02x24 - Bowling/Command Performance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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02x24 - Bowling/Command Performance

Post by bunniefuu »

The plane! The plane!

Good morning, boss.

How do you like it?

It's a rocket.

Well, that I can readily see.

The question is, what
are you doing with it?

Do you remember the chemistry
set my cousin hugo sent me?

Well, it's gonna make me rich.

By making rockets?

No, boss. By making rocket fuel.

Let me guess.

If you can invent a
cheap rocket fuel,

You and your cousin hugo

Will become
millionaires... Again.

Right, boss. You
get it. Watch this.

Be careful.

Watch it, boss. Watch it, boss.

It's gonna go. Watch it, boss.

There it goes.

So, as we don't appear
"fuelish" just standing here,

Why don't we rocket
over and greet our guests?

Shall we?

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

Mr. Lou fielding, a spot welder
from saint paul, minnesota,

And his wife, margaret.

They look like a nice couple.
What's his fantasy, boss?

One shared by millions
of amateur bowlers

All over the world, tattoo.

Mr. Fielding,

Captain of his company's
bowling team, the lancers,

And holder of a
personal lifetime average

Of 154,

Wants, for this weekend,

To be a top professional bowler

And compete in a
major tournament.

You mean, he's gonna play in the
fantasy island bowling tournament?

Yes. But, boss,

We have some of the
best bowlers in the world.

He's gonna get k*lled.

Mrs. Naomi gittings,

Who now lives in retirement
on the french riviera.

Pretty nice living.
What's her fantasy?

In part, to relive
a fond memory.

25 Years ago, mrs. Gittings
was owner and operator

Of one of the most popular traveling
circuses in the western world.

The memories associated
with her former circus

Are very dear to her.

Now mrs. Gittings' fantasy

Is to bring all the
old acts together

For a final show and reunion.

A command
performance, so to speak.

Oh, boy, a circus. I
always love the circus.


Unfortunately, this performance

May not be as
enjoyable as you think.

You see, mrs. Gittings believes

That one of the individuals
here for the reunion

Will try to m*rder her.

My dear guests, I am
mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to fantasy island.

Were you able to
find all of them?

Everyone who was on your
list is here, mrs. Gittings.

Waiting to welcome you.

Look at me. I'm so excited

I'm trembling like a leaf.

Naomi. Igor!

You mad russian you. Oh!

Naomi, you look fantastic.

Mr. Roarke, tattoo,

I'd like you to meet
igor vaskovitch,

The best animal
trainer in the world.

How do you do?

Oh, joseph and
madeline and victor!

How good to see you.

Oh, uh, mr. Roarke, tattoo,

These are the flying eskorpos...

Madeleine, joseph and victor.

How do you do?

Naomi darling.

Elena! Oh, elena, my baby! Ohh!

This is elena stewart.

She's the best solo
acrobat there is.

How do you do?

Darling naomi,

I want you to come
and meet my fiancé,

A middle eastern prince.

Prince ahmed.

I mean, he isn't
near the throne,

But he is simply
dripping with oil money.

All right.

Excuse us.

Boss, mrs. Gittings
is a very nice woman.

Yes, she is.

She seems to be
enjoying herself.

I sincerely hope
it stays that way.

Lou. Yeah?

Look over there at that
table. Look over there.

Those three men
sitting there. Yeah? Yeah?

Aren't they three bowlers
you always watch on tv?

Oh, yeah. Isn't that, um...

What's his name? Mark... Roth.

Yeah. And marshall holman and...

d*ck weber. Yeah.

Wow, huh?

Honey, is something wrong?

Wrong? What could
possibly be wrong?

Well, for openers, you just
put mayonnaise on you napkin

And pepper on your fruit salad.

I've been thinking, honey,

If mr. Roarke does pull off my fantasy
and gets me into that tournament,

I am gonna look like
the world's biggest jerk.

Getting cold feet, mr. Fielding?

What seems to be the problem?

My problem is a 154
bowling average.

How am I gonna compete
with those pros?

Mr. Fielding, this
is fantasy island.

Here, anything is
possible. Anything.

Even miracles?

But most especially miracles.

Mr. Fielding, it is
said that a man's life

Can be measured by
the dreams he fulfills.

Deep within you resides a
power never before summoned.

The power that can and
will make you the bowler

You always knew you could be.

Believe me, mr. Fielding,

For the next 48 hours,

You will be the bowler

You always dreamed you could be.

Anything you say, mr. Roarke.

The tournament and your
fantasy begin this afternoon.

We will you see you
then. Mrs. Fielding.

Come, tattoo.

Good luck, champ.

Thank you.

Mr. Roarke is something.

I mean, he's got me
halfway convinced.


Just maybe.

Darling, now you must promise
to have dinner with us tonight.

Ahmed's being mean. He has
to fly away in the morning,

And it's going to be the
last time you're going

To be able to see us
before we get married.

All right. Then I insist you
come to my bungalow, okay?

That would be
wonderful. See you.

Bye, now. Thank you.

Oh, isn't she wonderful?



Hello, naomi.

I had no idea you were here.

Why weren't you with the rest?

I don't think that they want
to see a drunken old bum

Anymore than I wanna see them.

I had enough of
their pity 20 years ago.

What are you doing here then?

Well, mr. Roarke invited me.

That's not why
I'm here. I, uh...

I haven't a clue.

Maybe you wanted
to see elena again.


Oh, I lost elena

The night I fell
from that high wire.

I wasn't the star anymore.

I went from center ring star

To third-rate clown.

The cruelest thing
that ever happened to me

Was that I lived
through the accident.

I'm sorry life treated
you so badly, richard.

You were always my favorite,

And the best walker on
the wire that ever was.

Mrs. Gittings, mr. Simmons.

Is everything to
your satisfaction?

I'll see you later, naomi.

It's hard to believe

He was once the star of my show.

He was even married to
elena for a short time.

And then one night, he
fell and shattered his leg,

And since then, he's...
He's been a bundle of hate.

And even the sawdust...

It's all just as I remembered.

You've done a magnificent
job, mr. Roarke.

The circus... It's like
a breath of fresh air.

C'est magnifique, boss.

Will you excuse me?

Look out!

Are you all right,
mrs. Gittings?

You saved my life.


You both could have been k*lled.

Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen,

And welcome to the fantasy island
invitational bowling tournament.

Today's matches feature
marshall holman versus mark roth

And d*ck weber against
newcomer lou fielding.

Oh, wow.

It's like I just died and
went to bowler's heaven.

Oh, but, mr. Roarke, do
you really think those pros

Are gonna let him
bowl with them?

Perhaps you
should both see this.

According to the magazine,
you are the fastest

Rising star on the
european bowling circuit.

And naturally, we've
seen to it that copies

Were widely distributed
throughout the island.

Yes, I seriously doubt that you
will have any acceptance problems

From... Your peers.

Good luck, mr. Fielding.

Thank you.

Hey, you're lou fielding.

I'm d*ck weber. Hi, d*ck.

I'm mark roth. Hi.

And I'm marshall holman.


I know all of you,
by reputation.

This is my margaret wife.

I mean, this is my
wife margaret. Hello.

Looking forward to bowling
against your husband, mrs. Fielding.

Bowlers to your lanes.

The four bowlers with the
highest cumulative scores

Will advance to the finals

And then play for the
fantasy island championship


Well, mr. Fielding. Oh.

It's time.

Oh! Oh!

You know, I think
I pulled a muscle

When I was getting
out of your car.

Oh, mr. Fielding, mr. Fielding.

So many chances in so
many lifetimes were missed

Because people were afraid
of the laughter of others.

Your fantasy was to bowl in a
major tournament such as this.

Are you going to
let it slip away now?

Are you?

Starting off our matches today

Will be one of the best-known
bowlers in the world, d*ck weber,

And he'll be up against the man
who's been the rage of europe,

Lou fielding.

First up is d*ck weber,

Veteran of 27 years on
the pro bowling circuit.

Looking good.

Right in there!

Nice groove. And a
good way to start.

d*ck weber, out of
st. Louis, missouri.

d*ck weber has been to bowling
what stan musial has been to baseball.

26 National titles.

Weber has had 19
sanctioned 300 games

And has earned well in excess
of one million dollars on the tour.

Yeah, he's got two in a row.

So the pressure is on right away

As d*ck weber opens
up with a pair of strikes.

Next up, lou fielding.

Not too much is known
about lou fielding.

He's made his mark on
the european circuits,

So it'll be interesting
to see how he fares

Against this tough
competition here today.

This is a very unusual hook.

And it's successful!

So lou fielding
starts off with a bang.

In my 20 years of doing
bowling on television,

I have never seen
a shot like that.

But I guess anything
that works, works.

But now lou needs another
strike to match d*ck weber.

He has an unusual approach
as he releases the ball.

And he has two in a row!

All right.

Lou fielding

Matches the famous
d*ck weber shot for shot.

Oh, look at that. Look at that.

Look at that.

d*ck weber has already
finished with a 278.

So the pressure is
all on lou fielding.

He's gotta have a
strike right here to win.

Anything less won't do.

That's a 279 for
lou fielding, folks.

And that means that our
qualifiers for the semifinals

Of the fantasy island
bowling championships

Will be d*ck weber,
marshall holman,

Mark roth and lou fielding.

Hope to see you all
tomorrow. You were fantastic!

Yeah, I really was.

I really did it. Yeah.

A 279! Ohh!

You know, I'm really the
bowler I always dreamed of.

I had it up here all the time.

Excuse me. Lou? Lou? Yeah?

Lou fielding, that was
just sensational bowling.

Everybody wants to know...
What's the secret of your success?

Well, it's really a matter
of style, you know?

And then, of course,
there's the wrist.

The wrist action. That's
important. Oh, yeah.

You know what I mean. It's
using the wrist. Now... Yes.

Now, this is your first
tournament away from europe.

Do you plan any more?
Oh, well, look, why not?

I mean, I always say
if you got it, flaunt it.

You know? Yeah.

I'm in the semifinals.

Lou, do you think continue

This amazing bowling
the way you have?

Lou, you're just a sensation.

Lou? Lou?


This rope was deliberately cut,

And the pole had been
partially sawed through.

I told you someone was
trying to k*ll me, mr. Roarke.

When did you first suspect?

Some months ago,

My car and the cars of
my former booking agents,

Jack woodland and ernie
duran were tampered with.

I was lucky, but
they were both k*lled.

And my circus was
our only connection.

I still can't believe
that one of my...

My children would
want to m*rder me.

For what?

Well, as you said
this afternoon,

A man can change
radically in 20 years.

Uh, perhaps your ex-star

Should be high on
our list of suspects.


Well, he has changed.

He's so bitter and
hateful. But m*rder?

We must be extremely careful.

I'll have someone keep an
around-the-clock watch on mr. Simmons.

I would advise you to remain inside
your bungalow this evening, huh?

I will, mr. Roarke.

Elena and her fiancé are
coming to my bungalow for dinner.

Good. Half an hour.

Oh. That's fine.

You saved my life
today, mr. Roarke.

You're a brave man
and a good friend.

Good night, mrs.
Gittings. Good night.

Boss, I'm very
worried about her.

Do you mind if I
keep an eye on her?

Of course.

She couldn't be in better hands.

Thank you, boss.




Hey, lou!

Hi, g*ng.

Thanks, lou. You're terrific.

Ah. Anything for a fan.


Wasn't that great? It's
everything I ever dreamed of.

Oh, really?

You mean dancing
with that sex b*mb

Who could hardly
fit into her dress?

Aw... Lou!

Hey, lou!

Lou baby, long time no see!

Good to see you!

I couldn't believe you was
in this here tournament.

I always figured you was just another
slob hanging around the bowling alley.

Now look at ya. The big time.

It really feels good, manny.

You was 1,000-to-1 shot when
this here tourny started.

Now it's 30-to-1 and
still coming down.

Hey, lou, I gotta run.

It's good seeing ya,
baby. Keep in touch.

Go, manny!

Ah, boy. You know, that
was manny the turk.

Used to be a bookie
back in saint paul.

A swell guy. Oh, yeah.

While you were dancing,
another swell guy

Dropped off these florida
real estate brochures.

Oh, yeah. I asked him to.

Why? Why?

We're talking about big
money once I hit the tour.

Hit the tour? You?


You saw me bowl today.

Look, even if I end up in
fourth place in the tournament,

I get $4,000.

But I'm not gonna end up in fourth
place. I'm gonna do better than that.

Margaret, I got the feeling
I can win all the marbles.

Yeah, it'll be the
good life for us.

Swimming pools, mink coats.

Maybe even my own
private bowling alley.

Hey, come on, babe. Let's
do it on the dance floor.


Oh. Do you mind, margaret?

Mind? Me? No, of course not.

No, you two go ahead and
do it on the dance floor.

Aw, you're really swell.

What did I do?

What did you do?

Well, for openers,
you spent all evening

Doing it on the dance floor
with a half-naked disco queen.

I'm sorry, honey.

Lou, I'm just asking you
to remember who you are,

For heaven's sake,
and where you are.

This is fantasy island.

It's all just a fantasy.

After tomorrow night,
it's going to all be over.

We're gonna go back to being
plain old lou and margaret fielding.

Lou, it's all a fantasy!


I guess I did get carried away.

Boy, am I ever a jerk.

The money I blew tonight

Could've paid for
petey's orthodontist.

No. I didn't mean to come off
sounding like such a shrew.

I'm sorry, honey.
Oh, but you're right.

No, no. Listen, this
is your fantasy,

Big guy.

You go ahead and
enjoy it while you can.

I love you, maggie fielding.

I'm still gonna buy
you that mink coat.

I've got something
a whole lot better,

And it doesn't cost us a penny.

Um, you turn out the light,

And I'll meet you
in the bedroom.

24 Hours more of fantasy.

You was 1,000-to-1 shot when
this here tourny started.

Now it's 30-to-1 and
still coming down.

Maybe there's still a way

To get swimming pools
and mink coats and...




You would've loved
my circus, tattoo.

The glamour and excitement.

And all those pretty girls.

Oh, yes. And the challenge.

A new audience every
night in a new town.

And all those pretty girls.

Tattoo, there was
more to my circus

Than just pretty girls.

There was? It was
marvelously exciting.

What a wonderful
life. And, oh, how I miss it.

It's really a shame all of
this had to be put together

To try to catch a m*rder*r.


Mrs. Gittings, stay behind me!

Easy, boy. Easy.

Easy, boy.

Get back.

Get back!

Get back.

Get back.

Get back.

Boss, that was close.

Whoever left that cage open
could have gotten you both k*lled.

I... I hate to ask this,

But could it have
been deliberate?


But our key suspect
has been in his trailer,

Under surveillance
since yesterday.

Mr. Roarke! Mr. Simmons is gone.

I'm sorry. He must've slipped
out the back window of his trailer.


Then it was richard.

Arrange a search
party immediately.

Mr. Simmons must be
stopped before it's too late.

Yes, sir.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome back

To the fantasy island
invitational bowling tournament.

In today's semifinal matches,

We will feature d*ck weber,

Marshall holman,

Mark roth,

And lou fielding.

Preceding the semifinal matches,

Each bowler will be permitted
four warm-up throws... Hey, lou.

And then the competition
begins. Oh, manny.

You've been looking for me?


Are the odds on
me still 30-to-1?

They were when I called
vegas an hour ago.

You looking for some action?

Well, maybe.

You know anybody
who'd take a $70,000 bet

At 30-to-1 odds?

Where'd you get
those kind of bucks?

It's everything I got.

Car, house, insurance
policy, everything.

So, I'll make a phone
call and lay down the bet.

Yeah. First, let's see how
I do in this round, okay?

Bowlers to your lanes.

The first match will
feature marshall holman

Against newcomer lou fielding.

Don't worry,
boss. I'm all right.

Tattoo, what happened?

The... The rocket...
It... It exploded.

Don't tell me you
were experimenting

With that rocket inside a house?

Not me, him.

You stupid monkey!

Marshall holman
finishes with a fine 259,

Which means that lou fielding

Must get a spare
in the final frame

In order to win the match
and then advance to the finals.

Let's see what lou does here.

Fielding leaves the 7-10 split.

Do you realize the odds

Of a bowler making the 7-10?

And lou fielding
has gotta have this

In order to win.

It's almost impossible.

The concentration of lou.

Holy mackerel!

Lou fielding! The
impossible 7-10 split!

Lou fielding wins.

Lou fielding wins
by a single shot.

Lou fielding 260,
marshall holman 259.

And that sets up the
championship finals tonight.

Lou fielding against the winner

Of the d*ck
weber-mark roth match.

That'll be for the fantasy
island championships.

Hope to see you all
out here at 8:00 tonight.

Hell of a game, lou. Terrific.


Bet it all, manny.

The whole 70,000...
Car, house, everything.

Oh! Oh, honey!

Oh, come here!

I'm so proud of you.

Mmm! Ohh!

I see.

Thank you.

I regret to report
that mr. Simmons

Is still at large.


Now, as I was previously saying,

I am sorry if certain
deceptions were involved

In getting you all
to fantasy island,

But they were necessary
to protect mrs. Gittings' life.

But, mr. Roarke, what is
richard's motive for k*lling?

Who knows?

The man has been in and out

Of various hospitals
and sanitariums.

Oddly enough, though,
every medical report states

That he is a nonviolent person.

Why did you do it?

I'm gonna k*ll you!

Tattoo, call the
ambulance, quickly.

I'm afraid mr. Simmons is dead.

His heart.

For his sake, I'm...

I'm almost glad it's over.

Poor richard.

If I led you to
believe it's all over,

I'm sorry, mrs. Gittings.

It is not.

I don't understand.

I can assure you mr. Simmons
is not the m*rder*r.

You couldn't ask
for a better matchup

In the finals of the fantasy island
invitational bowling tournament.

Both lou fielding and mark roth

Are rolling perfect
games thus far.

Tough break.

There goes mark roth's
bid for a perfect game.

Now, if lou fielding

Can hit three strikes in a row,

He'll win the game
and the tournament.

Good game. Very good game.

Hey, somebody
turn the lights on.

Hey, what's going on here?

Keep your hands
to yourself, buddy.

Anybody got a flashlight?

Oh, someone turn on the lights.

What happened? Find a switch.

Mr. Roarke, what's happening?

Well, I'm terribly
sorry, mr. Fielding,

But our generator
seems to have failed.

Oh, it's a shame. The tournament will
have to be postponed until tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Yes.

But you told me my fantasy
would end at midnight tonight.

Yes. I'm afraid your
fantasy to be a great bowler

Will be at an end.

But you may still finish
the tournament if you like.


As a lousy 154 bowler?

I am sorry, mr. Fielding.

Very sorry indeed.

Bottoms up, darling.


Now we will just wait.

Wait? For what?

For the drug to take effect.

Drug? What are
you talking about?

Well, you see, naomi,

This is the final stage of a...

If I may be so modest... A
very well worked out plan.

It would've been much
more difficult for me

If you hadn't been kind
enough to bring everyone

To fantasy island.

It did make my plan
move along faster,

And it made it possible
for dear richard

To become the perfect suspect.

Suspect? Do you mean it was you?

Of course.

No, no, no, no,
no. Not this time.

This time, I'm in charge,

And I'm afraid you're
going to have to die now.

Elena, why?

Money. Is there ever
any other reason?

Before I can marry the prince,

I have to get rid of
everyone who knows anything

About richard and me.

Oh, they behead people
in ahmed's country

For things like bigamy.

Bigamy? I don't understand.

I thought you knew.

Richard and I are still...

We're still married.

My annulment was rejected.

He refused to give me a divorce.

Jack and ernie knew.

That's why I had to k*ll them.

What did you put in my drink?

Oh, just the same thing that I
slipped into dear richard's bottle.

It seemed to make
him a little bit crazy.

But I do think it
was the combination

Of the dr*gs and the alcohol
that made him so violent.

Of course, I had no way of knowing
that his heart would give out.

How convenient...
The power failure.

It's going to make
it seem so natural

When they come in and
discover your charred body.

What a clumsy accident.

Boss, she's gonna be okay.

Mr. Simmons.



H-how did you know it was me?

I didn't.

At least not until mr. Simmons

Recovered consciousness
in the infirmary

And told me that
you had drugged him.

But, still, I couldn't be sure.

So based on that
piece of information,

We staged his death

In order to draw you
into this little trap.


Honey, where ya been?

Walking and thinking.

Margaret, I got something
awful to tell you.

We're wiped out.


Wiped out.

You're married
to a fool, a jerk.

You know last night,
before the lights went out?

I bet everything we own
on me to win the tournament.


Look, if you want a
divorce, I won't contest it.

I'll work two jobs. You and
the kids are gonna be okay.

I just don't believe
I'm hearing any of this.


He said, "30-to-1."

Margaret, I'm really sorry.


That's the understatement
of the year.

Didn't you hear what I said?

We're broke, flat, busted.

I know. So what?

"So what?" Tsk.


You know, mother always
said this was gonna happen.

She said, "don't you marry
that lou fielding. He's a dreamer.

"He's a dreamer, margaret.

One day, you're gonna
wake up with nothing."

Guess the old bat was
right about something.


No, she wasn't.

We still have each other, honey.

Honey, we still have the kids.

Did I ever tell you

That you're the best
wife in the whole world?


Please feel free to throw a
couple of practice sh*ts, will you?

If you'll recall last night,

When we had the
freak power failure,

Mark roth finished with a 299,

And lou fielding thus needs

A perfect 300 game to win.

No wonder he's decided
to take a practice shot.

And it's a gutter ball!

Can you believe that?

But thank goodness for
lou that's a practice ball,

Or else he could've kissed
his perfect 300 game good-bye.

Mr. Roarke, uh...

Excuse me, hon. Excuse me.

Mr. Roarke, listen.

The only reason I showed
up is 'cause I wanna be sure

To qualify for that
second-place money.

You know, the $10,000 could
really give us a new start.

Are you ready to accept
second place so readily?

You're only three strikes away
from winning the championship.

Oh, come on. I never threw
three consecutive strikes

In my whole life
before I came here.

Concentrate, mr. Fielding.

You believed you could
do it before, didn't you?

Well, perhaps if
you believe again...

But before, I had your help.

With enough faith in yourself,
perhaps you won't need my help.

After all, what
have you got to lose?

Everything, mr. Roarke.

Precisely my point. You have
a chance to lose everything

Or win... Everything
you ever dreamed of.

Concentrate, mr. Fielding.

Just concentrate.

Yeah. Concentrate.


Concentrate. Concentrate.

No practice this time.

Everything is on the line.


Lou takes careful aim.

Looks good. Looks good.

He's got it!

It's a strike for lou fielding!

So obviously, lou fielding
hasn't let that gutter ball,

His practice shot,
bother him at all.

He's bowling with a
great deal of confidence.

Very relaxed and smooth.

But now,

If he can get just two more,

He'll be able to
get the victory.

So close but yet so far.

Now, sometimes, the
toughest thing in bowling

Is to try to string
two together.

Good release of the ball.
Good carry. Good carry.

Hooking nicely. It's in
there! That's two in a row!

And lou fielding

Is just one strike away
from a perfect 300 game

And victory in this tournament.

This is crazy. One more
strike, and we're millionaires.

Listen to me. No matter
what happens now,

I love you, okay?


Go get 'em. Go get 'em.

Mark roth has already
finished with a 299,

And that means that lou fielding

Must have a nine to
tie or a strike to win.

You could cut the
tension with a knife.

A hush settles
over this audience.

Golfers talk about
their pressure putts,

But lou fielding really has
a pressure throw right now.

The throw of his life.

Ohh! Oh, but that
four and that seven

Are teetering back and forth.

Will they go down and...

Four! Four!

He's done it.

Yes, indeed!

Lou fielding has won big,

And he's won the fantasy
island tournament!

Thank you.

And thank you so much for
just everything, mr. Roarke.

How does that feel...
To be a millionaire?

A whole lot better
than being poor.

Which we almost were.

Well, we're going home
and buy the bowl-a-rama.


Maybe it'll be a stop for
the pro tour someday.

I'm sure it will,
mr. Fielding. Good luck.

Mrs. Fielding. Thank you.

Thank you. Bye. Thank you.

Bye. Bye. Bye.


Thank you.

Thank you,
mr. Roarke, and tattoo.

I am sorry that a lot of wonderful
memories had to be sacrificed

In order to uncover
the truth, mrs. Gittings.

I suppose it was meant to be.

But richard is
coming home with me.


Naomi's asked me

To be partner with
her in her new circus.


You see, I realized how
much I missed it this weekend.

Oh, will you please send us
some opening night tickets, please?

Of course I will.

Ah. I mean, we will.

Good-bye, mrs.
Gittings. Bye-bye.

Good-bye, mr. Roarke.
Mr. Simmons.

Bye-bye. Good-bye.

Oh, uh, tell me,
tattoo, what's happened

To cousin hugo's
get-rich-quick rocket scheme?

Did you give it up? Oh,
no. It's perfect now.


Boss, bottoms up.

Well, I suppose this does call
for a celebration, doesn't it?

Thank you.

To you, tattoo,
and to your cheap...

I apologize.
Inexpensive rocket fuel.

It's a delicious drink.

What do you call it?

Rocket fuel.

You drink two of them, and
you fly right to the moon.

I see.
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