02x10 - The Thanksgiving Story

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x10 - The Thanksgiving Story

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) next to christmas,
I suppose you'd have to say

That thanksgiving was our
favorite time of the year.

We may have been poor
in worldly possessions,

But at thanksgiving,
more than any other time,

I think we knew, we really knew,

How great was our abundance.

It wasn't until
the cold november

Of my 18th year, however,

That I fully understood
what abundance meant.

It was a time of terrible
questioning for all of us

And when it was over,

We all knew a bit more
about thanksgiving.


[Girls chattering]

(Jim-bob) thank you, grandma.

She'll be ok.

Jason, ben, you want
that applesauce cake,

You better bring
me in those walnuts.

Got 'em right here, grandma.

Got a bumper crop this year.

Maybe we could sell the extras.

Not likely. I can use every
one of those walnuts

Including the 3 you've
got in your pocket.

[Door opening]

How did she know?

She always knows.

(Grandma) jason! Ben!

Come on. Yeah.

[Machine whirring]

That old machine of ours sounds
like it could do with a bit of oilin'.

It's that belt, pa,
it's a little loose.

Yeah, we better take care of it
before we cut the henderson order.

I'll get to it.

There's somethin'
missin' in this relish.

What do you think, livie?

A little more sugar?

No, a little more salt.


Green tomato relish is good.

Could use more dill weed.

Don't mind her, grandma,
she's been doin' that all day.

She's going to play pocanus
in the school pageant.


She hasn't got the
part yet, elizabeth.

She's just trying out for it.

Well, it's between me and
martha rose coverdale.

She wasn't even interested
until she found out

G.w. Was playing
capt. John smith.

Yeah. When are the tryouts?

Monday morning. I'm not going
to sleep a wink all weekend.

Well, that's not going
to do you much good.

Why don't you try to put it out
of your mind until sunday night

And then I'll help you
practice. Thanks, mama.

[Machine whirring]


(John) you got the mail?

Yes, sir! That's what
I have right here.

The u.s. Mail. Right here.

You hear from the university?

The university is one of those
from whom I have heard, yes, sir.

(John) well, good.

My application for a
scholarship has been received.

My grades are bein' transferred.

And monday I'm going to go down
there and fill out some forms for 'em.

Looks like you got
some money or somethin'.

No, sir. Better than that.

(Grandpa) what could you get in
the mail that's better than money?

Somebody actin' like him
could have heard from a girl.

[Birds chirping]

No, sir. Not a girl. The girl.

You heard from jenny?
(John-boy) I sure did.

And you know what? She's
comin' home for thanksgivin'.

She and her stepmother
are gonna come back

And open up the
old place on monday.

Well, that's great, son.

Isn't that somethin'?

I'm goin' to come out here and
help you. But first I want to go inside.

I ought to get a haircut.

Well, your hair looks fine.

Well, just a little
off the sides.

No, it's all right.

Well, it makes me
feel a little more, uh...

Before you do, could you back
the truck in so we could load up?

Yes, sir. You understand
why I want to get it cut today.

I... I just don't want it
to look too fresh... Yeah.

But before you go, could you move
the truck in so we could load up?

Sure can.

[Grandpa laughing]

He's walkin' 2 feet
off the ground.

There is nothin'
better than young love.

[Truck engine starting]

Not so bad when it gets
a little older, either, pa.

Yeah. Come on, turn that on.

Hmm. That's just what it needed.

Mary ellen, you've got
a good sense of taste.

Someday you're going
to make a fine cook.

I always said mary ellen
was goin' to make a great wife

One of these days.

I need a haircut, grandma.

I'm never gonna get married.

I'm gonna pursue a
career in the theater.

(Erin) the theater?

Mary ellen, last week you
wanted to be a horse doctor.

Well, I changed my mind.

I, pocahontas, princess
of the pamunkey tribe

Welcome capt. Smith.

Hmm, yeah, you indians
always make great relish.

Exce-except, uh... Except what?

Well, I don't know.

I think there's too
much dill in it, grandma.

I knew it. It's just not
going to be right this time.

Look, I came here
to get a haircut, ok?

Looks all right to me.

Well, just a little off
the sides. You know, a trim.


If it's all right
with you, sure.

Oh, fine. We have
nothin' to do, do we, livie?


Just have 3 different kinds
of sausage to make today.

A hunk of lard to be rendered.

Some clothes on the
line that need ironin'

And in exactly 2 hours,
john and grandpa

Are gonna come stompin' in
here, hungry for their dinner.

I guess one haircut won't
make that much difference.

Ok. You can do it tomorrow
if you want to, grandma.

On the sabbath? You sit down.

John-boy, you've never
been in such a hurry

For a haircut before.
What's the rush?

Well, monday's a big day, mama.

Jenny's comin' home
for thanksgivin'.

Jenny pendleton?

She sure is. And I've got to
go down to the university

And fill out my
scholarship forms.

You got the letter. Right here.

Oh, good. I'm glad
jenny's coming. I like her.

I like her, too, because
she says I'm pretty.

(Olivia) we all like jenny.

I'm glad as I can be
to hear she's comin'.

Me, too, mama.

Not a thing wrong
with this relish.

You're so addled, you don't
know what you're tastin'.

Well, I guess that's the way it
is when you're in love, grandma.

Just a trim, now. I don't want
you to take too much off.

You want to do it?

Oh, yeah. I... I... I just don't
want you to take too much off.

I want it to look natural,
like I didn't have a haircut.

Well, in that case,
I don't even know

Why we'd do it in
the first place.

It looks like it needs some
taken off the back here.

It does not! It does not!

You want to do it?
No, don't let her do it.

No, it's more fun watching.

It's too bad jenny's comin' the same
day you have to go to the university.

Did you know that she's applied
for the girls' college, too?

Across the lake?
That's right. That's...

Will you sit still? I'm sorry.

[Clearing throat]

Isn't that romantic.

Childhood sweethearts,
going off to college together.

Jenny and I are not
childhood sweethearts.

She's a young woman
and I'm a young man. Oh.

Now, how can I cut hair while
you're fightin' with your sister?

I'm not fighting with her.

I'm just trying to set everybody
straight around here, that's all.

Well, you about done?

Yes, I am.

Well, so am i.

Well, I'm gonna go out
and help my grandpa

And my daddy out
at the sawmills.

Excuse me. Well, la-di-da.

Did you ever think
you'd see a walton

Goin' off to college, grandma?

He hasn't got that
scholarship yet.

(Olivia) he will.

Yeah, well, no need
to get swell-headed.

Goin' to college isn't goin' to make
him one bit finer than he is already.

Get that haircut? Yes, sir.

Don't look like one of
your grandma's haircuts.

Well, you know grandma.
She's got sort of a subtle touch.

So subtle, you
hardly know she cut it.

Well, men, here I am. What's
there to do? Let's get to it.

Henderson's the next order.

1 By 12, 1 by 3, 8 feet long.

It's all set up.

Let's get to work, all right?

Well, daddy, I'm thinkin' if we put
one plank on top of the other one,

We might get the job
done in half the time.

These boards are pretty
thin. I think it would work.

All right, I'm game.
Turn it on, son.


Let her go.

Yeah, watch out!

[Machinery whirring]


It's working fine.
Get some more.


[Machine stops]



Oh, good lord. What happened?

Belt flew off and
caught him in the face.

Come on, you just lie here.

Come on. Lie down.
Son, you all right?

Yeah, I'm all right.

I'm gonna get something
to wash out that wound.


No, grandma, don't
go makin' a fuss.

I'm fine, really, it's... Livie!

John-boy's hurt.

John-boy, what happened?

It's the pulley
belt. It's all right.

It was worse when I got hit
in the head with a baseball bat.

It's all right! I just want
to change my clothes.

Come inside and lie down.

(John-boy) seems
to me that my life

Was rushin' past
me at a furious rate.

Doesn't seem to be any time to
do all the things I want to do.

There's so many books
I have yet to read.

So many words in me that I
have to get down on paper.

(Jason) morning, daddy.

Hi, son.

Can I give you a hand
with that? No, thanks.

Aren't you supposed to be
getting ready for church?

No, I figured I wouldn't
go today, daddy.

I have a little errand to run.


I thought I'd borrow the mule
for a while, if that's all right.

Where you goin'?

The baldwin place.

Paying a little
social visit, are you?

No, sir, not exactly. You see, the
baldwin ladies need some hired help,

And they're payin'
50 cents a day.

John-boy's too busy to
do it, so they hired me.

Have you told your
mama about this plan?

No, not yet. I plan to, though.


Tonight, soon as I get home.

Ok, son.

Thanks, daddy.

(Grandpa) did you or did you
not say you wanted smoked ham

For the holidays?

(Grandma) yes, but
that didn't mean...

If I don't start smokin' them
today, they won't be done in time.

You can do it
tomorrow just as easy.

Tomorrow I've got to
cut a load of lumber.

"On the 7th day god
finished his work and rested."

And that, my dear lady,
is what I intend to do

As soon as I smoke the hams.

Grandpa, can I help
you in the smokehouse?

Well, uh, you'd have to
ask your mother about that.

But I could use
some help, livie.

Go change your
clothes. Thanks, mama.

Meet you outside.

Livie, you know, that child
should go to sunday school.

There's so much to do
and so little time to do it.

Let's get a move on while we
still have one man come with us.

(Olivia) you are coming
with us, aren't you?

Yes, ma'am, I am.

Mama, I can't find
jason anywhere.

(Jim-bob) maybe he's playing
his guitar somewhere.

Mama, I saw him leave
early this morning.

(Olivia) now, where
could that child be?

Miss mamie, what
is my job exactly?

Oh, to assist with
the preparations.

First, all of papa's jars
will be washed thoroughly,

And then they will be placed
where he always kept them.

And we'll need a
jug of branch water

To mix it with when we test it.

We always sip each batch so we
know we're maintaining the quality.

And the pump must be oiled.

And lots of corn to be mashed.

Miss mamie, miss emily, are
you making some new recipe?

Tell him, mamie.

Indeed, yes.

The very best we've ever made.

Well, tell him, mamie.

Jason, you do know about
the depression, I judge.

Yes, ma'am.

And you know who has taken on
the burden of leading us out of it.

And is doin' a splendid job.

Well, to show our appreciation

For all that he has done for us,

We are sendin' president
and mrs. Roosevelt

A jar of the recipe
for thanksgivin'.


You will help us, won't you?

Well, I guess it would be
downright unpatriotic not to.

[All laughing]

And this is the
last of our hams.

Poor petunia.

Grandpa, did you
know jason got a job?

Oh, he did? Well, now.

He's gonna work for
the baldwin sisters.


You could hardly call that work.

I just don't know
what mama's gonna say.

I don't think your mama would
take too kindly to that idea.

You know, grandpa, now that
john-boy's gettin' ready for college

And jason's gonna
work for the baldwins,

I'm the next oldest
boy, you know.

I do believe that you've got
something on your mind, ben.

Hang 'em up so they
don't touch one another.


Now, a little hickory smoke.

Now, where's that
basket of hickory chips?

Over by the fire.

Trick is, ben, to keep your
fire going slow and easy.

How long do you have to
keep the fire goin', grandpa?

Oh, 6 or 7 days, at least.

It takes the moisture out.

There you are.

Hand me some hickory chips.

Now, it's going to
be your job [blowing]

To keep that basket
full of hickory chips.

No poplar and no
oak, understand?

Yes, sir.



[Birds chirping]

Now, what's on your mind?

Thanksgiving turkey.

You for it or against it?

Grandpa, it's not funny.

Every single person in this
family's got something to do

Except for the middle
person, who has nothing to do.

[Groaning] all right.

You can come up on walton's
mountain and hunt a turkey with me.

Is that what you're after?

No, grandpa, that's
not what I'm after.

I don't want to come with you.

I want to be the
person who gets it.

All by yourself? Yup.

But you can come
along if you want to.

[Chuckling] you sure I
won't be in your way, ben?

Grandpa, I know there's not
that many turkeys on the mountain.

I probably won't get
more than one chance.

You've got the picture.


So you tell me what
to do and I'll do it.

But let me be the one that brings
in the turkey this year, please?

Why are you always in
such a hurry to grow up?

Let me tell you,
when you get there,

It won't be any different than
what you got right here now.

All right.

Where you goin'?

Come along.

To make you a turkey yelper.

How else you going
to get a turkey?

[Imitates turkey gobbling]

Mama, I will be home
in a couple of hours.

First, I'm gonna go out
to the old pendleton place

And clean things up
for them a little bit.

Not in those clothes, you don't.

Nope. How about these?

I'd be glad to go
along, lend you a hand.

No, that's ok, grandma. I'm just
going to shake out the dust covers

And see that the
stove works, you know.

He wants to be alone in the
house of the woman he loves.

Jim-bob, quit kicking me.

You quit teasing my brother.

That's right. That's
enough of that.

Now, we won't have
any fightin' on a sunday.

You and grandpa
did this morning.

[Gasps] elizabeth!

Come on.

Oh, mama, if you have time, could
you iron my blue shirt for me?

Right now?

Well, no, any time you want to.

Just so long as I can have
it tomorrow mornin', ok?

Mama's gonna have your
hide, huntin' on sunday.


Where you headed?

Jenny's. Going to clean the
place up some before they come.

(John) you anxious?

Yeah, I sure am. It's
been a whole year.

Well, son, you know, a
lot can happen in a year.

Yeah, I know.

[Reckless barking]

I'm being called.
I'll see you tonight.


[Muffled] I'll see you tonight.



What's the matter?

Nothin'. I'll see you tonight.

[Engine starting]

I don't see why you have to stop
everything to iron that boy's shirt.

You cut his hair, almost.

Anyway, he wants
to look his best

When he goes to pick up jenny.

Look his best, smell his best.

You know that bottle
of aftershave lotion

That zeb won at
the church raffle?


(Grandma) well,
john-boy borrowed it.

It's sittin' up there on
his dresser right now.

I wouldn't take this whole
thing so lightly if I were you.

People that young get married
and that's the end of their chances.

Who said anything
about marriage?

Boy like john-boy falls in love,

And what do you suppose
is going to happen?

How old were you
when you got married?

You know perfectly well.

I got us somethin' special
for tomorrow's breakfast.

John, huntin' on sunday?

Kids get just as hungry on
sunday as they do on monday, liv.

Nice and plump.

We'll have him with
biscuits and gravy.

Better start cleaning him.

What are you doing?
What are you looking for?

I'm lookin' for my big wrench.

I've got to fix that belt.

If I'd fixed it yesterday, john-boy
wouldn't have had that accident.

You've been going since 6:00.

Sit down, let me
get you some coffee.


That's a good idea, liv.

If he gets married, he'll
never get to college.

What did you say, liv?




Oh, no.

The flue is blocked.


(Jenny) how do you
feel about being back?


But this time we'll
have happy memories.


Eula, look.

All right, you,
come out of there.


You weren't supposed to
come here until tomorrow.

We came a day early.

We wanted to surprise you.

Oh, you did.

[Both laughing]

And then this creature,
all covered with black soot

With only 2 white
eyes showing through

To even let me know
it was somebody human,

Crawls out of the fireplace
and it looks at me and says:

"Jenny?" I did not.

(Ben) I bet you did. You
were all covered in soot.

Yeah, but I didn't speak first.

No, he didn't. He was just struck
dumb to see us walk in the door.

I can imagine.

The way he's been gettin'
himself ready for the first meetin'.

Oh, grandma.

That's all right,
john-boy. I have, too.

Jenny, I hardly would have
recognized you, you've changed so much.

Thank you.


(Jenny) yes, elizabeth?

Has john-boy kissed you yet?

Not yet.

[Chuckles] elizabeth.

Well, you want her to kiss
you, don't you, john-boy?

I'm going to go help
mama with the dishes now.

(Olivia) oh, that's
all right, john-boy.

The girls and I can manage.

You want to go out on
the porch for a little?

That's where he's
going kiss her.

[All laughing] hey!

Mama, why don't you
talk to these children, ok?

Jenny, we had a long train ride

And we still have
unpacking to do.

Yes, you're right, eula.

John-boy, would you see us home?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

I-i'll go get the truck.

Uh, yeah.

Thank you for your
hospitality, all of you.

You and jenny
come back real soon.

And don't forget you're
having thanksgiving with us.

I wouldn't miss that.

(Mary ellen) don't forget you're
coming to the thanksgiving pageant.

I promise.

Come on, I'll walk
you to the door.

Thank you again.

(Ben) good night, jenny.

(Jenny) good night.
See you tomorrow.

(Ben) bye-bye, mrs. Pendleton.

Mrs. Pendleton.

Daddy, can I talk
with you a minute?

Sure, son.

Can we go outside, and see how
the fire in the smokehouse is doin'?

I was just out there
lookin' in on the smokehouse.

It's doing just fine.

Won't do any harm
to check it again.

Come on, son.

[Crickets chirping]

What's the problem, jason?

Daddy, I don't think I better
tell mama about my job tonight.

Why not?

Because my job is to help the
baldwin ladies make more of the recipe.

Is that a fact?

Yes, sir. They're... They're
makin' up a special batch

For kind of a
thanksgiving present.

That sounds like a nice idea.

The only thing is
that they're making it

For somebody kind of important.


President roosevelt.

They say they want to make a
contribution to the government.

Well, now how do the ladies
expect to get the recipe

To the president
of united states?

I don't know. They'll probably
take it to him themselves.

Lord, I'd like to go with them.

That'd be quite a sight, son,
seein' them carry the recipe

Up to the white house.

Well, how is the fire?

Looks fine.

Good night, john-boy.

Good night.


Well, you look like you, but...

I don't know if it is you.

Do I seem so different?

Somethin' does. I...

I can't really put
my finger on it.

W-would you like
to go for a walk?

Yeah. Any place in particular?

I'll see if I can
remember the way.

Well, john-boy,
tell me everything.

Well, there's, ahem,
not much to tell.

Just what I wrote to you.

Let me see, I traveled
and went to the ocean.

Thought about you there.

Of course, I
delivered that baby.

I delivered that baby right
up there on the mountain.

Little cabin up there.

That's not exactly what I meant.

What do you mean?

Who's marcia woolery?

Marcia woolery?

Marcia woolery.

I believe that is the name.

Oh, marcia woolery.

A girl.

Uh, she's a girl, uh,
that lives in the area.


Where did you hear
about marcia woolery?

Well, you're not the only walton
I've been getting letters from.

Mary ellen's written
to me a couple times.

Well, what did she say?

Well, it seems that, um,

You and marcia
woolery had a fallin' out

Because you felt marcia
was paying too much attention

To somebody named hobie.

Well, yeah, we did.

She was.

Is this the same marcia woolery

That you were going
to take to a dance?

[Sighing] mary ellen, you
are such a blabbermouth.

What else did she tell you?

Mary ellen is a
very good reporter.

Mary ellen is a
very good gossip.

Jenny, you've been
gone for a year.

I know.

And marcia woolery
was right here.

This is not the way I
had it planned at all.

I know.

I'm not bein' me, and
you're not bein' you.

I know.


Listen, let's not talk.

Let... Let's just sit here
for a while and... And...

And we'll be quiet.

All right.


Now am I bein' me?

I think we're
both gettin' there.


What's the matter, liv?

John-boy's not home yet.

You waitin' up for him?


Just wasn't sleepy.

Now, what's wrong?

Nothin', john. Don't
pay any attention to me.

I'm just bein' silly.


All right, liv.

Good night.

Good night, honey.



Jenny and john-boy are
sensible young people.

You always know what
I'm thinkin', don't you?

Most of the time.

You know, it's not
at all a bad feelin'.


Any sign of life up there?

Uh, mary ellen's
in the bathroom.

And everybody
else is waitin' in line.

It'll be a long wait.

The way that girl primps whenever
she gets in front of a mirror.

One of these days, she'll
have a mirror of her own

And a house of her own, and
you'll wish she was back here

Holdin' up the line
to the bathroom.

Oh, lordy.

I feel old today.

So do i, pa.

Just imagine that.

This child here goin' off
to register for college.

I take it I get to
use the truck?

Why, sure, son. I don't think
you can get there on blue.


Poor old blue.

[Grandpa chuckling]

[Leaves rustling]

[Engine stops]

[Birds twittering]

[Engine starting]

(Monsell) next.

Uh, yes, ma'am.

Oh, you're the walton boy.

Yes, ma'am.


M-o-n-s-e-l-l. It'll
come in handy.


I'm the registrar.

In case you get in trouble, I've
got some pull with dean beck.


Now, if you'll just sign there.

Yes, ma'am.

Uh, t-tell me, is it true
that they're cutting down

On the scholarships this year?

Depression seems to have hit
everywhere. Including this university.

I'm gonna get a
chance for it, though?

Well, I'm not on the
scholarship committee.

But I have seen the transcript of your
grades and faculty recommendations.

They're excellent.

I'm afraid it will all depend
on the entrance exams.

You could send in a couple
of personal references.

It, uh, it couldn't hurt.

Ok, I'll do it.

There you are.

Now, there are quite a
few scholarship applicants

Taking the exam.

You're scheduled this friday
afternoon, riordan hall.

Be there promptly at 1:00.

I'll be there.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Sounds like you can hardly
wait to start the old grind.

I've been waitin' all my life.

How could college be that
important? What are you gonna do,

Set the world on fire?

I'm going to try.

I appeal to you for mercy.

What is it you
want, capt. Smith?

My people are
starving. We need food.

(Miss hunter) k*ll
the white man.

(Girl) no. I, pocahontas...

She's just terrible, mary ellen.

You can't hear a word she says.

I don't see why they don't
just give it to you, mary ellen.

Everyone knows you're the best.

Well, martha rose
is pretty good, too.

She's blonde.

Whoever heard
of a blonde indian?

[Clearing throat]

Mary ellen, look.

Well, wish me luck.

Martha rose, where
did you get that?

Oh, my mother had it
made for me in richmond,

So I'd be all ready
for the part.

Uh, martha rose coverdale?

Right here, miss hunter.

Huh! Oh, my!

It's not fair. She'll get the part
just because of that costume.

She outsmarted you this time.

Well, it's not fair.

Mary ellen, stop that. Just pay
attention to what you're doing

And don't worry about her.

(G.w.) I appeal to
you for your mercy.

What is it you
want, capt. Smith?

She stinks.

(G.w.) My people are
starving. We need food.

(Miss hunter) k*ll
the white man.

(Martha rose) i, pocahontas,

Princess of the pamunkey tribe,

Say that these
men come in peace.

Find them corn and
venison, we will feed them.

Thank you, martha
rose, that was very nice.

And that's a beautiful costume.

I know.

Mary ellen walton?

I appeal to you for your mercy.

What is it you
want, capt. Smith?

(G.w.) My people are
starving. We need food.

k*ll the white man.


I, pocahontas, princess
of the pamunkey tribe,

Say that these men
have come in peace.

Find corn, venison,
we will feed them.

Thank you, mary ellen.

Would you wait outside with the
other girls for a minute, please?

How'd you do?

I don't know.

Mary ellen, could you
come in a moment, please?

I knew it!


(Jenny) how do you
know what to study?

(John-boy) well,
I don't exactly.

Uh, miss hunter gave me some
general categories to study, and...

See, what I'm gonna do is I'm
gonna skim over 2 books a night.

And then by friday, I'm guess I ought
to know a little bit about everything.


How did you feel?

Oh, I wish you'd
been there with me.

After I handed in that
application, I just... I just walked.

I just... I walked
through the halls

And I walked into those
empty classrooms.

And I went through the library.

Do you know that
everything I worked for

And everything I need is
right there, just waitin' for me?

But sometimes I stop and I think
about all those other fellows

That want that
scholarship so bad.


And it just kills me because,
see, I've got to have it.

'Cause if I want to be a writer, there's
just so much I got to learn about.

John-boy, you are a writer now.

Yeah, but, jenny, see, what
I do is i... I keep a journal.

I keep a journal of my life.

But if I don't get to college,
if I don't get that scholarship,

That journal's just
gonna be words on paper.

It's never gonna be a
novel, or anything like that.

It's like, it's like havin' the
makings of somethin' really special

And really big, and
just needin' the skills

To bring it all together.

You know?

John-boy, you know if... If there's
ever anything that... That I can do

Or any way that I
can help you out

I would... I would
surely like to do that.

I'm so glad you're here.

I can't tell you.

It, uh,

It's so wonderful just... Just
to have someone to talk to

About the things that
really matter to me.

Because, you know, jenny, there's...
There's no one here my own age

Who I can talk to about things.

Who cares about those things.

I know. I feel
just the same way.

You see,

You see, basically

I look at the world
as a tragic place.

I mean, if you look at people,

They're pretty sad creatures.

They're weak and lonely.

And they're vulnerable.


But every now and
then, you realize

That those people can
have a really noble spirit

Deep down inside 'em.
You know what I mean?

And that's what I
want to write about.

That's what's important to me.

That part of 'em.

And... [Sighing]

[Laughs] I'm sorry,

I... I'm not lettin'
you talk at all.

John-boy, we've got
plenty of time for that.

John-boy, do you... Do you
know what I would like to do?



I would really like
to read your journal.

I... I mean, if you would
like me to do that.

Uh, especially the stuff that
you wrote about us last year.



Jenny, mrs. Samuel
clemens used to, uh,

Edit her husband's work
very severely sometimes.

Because, from time to time,

He would write
rather suggestively.

You know, john-boy,

Despite your high-toned
philosophical talk,

I sometimes get the feelin' that
you are a very physical person.

Jenny, are you a baptist?


I'm a baptist.

Sister, just watch the
way that dear boy works.

The dedication and
the care he takes

Would be worthy of
papa's commendation.

In fact, if you watch carefully,

It's almost like watching
dear papa at work himself.

True, sister. I've
noticed the resemblance.

[Whispers] it's the eyes.

[Liquid bubbling]

If he had a mustache he
could be papa's double.

It's unfortunate that
papa never had a male heir

To carry on the traditions
he established for this family.

I know.

I often think papa erred in being
so harsh on ashley longworth.

He could have had a namesake.


Perhaps it's not too late.

Why, that's a lovely idea.

[Liquid bubbling]

There's no time
like the present.

You're right. Jason?

Yes, ma'am?

Do you think your
mother and father

Might be available for
a discussion this evenin'?

Discussion, ma'am?

Jason walton-baldwin.
It has a lovely ring.

[Jug clanking]

Excuse me.

[Both laughing]

(Olivia) john-boy, you haven't
touched a thing on your plate.

Somethin' the matter?

Oh, no. I'm sorry, mama.

I'm just anxious to get upstairs

And study on those books
I brought home with me.

Uh, you think it
would be all right

If I took my dessert
upstairs with me?

Sure, son. Go ahead.

Thank you.

Jason, you haven't
eaten anything, either.

I'll have his share.
No, you don't.

(John) ben, sit down.

That's better. I thought
the stew was bad.

I'll divvy up john-boy's
plate with anyone else.

(John) go ahead, pop.

[Plate shattering]

Excuse me.

In fact, I'll take some.
Pass it on down here.

John-boy, are you all right?

Yeah, mama. I'm sorry

I... I t-tripped over my
feet. I... I'll clean this up.

Go on back
downstairs. Oh, no, no.

No, you study.
I'll clean. No, no.

Now go on. Yeah, sorry.

Are you sure you're all right?

I'm fine. Sorry.



Your move, jason.

Be sure you keep the sides
of her nice and thin, now.

You sure this is going to sound
like a lady turkey, grandpa?

Of course, ben, you just rub
some chalk on that paddle,

Move it around slow and easy.
There isn't a turkey hen in the county

Who wouldn't turn green
with envy when she heard it.

Jason, it's your move.

Gonna have to jump you, son.

You're kind of skittish
tonight, aren't you?

I just thought I heard
somethin' outside.

Just the wind in the trees.

Jason. Mmm?

Your move.

Now, ben, there's some
turkey hunters used to use

The wing off of
one of their turkeys.

Others used a corncob pipe.

Or maybe even a blade of grass.

My grandpappy used that paddle.

And we never wanted a
turkey on thanksgivin'.



Now there's a car.

Who could be coming
here at this time of night?

[Whispering] the
baldwin sisters.

[Engine humming]

John, it is the baldwin sisters.

[Car door closing]

[Sighing] well, good
night, everybody.

Stay right there, jason.


Olivia dear, I do
hope you'll forgive us

For calling at this late hour.

You're welcome
anytime. Come on in.

We've had a simply divine idea.

(John) emily, mamie.

Good evening, all.

(John) have a seat.

Thank you.

Good evening, ladies.

What can we do for you ladies?

(Mamie) well, for some time now,

My sister and I have been
discussing the future.

Not the past.

Fortunately, papa provided
for us most bountifully.

Promised he would, and he did.

And while we are by
no means well-to-do,

We are... Comfortable.

Thank you, dear.


Therefore, we felt
it not only a duty

But a venture which would be

Most rewardin'
for all concerned.

Did you tell your parents
about our idea, jason?

[Clearing throat]

Oh, no, ma'am. Not yet.

I... I haven't had a
chance to do that.

Well, what is it?

Now, don't give your
reply immediately.

Think about all the advantages

That we could provide for him.

Why don't you ladies just
come to the point, huh?

(Both) we would
like to adopt jason.


Good lord!

Did you say you
want to adopt him?

Yes, dear. Adopt him legally.

And then he would
be our dependent.

We... We thought we would
give him the blue room

The one ashley used to
stay in when he came to visit.

That's very nice, ladies.

But we're not givin' up any
of our children this year.

But you wouldn't
be givin' him up, john.

You'd just be sharin' him.

He... He could be over
here as much as he wanted.

Free to use the car to
come and go as he pleased.

He... He could drive to
richmond, or timbuktu.

As long as we assume

Full financial
responsibility for him.

Clothing, college.

We thought v.m.i. Might be nice.

Papa went there
for a while, you know.

You mean, you're really serious?

(Emily) oh, yes, indeed.

I wonder if the ladies would
consider adoptin' me, too.


We're very fond of jason.

Since he's been working for us,

We've come to realize what
a really fine young man he is.

Jason's been workin' for you?

Oh, yeah. Well, ahem, yeah.
I gave him permission, liv.

Ben, it's past your bedtime.

Cripe, just as
it's getting good.

I'll see that he gets to bed.

You, too, old girl.

Thank you.

Good night.

I don't understand how
any of this came about.

Well, it's, uh, really
quite simple, my dear.

(Emily) as you know,

There aren't many of
the old families left.

One hates to see
the traditions die.

And papa always
wanted a male heir.

Someone to leave the land to.

The house, and the furniture.

And the recipe.

Jason walton, am I to understand

That you have been helpin'
them make the recipe?

Yes, mama.

And you let him?

Now, liv, take it easy.

Excuse me.

Daddy, what's she doing?

I think she's trying
to be a christian, son.


Miss mamie, miss emily,

I should like to make it clear

That jason may not
work for you anymore.

Oh, dear.

I would also like to pretend

That the entire conversation
this evening never happened.

Oh, dear.

And I would also
like to invite you both

To have thanksgiving
dinner with us.

Why, isn't that
kind of you, olivia.

A-an invitation out, sister.

Well, of course, we'll have
to check our social calendar.

We accept.

And now, if you'll excuse me,

I'll just see jason up to bed.

Well, ladies.

You... You don't suppose
she'd reconsider, do you?

No, I don't think so.

(Mamie) well,

Maybe you could
talk to her, john.

I'll talk... It's a
sweet idea, ladies,

But it's just not
going to work out.

We'll see you on thanksgiving.

I'll just walk you to the car.

Got to hand it to you, liv.

I don't know another
woman in that situation

Could've handled
it with more dignity,

Christian charity than you did.

Don't I even get
a thank you, liv?

Thank you.

What is it exactly
that's botherin' you?

I'd rather not talk
about it anymore tonight.

Lord save me from
a righteous woman.


You allow our 16-year-old child

To become involved in
makin' bootleg whiskey.

You conspire with
him behind my back.

You set a terrible example
for the other children

And when I object, you
dare to call me righteous?

You know, there's 2
ways of lookin' at this, liv.

From where I sit, any law
that forbids 2 old ladies

From fermentin' juices from
their own fruits and vegetables

Doesn't make any sense at all.

Besides, I thought
it was... It was sweet,

Them wantin' to adopt jason.

Well, it was kind
of funny, you know.

Can you see jason sleeping in
ashley longworth's old room?

I do not have to laugh.

Liv, sometimes you can
be as sweet and cool

And welcomin' as a
brook in springtime.

But you can, without
decent warning to a man,

Change into the
most stiff-necked,

Hard-edged, prideful
woman I ever saw.


Now, I apologize in
this matter of jason.

Listen, livie,

I... I'm sorry.

I really am sorry that I
let this go that far, liv.

I really am.

Now, isn't there some way we can
lighten this up and see the humor in it?


What was so funny?

Well, now, look... Look
at me, I'm sittin' there,

I'm tryin' to figure
out a way to tell you

About jason gettin' involved
with those 2 addle-brains

And in the front door they
walk, wantin' to adopt him.

Jason walton-baldwin.

I mean, if you could have
seen the look on your face, liv.

My face? What about yours?

Well, I haven't seen
your eyes open so wide

Since the night jim-bob put
120 tadpoles in our wash basin.




I love you, liv.


[Olivia laughing]

He's got her laughin'.

Daddy sure has a way about him.

He sure has.

I sure hope I'm just
like him when I grow up.

Me, too.

Me, too.

Go to sleep, jim-bob.

I am asleep.

Good night, jason.
Good night, ben.

Good night, jim-bob.
Good night, jason.

Good night, ben.


Good afternoon, reverend.

(Reverend) hello, john-boy.

If I'm disturbin' you,
I'll come back later.

No, no, no. You're just
the excuse I needed.

I knew there was more to
bein' a preacher than sermons.

But no one ever told me
it included choppin' wood.

Where'd you go to school?

Virginia theological academy.

I'm applyin' to boatwright
university myself.

Well, good for you.
What do you plan to study?

Journalism. If I get
the scholarship.

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

See, I have to
send the university

A letter of recommendation
from somebody.

I... I guess they want to know
somethin' about my character.

Well, I suppose I can find a few
good things to say about you.

Come on in for tea.

Uh, thanks. But i... I better
get the truck back to my daddy.

I'll write the letter right now
and put it in the mail tonight.

I'd be much obliged
to you. Thank you.



What happened to you?

[Chuckles] well, I'm just
getting clumsy. I'm sorry.

Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you.

Take care of yourself.
Yeah, no. I'm just,

Just silly. I'm... I'm fine.
Thank you, reverend.

[Engine starting]

(John-boy) but I'm not fine.

Somebody's going
to catch on soon.

I'll tell 'em, but
it has to wait.

Because tomorrow's
just too important.

[Knocking on door]


Come in.

You have company.



I'm going to go downstairs
and chat with eula.


I can't stay for long, john-boy.

I just came to give you a
good-luck kiss for tomorrow.

Thank you.

Jenny, could you
do me a favor? Sure.

Uh, could you read
this section here for me?

This section on
american history.

I just know they're going to
ask about that particular part.

Be glad to.

Uh, I was studyin' and my
eyes got kind of strained.

Oh, then you... You close 'em.

Why don't you just lie
down there, and stretch out,

And be comfortable?
I'll be your eyes.

Well, all right, thank you.

[Clears throat]

"The series of events

"That brought the american
colonies to the verge of rebellion

"Started in 1773

With the passage of a
new law called the tea act."

Uh, what was that
again, the date?

1773, The tea act.

Ok. Got it.

"Parliament passed this measure

In an effort to help the
british east india company."

British east india company?

British east india
company, 1773.


[Church bells tolling]



[Clears throat]

You may open your
test and begin, please.

I can't read this.

I can't read it.

I can't read this.

Is something wrong?

Yeah, there is. I
can't read this.

You can't read... I
just can't read it!

I'm sorry.

Walton, you finished so soon?

Ma'am, could you send
somebody down to my house?

I got the truck, and I
don't want to drive home.

I just... I don't see
very well right now.

I don't think I
can drive myself.

I think you better
come to the office.

I don't understand
why you waited so long

To tell us about these symptoms.


Do you want to rest
your head on my shoulder?


I told john-boy to
just lie still for a while.

I don't want him
movin' around much.

What happened to him?

Well, I think what
happened to him

Is that accident he
had a few days ago.

When that pulley belt hit him,

Was he thrown against anything?

Yeah, he hit a pile of lumber,

Went out for a
couple of seconds.

All right, that's
what did the damage.

Now, mind, I've only done
a preliminary examination.

I can only tell
you what I suspect.

But it looks like he
might have a... A blood clot

Pressing against the
visual center of the brain.

And there's a possibility
of impaired vision, paralysis.

But there is an operation.

If the tests check out,
we'll do it immediately.

Is this operation
dangerous, doctor?

Well, let's just take one
thing at a time, shall we?

Let's get him into
the hospital, john.

All right.

John, olivia, this is nurse
stewart and dr. Mcivers.

Mr. And mrs. Walton.

Dr. Mcivers is
chief of staff here.


We'll, uh, want to
do more testing.

But, uh, I must tell you, I fully
concur with dr. Vance's diagnosis.

That doesn't tell me anything.

Uh, won't you sit down?

Under, uh, normal circumstances,

I would alert our
staff neurosurgeon.

But, uh, unfortunately,
he's in europe.

I think we better put a call
in to dr. Haley in atlanta.

You gonna operate?

Mrs. Walton, if we're right,

There's really no time to waste.

Uh, mr. Walton,

If you'll go with nurse
stewart to her office,

We'll need your signature
on some release forms

Giving us permission to operate

And, uh, releasing us from
responsibility in case of, uh...

In case of what?

Blindness or death.

Well, it's a possibility
in any major surgery.

But, uh, john-boy is
young and strong.

No, I don't want to pussyfoot
around either of you.

(Dr. Mcivers) the
procedure is dangerous.

We, uh, burr holes in the
skull to relieve the pressure.

We've had good
results. Excellent.

(Dr. Mcivers) but
there is always risk.

Would you come
with me, mr. Walton?

I'd like to see him.

Of course, olivia.

[Truck approaching]

They may have to
operate on monday.

Is it a bad operation?

It's real serious.

Daddy, you just left him
over there all by himself?

Couldn't you have
left somebody with him?


I wish I could tell you all
there's nothin' to worry about.

But there is.

We're just gonna have
to hope for the best.

Livie, you and john
haven't had your supper.

I'll fix some for you.

I'll help you, grandma.

Me, too.

Well, we best all get
about our business.

There's nothing more
we can do tonight.

[Birds chirping]

(Jason) come on,
everybody. Let's go.

(Jim-bob) did you see the
new comic book I bought?

[All chattering]

[Truck door closing]

You'd feel better if
you'd come to church.

No, thank you, liv.

[Truck starting]

(Jason) everybody ready?

(All) yeah.



Now, please try to rest.

If you need anything,
just ring the bell.

[Knocking on door]

(Jenny) john walton.

Are you family?


Make your visit short.

He's scheduled for surgery
first thing in the morning.

Hey, look at that old
lazybones lyin' there in bed.


You know, you look kind of
silly in that hospital gown.

Well, I'm sorry about that,
but they took my knickers.

I know how you're thinkin'.


Right gloomy
thoughts, aren't they?

What is needed around here

Is a little of that
old pioneer spirit.

I don't seem to have
too much of that left.


You're gonna have another
chance for the exam.

I... I just know that you will.

Why should I have another
chance to take the exam?

Stop that.

Jenny, I'm just bein'
realistic. I missed the boat.

John-boy, now, I want you to
stop talkin' like that, right now.

The... The most important thing for
you to do is to do what they tell you here.

So that you can get out, take
the exam, and pass it, and win.

Jenny, the whole world
is not sitting around

Waiting for john-boy walton to get
well enough to take that scholarship test.

John-boy, I just
don't understand you!

All you keep talkin' about
is the scholarship test.

Well, let me tell you somethin'.

The thing I'm worried about
is not that scholarship test.

It's whether or not you're
going to come through the...

Oh, darlin'.

It's going to be all right.

Believe me.

I'm so scared.


Nothin' is going to
happen to you, john-boy.

I won't let it.

(Dr. Haley) he came through the
operation with flying colors.

(Dr. Vance) however, we're not
completely out of the woods yet.

He's taking longer to
wake up than we would like.

I'll wake him up.

That's not a bad idea.
Go ahead, mrs. Walton.


John-boy, it's mama.

I want you to wake up now.

Come on, it's
almost thanksgivin'.

There's a lot of
work to be done.

It's mama, john-boy. I
want you to wake up.


Now, you look at me when
I talk to you, young man.


That's better.


Do I look funny?

You sure do.

You look just like
somethin' from halloween.

I didn't finish my exam.

You haven't even taken it yet.

No, I didn't finish it.

John-boy, now you lie
down and don't you worry.

I've got... John-boy,
you must rest.

Now, don't you worry.

Everything is
going to be just fine.

I feel bad. I know.


You're going to be all right.

He's awake.

Is he talking? He's talkin'.

[All exclaiming]

I think your boy's going
to be just fine, mrs. Walton.

Excuse me.

Well, the worst part is over.

I know.

He's already talkin' about
taking that scholarship exam.

Now, that's not
possible, is it, doc?

Well, it's possible, sometime.

(Dr. Vance) when he's
fully recovered.

But the immediate future, no.

It's out of the question.

[Birds chirping]


(Erin) grandpa.


We want to ask you something.

Fire away.

Are we gonna still
have thanksgiving?

Well, we most certainly are.

We wouldn't mind goin'
without because of john-boy.

It won't be the
same without him.

That's real sweet of you, honey.

But I don't believe

John-boy would want us to give
up our thanksgiving, now, would he?

Guess not.

(Erin) come, elizabeth.

I'm still goin' out to sh**t
the turkey, right, grandpa?

Well, we most assuredly are.

You've hardly eaten a thing.

I'm not very hungry.

It's good. I'm just
not very hungry.

[Knocking on door]

Can we see our son?

You can stay 15 minutes.

But try not to let
him get too excited.

Thank you.

I'll be just down the hall.

Mama. You're
lookin' much better.

I'm so glad you're here.
I wanted to talk to you.

Why haven't you
eaten your lunch?

I'm just not very
hungry. Listen, I'm...

You look a little
scrawny. Eat up.

I've been waitin'
to talk to you...

Maybe these will help.

The girls made them specially
for you. Aren't they beautiful?

Oh, yeah, that's nice.

Uh, mama, I've been sittin'
here. It's about the exam.

I've been sittin' here goin'
crazy thinkin' about it.

Now, I've got an idea.

I remembered there was a lady down
at the university named miss monsell.

She seemed real nice
and real interested.

Now, maybe she could get
me an extension on this exam.

I could take it in a month, or a
few weeks or somethin' like that.

It's a possibility, son.

So maybe you could
ask miss hunter,

And she could go down and make
some kind of arrangements with them.

John-boy, you've just
got to calm down.

Ok, ok. Look, maybe you
could ask her today.

I'm sure she would know
how to t-take care of that.

Son, are you tryin'
to get rid of us?

No, no. It's just that the
sooner she gets started on it,

We could get the
ball rollin' on the test.

All right, we can take a hint.

Ok? Just take it easy, now.

Get some rest.
Oh, yeah. Thank you.

L-let me know what she says, ok?

Daddy. Um,

This is terrible. Could
you take this away?

It doesn't look too good.

No, it's terrible.

All right.

Thank you.

[Door closing]


I feel like a cannibal.

Well, I can tell you that now.

That really is impossible.


The awards are scheduled to
be given at a special ceremony

That coincides with the
anniversary of this university.

And that cannot be changed.

Then there's no hope.

Let him take the test this week.

He's still ill.

And from what you tell me, he'll be
in hospital for another week, at least.

Give it to him in the hospital.


That's a bit
unorthodox, rosemary.

No, no, it isn't. It's
our only chance.

I'm a licensed teacher.
I can act as a proctor.

And all we'll need for
him is a table and a chair.

And permission
from the committee.

Please try.

He's a lucky boy to have
you on his side, miss hunter.



Miss hunter.

They told me I could
have a few minutes.

That's not very long.

I've brought you some good news.

I've been up to
see miss monsell.

And they've decided to give
you another crack at that exam.


Hope I haven't
forgotten everything.

Of course you haven't.

When is it gonna be?

In 2 days.

[Chuckles] no.

There's no other way, john-boy.

2... I won't even be
out of here in 2 days.

No, they've made arrangements
so that you can take it right here.

I... I'm not in
condition for that.

I'm weak, and... And
my mind isn't clear.

It'd be a miracle if I can
even sit up for that long,

Much less take an exam. 2 Days.

Why don't you rest
now and think about it?

I brought your books.

Think about it.

Thank you.


Please do not shrink
from me, fair maiden.

But, sir, your skin is so fair.

And you have brought strangers
to our sweet wilderness.

Sweet wilderness is no longer.

From now, we call
this land virginia,

In honor of our
virgin queen, elizabeth.

So often, I have sat
at the edge of the sea

And dreamed of a handsome
god arriving in a great boat.

We are honorable englishmen
in the service of king james.

We have come here
to establish colonies.

We are men, like
other men. Not gods.

Capt. Smith, one of the
warriors has been shot.

Even now we're being pursued.

(Mary ellen) father, they
do not mean us harm.

Please do not harm them.

k*ll the white man.

She stinks.

(Mary ellen) father,
let them live.

More reason to
demand that he shall die.

Except for one,
father. I love him.

(Mary ellen) thank you.

I, pocahontas, princess
of the pamunkey tribe,

Say these men
have come in peace.

Find corn, venison,
we shall feed them.

[Audience applauding]

[Knocking on door]


How you feelin'?

Under the circumstances, I
guess I have to feel all right.

What's all this?

Gettin' ready for
the 2nd chance.

John-boy, I had a
talk with dr. Vance.

He's very much against this.

He thinks it's quite dangerous.

I know that.

I don't want to
think about that.

I've been dreamin' about you going
to college longer than you have.

Son, it can wait another year.

Daddy, I can't
wait another year.

I can't allow you
to do this, son.


Please don't say that.

Daddy, if you were me, and
you were sittin' here right now,

What would you do?

I'd take the exam, son.

I'll let you get
to your studyin'.

I wish you'd stay.

Um, there's some questions

I know they're going
to ask me tomorrow,

And if it's all right with you,
I'd like you to... To quiz me on 'em.

I don't know if I understand
this language too well,

But let's see.

Read the questions here.

There's a question
section in the back. Here.

Hold your g*n down low, now.

[Turkey gobbling]

(Grandpa) shh. Quiet.

I think... Yes,
this is the spot.

How do you know?

Well, you see all those hen
scratchings around here?

Mmm-hmm. Turkey droppings.

And they've got all the nuts
and berries from around here.

This here is a turkey roost.

And he'll be comin' right down
there from out of the woods.

Now load your g*n.
That's my prize g*n.

[Birds chirping]

Careful, now. Ok.

Do we get behind
the tree, grandpa?

No. No.

You stand real still right
here in front of the tree.

That old tom turkey will
think you're part of the tree

And look right on past you.

Now, keep real quiet.

Hold your g*n
steady, when you do.

Daddy is sure
gonna be proud of me

When I bring home
my first turkey.

Now, for our turkey yelper.

An old hen turkey.

[Yelper sounding]

Sounds just like your grandma.


[Yelper continues sounding]

[Turkey gobbling]

[Whispering] I do believe

There's an old tom
turkey coming a-courtin'.

Do you really see him, grandpa?

Yes, he's comin' this
way. Quiet. Don't move.

Wait till he gets closer.

[Yelper sounding]

[Turkey gobbling]

I see him!

I missed him.


Ben, whenever you're
out huntin' game,

You've got to
learn to stand still

And not move until you take aim.

Can't we find another place?


I scouted around here
all yesterday afternoon

For a turkey roost for you.

He won't be comin' back.

And this is the only turkey
roost I know around here.

I missed the turkey.

Now everyone's
going to laugh at me.

I let everyone down, grandpa.

Ben, when you take
on a man's challenges

Before you're
ready to handle it,

You got to learn
to take on the risks.

Why did you let me do it?

How are you ever going to
learn if I don't let you try?

But next year, ben,

You won't move,
you'll stand still,

And you'll get your turkey.

Yeah, but what about this year?

Hmm. Well, let's go.

Where are we goin'?

To get the turkey you got.

4 Cords of firewood, half
a bushel of black walnuts,

And a week's worth of chores.

2 Cords of firewood, a half
a bushel of black walnuts,

And a weekend's worth of chores.

3 Cords of firewood, a
half bushel of walnuts,

And forget the chores.


Boy drives a mean bargain.

He has been trained right.

Well, have a nice thanksgivin'.

You, too. Thanks a lot.

Thank you, mr. Higgins.


[Grunts] here we are.

What do we tell 'em, grandpa?

The truth. It won't
even be a white lie.

You got the turkey.

[Turkey gobbling]

You know what, grandpa? Uh-huh?

You're the best grandpa in
the whole entire country.

Well, I expect maybe I am.

You're takin' the exam.

I couldn't pass it up.

How do you feel about it?

Scared to death.

I would be, too.

Of course, dr. Vance
doesn't want me to do this.

But it's my last chance. If
I win this, I win everything.

If I lose... What do you think?

Go for broke.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Good luck.

Thank you.

British east india
company, the tea act.



You may begin.

Lord, he's worked so hard.

Be with him, and
give him strength.



[Clears throat]



Thank you.





That's just what I'm gonna do.

How did he do?

He finished.

He's a fine bird, all right.

I just hope I put enough
chestnuts in the stuffin'.

I wish we had some
flowers for a centerpiece.

Oh, I should have
thought of that.

I could have brought some
over from charlottesville.

I've got an idea. Elizabeth!

And, believe me, that dog went out
there and flagged down the train.

He did, for a fact.

[All chuckling]

(Mary ellen) elizabeth!


Run upstairs

And get that vase of fall
flowers off my dresser.

(Elizabeth) I'm
busy. Doing what?

Sittin' on daddy's lap.

Come on, you, go
help your sister.

(Olivia) tell those boys to
get themselves on down here.

Dinner's almost ready.

What are you doin'?

Writing john-boy a letter.

What does it say?

So far all I've got
is "dear john-boy."

What else should I write?

Well, you can
put, "we miss you."

Still kind of short.

Why don't you fill the
rest of the page with "x's"?

That's a good idea.
Gee, you're smart.

Yeah, I know.

(John) elizabeth.


Grandma, how's that
cranberry sauce coming?

It should be jellied by now.

Look in the icebox.

Lord, where did I put
that watermelon rind?

It's on the counter,
ready to be served.

Oh, thank you.

(Grandma) here.

Well, I guess we're
just about ready.

Here, elizabeth,
give them to me.


Boys, dinner.

Everybody, I think
we're about ready to eat.

And we're ready for you, livie.

I can smell it from here.

(John) here we go. Who's hungry?

[All chattering]

(John) emily.

Attaboy, ben, grab that.

[Grandpa exclaiming]

Look at this bird.

[All exclaiming]

That's ben's bird.

Isn't it a beauty?

All right, pa. Huh?

Please. Oh.

(Grandpa) we thank
thee for the bounty

That is about to be
bestowed upon us. Amen.

(All) amen.

There, now, let's see
what this bird does.

I'm not hungry.

Me, either.

Now, you two. I know
what you're thinkin'.

John-boy's having
turkey, and stuffing,

And all the fixin's, just
like all the rest of us.

But not here, mama.

I hear you shot the
turkey this year, ben.

[Car approaching] there wasn't any
buckshot in it, was there, grandma?

(John) that must be yancy.

He said he'd be a
minute or 2 late.

Just start that off, then.

When will john-boy
be coming home, olivia?

(Olivia) in a few days, we hope.

(Mamie) is he allowed visitors?

We're so anxious
to pay him a visit.

Well, just the
family at present.

[Door closing]

(All) john-boy!

(Grandpa) hallelujah!

[All exclaiming]

(Dr. Vance) he's not ready
for all this roughhousin'.

(Grandma) careful, careful.

[All chattering]

Hello, mama.

Hey, what happened to
you? You lost a tooth?

2 Of them. 2 Of them!

How you doin'? Good to see you.

(Jason) how about that, ben?

Happy thanksgivin'.

Let's have some turkey.

(Elizabeth) john-boy, why are
you wearin' that funny hat?

Why are you wearin'
that funny face?

[All laughing]

(Grandma) all right.
Grandpa's going to say grace.

(Jim-bob) he already
did, grandma.

(Olivia) grandpa.

Oh my dear lord,

Look down upon this
family on thanksgiving day.

And we ask you to bless
all of our dear friends

Assembled under this roof,

(Grandpa) for the abundance

That you have showered
upon this family.

And for the joy, and the love,

And the carin' for one
another that all of us feel.

And most especially this
day of thanks, dear lord,

That you have brought home to us

Our oldest boy, safe and sound.

(All) amen.


(John) let's eat.

[All chattering]

I've been waitin' to try
this relish for a while.

(John-boy) several
weeks were to pass

Before we were to know the
decision of the scholarship committee.

The announcement
came by telegram.

My name was on the list.

My journey was about to begin.

I had won the scholarship.

(John-boy) I got in!

I got in! I got in!

[All cheering]

(John) that's great!
You're wonderful!

(Olivia) I never kissed
a college man before.

(Elizabeth) can I go with you?

(John) I'm proud of you, son.

(Jason) next time, it'll be me.

(Mary ellen) I'm goin'
to college, too.

(Erin) if you go,
then I'm going.

(Grandma) I can't get
over the passing of time.

Yesterday he was a baby. Next thing
you know, he'll be gettin' married.

(Ben) who'll help
with homework now?

(Mary ellen) I will, ben.

You don't even know
how to multiply.

(Jason) john-boy,

When you go to college,
can I have your room?

[All chattering]
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