02x08 - The Braggart

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x08 - The Braggart

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) there were
times on walton's mountain

So filled with peace
and contentment

That I might sit in my room,
writing, and never once be reminded

That I was part of a large
and boisterous family.

It was on such a day
that jim-bob took time out

To watch the grass grow

And hobie shank came
back into our lives.

I wasn't to know much peace or
contentment after hobie's arrival.

Where's your father, son?

(Jim-bob) in the barn.

All right, you wait here.

You just call mr. John
walton out here.

He'll know who I am.

[Birds chirping]

Hey, there, what's your name?



Well, not the jim-bob
walton I knew 4 years ago?

Why, I used to tote
you around in my arms.

And look at you now.

Well, you remember
me? Hobie shank?

I was just a little
fellow then myself.

And look at me now.

Strongest man
this side of missouri.

(Sheriff) john, I got a boy out
here named hobart shank.

He says you'll vouch for him.

(John) hobart who?


Says he spent the summer
with you 4 years ago.

(Grandpa) that orphan boy, john.

Oh, hobie. From the county home.

Yeah, I'd picked him up
hitching north on 29.

I figured he was just another
hobo looking for a place to light.

Why don't you look at him?

See if you know him.

By gum, you're right, jim-bob.

Look at that little feller.

Got it right up on his back.


Mr. Walton.

I knew you wouldn't forget me.

Well, it is little hobie.

How could I forget you, son?

You carved your initials
in our kitchen table.

I was hoping you
wouldn't remember that.

Hey, grandpa! How are you?

I'll never forget
him taking me fishing

And I came back with
a string of catfish

That stretched from
here to that porch.

Must have been at least
2 catfish on that string.

Sounds like you, hobie.

Good to see you. What brings
you to this part of the country?

Well, that's my big surprise.

(Jim-bob) hobie,
he's still got it.

Well, john, if you say
it's ok, I'll take off...

It's ok, ep. Thanks
for bringing him by.

(Grandpa) thank you, sheriff.

[Car engine starting]

(Hobie) he is probably
the strongest ant alive.

You ought to see
this little-bitty ant

Carrying a breadcrumb about a
hundred times bigger than he is.

Hey, where's, uh, john-boy?

Me and him were regular
buddies that summer.

He's up in his room working.

Hey. Hey, john-boy, I
got a surprise for you!


Guess who's here. Me!

(John) you remember hobie shank.

When you were 13, he
spent a summer with us.


Well, get down here, old buddy.

Me and you got some
catchin' up to do.



Hey, I heard some voices.

Let me guess. Erin?

No, no. Mary.

Mary ellen, right?


You were just a scrawny little
tomboy, and look at you now.

Pretty as a picture.

Thank you.

Who are you?

Hobart shank.

Little hobie?

Big as life and
twice as handsome.

You're just in time
for my big surprise.

And so are you, old buddy.

Come on, I got a big
surprise for y'all.

You remember this, mr. Walton?

This is my old pitcher's mitt.

Ever since you gave it to
me, I knew what I was gonna be.

And, by gum, I am.

(Hobie) I'm gonna tell you all
about it at supper tonight.

Oh, that is, if I'm invited.

You are invited.

Why, I thought you'd
never get around to it.

Put it there, old buddy.
Hey, hobie, how are you?

Remember that time you
beat me at indian wrestling?

Oh, come on, let's do it
again. Oh, no. I don't want to...

Just want to show you what's
happened to your old buddy.

Give it your best try.
Come on. There you go.

Nice try, old buddy.

My ant. It jumped
out of my hand.

Well... Well, there
he is. There he is.

Here. Now, put him back in a little
jar so you don't lose him again.

He's the world's strongest ant.

Oh, then why not
call him hobie, jr.?

[Hobie guffawing]

That first little go-round
just kind of whet my appetite.

Well, now you must be
the world's champion eater.

Well, only when I meet up
with the world's greatest cook.

So, uh, how's
everything, john-boy?

You married yet?

[Cutlery clanking]

No. I'm still in high school.

Of course, I'm
getting out this year.

You used to be a
pretty good runner.

Maybe you could
make it in track.

John-boy's gonna be a writer.

You mean sit around all
day and noodle with words?

Yeah, I guess that's about it.

Maybe I'll do that when I'm old.

Write down the story of my life.

Boy, there'd be a
whopper of a book.

What was the surprise you
were gonna tell us about, hobie?

Oh, sure, sure.

I lit out on my
own a while back.

(Hobie) no more 3
squares a day for free

When I see this sign:

"Minor league tryout.
St. Louis baseball club."

Boy, that corn bread sure
melts in your mouth, ma'am.

Thank you, hobie.

So anyhow, I threw out some
of my blue lightning bolts

For this fellow
they called a scout.

Oh, boy, did his
eyes ever bug out.

He says to this other man,
"kid's whizzer hops like a rabbit."

(Hobie) so that's why I'm here.

I haven't the slightest idea
what you're talking about.

I'll explain it to you later.

The st. Louis team, grandma.

All them boys just
waiting for hobie

To pitch 'em to
the world series.

(Grandpa) you might not
be able to pitch 'em there,

But you sure
could talk it there.

Could I have a little
more of that gravy, ma'am?

(Olivia) go right ahead
and help yourself, hobie.

(John) dig in, hob.
Anything you want.

So, anyhow, this fellow
says to me, what's my address?

Well, I wasn't about to give
him the county orphanage.

So I gave him your address.

(John) why was it
you did that, hobie?

Well, that's my surprise.

I'm gonna be one
of the family again.

What do you say, mr. Walton?

Well, I don't know.

It's sure good to see
you, hobie, I'll tell you that

But I don't know what do you say

When you're presented with a
bouncing 170-pound baby boy?

[John chuckling]

Mrs. Walton?

You just make yourself
right at home, hobie.

(Hobie) a-and don't worry.

I'll only be around long enough

For that fellow to
come looking for me.

A-and that might even
be tomorrow morning.

And anyhow, I figure if I
have you to talk for me,

That scout will just have to
treat me fair and square, right?

You want me to
talk for you, hobie?

Well, yeah.

Well, I'd be glad to.

A-and listen, if you
play your cards right,

I might even make
you my manager.

Well, that's all right.
I'll do that, hobie.

Hey, pass the sweet
potatoes, old buddy.

Thank you.

Dig in, hobie.

You really believe
all that hot air

About a scout coming out here?

Well, it could be.

Well, I don't.

Son, it appears to me
you've been acting a mite

Uncharitable toward him.

[Sighs] it's probably just me

But I always get the feeling
that he's trying to downgrade me.

Like tonight, all that talk
about "aren't you married yet?"

And how he's gonna sit
down and write himself a book

When he gets old.

Anyway, he's sure
taken you over.

That bothers you, does it?

It does.

All right, son.

Why don't you ask
him to come out?

We'll try to figure out what
he's really talking about.

He'll eat us out
of house and home.

Boy, he sure can eat.

He hasn't tried any
humble pie yet, has he?

My daddy would like to
talk to you out by the barn.

Oh, why, sure, old buddy.

Boy, it sure is easy to see

Where the walton girls
get their good looks.

(Olivia) your turn to dry, erin.

Isn't he just about
the cutest thing alive?

Oh, he's just the handsomest.

Oh, mary ellen, when
are you going to stop

Calling everything
in pants handsome?

Never, I hope.

Hobie's just so funny.

Depends on how
you define "funny."

What are you so grouchy about?

Just don't go getting another
one of your crushes, mary ellen.

Is that the sermon for
tonight, rev. Walton?

Well, just try not believing
anything that anybody says to you.

Does that include you, reverend?

Hey, remember that
drop pitch you taught me?

I sure do.

I use it all the time.

No kidding.

How long has it been, hobie,
since you left that home?

I just wanna forget that place.

Hey, talk about exciting things,

Did I ever tell you
about that game

I pitched against pepper martin?

I heard you
telling ben about it.

I hear things are kind of lean

On the road. Hardly
any work anywhere.

Yeah. Well, that's
why I'm sure glad

I got this great
pitching arm of mine.

How was it, son, on your own?

I figured there'd be work in d.c

But I just gave up, rode
the rails south again.

You know,

Richmond, raleigh,
atlanta, ft. Lauderdale.

You'd weasel a day's pay now
and then on a farm or a road job

Something like that.

Rest of the time
you had to hobo, huh?

It's no way to live,
mr. Walton, believe me.

I believe you.

I sure wish there was a job I
could offer you around here.

Well, you don't think
I came here for a job?

You know, you're
welcome to stay.

You don't have to
work for your keep.

You don't believe me, do you?

About me winning that tryout
with the st. Louis cardinals?

I believe you.

But if the man doesn't show up?

Well, I'm sure not spending the
rest of my life in some hobo jungle.

I'm gonna be a pitcher in the
big leagues. He's got to show up.

All right, son.

If he says he's gonna
show up, I'm sure he will.

We'll just sweat it out.

[Jim-bob moaning]


Hey, jim-bob, you all right?

You had a bad dream.

Hobie, jr. Kept growing
until he was a giant ant.

I used to dream like that.

Boy, was I glad to wake up.

Me, too.

Hey, come on, back
in your own bed.

But you're sleeping in it.

You'll sleep better
in your own bed.

Come on, big boy.

I'll stretch out with you
till you get back to sleep, ok?

Half pint used to like
me to lie down with him.

He's a kid back at the home.

He used to follow me around all
the time, pulling on my coattails.

Closest thing to a
little brother I ever had.

You know, a real pain, but
you couldn't help liking him.

Hobie. I'm sorry.
Did I frighten you?

Well, I guess I shouldn't
be down here, ma'am.

Is something the matter?

No, ma'am.

It was just for a moment there

I remembered a time
when I was a little kid.

First night in the home,
and I got caught out of bed

After hours, without permission.

And they thought I was
being bad, and I wasn't.

Well, you have my permission
to stay up as long as you want

If you can't sleep.

Strange surroundings
sometimes affect me that way, too.

Oh, it isn't strange, ma'am.

I remember every little
thing about this house.

I guess that's why
I couldn't sleep.

I'm too excited being back here.

Oh, we're glad to
have you back, hobie.

Uh, jim-bob had a
bad dream tonight.

I used to have 'em all the time.

I had one while I was here.

And I'll always remember
you coming in to me

And how just the sound of
your voice made it all right.

I guess I'd better be
getting back upstairs.

Mrs. Walton, you're some lady.

Good night, hobie.

Ma'am, I wondered
if you could put in

A word for me in your prayers.

'Cause if I can't make
it pitching for 'em,

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Hobie, you will always
have a home with us.

I sure hope you
mean that, ma'am.

It means a whole
lot to me if you do.

I do, hobie.

Good night.

Good night, ma'am.

At what time do you think
we're gonna be getting home?

You expecting marcia woolery?

[Chuckles] how'd you guess?

I thought you two busted up.

Well, we did.

I tell you, daddy, I don't know
why I put up with that woman.

Well, now, son,

There's one thing you should
understand about women.

What's that?

I don't know.

[Car approaching]

[Brakes squeal]

I'm looking for
the walton place.

You've found it.

You john walton?

Yes, sir.

Clyde harroway, scout
for the st. Louis cardinals.

"Preacher" harroway?

One and the same.

Well, I'll be.

Son, this is
"preacher" harroway.

Pleased to meet you.

How are you?

Is there a hobart shank

In this household?
There sure is.

I'm here to see if he can pitch as
good as abe taylor says he can.

(John) you hear that,
son? Go get hobie.

Is there a ball
field in these parts?

There's one right
down the road there.

Fine. I'll meet you
and shank there

As quickly as you can get there.

You know, I saw you pitch,
1912, in an exhibition game.

I was just a kid.

Uh, well, "look to
today," mr. Walton.

That's my motto.

[Car engine starting]

We'll be right there.


(Hobie) now you grip
your fastball tight,

You hold it pretty deep. See?

And you kind of just let it
slip straight off your fingers.

Go ahead, you try it, jim-bob.

Hey, you sure do
learn fast, jim-bob.

Just like half pint.

(Jason) show us your
curveball, hobie.

Oh, look. You hold your curveball
same as you hold your fastball.

(John-boy) hey, hobie!

Yeah, old buddy?

He's here.



[Hobie whooping]

Boy, I can't wait to see
the look on that man's face

When he sees my smoke
ball hop, skip, and jump.

He's got a young fella with him.

Probably the one
to catch for you.

Oh, well, you'll be my
catcher, mr. Walton.

For good luck.

All right, hobie.

[Girl exclaiming]

Welcome to walton's mountain.

How are you?


(Calvin) excuse me, girls.

[Door closing]

[All talking]

(Hobie) hey, sheriff.

(Sheriff) hi.

66 Feet, 6 inches.

Measured some of
these backwoods slabs.

They've been a little
short of regulation.

This the boy? Hobie,
meet mr. Harroway.

I sure am tickled
to meet you, sir. I...

Let's get started.
Let's get started.

Oh, sir, you don't mind
if mr. Walton catches me

(Hobie) instead of that
fellow there, do you?

That fellow there is
here to hit the ball, son.

I never recommend a boy

Unless I see him throw to
something besides a catcher's mitt.

(Harroway) that's calvin trask.

Plays first base for
the richmond rebels.

Hiya, kid.

You better get
warmed up good, kid.

We're not playing patty-cake.

All right now.

We were in mr. Godsey's general
merchandise store when they came in.

You could tell right away
they was real celebrities.

All right. Loosen
up a little now.

(Marcia) good luck, calvin.

Here you go, son.

Mr. Godsey says he's just
tearing up triple-a pitching.

(Marcia) whatever that means.

[Girls giggling]

Rub a little snake
oil on it, ben. For luck.

Anything else I
should do, grandpa?

Well, eddie collins
had a way with him.

He'd take a wad of chewing gum

And stick it on
the lid of his cap.

When things got
tight, he'd chomp on it.

Can I borrow your
gum, elizabeth?



Thank you.

There you go.

Thanks, ben.

Ok, boy, let's see what you can do
with that big toothpick of yours.

Big mouth, you better get
ready to chew horsehide.

Oh, ooh, it's too
scary. I can't watch.

(Girl) here he goes.

[Spectators cheering]

Goodness! Was that
a home run, john-boy?


It was just a lucky hit, hobie.

You'll get him next time!

That ought to teach old
big mouth a thing or two.

Well, now listen, hob.

Hey, kid, the next one's
gonna tickle your tonsils, ok?

Just save your breath
and give me the ball.

Now, take it easy, son.

Give me one finger for blue
lightning, and 2 for the jug handle,

And I'll rear back and just
fog it by that big bag of wind.

All right, all right.

(Hobie) you kids
can sit down now.

Ain't gonna be another
ball hit nowhere today.

(John) here we go, son.

Ride it here, boy.

There you go.

(Harroway) strike!


(All) oh!

Attaboy, hobie.

Keep at it, boy.

Strike 3!

[Girls exclaiming]

Not bad.

Watch your fat head, kid,
'cause I'm just getting warmed up.

Put your bat
where your mouth is.


[Girls screaming]

(John) attaboy, hob.

[All applauding]

Strike 2.

[Girls applauding]

You're out.

Hey, he's out!

Strike him out again, hobie.

Strike one.

Attaboy, hobie.

Strike 2!

[Continue applauding]

Strike 3! Side's retired.


[All exclaiming]

Cool off, trask.

I've seen enough of the kid.

I imagine you have, too.

(Hobie) mr. Walton, we did it.

Hey, old buddy. How you doing?

I knew I could do it all along.

I knew it. I just knew it.

He's quite a pitcher.

Then there's the one
about the dumb blonde.

Well, not you, little darling.

She says to her
boyfriend at the ballgame:

"I like the pitcher best. He can
hit the bat almost every time."

I'm sorry, john-boy.

There you go, old buddy.

So... Tell us
another one, hobie.

Mary ellen, get yourself busy.

Well, did I tell you girls
the one about the horse

Who wanted to be
in the big leagues?

(Harroway) I'm prepared
to offer him $50 a month

To pitch for raleigh in
the north carolina league

Plus a bonus of $50 for
signing the contract now.


We were hoping for
a little more, though.

Oh, we never haggle
with a raw prospect, sir.

Club policy.

You either take it or leave it.

I guess we're gonna
have to leave it.

Does this boy know that
you're throwing away

His once-in-a-lifetime

He knows I might if I don't
think you're treating him fairly.

Then we... We have nothing
further to discuss, mr. Walton.

Good afternoon to you, sir.

Mr. Harroway.

Have a nice trip back.

All right, what do you want?

We'll take triple of that offer.


I might consider double.

Mr. Harroway, we don't
haggle with our guests.

It's against family policy.

We'll take triple the pay,
but to show our good faith,

We'll take only
double on the bonus.

It's a deal.

I suppose you want
me to go call hobie.

Yes, son, I do.

Let's just check this out here.

There I was, lifting the
entire car with my back, when...

Hobie, why don't
you put the car down.

They want you inside.

Oh, why, sure, old buddy.

Well, as one base line said to the
other, "meet you at home, sweetie."

[Girls giggling]

Why are you working so hard?

Somebody has to.

You invited me over.

The least you can do is join us.

You seem to be doing
fine without me around.

That's not fair, john-boy, just
'cause I'm paying attention to hobie.

You pay all the
attention you want to him,

But let me tell you
one thing, marsha.

That you have had your way
with me one too many times!

My goodness, john-boy.

You don't have to
get all upset about it.

Hobie and I are just friends.

Not a speck more than that.

But I'm ready for
the big leagues now.

Son, if you throw
like you did today,

You won't be in the d
league long enough

To have a cup of coffee,
as the saying goes.

Now if you folks don't
mind, I have to be on my way.

Sorry you can't stay for supper.

So am i.

Hobie, I hope you
pitch half as well

As your friend
mr. Walton here bargains.

(Harroway) he got you 3 times
more than we pay any green kid.

So you listen to what he says.

See you later. Bye now.

Bye, mr. Harroway.

[Car engine starting]

Well, son, you did it.

You should've made that
man put me in the majors.

Hey, come on!

You girls ever
seen a real $100 bill?

Here. Come on, little darlings.

(Hobie) come on, you're gonna
get to see your first $100 bill.

(Girls) let me see! Let me see!

Come on.

[Girls exclaiming]

I swear I try to like him, but he
just doesn't make it easy for me.

I know. He can be hard
to take sometimes.

I wouldn't mind so much

If all he did was make eyes at
girls that used to be sweet on me.

I mean, that's life, I guess.

But when he starts walking
all over you, I just can't take it.

I suppose he doesn't
mean it that way, son.

[Continue exclaiming]

(John) you gotta remember
that he has had a hard life.

He's just riding high right now.

If you don't mind, I'm
gonna go up to my room.

This is just not my week.

Come on, hobie,
why are you sulking?

I've decided that I don't
want to go back to that place.

Now, we talked about this, son.

You agreed.

The kids at the orphanage
will get a big kick out of this.

They know about the
contract. They're all excited.

I don't care.

(John) now, hobie, your
dreams are coming true.

It'll mean something to these
kids, give them a kind of hope.

How about that one you're always

Talking about,
that half pint kid?

Listen, I earned my
way out of this place.

Look, look, I scrubbed
floors, I peeled potatoes,

I put yelling brats to bed.

I just want to forget all this.

All right, hobie.

If you feel that way, we
can go home if you want.

We might as well.

Uh, all right, all right,

But I don't want to
waste all day here.

How nice of you to
pay us a visit, hobart.

The boys are looking
forward to seeing you.

Especially sam.

Remember, you used
to call him half pint.

Things sure haven't changed
around here very much, mrs. Baker.

No, unfortunately. They...

Well, I guess you're gonna
be anxious to see everybody.

Come on, hobart.

(Sam) do you have to
leave so soon, hobie?

(Georgie) are you
gonna come back?

You didn't show me how
to cover second on a steal.

How far is where you're going?

What about the
double-play pivot?

You promised to
teach me, remember?

(Iggy) hobie's gonna
be in the big leagues.

Can I come with you, hobie?

Half pint, will you
stop hanging on me?

Hey, hey, I didn't
mean that, half pint.

You know what I'm gonna do?

As soon as I make it to the
cardinals, I'm gonna send for you.

Why, you can be my own
personal, uh, batboy, ok?

What are we waiting for?

(Kids) goodbye.

Bye, mr. Walton.

[Truck engine starting]

(All) bye!

Bye, john-boy! Bye, mr. Walton!

(Jim-bob) hobie's back!

I don't care if I never
see that place again.

[All yelling] hobie! Hobie!

Hey, you sweet
things! Hobie's back.

I just came over to
say goodbye, hobie.

Got an hour before
I have to leave.

I don't care what anybody says.

Somebody's gotta
set that kid straight.

How about a game of
one-legged tag? Yeah.

That makes you it, angel.

(Marcia) you are
the craziest thing.

Well, a lot's happened
to him in a short time, son.

Maybe he's just
trying to sort it out.

So is he going to cash in on being
an orphan for the rest of his life?

What you gotta remember is

He was really little when
he was in that orphanage

Just elizabeth's age.

So that's going to excuse
him from being a loudmouth, eh?


[Girls screaming]

Maybe he feels like
he's gotta shout a lot

Because he feels so
alone and orphaned.

(Hobie screams)

Hey, marcia!

[Marcia yelling]
no, hobie, don't!

(Hobie) I'm coming
after you, marcia.

He probably thinks
being a big-time pitcher

Is the only chance
he's got to be somebody.


Me, tarzan, you, jane.

Oh, hobie, you're a riot!

No, I'm king of the
jungle see you later.

(Hobie) and I'm flying
through the air.

See that branch?

Hey, hobie!



(John-boy) hey, hobie?

Don't touch him,
don't touch him.

What is it, your arm?

(John) let me see, son.


[Truck approaching]

Well, the boy has a compound
fracture of the elbow, sir,

Which must be
reduced surgically.

(Dr. Wolfe) now, the
orthopedic man is on his way.

We want your
permission to operate.

It's as bad as that, is it?

He may never have proper
use of the arm if we don't.

What did hobart say about that?

He told me to ask you.

Will it be all right
if we operate?

Can never be sure about
recoverable mobility

In cases where the
injury involves a joint.

I guess you'd better go ahead
and do all you can for him.


This operation will
take about 3 hours.

You can leave and
come back if you want to.

Oh, no, let's wait.

We'll stay on. Thank you, doc.

Very good.

(John-boy) hey, hobie.

Hey, yourself.

Welcome back.

What did they say?
Will... Will I be all right?

They won't know till the cast
comes off, but they're hopeful, son.

(Grandpa) everyone's pulling
for you back home, hobie.

Hey, now listen, everything
gonna be all right.

Why, I'm even gonna
be a better pitcher

Once they get this
darn thing off my arm.

Yeah. Hobie, I think you'd
better get some rest.

The nurse, here, she wants to
give you something for your pain.

We'll see you, hobie.

Hey, john-boy, you just bring
them pretty girls by to see me.

Will do.

Hey, you ever been kissed by a
one-armed fastball pitcher, honey?

About time somebody
washed this truck.

Not wash, son. Bathe.

This truck's one of the family.

Well, it's easier than giving
elizabeth a saturday night bath.

At least it doesn't scream
when the water hits it.

Oh, it'll find some
way to act back.

I thought this was ben's job.

It is ben's job.

If he doesn't doing better at
it, I'm gonna give it to jim-bob.

The lord knows what
he'd do with that car.

This is gonna look as
good as new, I tell you.

Well, son, it's not gonna
look as good as new.

It'll never do that, like a
lot of things around here.

But spruced up a little,

We can still get down
the road a mile or two.

I'm gonna go see hobie
soon as I finish this.

Wanna go along?

Uh, well, I gotta catch up
on a little reading, I think.

You know, son

He's gonna be getting out of
the hospital in a couple of days.

There's a chance he'll
never be able to use that arm

For professional ball.

I know.

I'd like to welcome him
back here for a while.

Let that arm get
limbered up a little.

Well, what if that
arm is gone for good?

Let's just wait and see
about that, all right?


Mr. Walton. Doctor.

Boy's ready.

You, uh, sure you can
take the responsibility?

Oh, yes, the family's decided.

Well, a certain
mr. Taylor stopped by

Representing some baseball team.

He asked me to give you this.

He, uh, he thought it'd
be best if you told him.

[Papers rustling]


(Hobie) come in.

Good morning, hobie.

You all set to go?

Like, you don't have to
take me back, you know.

I've got a buddy...

Oh, we want you to come.

Well, maybe I'll just
hit the road again.

I hope you're gonna
stay with us, son.

It's never gonna
be the same, is it?

What's that? My pitching arm.

That scout feller, mr. Taylor,

He says to me, "keep
your chin up, kid."

That's right after he talked
with that doctor out there.

Hobie... It's bad
news, isn't it?

They've cancelled
your contract, son.

You can keep the bonus, but...

I don't wanna talk about it.

Let's just get out of here.

Hey, it was my idea!

Last one in the
house is a fat pickle!

Erin, you cheated.

I didn't!

[Girls giggling]

Girls, hobie's resting.

Oh, I'm sorry, hobie.
Were you asleep?

(Mary-ellen) if he was, I
guess he isn't anymore.

Look, surprise.

We picked 'em especially for
you from mama's flower garden.

We thought they might
brighten up your room.


I think I'd better
put these in water.

Here, hobie, I brought
you a present.

It used to be where the world's
strongest ant used to live

Until he climbed
out of an air hole.

Um, where do you
want me to put them?

Let's put 'em over there.

He can see when
he wakes up then.

Hid it for an emergency,

But you can have it
to stick it on your cap.

Thanks, elizabeth.

If y'all don't mind...

Hey, hobie, look
what we brought you.

Caught it from the same
lake that we were at last time.

There's a trail of water all
the way from the front door.

Sorry, grandma, but we
caught them for hobie.

I know, dear.

Well, all right, I'll cook 'em.

You can eat all you want, hobie.

I... I just wanna be left alone.

Elizabeth, come on. Erin, out.

(John) thank you.

(Olivia) I'm worried about
that boy eating so little.

Picks like a bird at
whatever I give him.

(Grandma) we should
make him get up.

(Grandpa) oh, don't rush him.

Maybe we're all trying
too hard to cheer him,

And it's just making
him feel worse.

(Olivia) sounds like
good sense, grandma.

The problem isn't how
we can help that boy

(John) the problem is how
we can help him help himself.

I've been kicking
around with an idea.

What is it, john-boy?

Well, how about a baseball game

Between us, the
walton's mountain team,

And jefferson county
boys' home team.

That sounds like fun.

The important thing would be
that the manager of the visiting team

Could be none
other than... Hobie!

(John-boy) hobie shank.

That's a real good
idea. Can I tell hobie?

I'm not sure he'd be in any
mood to hear that right now.

Why don't we get
it started first?

(Ben) you know, I can round
up some guys for our team.

(Mary-ellen) I'm playing.
Erin, run a lemonade stand.

(Erin) yeah, that's a good idea.

[All discussing]

[Saw whirring]



Hobie's packing his
bag. He's gonna leave.

Maybe we shouldn't have
waited so long to tell him.

[Saw stops]

I think he already guessed.

That's why he's ducking out.

Where's daddy?

He's delivering wood
at the paper mill.

Hobie still up in his room?


You figure with my daddy
gone, you can just take off

Without saying goodbye?

You're running away from that
baseball game tomorrow, aren't you?

You think I'll watch a bunch of
raggedy-tail orphans playing ball

And all of a sudden
I'm gonna feel better?

You know, we were gonnna
tell you tonight, hobie.

I heard jim-bob and
elizabeth talking.

Didn't take much to
figure out what's going on.

Tell me, where are
you going? Who cares?

Poor hobie! Run
into a little bad luck,

He's gonna spend
his life sulking,

And the devil with
everybody else, huh?

You don't give me that guff about
me owing somebody something.

Well, it's the truth.

Look, you run away
all you want to.

You spend the rest of
your life running away

Every time something
bad happens,

But let me tell you, you're
not gonna hurt my father.

What do you mean?
He cares about you.

He's been good to you and
he's treated you decently

And he's gonna be
treated decently in return.

You're not leaving without
saying a proper goodbye

To him, man-to-man.
Because he cares about you.

A lot of people around
here care about you.

All right, all right, I'll
do my duty to your daddy,

But tomorrow morning, old buddy,

I'm gonna shake off the
dust of this mountain so fast

It'll make your head spin!

That's fine with me.

I didn't have any better
luck with him than you did.

He's gonna hit the
road if it kills him.

It's 2¢ a glass.

I only have a penny.

Well, I guess you
can't have any.

Well, our mama did
make the lemonade.

All right, half a
glass for a penny.

(Ike) ok, let's play ball.

Come on, dad.

Let's show them
some pepper, huh?

All right.

All right, now, team, let's
get out there and play.

(Kid #1) come on!

(Kid #2) all right.

[Spectators cheering]

Well, I brought you here.

I might as well take you away.

Oh, that's all right, sheriff.

There's a law
against hitchhiking.

So unless you want to walk to
the county line, you'd best get in.

(John) all right.

(All) come on.

[All cheering]


All right, now. Take it
easy. Settle down, fellas.

Just settle down. Take it easy.

Come on, jason.

What inning is it?

(Norma lee) top
of the last inning.

Only one out. But
we're ahead 5 to 2.

Well, we might as well
stay for the end, huh?

Not me.

Suit yourself.

Come on, jason, you
can do it. Come on.


Come on, jason, make
him eat that horsehide.

[Spectator's cheering] come on!

[All applauding]

They can't hit his fast
stuff, so now they're bunting.

Give them the
wrecker's ball. Come on.

All right.

Come on, brother!

Strike! Double steal!

(Hobie) hold up, ike, hold up!

Hey, hobie's back.

Okay, kids. I guess
we need 3 runs now.

Back on the pitch.

Let's keep this rally going, ok?

(Boy) yeah.

Come on, big boy, you can
get a hold of one, come on.

All right, let's play ball!

Come on, big boy!

(John-boy) come on, jason.

(Hobie) get a hold of one.

(John-boy) right down
the old pipe, brother.


He should have hit that.

Come on, jason.
Come on, brother.

Put it in right down the tube!

(Ben) come on, jason.

(Hobie) get a hold of one.

(John-boy) right down
the old pipe, brother.

(Ike) strike 3! You're out!

(Hobie) that's ok.

Now, if the orphanage
hits another run home

And... And they hit
some more strikes,

Then it's gonna be all tied up.

Oh, and... And
when they do this,

That means something.

Right across the plate, brother.

Come on, big boy.

2 Down, one to go.

Come on, one
more. Come on, do it.


That's a good swing, half pint.

(Hobie) you'll give
the next one a ride.

Come on, big boy.

You got this one, jason.

Come on, jason.

(Grandpa) show me
your fast stuff.

Strike 2!

That's ok, big boy.

Watch out for him. You
play the ball, half pint.

(John-boy) watch out for him.

Keep your swing
level. Come on, big boy.

[Crowd cheering]

(Hobie) come on,
big boy! Come on!

Take it home! Take it home!

[Spectator whistling]

[John-boy whooping]

We won.

Got to play heads-up, half pint.

You ran right by
my "hold up" sign.

Hey, hey.

Don't run away.

Let me go.

You're just like
I am. Bullheaded.

You got to get to that
next base no matter what.

We lost, and it
was all my fault.

Well, the devil it is.

Why, you almost
won it, half pint.

Why, you boys played
one whale of a game.

And I'm so proud of each and every
one of you, I could almost bust.

And, by gum, next
time we will win.

With a little more practice and a
lot better coaching at third base.

Now let's show these
folks we know how to lose.

Let's have a cheer for
the walton's mountain team.

Hip, hip... (All) hooray!

Hip, hip... Hooray!

All right, last one on
the bus is a rotten egg.

Miss baker, those
kids of ours sure

Need a man around
to tell them what for.

I know, hobie.

Then there's no sense in me
beating around the bush then.

I need a job, ma'am.
What do you say?


Looks to me like I just
hired an athletic director.


First thing I'm gonna do is
set up a training table, ok?

(Mrs. Baker) that's just fine.

Mrs. Walton, how
about sending miss baker

Some of those mouthwatering
recipes of yours?

As soon as I can
copy it down, hobie.

Hey, I haven't congratulated
the winning manager.

You got some team
there, mr. Walton.

You got a team
there, too, hobie.

You'll beat us next year, I bet.

I'm not forgetting
anything you ever taught me.

And that includes
you, too, john-boy.

Well, I gotta get my bag.


(John) bye, fellas.

Good game.

(Hobie) you all take care!

Bye, hobie.

Good luck.

[All chattering]

[Continue chattering]

[Truck engine starting]

[Kids cheering]

[Kids singing]

(John-boy) it's late
now in virginia.

That ball field
which once echoed

To the sounds of
our games is quiet

Except for the call of crickets

And the ghosts of
the children we were.

For my brothers and sisters
and I are all grown now

And our children
play other games

In places far from
walton's mountain.

Still, there is something
about the fall of night

That turns our
thoughts homeward.

(Jim-bob) jason?

(Jason) mm-hmm?

If you lose an ant one day,

You reckon you
find him the next?

If you tied a can
to his tail, maybe.

Aw, jason.

(Ben) you ought to
study up on ants, jim-bob.

They're a regular curiosity.

(John) what you boys
had better study up on

Is getting some sleep.

Good night.

(Boys) good night,
daddy. Good night, mama.

(Olivia) good night, boys.
Good night, everybody.
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