02x03 - The Separation

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x03 - The Separation

Post by bunniefuu »

[Birds chirping]

(John-boy) whenever I think
back on walton's mountain

And about my family,

I remember mostly
the feeling of love

And the happiness we all shared.

But though the
mountain never changed,

There were times, rare times,

When those we
thought the closest

Found themselves at odds.

It happens in all
families, I suppose,

And it happened one day in ours.

Good morning.

Good morning, son.

Hello. Hi, john-boy.

Runnin' late?

No, I got up early.

Cooked myself some breakfast.

That's where that greasy
frying pan came from.

I'm sorry, grandma.

Come on, children, hurry up.

You'll be late for school.

You still haven't told
us about the dance, mama.

(John) what dance
is that, honey?

Here, in the circular. A big
barn dance tomorrow night.

The livery stable.

Liv, when was the last
time we went dancin'?

Oh, back about the turn
of the century, I imagine.

Think you still remember how?

I think I could manage.

Can we go, mama? All of us?

Your father and I
will talk about it later.

We'll let you know
in plenty of time.

John, does it say who
the caller's going to be?

Oglethorpe hansen. Have a look.

(Grandma) best
caller in the county.

Never heard of him.

Oglethorpe's just
his professional name.

Don't you remember fred hansen?

Oh, that long-legged beanpole.

[All laughing]

He was the best dancer
this side of the james river.

Maybe then, but not now.
Did you know him, grandma?

Quite well.

Quite well? You should've
seen the two of them

Sashaying around that
floor, cuttin' fancy steps...

Green eyes is jealous.

Well, I may have
danced a lot with fred,

But, uh, I always saved
our special waltz for you.

(Mary ellen) what
was that, grandma?

My wild irish rose.

She was so wild, by the time
she got through dancin' with him,

She was so wore out, she
couldn't keep up with me.

[All laughing]

Come on, children. Hurry up.

Off you go.

Bye, daddy.

Goodbye, honey.

[All chattering]

All right. Take care now.

(Jason) bye, grandma.

(Olivia) go on.

(John) all right.
Slow down there.

What was that song, pa?

♪ Wild irish rose ♪

♪ The sweetest
flower that grows ♪

♪ Someday for my sake
she may let me take ♪

♪ The bloom from
my wild irish rose ♪♪

[Grandpa laughing]

[Children chattering]

Mornin', ma'am.


I'm from the jefferson
county electric company.


Your bill's way past due, ma'am.

I know. We've been... We've
been meanin' to send it in but...

(John) what is it, liv?

This man is from the
electric company.

Your bill's past due,
and my orders are

Either to collect it
or turn off your power.

We've been expectin' you.

I got a lot of rounds to make.

If you ain't got the money...

Do what you have to do.
It's around back there.

Folks, I'm awful sorry,
but I've got my orders.

What's going on out here?

The electric company's
gonna turn off

Our electricity.

Couldn't pay the bill.

They can't do that.

I'm afraid they can, pa.


I'm goin' over to anker barnes.

He's owed me money
for lumber for 3 weeks.

He's in the same boat we are.

Nobody's got the cash.

I can at least ask him.

Maybe he's got enough to
turn the power on tomorrow.

It's a shame, that's what it is.

A shame and a disgrace.

[Coins rattling]

Exactly 22 cents to our name.

Here, grandpa, you take this.

Why me?

Candles. We're gonna need
some when the children come.

Oh, that is a very good idea.

Well, maybe I'd
better get on down

To ike godsey's now.

I've been so fearful this
day would finally come

When we couldn't pay our bills.

If you fear a thing
enough, you're askin' for it.

[Birds chirping]

[Doorbell rings]

Why, mr. Walton! Come in.

Miss emily.

Sister, it's mr. Walton.

Good morning, mr. Walton.

Ladies, I have called to
make you a proposition.

Oh, my goodness.

Now I happen to know

You've got some loose
drainpipes that need fixin'.

I don't want you botherin' me

When it gets to be bad weather.

So I will fix 'em for $2.50

And the use of your automobile

To go to charlottesville
this afternoon.

Oh, you're going to
charlottesville this afternoon?

Well, I aim to,
if it's a bargain.

It's a bargain,
on one condition.

What's that?

That you take us with you.

Well, ladies, it will
pleasure me to do so

Providin' I can make

One business stop before 5:00.

Now, uh, lead me to those pipes.


John-boy, have you ever
been to a barn dance before?


What happened?

What do you mean what happened?

You've been to a dance,
you know what happens.

Last year, when mama was sick.

That was different.
I was with g.w.

What happens if you're
not with anybody?

I don't know what
you'd do. You're a girl.

But I being a boy

Have to pick my partner first.

What if nobody picks me?

Then I guess you
have to pick somebody.

You could pick jason here.

Oh, no. If you had to.

My own brother?

You just start
off together, silly,

And then you switchin' off.

And then pretty soon,

Everyone's dancin'
with everyone else.

Well, jason doesn't
even know how to dance.

Well, this would
be a perfect time

For him to learn.

Oh, I'm not gonna teach him.

I see the children,
but i... I don't see zeb.

Don't worry,
grandma. He'll be along.

I can't help worryin'.

That old fool could've
been to the store and back

15 Times by now.

Grandma, if anything had
happened, we would've heard.

(Elizabeth) hi, mama!

(Mary ellen) we're home.

(Olivia) put your books
away, and start your chores.

(All) ok.

(Jason) I wanna
listen to the radio.

John-boy, I wanna talk to you.

I want you to go
down to ike godsey's

And see if you can
find your grandpa.

We sent him down there this
morning to get some candles.

Candles? The power company
came and turned off the electricity.

Oh, I knew that
was gonna happen.

Hurry up, will you?

Grandpa's been gone all day.

And your grandma's worried sick.

You know where he is, don't you?

He's down at ike's playin' pool.

Mama, what's wrong
with that radio?

I wanna listen to
jack armstrong.

I'll explain it to you, jason.

Oh, what a beautiful
day for a drive.

Isn't this a treat, emily?

It certainly is.

You're a splendid
driver, mr. Walton.

Thank you.

I hope I get my
license back soon.

When mamie drives, we sing tunes

And she keeps time with
her foot on the accelerator.

It makes for such a joyful ride.

If you ladies care to
raise your voice in song,

I'll be happy to
keep time with you.

(All) ♪ on top of old smokey ♪

♪ All covered with snow ♪

♪ I lost my true lover ♪

♪ For courting too slow ♪

♪ For courting's a pleasure ♪

♪ But parting is grief ♪♪

And then it's got
the different sizes

So that you can grind just
about anything you want to.

Hey, john-boy.

Why don't you look it over
and, uh, I'll be right back?

Hey, ike. Is my grandpa around?

Nope. I ain't seen your grandpa
in, oh, I don't know, in 3 or 4 days.

That's funny. My mama sent
him down here this morning

To pick up some candles.


Yeah, uh, we need some candles.

Oh, well, a lot of folks
need candles these days,

But, uh, I ain't seen
your grandpa, john-boy.

Not today.

That's really strange.

Uh, ike, we need
those candles so...

I'm sure my grandpa's
got some money on him.

You think you could
you let me have them now

And I'll pay you back
as soon as I find him?

I guess it'll be ok.

I'll be right with you, folks.

How many do you need, john-boy?

Uh, 7 or 8 ought to do it.

Come on, ladies.

This will have to
be our last stop.

They don't let me drive
much after twilight,

And it'll soon be gettin' dark.

Oh, yes.

We'll get on home

As soon as we pay our
respects to mr. Harper.

There you are.

Well, well, ladies, ladies,

What a pleasure it
is to see you again.

Good day, mr. Harper.

We just couldn't visit
town without stopping in.

Yeah, good to
see you again, zeb.

Oh, yeah, ollie.

Papa purchased all his medicine

From mr. Harper
during the illness.

It was a pleasure to do business

With such a
distinguished gentleman

As judge baldwin.

Mr. Harper used to
deliver the medicine

Personally all the
way to our house.

And he never left

Without sharin'
some of the recipe.

[All laughing]

The recipe.

We have a surprise for you.

You don't mean to tell me...

It's from a batch
that papa made in 1925,

And we only share it
with very special people.

Well, I declare!

How... How very
thoughtful of you.

Now, uh, you must let
me do something for you.

I know.

How about 3 chocolate
sodas on the house?

Mr. Walton, have we time?


Well, it's been a long
time since I've had a soda.

I don't see how a chocolate soda

Could possibly
interfere with my drivin'.

Let's indulge ourselves.

Oh, mr. Harper,

Your hospitality is
positively overwhelming.

All right, 3 chocolate
sodas coming up in a jiffy.

Now, why don't you
just browse around?

I'll call you when
they're ready.

Isn't he a lovely gentleman?

He seems to be.

Look, sister. Perfume.

It smells positively wicked.

What do you expect?

Look at that name. L'amour.

Those french
women have no shame.

There seems to
be all kinds here.

"My rapture."

I think I'd like

To get some of
that for my esther.

What kind does she
prefer, mr. Walton?

I don't exactly remember.

It's... It's raspberry, I think.


Well, that is her
favorite flavor

In a... In a punch
drink. Raspberry.

Well, here's a nice cologne.

"Evenin' mist."


It don't exactly smell
like raspberry to me.

But it's light and delicate.

And it's only 39 cents.

39 Cents. I... I think
maybe I could go for that.

Do you suppose

He'd wrap it up
as a gift for me?

Oh, I'm sure he will.

There you are, ladies. All set.

Don't they look delicious?

They certainly do.

Oh, mr. Harper, would
you wrap this as a gift

For mr. Walton?

Why, I'd be happy
to. That's 39 cents.

39. Here you are.

Thank you, zeb.

[Cash register dings]

Isn't this a treat, sister?

Oh, a divine treat.

Life just has its
little rewards,

Doesn't it, mr. Walton?

Indeed it does.

Grandma, we ought
to light the candles

And feed the children now.

Where could that old man be?

Oh, he's probably out
with john somewhere.

Well, john-boy said that

Zeb never reached
ike godsey's store.

He could be lying
alongside the road

Somewhere, hurt or...

Come on, grandma,
let's feed the children.

(John-boy) that's a
dog. That's reckless.

[John-boy imitates dog barking]

It's got a split lip.

Here's jim-bob jr.

Make a crab, john-boy. A crab?

It's like a tick goin' up a leg.

(Mary ellen) it's upside down.

(John-boy) crawling
up your knee.

Hello, everyone.

Hi, daddy. Hi, daddy.

It's like old times.

(Elizabeth) daddy, watch
john-boy make a crab.

Know how to make
a duck? Watch this.


Isn't zeb with you?

No, ma. I was out
trying to sell a hog

All day with anker barnes.

Got the money, too.

What's wrong?

Grandpa started
for ike godsey's store

This morning shortly
after you left.

Only he never got there,

And we have no idea where he is.

I, uh, I think we should
drive around and see

If zeb isn't with one
of the neighbors and...

All right, ma.

We've had dinner, but I'll
keep your supper warm.

Let's go.

John, stop.

There's something over
there at the side of the road.

No, ma, it's nothin'.
It's just an old log.


[Crickets chirping]

(John) nobody home.

Can't say I'm sorry.

If I thought that old man
had been in there all day,

Drinkin 'that recipe...

He's probably with
one of his friends, ma.

Which one? He's got friends
all over these mountains.

You know his friends
better than I do.

What about alan?

[Car approaching]

Wasn't that... It sure was, ma.

You go get him.

Well, son, what on
earth are you doin' here?

We've been lookin' for you, pa.

John walton, how
nice to see you.

Hello, miss mamie
and miss emily.

Do come in and have some
refreshment, mr. Walton.

I'm afraid not. You see,
my ma is waitin' in the truck.


Oh, my goodness.
Maybe she'll join us.

I wouldn't be smilin'
if I were you, pa.

Mrs. Walton, I'm so
happy to see you again.

(Emily) it's been some time.

That husband of yours

Just has to be the kindest man

In the entire state of virginia.

He drove us all the
way into charlottesville.

He's a kind one, all right.

Won't you come in for a visit?

I'm sorry.

Got some folks home
worried about us.

Maybe some other time, ladies.

Oh, well, if you must go...

Thank you again, mr. Walton.

It was a most delightful trip.

My pleasure, ladies.

A divine treat.

(John) you better
get in now, pa.

[Engine starting]


Goodbye, all.

Goodbye! Thank you again.


I'll bet you can't guess
why I went into town today.

Well, it wasn't to buy candles.

You took our last 22 cents.

Oh, candles, my land!

I completely forgot about it.

You'd rather go
gallivantin' around

With 2 single ladies

Instead of carin' for your own?

Esther, you don't
really mean that.

You smell like a june bride.

Well, all right, then.
I just won't tell you.

You let it be a surprise.

You're the one

That's in for a
surprise, old man.

You'll be sleepin' on
the couch tonight.

♪♪[Grandpa singing]

I let the kids know
that I'm safe and sound.

Safe, maybe.

You, too?

Well, you could've told us you
were drivin' the baldwins to town.

Well, what am i, some
little shirttail kid

That has to report to his mama
every time he turns around?

If you could've seen
grandma worryin' all day...

That's the trouble with her.

She worries too much.

Where is she?

I suppose she's sittin'
in our room poutin'.

I'm gonna go see
if she's all right.

Why, if I made her
a bed of roses,

She'd only complain
about the thorns.

What's she doin'?
Sittin' in there broodin',

Most likely without
even a lit candle.

At least we'll have the lights

Turned on tomorrow,
thank heaven.

Huh? Yeah.

I finally sold that hog
anker barnes paid me with.

Goin' in to settle up tomorrow.

Well, there's no
need to do that.

That's what I went
into town for today.

You did what?

I fixed the
baldwins' drainpipes.

They gave me enough
money to pay the bill.

The man will be out to
turn it on in the morning.

For heaven's sake, why
didn't you tell ma that?

'Cause she's been
lettin' her mind

Run wild with
jealousy here lately.

I decided to let her
stew in her own juices.

I still think you
ought to tell her.

Nope. Don't you
tell her, either.

It's between the two of us.

She'll find out in the mornin'.

Maybe then she'll
have a regret or two

For the way she's been actin'.

Well, livie, what on
earth you got there?

Your bedclothes for the night.

You mean to say she was serious

About havin' me
sleep on that couch?

Sounded mighty serious to me.

Well, we'll just see about that.



Now, see here, old woman,

There is a limit to my patience.

Your patience?

Did you spend the day
worrying yourself sick?

You don't care about me.

All you care about is
havin' yourself a fling.

Esther, you have got a
dark and suspicious mind.

And you smell

To high heaven of toilet water.

It's perfume.

There's an explanation
for that, too.

Oh, you could explain
away the depression

If you had the chance.

Now, will you leave me alone?

I've taken all I
can for one day.

I am not sleepin' on any couch.

All right, then.
You take the bed.

I'll sleep on the couch.

Esther, I will not
put up with this.

There's nothing
you can do about it.

[Door slams]

Ma, did you at least give
him a chance to explain?

There's nothin' to explain.

He's an old fool
and he's proved it.

Now, ma, I happen to
know there's a reason

That he went to charlottesville.

And if you asked
him, he'd tell you.

Oh, you men. The way
you stick together.

Ma, would you at least ask him?

I've done all the listenin'

And talkin' I'm going to.

If he wants to
share my bed at night,

He can share my
troth during the day.

[Footsteps approaching]

I will be sayin' goodbye.

Where are you going
this time of night?

If that woman doesn't
want me in her bed,

She don't want me in her house.

Pa, why don't you just
cool off a little bit?

If you have to go,
go in the mornin'.

Yeah, grandpa. Sleep on it.

It's high time that
this family learned

That zeb walton can
take care of himself.

(John) well, where
are you going?

Oh, I have a friend.

What do you mean, a friend?
What friend? Now, wait a minute.

Just leave me be.

[Crockery clinking]


(All) good morning, john-boy.

Where's grandpa?

Did he finish his
breakfast already?


Is grandpa sick?

No, he's not sick.

Now you... You hurry up
and finish your breakfast.

Mama, tonight's the night.

What night?

The night of the big barn dance.

You told us you'd let us know.

I'll let you know
later, mary ellen.

Mama, I don't see why you
can't make up your mind.

The dance is free. It won't
cost a fortune to get in.

I've got so much to think about.

(Olivia) I said we'll
talk about it later.

(Mary ellen) but I
need to know, mom.

If we're going, I have
to iron my dress.

Wouldn't harm you none to do
some ironin' whether you go or not.

How can you iron
with no electricity?

That's right.

You put the iron on the stove.

That's what you used
to do, isn't it grandma?

It wasn't that kind of an iron.

It was this kind of an iron.

So if you want to iron,
you just go right ahead.

I don't have time. Here,
elizabeth, finish this, honey.

I gotta see grandpa.

Wait, john-boy.

What do you... What do
you want to see him for?

I gotta get some money from him

To finish payin'
for the candles.

Well, uh, he's not in our room.

Oh, where is he?

Here's some money
your daddy gave me.

Grandma's acting kind of funny.

I noticed.

All right, you children,
saturday's chores are waiting.

Hurry up. Come on.

[Birds chirping]

Hey, daddy.

What's goin' on around here?

Ah, it seems grandpa
left in a huff last night.

He and your grandma
were spattin'.

He had enough.

Where'd he go?

Stayin' with one of
his old cronies, I guess.

What happened?

Well, it seems he worked for
the baldwin sisters yesterday

And made a little money,

Went into charlottesville,
and paid the electric bill.

He was trying to tell your
grandma, but she was yellin' too much.

That's what they're
fightin' about?

Somethin' like that.

Well, I reckon I better
get on over to ike's.

Finish payin' for those candles.

Come on, blue.

[Bell tinkling]

(John-boy) hey, ike.

Hey, john-boy. Am I
ever glad to see you.

Did you think I wasn't
going to pay you back?

No, it's not this. It's that.

[Grandpa snoring]

So he came here, eh?

Yeah. About midnight.

Woke me up and asked
me to bed him down.

I didn't mind last night.

But, I mean, this morning...
I got customers comin' in.

You want me to
wake him up, is that it?

Well, I'd be much
obliged, john-boy.






[Whispers] grandpa.


Oh, uh, john-boy.

Did you have a good sleep?

I have had worse.

You hungry?

Hungry as I am, I'll
get me a soda pop

And a couple of
crackers from ike.

That's no breakfast.

Did your grandma
send you down here?

No, nobody knew you were here.

Just as well.

You're not plannin'
to come home, eh?

Not unless...

Only under certain conditions.


Is the electricity
turned back on yet?

It wasn't when I left.

Well, it ought to be
back on pretty soon now.

I know. Daddy told
me how you paid for it.

Soon as esther learns the truth,

She'll have a change of heart.

I hope so.

In that case, I
don't see no harm

In lettin' certain
parties know where I'm at.

If she wants to come
here and make her peace,

There's no reason to stop her.

You mean, apologize?


Uh, it's up to her.

Let her conscience be her guide.


Hey, ike, good mornin', ike.

Good morning, mr. Walton.

Now, I think I have

About 16 cents on me
and a powerful appetite.

Wonder if you could fix me up.

Why don't you just look around

And see whatever
suits your fancy?

John-boy, here's your change.

Look, why don't you
just apply it to his bill?

You never can tell
when he's gonna need it.

A soda pop, please.

Comin' right up.

[Ike laughing]

Mary ellen, can't you
find somethin' to do?


Then go on outside

And play with the
other children.

I don't feel like playin'.

Then do some work.

Go on out and help your mother.

She doesn't need any help.

If you think that mopin'
around the house all day

Is going to get you
to that dance tonight,

You're sadly mistaken.

Mary ellen, when I was your age

And just thought I might
get to go to a dance,

I did everything to get
into my mama's good graces.

I was bright and helpful.

I got everything
ready, like the dress.

Mama can at least
give me an answer.

Your mama's got
a lot on her mind.

We all do.

Presenting america's favorite,

The blue network breakfast
club with don mcneill.

[Radio announcer chattering]

How did that thing
start workin'?

Take care.

[Birds chirping]

[Engine starting]

He turned the power back on.

That's right, ma.

But you haven't
paid the bill yet.

Well, pa paid it yesterday.

That's why he went
into charlottesville.

But how could he? He...

He earned some money

Workin' for the baldwin sisters.

Then why didn't he just
come out and say so?

I guess you didn't
give him any chance to.

How long have you known?

Since last night.

Then why didn't you tell me?

I promised him I wouldn't.

He said it was just
between you two.

There's no fool
like an old fool,

And I don't mean your papa.

Poor grandma.

You should have told her, john.

Maybe you're right, but
I promised him I wouldn't.

It's between them, anyway.

(John-boy) hey, guess
who I saw at ike's?

Grandpa! (John) grandpa!

That's right!

Did he say if he's comin' home?

Well, he said he would
under certain conditions.

I think he wants grandma
to go down there and see him.

Tell her where he is.

It's up to her what she
wants to do about it.

I could use a hand, son.

Ok, let me turn blue out.

John-boy saw grandpa.

He's down at ike godsey's.

What was he doin'?

Oh, feeling hurt and
put out, most likely.

Most likely.

Well, he did what
he did for our sakes,

And then not to
be appreciated...

If the old fool had
just come right out

And told the truth...

You know men.

John-boy was
under the impression

He's planning to
stay away until...

Till I apologize?

I know it's hard.

I've been meanin
to go down to ike's

To... To price a few things.


I'll see if john-boy
can drive you.

Well, now, you give me
a moment to freshen up.

John-boy, are... Are...
Are you going to write

All this down in your book?

No, not if you don't want me to.

Well, i-i'd rather
you didn't. But...

Well, i-if you were gonna
write it down, and, uh,

How would you put it?

I mean, how would
you have me apologize?

I'd have you say, "I'm sorry."

[Stammering] uh, i... I mean, well,
how would you put our meeting?

Well, I guess grandpa's face

Would just light up
when you walked in.

And you'd be very
gentle with him,

And say, "I'm sorry."

And then he'd probably
snatch up his suitcase and say:

"Well, let's get on home
where we belong, old woman."

I'd like that.

[Bell tinkling]

Oh, hi, mrs. Walton.
How are you today?

Mornin', ike.

Just come in to
price a few things,

If you don't mind.

Oh, no, uh, feel free
to browse around.

Whatever you wish.

Uh, you alone here, ike?

Yeah, I'm alone.

Uh, I thought maybe
grandpa would be here.

No, he left, oh,
about 15 minutes ago.

Oh, that's funny. We
didn't pass him on the road.

Did he say where he was goin'?

Yeah, he was goin' over
to the, uh, baldwin sisters'.

We'll be goin' home now.

Real life isn't like a
story, is it, john-boy?

Mr. Walton! Come in.

Mornin', miss emily.

Sister, it's mr. Walton.

How nice of you to
drop by, mr. Walton.

Uh, the truth is, I forgot
that package of perfume

I bought in
charlottesville last night.

You know, that sweet-smelling
stuff I got for esther?

Oh, yes, the cologne.

I've looked all
over the car for it,

But it's not there.

Perhaps I brought
it in with my things.

I'll have a look.

Thank you, miss emily.

Won't you sit down, mr. Walton?

Oh, well, no, I
don't believe so.

My joints are a little
stiff this morning.

Well, I know just
the cure for that.

A touch of the recipe.


Papa always used to say:

"There's nothing like
a touch of the recipe

To loosen the man up."

Well, he certainly
had somethin' there.

There you are.

Miss mamie, you are
a gracious woman.

(Emily) here it is.

I did put it in my bag.

Oh, good.

Will we be seeing you
at the dance tonight,

Mr. Walton?

Tonight? Well, there's
always the possibility

That I'd be there.

Good mornin', ladies.

Good mornin'.


[Recipe bubbling]

[Birds chirping]

[Car approaching]

Why, john-boy!

However did you
know I was up here?

Ike told me.

Well, I got this present for your
grandma down in charlottesville

And I forgot it at the
baldwin sisters' last night.

I figured it might be a
good idea to have it with me

If your grandma
comes to talk to me.

Oh, she's been down there.


She was there when ike told
me you were at the baldwins'.

I just thought you
ought to know that.

Mad, huh?

She was more like an iceberg.

Jealousy. That
green-eyed monster.

Grandpa, why don't
you just go home

And explain to her
what's been goin' on?

'Cause after 50 years,

I don't think a man
should be responsible

For every move he makes.

Here, you take this present
on back to your grandma.

Tell her why I went back
to the baldwins' to get it,

Then drive me back to ike's.

You don't really think she's
gonna go back there, do you?

Well, no, I don't.
But I just can't

Put up with her
scornfulness any longer.

Maybe it's better
just the way it is.

You don't mean that.

When 2 people start
mistrustin' one another,

Maybe it's better for
both of 'em to stay apart.

Grandpa, this thing
was just a spat.

You and grandma could no
more do without each other

Than the sun and the moon.

I got me a cousin over
in fluvanna county.

I haven't seen him
for quite a spell.

Maybe after a while with
him, I'll feel better. If not...


Do you realize that this whole
thing is just a misunderstanding?

Wars have been started on
misunderstandings, john-boy.

Your grandma and i,
we've got a lot in common.

But if she is going
to get green-eyed

Every time I make
a move of my own,

That is too hard to put up with.

Now you take me
on down to ike's.

Do as I say, john-boy.

[Engine starting]

[Knocking on door]

Come in.

I brought you a
sandwich, grandma.

We've had our lunch.

Thanks, livie, but
I'm not hungry.

Grandma, this thing has
gotten completely out of hand.

You know,

This is the first real gift
zeb has given me in years.

Always before, it was something

I needed for the house,

Or something I needed to wear.

You know, one christmas,
when we had real bad weather,

He gave me a set
of long underwear.

But never toilet water.

Grandma, you should be
telling these things to grandpa.

I would if he was here.

I just can't go
back down to ike's.

We could send john-boy.

And tell him what?

That esther walton is
sorry that she's jealous?

I'm not sorry.

I've always been jealous of zeb.

[Sighs] I love that old fool.

I know.

I'm too proud to
go down there, livie.

And he's too proud to come here.

Are you blaming me, livie?


I guess I'd feel the
same way about john.

I'm almost finished,
mama. All the ironing.

That's a big help, mary ellen.

I've done everything,
including my party dress.

That's good. You're gonna
need it for the dance tonight.

I can go?

You and all the
other children, too.

I can't wait to see
grandma's old beau.

And who might that be?

Oglethorpe what's-his-name.

The guy that grandpa
used to be jealous of.

The one that grandpa

Used to be jealous of.


I want you to get
up out of that chair,

Do somethin' with your hair,
and iron your best dress.

What are you talking about?

We are going to a dance.

All of us. The
whole walton clan.

I can't go to any dance.

You can and you will.

So will grandpa, if we can
get john-boy to persuade him.

But... It's simple.

It's time grandpa learned

That jealousy is a 2-way street.

What are you all
so spiffed up about?

I'm going to the dance.

What dance?

What dance? Everybody's
goin' to the dance.

The barn dance.

Your grandma, too?


Oh, she's more excited
than anyone else.

She's home frizzin' her hair.

I kind of think it's
'cause she wants to see

That old friend of hers,
that caller. What's his name?

Fred hansen.

Yeah, that's him.
You goin', ike?

Wouldn't miss it.

I didn't know it
was gettin' so late.

You mean to say esther
is gettin' all dolled up

To see that long-legged squirt?

Yeah. I suppose you
don't intend to go, do you?

Who says I'm not?

You just hold on.

♪♪[Music playing]

[People clapping]

(Fred) break and center.
Everybody, swing!

[Fred calling out]

Pack the load and
stick out the leg!

Ladies, swing in.
Gents, swing out.

Come on, jason!

(Erin) go on.

Center, and everybody swing!

[Fred continues calling]

That's all.



You have grown more beautiful
than I remember you, esther.

Oh, that's not true,
but thanks for sayin' it.

Oh, this is my son and
my daughter-in-law.

How are you doing, fred?

And their youngest.

Mind if I borrow

This, uh, pretty little
lady for a dance?

That's up to her.


It's been a long time, fred.

And I haven't had
a partner as good

In all these years.

Well, looks like
it's you and me.

All you've gotta do is cut in.


Two can play at this game.

Miss emily, would
you do me the honor?

Would you dance with me?

[All clapping]

Now, esther, you be sure
and save me another dance.

I better go back to work now.

Fred, can I make a
special request?

[People chattering]

♪♪[Band playing music]

Mamie, would you please do
me the honor for the next?

Why, mr. Walton, how divine!

Miss mamie, aren't they
playing my wild irish rose?

Oh, yes, they are.

Miss mamie, forgive
me. I do believe

I've promised that
waltz to another.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, may I cut in, please?

I didn't recognize
the tune, esther.

I always saved it for you, zeb.

So you did.

(John-boy) we are all dancers.

In each of us,

There is a need to move
to the beat of music,

To circle, to tempt, to embrace,

And finally to move
together in pairs.

And when all else
of 1934 is forgotten,

I will still treasure
this house, this year,

And this night.

[Crickets chirping]

(Grandma) zeb.

(Grandma) hmm?

You suppose miss
mamie was offended

When you quit dancin' with her?

She's an understandin' woman.

I'm glad.

Good night, esther.

Good night, zeb.

Your feet are cold.
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