02x15 - The Awakening

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x15 - The Awakening

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) many times,
when I have tripped across

Those events in one's
life called milestones,

I have thought about how

They so often catch us unawares.

There was, for instance,

That unforgettable
spring many years ago

When, in the same week

Grandma had to face growing old,

Mary ellen had to face
the feelings of a woman.

Everything's ready.
Everything's been ready.

They don't care

If everything gets
tough as shoe leather.

Let it burn.

They'll come when
they're good and ready.

John. Boys. Dinner is ready!

(Grandma) just
watch those rolls...


[Boys laughing]

Ah, gotcha!

Cut it out.

I'm not doing anything.

We finished stacking
the kindling, grandma.

Do you have anything else
for us to do before dinner?

Yes, we're having
stew for dinner.

And if you don't like
it, you can do without.

But grandma, we never...

I'm sick and tired of
hearin' your complaints.

Now, you just be glad
you got what you got.

Grandma, I don't think you
understood what ben meant.

Charlie sneed's out
there sh**t' the breeze.

He says the president is
gonna talk on the radio tonight.

Is that so?

Uh-huh. I think he's going
to talk on the new deal.

Now, I'm right sorry about that.


Of course that's onion peel.

How do you think

I'm going to make stew
without peelin' onions?

Grandma, grandpa didn't say...

Boys, can I speak
to you a minute?

Boys, I want you to stop
laughin' at your grandma.

She's havin' trouble
with her hearin' lately.

I'll say.

Cut it out.

Boys, I'm speaking to you.

I was trying to get him to
be quiet and pay attention.

Her hearing is gettin'
worse and worse,

And she just doesn't
want to let on.

Grandma's proud. That she is.

She's bragged all her life
about never being sick a day.

But, now she's gettin'
old, she's gettin' deaf,

And she doesn't
want to admit it.

Now you children
can help considerably

By pretendin' not to notice it.

Well, I'll be sure to
let all the others know.

Anybody who
laughs, gets a punch!

Thank you, gentlemen.


Onion peel!

[Both laughing]

Daddy, I've been meanin' to
talk to you about something.

What is it, son?

You know the old shed?

Yeah. Well, I'd like to have it.

I could fix it up for an office.

You see, I've always
wanted a... A study of my own.

So, it's come to that, has it?

A walton man leavin' the land
and shuttin' himself in an office.

I guess it's come to that.

All right, you got it.

Thank you.

Didn't you two hear
me call you for dinner?

I heard you, liv.

But I had some business
to talk over with my son.

I won! I won!

I'll race you to the
big tree, john-boy.

You lost!

I did not!

John-boy, mary ellen, dinner!

You think you've got
them all grown-up,

And suddenly they're
actin' their age.

Well, do somethin'.

All right.


(President roosevelt) a feat
of this administration.

But there can be no
collective security

Without careful attention

To the individual
security of all citizens.

Therefore, we have this day
proposed to the congress...

Sure looks weird.
Do you think it works?

I don't know.

Girls, please.

A plan we call social security.

Our plan has a 3-fold purpose.

He sure is a great one
for proposin' new plans,

Isn't he?

Temporary relief for
those who lose their jobs.

We propose a
plan for... [Laughing]

Boys, quiet down and listen.

Pension ranging from $10 a month

To $85 a month

To persons over the
age of 65 who qualify.

Whoopie! Now I can retire.

We would offer help
to our handicapped.

To the blind,

The deaf, the
crippled, and the aged.

Good lord!

We propose these measures

So that fear can be banished
from the hearts of all...


I was listening to that!

Grandma, I was
listenin' to the radio.

(Radio announcer) you've just
heard president roosevelt

Speaking from the
floor of senate.

(John) what happened?

I turned it off,
that's what happened.

What did you do that for?

The man's got a good
voice. I hear what he's sayin'.

I just don't like
what he's sayin'.

He's going to keep on sayin'
the same thing all night.

Frankly, ma,

I think we got a good
president, there.

I don't know

What you're so
riled up for tonight.

The whole country's
going to be paupers

If he keeps givin'
our money away.


What sense does it make

For... For a man who has
worked hard to raise a crop

To have to turn under half of it

In order to get a few
cents from the government?

Well, I know it sounds strange,
grandma, but it does work.

We've been
studyin' it in school.

(Jason) it's true, grandma.

It's called the law
of supply and demand.

The less crops there are...

The more money he gives away...

The more money... Look it's...

What... What good is it?

If you ask me,

We got a crazy man up
there in the white house.

Grandma, he's the most
wonderful president

This country has ever had.

Speak up a little bit
louder. She can't hear you.

Oh, yeah. He cares
about people, grandma!

And he's doing somethin'
to try and help this country.

May I ask why you're
shouting at me, mary ellen?


Sorry, grandma.

[Crickets chirping]

John, I'm goin' on up.

I've been on my feet
since 5:00 this mornin',

And I'm worn out. Good night.

Night, livie.

I'll come along, liv.

(John) you kids
don't be late, now.


I'm worried about grandma.

Her hearing's been
gettin' worse every day,

Not to mention her temper.

She sure was feisty tonight.

But then, this president
has done somethin'

That no one else has ever
been able to do before.

What's that?

Put her in a box,
tie a string on it,

And put a label on it.

Who would ever dare?

She's going to
be 68 on saturday.

That makes her eligible
for social security.

Except the newspapers
don't call it that.

They call it old-age pension.

I can't blame her. I
guess I'd resent it, too.

No one's ever called
her old before.

Now, this president's
gone and made it official.

Esther, I'd like to
talk to you, real plain.

The whole world's gone crazy.

It's moving faster than
a body can keep up with.

You're not listenin' to me.

Old woman, you've been
of a mean temper lately.

Troublin' everyone
in the family.

Is somethin' wrong?

Where did it all go?

Where did it all go so fast?

I don't even recognize myself.

I look so different.

But I feel the same inside.

There aren't any wrinkles
on my mind or spirit.


[Bell dinging]

[Birds chirping]


Hello. You scared me.

I'm sorry.

I just came down
to do some fishing.

Do you live around here?

About a mile up the road.

Kevin sturgis.

Mary ellen walton.

You don't live
around here, do you?

Uh, no. I'm a student at
the university of virginia.

Oh, my brother just got accepted

To boatwright university.
He's gonna be a writer.

I'm supposed to
start med school.

Could you do me a favor?


Let down your hair.

You're beautiful.

I... I wish I could paint you.

Just as you are now.

I wish I could be a painter.

My dad doesn't understand why

A grown man would
want to be an artist.

But I sure do.

Are you a grown man?

I'm 20. How old are you?

How old do you think?



That's close enough.

I-i'm sorry. I'm not
usually such a gorilla.

I have to go.

Do you have a phone?


I have some friends of
mine meetin' me here today

And I have to go back to
school tomorrow night.

I sure would like
to see you again

Before I leave.

Can I come by your
house tomorrow?



All right.


Your... Your house, where is it?

First one on the
left, up the road.

See you tomorrow, mary ellen.


Uh, livie.

I'm gonna need your help

To see that esther
gets to the doctor.

About her hearing?

Well, whatever it is
that's come over her.

And I found her doubled up
over the sink this morning.

She claims it was
just a dizzy spell. But...

I sure don't like
the sound of that.

Yeah, she's a
stubborn old woman.

You know, she hasn't been to
see a doctor in over 10 years.

I know.

I'll see what I can do.

Ah, thank you, liv.



There's one thing
I'd like to mention.

What's that?

I don't think

You should call
grandma "old woman."

Why not?

She'll be 68 on her birthday
comin' up this saturday.

That's why not.

You give that to me!

[Children screaming]

(Mary ellen) give
me that right now.


Now, what is goin' on here?

Ben wouldn't give mary
ellen her handkerchief.

Where did you get that?

I met a boy from the
university this morning.

And he gave it to me.

It's very nice. Now,
who is the boy?

His name is kevin sturgis.

And he was going
fishin'. And we just met.

Mary ellen's got a boyfriend.

If he goes to a university, he
doesn't know how old you are.

That's enough. Sit down
and have your lunch.

Oh, a person doesn't have
any privacy around here.

Well, that's for sure.

And where have you been?

Just tendin' to
some business, mama.

Yeah. Like what?

I went for a walk, jason.

I wish I could go for a
walk and never come back.

You see mary ellen
primpin' around

With her hair in
front of the mirror?

[Ben moaning]

I hate you!

(Erin) mary ellen, wait!

Ben, you creepy, old,
crawly, ugly caterpillar.

Benjamin walton, do you want
me to take a switch to you?

What did I do so bad?

You spied and you
tattled, for one thing.

Well, she always teases me.

You're going through so many different
stages I don't know how to keep up.

Now you just watch
your step, ben walton.

(Erin) mama, come quick!

Now what?

Shame, shame.
You creepy, ugly...

Mama, mary ellen locked the door

And she won't let me in.

Well, I'll see what I can
do. Go have your lunch.

Mary ellen.

Go away.

(Olivia) mary ellen, it's
mama. Please open the door.

Do you want to talk about it?


They were kind of rough on you,

Weren't they?

[Sighing] that's not it.

Honey, what's the matter?

He kissed me, mama.

Kevin sturgis kissed me.

And he said I was beautiful.


The way I feel right now, mama,

Is this the way you
feel when you're in love?

Probably part of it.

How did you meet
this boy, mary ellen?

Well, I was wading in the lake,

Just cooling off.

I turned around
and there he was.

Tall, handsome.

The sun making his hair shine.

It was just like a movie.

Sounds like it.

And it all happened so fast.

He thinks I'm a lot
older than I am.

And you didn't bother to
correct the impression.

Oh, mama, I just couldn't.

When it was
happening, I wasn't 14.

14 Is just a kid.

Well, I don't really
know how to explain it.

But lots of times, lately,
I just don't feel like a kid.

I know.

Your body is saying one thing

And your emotions and
experience are saying somethin' else.

And they don't
always talk together.

That's right. That's it exactly.

Well, some of the kids
I've known all my life.

Sue ann carlson, for instance.

Every time she sees a
boy, she starts acting silly.

And all she ever
talks about is marriage,

And kids and stuff.

Is that the way
it's going to be?

Well, I guess that
depends on you.

Becoming a woman
isn't a sentence,

For heaven's sake.

It's a... It's a beginning
of new possibilities.

Love, marriage, children,

When the time is right,
and if that's what you want.

But, in any case,
it's a natural cycle.

And it's... It's filled
with joys and sorrows,


Like keepin' house
and having kids

And stuff, right?


Like being one-half of
the adult human race.

Mama, would you do me a favor?

If I can.

Kevin said he wanted to see me

Before he went back to school.

He said he'd stop by tomorrow.

If he does,

Could you please
keep the children away?

Are you going to tell
him how old you are?

Yeah, I'll tell him.

But I want to see
him alone if he comes.

I'll see what I can do.

Come on down. Have some lunch.

My first little girl

Feeling the pangs
of romance so soon.

Well, I'd better
start saving my money.

Time passes.

It's the father of the bride
that pays for the wedding.

Went on ahead just like a man.

With john-boy, you
talk about college,

With mary ellen, it's
automatically a weddin'.

Well, she's lucky.

What if she decides not
to get married at all?

She does have a
choice, you know.

Livie, you're starting to
sound like a suffragette.

And you're startin'
to make me mad.

We've been married all these years,
and you don't know you're being teased?

Were you? Uh-huh.

Well, you ought to be
ashamed of yourself.

No. I should feel
good about myself

Because of the choice you made.

I love you.

I better get back to work.

Those weddin' dresses
cost a lot of money.

[All shouting]

(Girl) come on, get the ball!

Hey, mary ellen.
Race you to the pond?

No thank you, g. W.

What's the matter with you?

Nothing. Just
feel like strolling.

Beautiful day, isn't it?

I'm kind of sweaty myself.

No, I think it's beautiful.

You can almost hear the flowers

And the sun talking
to each other.

You can?

You want me to take your books

Or somethin'?

If you like.


Hi, mary ellen.

Have you been
around here all day?

So far. Why?

Well, a friend of mine was
going to stop by and see me

And I was just wonderin',
well, if anyone had been here.

I haven't seen anyone new-like.

Ok. Thanks, grandpa.


It's beautiful.

And it's practical.

And it's cheap.

It's no reason to give her
something she won't like.

Who says she won't like it?

I don't know. I just
don't think she will.

Why won't she like something
that she really needs?

Would you children go
someplace else to argue?

If you don't believe me,
you can ask mary ellen.

(Mary ellen) oh, please,
I'd like to be alone.

Mary ellen, I'm sorry
about yesterday.

That's ok, ben.

We need you to decide
something for us.

See, all of us are going in
on something for grandma.

We found it on
vern rutley's cart.

It'll make her
hear better and all.

Yeah. And it only
costs 35 cents.

And it's beautiful,
but erin doesn't like it.


An ear trumpet.

I think it's very nice.

(Ben) what did I tell you,
erin? Thanks a lot, mary ellen.

(Ben) let me get the paper.

Let's go downstairs.

Mary ellen.


Can I meet him?

Meet who?

Your boyfriend.

Erin, first of all, he
is not my boyfriend.

And second, I don't
know if he's coming by.

No, you can't meet him.

Ok, that's ok.

I just wanted to see

If he looked like a movie star.

You read my diary?

It was just lying there, open.

I didn't think you would mind.

You didn't think I'd mind

If you read my
innermost thoughts?

Well, we always share
everything, don't we?

Well, if we do, it's
not by my choice!


Grandpa said he found
you doubled over the sink.

Were you in pain,
was it a dizzy spell,

Or what?

Probably just a case

Of pure aggravation
at an old man

Making a mountain
out of a molehill.

[Footsteps thumping]

Mama, I just have to
have a room of my own.

I want some privacy.

Your mother and I were talking.

Now, what is it you want?

Oh, never mind, grandma,
you wouldn't understand.

Well, I understand one thing.

And that is you're getting
too big for your britches.

If... If I spoke to my
grandmother like that,

I would have had my mouth
washed out with soap.

Grandma, when the children
need correctin', I'll do it.

She's just a child.


What is it around here, lately?

Everybody is snappin'
at everybody else.

I know.

I'm sorry, mama,
but I'll just go crazy

If I don't have a
place to myself.

Can I have the old shed? Please?

I don't know, mary ellen.

John-boy was
studyin' in there today.

Yeah, but he can
write under a tree.

He doesn't care.


Will you promise to fix it up
and take care of it properly?

Will i?

You just watch me!

What do you think, john-boy?

What are you doing?

Fixing up my new
room. Come on in. Look!

Isn't it beautiful?

I told mama to come out and see.

Mama, what is mary
ellen doing in my study?

I mean, she's moved in,
lock, stock and barrel.

Your study?

Yeah. Last night
daddy gave it to me.

He said it was mine.

I didn't know anything
about those arrangements.

I didn't know anything, either.

But you don't
really mind, do you?

I mean, you have a
room of your own.

We knew you'd understand.

Oh, of course,
john-boy's the oldest,

And he always understands.

I mean, a girl is a girl,

So you have to be patient
and understand them, right?

And jim-bob, he's just a baby,
so you have to be patient

And understand him.

And ben and jason are in
the middle and that's difficult

So you have to be patient
and understand them.

Don't worry about my feelings
because I'm practically a man

And you don't have
to understand me.

Well, I'll tell you right now, I'm tired
of being so understanding and patient.

I'm tired of givin'
into everyone else,

And right now, I'm going
to have things my way.

I thought I told you to
take it easy, old woman.

You are not going to make
an invalid out of me, old man.


Boys! John-boy!

She came tearin'
out of the house,

Like she usually does

And grabbed hold of the
screen door and swayed a little,

And then fell
right on the ground.

She's a strong woman, pa.
She's going to be all right.

Well, it was only 2 or 3 steps,

But by the time I got to
her, she was out like a light.

Dr. Vance is with her, grandpa.

He'll take care of everything.

(John) john-boy.

Come on outside.

I'm really worried
about grandma.

I wish we knew what was wrong.

She's gettin' on,
son. We have to wait

And see what
dr. Vance has to say.

About the shed, john-boy,

And you blowin'
up at mary ellen.

Your know, mother and
me got our wires crossed.

You see, daddy, it's just
that someone around here

Always seems to want
somethin' that I have.

Yeah, I know.

Mary ellen didn't know
that, uh, I gave you the shed.

Look, daddy, I'm sorry.

And I didn't mean
to blow up at her

The way I did. That was wrong.

It's just that she
was being so selfish

At the time and...

John-boy, you
remember how it was

When you first started
to feel like a man?

Yeah, I think I know
what you mean.

Mary ellen's had

Some attention paid
to her by a young man.

What's that got to
do with the shed?

Now, don't be stubborn, son.

When a girl begins
to feel like that,

She seems to need a nest.

And mary ellen has made
that shed into her nest.

Well, why can't she
find another nest?

I mean, I did have
first dibs on that shed.

That's right. You did.

You think about it, will you?

Yes, sir.

All right.

How is she?

Full of spit and vinegar.

Told me she keeled
over from the heat,

And I should mind
my own business.

Do you think it was the heat?

No, no. I suspect some
trouble in the inner ear.

I want her to see a
doctor in charlottesville.

If we can get her to go.

I'll get her to go.

Esther, you are, without doubt,

The stubbornest
woman in the county.

I got a touch of
light-headedness from the heat

And that is all that's
the matter with me.

Now, stop botherin' me.

I want you to get
yourself dressed

And come to
charlottesville with me

To see the doctor.

I'm not budging from this chair.

And if you want me to
go to charlottesville,

You'll have to drag me there.

Now, leave me alone.

Hey, grandpa.

Now don't speak to me
while I am fit to be tied.

I'm... I'm trying
to walk it off.

What's the matter?
Is it grandma?

Oh, yes.

You know, she says

She won't go to the doctor
unless I drag her there.

Well, then, drag her
there. She's got to go.



This is a mighty
pretty spot, isn't it?

It sure is.

I always remember the first time

I found this pond.

Wasn't any road
along here, then.

And I was out
walking with a girl.

Did I ever tell you
about that girl?


I was a raw-boned,

Country boy.

She was a pretty little
thing with long brown curls.

Everyone around
here called her sissy.

I never have, before
or since that summer

Felt the way I did about a girl.

She was so young.

So full of dreams.

You know, in a way,
she was considerable

To the way mary
ellen is right now.

That sissy. She wasn't
like the other girls.

She wasn't even
thinkin' of settlin' down.

She was real
handy with a needle.

And it was her aim to
go over to richmond

And start up a dress
shop of her own.

Only 18 years of age

And already thinkin' that way.

Yes, siree.

There was somethin' real special

About that sissy.

Smart as a whip.

Pretty as a picture.

And, she could hold
her own with any man.


In a way, I feel real sorry
whenever I think of sissy.

Because none of her dreams
ever amounted to much.

What happened to her?

I married her.

Hey, ike. Hey, john-boy.

How are you? What'll it be?

I'd like a present for my
grandma's birthday tomorrow.

Under 50 cents, if
you can manage that.

I reckon we can find something.

Here. How about
this for grandma?

That'll be good for
a curiosity shelf.

Wow. It's pure china.

That's a mighty
pretty little figure,

But, uh, how much for it?

Well, let's see.

It's marked at 50 cents, uh...

For you, 75 cents.


No, 35 cents.

Wow. Yeah. Well, I'll
take that! Thank you.

I'll wrap it up.

Thank you.


Oh, no, john-boy.
You don't get those.

I grew those myself,
and they are not for sale.

You know, it took me 2
seasons to grow those.

I cultivated them,
nurtured them.

Until they came to be
the beauties they are.

Those are the most beautiful
flowers I've ever seen in my life.

It's just pure pleasure

Just to stand here
and look at 'em.

Of course, uh, if you
did plan on sellin' 'em,

I don't suppose they would
go for any 15 cents, would they?


15 Cents?

No, john-boy. Not even for you.

Not 15 cents. No.

Now, how did I let
him talk me into that?

Grandma going to be
up for dinner, mama?

Doctor wants her to stay in bed.

Oh, mary ellen,

Will you take this
in to your grandma?

Thank you.

In my day, people knocked.

I'm sorry, grandma,
but I had my hands full.

Mama asked me to
bring in this tray.

I've never had a
meal in bed in my life,

And I don't intend to start now.

But, grandma, the doctor said.

The doctor said what?

That I was too
old and too feeble

To come to the table
like everybody else?

Well, no, grandma.

You think so, too?

Let me tell you
something, young lady.

I cleared the ground
this house stands on

Side by side with my husband.

I planted crops with him.

I bore 3 children

And never missed a day's work.

I milked cows, I
did all the meals.

I even took care
of the chickens.

And now, just because
I've had a little dizzy spell,

They want to put
me out to pasture.

Well, you tell them

They can give their
old-age pension

To somebody else
because I don't need it.

Please, take that
tray out of here.




Well, today before I came home,

Was there anyone
around asking for me?

Yes. Around noon-time
there was a young man here.

What did you tell him?

I told him you were in school
with the other children.

With the other...

He was here, mama!

And, now, he's never
going to come back!

Hey, girl, where are
you going like that?

Well, you wouldn't understand.
Nobody could understand.

Well, try me.

Someone thought I was beautiful.

Someone, just once,
took me seriously,

As a woman.

And now he's found out that
I'm just a grade-school child.

And he's going
to feel like a fool.

And I feel like a fool.

Well, you shouldn't.

Why not?

Mary ellen.

These are for you.

They're beautiful.


I don't know.

Sometimes a man

Has to give flowers to a woman.

Even if it is his own sister.

Oh, john-boy.

You know,

You... You can have the
shed if you want the shed,

Because I really could s-study
much better up in my own room.

I don't even need it,

So if you want it,
you can have it. Ok?

Good morning, daddy, john-boy.

Mornin', honey.

Weren't you going
to do a little farmin'?

I thought I'd plant a few
roses outside my room.

See you.

That was a nice thing you did
for your sister yesterday, son.

Yeah, well, daddy, I
may not always like it,

But like it or not, I
am the oldest, I guess.

Why do you think
we had you first?

Stubborn, my foot.

Look who's calling
the kettle black.

Stubborn. You're stubborn.

Well, I have convinced her.

We're going to charlottesville

To see the doctor.

And we'll be back
in plenty of time

For your party.

Well, i-i'm feeling
just fine today.

Today is your birthday.

Yeah, you're usin' it
to get your own way.

I told her there is
an old chinese custom

That you have to give a gift to
the other fellow on your birthday.

And your gift to me is
to go to charlottesville

To see the doctor

Because I'm tired
of picking you up

Off the ground all the time.

Makes good sense to me, grandpa.

We'll be back in
time for supper.

Chinese custom my foot.

Well, the arabs have a
custom of 5 or 6 wives.

Would you like to try that one?

No, I have trouble enough
with the one I've got.


Mama, why do grandpa
and grandma always act like

They're mad at each other,
when they're really not?

Some people have different ways

Of showing their
love, sweetheart.

Hi, mary ellen. Hi, g.w.

What are you doin'?

Planting flowers
outside my room.

What room?

This is my very own
private apartment.

Looks like an old shed to me.

Not inside, it doesn't.
Come on, I'll show you.

Of course, it
needs some fixin' up.

I have to paint this old closet

And get the doors on it fixed.

Where'd you get those?

Oh, you mean those flowers?

Somebody die or something?

G.w., It just so happens,

Those are a present
from an admirer.

What kind of admirer?

What kind do you think, silly?

A man, of course.

A man? Who?

Oh, women don't
talk about presents

They get from one
man to another.

I bet your daddy
doesn't know about this.

Who are they from, mary
ellen? I want to know.

G.w. Haines, I do
believe you're jealous.

Well, I don't
know if I am or not.

I never had a girlfriend before.

Am I your girlfriend?

I don't know.

I told you, I never
had one before.


Do you suppose you could fix

The hinges on this
old closet for me?

Of course, I could.

Oh, good.

Can I help with the
cakes, mary ellen?

No, elizabeth,

You'll get your fingers burned.

Can I help spread the icing?

Not right now, elizabeth.

You gotta wait
till the cakes cool.

(Mary ellen) this
one's done. (Erin) ok.

Can I draw on the card?

No, you'll mess it all up.

Can I do anything?

Yes, elizabeth. You
can lick out the bowl

When we're done icing the cake.

Thanks, mary ellen.

(John-boy) there we go.

"To our dear grandma.

"May your joys be
as deep as the ocean

"And your troubles
as light as the clouds.

Elizabeth, ben,
jim-bob, and mary ellen."

That's really nice.

(Ben) that's gonna go
great with the gift.

What are you going to give her?

It's a secret.

It's a good secret.


I made grandma something
she'll really like.

What is it?

What does it look like?

Never saw anything
like that before.

It's a muffler.

Oh, that's a muffler?

Who's that supposed to fit?

[Children laughing]

I thought I was
doin' it right, mama.

Don't you worry, erin,

The colors are just beautiful.

And it's exactly the right size

For a... For grandma
to wear over her knees

When she's listening
to the radio at night.

First time I ever heard
of a knee muffler!

(Erin) there are such
things, aren't there?

(Olivia) absolutely.

They're the latest
rage in europe.

This sounds like a happy group.

Is grandma back yet?

Not yet, john.

What's everybody laughing at?

They're laughing at
the birthday present

I made for grandma.

That's nothin' to laugh about.

That's beautiful, honey.

That's very original, too.

I don't believe I've ever seen

A knitted dishtowel before.


Here they come, mama.

Here they come.

Children! Your
grandma's here! Children!

Happy birthday, grandma!

(All) happy birthday, grandma!

♪♪[Harmonica playing]

(Ben) shut up, you.

(Jim-bob) go ahead, jason.

Happy birthday.

Grandpa, is somethin' wrong?

What is it, pa?

The doctor says

That this old sweetheart of mine

Is going to be around
for another 20 years!

[All cheering]

(Grandma) I'll get all
dizzy again. Now, stop it.

She's as fit as a fiddle.

The doctor examined
her from head to toe.

Of course, he had to
do it under the sheets.

You should've heard
the carryings-on.

(John-boy) what was it?

(Grandpa) it was a
viral ear infection.

Just like dr. Vance said.

And nobody's going
to have to yell anymore

Because I've got some
medicine to fix up my hearin'.

(Grandpa) that was her
best birthday present.

Here's your other one.

Open it up.

Only wish it was solid gold.

Found it in a dress
shop in charlottesville.

Thought maybe you would like it.

See, I remember, sissy.


Zeb, you old fool.

(John) well, now, if
everybody is giving presents,

We might as well.

Ben, jim-bob, elizabeth,
can I see you for a minute?

What do you want, mary ellen?

Well, I've done
something really awful.

You asked me for advice,
and I wasn't listening.

What I'm trying to say is we can't
give grandma the ear trumpet.

Especially not now.

I know what you mean, with
her hearin' coming back and all.

That, and besides, she
doesn't seem old anymore.

You know what I mean?

No. She's still old. Real old.

Besides, it's the only
thing we can give her.

Leave that to me.

I made you something

For your curiosity
shelf, too, grandma.

Oh, jason, you carved
that all by yourself?

Yes, ma'am. I know how much
you love to feed the chickens.

So I thought

We should get a
cackle out of it.


Well, they're both beautiful.

Open mine now, grandma.

Thank you.

Why, erin, this is just fine.

Oh, it's a beautiful
thing. It's lovely.

What is it?

Why, zeb, surely
you know what this is.

Anybody can tell what it is.

It's... It's a beautiful, um,

A pillow case?

(Grandma) I know, but I'm
not going to tell anybody.

Happy birthday, grandma.

(Ben and mary ellen) happy
birthday, grandma.


(Grandma) "to our dear grandma.

"May your joys be
as deep as the ocean

"And your troubles
as light as the clouds.

Elizabeth, ben,
jim-bob, and mary ellen."

Oh, that's lovely.

John-boy, you wrote
that, didn't you?

Oh, my,

I really dreaded this day.
Turnin' another year older.

And you, all of my
very dear family

Turned it into the
happiest birthday of my life.

So far.

[All laughing]

[Children chattering]

(Jim-bob) you're
it, ben! You're it

(Ben) you're it, jim-bob!

You're it, erin!

(Jim-bob) erin, you're it!

(Jason) ok, I'm it.

(Jim-bob) you're it. You're it.

(Ben) you're it, elizabeth.

[Children yelling]

(Jim-bob) you're it. You're it.

(Ben) jim-bob!

John-boy, how would
you like your office back?

What happened?

Well, I decided I'm
not ready for privacy.

I didn't sleep a wink all last
night. I've never been so lonely.

Well, if you're... Thanks.

(Jim-bob) you're it, ben.


For me?

Oh, thank you, g.w.
What's the occasion?

Well, what are you
doing here, john-boy?

Where's mary ellen?

Here I am, g.w.! You're it!

I'm going to get
you, mary ellen.


Isn't there an old saying

About the more things change,
the more they're the same?

I believe so, yeah.

Oh, livie, I can't tell you

How good it feels
to feel good again.


There's only one
thing troubling me now.

What's that, grandma?

What is this, anyway?


(John-boy) mary ellen's
newfound maturity

Was with her one day,
then gone the next.

In time, it was to come to stay.

Today, she lives in
richmond, virginia.

The wife of a professor

At virginia
commonwealth university

And the mother of 2 sons.

We see each other when we can.

And our talk is apt to return

To those days
during the depression

Which these many years later,

Still seem filled with wonder.

(Ben) john-boy?

(John-boy) yes, ben?

(Ben) does the world
go around the sun,

Or does the sun go
around the world?

I believe the earth
circles the sun, ben.

(Erin) stop talking about
things that go around.

You're keepin' me awake.

(Mary ellen) I can't
sleep, either.

Just lying here
tossin' and turnin'.

(Jim-bob) let's all go
downstairs and have some cocoa.

(Elizabeth) that's a
good idea, jim-bob.

(John-boy) can we, mama?

(Olivia) would I be
crazy if I said yes?

(John) you would,
but go ahead anyway.

All right, but don't
dirty my kitchen.

[Children cheering]

(John) you know,
cocoa's not a bad idea.

Want some?

(Olivia) why not?
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