02x18 - The Gift

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x18 - The Gift

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) living on
walton's mountain,

We were always in touch
with the motion of life.

Growth and change, loss and gain

Were natural and expected.

We saw the green
leaves turn to gold,

And then fall to the
ground, crumpled and gray.

But all of us knew that
when spring came again,

Life would renew itself.

But one summer, we were faced
with an unexpected kind of change

That made us all wonder

If the future was really a
thing to look forward to.

You imitating me, sitting
there reading that book?

Yeah, we promised we'd bring
back enough fish for dinner,

And so far you
haven't been much help.

All right, all right,
but take a look at that.

Isn't that something?

Sure is. What is it?

(Seth) it's a recorder.

I'm gonna make one.

(John-boy) let me see.

See there?

[Birds chirping]

You know how to play it?

My pa taught me
when I was a kid.

You already play guitar.

If you want to be a singer,

What do you have to play
another instrument for?

Because it sounds so beautiful.

I'd like to learn how to play
every instrument there is.

You're just gonna have to end up
playing for your daddy's band, aren't you?

[Chuckling] well, that's
what I'm planning.

(Jason) hey, seth,

Is it very hard
to learn to play?

No, you want to learn?


Well, I'll teach
you. You'll love it.

Ok. But first we gotta
try to catch some fish here.

Oh, yeah.

I got 2 down here.

Yeah, they're still there.

With you and your mama, there's
gonna be 13 of us at dinnertime,

And... And... So we've got
our work cut out for us

Before we think
about going home.

All right.


Get her out there.


(Seth) hey.

[Continues laughing]

I declare.

See there? All you
had to do is ask.


Come on, bite.

(John) that was
good fish, jason.

(Jason) grandpa, is it time yet?

I was appointed timekeeper,

And I'll tell you when
it's time. Eat your dessert.

Maybe we should
turn the radio on.

Don't fret, seth.
We've got time.

Well, the radio's gotta warm
up. I'll tune the station in.

That's a good idea. All right.

Is everybody in the whole world
gonna hear seth's papa sing?

Everybody that listens to grand
ole opry, and that's a fair amount.

Hey. Hey, come on, everybody.
The program is startin'.

[Alarm ringing]

I was just about to
make that announcement.

♪♪[Music playing on radio]

You go along with them,
wilma, or you'll miss it.

Oh, there's no
hurry, mrs. Walton.

Red won't be the first one.

Let me give you a hand.

Can't thank you enough
for inviting us to dinner.

Makes for more of a celebration.

(Olivia) it's one for us, too.

They aren't as good
as my pa and his boys.

Nobody is.

♪♪[Music continues playing]

[Girl whooping]

(Announcer) thank you, willie
small, for that fine rendition.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,

On their first appearance
on the grand ole opry,

Red turner and his country boys.

Mama, come on. Hurry up!

Papa's gonna be next!

You go ahead, wilma.
We can finish up.

Might've been a lot
better for everyone

If red hadn't worked
away from home so much,

And seen more of
his wife and that boy.

I'm sure red feels the
same way. He's a good man.

Let's go. We can do this later.

♪ I like mountain music ♪

♪ Good old mountain music ♪

♪ Played by a real
hillbilly band ♪

♪ Give me rural rhythm,
let me sway right with 'em ♪

♪ I think the
melodies are grand ♪

Is his papa inside the radio?

No, honey. He's in nashville,
singing into a microphone.

Like bing crosby?

[Whispering] yeah, like
bing crosby. Now, shh...

♪ Give me rural rhythm
let me sway right with 'em ♪

♪ I think the
melodies are grand ♪

♪ I like mountain music ♪

♪ Good old mountain music ♪

♪ Played by a real
hillbilly band ♪♪

[Crowd cheering]

Isn't my pa just plain great?

He does sound wonderful.

(Announcer) mighty good
picking and singing there, red.

Nice to have you with us.

Now, where are you boys headed
for when you leave nashville?

(Red) we got 2
weeks of state fairs,

And then I got a big surprise.

Hey, out there,
wilma, and you, seth.

That's my wife and son, folks.

Hey to you both,

And I'll be seeing
you real soon.

You look for me to be back
home in walton's mountain

Just 2 short weeks from today.

[All cheering]

(Seth) great!

Hot diggety! My pa's coming
home! My pa's coming home!

Jason, get your
fingers limbered up.

You're gonna be my help and
assistant when I audition for my pa.

You're auditioning for your pa?

Sure. He said I could try
out when I was grown some.


Seth! You're getting overheated.

Oh, mama, I'm fine.

Just think, I might finally
get a chance to join up,

And be a regular
member of pa's band.

Well, you still got a
touch of that chill you had.

Sit down and relax.

You want to be all better
when your pa gets here.

All right, ma.

[Chuckling] papa's coming home.

You're still gonna make that
recorder we were talking about?

You bet.

What do you think you're
gonna be playing while I'm singing?

Hey, we... We have
to get us some wood.

Do we need a special kind?

To make a recorder, you need
apple, good seasoned apple wood.

That's right. How'd
you know that, sir?

My own granddaddy,
he played a recorder.

Sounded real pretty.

Only, in those days, we
called it a fipple flute.

Sipple flute? Flipple? Flopple?

Fopple flute.

Flipple flute.

Flopple flute.

Flapple, flipple flute.

Fipple flute.

And I know where there's just
such a tree to suit your purpose.

It's an old macintosh apple
way up in the high meadow,

And its old limbs are already
soaked through with music,

Driven in through the
winter snows and rains,

And the song of the birds.

Can we go tomorrow?

I can.

Can you, john-boy?

Well, if it's early
enough, yeah.

(Seth) well, let's meet
at ike's store at 5:00.

In the morning?

Yeah, lazybones.

It's an hour you do
your best never to see.

5:00'S ok with me.

I don't think that's
a good idea, seth.

It's a long climb
up to that meadow,

And you've been
awfully tired lately.

Oh, mama, please?

Oh, tsk, all right.

But if you're all
going out that early,

We'd better get home so
everyone can get some rest.

All right. Sounds
like a good idea.

Thank you so much
for supper, mrs. Walton.

So nice seeing you again, wilma.

Thank you, olivia.

You come again real soon, wilma.

I'll run you home.

Thank you, john.

(Seth) see you in the morning.

Yeah, see you in the morning.

(Seth) good night. So long.

See you later.

[Alarm ringing]


[Muffled ringing]

(Jason) hey, this recorder, how
long will it take you to make it?

(Seth) oh, about 10 days
if I work on it real hard.

When can I start
learning to play it?

Just as soon as you want.

Really? Sure.

Oh, good.

Hey, come on, you two.
We haven't got all day.

I'm coming.

Ok, seth, I'll race you
to the tree. Come on.

[Jason laughing]

[Jason hooting]

[Jason screaming]

Son, you're too short of breath.

You've been smoking
behind the barn.


No, it's nothing.

It's just that cold
I had last week.

There she is.



And like your grandpa said,

It even smells like it can sing.


Well, there's a lot
of branches on her.

Any one you favor in particular?

This one here looks
just about perfect.

Here we go.


(John-boy) seth?

Seth, are you all right?

What's the matter?

I don't know.

I don't know. I think he's fainted.
You'd better go get daddy.

(Jason) will he be all right?

I don't know,
jason. Go get daddy.






Gonna be all right.
You just fainted.

Now, you just take it easy.

I don't understand it, olivia.

Dr. Vance never insisted
on seeing a specialist

Any of the other times

That seth was feeling poorly.

He's a very cautious man.

That should be some
comfort to you, wilma.

[Door creaking]

Mrs. Turner? Would
you come in, please?

What time you reckon
it's getting to be?

Always seems longer
when you're just waiting.

[Door opening]

Mrs. Walton, uh, would
you come in, please?

Mrs. Turner needs you.


Is he really sick?

Do you know what
leukemia is, john-boy?


It's a disease of the blood.

What can you do about it?



Not today.

One day, maybe research
will come up with an answer

But we have to wait.

But, I mean...

Seth doesn't have
much time left.

He'll live, tsk,
another year more.

There's not a blessed thing
any of us can do for him.

[Car honking]

[Birds chirping]

Let me come in and help
you fix some supper, wilma.

No, thank you, olivia.

I'd just like to get
seth settled down.

You sure?

Come on, seth.

Go in the house, mama.


John-boy, stop him!

Don't worry,
wilma, he'll be back.






[Crickets chirping]

It's so dark now and cold.

He doesn't even have a jacket.

John-boy, go after him, please?

See if you can find him.

I don't want to do that, ma'am.


(John-boy) seth?

I'm sorry I worried you, mama.

Come inside.

You go on in.

I'll be in there
in just a minute.

But it's cold.

In a minute, mama.

I gotta talk to john-boy.

I need you to do me a favor.


In all the excitement
the other day,

We never did get
that apple wood.

Would you get it for me?

I need it now.

Yeah. I'll get it first
thing in the morning.

Could you tell jason I want to
start him on those lessons right away?


Seth? Your mama's
worried about you.

I'm coming in now.

Good night.

Good night.

"And then grandma said,"


Jim-bob, what's this word?

"Rebecca," and it's a
name, not a word, stupid.

Don't you talk to
your sister like that.

She's just trying to learn.

[Truck approaching]

It's about time.

[Engine stops]

[Truck door closing]

You've been gone for hours.

He must've given that child
every test under the sun.

[Door closing]

I was beginning to
worry about you.

They must be
starving, old woman.

Why don't you stop your
muttering and feed them?

Yeah. I kept your
supper warm for you.

No, thank you,
grandma. Nothing for me.

(John-boy) me either,
grandma. Thank you.

Now, if you've
lost your appetite,

Something really must be wrong.

What is it, olivia?
You're shaking.

What does the doctor say?

He said that...

Jim-bob and elizabeth,
would you go to bed, please?



(John) what is it,
olivia? What's wrong?

(Olivia) seth,
john, is... Is what?

He's gonna die.

Oh, lord.

(Grandpa) why, he's
just a youngster.

He's the same age as me.

Seth's not sick. He...

He's just tired out.

He had that cold.

You remember what his
mama said. He's just got a chill.

Doctor says he
has leukemia, jason.

Well, the doctor's
wrong. He's just got a chill.


It's a blood disease.
They can't cure it.


Get out of here.

Go on, get out.

Jason, what's the
matter with you?

Come on, all of you,
out of here. Go on.

What's wrong with jason?

Seems like he's in a bad mood.

He just kicked us
all out of his room.

Don't worry about
jason right now.

♪♪[Guitar playing]


I'll go talk to him.

(Olivia) sit down, children. I
want to tell you something.

♪♪[Continues playing]



What's he doing,
making the scarf?

I don't know. Here he
comes. Here he comes.

All right, who's gonna be it?

Elizabeth's gonna be it.

Why me all the time?

Because you're
the youngest. Yeah.

I bet you can
see. No, she can't.

I cannot.

You can't see, can you?

Ok, turn her around.

(All) 1, 2, 3.

[All cheering]

(Mary ellen) all
right, erin's it.

(Erin) I'm it.


It's really beautiful.


That wood feels like silk.

[Kids screaming]

That's something.

My pa's gonna be
getting home any day now.

Jason and me are gonna have
to get started on those lessons.

Did he know I was
coming over today?

Yeah, I told him.

You're really, really
close to your pa, aren't you?


You know, sometimes I don't
see him for months at a time, but

I can always sort of
picture where he is,

What he's doin'.

Mama needs him now real bad.

It's gonna be hard for her,

Alone, with pa working
away so much, you know.

I don't see how you can
be so calm about this.

I'm not calm.

I mean, if it was me, I'd be wanting
to yell and scream and carry on.

I did.

Remember when I ran off alone?

But when I was all yelled
out and in the quiet there,

I started to hear things.

You know, like the
whippoorwills calling,

Leaves rustling in the wind,

Berries dropping off the trees,

Train crossing the
trestle up at rockfish...

You know what I
hate to give up most?

Those sounds.

What would you miss
most if it was you?

With me, it's hearing things.

I just can't imagine
not hearing.

That's why I want
to finish this.

I want to fill it with all the
sounds I won't be hearing.

And then somebody will
be able to take it and play it,

And put those
sounds into the air.

And they won't ever die.

Hey, jason, come here.
Take a look at this.

It's almost done.

I can't. I got to get
in the house now.

I got work to do.


[Footsteps pattering]

Why won't he talk to me?

Because he's scared.

Because he feels guilty.

About what?

Because it's you instead of him.

Why should he?

He doesn't wanna
die any more than I do.

Don't you think
there are times when

I wish it could be
anybody else but me?

And I feel guilty about that.

I wish he could understand that.

I'd like to teach him how
to play the recorder.

Come on! Play blind man's buff!

You, too, john-boy! Come on.

Ok, I'm coming.
Come on, john-boy.

John-boy's it.

[All laughing]

Come on, john-boy,
now, don't peek.

I'm not gonna peek.

Oh, wait a minute.

[All chattering]

Ok, here we go. Ok, one... One.

2, 3!

The children sound so happy.

Don't they?

I wish seth had had
brothers and sisters.

It's been hard for him, being an
only child with his pa away so much.

[Kids laughing]


How do you give up a child?

How do you let go of the
life that came from your life?

I don't know, wilma.


I pray.

And I've talked
with rev. Fordwick.

And I'm afraid.

Afraid I won't be
able to hang on.

When does red get back?


Or the next day.

Olivia, he doesn't know
anything about this.

I don't know how
I'm going to tell him.

What are they doing?

(All) turn him around!

They got seth
playing in with them.

Stop it!

[Kids cheering]

Stop it!

[Chuckling] wait.

I should never have
let you come here today.

Mama, please.

Seth, I asked you
to save your energy.

Mama, stop it.

Seth, please.

John-boy, you must be
crazy to let this happen.

Sorry, ma'am. I forgot myself.

It was all my idea.

You know what condition he's in.

Have you taken
leave of your senses?

No, ma'am, I'm sorry.

Mama, stop it.

What do you want me to do?

Just sit in a chair all day and
watch everybody else outside?

I'm not going to
stay inside the house

And watch life
passing by the window.

I want to be part of it.

You know what
you're doing, mama?

You're making me feel like I'm
laid out in the parlor already.

I'm 17 years old, mama.

I'm not going to get to be 18.

I want what's left to me.

I want all of it, mama.


I'm sorry I
yelled. I... Mama, i...

We'll go home now.

Oh, he could go up on... On
the porch and rest for a while.

You don't understand.
He has to lie down.

John-boy, it's all right.

Listen, why don't
you come by later?

All right.

Not today, john-boy, please.

He's had enough
excitement for today.

Wilma, won't you let
john-boy drive you home?

I'm... I'm fine. Thank
you, anyway. I'll be fine.

(John-boy) you ever
think about dying?

(John) at times.

Does it scare you?

Guess it used to,

But time has a way of
taking care of things, son.

As you get older,

You realize that
everything has a beginning,

A time to be, and an end.

I know all that.

It's just not something I need
to be reminded of every day.

Come to kind of a
private understanding.

Dying is a natural
part of living.

It just seems very unfair to
me that somebody like seth,

Who has so much
to look forward to,

Can all of a sudden have
everything taken away from him.

And he has to live the
rest of his life knowing that

That no matter what he does, none
of his dreams can ever come true.

I don't understand that.

I mean, I look forward
to going to college,

And I look forward to becoming
a writer and having a family.

Everything I'm
doing now in my life

Is like a preparation
for what's to come.

If I didn't have any of those
things to look forward to,

I don't think I could take
any pleasure in living at all.

Seth doesn't have any of those
things to look forward to, son.

He's trying to take
pleasure in life.

It just seems pointless to me.

John-boy, there's a lot
of people walking around

Feeling very disappointed
and unhappy about life.

They were counting
so much on the future

They forgot to live their lives.

Seth understands something
that you should remember.

If I didn't have any future
to look forward to,

[Birds chirping]

I would just want to curl up in
a corner and forget everything.

John-boy, somehow
I don't believe you.

[Knocking on door]

Ma'am, I'd like to
see seth. Is he in?

I'm sorry, john-boy.
He's resting.


Uh, ma'am, these are his.
I brought them for him.

He left them at the house.

I'll see he gets them.

Thank you.

Uh, ma'am, I really
would like to see him

Even if it's just for a moment.

Some other time, john-boy.

I'll tell him you were here.

[Birds twittering]

[Car approaching]

♪♪[Guitar playing]

[Men laughing]

(Red) hi!

Hey, everybody!
Seth, wilma, I'm home!

Hey, you go on now.
I'll see you later.

(Both) so long, red.

Hey, you been a bunch of
good old boys to travel with.


John-boy, is that you?

Hey, red.

Hey, don't run off now. I want
you to see what I brought seth.



Seth, how are you?
You son of a g*n.

Lord, you must
have grown a foot.

What your ma been feeding you?

Hey, here.

Hey, just right.

Wait till you see
what I got in the box.

Got the rest of the outfit.

Just like mine, only brand-new.

John-boy, will you look at that?

Hey, where's your ma?

I got a brand-new, latest fashion
beautiful new dress for her.

Wilma, oh, it's good to see you.

Oh, wilma, honey, it's
so good to be home.


So fine to see you all.

Come on.

[Truck approaching]

(John) red.

Hi, john.

Where you headed?

No place special.

Just trying to think things out.

Come on, get in.

I've been wanting
to thank you, john.

You, livie, and the kids,

Have been real good
friends to wilma,

And the boy.

My son.

Red, I wish there was
something I could say to help.

Yeah, I know.

You know what the worst part is?

It... It's seeing
the boy so quiet.

He's always so full of beans,
always laughing, singing.

Wasn't so quiet the other night

When he heard you on the radio.

Should have seen him, red.

He was proud as could be.

You know, it just seems that

He ought to be having
the best time he could now.

You know, you should have
seen him the other day. I...

I brought him home
a costume, you know,

Like I wear when I'm working.

His eyes just lit up like
sunshine when he seen it.

He's been wanting to
join that show of yours

Ever since he's been
old enough to walk.

[Sobbing] what am I
going to do, john?

I don't know, red.

The closest thing to this
that ever happened to my family

Was last thanksgiving.

John-boy got hurt real bad.

Good chance he could have died.

His exams were coming up
that allow him to go to college.

Doctor said if he
took those exams,

The strain might
be too much for him.

Did he take them?

Yeah, he did.

We talked about it.

We realized those exams
were as important to him as life.

In a way, it was his life, red.

I know what seth wants.

I guess what I'm looking for
is the courage to give it to him.

Take care, red.

If there's anything
I can do... Thanks.

Red. Where'd you go?

Hi, honey. How are you?

Where'd you go?

Wilma, I went into
town and saw dr. Vance.


What for?

Wilma, I been thinking
about a lot of things.

There's no use us trying to
keep that boy up there in his bed.

I want to get out of here,

Out of this house and out of
this waiting game we're playing.

I just want to keep
him as long as I can.

So do i.

But I want to do
what he wants to do,

Give him the things
he never had.

He's sick. He's going to die.

Are you trying to drive him to his
grave sooner than he has to go?

I just want to give him
the things he hadn't had.

A real family life with
his mom and his daddy,

And I want him doing
what he loves to do.

Playing his music,
playing with me in a group.



And when he's gone,

We'll have real good memories.

Not be locked up with
some picture of him

Laying there in his bed waitin'.

We can be a real family.

You, me, and our boy

Loving each other,

Making whatever time we got
left really mean something.

Oh, red.

I love you and the boy, wilma.

We'll make real good memories.

And he won't miss having
anything he ever really wanted.



Morning, john-boy.


[Horse snorting]

Well, things are
a lot better now.

Pa and me and mama are leaving.

I heard that.

That's why I wanted to see you.

Would you make
sure jason gets this?

Why don't you give it to him?

Well, just make sure he gets it.

Maybe after we've gone.


Well, I'll send you
all lots of postcards.


You might even be
hearing me on the radio.

Pa's going to have me
singing with the band.

I'm sure glad things
worked out that way, seth.

I never thought
they would, but, uh,

Things are going
to be real good now.

I hope so.

I'll be seeing you.

[Birds twittering]

Grandpa, I'm worried
about my brother.

How so? Hasn't he
seen seth lately?

Won't even talk to him.

And they're leaving real soon.

Yes, sir. I'd appreciate
it if you'd speak with him.

Oh, I'd be glad to, john-boy.

Thank you.

Seth finished this recorder.

It's a gift for jason.

I think you'd best
give it to him yourself.

But, uh, I'll be right along.

Thank you.

♪♪[Guitar playing]

Jason, this is for
you from seth.

He wanted you to
have it specially.

Hey, jason, I need your
help to dig up the garden.

Find enough worms,
maybe we can all go fishing.

Hey, what you got here?

It's from seth.

Reckon it's the recorder.

Oh. Oh, that...

A fipple flute from
the old apple tree.

Why, it is nice of
seth to give you that.

I don't want it.

Why not?


Seth wanted to give
you something important

So that you could
always remember him.

If I was going to die, that
wouldn't be so important.

You've known me ever
since you was born.

Got a big store of memories.

Anytime you wanted
to think back a memory,

You'd come up with somethin'.

But you're not going to die.

Sure I am.

And in time, so are you.

And everyone that
you love and cherish.

And every time anyone
goes away it is going to hurt.

This time with
seth, it is different.

Why is it different?

Somehow it seems unjust.

You're a little young yet to
know the full weight of injustice,

But it'd have been much fairer

For it to have
been me than seth.


That's true. I'm 72 years old.

I've lived a full, rich life.

I got to do just about
everything I wanted to in my life

Except for one or 2 things
your grandma disapproves of.

It's not fair for
anybody to have to die.

Truth is, jason, it's got
nothing to do with fairness.

Why couldn't it be
somebody who's mean or bad?

That's one of the
great mysteries.

Who gets chosen and why?

But it happens all the same.

And you won't like
yourself, jason,

Unless you face up to it square,

And grieve for him in
your heart and to his face.

That way it's fair to
you and... And to him.


You're getting so big it's hard
to comfort you like I used to.

And you... You just...
Just... Just think about it.

[Door closing]




♪♪[Recorder playing]



Go all the way down.

Take it up, put it down.


Start again.

(John-boy) as time went on

There were other occasions
that necessitated our grieving,

And I often think that this
early brush with total loss

Made us better able to face
those which were to come after.

(John) you're getting to
sound real good, jason.

(Jason) thank you, daddy.

Good night, daddy.
Good night, mama.

(Olivia) good night, jason.

(Erin) sounds like walton's
mountain would sound if it could sing.

Good night, jason.

(Jason) good night, erin.

Good night, grandpa.

(Grandpa) good night, jason.

You're a good boy.
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