06x15 - Buy Me a Rose

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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06x15 - Buy Me a Rose

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, okay, one more toast.

It's my turn, and I
promise to keep it short.

Uh, as you probably know,

I've built a few
buildings in this town

I want to thank George
and Howard, of course,

the board of directors
for their excellent taste,

the city of Portland
for approving the plans,

Pookie Longfellow Smith.

What can I say?
Portland's most dedicated

and certainly most
creative fundraiser. Pookie.

And, uh, who am
I forgetting? Um...

Uh... my inspiration and
the true work of art in my life,

my bride Ellen.

To our city and its future.

Hear, hear.

Thank you.

That's a nice speech.
You sounded sincere.

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. Can we go now, please?

We can't go. I've got to work.

You know that. Did you
see who was here tonight?

Well, how can we leave now?

I don't know. I thought
we could, you know,

take a drive, make
out like teenagers.

We're not teenagers.

Greg, come over here!

Ellen and Greg have
been married for 19 years,

but they're gonna need our
help if they're gonna make it 20.

What exactly are their problems?

You want them
alphabetically or numerically?

Tess, you know I don't know
that much about marriage.

Marriage is God's way
of letting people practice

loving one person
completely, no strings attached.

And when they learn to
love each other like that,

they get a better idea
of how God loves them.

But they forget, and they
give up before they get it right.

Then their love dies.


Two people, three angels?

Three people, three angels.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Beautiful job.

Here you are.

You look tired.

You must hire some help.

You know, this girl
who arranges parties,

she would be perfect for you.

She's wonderful and
she's looking for a job,

and she doesn't try
to steal your husband.

Stay right there, okay?

Monica? Excuse me. Monica.

I want you to meet Ellen.

She is my best
and oldest friend.

Ellen's husband is Greg
Sawyer the developer.

Ellen and I graduated
from college together,

but I'm not gonna
tell you what year.

- I love your outfit.
- Oh, thank you.

I was just about to say
the same thing about yours.

Thank you.

Ellen makes all her own clothes.

My goodness.

She makes her own clothes,
she cleans her own house,

she puts gas in her own car.

She's a threat to women
of leisure everywhere.

You are so bad.

Well, Monica needs a job
and you need some help.


You need some help?

Yes, the busier my husband
gets, the busier I seem to get.

I could buy some time by
not doing all this sewing,

but I love it so much.

It must be wonderful
to envision something

and then actually make
it with your own hands.

You mean, what's a
rich lady like me doing

making her own clothes? My
husband says the same thing.

No, I mean, that I
appreciate talent.

Thank you.

I haven't felt very
talented in a long time.

I think the bow's too big.

But the rest of it's beautiful.

I don't know much about clothes,

but I know what
talent looks like.

Um, anything else I can get you?

Uh, no, thanks.

Here's for the sandwich,

but I don't have
anything left for the tip.

Oh, that's okay.

I want to give you something.

I wrote you a song.

You what?

♪ She sits by herself ♪

♪ And she looks
out on the world ♪

♪ She's all alone ♪

♪ This beautiful girl ♪

♪ I want to talk to her ♪

♪ But it would be wrong ♪

♪ Ain't got much to offer
'cept for maybe this song. ♪

Wow. What's it called?

I, uh, named it after you,
but I don't know your name.


Ellen. Hello, Ellen.

I'm Denny.

Oh, excuse me.

Cochran can't sell it

because I'm gonna
develop all around it.

He can't hold onto it
for the same reason.

I'm the only game in town,

and every day the price
goes down, down, down.

- So what I want to do...
- Excuse me.

- Sorry. I'm sorry.
- Excuse me.

Um, I was just doing my
mingling/eavesdropping thing,

and you know that
last waterfront property

- that Cochran won't sell you?
- Yes.

He sold it to somebody
else this morning.



Excuse me.

Greg Sawyer.

Andrew. Greg, nice to meet you.

I'm not selling.

I like a good game of hardball.

What do you say we have lunch?

It's fine. I'm not selling.


Why don't we make that dinner?

Did I look all right
tonight, Greg?

You always look all right.

Greg, can we talk?

What about?

Nothing in particular.

You know, just talk.

Sure, I'll talk.

We need something to talk about.

Okay, um, I met a woman
at the reception tonight,

and I'm thinking
about hiring her

to give me some
extra help around here.

Great. I'm gonna shower.

I keep a lot of my
old stuff up here.

Oh, you do your
sewing here, too?

Yeah. Greg doesn't
like to see me sew.

I think it reminds
him of the old days.

When we were first married,
we rented a room over a garage.

Cooked over a camp stove,
I made all my own clothes.

How thing have changed.

Yeah, back then, we didn't
have anything but each other.

And now we've got it all.

Oh, here we go.

I'm afraid it's just you

and the house this
weekend, Monica.

Greg and I are going to
our cabin in Lake Bear Claw

for our wedding anniversary.

Sounds romantic.

I think we do
better in one room.


Oh, I'm sorry.

Don't worry about that.

It's just, just a bunch of
old scrapbooks and things.

Your high school yearbook?

They don't make
hair like that anymore.

There are letters here

to an Ellen Turner,
Archer College.

Yeah, that's me.

My mother would
write me once a week

begging me to change my major

from fashion
design to accounting.

Here are some from Denny Blye.

Oh. Oh, here, I'll take those.

From another life.


Oh, yes, we're,
uh, we're up here.

Hi, I'm Greg.

Hello, I'm Monica.

Welcome. I'll be home late.


- Hi.
- Hey.

Well, this Andrew guy could k*ll

the whole waterfront project.

He doesn't care about
money. Can you believe that?

Hmm, he sounds
like an interesting guy

Now I've got to call
an emergency meeting

for the partners tomorrow night.

They're getting very nervous.

But we won't be here.

We leave for the cabin
tomorrow morning, right?

Look, Ellen, I'm
gonna lose these guys

if I can't guarantee
the whole package.

I promised to deliver
20 properties, not 19.

You promised me,
Greg. It's our anniversary.

We need this weekend.

Ellen, I'm gonna be stuck
for the next three days

trying to keep this deal alive.

Why don't you go to the cabin?

By myself?

Yeah, get some rest.
I'll get my work done.

And next weekend, I'll take
you anywhere you want to go.

Next weekend won't
be our anniversary.

Why do humans always wonder
about what might have been?

Well, baby, it's awfully
tempting to put your faith

in the road not traveled

when the one you're
on is getting lonely.

"You have taken me up

"like one of those
garments you make.

"You've cut me
out of rough cloth

"and made me into something
new and comfortable.

"For the rest of
my life, I will live

"as a different man
because of you.

"These days, I dream
of a small but good life,

"a little home...

"Maybe I'll finally
build that tree house

"in Oregon City, and...

"we'll live together
in the clouds forever.

Always, Denny."

Oh! That's it, Monica. I'm off.

I hate to see you going alone,
so if you want some company...

Oh, no, that's all
right. I'm used to it.

You're all set.

If you change your
mind... That's George.

- Yes, George?
- I'll call you when I get there.

Hold on for one second.

Happy anniversary.

Happy anniversary.

- Thanks.
- Yeah, George, what's up?

Yes, I'm listening.

Go straight, baby,
just go straight.


I've seen that look before.

A little glazed, a little tired,

a little cold.

You need a cup of
coffee, don't you?

- Are you a regular?
- Oh, no, I...

I've never been here before.

No, I was talking
about your coffee.

Let me see.

You're... sugar and no cream.

Yeah. How do you do that?

You talking to a real
professional, here.

Um... do you have
a phone I could use?

Oh, yeah.

It's across the lobby on
the other side of the stairs.

- I'll be right back.
- All right.

- Information.
- Uh, yes.

Oregon City, please.

What name are you looking for?

Uh, Blye.

B-L-Y-E, Denny or Dennis.

Know the address?

No, I-I don't know the address.

One moment, please,
I'll see if I can find him.

You know what?

Never mind, he-he-he probably
doesn't even live here any...

- Here is it.
- Oh. Oh.

- The number is: 555...
- Um...

- 8031...
- Yeah... just a sec, just a sec.


Thank you.

Excuse me.

I'm, uh, through for the day.

Good. Uh, see you tomorrow.

20 years. Congratulations.




Hey. You made it.


I-It's beautiful here.

Did you get my present?

The envelope?

I-I didn't open it yet.

Greg? I was hoping...

couldn't you just get away?

Just for a day?

I can't, things are
really heating up here.

I gotta go, I'm having
dinner with that Andrew guy.

Uh... Okay, I just...

I just thought I'd
make one last try.

Okay. Gotta go.


Was it something he said,
or something he didn't say?

I just lied to my
husband for the first time.

All because of these
seven numbers.

Well, remember, you're
talking to a professional, here.

I guess this is the part where

I spill my guts
to the bartender.

I guess so.

I can't remember why
I married my husband.

I-I loved him, I still love him.

Things have changed, and...

we just don't have a
life together anymore.

There's his life,

and I'm... just
a small part of it.

This is my anniversary present.

1,000 shares in his new
development company.

That's romantic.

Isn't it? Hmph.

What did I expect

in an envelope from my
husband after 20 years?

A love letter?

That would be too much.

Don't you think?

You're gonna have a
little more for the road,

and then the road is
where you're going to be,

and follow it home,

and lead you not
into temptation.

Don't say anything;

just nod.

I control 19
waterfront properties.

You control one.

I want you to sell me your one.

Now, what do you want?

I want your 19.

Very funny.

It's no joke.

The waterfront area is
historically significant,

it's very beautiful,

and I think it should be
restored to its original state.

I agree.


Now, I had a hunch

that what you wanted to do

was to sell it to retail stores,

and self-storage facilities.

Make a k*lling and get out.

What exactly is it that you want
to "save" about the waterfront?

Have you been
down there recently?

Have you?

Not exactly the
best neighborhood.

Mm, it was once.

It could be again.

You should go
down there sometime.

You know, some of those people

have been there for generations.

Where would they go?

I'm not my brother's keeper.

Yes, you are.

Okay, say I put profit aside

and I become a do-gooder.

What does that make me?


You're through now, you can go.

Okay... How much do I owe you?

No charge, it's on the house.

Go home to your husband,
and God bless you.

And don't look back.

Welcome, ladies and
gentlemen, to the Peery Hotel.

Thank you.

We're having a great
time here in Oregon City.

I'm Denny ENE, and...
I'm sure you know by now

that we tend to sing a
lot of songs about love.

There's good love
and there's bad love.

- When it's good, it's beautiful.
- Oh, no, baby, no.

When it's bad, it
hurts to the bone.

♪ This is the house ♪

♪ That love built ♪

♪ Memories of you ♪

♪ Built in each wall ♪

♪ One tender seeds ♪

♪ Still haunt my dreams ♪

♪ Thought I just
heard your voice ♪

♪ In the hall ♪

♪ The mirrors reflect ♪

♪ All the heartache I feel ♪

♪ Smiling photographs ♪

♪ Don't seem real ♪

♪ Nothing's been moved ♪

♪ But everything's changed... ♪

♪ ...and every dream ♪

♪ I dream of you. ♪

Thank you very much.

I'm gonna take
a break right now.

Feel free to drink up,
because I promise you,

the more you drink,
the better I'll sound.

Be right back.

That's him, isn't it?


You still have time to leave.

You want it straight up,
or you want it on the rocks?

That's a tough crowd tonight.

You better make it straight up.


What is it?


It's okay, whatever it is.

It's okay.

It was a coincidence.

I... I stopped for coffee,
and... and I heard your voice.

Oh, really?

You want to try again?

Actually, I'm...

I'm spending my
wedding anniversary alone.

And you thought about me?

I'm flattered.

Well, how about you?

Did you ever get married?

Did you ever build
that tree house for two?

The tree house for two, no.

Married, yes, once...
for 15 minutes.

Oh... I'm sorry about that.

So was she.

15 minutes was ten
minutes too long for her.

But it's okay.

I get Fridays off, and
it gives me a chance

to take Abby camping
every weekend.


She's very special.

A little less talk, and
a little more singing.

That's Tess's not quite
so subtle way of saying,

"Go back to work."

Will you stick around?

Tell me about Abby.

She's beautiful.

She's smart as a whip.

And the best thing of all is
she loves me unconditionally.

That sounds just about perfect.

Except when her nose gets cold.

Well, that's typical
with black Labs, isn't it?

Well, I'm back. Did you miss me?

I wrote this song some years ago

because there
was this special girl

that came into my life.

And since then, I've
always had this dream

that one night she would
walk into a club just like this

and I could sing
this song for her.

♪ Hey, Mr. Piano Man ♪

♪ Play a song if you can ♪

♪ That talks about a
love so fine and true ♪

♪ Someone special's
on their way ♪

♪ Is there something
you can play ♪

♪ That will help me ♪

♪ When I try to say ♪

♪ You look beautiful ♪

♪ When you walk
through the door ♪

♪ Mine weren't the only eyes ♪

♪ That looked at you ♪

♪ And wanted more ♪

♪ I loved you standing there ♪

♪ Moonlight still
in your hair... ♪


Thanks for staying.

You sound wonderful.

I love that song
that you wrote...

Well, I assume
you wrote it for me.

Oh, yes, I did.

I wrote a lot of them for you.

You don't know how much

I've been thinking
about you lately.

Well, guess what?

I never quit thinking about you.

What do you think about?

That if I ever see you again,

I'll never let you out of
my life a second time.

I'm still a married
woman, you know.

But you never said...
"happily married."


You know, Ellen, the
thing I'm most proud of

is that when I was with you,

I did make you happy, didn't I?


Did I break the mood?

Good. It's closing time.

I don't want to say good-bye.

Then don't. Come with me.

Come over to my place.

Denny, it's not
that I don't want to,

but everything's just...
happening so fast,

I-I think I'll just
check in here tonight.


But how about we have breakfast

in the morning at 9:00?

Sounds good.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Hey, Ellen?

Thanks for coming
back into my life.

Trust me.

I have not lost one yet, have I?

Good morning.

Not yet.

My number one investor wants
to bail on a project I'm doing.

I'm gonna call Ellen.

She does some charity
work with the guy's wife.

She can probably...

Mr. Thompson, Greg Sawyer.

What are you doing there?

I thought you were leaving

as soon as Ellen got there.

But she called me
from there last night.

No, uh, just stay
there, would you please,

in case she calls?

Thank you.

Caretaker says

that she never got to the cabin.

I'm sure there's an explanation.

She lied.



Miss Longfellow Smith
hasn't heard from her,

and I also contacted
the state police

just in case they'd received...

She's in Oregon City.

- You found her?
- Caller ID.

She called from a
payphone at the Peery Hotel.

I just got off the
phone with them.

She's registered there.

What the hell is she thinking?

It's the biggest
deal of my life,

and she pulls a stunt like this.

Here, you drive.

I don't trust myself.

Can I help you folks?

Yes, I'm looking
for Mrs. Sawyer.

What room is she in?

I'm sorry, sir,

I'm not allowed to give
out that information.

I can tell you
this for free, sir.

There's nobody there.
They went out after breakfast.


Yes, sir.

She and her husband, I guess.

It's a small town.

Maybe if we drive around...

Thank you.

Let's go.

I've never been
unfaithful to my husband.

And I'm not asking you to.

I'm asking you to
be faithful to yourself.

Ellen, you can't be happy or
you wouldn't have come here.

Are you happy?

As happy as I can be

without you in my life.

Aww, come on.

Okay, I mean,
I've got a good life.

You in it would make
it that much better.

How come you never
pursued your music?

What do you mean?

You're so good.

You-you could've...

Could've been a somebody?

No, I-I didn't mean it that way.

Do you remember why we broke up?

I don't know.

I was young.

We wanted different things.

That's exactly right.

We wanted different things.

And we got them.

I guess so.

You know, Ellen, the truth is

I love seeing you,
and you look wonderful.

And we could probably
have a great time...

for a while.


People don't change.

I don't believe that.

I did.

I-I want a simple life again.

I... I want this.

You didn't come
here looking for me.

You came here to visit your past

because you're having
trouble in the present.

I still have...

every single one of
your old love letters.

And I meant every word,

but you should be reading his.

I think that's all
I ever wanted.

Then go back and tell him.

He's not a bad husband.

And let's face it, he
has all of that ambition

that I keep looking for
in myself and in you.


You can't blame a guy

for being what it was you
liked about him in the first place.


I guess so.

We have a good life.

But you know what I really want

is just for him to
notice me again.

Then you'll have to go back
home to make that happen.


Thank you.

Any time.

Stay in touch.

Hey, get away from my wife.

Greg, what are you doing here?

Hi, I'm Denny Blye.

You're dead if you
don't stay away from me.


- You don't understand.
- Get in the car.

- Greg!
- Get in the car.

You know, nothing happened.

You were kissing my wife.

I was kissing her good-bye.

Well, you're right about that.



Did you hit me
because you love her

or because you hate to lose?

- I'm sorry.

Take her home.

- Greg?
- Take her home!

I'm okay.

Go on home.

It's not a love letter,

but in some weird
way, it is a start.

Nothing happened.

I want to believe
that, but, uh...

If you've got nothing to
hide, why did you lie to me?

I don't know, I just...

What's going on?
Who is this guy?

It's Denny. I-I
told you about him.

We dated when I was in
college. That's 20 years ago.

This morning,
you're kissing him.

I found some
letters of his in a box,

and H started
reading them, and I...

I just, um... I don't
know, Greg, I just...

I haven't been
very happy lately.

What do you mean, "you
haven't been very happy"?

How can you say that?

How can you not

have noticed how
miserable I've...

Oh, forget it.

I'm surprised you
noticed I was missing.

No, no, no, wait a minute.

You dumped me on our
anniversary for some business deal.

I always come
second. I'm tired...

What are you talking about?
Why do you think I do what I do?

I k*ll myself seven
days a week now

so that we can relax someday.

I do this for us.
I do this for you.

Greg, you're a workaholic
who needs a wife

to show up at the
parties and the...

Ellen, what do you want from me?

What do you want? You wanna

go live over a garage like a
couple of college students?

At least we loved
each other then.

That's not what I meant.

I've always tried to give you
everything that you wanted.

I know, but I don't think
you know what I want.

What do you want?

It doesn't count if
I have to ask for it.

So I have to guess?

Is that right? I
have to figure it out?

I have to read your mind?

I suppose that Denny,
the fully evolved

sensitive male has it
all figured out, right?


No, it's Monica.

I thought you could
use a wee cup of tea.

Thank you.

I love coffee, and I
make all kinds of coffee,

but my friend Tess
says that a little teapot

and a pretty cup of peppermint
tea is more comforting

than a big old mug of
Colombian supremo.

Tess is very wise.

She gives me all
sort of good advice:

never boil the water, don't
put the lemon in the teapot,

and when someone is
hurting, a cup of tea is nice,

but the truth will
do a lot more good.

And the truth is, Ellen,
that those love letters have

no place in your life.

Have you ever been
married, Monica?

No, but I know what it feels
like to be misunderstood

and taken for granted.

And I know what it
feels like to be tempted

to go to a place you
know you don't belong.

Every so often I...

I read one or two of these

and I remind myself that
there was someone out there

who used to think the
sun rose and set with me.

And I used to wonder what would
happen if I ever saw him again.

And what did happen?

He made me feel like a princess.

But then he always did.

But... But?

He's not my husband.

I just want my husband.

But you have your
husband, Ellen.

God gave him to you
to have and to hold,

but you can't hold him
with all of your heart

and both of your hands

as long as you hold
those letters, too.

Oh, thank you, Monica, but

You're not married

and you don't understand
everything that's...

But God understands.
He is your friend.

And I am His angel.

What's happening?

You could say
that you're receiving

a love letter from your creator,

the god of love.

The god who is love.

The truth has its own
sound, don't you think?

I'm afraid.

Ah, don't be afraid.

God loves you so much.

He knows how many lonely nights

you've spent waiting for
your husband to come home.

He knows the longing
in your heart for romance,

the excitement of new love

that you think is missing
in your marriage now.

He know that you gave up your
dream to support your husband,

and now you feel left behind.

He knows all of this.

There's nothing
about a woman's heart

that God doesn't understand.

We all come from God.

He made you, Ellen,
and he made Greg.

And do you know what?

He made you for each other.

Why am I so unhappy?

Because you expect your
husband to compete with a memory.

The memory of someone who's
not a better man than your husband.

Denny is able to write
down on paper the words

that your husband
has written in his heart.

He just can't express
them to your satisfaction.

But is that wrong for me
to want that from Greg?

To-To want the romance
and the love letters?

But when did you last
write him a love letter?

Love is not a line you
draw in the sand, Ellen.

And then dare the
other person to step over.

Love is not a feeling
that comes and goes.

Love is a choice.

And God wants you to
make that choice right now.


What are you doing here?

I'm here on business.

How about you?

Uh, I'm here taking care
of some personal things.

Listen, Andrew,

Andrew my back is up
against the wall with this deal.

My, my investors
are getting nervous.

I'm prepared to double my offer

if you can deliver the
property to me tomorrow.

As you may have guessed,
I, um, represent someone

who is interested
in your property.

- I knew it.
- And he wants to be your partner.

No. No way. Forget it.

He's someone who
likes to restore things.

Andrew, it's too expensive.

It'll cost you a lot
more if you don't.

Like that situation
with your wife.

What did you say?

Greg... you've been doing
business with an angel.

Now I imagine that's
gonna be a pretty hard thing

for a businessman
like you to believe,

but it's true.

And God isn't
interested in real estate.

He is interested in people.

The people on that waterfront

and the man sitting here
whose marriage is in trouble.

What are you saying?

You're crazy, right?

You walked out on your wife,
you came here to finish the job

on the man you
assaulted this morning,

and while you're waiting,

you're trying to
close a business deal.

And you think I'm crazy?

Look, whoever you
are, whatever you are,

are you in a position
to sell me this property?

'Cause if you are,
the offer's on the table.

And if you're not, I...

Mr. Sawyer... the
property is yours.

Let's get one thing
very clear, though.

You didn't win. This is a gift.

God has given you many gifts.

He expects you to
take care of them,

because if you don't,
you will lose them.

And you start with accepting
the greatest gift there is,

which is the love
he has for you.

And you shared that love

And you work harder
on that than anything else

because in the end, Greg,
when you and I meet again,

that love is all you're
gonna have to take with you.

She's not here.

You come to hit me again?

As a matter of fact...

I was planning on it...

and... then I changed my mind.

Well, that's good news
'cause I've got a show to do,

and I hate to bleed
all the way through it.

Hey, I'm sorry about all this.

I'd like to ask you something.

I mean, you'd think that
after I've been married

to my wife for 20 years,

that I'd know what it is
that she wants and, uh...



That's the secret.

I used to buy her
a rose every week.

Or a daisy, whatever
I could afford.

I'd write her little notes
for no reason at all.

I even wrote her some
pretty bad songs back then.

I just wanted her to know

she was the most important
thing in the world to me.

Do, uh, do you still love her?

Enough to make sure
she's loved by you.

She is.

But I don't think I'd know

where to begin
writing a love letter.

Doesn't matter what you write.

It's not about finding
the right words.

It's about finding the time.

Can I get you something
before the show starts?

Uh, no, thank you.

I'm going home.

Don't let me stop you, baby.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

I'm Denny Blye.

♪ He works hard to give
her all he thinks she wants ♪

♪ A three-car garage,
her own credit cards ♪

♪ He pulls in late
to wake her up ♪

♪ With a kiss good night ♪

♪ If he could only
read her mind ♪

♪ She'd say, "Buy me a rose ♪

♪ "Call me from work,
open a door for me ♪

♪ "What would it hurt? ♪

♪ "Show me you love me
by the look in your eyes ♪

♪ These are the little things
I need the most in my life" ♪

♪ And the more that he
lives, the less that he tries ♪

♪ Show her the love
that he holds inside ♪

♪ And the more that she gives ♪

♪ The more that he sees ♪

♪ This is a story
of you... and me ♪

♪ So I bought you a rose
on the way home from work ♪

♪ To open the door
to a heart that I hurt ♪

♪ I hope you noticed
this look in my eyes ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm gonna
make things right ♪

♪ For the rest of your life ♪

♪ And I'm gonna
hold you tonight ♪

♪ Do all those little things ♪

♪ For the rest of your life. ♪
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