02x01 - The Journey

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x01 - The Journey

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) growing up in a family
as large and as close as mine

Made it hard to realize
that there were many people

Who lived in
loneliness and solitude.

However, the realization
of that sad truth

Also brought me close
to a remarkable woman

And sent me on a journey

That I was to remember
for the rest of my life.

When I take these cuffs
up, they'll be just fine.

Oh, mama, they're still
going to look funny.

I could take the
waist in a little. No, no.

Maybe you should reconsider
and wear your knickers.

Mama, I can't wear my
knickers to the dance.

None of the boys are
going to be wearing knickers

To the dance. Will
you look at this?

When I stitch 'em up
nobody will notice.

They will.

Well, marcia wollery
will, for sure.

I... I can't take her to somethin'
as important as a school dance

With my knees peeking
through my britches like this.

Well, has she
said she'll go yet?

More or less.

That young lady has been
known to change her mind.

Well, he's not
gonna do it this time.

Mama, i... I... [Sighs]

John-boy, you know we can't
afford to buy you a new pair.

I know, but i...

There is a new pair down
at ike's, gray flannels,

And I thought maybe
I could buy them.

I was hoping you'd use that
money for your graduation ring.

Oh yeah. Don't you think
this is more important?

I'm sure she's a nice girl,
but I'm not sure she's...

[Children chattering]

What in heaven are they
bringing home this time?

(John-boy) it looks like
some kind of an animal to me.

[Chattering continues]

How many times do
I have to tell them

Not to bring every stray
thing they find into the house.

I doubt it.

We'll have to keep him
in the barn or something.


If you got an animal
there, it goes in the barn.

I've enough wild things
running around the house.

(Erin) oh, mama!

Where did you get that,
son? In the woods, dad.

I found him lying under a tree.

Here, let's have a look at it.

Careful of him, grandpa.
I think his wing is hurt.

It was kind of trailing
along the ground.

(Olivia) poor thing, looks
half scared to death.

(Grandpa) well, he
is just a little weak.

Looks like some kind
of a sea bird to me.

A seagull, maybe.

Uh-huh, just look
at his webbed feet.

A sea bird?

Why would it fly all the way
from the sea to walton's mountain?

Or maybe it got blown
inland by the storm.

Yeah. You find me a box,
elizabeth, to keep her in.

I'll take a look at her wing.

Come on, nurse elizabeth.

(Ben) I'll see he
stays in the barn.

(Grandma) another orphan?

Blown in by the storm.

Poor thing, it's exhausted and
its wing is hurt. Where you going?

Over to mrs. Mackenzie.

After she took
that fall last month,

I've been trying to look
in on her from time to time.

Better let john-boy
drive you over,

The road's pretty bad.

(Grandma) you won't need him?

Spare him for a while,
you hurry back though.


Grandma, you mind

If we stop off at
the store first?

I'd just like you take a
look at somethin' for me.

All right.

[Bird chirping]

[Brakes squeal]

Now, uh, what size are they?

Those are, uh, 30 waist.

I'm a 28 myself.

Well, your mama or your grandma

Can take it in for you.

Now, how much would they be?

Uh, it's, uh, $2.35.


(Ike) that's a very
fine piece of cloth.


Well, what do you
think, grandma?

It's pure wool, imported.

I've felt better.

[Door chimes tinkling]


They'll look very nice
on you, john-boy. Uh-huh.

It's just that $2.35...

Hello, marcia.

Hi, john-boy walton.
What're you doing?

Buyin' a new pair of britches?

[Tittering] oh, no.

My grandma and I just...

How are you, mrs. Walton?

Right fine for a person my age.

[Clearing throat]

Ike, I think livie could use
a half a pound of sugar.

Uh, right away, mrs. Walton.

Well, marcia, what
about saturday night?

What about it?

Well, you are going
with me, aren't you?

Well, reckon I will.

But I need a little
more time to decide.

Now, marcia, the dance
is going to be in 2 days.

3 Days, if you count today.

Look, I really have
to know pretty soon.

I think I'll see you
in school, john-boy.

Bye, mrs. Walton.

John-boy, I'm gonna
get over to maggie's.

(Marcia) large size,
half a pound of coffee,

And a quarter pound of bologna,

And mama said
to slice it real...

[Door chimes tinkling]

Mama said to slice it real thin.

And, um, 2 pounds of sugar...

[Door slams]

Thanks, john-boy.

All right.


[Maggie murmuring]
all the gas and oil

I've been wastin' on you...

[Maggie grumbling]

Oh, you darned thing!
What's the matter with you?

Maggie mackenzie!

What in the world are you doin'?

Tryin' to get this
engine started

Is what I'm doin'.

Oh, good lord, you're not
thinkin' of drivin' again, are you?

(Maggie) and why not?

I cannot find what's
wrong with the thing.

Though I must
admit I'm no mechanic.

Well, I can't imagine what
dr. Vance is gonna say.

I can.

Uh, ma'am, when did
you drive this last?

About, uh, 5 weeks ago.

Uh, but twice a week
I've been startin' it up

To keep the batteries charged

And the engine turned over.

(Maggie) would you be
knowing what's wrong with it?

Well, could be the spark plugs.

Spark plugs, is that very bad?

No, they just might
need changing, is all.

Would you do it? I'd
pay you for your time.

Oh, there's no need for
that, just for the parts.

Oh, well, c-come
in the house, then,

While I get my handbag.

Buy whatever is needed.

Ok, I'll check it one more time

To make sure it's
the spark plugs.

A nice boy. He has the
look of his father about him.

I know. And zeb, too, the eyes.

Well, n-no, john-boy
has more my eyes.

I brought you these.

Oh, esther, how nice of you.

How about a cup of tea?

I'd like that.



[Gasping] esther.

Would you mind puttin'
the kettle on for me?

Come on, you sit down.

[Clears throat]

You sit right down here.


I don't seem to have
any energy left.

You would have

If you didn't use it all up
fooling with that old car.

Esther, get away
with that thing.

You're worse than the doctor

Trying to make an
invalid out of me!

You stop changing the subject.

Keepin' that old car is
just plain foolishness.

Why don't you sell it?

I cannot.

And why not?

Not yet. I need it.

What for?

Because, on saturday,

There's somewhere I have to go.

Oh, I suppose you're
plannin' to drive

To the school dance, hmm?

Oh, don't be foolish.
If you must know,

I'm going to celebrate
my wedding anniversary.

Your wedding anniversary?

Aye, it would be our 55th.

Well, now, why can't you
celebrate it right here at home?


Because I'm going back

To the place
where I was married,

And that's all I'm tellin' you.

Maggie... No more questions.

Esther walton,

You're... You're a nosier
old woman than I am!

Now why don't you make
us both a cup of tea?


[Birds chirping]

(Mary ellen) ben,
elizabeth! Come on!

You're gonna be late for school.

We got another one! Let's go.

Don't slosh it.

Ok, I won't. Come on.

Think you got it now? Yeah.

Got 2! We got 2!

I doubt if that
bird will eat 'em.

Well, we'll see about that.

If you feed it fish,
it won't be homesick.

Isn't that right,
john-boy? I reckon so.

Uh, look, you children go on to school,
there's somethin' I've got to get at ike's.

We'll go with
you. No, you won't.

Can't we come? Please?

Look, I just said,
go on to school, ok?

Probably going to buy
diamonds and pearls

For marcia wollery!

[All laughing]


You're not making
a mistake, john-boy.

This is a real good
pair of flannel britches.

It cost a pretty penny.

Well, if you're
going to buy quality,

You've got to pay
for quality. I reckon.

Who you takin'?

Marcia wollery, I think.


I thought I told you
kids to get on to school.

How do you like my new
flannel britches, marcia?

Well, I don't know,
john-boy, I reckon I like them

But I'm just not sure,

Seein' it's just so hard
for me to make up my mind.

But, marcia!

Jason, mary ellen,
you better move.

[Kids scrambling]

[Door chimes tinkling]


Don't pay 'em no mind, john-boy.

Thanks, ike.

[Birds chirping]

[Children chattering]

(John-boy) marcia!

Hello, john-boy.

What time do you want me
to pick you up on saturday?

I already told you, I haven't
decided whether I'm going with you.

Marcia wollery, you've got to
stop messin' around with me like this.

[Kids laughing]

Changin' your mind from
one minute to the next.

What's it gonna be, a yes or no?

Changing your mind
is a woman's p-pur...


Yes, prerogative.

I read it in a
book on eti-eti...


You are the smartest thing!

Now, marcia.

I guess you'd better
come around 7:00.

[Door slams]

"To sorrow I bade good-morrow

"And thought to leave
her far away behind

"But cheerly, cheerly,
she loves me dearly

She is so constant and so kind"

Keats. Grandpa!

John keats.

Best love poems I ever read.

Oh, they sure were.

"Cheerly, cheerly,
she loves me dearly"

I always was
partial to them lines.

Where did you learn those lines?

An old boy like me
has a few secrets.

Come on, you tell me.

Well, if you must know,
I read that same poem

Over 30 years ago in a
charlottesville paper.

In a newspaper? Mm-hmm.

Every saturday
night in those days,

They'd publish a special poem

Right under the weekend weather.

I got me considerable repertory.

"Half a league, half a
league half a league onward"

W-wait a minute.

"On into the valley
of death rode the 600

(Both) "'forward the light brigade!
Charge for the g*ns!' He said

"Into the valley of
death rode the 600

"Cannon to the right of them
cannon to the left of them

Cannon in front of them
volleyed and thundered"


Ok, turn around.


John-boy, will you hold still?

How do you expect me to fix this

With you dancin'... John-boy!

Come on, everybody.

Grandpa's taking the
bird out of its cage.

Ok, we'll be right out, erin.

I think I'm finished here.

You go upstairs
and take them off.

Mary ellen, you put this stuff

Away for me, please. Ok.

John-boy, I'll get you.

Look out, elizabeth. He
might peck you. There.

[Grandpa clucking]

How is it?

Well, wing seems to be better,

But, you know, he
hasn't eaten a thing.

Gave him some fish,
but he won't eat it.

Grandpa, you think we ought
to put him back, let him rest?

I think so. Let that bird rest.

And just leave him alone,
that's what he needs.

Do you think he'll die, grandpa?

Birds make up their own
minds about livin' or dyin',

And this one here
hasn't decided yet.

Ah, that's right. Now
come on, everybody.

Leave him alone!

He needs a little rest.
Come on, everybody.


[Metal clanging]

(Dr. Vance) hello, john-boy.

Hey, doc.

I knew it must be either
you or your father.

I recognized your truck outside.

Well, is it workin'?

I'm going to find out.

[Engine revving]

[Chuckling] it's workin'!

Spark plugs.

[Engine chugging]

You, uh, going to drive it?

No, I'm just gettin' it to run.

Any special reason?

Mrs. Mackenzie
just wanted it fixed.

I might have known it!

When is she ever goin'
to listen to what I say?

Is she in the house?

I don't know, she was about a
half hour ago when I got here.

Of course, that doesn't
mean she's still there.

Half an hour's enough time for
that woman to organize an expedition

And be off up the amazon river!


How am i?

Much the same.

If you, uh, take
care of yourself,

You should be all right.

You worry too much.

Only when I'm given cause.

Doctor, in a roundabout way,

Would you be tryin'
to tell me somethin'?


Why is john-boy
walton fixin' your car?

Because it needs mendin'.

No other reason?

I intend drivin' it.


Where to?

To the seaside.

Maggie, have you taken
complete leave of your senses?

Well, you know how far that is.

Very well.

About half a day's
journey there and back.

Well, I absolutely forbid it!

I'm afraid I'm going
just the same.

Maggie, you know perfectly well

The condition your heart is in.

Now I'm warnin' you

You drive that car any farther
than the end of this road,

And you'll probably
k*ll yourself.

And if I do,

It'll be no one's
fault but my own.

You won't be
responsible, doctor.

Maggie mackenzie,

You may very well
be the most stubborn

Willful, cantankerous old woman

I ever met in my life.

But if anything ever
happened to you, i...

I'd miss you very much.

Very much indeed.

Well, I'll... I'll
look in on monday.

I'll be here.

I hope you will.


Oh, excuse me, doctor.

John-boy. Bye. Bye.

The man's a worrier.

Well, did you fix my car?

Sure did. New spark plugs.

Oh, you're a born mechanic.

I'll get us both a cup
of tea to celebrate.

Oh, great.

Here's your towel. Ah!

Make yourself at home
while I get the tea things.

Will you move the things
off that table for me?

It's handy to put
the tea tray on.

Oh, certainly.

They say a watched
pot never boils.

I see you've found my
photograph album. Yes.

Oh! Is it private? I'm sorry.

Heavens, no.

That's what it's there
for, to be looked at.


Let me sit a bit and
rest my weary legs.

Sit, sit.

Thank you.

Ma'am, would you tell
me who this young girl is?

Let me see.

(Maggie) ah, um, me.

Oh, that is you, eh?

Oh, I'm sorry, I
didn't mean to laugh.

Oh, don't apologize.

It was taken a long time ago.

But, aye, that young girl is me.

(John-boy) what about
this picture here,

Of all the people standin'
on the deck of the ship?

Isn't that you standing
there in the white dress?


What's everyone
standin' around you for?

Because it was my weddin' day.

Your weddin' day, huh?

Oh, th-then this young man

Standin' next to you here
must be your husband.

Aye, that's michael.
And there next to him

In his uniform
with the gold braid

And the brass
buttons, is the captain.

That's michael, and that's me.

[Exhales] tell me,

Why did you get
married on board a ship?

Because I'd just
arrived from scotland.

You see, michael
had left for america

The year before

And when he got
settled he sent for me.

We were spoken for,
as they called it then.

Michael came down to
the harbor to meet me.

He got permission
to come on board

And the captain married us.

Who are all these
people standing around?

Passengers, 1st
class, 2nd class,

And the friends I
made in steerage.

And do you know somethin'?

When michael put the ring
on my finger and kissed me,

Everyone on that big ship,

The society people, the
sailors, and the immigrants,

They all sent up a cheer so loud

That the tugboats
across the harbor

Heard the cry and took it up

Honkin' their horns and sh**t'

Great whale spouts of
water up into the sunlight.

Oh, john-boy.

It seemed as if the whole world

Was rejoicing with us.

Then the captain
kissed me on the cheek

And wished us both a
happy life in america.

And would you believe it?


Hand me my bag,
there on the desk.

[Clears throat]

The captain gave me this.

That's a $20 gold piece.


(John-boy) what a
weddin' present.


1879 Was also the
year of our marriage

And the 16th of the month

Would be our 55th
wedding anniversary.

That's tomorrow.

Aye, tomorrow it is.

She is really in mint...
Mint condition, isn't she?

Aye, and I'll never spend it.

Even last year when
president roosevelt

Said we had to hand
in all our gold coins,

I just couldn't bring
myself to part with it.

I'm sure mr. Roosevelt
would understand.

If not, I'm sure mrs.
Roosevelt would.


W-what about
michael, your husband?

He died. 25 Years
after we were married.

I'm sorry. Oh.

We had a good life together.

I never regretted a thing,

Not one minute of it.

And do you know somethin'?

Every year on our anniversary,
we'd journey back to the sea,

And we'd stand
together on the beach.

And michael'd take me
to a special restaurant

And we'd have a fine meal.

Then we'd dance to the
little orchestra they had.

[Giggling] oh, what
a time we had.

I wish you could have seen us,

Kickin' up our
heels to the music.

[Chuckling] I can
just imagine it.

Once, just once before
I die, on my anniversary,

I'm going to do that again.

Journey back to the sea

And stand on the beach
and look out over the waves

And see in my mind's eye
the coast of scotland

Where michael and me were born.

Just once more,

I'm going to smell the sea

And taste that salty
taste on my tongue,

And feel the wind in my face.

Well, I'm sure you will.

Aye, I will. Very soon.

[Kettle whistling]

I'll get it.

No, better me. You
wouldn't do it right.

First, you must warm the pot.

Boiling water,

That's the secret
of a good cup of tea.

Well, thank you for the tea.

Thank you for mendin' my car.

And for letting a
boring old woman

Talk your ear off.

Oh, don't be silly, I
wasn't bored at all.

Now, mrs. Mackenzie,

If you have any more
trouble with the car,

Just send for me

And I'll fix her
up for you again.

I didn't hear what you said.

I said, if you have any
more trouble with your car,

Just send for me and
I'll fix it up for you.

Aye, thank you.



[Truck engine fading]


[Teapot shattering]



Sorry, john-boy,

But I'm afraid you
will have to come back.

I need you.

Hey, hey, there, john.

Hey, daddy.

We sure been needin' that.

Price of oil's gone up again.


John-boy, here's a note
got for you at godsey's.

Who is it from?

I don't know, he didn't
say and I didn't open it.

(John) say, grandpa,
sometimes I think

No matter how hard a man works,

It's impossible
to make a living.


Mrs. Mackenzie's
car broke down again.

She wants me to go
over and fix it up for her.

You go help her, son.

Daddy, I was over there
for an hour yesterday.

It was working fine.
I'll do it tomorrow.

Look, she's an old
lady. She's been sick.

She needs that car
to get around in.

(John) you better
give her a hand.

Where's your toolbox?

The front seat.

Ok, I'll be home for dinner.

It'll be ready in a
second, grandpa.

Let me just oil this up in here.


I don't know what's
wrong with it.

It was workin' fine yesterday.

I... I... I know.

Of course, it could
be your battery.

Look, if I can't find out
what's wrong with it,

You'd better hire yourself
a regular mechanic

To take a look at it.

Now, wait a minute. What's this?

Now, that's peculiar.



Ma'am, I hate to tell
you this, but it looks like

Somebody's been
playin' jokes on you.

One of the connecting
wires has been torn out.

No one's been playing jokes.

I pulled the wire out.

[Chuckling] what did
you do that for?

I had to find a way to
get you to come back.

Well, why didn't you
just send for me?

I knew, what with your
work and going to the dance,

That unless it seemed urgent,
you wouldn't come back.


I must confess
that i... I don't know

What this is all about.

I've got to get to the sea

And I cannot get
there by myself.

Well, I can take you
to the sea next week.

Oh, next week is no
good. It's got to be today.

Because today is your
wedding anniversary,

Isn't it? Aye, that's right.

Well, ma'am.

Look, i... I know how
important that is to you.

And I'm sorry, but...

See, even if we left right now,

We wouldn't get
back until midnight.

And I've promised
this young lady

That I'd take her to
the dance tonight.

Oh, but there'll be
other dances for you,

Hundreds of them. You're young!

I promise that next
year I'll take you out

To see the ocean
for your anniversary.

No, that's no good.

Yesterday, i... I might
have been willing to wait.

But now i... I cannot.

Ma'am, I don't mean to be rude,

But you did get me here
under false pretenses.

I'm sorry, but I can't help you.



[Engine running]

[Engine stops]

Well, she's working ok now.

I guess I better
be getting home.

Mrs. Mackenzie, you
wouldn't be plannin'

To drive out there by
yourself, would you?

You do what you
have to do, john-boy.

And I'll do what I have to do.

Well, I'll be going.

[Birds chirping]


John-boy, he ate
the fish! He ate it!

He really ate it! Come here.

Come and see. He
ate all the fish.

Shh, you'll scare it.

(Erin) it is better now,

Isn't it, grandpa? I do believe

Our little boy-gull
is somewhat better.

(Erin) can we keep it, grandpa?

(Grandpa) it wouldn't live.

There's something inside it

Yearning and tugging
to reach the sea again.

(Mary ellen) wouldn't
it be happy here?

(Grandpa) life is a
mysterious thing.

And every life has needs.

This life needs the sea again.

To circle in the salty air
and breathe the ocean spray.

If it's going to get

All the way back
to the sea again,

It's going to need all
the strength and help

That we can give it.

[Door closing]

Mama, no! Don't, don't...

Ike's got to take
them back. What?

Take 'em back?

John-boy! What's got into him?


Where's he goin'?

I don't know. He said
he'd explain later.

Well, I don't understand,
he said ike godsey

Had to take back
his new britches.

Is john-boy going to the
dance without his britches on?

[All laughing]

Ike, I don't have time
to go to marcia's myself

So if I wrote her a note, would
you give it to her when she comes in?

Here's 30, 35, $2. That's $2.35.

Thank you. You know, I hate
to return somethin' to you

After I've bought it.

Oh, that's all right.
Don't worry about it.

You're going to
write her a note?

[Door chimes tinkling]

[Door closing]



I was just going
to write you a note.

A note about what?

I'm afraid I can't take
you to the dance.

What do you mean?

Well, I can't really
explain it now.

Something's come up.

Uh, an illness in
the family? No, no.

A death? No! It's
nothing like that.

Then what?

Well... See, I have
to take maggie...

John-boy walton!

I am telling you that I swear,

I swear on a stack of bibles

That I will never,
never speak to you again

As long as I live!

No... No, marcia, you
don't... Marcia, you...

[Door banging]

[John-boy exhales]

Mrs. Mackenzie!

I'll take you.


To look at the sea.

Are you sure you want to be seen

With an old piece
of baggage like me?

Come on.

This way.

[Chuckling] I forgot.

(Maggie) thank you.

♪♪[Both singing bonnie
banks o' loch lomon']

♪ Oh, ye'll take the high road
an' I'll take the low road ♪

♪ And I'll be in
scotland afore ye ♪

♪ For me and my true
love will never meet again ♪

♪ On the bonnie, bonnie
banks of loch lomon' ♪♪

What is it?

Can't you smell it?

What? Sniff.

The sea! Aye!

The sea.


You don't have to
stay here with me.

Maybe I'll just go up to
those rocks there for a while.

Go as far as you
want. I'm quite all right.





[Surf breaking]




It's gettin' a little
chilly, isn't it?

Aye, it is.

That's where I came from.

That's where I was born.

All the way out there
across those waves.



If only I could
remember the name.

I... I know it's down
here somewhere.

You sure? Of course I'm sure.

Ma'am, when were you there last?

Oh, I told you, it was...

Oh, that would be 30 years ago.

Oh, but it might still be here.

If it's not, I'm sure we
could find some place.

Oh, it... It might.

The mermaid! There it is.


I remember it now. The mermaid!

♪♪[Piano playing]

Are you ready to order, sir?

Oh, yes.

Um, the lady will
have the s-s-scallops

And I'll have the lobster.

Broiled or thermidor, sir?


Broiled or thermidor?

I seem to remember

The broiled lobster
was very good.

Yes. I'll have the broiled
lobster this evening.

Yes, sir.

Looks just the same.

It hasn't hardly changed at all.

What's it like?


The lobster.

I've read about it,
but I've never tasted it.

It's delicious.

[Cutlery clinking]

(John-boy) thank you.

(Maggie) I hope it
isn't too expensive?

Just fine.

You sure? Mm-hmm.

You have enough with you?


How much is it?

It's just $2.10.

You think 25 cents
is enough for a tip?

Sounds more than enough to me.

♪♪[Piano continues playing]

He's playing the tune michael
and me used to dance to.

Do you wanna dance?

Oh. My dancin' days
are long since past.

I don't believe that.

Get on with you!

Come on.

And then... And then I
thought the lobster claw

Was just going to jump
right out of my hand

And onto the floor!

What a curiosity
that would have been!

We're almost home now.


♪ Oh, ye'll take the high road ♪

♪ An' I'll take the low road ♪

(Both) ♪ and I'll be in
scotland afore ye ♪

♪ For me and my true
love will never meet again ♪

♪ On the bonnie, bonnie banks ♪

(John-boy) ♪ of loch lo... ♪♪

What is it?

What is it?

My arm.

My chest. They're painin' me.

Oh, let me... I'll
just pull over.

Let me pull over.


I'm all right, but you
must get me home.

Ok, right now.

Listen here, son.

You've got to stop
blamin' yourself.

You heard what dr. Vance said.

Her heart's been ready
to give out for over a year.

Just a matter of time.

I should have known that.

I shouldn't have
driven her there.

If you hadn't driven her, she
would have driven herself.

I shouldn't have done that.

She was bound and
determined to get there.


I reckon.


She'd like to see you, john-boy.

John-boy, is that you?

Yes, ma'am.

I'm dyin', john-boy.

That worryin' doctor and me

Have known it f-for a long time.

Maggie, save your strength.


He's still bossing me about.

I... I want to thank
you, john-boy

For giving me the
happiest time I've had

In 30 years.


The very best.

Well, I purely enjoyed
every minute of it.

Where's my bag?

My bag. Where
is it? Where is it?

It's all right,
maggie. It's here.


There's a pocket in the lining.

It's for you.

No, no, this is
your wedding gift.

Now it's my gift

To you.

(Grandpa) hey, john-boy.
We're settin' him free.

(Elizabeth) he's gonna
be flyin' all over again.

Our little boy-gull.



1, 2, 3! Go!

(All) bye!

(Erin) bye.

(Elizabeth) bye. Bye.

(Jason) bye.

(All) bye.

(John-boy) some people
are drawn to oceans

And others to the
shimmering sands of deserts.

Others feel only at home on land

That flows beside a river.

My people were
drawn to mountains,

And there on walton's mountain,

We were to share
the fun and excitement

Of growing up together.

The boundless love of
our mother and father

And a daily exploration

Of many of the wonders
that lie in the human heart.

(Erin) mama, mary ellen's
going to set the house on fire!

(Jason) come on, ben! Mary
ellen's started a fire!

(Ben) comin', jason.

(Erin) she's reading
in bed by candlelight!

(Elizabeth) keepin'
everyone awake!

(Olivia) what's
goin' on in there?

(Mary ellen) it's all right.
I'm reading the bible.

(Ben) she is not,
mama. She's reading

Secrets of the silver screen.

(Mary ellen) tattletale!
The boys are over

In our room teasing us.

(John) all right, everybody,
back to your own rooms

And settle down.

(Erin) good night, daddy.

(John) good night, erin.
Good night, mary ellen.

(Mary ellen) good night,
daddy. Good night, mama.

(Olivia) good night, mary
ellen. Good night, elizabeth.

(Elizabeth) good night,
mama. Good night, jason.

(Jason) goodnight, elizabeth.
Goodnight, everybody.
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