02x05 - The Roots

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x05 - The Roots

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) when I was growing
up on walton's mountain,

The great depression
cast its shadow over us,

As it did over everyone.

But we were more
fortunate than most.

We were a close-knit family,

And the house we lived in

Was as solid and secure
as the mountain itself.

Because I had
always lived in it,

I took our house for granted.

Then one hot summer afternoon,

I met others less fortunate.

Through them,

I learned the real
meaning of home.


Thank you, mrs. Grant.

Thank you.

Hey, wait a minute.
You're not 12.

Here, take that and split it.

Thank you.

(Mrs. Grant) bye,
rebecca. Bye jessie.

Thank you. Much obliged.

How old are you, son?


Well, here you are.

Thank you, mr. Denton.

I bet you ate more
than you picked.

I suppose you're 12, too.

Thank you, mr. Denton.

You're a mighty fine
worker, little lady.

That's 'cause I hate
peaches. Thanks.


I reckon you and your daddy
will be moving along now.

Yes, ma'am.

Gonna miss seeing you every day.

Me, too.



Would you send me
a postcard sometime?


Send me one.

You always want
everything I want.

Well, I'd like to have one, too.

So, do you mind putting
me on your list, jody?

I'd hate to lose track of you

After we became
such good buddies.

Yes, ma'am.

Much obliged.


Mr. Denton, thank you.

Uh, you mind if we
took some of the culls?

Help yourself. They're
bruised. No good to me.

Appreciate it.

Step up.

Any more work here?

Sorry. Might try
the next orchard.

Fruit's all been picked here.

Take some home.

Mama'll make us some peach pie.

And apple sauce.

Not apple sauce.

Well, peach sauce.

I've got peach fuzz all over me.

Well, we'll get
home in a minute.

You can wash yourself off.

Hey, jason, would you
drive the truck over here?

Since when does
jason get to drive?

Listen, children should
be seen and not heard, erin.

I'll have it here in a second.

Yeah. Be careful. It's
been heatin' up again.

It's only 100 feet away.
Won't have time to get warm.

Hey, mr. Foster, help
yourself to some culls.

Oh, thank you, john-boy.


$1. Used to be I made
that much an hour.

$1 An hour? That's good pay.

Them days are gone
forever, looks like.

Yeah, I reckon they are.

Oh, mrs. Grant,

We'll be leaving in just
a couple of minutes.

There's no hurry, john-boy.

There's nobody
waitin' at home for me.

Look, john-boy, a tree.

Well, what's left of one.

Is it a peach tree?

Yeah, I believe it is.

Can we have it?

Now what do you
want with that thing?

We can plant it
and grow peaches.

It would never grow.

Couldn't we try, john-boy?

(John-boy) well, why don't
you ask mr. Denton about it?

If it's all right with
him, it's all right with me.

Do we have to? He threw it away.

Why don't you ask him anyway?

(Erin) hey, jim-bob,

Get something to
wrap the roots in.

Oh, I'm sorry, mrs. Grant.

Have you been properly
introduced to mr. Foster here?

Sure have. And he's been
telling me some stories, too.

Some of 'em were even true.


Thank you.

Will it grow for real?

Sure. My grandpa can
make anything grow.

You got a grandpa of your own?

Sure. Everybody has one.

Not me. Why not?

I don't rightly know what
one is, to tell you the truth.

A grandpa is your mother's
and father's father.

I don't have a mother
either. You got one?

I got a mother,
father, a grandma,

And all those
brothers and sisters

And millions of cousins.

You one lucky man!

(Mr. Denton) ok, kid.

Now what do you want?

Can I have this peach tree? I
found it over there with the culls.

What you gonna
do with that tree?

I'm gonna plant it
and grow peaches.

I just reckon you
can have it, then.

You live around here?

Yeah. Walton's
mountain. About 6 miles.

Uh, too bad.

Too bad?

I heard you mention
that truck when I came up.

I was hopin' you was travelers
like me and my boy, jody.

We could bum a nice long ride.

Sorry, I can't oblige you.

We might not even
be going your way.

Oh, yeah, you would.

(John-boy) you're not headed
any place particular, are you?

One's as good as another
when you're travelin'.

Whichever way your
thumb takes you.

You don't seem too
unhappy about it.


Why, it's the
greatest life there is.

You ever been to alaska,
or wyoming or arizona?

You ever stuck your
toe in the mississippi river?

Don't think I'd care to.

(Mr. Foster) me and jody
been to all 'em places.

That's the real
reason we're travelin'.

I'm showin' him the world.

Hmm, yeah, well, what
about his schoolin'?

Why, the world's his
school, and I'm his teacher.

What's that little fella, your
brother, what's he studyin'?

Well, uh, I don't
know, let me see,

Last time I helped
him with his homework,

He was studying' geography.

Alaska and glaciers and such.

We've been to alaska. Seen
a glacier. Stood on one.

Studied it upside
down and crossways.

Then you're a teacher.

Well, no, ma'am. I'm
an auto mechanic,

But things are kind of
slow in that line these days.

John-boy, mr. Denton
said I can keep it.

We'll plant it as
soon as we get home.

Pa, could we stay
and watch 'em plant it?

Oh, we got to get
back on the road, son.

I always say being in one place
too long is like being stuck in jail.

Ain't that right, son?

Right, pa.

Well, look, mr. Foster, we
could probably drop you off

On the main road
to charlottesville

If that'd be a help.

That'd be good.

Lots of us traveling these days.

(Jim-bob) hey, jason, in here!

(John-boy) hey!

How did you do?

I made it. Easy
as pie, john-boy.

When do I get to
drive, john-boy?

(John-boy) your time will come.

Hey, help me with
this door, ben.

(Jason) come on.

(John-boy) mr. Foster
and jody, just pile in.

(Jason) I looked like

I was going to have to
drive home from here.

(Foster) let me give
you a hand, mrs. Grant.

Anymore peaches?

Don't forget anything now.
Take my hat, will you, jason.

(John-boy) ok.

(Erin) here we go.

[All chattering]

She's heatin' up bad.


Well, thank you, john-boy.

You're welcome.

Oh, here, I'll get it.

We'll get ourselves a new
car one of these days, I swear.

(Elizabeth) oh, it's jammed.

Oh, john-boy, tell your
mama I'm gonna come over

And help her with the canning.

I owe your daddy
for delivery of wood

And I'd appreciate a
chance to pay it back.

I'm sure that'd
work out just fine.

Good. Bye-bye.

(Jody) goodbye, lady. You know,

I left a nice pitcher of lemonade
in the icebox this morning.

Why don't you all come
in and enjoy it with me?

Well, that sounds awful good.

There's a lot of us, though.

The more the merrier!

(Mrs. Grant) come on in
the house, everybody.

(John-boy) oh,
thank you. Come on.

Give this truck a
little time to cool off.


Look at that. It's just as well

To give it a chance to cool off.

Don't touch it. It's hot.

It's been heating up for weeks.

This will help a bit.

[Truck hissing]

A good time for lemonade.

Think pa will let
us have the dollar?

(Ben) I reckon they're
going towards shoes.

(Jody) snow!

Look, pa. You shake
it and there's snow.

Sure is, jody.

My daughter gave
me that at christmas.

What's that?

It's a shell. You can
hear the ocean in it.


You pulling my leg?

Hold your breath
and you can hear it.

Yeah. It is true. Waves.

They go "shh, shh."

(Mary-ellen) someday I'm gonna
sail across those waves

On a big ocean liner,
all the way to europe.

Maybe you'll run
into me and jody there.

We're always headin' someplace.


Right now, we'd better
just be heading on home.

So soon, john-boy?

It's gettin' late. Mama
will be wondering.

Jody, I hope we'll see
each other again real soon.

Me, too.

Don't expect we'll be
around much longer.


I'm sorry to hear that.

Those cookies are real good.

Well, there's some more left.

Well, we really should
be runnin' home now.

I'm sorry.

All right.

Thank you.

Thank you for coming by.


Where do I put your shell?

Oh, I'll take it. Ok.

Thanks for the
lemonade and cookies.

They were really good.

Bye, mrs. Grant.
Bye, mr. Foster.

(John-boy) we sure
do appreciate it.


Yes, ma'am.

Y-you, uh,

You made a pretty good
teacher to me one time.

How are you at matchmaking?

Well, you wouldn't believe
it if I tried to tell you.

John-boy, this old house
gets real lonesome.

And I may not be
a spring chicken,

But I've still got my looks.

What are you trying to tell me?

And I've also got

An awful lot of
love to give, too.

Mm-hmm. What are
you trying to tell me?

I'm only trying to tell
you that I love that child.

And... And mr. Foster's
a fine-looking man.

Why, verdie grant, I declare!

See what you can do, hmm?

Well, I'll certainly try.

All right. Thank you.

Thanks for the lemonade!

You're welcome.

Bye-bye. Bye

Boy, I sure hope
we make it home.

Yeah, it's gettin' worse.

Well, she's steamin'
like a kettle.

[Engine hissing]

(John-boy) oh, no, I
think it's on fire.

She's on... I'm tellin'
you, she's on fire.

(Elizabeth) get me down!

Get back.

Ow! Darn, that's
hot! Keep clear!

If it gets to the gas
t*nk, we're in real trouble.

Get this open.

Watch it. Look out.

Wow. Look at the
flames. Stand back.

I got it.

(John-boy) ok, she's out.

[Both laughing]

[Truck honking]

[Children chattering]

(Jim-bob) daddy,
guess what happened!

(Erin) the truck caught on fire.

[All chattering]

(John-boy) mr. Foster
put the fire out

And then he got the
truck started again.

Well, I'm much
obliged, mr. Foster.

Well, wasn't
anything, mr. Walton,

Just a little trouble
in the carburetor.

He saved our lives.
The truck's, too.

It was just about
ready to explode.

Mama, this is jody.

Hi, jody. How are you?

Won't you both stay
for supper with us?

Oh, but... Thank you, ma'am.

Jim-bob, what have
you got there?

A tree, mama.

I'm gonna plant it
and grow peaches.

Can I watch? You can help.

Yeah. Well, go and help.
Plant it in the sun there.

(Olivia) and then
wash up for supper.

(Ben) I'll get a shovel.

(Jim-bob) go get a shovel.

(Ben) I'll be right back.

(Elizabeth) right here?
(Jim-bob) no, right here.

[Birds chirping]

That was a wonderful meal.

Jody and I thank you.

It's our pleasure.

You're welcome to
spend the night if you like.

Yeah, why don't you stay here?

Well, I wouldn't
want to put you out.

Well, didn't you
just save our truck?

Anybody would do the same.

You could spend the night

And we could take you to
the main road in the mornin'.

It's gotten right chilly.

The night air's not
good for a child.

Well, if jody'd like to,
it would be right nice.

Yeah, pa.

Then we can see the
tree in the mornin'.

Thank you,
mr. Walton. All of you.

What do you do for food
when you're on the road?

Oh, we follow the crops.

Get hired on like today.

A dollar here, a dollar there.

Must get mighty tough sometime.

It does. More of us
after the same dollar.

It's a lot tougher.

Mr. Roosevelt's
doing all he can.

Yes, ma'am, he is.

I just wish he'd
do it a lot quicker.

Here's mrs. Grant.
(Olivia) oh, hi, verdie.

Come on in. Have a seat.

Good evening, everybody.
No, thank you. I can't stay.

I'm sorry to interrupt you,

But i... I have some information

That I thought might be
of interest to mr. Foster.

And jody.

What is it?

Well, I had some shopping to do

Down at ike godsey's.

He runs the general store here.

And in talking,

He happened to mention
that he had a problem.

See, the baldwin
ladies' car broke down

And they left it with
mr. Godsey to fix.

Ike? He doesn't know one
end of a car from the other.

That's what he told them.

But they just wouldn't listen.

And they told him they'd come
and get it when it was ready.

What's he going to do?

He's going to hire mr. Foster.

That's news to me.

I told him all about you.

Uh, being a mechanic
and everything,

And he says for you to come
and see him in the morning.

Uh, we're leavin' n the mornin'.

Pa, couldn't we stay?

We got to get back
on the road, son.

Why don't you sleep on it?

Who's winning?

Well, he's got a
couple over here.

[All chattering]

You sure you won't be
needing this lantern tonight?

Uh, no, thanks, john-boy.

I'm as ready for sleep as jody.

Well, then I guess I'll
be saying good night.

Good night.

Verdie grant is one
of the finest ladies

I've ever known.

Ain't no doubt
about that, john-boy.

If a man was looking
to settle down,

He'd be right smart
to pay attention

To that lady.

Good night, jody.

Good night, john-boy.

Did you see the
tree? I helped plant it.

(John-boy) I heard about it.

I helped water it, too.

Jim-bob says someday
it'll grow peaches.

Why, I expect it will.

Good night now.

Good night, john-boy.

Good night, son.

Good night, pa.

Pa, sure is nice here, isn't it?

You get some sleep now.

Sure is nice-lookin'. Sure is.

I can't remember this car
ever having any trouble.

I sure would like to
work on that engine.

Well, let's go find ike.

(Ike) ok, here we go.
Here's your malt. And...

But I'm going to have to
order that bolt of cloth.

I don't have it in here.

So I'll have everything else
ready in all about 30 minutes or so.


Maybe we ought
to come back later.

No, he'll be
finished in a second.

Now's as good a time as any
to get it over with, I guess.

Harley foster?

You're lookin' at him.

Ike godsey.

Hi, john-boy.

I hear you been
looking for work.

Well, I'm always willing to pick
up a little change when I can.

Change? If this works out,

There's gonna be
a lot of business

From all the folks around here.

You know, the nearest
mechanic is in charlottesville.

And if your car breaks down,
there's no way to get it there.

You know, I think this could
be a real paying proposition.

Well, I wasn't thinkin'
about anything too steady.

But I wanted somebody
that's reliable.

Somebody who'll, uh,
think about staying

You know, if the
pay is good enough.

Oh, you don't have to
worry about mr. Foster.

He's got a son to look after.

That's bound to make
a man reliable. Isn't it?

I don't know. Yeah.

Well, let's get going.

I'll show you

What's the matter with
the baldwin ladies' car.


Mr. Foster?

Mr. Foster.

Good morning.


Hello, mrs. Grant.

I see you got the job.

Yeah, just started.

Me, too.

I'm helping out at the waltons'.

There's an awful
lot of peaches to can.

Oh, mr. Foster, by the way,

I found these in my attic.

My son wore them years ago.

Do you think jody

Might be able to
make use of them?

Oh, yeah. Sure they'll fit?

Well, if they don't, I
can always alter them.

I'm a very fine seamstress,
even if I do say so myself.

Good-looking woman, too.

I bet you'd make some
man a real fine wife.

I would indeed.


Don't you realize
how hot that is,

You old fool?

Not as hot as my kisses.

Grandpa, jody wants
to water the peach tree

And I told him no.

Did you water it yesterday?

(Jody) yes, sir.

Well, don't drown it.

Just remember it's
a tree, not a fish.

Jody, how do those pants fit?

Fine, mrs. Grant.

Hmm. Well, I guess
they're all right.

Run along now.

You'll wear out that
spoon stirring like that.

Sorry, mrs. Walton.

Just got to daydreaming.

Can't imagine about what.

I was just thinking

How much like his
father that child is.

Sometimes I wonder

Who you're more interested in.

Well, you're just wasting
your time with that man.

The way he wanders
around from pillar to post,

Always on the move.

There's no room in
his life for a woman.

Don't you believe that.

He just hasn't
met the right one.

Until now, you mean.

Well, I'm not exactly past

The age of being
interesting to a man.

(Olivia) I'd say you were just
about the perfect age, verdie.

(Grandma) and I'd say
that you're both wrong.

He's just footloose.
That's what he is.

Well, his feet are here now.

And there's no time
like the present,

Right, verdie?

[Chuckling] that's the truth.

Hey, harley.

Harley, didn't
expect you so early.

Good morning, mr. Foster.

Morning, all.

Thought I'd have some
lunch with jody. Is he around?

He's around somewhere.
How did it go this mornin'?

Oh, I'll have the generator
ready this afternoon.


(Jody) here I am, pa.

Pa, you know what ben says?

It's true! 100 Years
ago. Right, john-boy?

What, ben?

This tree.

Our great-grandpa
walton planted this tree.

That's right, jody.

It's been here for 100 years?

At least. And... And you see
those up on the mountain ridge?

Those great big ones?

He planted some of those, too.

Will our peach tree
ever get that big?

It's not your peach tree, son.

Is, too. Jim-bob
says it's part mine.

We're sharin' it. Oh, well, ok.

Look, I came back from mr. Godsey's
to see if you'd have lunch with me.

Now, how about it?

(Jody) already ate.

Mrs. Grant fixed
lunch for all of us.

And john-boy said

He's going to read a book to us.

(John) I'm gonna need
john-boy another few minutes.

Jason, you'll help me bring
this in to town, huh? Sure, daddy.

Ben, I'm just going
to be a little while.

Why don't you go in the
house and get the book.

Sure. Bring it up
in the tree house.

(Ben) ok.

It's on the table by the radio.

(Ben) ok.

[Birds chirping]

(Mrs. Grant) oh, thanks, ben.


I heard you talkin'.

Got your lunch right here.


Looks good. You
gonna have some, too?

Mm-hmm. Let's go over
there and sit where it's cool.

All right.

Was your lunch all right?

Everything to your liking?

Mmm. First class.

It's a pleasure to see
a man enjoy his meal.

You've been awfully
good to jody, mrs. Grant.

Well, I just wanted you
to know I appreciate it.


Can't help it.

He's a good child and
he needs affection.

I give him that.

Oh, I didn't mean that
the way it sounded.

I know you love him.

What I meant is,

He could do with a
little female affection.

Well, I could do with
some of that myself.

Uh, mr. Foster, I was wondering.

The canning will
be over in a day or 2

And I'll be back home.

Would you and jody
like to come over

One evening for supper?

Well, I don't see why not.

"The prisoner
followed the jailer

"Into a room almost underground

"Whose bare and reeking walls

"Seemed as though
impregnated with tears.

"'Here is your chamber
for tonight, ' said he.

"'There is bread,
water, and fresh straw.

"'And that is all a
prisoner can wish for

"In the chateau d'if.

"'Good night.'

"And before dantes
could open his mouth

"The jailer disappeared,
taking with him the lamp.

"Dantes was alone in
darkness and in silence

"Cold as the
shadows that he felt

Breathe on his
burning forehead."

And that is all for today.

John-boy, one more page.

That's it. That's it.

I've got work to
do. I've got to go.

(Ben) come on,
john-boy, one page.

I got work to do.

(Jody) one little page.

(John-boy) I've got work to do.

Hey, ben, will you put
these in my room, please?

Oh, sure.

You children have
chores to attend to.


Jim-bob, did you
straighten up your room?

It'll only take 5
minutes, grandma.

(Ben) this time, change your
sheets and pillowcases.

(Jim-bob) "dantes was alone
in darkness and in silence."

(Ben) "that was the best

A prisoner can ask
for in the chateau d'if."

(Mrs. Grant) the count of
monte cristo, isn't it, john-boy?

That's right.

By alexandre dumas.

Jody, do you know that
his grandma was colored,

Like you and me?

Is that so?

That's right, grandma.

Oh, jody, when you
grow up, reading will be

One of the greatest
experiences of your life.

(Mrs. Grant) won't it, john-boy?

I can vouch for that.

Come on, mrs. Grant.
Let's get these peelings

In the compost pile.

John-boy, it was
like a jail, wasn't it?

Hmm? What... What was?

The chateau...
Chateau... Chateau d'if.

Yeah, that's exactly
what it was, a jail.

And he couldn't
get out or anything?

And he had to stay
there for a long time?

That's right, he had to.

[Car honking]

[Brakes squeal]

Hey, you got her
rollin' already?

All set and rarin'
to travel, john-boy.

Hey, jody! How
do you like it, son?

(Mr. Foster) come on,
hop in. Let's take off.

Hey, come on!

[Car door closing]

[Door creaking]


What is it, son?
What's the matter?

I don't want to go.

But it's only for a drive.

I don't want to go. Nowhere.

I want to stay.

Pa, can't we stay? Please?

[Birds chirping]

First-class fence.

Yeah. First-class peach tree.


(Children) reckless!
Bad dog, git!

That reckless sure
can be a pain sometimes.

Reckless figures

Everyone else is
watering that old tree,

Why shouldn't he?

Morning, john-boy, mr. Walton.

Morning, mrs. Grant.

You leavin' us?

We finished up the canning.

Thanks very much for your help.

You're welcome.

Jody seems to be all
right this morning.

Yeah, he seems that way.

I guess mr. Foster
explained to him

All he really wanted to do

Was just take jody
for a ride in the car.

And jody misunderstood? Yeah.

John-boy, you think I'm
doing the right thing?

Well, I don't know

That I can rightly tell
you that, mrs. Grant.

Maybe I am being selfish,

But I do think that
child needs a mother.

But it could be

His daddy doesn't
agree with you.

[Scoffs] hmmph.

He could do with a
little cherishing, too.

[Both laughing]

You know, I invited him over for
supper one evenin' him and jody.

He accept?

He didn't say no.

John-boy, just let me get
his feet under my table.

I do believe everything
else will work out fine.

What are you doing?

I'm sending a letter
to sam taylor

About some money he owes me

For the work I did last
week in charlottesville.

Forgot all about it.

Getting absent-minded
in your old age.

Very funny.

Hey, jody.

Hi, jody.

You didn't eat much
breakfast this morning.

Are you hungry?

Yes, ma'am. Thank you.

Mr. Walton, how come
you stay home all the time?

Because my work is here, son.

That saw mill out back,
and the wood we cut,

That's what keeps
this family going.

My dad says he
needs to keep moving

To keep us eating.

I used to feel like that.

I used to go away to work.

Then I thought maybe
I'd better come back here.

So one christmastime, I did.

And I never left again.

We had christmas in a
freight car last year.

This year I hope you
celebrate in a nicer place.


That means to do
something special.

So everybody can look back

And remember what
a good time they had.

I know what present I'd want.

(John) what's that?

A bed. Just for me.

You'd have to talk to
your daddy about that.

He says most folks got
a bed for each person,

Like you all do.

But anyway,

He says sleeping under
the stars is better.

Well, that could be nice.

Sleeping outside,
looking up at those stars,

Smellin' the night air.

I'd like a real bed better.

(Erin) jody, come on out.

You can water the tree now.

Thank you.

I feel sorry for
that little boy.

I guess his father

Doesn't have too many choices.

But that sweet little thing.

I can't help wanting
to pick him up

And hold him in my
arms until he feels safe.

Mr. Walton. Mrs. Walton.

(Olivia) what is it, jody?

Look. All the leaves came off.

It's gonna die.

No, it's not, son.

But the leaves are all dead.

'Cause they're old.

Matter of fact, that
could be a good sign.

It could?


When you transplant,
sometimes that happens.

You keep watching.

There'll be new buds
coming out any time.

Jody, how'd you like
to take this down

To ike's store
and mail it for me

And say hello to your papa?

You want to do that, jody?

Yes, ma'am.

Mrs. Grant isn't here, is she?

No, she went home.

She only came to help
out with the cannin'.

Oh. Well, here.

[Birds chirping]

[Cash register rings]

There you go.

Here's your change.
See you later, now.

Harley, how would
you like an advance?

Well, usually I have
less than $10 in here,

But today it's like 1928.


Yeah. Oh, I know it's
2 days before payday

But now that we've got
the jordan car to work on,

I thought I'd like to
secure my investment.

I'm obliged, mr. Godsey.

You're a good worker, harley.

Thanks, but I still got
$1 from picking peaches.

I'll wait.

Ok. Suit yourself.

Might ask one favor, though.

What's that?

A few minutes extra this noon.

Give me more time
with my boy, jody.

He was kind of upset last night.

Nothing serious, I hope.

Nothing I can't
handle, mr. Godsey.

What's that, harley?

[Machine whirring] [inaudible]

John-boy, turn it off!

Sorry, harley. I couldn't
hear you with that saw on.

What is it you said?

Where's jody?

Haven't you seen him?

I've been down at ike's.

I sent him down to
ike's to mail a letter.

I thought he'd want
to say hello to you.

I didn't see him.

Well, if he's not down there,
I wonder where he's got to.

I got a pretty good idea.

(Mrs. Grant) we got this
before my husband died.

When my son albert was
younger than you are.

Here. It tells
where it came from.

What does that say?

I don't know.

Sure you do.


What does that say?

I don't know what it says.

Jody, you must've had
that word in school.

I don't go to school.

Me and pa don't
stay in one place.

Of course.

I should have realized.

Mr. Foster!

Don't you know how to knock?

I figured my boy being
here was invitation enough.

Jody, I'd like for you
to wait for me outside.

Pa, can't i... Outside.

I brought you some licorice.

I don't want it.

You take it now, you hear?

Giving him candy
ain't what he wants.

Why? You feed him already?

I didn't give him anything.

Except a lot of
female foolishness.

I'm sorry.

I know I had no
right to interfere.

Thing is,

It's hard enough
for a black person

To do anything
worthwhile in this life

But with no education, and
no feeling of belonging...

I had a real education.

Went through high
school, made good grades.

You think it did me any good?

Shucks! I might as well have spent
the time loafin' on a river bank.

You got a trade.

You must've
learned it someplace.

I learned it the hard way.

Knockin' on doors and
beggin' for a chance.

But don't you wish
better for your son?

I wish the world for jody,

And that's what I'm giving him.

Showing it to him
and sharing it with him.

A poor excuse for itchy feet.

Just because you've
got sand in your shoes,

Is no reason

For you to mess
up that child's life.

You've got a
responsibility to him.

He deserves a chance...

You've said enough, mrs. Grant.

That's all you women
ever think about

Is settlin' down.
Home sweet home.

Jody's mine and ain't nobody
taking him away from me.

That's just plain foolishness.

You trying to tell me you
wouldn't like him to stay here?

It would be better
for him if he did!

At least then he
could go to school.

He don't need school.

He learns plenty
just travelin' around.

He can't even read or write!

What do you want him
to be when he grows up?

A shoeshine boy?

Mr. Godsey. Hey!
Howdy, jody boy.

A little earlier you asked
me about an advance on my pay.

(Ike) that's right.

(Mr. Foster) I'd like to
take you up on that,

If you don't mind.

I don't mind at all. Come on in.

Jody, I'll be right out. Now
don't you move, you hear?

[Door closing]

[Door chimes tinkling]

Hey, jody, everything all right?

No, it ain't. Pa
says we're leaving.

Something happen
over at mrs. Grant's?

I don't know what happened.

John-boy, I don't wanna go.

Yeah, I know.

Ok, here you go.

This is too much, mr. Godsey.

It's a whole week's salary.

I ain't worked a week here.

What's the difference?
It's an advance.

The difference is, I
ain't working past today.

I'm leaving.

Well, you can't leave.

All I'm taking is
what's coming to me.


Wait a second. You
can't leave now.

We... We got a good
business going here.

I mean, all it would take
is just a little more time.

[Door closing]

Harley's leavin'.

Seems a shame to me.

You said you'd stay
on, you promised.

I wish I could,
mr. Godsey. But I just can't.

Jody! Where's jody?

I think he went inside.

Inside? I didn't see him.

(Mr. Foster) jody.

Jody, didn't you
hear me calling?

It's time to go.

Yes, pa.

Mama, jody says he's leaving.

Is he, really?

It seems so, elizabeth.

What about mr. Foster's job?

Mr. Foster decided
to give it up.

I got a feeling

It has something to
do with mrs. Grant.

Somethin' happened over there.

Oh, she's going to take
his leavin' mighty hard.


I brought you something.

They are leaving,
aren't they, john-boy?

How did you know that?

Mr. Godsey told me.

What happened, mrs. Grant?

Mr. Foster and I had words.

What kind of words?

I hurt his pride.

Worst thing you can do to a man

Is hurt his pride.

Didn't expect to see you again.

So you're going?

I'm all packed.

You're running away.

From you?

No. I don't matter, mr. Foster.

That child is the only
thing that matters.

And what you're
running away from

Is your responsibility to him.

Go away, woman.

I've got to go say
goodbye to the waltons.


I thought I'd try once more.

I should have known
it wasn't any use.

Harley, I'm sorry
you're leaving.

When I make up
my mind to go, I go.

Harley, we made up
some sandwiches for you.

Thank you, ma'am.

I got to say, traveling around,

We've met up with some
mighty cold shoulders,

But you folks,

Well, you've been
so nice, real decent.

I want you to know
we appreciate it.

[Motorcycle approaching]

Hello, everybody. Hold up there.

Well, I see you're
still here, foster.

I was expecting
you'd be gone by now.

I'm about to be.

Well, I got here just
as fast as I could.


There's some money missing
from my cash register.

(Ike) $23, to be exact.


Well, sure I got your
money, mr. Godsey.

But you gave it to
me, I didn't take it.

I don't mean your pay.

There was $23 and some change.

There's just change there now.

All right. Go ahead.

Go back to the garden. Go play.

Come on, sweetie, go play.

Ike, these are pretty
serious charges.

Believe me, I don't enjoy it.

Well, neither do i,
being called a thief.

You trust a guy.
You give him a job.

I thought before I
called the sheriff,

I'd just give you a chance
to prove me wrong.

Which you happen to be.

Here, john-boy, hold my things.

Now, there's my pay.

$10 For 5 days'
work. And that's all.

I'll empty out my pockets. Here.

There. Empty.

John-boy, look through
the rest of my stuff.

Well, I don't want to do that.

Hey, ike. I'm sure
you're mistaken.

Isn't it possible someone
came in the back way

While you were out filling somebody's
gas t*nk or something like that?

There's a platter, hat,
and cup and saucer.


I just don't think
harley took that money.

It was in his pocket.

That's just it.

I swear he didn't
know it was there.

He looked more surprised
than anybody when he took it out.

I'm just trying to figure out

Exactly what happened at ike's.

Ike was outside with you,

Harley went inside.

No one else was there, right?

No, no. Jody was in there.


Yeah, harley went
in to fetch him.

You mean that child
saw his father take it?


No, not necessarily,
grandma. Maybe he saw

Somebody else in there take it.

I'm gonna ask him.

Girls, would you
excuse jody and me

For a few minutes?


Come on, mary ellen.

Thank you.

[Birds chirping]


When you were at mr. Godsey's
store this afternoon,

Before your daddy
came in to get you,

Did you see anybody
else come in there?

I didn't see anybody.

Then did you see your
daddy take any money

Out of mr. Godsey's
cash register?

John-boy, can I
ask you something?


My pa will go to jail, won't he?


He'll have to, won't he?

Like in the count
of monte cristo.

Wait a minute,
jody, just hold on.

And if my pa's in jail,

Then we can stay here. Can't we?

You took that money,
didn't you, jody?

Yes, john-boy.

That's why I took it, pa.

You always say
being in one place

Is like being in jail.

I took it and put
it into your pocket

Because I wanted us to stay.


It's all right, son.

It's all right.


What... Mr. Foster!

Morning, mrs. Grant.
You got a minute?

Well, i... (Jody)
morning, mrs. Grant!

Jody. John-boy.

Come in.

I thought you were leaving.

We're staying.

I'm glad for jody.
And for you, too.

We got us room and board

At reverend dooley's
starting tomorrow.

So as I can be near my job.

Right near you,
too, so it seems.

Yes, he's only a
half a mile away.

Jody will be going to
school and to church.

We'll settle down.

Mrs. Grant, you said

Some awful mean
things to me yesterday.

Yes, I did.

I thought about it.

I did a lot of
thinking last night.

Please. You don't
have to explain.

I do.

You see,

Mrs. Grant, you was right.

About jody, anyway.

I'm doing it for him.

You might even get
to like it yourself.

We'll see.

Now what, now what, john-boy?

Well, then when all those
tiny blossoms fall away,

There's gonna be the fruit.

Tiny. Tiny peaches.

And they get bigger and bigger.

All peach-colored and juicy.

And the tree gets tall,
doesn't it, john-boy?

Not all at once,
but it gets there.

John-boy, next year

When the peaches
ripen, can I have one?

Jody, next year when
the peaches ripen,

You can pick one.

The very first one.

(John-boy) harley and
jody did put down roots

In walton's mountain.

And the romance that blossomed

In a peach orchard

Was to flower and
bear fruit of its own.

Almost 4 decades have passed,

But my own roots are still there

In that house where I was born,

And grew up with my
brothers and sisters.

(Elizabeth) mama?

(Olivia) yes, elizabeth?

Can I sleep tonight
without breathing?

Why? Some special reason?

Uh-huh, jim-bob and I

Are gonna have a
breath-holding contest

And I thought I'd practice.

Well, you can try,
dear. Good night.

Good night, mama.
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