03x14 - The Look Alikes/Winemaker

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x14 - The Look Alikes/Winemaker

Post by bunniefuu »


The plane! The plane!

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

Huh. This is most peculiar.

I don't recall a nun
asking for a fantasy.

Do you know her, Tattoo?

Her name is Sister Veronica.

She come from California.

You see, she runs a convent
school and also a vineyard.

Sister Veronica needed
a teeny-weenie fantasy

and you were so busy that I...

You thought you would do
me a favor and handle her

teeny-weenie fantasy
by your teeny-weenie self.

Right, boss. You're
not mad at me, are you?

That will depend largely
on the Sister's fantasy.

Oh, it's a piece of cake.

Her convent is going broke

and the people in the
valley are poor, so...

Let me see if I
can guess the rest.

The Sister's fantasy
is to pay her debts

and provide jobs for all
the people in her valley

by winning the gold medal in the
Fantasy Island Wine Tasting Contest, huh?

You've got it, boss.

But some of the
finest winegrowers

in the world are entered
in the contest, my friend.

How can you be sure the Sister's
vintage is good enough to compete?

But, boss.

This is Fantasy Island.

Everything is possible.

Mr. Harry Simpson. A paper goods
salesman all the way from Boise, Idaho.

He looks excited.
Why is that, boss?

Why his fantasy, of course.

And, I must admit,
it is rather intriguing.

You see, Mr. Simpson believes

that somewhere out in that
world of four billion people

is his exact double.

You know, boss, I bet I know
what Mr. Simpson's fantasy is.


I bet he wants to
meet his double.

Oh, it's quite a bit
more than that, Tattoo.

You see, Mr. Simpson,
who believes his own life

to be rather dull
and uninteresting,

not only wants to
meet his double,

but change places with him.

But, boss, his double
could be anybody.

That could even be dangerous.

Yes. I've already warned
Mr. Simpson of that possibility.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Oh, uh, Mr. Roarke?

Your assistant tells me I
have to get a new wardrobe?

Do you object, Mr. Simpson?

No, no, it's just that I brought
plenty of clothes with me.

Ah, but your double's
a very fancy dresser.

You see, he has an
image to maintain and... Ah.

There he is now.


SIMPSON: You did
it, you really did it.

I know you said you
would, but I didn't think...

I... I mean, I didn't expect...


And a ladies' man to boot.

Your double is more than
just a ladies' man, Mr. Simpson.

His name is Vincent
Brandon, and his friends...

Your friends this weekend

if you decide to go through
with your fantasy, call him Vince.

Mr. Brandon makes his living
as a professional gambler.

His specialty is blackjack.

For very high stakes, always.

Wow! A gambler.

I couldn't have asked
for a more exciting double.

And... And he, uh, Vince, will
really let me take his place?

Your double will be
pleasantly diverted

on the other side of the island,

but I... I feel obligated to warn
you once more, Mr. Simpson.

A man with Mr. Brandon's
lifestyle can acquire enemies.

There could be an element
of danger in your fantasy.

For a chance to
live a life like his,

probably the most
exciting weekend in my life,

worth a little risk.

No, I wanna go through
with my fantasy, Mr. Roarke.

Well, in that case, Mr. Brandon,

your driver is waiting
to take you to your yacht.

My yacht?

Yes. It's conveniently moored
alongside our floating casino.

Now you can begin your
impression of Vince Brandon.

Gambler and a ladies' man.


Um, Tattoo. En route, you
may stop by your bungalow

and pick up a new wardrobe.

Would you mind showing
Mr. Simpson to his bungalow, please?

Yes, boss. Yes.

Okay. Thank you. Thank you.


Les Petite Sorelles. I brought
this wine all the way from France.

And when you taste it,

you will see how
Sister's wine is gonna be.

One for you and one for me.

A fine nose.

Our grape vines are
the same rootstock

as one of the finest wines in
France, Les Petite Sorelles.

That's the burgundy
of "the little sisters."


Truly a magnificent
wine, Sister.

If your Santa Rosarita Wine tastes
anything like its French cousin here,

you have an excellent chance
of winning the contest, Sister.

You can say that again.


Stop gaping liked
a beached codfish.

Fine example for a young,
impressionable, sensitive boy.

I was, uh, merely

looking at this stately
tree, my precious.

It looks like it might be a
pinyon pine or perhaps a pecky...

Never mind! Cypress.

I couldn't help overhearing
Roarke's conversation.

If her wine is as good
as they seem to think,

we could lose the gold medal.

That's impossible, my precious.

I mean, my Fernandel Rouge
this year is absolutely superb.

It's never been better.

That little old nun
doesn't have a prayer.

doesn't have a prayer.

Shut up.



Get me some of
that wine in this glass.

And don't let anybody see you.

Okay, Papa.

Excuse me, sir. Do
you have the time?

Never mind.

It's disgusting.

(SIGHS IN RELIEF) Thank heaven.

You cannot believe how
wonderful this wine is. It's disgusting.


That wine is gonna take
the gold medal from us.

We cannot let that happen.

You certainly can't.
I'm determined to

buy a summer home this
year, and we need the money.

You must take action,
Armand, you absolutely must.

Mmm-hmm. I'm gonna
take action all right.

Oh, excuse me. Drastic action.

No, no, no. No thank you. No?

Now I start living
like Vince Brandon.


Vince. Vince.

Oh, Vince. I hate to trouble
you, but, uh, we've got a problem.

She's the problem.

Little Miss Muffet over
here seems to think

you asked her out to
dinner tonight instead of me.

But he did. That's baloney.

Tell her, Vince.

Easy, girls, easy.

Well, obviously, there's been a
breakdown in communication here.

Tell you what.

I'll take you both out
to dinner, how's that?

Both of us? Together?

Something wrong with that?

No. But you always said two
at a time isn't quite your style.

Well, as they say,

styles change.


Boss. Hey, boss.

Casino's approved a
line of credit for $100,000.

Hope it's enough for you.

Uh, sure, I'll try to
make it stretch. Thanks.

Yeah. Oh, yeah, uh,
Jimmy wants to see you.

Jimmy who?

Oh, come on, boss.

He said it's important. He's
up at the bow waiting for you.

Uh, sure.


Back in a second.



Be right with ya.

Dumb game. It's for kids.

Okay, checked out the casino.

Four blackjack tables.
They all use four decks

and the dealers
like to reshuffle a lot.

That's a problem.

It means I really
gotta be on my toes.

Another problem's the pit boss.

Worse than Monte-Carlo.

No kidding?

He's watching you every second.

Saw a couple of counters get
nailed before they ever got started.

We can handle it though.

Just make sure you
look for my signals

and do it real casual like.

Your signals. Yeah.

That's another thing.

I think we ought to mix 'em up.

How about this,

every time I want you
to take a hit, I'll yawn.

And when I want you to stand
pat, I'll fold my arms like this.

And don't look at me
unless you have to.

Is there something
wrong, Uncle Vince?

No. Uncle Vince?

No, no, nothing's
wrong, Jimmy, I just...

Just thinking how lucky I am.

I mean, I couldn't do
it without you, could I?

Not unless you found
yourself another poor sucker

who was unlucky
enough to be a genius.

See ya at the casino.

Oh, Mr. Roarke, I hope I'm not
interrupting anything important.

Oh, not at all, Sister.
Not at all. Please come in.

Is, uh, your bungalow
to your satisfaction?

Lovely, thank you.

And as additional thanks,

I would like you to have some
of our Santa Rosarita Burgundy.

Oh. The least I could do is

to replace the bottle of
its cousin from France

that Tattoo donated earlier.


I'll get some
glasses. I'll be back.

You are most generous, Sister.

Oh, no. You and Tattoo
are the generous ones.

By fulfilling my fantasy,

my wine win the gold medal,

you will bring happiness
and opportunity

to hundreds of needy
and deserving families.

And also save the convent.

Ah... I must caution you to
guard your optimism, Sister.

You haven't won
that gold medal yet.

Oh, but I'm sure it will all
work out right, Mr. Roarke.

I believe that absolutely.

A votre sante.

At least we don't have to
share it with a bunch of people.

That's right, Sister.

Well, I'm going
to take a little nap.

It's been a long trip. Yes.

See, I don't drink, but I do
want you to enjoy the wine.

All right, Sister.



Boss, down the hatch.


Boss, this wine is the pits.


Without a doubt,

the most abominable
beverage I have ever tasted.

The original bottle from
France was excellent,

but this is terrible.

Boss, Sister Veronica can't
win the medal with this bilge.

What are we going to do?

You guaranteed her
fantasy, my friend.

I don't know what you will do.

And I don't know what
I'm going to do either.

I better come up
with something fast.

WOMAN: Hey, Vince.
When are we going to dinner?

In a minute. Where's Jimmy?

On the bow, as usual.

Be back in a second.

Spend a lot of time up here?

Enough. What are you driving at?

Oh, I thought maybe
we could do something.

Yeah, like what?

Oh, I don't know,
like, uh, baseball?

Uncle Vince, you're
on the sauce again.

Well, didn't ya
ever play baseball?

A little. With my dad.

But you know how
long ago he died.

Oh, yeah.

Um, look, on the way over here,

I saw a store where I think we
could pick up some gloves and stuff.

How about if we go out and
hit a few this afternoon, huh?

But what about all your friends?

I'll get rid of 'em.





Tattoo? Yes, boss.

I don't understand.
What are you doing?

Oh, chemistry. Chemistry, boss.

I'm just trying to make Sister
Veronica's wine taste better.

And, uh, am I to have the dubious
honor of tasting the first new batch?

You've got it, boss.

I've got it.

But, Tattoo, don't you
realize alcohol is potentially...


Back to the old drawing board.

Well, I should think so.

You know, I was thinking
on the way out here,

uh, how long we been
together now, anyhow?

Two years, five months
and thirteen days.

Oh. Been counting, huh?

You know it.

I, uh...

I guess you kind
of miss your dad.

What's with you today? With me?

You're acting weird.
Like about Mom and Dad.

Before you told me not to
talk about 'em 'cause you said

that won't bring 'em back.

Now you're asking
me if I miss 'em.

You seemed kind of
down in the dumps.

I was just trying to
figure out why, that's all.

Are you trying to set me up
for something, Uncle Vince?

No, Jimmy, I'm...

Come on, let's play
a little ball, huh?

Oh, it's you, Mr. Roarke.
Won't you come in?

Thank you, Sister.

I had a lovely nap.

I do hope that you and
Tattoo enjoyed my wine.

Oh, it was an unforgettable
experience, Sister Veronica.

Which is precisely why
I've come to see you.

After sampling your, uh, wine,

I came to a very firm
business decision.

I would like to purchase
your entire stock

of Santa Rosarita Burgundy now,

before the judging takes place.

I, of course, will
pay fair market price.

I see. Then you
believe that the outcome

of the competition will
affect the price of my wine?

Oh, I do, Sister, I do.

I... I... I expect
to make a fortune.

And if I should fail
to win the gold medal,

then the market price
of my wine would drop,

and you could lose a great
deal of money, could you not?

Uh, well, yes, yes.

But, uh, that's a gamble
I'm willing to take.

No, no, Mr. Roarke. I
appreciate your generous offer.

I know you're only trying
to safeguard my interests...

Oh, no.

But it's not necessary.

As I told you before,
I have perfect faith.

But, Sister...

Don't worry, Mr. Roarke.
All will be well.


Hit it.

Oh! Oh, Jimmy.

Jimmy, are you all right? Huh?

Let me see. I know
how much that hurts.

I'm fine.

Hey, look, don't
be afraid to cry.

If that's what you feel like
doing, just go ahead. Let it out.

I don't cry.


Lassiter, the Godfather himself.

The Godfather?

Don't worry. He's not
gonna sh**t you, yet.

You only owe him 225,000.


Hiya, Vince.

Jimmy. That's a nice cap.


You got something for me?

Uh, the deadline's not here yet.

You're cuttin' it kind of
close, aren't ya, playboy?

I mean, even with
the whiz kid here,

winning a half a mil in one
casino's gonna be rough.

Where'd you get
that? Half a million?

It's only 225,000.

With the interest, it's 500,000.

You're really gonna
have to be on, kid.

Unless, of course, you...

You want your uncle
floating in a lagoon.

You don't scare us, Lassiter.


I like this kid.

Not only has he got it
upstairs, but he's tough.

He's got potential.
Real potential.


Well, you should show
more respect for him.

I mean, conning him this way.

It's so degrading.

What are you talking about?

I mean playing ball in the park.

Look, kid, I don't
know what he told you,

but I know he hates
sports with a passion.

Yeah, that's right.

I should have known it
was too good to be true.

Oh, hey, Jimmy...

Why do ya need to sucker me?

Oh, Jimmy... Hey, wait!

Relax, he'll come back.
He's never let ya down yet.



Hi. I'd like to go
inside and look around.

Of course, Mr. Tattoo.

I'm gonna make sure
the Sister's wine wins.

Even if I have to cheat.

Well, welcome, Mr. Brandon.

I hope our casino
meets with your approval.

Yeah, Mr. Roarke...

Mr. Roarke...

Mr. Roarke, Vince
Brandon is a phony.

He's been using an
innocent 12-year-old kid,

his nephew, no less,
to help him cheat.

I know all about
Jimmy, Mr. Simpson.

You know about...

Then why didn't ya...

Why didn't ya tell me?

Oh, I only tell my guests
what they need to know.

Beyond that, I must assume they
will rely on their instincts, you see?

On their survival
instincts, you mean.

I'm sorry, Mr. Simpson.
I don't follow you.

Well, I... I think you do.

I think you knew you were setting
me up as a patsy with Frank Lassiter.

In one fell swoop,

I go from being a carefree,

yacht-owning playboy
to some poor sucker

who owes a half a million
dollars, and is being measured

for a cement overcoat
if I don't ante up.

Now, Mr. Roarke, that
was not my fantasy.

Ah, but I must disagree
with you, Mr. Simpson.

Your fantasy was not only to
change places with your double,

but also to bring
some excitement

into your otherwise dull
and uninteresting life, hmm?

Jimmy. I've been worried sick.

I'll bet. Come on.
We're wasting time.

Hey. Hey, come on. We're
getting outta here. No arguments.

Are you nuts?

I don't know. Maybe.

Where are we going?

As far away from this
joint as we can get.

What about the five hundred
G's? What about Lassiter?

He'll have to wait.
Right now, I'm more

concerned about
what happens to you.


Who are you, mister?

You don't act like
my Uncle Vince.


My name is Harry
Simpson. I'm... Ooh.

Now, to replace the Sister's
bilge with French Burgundy.

Oh, thank you.

Uncle Vince isn't
such a bad guy.

I mean, he doesn't beat
up on me or anything.

Well, what's lousy is he's
using you to bail himself out.

Yeah? Well, what's
the difference?

Once your fantasy's over, I'll
be going back to him anyway.

Look, there is no way I'm
gonna let you go back to him.

You understand?

You really mean it?

I'm not going to no foster home.

What I meant was...


How would you like
to come live with me?

I never had any kids. My wife
and I were going to, but she...

She died before...

Anyway, I...

I don't know what
kind of a father I'd be.

You'd be great.


Look, um, I don't know how
this is gonna work exactly.

Uh, from what you say, I gather your
uncle does have legal custody of ya.

right, Mr. Simpson.

And that's just the
way it's going to stay.

Sorry, kid.

I'm not coming
with you. I'm not!

I'm afraid you don't
have any choice.

Mr. Brandon,

Jimmy may have to live
with you, but my guess is

you're not gonna be able
to get him to work for you

ever again. Right, Jimmy?


Now, that being the case, you
got a couple of big problems.

Lassiter and the
half million dollars.

My problems? You're
forgetting one thing.

As of this moment, you are me.

Nothing's forcing me
to go back to that casino.

But unless one of us shows,

Lassiter's gonna
come looking, isn't he?

Now, as for me, well, I can
just lay low until my plane leaves.

After that, I'm just plain
old Harry Simpson again.

But you,

you're gonna be Vince
Brandon for the rest of your life.

You got something in mind?

Okay. We'll play.

But if we win, square
things with Lassiter,

you give me custody of Jimmy.

And if you lose?

Then, I take the consequences.

You're taking a big
chance, Mr. Simpson.

Jimmy is good, but
there's no guarantee.

We got a deal or not?

Yeah. Uh, there's
just one thing.

Just remember this. When
Vince Brandon plays blackjack,

he plays an open
hand. All cards face up.

That's your trademark?

"Flamboyant" is a
word some people use.

Helps me keep an accurate count.

I wish you luck.

Both of you.

And now to complete
our preliminary judging,

we have the burgundy of
the Convent of Santa Rosarita.

We are unanimous.

The wine of Santa Rosarita
is superb in all particulars.

It will now move onto the finals against
the entry of the Fernandel Wineries.

Now that we have
reached the first plateau,

I must say I'm very relieved.

How about it, boss? Surprised?

I am puzzled. Deeply puzzled.

Uh, will you excuse us, Sister?

Tattoo, a word with
you, if you please?

The gold medal comes down to
you and that little nun, Armand,

and if she wins, I'm through being
the gentle flower of your dreams.

Please, Blanche, don't say that.

I'm doing the best I can under
very difficult circumstances.

I think we ought to switch
the labels of our wine

onto her bottles and vice-versa.

Benny, there are times
when I am convinced

you are flesh of my flesh.

That's brilliant.

Leave everything to me, huh?


That gold medal is as
good as in our hands.


Go, kitty, go.


Quickly, get her bottles.

Now, we put her
labels on our bottles

and I'll put our
labels on her bottles.

Okay. We have 100,000
bucks' worth of credit.

Yeah, right.

Just remember, you
gotta act like a high roller

and make sure you
don't blow it all at once.

Oh, Harry, another thing is,

Lassiter's only giving
us till 4:00 this afternoon.

So we gotta have the
half mil by then or else.

Good evening, Mr. Brandon.

We've been expecting you.

Hi. Well, how's everybody doing?

Winning, I hope.


Let's start with
10,000, keep it friendly.

Oh, thank you, miss.

DEALER: Mr. Brandon,
you have an eighteen.

Do you wish an additional card?

No, I'll play these.

The house has sixteen

and the house wins with 20.


ROARKE: Sister,
will you, please?

Yes, thank you.

Sister Veronica, I'm afraid Tattoo
has a small confession to make.



Well, it seems that he exchanged

one bottle of his French
Burgundy for one of yours.

He did what? Why?

Because your wine is the pits.

I'm sorry, but it's the truth.

It is? I'm afraid so, Sister.

Well, I wouldn't know because,
of course, I've never tasted it,

but I did have them
follow the recipe exactly.

And of course, the
rootstock is the same.

So how could it be?

Climate, soil conditions, uh...

There are many variables
which might account for

the failure of the
wine of Santa Rosarita.

Don't worry. We still
have the final judging.

I'm confident that
everything will work out

to fulfill my fantasy
one way or another.

But, Tattoo, no more pranks.

Things will right
themselves without trickery.

Believe, just believe.

Well, they say faith
can move mountains.

But how can faith change
bilge into burgundy?

Boss, we're in trouble.

The house wins again.

I haven't won a hand yet.


Excuse me, Mr. Brandon. May I
see you privately for a moment?

Well, uh...


I'll be right back.

I hate to do this to you,

especially when the cards
seem to be going against you,

but, um, I couldn't
help noticing that

Jimmy is now assisting
you as a counter.

Oh, now, look, Mr. Roarke...

Now, now, you look, Mr. Simpson.

It wasn't too long ago
that you were shocked

to find out he was being exploited
by his uncle, do you remember?

Yes, but that was different.

Oh, that was different, I see.

I see.

Well, in any case, I'm afraid
not only are counters illegal,

but we have an 18-year-old age
limit on those allowed in the casino.

Are you saying that
Jimmy has to leave?

I am not an unreasonable
man, Mr. Simpson.

I will, therefore, allow Jimmy to
remain for the next few minutes.


he will not be allowed to act
as your counter. Is that clear?

But I have to come up with
better than a half a million dollars

in the next ten
minutes, or else.

Well, in that case,

good luck, Mr. Brandon.

Ten thousand dollars.


DEALER: Twenty.

And the dealer has
nineteen. MAN: Son of a g*n!

You win, sir. You win $10,000.

Let the whole 20,000 ride.

MAN: Wait a minute.
WOMAN: Sorry, I wouldn't.

MAN: Oh, boy, should
take the money and run.

You have fourteen. You
wish another card, sir?

And four is eighteen.

The house has
seventeen. WOMAN: Wow!

Mr. Brandon wins $20,000.


WOMAN: Unbelievable.

DEALER: Mr. Brandon,
you have sixteen.

Would you like
an additional card?

Yes, please.

An ace. That makes seventeen.

I'll stand.


That's twenty-two. You win $40,000, sir.

WOMAN: Wow. Unbelievable.
He is on a lucky streak.

My goodness.

That is just... I wish I
could have done that.

How much have I got now?

Three hundred and
twenty thousand.

Three hundred and
twenty... If I win, I've got...

Six hundred and forty thousand.

Six hundred and forty thousand.

That's enough to pay
off the house, Lassiter,

and have a nice little
nest egg for Jimmy and me.

sh**t the works.


DEALER: Mr. Brandon
has seventeen.

Dealer has an eleven.

And two is thirteen.

The house needs a four to win.


(CROWD EXCLAIMS) And a jack.

You win $640,000, Mr. Brandon.


JIMMY: He did it!

We did it!

We did it! We did it! We won!

This will constitute
the gold medal tasting

between our two
worthy finalists.

The wines of Santa
Rosarita and Fernandel.

Bonne chance to both entrants.



WOMAN: Well,
they seem to like it.


The wine of Santa Rosarita
is absolutely superb.


And now the Fernandel entry.

Did you goof up again?

No, that's my wine,
it's just her label.

I told you it was
a very good year.



Grape assassins!

The gold medal winner is the
burgundy of Santa Rosarita.


Congratulations, Sister.

No! That... That's my
wine you like, not hers!

Fernandel Burgundy!

My son and I switched
labels on the bottles earlier.

You... You can peel the label off
the bottle and see if it's not the truth.



He's right.

Well, despite the fact that your
wine is absolutely marvelous,

you, sir, are a shame and a disgrace
to the winemakers of the world,

and I refuse to award a
medal to such a scoundrel,

even if technically your
name will have to be

listed as this year's winner!

I'm very sorry, Sister.

But your wine is
absolutely atrocious.

I must go and purge my palate.

Congratulations, Armand.
Even without the medal,

winning the contest is enough to
make the price of our wine skyrocket,

and now we'll be able to
afford all the things I wanna do.

What's the first thing you're
gonna do when we're rich, Papa?

The first thing I'm going to do

is get a divorce.

Uh, young woman. Excuse me.

How would you like to
meet a wealthy wine baron?

Armand, that vineyard
is community property!

If you want a grape left to
your name, you get back here!

It's all my fault,
Sister. I'm sorry.

I should never have promised
something that I couldn't keep.

But you only made those promises
out of the goodness of your heart.

I am sure Tattoo
is grateful for that.

And perhaps we
should both be thankful

for your amazing demonstration
of unshakeable faith.

What do you mean, Mr. Roarke?

Well, only that my
curiosity was aroused

by the ghastly wine you grew.
I'm sorry, Sister, but it was.

Ghastly. I'm sorry.

Wine, which by rights should have
been as noble as its predecessors.

So I had the soil of
your vineyard analyzed

and this is the geologist's
preliminary report.

Your wine was
undrinkable because

it was grown on a pool of oil.

Oil? Oil?


Sister, you're gonna be rich.

The whole valley's
gonna be rich.

Sister, after all,
you got your fantasy.

I never doubted it for a moment.

That's odd.

Neither did I.

Boy, that kid is
something else, Vince.

The way he maneuvered
himself out there tonight,

that's pure class.

What do ya say you loan
him to me for a little while, huh?

No way.

Sorry to hear you
say that, Vince.


I guess I'll have to take him.

It's all right, kid. Come here.
Come here. It's all right, kid.

Hey, let him go.

I believe my friend
here made a request.


Let the boy go.

It's okay, kid.

It's amazing, isn't it, Frank?

From now on, Jimmy
is out of the business.

Now take your money and get out.

Sure. Okay, Vince.

Okay, Vince.

Oh, Mr. Brandon, I don't
know how to thank you.

You came just at
the right moment.

Look, no speeches, okay?

You just take good care of him.

And do a better job than I did,

or I'll come looking
for you, huh?

Take it easy, kid.

I'll be seeing ya.

Jimmy. Ah, Mr. Simpson,
this is for you.

Oh, what is it?

A legal document
finalizing transfer of custody.

I suggested to Mr. Brandon

he have it drawn up before he left
so that now you can adopt Jimmy.

Boy, you don't leave
anything to chance, do you?

Quite the contrary. You know
what they say, Mr. Simpson.

The odds always favor the house.

And on Fantasy Island, you
might say that, uh, I am the house.


Thanks again.
You're very welcome.

Tattoo. Goodbye.

Come on, Jimmy.
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