02x04 - The Theft

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x04 - The Theft

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) looking back
across a span of 40 years,

The sharp edges of
the great depression

Have worn away.

In memory, the period
seems a happy time.

Yet when we lived them,
they were trying years.

And I remember a time
when our family's pride

And our integrity
were challenged

In a manner that was new

And shattering to all of us.

Ok, I'll take that from you.

You're not gonna read it.

Thanks, reckless.

(Jason) you got any 3s?

Go fish.

Hi, mama. 92 Cents.

92 Cents?


Another whole dollar
all shot to pieces.

Did you bring the
newspaper, john-boy?

No. It never did come in.
Ike sent you yesterday's.

Any old news is
better than none.

What's for supper, livie?

There won't be any supper

If you two don't get out
and give me some elbow room.

Jason, jim-bob, you, too.

(Both) oh, mama.

(Jason) jim-bob,
have you got any 8s?

Go fish.

Oh, look, you do, too.

If you have an 8,
you got to give it.

Is that right, john-boy? Yep.

Told you.

(Mary ellen) what is it
when it isn't a depression?

What is what when
it isn't a depression?

The name of the times.

I don't know.
Prosperity, I reckon.

Sometimes I get the feeling there's
a depression on walton's mountain

And prosperity everywhere else.

Wherever did you get such
an idea as that, mary ellen?

If there's really a depression,

Who can afford to
buy things like these?

Look. A 1934 nash sedan, $760.

Who could ever save
up that much money?

Eh, the only family around
here that could afford

To buy a car like that
would be the claybournes.

They'd buy a couple of
nashes, if they felt like it.

Even with mr. Claybourne dead?

It was mr. Claybourne
they buried, not his money.

If they buried his money,

They wouldn't have
anything to pay daddy.

What are they paying daddy for?

When he's doing a job
of work over there.

Daddy's working
at the claybournes?

I wonder if stuart
lee claybourne

Knows how gorgeous I've gotten.

[Imitating mary ellen] I wonder
if stuart lee claybourne

Knows how gorgeous I've gotten.

You want a bloody lip?

Oh, mercy me, stuart lee!

Come on, leave her alone.

Don't worry,
john-boy. I don't pay

The slightest attention
to little children.

You put a crease in my cards.

[Bird squawking]

Daddy could never fix anything.

He'd just call somebody
up and have 'em come fix it.

Lucky man.

Stuart lee's just like him.


Of course, he's hardly
ever around here anymore.

Spends all his time up
at the weatherby place.

He's in love.

In love, huh?

Amelia, darlin',

I hope you haven't been
pesterin' mr. Walton.

She's been good
company, mrs. Claybourne.

Now, isn't that a miracle?

Hummin' like brand-new.

You're a wizard, mr. Walton.

Haven't seen many
electric refrigerators.

Amelia, go fetch your brother

So he can settle
accounts with mr. Walton.

Yes, ma'am.

And, darlin',
please don't slouch.

Good posture is so
important to a lady.

Oh, mother.

I'm afraid there
is simply no hope

For this new generation.

In my day, we took pride.

I'm afraid it's only fixed
temporarily, mrs. Claybourne

It needs a... Needs a new part.

A part?

Uh-huh. I can have one
of ike godsey's suppliers

Pick it up over in

Only take a day or two.

Stuart lee. Mr. Walton.

Always a pleasure
to see you, mr. Walton.

Now, stuart lee,

You be especially generous
with our good neighbor.

Yes, ma'am.

Please remember me to your
lovely family, mr. Walton.

I will, ma'am.

Thank you.

I didn't see your
truck parked outside.

Yeah, I've got a flat.

John-boy's trying
to fix up the spare.

Well, I'd be happy
to drive you home.

I'm goin' right by your place.

I'd sure appreciate that.

This thing gets awful
heavy after a mile or two.

Bye, mr. Walton.


(Jim-bob) got any 9s?

(Jason) uh-uh, go fish.

(Jason) got any 6s?

Go fish.

Jim-bob, jason,

You're playing
cards in this house?

Well, it's not a
gambling game, grandma.

I don't see anything too
evil about go fish, grandma.

Go fish today and...
And poker tomorrow.

The evils of gamblin'

Can put down roots
in shallow ground.

Oh, esther, it's no
worse than hearts.

Go fish!


[Radio static]

Esther, will you stop
rattlin' them dishes?

You're makin' as much noise

As teddy roosevelt
charging up san juan hill.

[Plate clanks]

I wanna hear this program.

(Radio announcer) w.p.a.
Trucks and drivers

Will be distributin'
the supplies

Through the federal
surplus relief corporation.

Thus, charlottesville
will see its first breadline.

In sports today,
the red sox beat...

We sure are a fortunate family.

If it wasn't for the
bounty of the land,

We'd find this table as bare

As a lot of folks
are findin' theirs.

Plenty of people havin' to
take handouts these days.

No member of this family
has ever accepted charity.

Well, no member of this family

Has ever been hit
by the depression

So hard that they've had to.

[Crockery cluttering]

Sure you won't come in
for a minute, stuart lee?

Well, the truth is, mr. Walton,

I'm on my way to
visit a young lady.

Amelia told me about that.

Kind of sweet on the
weatherby girl, huh?

My sister's a born gossip.

Creighton weatherby

Has the biggest
house in these parts.

I sure wouldn't mind
being his wood supplier.

Do you think it'd
be worth your time

To make deliveries
that far mr. Walton?

Uh, probably not.

Anyway, I'm much obliged
for the ride, stuart lee.

I'll see you in a few
days, mr. Walton.

My regards to the family.

You took a long time at the
claybournes' today, daddy.

(John) those electric
refrigerators are kind of tricky.

Nothing wrong with an
old-fashioned icebox, if you ask me.

Nobody did.

Look what I got.

Stuart lee paid me.

Same way his daddy did,
with a sealed envelope.

Elizabeth, eat up.

John, there's only $1 here.

Sure isn't as generous
as his daddy, was he?

Don't you reckon he'll pay
you the rest when you finish up?

Sure hope so, we could use it.

Livie, you sure work
miracles with these leftovers.

You're not supposed
to be able to tell

They were leftovers.

Even the government is doing
stuff with leftovers these days.

I guess I'll just have to
write to mrs. Roosevelt

And ask her for
some of her recipes.

No, I'm serious.
Listen, I'm serious.

Government agencies
are buyin' up all these

Surplus products
and giving 'em away.

I sure wish they were
givin' away some new tires.

(John-boy) oh, I tried to
work on those tires,

But they're not
going to make it.

I know.

I didn't see any article about
the government givin' away things.

That's 'cause you only
read the advertisements.

(Olivia) mary ellen!

Oh, mama, they're
always pickin' on me.

You ever asked yourself why?


All right, children,
that's enough bickerin'.

We got enough on
our minds around here.

Now eat up.

Pass the potatoes.

Oh, you've had enough now.

Last month this time,

There were 3 customers
that hadn't paid.

This month, there
are 11 bills past due.


How's the flour holdin' up, liv?

Got enough to get through
till the end of the week.

Maybe I can trade

One of those hams
I cured last month

And get you some more.

We'll manage. We always have.

With all that wild game
I take from the mountain

And your canned goods,
I guess we won't starve.

We've got taxes due
on this property, liv.

Got an insurance premium due.

Worst problem of all

Is the paper-thin tires
we've got on that truck.

If they go, we got
ourselves a real problem.

Are they that bad?

They sure are.

I may not be gettin' paid, but if I
can't deliver, we're out of business.

[Fire crackling]

You look just like a little boy,

Sittin' there in that light.

I don't feel like a little boy.

I wonder if we could've
seen into the future

When we were young,
what we would have done.

We'd have done the
same thing we did.

I can't imagine not having you.

Only thing that
makes things easier

Is knowing you and
the kids are here.

"For better or for worse."

Well, they've been better.

I sure hope they
don't get any worse.

John, how come you don't
wear your weddin' ring anymore?

I keep forgetting to put it on

After I work at the sawmill.

I miss it.

It's what it stands
for that counts, honey.

I'm gonna work on
the books some more.

Don't be too late.

[Birds chirping]

Did the part come in, son?

Yeah, oh, I forgot it.

Right here.

Doesn't look like too
much of a part, though.

You know what they say:

"Without the nail,
the shoe was lost,

Without the shoe
the horse was lost."


Well, I'll better go to
the claybournes' and fix it.

Why don't you finish up here?

Daddy, why don't
I go over there?

I'll fix it for you.
I'm sure I can do it.

It's kind of tricky,
son. I better do it.

I don't know. Daddy,
I've been thinkin'.

I'd like to start doing
some of the odd jobs

Around for you.

Well, I appreciate the offer,
son, but you're still in school.

I don't like you to
miss studyin' time.

Come this summer,
I'll break you in.

I don't want to wait that long.

I mean, this is about the
worst it's been for us.

It's only temporary, son.

Yeah, it's about the worst.

When it's time for
you to start worryin',

I'll let you know, I promise.


Listen, uh, I'm not too
sure about that front tire.

If you need a spare,
it's in the back.

All right. You get to
the garden, you hear?

[Engine starting]

Oh, mr. Walton, the two of
us could cut the sweat in half.

Thank you, dewey.


Oh, by the way,

Mrs. Claybourne
would be much obliged

If you'd join her in the
drawing room for coffee.

Dewey, I'm in kind of a hurry.

Mr. Walton, there's been very
little company around here

Since mr. Claybourne passed on.

All right, dewey.

Mrs. Claybourne.

I forgot what a
beautiful room this is.

This room is my sanctuary.

I always feel so
much more secure

Surrounded by
reminders of the past.

There's an old place
on the mountain

That gives me the same feeling.

Oh, thank you so much, dewey.

Uh, please sit down, mr. Walton.

I'm serving coffee

Because I know most
men prefer it to tea.

Cream, sugar?

Sugar is fine, thank you.

Amelia is having
her piano lesson.

And stuart lee is...

Well, you can just
guess where stuart lee is.

The weatherby's.

I don't think he's going
to marry that girl.

And amelia, nearly 16.

Off to college in another year.

[Sighing] it's distressin' to think
about one's young growin' up,

Going gallivantin'
into the world.

But you must know all
about that, mr. Walton.

Oh, please have one
of these cream puffs.

Stuart lee gets them
for me in richmond.

No, thank you.
Coffee is just fine.

Oh, but these are
especially delicious.

Perhaps you'd like to take some
of them home for your family.

Our children do love
sweets, don't they?

I'll just have dewey
make up a package...

No, thank you, mrs.
Claybourne I couldn't do that.

As a matter of fact, uh, I do
have a lot to get done today.

I better be movin' on.

Oh, how selfish of me.

That big, lovely family of yours

Must take a lot
of providin' for.

How nice it must be

To have one's day
filled with activity.

I often wish I had
somethin' or someone

That really needed
lookin' after.


Dewey will see you out.

Good day, mr. Walton.

Good day.


[Birds chirping]


They look pretty good to me.

I can put them on for
you for 2 bits apiece.

Take about an hour.

No, thank you. I'll,
uh, do it myself.

Here you go.


They simply are not here.

Not anywhere in this house.

I've searched high and low.

Maybe it's slipped your
mind, mrs. Claybourne,

But some of the very old
silver is stored in the attic.

I know that, dewey,

But I saw the goblets
just last week.

I was worried about
you. You're so late.

[Car door closing]

Did you have a problem?

No, it didn't take long to fix.

And stuart lee?

He wasn't there.

I had to go all
the way into town.

Did the claybournes
have more work for you?

No. The spare tire and
front tire gave out.

I had to get new ones.

Oh, stuart lee did
give you more pay?


Where'd you get the
money for the tires?

What's this?

Somethin' I picked up.
Thought you might like it.

Oh, john, it's beautiful, but...

It's the same
color as your eyes.

Where did you get the money?

I couldn't tell you, liv.

Stuart lee, I am
at my wits' end.

Those 2 paul revere goblets

Your great-grandfather left
to grandmother claybourne,

They're gone.

I can't imagine what could
have happened to them.

It just makes me feel faint
to think they've disappeared.

Now you must be mistaken, mama.

You probably put them
someplace else and you forgot.

Dewey, look around, will you?

Oh, we've been huntin'.

But I'll look some more.

Stuart lee,

I wouldn't forget
a thing like that.

I know I would have
remembered moving them.

Those are 2 of the
finest pieces we own.

There's a matching pair

In the boston
museum of fine arts.

I've seen photographs of them.

Mama, maybe somebody stole 'em.

I hate to entertain
such a thought

But that's exactly what
must have happened.

You both are being foolish.

Now, who'd do a thing like that?

Oh, dear.

It's such a dreadful
thought to have,

But what else am I to think?

(Mrs. Claybourne) the only
person in this house

Other than family
has been john walton.


Well, he was here,
amelia. In this very house.

Alone, and for quite some time.

Now, mama, we can't accuse

A decent man like john walton.

These are extremely hard times

And even decent people

Have been known to
behave desperately.

Mama, I don't believe
it of john walton.

Then who do you accuse?

We have no choice but
to call sheriff bridges.

I'll call him in
the morning, mama,

After we've had a
chance to search.

By tomorrow those
goblets may have been sold,

And we'll never see them again.

I don't think I could bear that.

Either you call the
sheriff, stuart lee, or I will.


[Crickets chirping]

(John-boy) good
evening, sheriff.

Boy, is your daddy home?

There he is.


Is somethin' wrong?

John, where'd you go

After you left the
claybourne's today?

(John) why are you askin' that?

(Sheriff) did you head
for charlottesville?

That's kind of a
strange question, ep.

Well, I just left the
claybourne place

And, uh, they've got 2
silver goblets missing.


Well, john, it seems that
you were the only caller

Since mrs. Claybourne
last saw those goblets.

She sent for me
and, uh... Uh-huh?

John, all I got to know is where
you spent 3 hours this afternoon.

Sheriff, you know my daddy well.

I don't think that's any
of your business, ep.

Now, john, I've got to tell
the claybournes something.

You tell me what to say.

You tell them it's my private
business what I was doing.

I'm afraid, that's not
going to be acceptable.

What do you mean?

What he means is

He thinks maybe I'm
lying about something.

John. John, all I'm saying
is mrs. Claybourne feels

You might have
taken the goblets,

You drove into charlottesville,
and you hocked 'em.

Now you know that's
not what happened.

All I'm asking, john, is
for you to clear yourself.

I don't have to clear myself
with anybody, and I'm not going to.

Sheriff, you know
my daddy's not going

To take any goblets.
That should be enough.

John-boy, I've known your
daddy a lot longer than you have.

No man could even
imply he was a thief

Without john lettin'
that man have it.

All right, ep. It's time
we said goodnight.

I don't like this, john.

Won't you say something
to clear yourself?


Daddy, why don't
you just tell him...

Go in the house, john-boy. I
won't talk about this anymore, ep.

Now, good night.

I got nothing more to say, ep!

Good night!

Good night, john.

I'm around if you need me.

I thought I told you
to go in the house.


Go in the house
like I told you, now!

Yes, sir.

[Door opening]

[Door closing]

Livie, these things
happen in every family.

I remember the time
zeb was gone for 3 days.

3 Days.

When he finally came
through the door,

He hugged the
children, kissed me,

And then went
straight off to bed.

In those days, he didn't snore.

And not a word of
explanation or anything?

No, i, I imagined everything.

The truth of the matter
was he was in richmond

Trying to sign up for
the spanish-american w*r.

What is it?

I think I just figured out

Why john won't explain himself.

I just put a new leg
on this here chair.


(Grandpa) it's falling
apart, like us.

I was talking to livie!

Oh, I can't have made
this leg too short.

It must be your
table that's crooked.

Why, livie?


John was off playing poker.

Poker? Now you may
have somethin' there, livie.

And he knew if we found
out I'd be fit to be tied.

Yeah, he should be.

A deck of cards is
the devil's prayer book.

[Teeth chattering]

I know for a fact that george
anderson's got a game goin' on right now.

And I hear the stakes
are changin' with the times.

Now what's that
supposed to mean?

Exactly what I said.
They're playin' now

For firewood, food, and labor.

And if john is playing
the game I taught him,

He most likely won them tires.

It's high time you
two females realized

That john can take
care of himself.

Well, if that is how
he got those tires,

I'd rather we didn't
mention it to anybody.

He'll tell me in
his own good time.



Come on, I want you to help
me pick beans for supper.


John-boy, I didn't
know you were there.

You were so quiet.

Do you really think
he's been gamblin'?

John-boy, you can do
somethin' for all of us

To make it a lot easier.

Tell the children that
everything's all right.

And remind them that their
father is the kind of man

Who minds his own
business as he sees fit.


Hey, hey.

[Birds chirping]

What is this? It's
like a funeral.

What would you like us
to do, have a square dance?

Where's ben?

He's out tryin'
to sell magazines.

How can he think about
money at a time like this?

At a time like what?

With daddy acting so mysterious.

sh**t, you children
don't really think

Daddy did anything
wrong, do you?


Well, I sure don't think
he did anything wrong.

I mean, I can't... I can't, uh,
rightly sit here and tell you

What's going on
with this whole thing.

But I think the thing to do

Is just for us to go
about our business

And do what we always do.

When daddy decides
he wants to tell us

What's goin' on,

If he wants to tell us what's
going on, then he will, I'm sure.

I think I'm out of business.

I've covered every
single house I can get to.

Sure hope you had sense enough to
stay away from those claybournes.

Of course I didn't go there,
though I did think about it.

Oh, I hate those claybournes!

Me, too!

Maybe stuart lee will get k*lled

By an escaped criminal who
sneaks up and steals his car.

(John-boy) hey, look, jim-bob.

I can understand everybody
not feeling too favorably

Towards the
claybournes right now.

But I really think
it's really stupid

For us to just sit
around wastin' our time

Wishing people
dead or hating 'em.

That's not gonna make us get along
with each other any better, is it?

"The sins of the father
are visited on the children."

Mary ellen, what is that?

Well, you saw what
happened today in school.

Martha rose wouldn't talk to me.

I consider that a blessing!

Well, she spent the recess
whispering and making faces at me.

I should've whammed her.

Oh, mary ellen, you're just
getting dramatic like you always do.

Well, you just wait and
see what happens, jason!

The sheriff's making
an example out of daddy.

It's like the sheriff of
nottingham and robin hood.

I'd just like to roll up
in a little ball and die.

Tell me about it, mary ellen.

Well, it's not that I think
he'd ever steal anything.

Why hasn't he said where he was?

Your father's a grown man.

He has his reasons.

And he's the head of this house.

He'll tell us whatever
it is when he's ready.

But, mama... You ask yourself:

Is my father the kind of man

Who'd betray the
trust of his family?

Now, what's the answer?

I'm all mixed up, mama.

A thing like this can
be very confusin'.

Even when you know
deep in your heart

That none of it is true.

Now I depend on you

To rely on your good
sense and judgment

And your real feelings.

And to be patient and
wait for your father

To say whatever
it is he has to say.

I love you, mama.

How can you and
daddy ever love me?

Well, it isn't always easy.

Now is it possible

They could have been
stolen at another time?

Mr. Walton was here twice
to fix the refrigerator.


Now, mrs. Claybourne, uh,
john walton is not your man.

I just ask you to simply
take my word for that.

I have always
considered mr. Walton

To be a most fine
and upstanding man.

But there simply hasn't
been anyone else here.

Well, ma'am, you're gonna need
a lot more evidence than that

Before I can put a
man under arrest.

Well, what am I supposed
to do, mr. Bridges?

Simply stand by

While all my good silver
vanishes into thin air?

Well, for the time being,

I'd put them under lock and key.

Well and good,

But that doesn't bring back
what's already been stolen.

Well, ma'am, I'm gonna
do my very best.


[Birds chirping]

John-boy, good morning.

(John-boy) go on up.

I'm sorry about
all that's happened.

Well, I reckon you ought to
be a little more than sorry.

You called my father a thief

When you know as well
as I do that he's never been

Anything but helpful and honest

And good to everybody
on this mountain.

I'll bet your mama
just mislaid that junk.

We're still looking, john-boy.

We're going over
every inch of the house.

Amelia, you're gonna
be late to school.

You better go on inside.

You're going here?

Well, she got tired
of an all-girl school.

Even under the
circumstances, john-boy,

I'd be obliged if
you'd look after her.

[Car engine starting]

What's the matter?

I think I'm a little nervous.

You'll get used to it.

[John clears throat]

Is there a funeral around here?

Why's everybody so quiet?

(John) where's john-boy?

He said he wasn't hungry, daddy.

He'll probably have
something later.

This isn't a
restaurant, you know.

Your mother's got enough to do

Without feeding people twice.

You wanna know where
john-boy is? He's out in the barn.

He got into a fight today

Because people were
saying bad things about you.

Better look after her.

I'll go on out to the barn.

All right, young 'uns.

Finish eatin' up now.

I'm not hungry.

"Waste not, want not."
Finish up your food.

Come on.

[Crickets chirping]

Thought maybe
you'd like to talk.

Maybe I'm too angry
to talk right now.

Angry at who?


That's your privilege.

I know it.

Look, son.

Maybe I wasn't right sendin' you

In the house like
that last night.


You want me to tell you

I didn't take the
claybourne's silver?

Daddy, I know you didn't
take the claybourne's silver.

What I don't understand
is why you don't trust me

The way I'm supposed
to trust you.

There's something
bothering me, son,

And I'm not ready
to talk about it

So I'm not going to.

Well, I don't understand that

Because that's exactly
what you'd expect from me!

You'd expect me
to talk about it!

I have a right to
make my own decisions

In my own time.

I got into a fight for you, I fought
for you today and I feel like a fool.

Now you're treatin'
me like jim-bob.

Maybe that's because
you're acting like jim-bob.

Now let's go in the house.

Well, I'll be in soon.

Have it your way.

Is john-boy all right?

Yeah, he's all right.

You've been acting
mighty peculiar.

Just doing what
I have to do, liv.

There's nothing you could do
that could make us doubt you.

But... But why don't
I clear myself?


Because I don't have to
clear myself with anyone.

Liv, I know things have been

Kind of strange
around here lately, but...

I just can't see my way
clear to talking about it yet.

All right, john.

And that... That silver
stuff at the claybournes...

That's a lot of foolishness.

The sheriff knows it, too.

Liv, I just need a little time.

I need you to be
patient for a while.

How's it feel, sheriff, to find our
local man who can do no wrong

Just ain't no different
than the rest of us?

What're you blatherin'
about, dodge?

Who'd think john walton would
end up on the wrong side of the law?

Oh, wait a second, dodge,
you don't have any facts

To back up a
statement like that.

Why don't you shut up

About things you don't
know anything about?

Don't have to get so touchy.

I just meant it looks like john's
the only suspect you've got.

Dodge, you get your
firewood from john?

So what?

Wouldn't happen to be behind
in the bill, would you? Huh?

Everybody owes
everybody else these days.

But not everybody's so quick

To think of ways not to pay up.

Now, look...

Come on, guys.
Ok, I'll buy the pop.

All right.

[Bell tinkling]


Hi, john. Buying pop for
everybody. You want one?

I saw dodge's car. Tell
him I wanna talk to him.

He's playing pool
with the sheriff.

I see the sheriff.

[Pool balls clacking]

Dodge, I've been, uh,

I've been lookin' up some
of my old customers

To see when I might expect
some of the pay due me.

Maybe I'll just send
it to your lawyer.

What was that, dodge?

I didn't hear you.

John! John! Come on! Cut it out.

Dodge, maybe you
better get a lawyer.

Not paying your bills, you
know, that's against the law, too.

Now go on, get out of here,
and pay attention to yourself.

[Phone ringing]

Ike godsey.

Yes, he's here. Just a minute.

Sheriff, phone for you.

Sheriff bridges.


All... All of 'em?

All right, thanks.

Hey, john.

That phone call said that, uh,

You were seen in
charlottesville the other day.

What if I was?

Well, john, I'm not
saying you stole anything.

But times like these,

A man finds himself doin' things

He never believed he could.

I could see myself
having to, being tempted.

Oh, that's real interesting, ep.

I sure couldn't.

I sure don't feel
much like doing this.

We've got no choice, ben.

I wanna find out
what this is about.

I don't care whether
daddy wants us to or not.

[Birds chirping]

Tell me "good luck."

Good luck.

Hello, ben.

Hi, uh, may I see your
brother, please?

I guess. Well, come on in.

Thank you.

If you'll wait here,
ben, I'll get stuart lee.

Oh, ok.

Amelia, go to your room, please.

Young man, I think it
is inappropriate of you

To appear at this house under
the present circumstances.

Well, actually, mrs. Claybourne,

I'm here to offer you
a unique opportunity.

I'm afraid you didn't
hear me correctly, ben.

Yes, ma'am, I did.

Stuart lee, will you
please come down here?

Well, you see, but I represent
the finest periodicals

Now being published
in this country.

Stuart lee.

What is it, mama?
Hello, ben. Hi.

(Mrs. Claybourne) son, would
you please explain to this child

That he is not welcome here

Until the situation concerning
his family is cleared up?

(Stuart lee) I'll
talk to him, mama.

I knew you would
take care of it.

I'm sorry, ben.

My mom is overly upset today.

That's ok.

I just came over 'cause of this
unique opportunity I have to offer.

You see, for a limited time,

I'm able to make an
exceptional offer.

4 Magazines for just $5 a year.

And they're delivered
right to your door.

Well, ben, I don't think

This is a good time
to talk business.

Now, I thank you
for the opportunity,

But we really can't aff...

Don't need any
magazines right now.

You understand?

Yeah, sure. I understand.

See you later, stuart lee.

[Door closes]

It was just awful. She
won't even talk to me.

She kept going on about
daddy taking the silver.

[Sighs] I'm sorry.

I never should have
sent you in there.

It's funny, john-boy.

Stuart lee started to say
how they couldn't afford it.

Then he changed about how they

Already had enough
stuff being delivered.

What else did he say?

That's all. But if you promise not
to laugh, I'll tell you something else.

What? You promise?

Promise. What?

It was like something I
saw in a charlie chan movie.


Number one son said
you can always tell

When a rich man is pretending
to have money but really doesn't.

What about it? I... I don't...

It's about their shoes.

Their shoes?

Yeah, when a man loses his
money, his shoes look awful,

Like they need fixin'.

And those claybournes,
their heels are all worn over.

You've been seeing
too many movies, ben.

Maybe you got somethin' there.

You really think so?

[Birds chirping]

Yeah, I think maybe you do.

Come on.

That's, uh, 14 cents, john-boy.

I've only got a dime.

I'm gonna have to
come back. I'm sorry.

I don't think I'll go to a
poorhouse waiting for 4 cents.

Ike, I wanna ask you a question.

Well, uh, as long
as it's not for a loan,

You've got a chance.

Where did the claybournes
get their money?

Well, there was a lot of old
family money around for a while,

But they went
through that in a hurry.

And then, uh, after
the old man died,

There were some
insurance checks.

But, uh, they haven't
had those for a while.

What do they buy with?

Credit, just like
everybody else.

Thank you.

You forgot your package.

Oh, I'll come back
when I've got the money.

[Crickets chirping]

Stuart lee.

John-boy, you scared
me half to death.


Been out courtin'
blanche weatherby, eh?

Yes, as a matter of fact.

I got some good news for you.


I'm gettin' married.

Well, congratulations.


A girl like blanche
weatherby, eh?

I reckon, you're gonna have to
make some changes around here

Before you bring her home.


You know what I mean,
you've been over there.

Everything's neat as a pin,
with the grass cut just so.

sh**t, they must... They
must hire 3 gardeners

To keep it looking
as perfect as it does.

Yeah, well, I've been, uh,
doing the gardenin' myself

Just to keep in shape.

Now, amelia tells me

She's become quite
a cook herself.

It came as a surprise to me.

I hope mrs.
Docksteader isn't ill.

Oh, no. She went
back to georgia.

My mother just
hasn't had a chance

To replace her yet.

Well, there must be hundreds
of good cooks looking for work.

Shouldn't take up too
much time to find one.

Is, uh, amelia doing
all right at school?

Well, she's doing fine, yes.

I think she misses
a lot of her friends

From the private school, though.

Look, uh, why don't
you and I go inside?

Well, I tell you, stuart
lee, it's kind of late.

I gotta get home.
I'd like to talk to you

About something,
if you don't mind.

Well, maybe we can talk later.

Well, I'd like to talk now.
It'll just take a minute.


Now you know me, I
read a lot. And, uh,

The other day, I
was readin' a book.

A passage stuck in my
mind where the author said

That we people swallow
a lot of disappointment

Between breakfast
and dinnertime.

He was talking about pride.

He was saying how
it could help us

And how it's not
necessarily a bad thing

If we use it to
hide what hurts us.

But when our pride

Starts to hurt other people...

You know, don't you?

I know my daddy
never stole anything.

John-boy, maybe I can explain.

[Door opening]

Mr. Claybourne, I'm
so glad you're back.

(Stuart lee) is something wrong?

Your mama, mr. Claybourne.

She got more and more upset

About the goblets
as the evening wore on

And a few minutes
ago, she just took off.


I tried to get her to
wait till you come back.

But she said she was going
over to the walton place

And she was going
to get her things back,

No matter what.

I have come for the return
of my property, mr. Walton.

Mrs. Claybourne,
you're making a mistake.

I'd like you to leave my house.

It pains me deeply, mr. Walton,

But no one else could
have taken my things.

I'm not a thief, ma'am.

I must agree with my
husband, mrs. Claybourne.

I think we should
end this discussion.

It does not please me to
have to say these things.

I do understand
how hard times are,

And how an upstanding man

Could be forced by circumstances

To do something
repellent to him.

Nevertheless, I must
ask for my belongings...

Mrs. Claybourne.

You mustn't be
angry, stuart lee.

I'm only doing
what I have to do.

Now, mr. Walton... Mama, wait.

I have waited quite long enough.

Mr. Walton, mrs. Walton,

I'm the one who took the silver.

(Mrs. Claybourne)
that can't be true...

(Stuart lee) please, mama.

My mother never
understood about money.

My father always protected her

And didn't ever want her
to worry about anything

Except being
beautiful and his wife.

(Stuart lee) and when he died,

No one had the courage

To break the bad news
about our finances to her.

Bad news?

Our money was all
gone, mr. Walton.

And without thinking about it,

I did what daddy
had always done.

I tried to protect you

And keep your life the
way it had always been.

Please don't say any more.

I have to, mama.

That's why I started
sellin' things off.

(Stuart lee) it's
all gone, mama.

The jewelry, pewter collection,

Everything you thought
we'd stored away.

I don't believe that.

You can't be
telling the truth...

I am, mama.

Now, there's
nothing more to say.

Except to mr. Walton.

(Stuart lee) I'm very ashamed.

I'm afraid being ashamed
isn't enough, son.

The truth is extremely
painful, mr. Walton,

And I share the same
feelings as my son.

My actions have resulted
in pain and grief for us all.

I most humbly beg your pardon.

Please take me home, son.

(John) make sure the
sheriff knows about this.

I will, mr. Walton.

I'm sorry.

Well, that's over.

Not quite, son.

There'll be some things I'll be
wanting to talk to you about.

Right now, I'd like to have a
few words with your mama.


Good night.

Good night.

Liv, did you ever think
I took those goblets?

But you have noticed

I've been actin' kind
of strange lately.

Yeah, I've noticed.

Well, honey, you see,

I had to have those tires.

Otherwise we'd
be out of business.

I know.

If you know what
a hock shop is...

I've seen the one in town.

Well, it's just a store
like any other store.

It's a place where you go
and you... You sell things,

Valuables, for money.

Is that what happened?


John, I loved that ring.

You think we could get it back?

With tires on the
truck, I stand a chance.

I promise you, we'll try.

And just because
these are hard times,

That's no excuse

For me to let my
pride get in the way.

Once my pride got started,

I guess my stubbornness
took hands with it.

I owe you all an apology.

(Elizabeth) daddy.

What is it, honey?

If the wedding ring is gone, does that
mean you and mama are still married?

[All laughing]

I hope so, honey.

John-boy, how about
you sayin' a prayer?


(John-boy) dear lord, we thank
thee for the bounty of this table,

And we ask for thy
continued blessing

On this house and
on this family. Amen.

(All) amen.

(John-boy) the
depression lingered on,

And there were other bad spells

But we lived through them, too.

And as each year ended

It was difficult to recall

The hard times
we'd come through.

Looking back, I realize now

That the real bounty
placed before us each day

Was the love we
had for each other.

It shaped our
lives, fed our souls,

And crowned our happiness.

(John) lights out
soon, john-boy.

Electricity costs money.

(John-boy) just
another minute, daddy.

(Mary ellen) it's not fair.

John-boy's getting to
stay up later than us.

(Jason) it's because
he's the oldest.

(Grandpa) did somebody call me?

(Grandma) oh, go to sleep.

Good night, old woman.

Good night, old man.
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