-boy take some
of his clothes out of the closet.

Then you can unpack.

Oh, no, no, please don't bother.

It's only for one night.

I don't see any point
in my staying on.

Miss harris.

Oh, please call me ann.


I know this is none
of my business,

But couldn't you stay on
just a little while longer?

I mean, you and curtis
hardly know one another.

It's not just curtis.

It's everything.

I mean, it's his house, as well.

Your house is so
nice and pretty.

So is the norton house.

Yes, but it smells of horse...

Smoke from the smithy fire.

Well, it's just so dark
and pokey all the time.

I reckon maybe that's one of
the reasons curtis needs a wife.

Besides, he loves
you, doesn't he?

If you need anything,
I'll be downstairs.

"So I beg you, do not leave
walton's mountain in such haste.

"First give me another
chance "to speak

My... My piece."

Ok, now, here.

This you can end...
Where is it? Here it is.

You can... You can
end with this. Listen:

"O! How I faint when
I of you do write

"Knowing a better
spirit doth use your name

"And in the praise thereof
spends all his might

To make me tongue-tied,
speaking of your fame!"


That's just how I feel.

William shakespeare sure knew
what he was writing about, didn't he?

Ok, now, "o! How I faint..."


Faint. F-a-i-n-t. Faint.

(John-boy) "o, how I faint

When I of you do write" comma.

(Ann) next time I see it, I'm
gonna stay in the theatre

All day long. I'm gonna
see it 5 times more.

He sure is light on his feet.

Jimmy fidler's hollywood gossip

Said that they are destined to
be hollywood's biggest new stars.


Did you see the bride
of frankenstein?

Now, that was really good.

Well, this was, too.

(Mary ellen) I
really enjoyed it.

Yes, me, too.

(Ann) oh, there
is nothin', nothin'

Like a real romantic talkie

For chasin' those blues away.

[All laugh]

I think I'll peroxide my hair and
cut it short like ginger rogers.

I'd like to be there
when mama sees that.


Here. Curtis gave me
this letter to give to you.

He says for you to read
it when you're alone.

No, no... No, he says
it's real important.

[Engine starts]

I like the silent pictures.

Yeah, I just hope your
hero john gilbert can talk.

(Grandma) almost done.

Here they are, fred and ginger.

[All laughing]



(Livie) you're back home early.

(Mary ellen) jason didn't want
to stay for march of time.

Well, I've got homework to do.

Me, too. Math. Yuck.

Well, good night.

Thank you so much.

Thanks again, ann.

Good night,
everybody. Good night.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

Oh, we did. (Mary
ellen) oh, yeah..

How was the movin' picture?

Oh, it was fred astaire
and ginger rogers.

It was swell.

It's their 2nd film. Their
first was flying down to rio.

They did the carioca.

The carioca? Hmm.

I heard that one on the radio.


♪ Ta-ra-ra-ra-di-da-da ♪
♪ ta-ra-ra-ra-ra ♪


Old man, now you
stop your foolishness.

You'll fall down and
break one of your bones.

Only thing likely to fall
down around here is your cake.


Did your folks take
you to the movies?

Oh, no, now, they were very
strict. They never let me go.

(John) they live in buffalo?

No, they died when I was 14.

I'm sorry.

See, I was sent up north from
richmond to live with my aunt,

My aunt agnes.

That's when I saw
my very first movie.

Well, everythin' back
in them days was silent.

Oh, yeah.

I remember that
afternoon so clearly.

It was winter, and it
was cold and... And dark

And I was coming
home from school

And for some reason, I
just didn't go my usual way.

I turned the corner
and there it was:

The picture palace

Shining at the end of the street

With electric
light bulbs all lit up

At the end of the marquee.

I paid my 10 cents
and I went in.

All alone?

Oh, I'll never forget it.

The warmth and...
And the darkness.

And, up there, on the screen,
all those wonderful stars.

Garbo, and... And barrymore,

And valentino, and...
And the gish sisters,

And, uh, harold lloyd,
and marion davies,

And mary pickford.

For the very
first time in my life,

I felt a part of
other people's lives.

It's the same thing
every time I see a film.

And then later on,
when I walk home

That glowing
feeling stays with me.

And it, uh,

It keeps me warm.

And when you get home?

Oh, it always sort of goes away.

It evaporates.


I think I should be
getting off to bed.

Ann, won't you have some cake?

Oh, no, uh, thank you.

It's time for me to go to sleep.


Mrs. Walton.

You know, sometimes good
feelings don't evaporate.

Sometimes they last a lifetime.

Good night.

Night. Night.

Good night. Good night.

Thanks for the treat.

"O, how I faint
when I of you..."



Good mornin', daddy.
Good mornin', son.

Mama. Mornin', john-boy.


Good mornin'.

I want to talk to you.


(Livie) is somethin' the matter?

Yeah. Hear this.

This is the matter.

Letter to you
from curtis norton.

Yeah, it's a letter to me.
But it's not from curtis.

You wrote this
letter, didn't you, john?


And all the others?

Well, how funny you
must have thought it was.

Sitting there
snickering together,

Writing every one of these lies.

Dragging me all the way
from buffalo, new york.

What a good time you
must have had, huh?

Laughing at me.

I just don't understand why
you would do such a thing.

No, we... We didn't mean
to deceive you or hurt you.

Well, you have.

And just when I'd
almost decided that...


Oh, it doesn't matter.

John-boy, it looks to me like
you've got some explainin' to do.

So the travelin' salesman
leaned over the kitchen table

And he said to the woman:

"Well, in that case, madam,

Perhaps you'd be better
off with a larger size."

Did you all hear the
little audrey joke

About the man who
jumped off the top

Of the chrysler
building in new york city?

(Sarah) yes, I heard
it 3 weeks ago.

But I'll bet none of
you have heard this one.

More coffee, olivia?

Oh, no, thank you, martha.

(Martha) livie,
where's your mind?


Just trying to think of somethin'
special for john's supper tonight.

Livie, are you new here.

Little while, we'll have
you just like the rest of us.

The men at home takin' care of
themselves and fixin' their own suppers.

No, I don't think so, martha.

Livie, did you hear about that?

About cora mae merkel and the
butcher down at carter's bridge?

No, I didn't.

I'm afraid I don't have time.

Oh, where are you goin'?

Home. Bye, everybody.



(Sarah) well,
anyway... [All chattering]

Grandma! Children!

[Clicking tongue]

Oh, erin.




Just lookin'.

Just lookin'.

This place, our home...

Seems like I never
really saw it before.

Sorry for runnin' off.

Leavin' you all to
fend for yourselves.

Dreamin' silly
schoolgirl dreams.


Thinkin' some day I
might be a great singer.

Is that what you was dreamin'?


Especially when I was
wheelin' along on that bicycle.

You'll probably laugh at this,

But I even dreamed
that maybe one day

I'd sing at the metropolitan
opera house in new york city.


Dear liv,

Is that what you want?



[Children shouting]

Mrs. Walton.

Mrs. Walton, excuse me.

I would like to say goodbye.

I know you're angry with my son.

I wish you weren't leavin'.

It just didn't work out.

What are you gonna do
when you get back to buffalo?

Oh, I will get my
job back and...

And sit in dark theatres
dreamin' other people's lives?

Well, there's no harm
in dreaming dreams.


They're part of our lives.

But when they keep
you away from life,

From lovin', sharin',

Then I think there is harm.

That's all very
well for you to talk.

You have your husband
and... And your house,


You could have it, too.

With curtis?

Look, you came all
this way to marry him.

Why not give him another chance?

I can't.

Why not?

Because I'm looking
for something else.

Don't wait for it too long, ann.

Because whatever it is
you think you're lookin' for,

You may never find it.


I have nothing to say to you.

Well, ma'am. John.

I've got somethin'
to say to you.

Now, curtis, you just
stay away from me.

Not until I've said my piece.

I don't want to hear it.

You just think you're so smart,

With all your citified ways.

I-i'm not listening.

Yeah, yeah, you talkin'
about, uh... Uh, motion pictures

And, uh, the movie stars.

(Curtis) well, you know,

I may not be no, uh, jimmy
gable or clark stewart.

Clark gable or jimmy stewart.

What? Never mind.

I know I don't talk fancy.

And there's lot of
things I don't know,

But there is one thing that I
do know, and that is I love you.

Looks like he's
finally found his voice.

I can't hear you.

I said I love you!

I have ever since the
first time I laid eyes on you.


Listen, would... Would
you just please stop that

And come down
off that darn thing?


Thought she said
she couldn't hear him.


All right, now listen to me.

I want you to marry me.

I want you to be my wife!

If you don't come right now,

I'm goin' to get in that
truck and just drive off.

And I'll never bother you again.

All right. That's it.

This kid deceived me.

Curtis, you lied to me.

You and john-boy,
you deceived me.

How can I ever
trust you after that?

We did not deceive you. I wrote
down what he wanted to say,

But couldn't find the words for. I
wrote down what was in his heart.

But that is deceitful.

(John-boy) it is not deceitful.

What about all those movie
stars you always talk about?

You think they write their
own words? They do not.

What do you mean? I
read it in a fan magazine.

They hire writers to write
down those lines for 'em.

John-boy, get him back here.

Well, you get...

Well, you get him back here.

Well, stop the swing.

Mrs. Walton, do you
think he'll talk about this?

There's only one
way to find out.

Well, would you like me
to take you in the truck?

No, thank you. You have
helped me enough already.


Mrs. Walton, mrs. Walton,
may I borrow your bicycle?

I don't see why not.

Thank you.

After all, I won't
be needin' it anymore.

Do you know how to ride it?

Oh, I don't know.

Well, just... Just get
on, we'll help you.

Put your foot
on this pedal here.

(Ben) get her on the other one.

(Mary ellen) just get going. Go.

(Jason) pedal, pedal, that's it.

[Children shouting]

Go get him.

(Ann) thank you!

Oh... Stop!

Curtis, wait!

No, wa-wait!

Wait for me, curtis!

[Crying] please wait.

Curtis... Curtis, wait for me!


Curtis, wait.


(Livie) ♪
di-da-da-dum-di-di... ♪

(John-boy) my mother
never sang in grand opera,

But her voice never failed

To fill our house
with a glad song,

As she went about the
job of caring for us all.

I can still remember
when the hour grew late,

I would be writing in my room,

And she would be working
at some chore in the kitchen,

And her voice
would drift upward.

(Livie) ♪ da-da-di,
da-di, da-di ♪

♪ Da-dum, da-di, da-di... ♪

[Crickets chirping]

(John-boy) good night, mama.

(Livie) good night, john-boy.
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