05x14 - My Brother's Keeper

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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05x14 - My Brother's Keeper

Post by bunniefuu »

- Absolutely not.
- Let's try it.

Looks like fun.

Strapping sticks

to your feet and
sliding down a mountain

is not fun... it's cold,

it's wet, and if God had
intended for us to ski

He would have created
us at a 45-degree angle.

Hey, come on, let's hit it!

Well, there they are...

right where they're
not supposed to be.

So, how about it?

Only you would go
off a cornice like this

- before a competition.
- See, that's your problem, dude,

you think too much.

Yeah, I think a lot
about staying alive.

Well, you might
live longer, my man,

but you definitely
won't live better.

So, the boy that skis too fast,

- he's my assignment, huh?
- Not necessarily.

Come on, I'll race
you down the hill.

See, that's what I
hate about snow...

It makes people act crazy.

Hello, everyone, and welcome

to the training run

of the U.S. World
Cup qualifiers.

On the run right
now is number 44,

Jett Rudin, who is
currently the top qualifier.

Time for Jett Rudin...

One minute, 6.02 seconds.

Now on the run is
Will Heller, number 71.

Run time for Will Heller

is one minute, 6.99 seconds.

So that other one
there is my assignment...

The slower one?

Now, you see,
that's the problem.

Everybody thinks
of Jett as fast,

and Will is just always...

skiing a little behind him.

Everyone thinks that?

Well, everyone
that matters to him.

Like his father.

- Hey, Bud.
- Hey, Howard, Howard,

Jett is flying, as usual.

- Yeah, Will's right behind him.
- As usual.

Jett, Jett, son, you
ski like that tomorrow,

- you're the man to beat.
- No problem, Coach.

Will, Will, buddy, buddy,
stay over that outside ski,

or the course is gonna get
the best of you every time.

You've just got to
concentrate, son.

Hey, Howard, we went
timber-bashing this morning,

and you should've seen him
cutting through that powder...

Yeah, hang on. Hello?

Mr. Colson! Glad you called.

It's the guy. This
is the sponsor.

I think your old man's
gonna come through.

- Yeah, I guess he is.
- Yeah, yeah, well,

how about you guys pose
for your cereal boxes later?

Right now get your gear
over to the wax techs,

get everything checked
out for tomorrow.

- Okay, all right.
- All right!

There's your fan
club right on time.

Oh, when it all end?

Way before you want it to.

Listen, go meet
your adoring public,

and try not to
humiliate yourself.

All right, give me two
minutes to dazzle 'em,

I'll meet you at the lift. We
can get a run before lunch.

All right.

No, no, I agree
with you completely.

Well, of course. You
know, I think that we'll...

So it's Will, then?

Yes, he's your assignment.

The boy who always
comes in second.

But what we do, Tess,
is never about winning.

No, but it is about
doing your very best,

and Will hasn't come close
to doing his very best yet.

And there's a reason for that.

He doesn't want to win.

But he never had so
much to lose before.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

It's 28 degrees and
sunny here in Utah.

The winds have finally calmed.

The course is
ready for the start

of the U.S. World Cup qualifier.

And with me now is
America's best hope

for future Olympic gold.

Jett Rudin, the buzz is
that you're the one to watch

in the giant slalom.

Oh, yeah? Well, hey, all
you couch potatoes out there

get your lazy butts off the
couch and come on down here.

We got some serious
skiing going on. That's it.

Well, he skis fast
and he talks fast.

I guess that's why
they call him Jett.

Back to you, Dan.

Hello, uh, Jett. My
name is Monica.

Do you mind if you
answer a few questions?

Yeah, here's my quote:
Love to ski, hate to talk.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

But I'm a sucker for
older women, so, uh...

What's your angle? Best
shot at Olympic gold?

Daredevil on skis?

I thought I'd do a
human interest story.

Like how it was to grow up
with and then compete against

your best friend?

Will's more than a
friend; he's like my brother.

And we don't compete,
we ski together.

So, you hit the slopes much?


No, I have a hard enough
time wearing shoes,

let along ski boots.

So how'd you land
this assignment?

Well, this is an assignment
more about friendship than skiing.

Yours and Will's.

That's cool.

Hey, Will!

You got a, uh, interview here.

Hello, Will. I'm Monica.

Somebody told
her we were friends,

so, you know, set her straight.

Uh... well, you're a reporter?

Yes. Mostly freelance.

I'm hoping to do a profile
on your friendship with Jett.

So if you don't mind,
I'll follow you around

the rest of the week.

Uh, well, just make
sure you follow me more.

Um, so, Will,

what do you think your chances
of getting on the team are?

I guess I'm what
you'd call the underdog.

Yeah, right, good.
He's the underdog.

People love reading
about the underdog.

But where there's a
Will... there's a way, huh?

Yeah, sure.

All right, all right,
that's enough.

So, Monica, what
are you doing later?

I'm working. But I'll find you.

- Crash and burn.
- Huh. You can't ski fast enough

- to catch up to her.
- Oh, thank you.

You see your old man?

He's got to be by the fireplace.

The man is eternally cold.

Why does he keep
coming to these things?

To see you win.

- Hey, sweet run today. Awesome.
- Hey, thank you.

- Rip it up tomorrow, man.
- Yeah, you, too.


- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.

You're looking
pretty cold, Howard.

Oh, well, it's all
gonna be worth it.

So, what's the big news?

You guys remember the
guy on the phone today?

Well, I made the deal,
and they're coming by

in a few minutes
to "talk concepts."

- Ha!
- No way!

Yeah. Jett, you win this thing,

they want you for a whole
series of commercials.

- That's k*ller, man.
- You know what kind

of money that is?

Yeah! All right!

So, what about Will?

Well, I thought we'd
start with you first.

You know, it's easier
to sell someone

when they're not related to you.

At least in the beginning.

They just want Jett?

Yeah, for now.

But, hey, hey, just wait.

Now, once I've got a good
relationship with these people,

I can mention that I
also have a hotshot son.


son, you got to look at this
from a business standpoint.

Jett is just plain faster
than you right now,

and that makes him
more commercial.

But you pick up speed,
you pick up interest.

You win tomorrow...

those sponsors are
gonna be all over you, too.

Yeah, man, nobody knows
who's gonna win this thing.

Yeah, but we already
know who it won't be, right?

If you could just shave a
few tenths off your time.

I can do that.

- Will...
- No, you know what?

Don't worry about it, I'm
not gonna ruin your meeting.


Will, you busy?

- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Do you mind if I
check a few facts?

Is it true that you and Jett
literally grew up together

in the same house?

Yeah, we, uh, we adopted
him when we were ten.

Is that strange for you,

to suddenly have to share
everything with somebody else?

No, it never bothered me much.

And who taught you to ski?

Um, my dad.

- And Jett?
- He taught Jett how to ski, too.

You know, he's
really a great guy.

We wouldn't be here
if it weren't for him.

You know, you're
a marvelous skier,

and you've beaten
lots of people,

but you haven't beaten
Jett, at least not yet.

Doesn't that seem a
little strange to you?

Well, um...

I mean, Jett's a
better skier than I am.

He deserves to win.

So you don't mind losing to him?

I guess it depends
on what you lose.

But you know what?

It's time for a change.

Keep your eye on
me tomorrow, Monica.

There's gonna be a new top
dog, and it might just surprise you.

Yeah. It might just
surprise everyone else, too.

We are continuing with
the giant slalom event

here at the U.S. World
Cup Championships.

Please take your places
in the viewing gallery.

Remember this
event, the winner is

the fastest aggregate time

through two runs
down the course.

Yo, just wait, dude, we
make it through these today,

we could be back here in 2002.

Me getting gold,
you getting silver.

Who says you get gold?

It's kind of like tradition...
Me first, you second.

Unless you really
want to shock your dad.

Good luck.

Hey! If you win today, it
wouldn't hurt my feelings.

'Course I'd hate to lose this.

ANNOUNCER... go down the
run, number 84, Joe Melanie,

Mt. Rainier, Washington.

- What does he mean?
- What?

Why would he lose his bandana?

Oh, it used to be mine.

Last time I wore it, I was ten.

That was the last time I
ever beat him at anything.

Returning today

as the current U.S. ski
champion is number 44,

Jett Rudin.

Jett Rudin has won
his career-best time,

a course record... one minute,
four point seven five seconds.

Way to go, Jett!

Personal best, Jett.
Personal best. Yes.

Jett! Jett! Jett! Jett!
Jett! Jett! Jett! Jett!

Jett! Jett! Jett! Jett! Jett!

Jett! Jett! Jett!

Jett! Jett! Jett! Jett!

Jett! Jett! Jett! Jett!
Jett! Jett! Jett! Jett...!

Good job!

- Hey, hey, hey, you did great, huh?
- Congratulations.

- You did good.
- I'll talk to you guys later.

- Way to go.
- Here goes the underdog.

Hey, Will, come here.
Take it easy, dude, all right?

There's a choppy
rut on the second gate

after the final
knoll. Take it wide.

No guts, no glory, right?

Don't be stupid, all right?

You just have to make the team.
Then we can make some history.

I don't know. Feel like
making history today.

Our next giant slalom competitor

is number 71, Will Heller!

Time recorded for Will
Heller is one minute,

seven point eight zero seconds.

Jett, you were great.

Can we get a picture over here?

Whoa, Jett, Jett, Jett!

Do you think you can
even beat that time?


You made number
one on the B team.

Yeah, first place loser.

Well, hey, you did your best.

Another tenth of a second,
you'd have made the A team.

It's okay, really.
Hey, it's great.

Did you ever think
you'd make it this far?

I know you didn't.

Come on, let's go see Jett.

What happened up there?

I broke the rules.

I tried to win. I don't
know what I was thinking.

I thought athletes
needed their sleep.

Yeah, winning athletes.

Losers stay up all night
staring at the fireplace.

What time is it anyway?

- 5:30.
- Good.

Sun'll be up soon.

I'm sorry that things didn't
go as you'd hoped yesterday.

Why shouldn't that race have
been any different than usual?

Because you
actually wanted to win.

You've lost a lot
of races to Jett.

This is the first one you
didn't want to lose, isn't it?

Don't worry.

I don't think anyone else knows.

What makes you think you do?

I know a kind and generous
spirit when I meet one.

Yeah, that's me,
Miss Congeniality.

Why, Will?

Why do you compete
when you don't want to win?

I want to win.

I want to beat everybody.

Everybody except Jett.

Off the record.

Off the record?

Yeah, I've-I've never
told anyone this before.

I don't think I've even
actually ever said it out loud.

It's not that I
don't want to win.

It's that I can't stand
to see him lose.

Go on.

Okay, you know that...

You know that
bandana that he wears?

Well, I got that for
Christmas when I was ten,

and, uh, you know, it came with,
like, a cowboy hat or something.

Anyway, um... Jett wanted it.

And he wanted it bad, you know?

And I could have
given it to him.

I mean, it-it really didn't
mean that much to me.

But it just felt so good to
have something that he didn't.

I mean, you know how kids are.

So I... I said to him,

"We can steal your
dad's cigarettes, and if

"you can smoke more
cigarettes than me,

then, you can have the bandana."

But if I won, I got his yo-yo.


Yeah, you know, like a yo-yo?

No. Um, they don't have many
of those where I come from.

Go on.

So we go into Jett's basement,

and, uh... you know, we
were lighting cigarettes,

coughing like crazy, and, uh,

his dad comes home.

We race out the back door

down the street to my
house before he can find us.

And, uh, Jett spent the
night at my house that night.

The next morning

when, uh... when we woke up,

there was a
policeman at the door.

Jett's house had
burnt down overnight,

and, uh...

Jett's parents died.

They thought Jett had died, too,

until they found
him at our house.

And do you think the
cigarettes started the fire?

They could never
tell for sure, but...

well, that's what me and
Jett figured, you know?

So you gave him the bandana.


I actually smoked more
cigarettes than he did.

But the look on his face

when-when I told
him that he'd won.

He wore that
bandana all the time,

never took it off.

Told me I'd have to
win it back from him.

He'd already lost the worst
thing that you could lose.

And I... I decided that I-I...

I never wanted him
to-to lose anything,

if it was up to me, you know?

And that's when he
came to live with you?

Yeah. My dad
taught us how to ski.

And I was actually
better than Jett at first.

But, uh, when we'd
race, I'd... I'd let him win.

Oh, man, it's the biggest
croc I've ever heard.

What are you doing here?

Man, I can't believe you.

You don't win because
you're not fast enough.

Because you don't concentrate,
you don't take advice.

And you blew it yesterday
because you didn't listen.

Man, you're always looking
for some excuse, Will,

for why you come in
second or third or fourth.

Hey, man, I've heard
'em all until now.

But this is the worst.

Don't ever use me
as your excuse again.

'Cause the truth is, you're
just not good enough.

Oh, I'm good enough. I just
knew you couldn't handle it.

Listen to me. Every
race I ever won, I earned.

Nobody gave it to me.

- You want to bet?
- I don't have to bet, Will.

All right, everybody knows it.

Team knows it, fans
know it, your dad knows it.

You shut up! You
shut up about my dad!

God, look how jealous...

Shut up! Look, you want to bet?

- Anytime, anywhere.
- Right here, right now.

- Let's go.
- Come on, Monica.

We're back on the record.

- Ready?
- Ready.

Three, two, one!

Jett?! Jett!


And there he goes, Jett Rudin.

Yesterday, America's
best hope for Olympic gold.

Today, that hope has dimmed.

Doctors in Salt Lake
city are still performing

emergency surgery on
the young ski champion.

While here on the slopes,
fans are flocking to the site

where earlier today
Jett Rudin plunged off

an expert run know
as the Widow Maker.

They're leaving notes,
ribbons, and flowers...

Oh, for God's sake.

Take it easy, Howard.

Well, they make it sound
like he's dead or something.

You, um... you want
some more coffee?


Listen, guys, we've
got to get back.

Will... do me a
favor, son, uh...

please tell Jett we were here.

And, uh...

why don't you just
skip training today.

We'll see you tomorrow at 2:00.


You're next in line, son.

Looks like you're a member
of the World Cup Team.

You want to tell me
how this happened?

Dad, it was an accident.

Yes, I know it was
an accident, Will.

What kind of an accident?

We were racing.

You were racing...

Jett Rudin in the
middle of the trials?

Will, are you crazy?

You had never beaten Jett
Rudin at anything in your life,

why in the world
would you start now?

What were you thinking?

How is he?

Well, he's out of surgery,
but he's still groggy.

Can we see him?

Yes, but, um... before you do...

I've got some rather bad news.

Hey, Jett.

Hey, compadres.

How you doing, buddy?

Howard, this guy tell
you what happened?


Excellent. Then you can tell me

'cause I can't remember a thing.

How do you feel?

Ain't no problemo, bro.

These dr*gs are a real trip.

I can't even feel my legs.


you're gonna have to
do some fancy dancing

with those sponsors.

I don't think I'll be skiing
for a couple of weeks.

Hey, does coach know?


He, um...

He came by with
some of the guys.

Said to say hi.

Lucky break, huh?

Looks like you get
another chance on the team.

Just keep my spot
warm for me, all right?

Hey, where's my bandana?

Oh, no, man.

Don't tell me I finally lost it.

Jett, listen to me... What?

When you fell... Yeah?

It was a really bad accident.

What are you trying to tell me?

You injured your spinal chord.

Are you telling me I can't ski?

Jett, they don't
think you can walk.

Hey, Will, we're just
getting warmed up

for some practice runs.

Will, listen to me, son.

Listen, I know it's...
son. Listen to me.

I know it's tough,

but you got to get Jett
out of your mind right now.

While you are up here
you cannot think about him.

You've got to think
about the course.

- The course?
- That's right.

That's right. You've got to keep

your mind on the mountain, son.

And you blew it yesterday
because you didn't listen.

You're always looking
for some excuse, Will,

for why you come in
second, or third, or fourth.

Don't ever use me
as your excuse again.

'Cause the truth
is... you're just...

not good enough.

Not good enough.

Not good enough.

What do you want?

Will... No, never
mind. You know what?

I know what you
want. Well, forget it.

I never should've
talked to a reporter.

No one needed to hear my story.

No one did except for Jett,

and now look what happened.

Are you blaming me, Will?

No more question. End of story.

It's not your fault, you know?

It all started a long time ago.

I know.

Two little boys
playing with cigarettes.

Ever since the fire,

Jett has settled everything
by going too high,

and too far, and too fast.

It was just a matter of time
before he and I would meet.

If I push this button,
what does it do?

Oh, that's the button
to call the nurse.


What button do I push
to make you go away?

Better yet, what
button do I push

to make me go away?

Now, that's enough
of that kind of talk.

Well, you call me if
you need some help.

I don't need it
anymore. It's all yours.

No way.

I remember what happened now.

The fight, everything.

You said you were
holding back all these years.

I was.

So maybe I beat
you all those times,

maybe I didn't.

No, you, you beat me.

Well, now we'll never know.

Man, I always figured I'd...

live forever, or
crash and burn, but...

I never imagined...

I need a friend, Will.

Bro, I'm right here.

How can I help? Just tell me.

I want to push the button, Will,

but I can't do it alone.

Do what?

k*ll myself.

You got to help me die.

No. No way. I...

I can't do this. This
is totally insane.

I'm not gonna help
you k*ll yourself.

Look at me.

This is totally insane.

I can't live like this.

This isn't the way
it's supposed to be.

Nothing is how
it's supposed to be.

Look, I can't.

- I can't...
- You have to.


Because if there's
a hell, then this is it.

I can't Will.

I can't be this.

I have to think.


I'll miss you when I'm gone.

But I swear to God,
I'll hate you if I'm here.

I'll miss you, too.




What the hell are
you doing here?

I told you I don't want
to talk to you anymore.

I'm through with reporters.

I'm not a reporter, Will.

Monica, what do
you think I'm stupid?

You're looking for
the end of your story.

This story isn't
close to being over.

And I don't think
you're stupid at all.

But I do think misguided idea

about what friendship is.

What'd your research
show you that?

God showed me that.

What is this?

I'm an angel.


No, no, I don't think so.


- That would be...
- That would be

a gift from God.

Well, i-if God's really
paying attention right now,

then He knows that
Jett needs help, not me.

So if you're really an
angel, tell God to heal Jett.

You don't tell God
to do anything.

You ask Him.

You pray to God
for help, for healing.

I don't think God
would help Jett

the way he wants help right now.

Because God knows the difference

between what Jett wants
and what Jett needs.

And so do you.

Give me the pills.

Busted by an angel.

I can't do anything right.

You've always tried to
take away Jett's pain,

but you can't take it
away this time, Will.

Yes, I can.

I can end it.

You've spent your
whole life protecting him,

and now you want
to help him die?

If that's what it takes.

No, that's not what it takes.

You both feel
responsible for the fire

that k*lled Jett's parents.

God isn't looking for
someone to blame.

Neither should you.

I don't know what
else to look for.

Look for the truth.

And the truth is that
you've been hiding yourself

and your life behind
Jett's ever since.

He needed something, Monica.

He needed something
positive to hold on to.

He had something.

He had you and your father.

Yeah, he had
my father, all right.

Your father loves you so
much, Will, and so does Jett.

They don't deserve your sarcasm.

All they ever did was believe

that you were the person
you appeared to be.

A loser.

Somehow, you expected
them to understand

the sacrifice you were making.

Even though I never let
them know I was doing it.

Can you say to me...
Can you say to God

that in your heart, you
were losing on purpose.

It started out that way, but...

now I don't know.

And now you'll never
know, and that's the shame.

You gave up so
much to protect Jett

and all he really needed
was your love and support.

I screwed everything up.

That's usually when you're ready

to listen to an angel.



Don't hold back, Will.

Live your life in truth,

and then you'll know
what real winning is,

for it's not about being
better or being faster.

It's about loving.

And God loves you.

He really does.

He gets such pleasure
from the joy you take

in flying down a mountain.

He gave you the gift,
and He wants you to use it.

But the greatest gift that
God has blessed you with

is your friendship with Jett.

Let God help you
to keep it alive.

Save your friendship, Will,

and let God save your friend.


You got a race in
two hours, you know.


You gonna be all right?

Dad, I have to apologize to you.

For what?

For not being honest.

For not being the son
that you taught me to be.

- No, don't be ridiculous.
- No, Dad, listen to me.

I know this is gonna
sound pretty strange.

I let Jett win all those races.

All my life, I never
tried to beat him.

You let Jett win them all?

I don't know what
I was doing, Dad.

All I know is I never
minded losing anything

to a friend that
had lost everything.

Until I thought I
was losing you.

Oh, Will.

Will, you could never lose me.

You're my son.

And there's not a person
or a trophy in the world

that could make me
love you any less.

I'm your dad.

I'm very proud of you.

Well, I got a race in two hours.

There's something
else I got to do first.

It's about time.

What were you doing?

Making funeral arrangements?

You're gonna
think I've gone nuts.

You don't need an
insanity defense, Will.

Nobody's gonna know about this.

Monica's an angel.

Yeah, she's okay;
she's all yours.

No, really, I mean
Monica's an angel.

Like, from God.

I don't think I like
where this is going.

God doesn't want
you to die, Jett.

Neither do I.


So, you and God
had a little chat, huh?

Decided I'd be better off

spending the next 40 years
propped up in the corner,

messing on myself, is that
what you're trying to tell me?

We don't know what
God has in mind.

Even the angels
don't know God's plan.

Well, I know my plan.

And I don't need you or God
or angels to see it through.

Jett, come on.

Get out of here.


I said get the hell out.

You know what?

You were right.

I let you win at first,

but then I got scared.

And it was easier to let you win

than to find out I
couldn't beat you.

That's nice.

What are you gonna do

now that you don't have
me as an excuse anymore?

I'm gonna love you.

Like I always have.

Jett, I have watched you ski,

and I've watched you drive,

and I've watched you, uh, jump,

I've watched you climb,

I've watched you dive.

You have what we refer to

in my business as a death wish.

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

I'm an angel.

I'm the Angel of Death,
to be more precise.

Why don't you just take me then?

You know, Jett,

you're really not
thinking this thing through.

You don't really want to die.


When your parents
died, what happened?

I wanted to die, too.

I should have died.

No, you shouldn't have.

But you took that event,
and you translated it

into trying to find a
way to get yourself k*lled.

Were you there
when my parents died?


Then you know what happened.

Was it the cigarettes?

Does it matter?

It seems to me what
matters now is a friendship

that has seen you through
many, many difficult times.

It is a friendship
that means a lot

to both of you.

You've always looked
out for each other.

You've always been
there for each other.

So, why, Jett?

Why would you want to
throw all that away now?

When you need it most.

Would you do me a favor?


Do you know an
angel named Monica?

Ladies and
gentlemen, -Hey, Will.

Welcome to the
US World Cup finals.

He wouldn't listen
to me, Monica.

It's over.

It-It's over for him,
it's over for me.

I can't do this.

Someone thinks you can.

He says the winner always
wears the red bandana.

I-Is he gonna be okay?

He has the best friend in
the world looking out for him.

He said he'll be watching on TV.

He expects a personal best.

Our next skier is
number 33, Will Heller.

Will Heller,

18 years old from
nearby Hebrew, Utah.

Just two days ago,

first alternate to
this US ski team.

Now, with a shot at
winning the World Cup.

- Come on, it's all yours.
- He will ski with a heavy heart

after the tragic
accident that left

childhood best friend,
Jett Rudin, odds on

- favorite to win the race...
- Stay cool.

Paralyzed in a Salt
Lake City hospital.

Heller will have to beat
the record time 1:04.75

set by Jett Rudin in
the qualifying rounds,

to win.

He's out at the start.

That's a terrific start; fastest
time out of the gate we've seen

- so far today.
- Stay low, stay low.

Got to watch it going in
to those first two gates.

Through the first
quarter of the run,

Heller is second fastest,
only three-tenths off the lead.

Now, this is where he
had trouble in the qualifier.

- Come on.
- He'll have to watch it through this icy,

rutted section of the course.

- Watch it.
- Perfectly done; what a run.

Heller's picked up two-tenths.

Now he's got a great
shot at winning the race.

Go, dude, you got it.

Lost a little time there.

He might have caught an
edge going through that last gate.

It's going to be close!

And he's done it.

Will Heller has won the
World Cup Giant Slalom.

A dream come true for Heller.


And somewhere in a
Salt Lake City hospital,

- 30 miles away...
- You beat my personal best.

Jett Rudin is celebrating.

Heller with a hug for his dad.

And a signal to Jett Rudin.

Taught the kid
everything he knows.

Will Heller, two days ago,
not even a member of the team.

Now he's the World Cup
Giant Slalom champion.

It looks like everybody scored
a personal best this time,

and not a minute too soon.

My toes are frozen to my shoes.

Well, we can't leave yet.

Will has promised to
teach me how to ski.

Well, I know something we
can do while we're waiting, Tess.

It's called the luge.

Luge? I don't like
the sound of that.



I like the sound of that.
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