02x20 - The Fulfillment

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x20 - The Fulfillment

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) the depression
years were hard ones

For just about
everybody in the country.

Our family had little
money and few luxuries,

But we did have
food on the table

And clean clothes to wear

Even if they were
mostly hand-me-downs.

And a bountiful supply of
love to sustain our household.

Other families were not
as fortunate as we were,

And I remember how
my father and mother

Occasionally invited a child

From the jefferson
county orphanage

To share our life
on walton's mountain.

[Horn honking]

They're here!

They're here!

(Grandpa) they're here.
Get out here, elizabeth.

(John) hey, everybody.


(Grandpa) well, now,
what do we got here?

(Olivia) come on,
stevie, we're here.

(John-boy) whoa, hello.

Stevie, say hello

To grandpa, grandma, john-boy,

jason... [All laughing]

You'll learn the rest later.

Powerful lot of people
to remember, isn't it?

What's the matter, boy?

The cat got your tongue?

(Grandma) now, just a...

Come on out here, young man.

(Grandpa) got a lot of things
around here to show you.

Can I show him the tree house?

I want to show him chance.

(Ben) who wants
to see an old cow?

Let's go to the swimming hole.

I don't want to.

Don't want to what?

I don't think stevie wants
to do anything right now.

First thing we gotta
do is get him settled.

John-boy, take his bag up
to the boys' room, please.

Here we are.

Come on, stevie, let's go.

No, it's mine!

All right, then.
Take it if you want it.

Come on, fellas,

Let's show him upstairs
and make him feel at home.

(Ben) right up these stairs.

There you go.

Stevie, here's your room
and there's your bed.

Stevie, if you like,
I'll clear some room

In the closet for your clothes.

(Ben) here, I'll clear half
of my drawer for your stuff.

Don't want one.
Stuff's safer in here.

What all you got
in there, anyway?

None of your business.

Look fellas, why don't
you go on downstairs?

We'll meet you down
there in a minute, ok?

See you around, stevie.

See you, fellas.

Stevie, I know, I know
how you feel, I think.

You probably feel
lonely strange and new,

But I'll bet you're
going to like it here

Once you get used to it.

I never stay anyplace long
enough to get used to it.



While you're here, I
want you to feel at home.

I don't want to be
here with all of them.

They're just kids.

Yeah, that's true, they
are. But you are, too.

So why don't you just
try to get along with them?

They're next to nothing to me.

Look, they really do
want to be your friends.

Why don't you just
give them a chance?

Yeah, sure.

Look, I've got to do some
work down at the sawmill.

You want to come with me?

Do I have to?


I don't want to.

Ok. See you later.



Is stevie ok?

Well, he'll...

He'll be ok as soon as he
figures out where he is.

He ought to get along real fine.

It'll take him a
little time to adjust.

Must be hard to get along with

All that gaggle
of geese in there.


Listen, daddy,
I'm a little behind.

Can I borrow the truck
to go the nortons?

How is curtis?

He's not too well.

His hand's still bothering him.

Doctors say the
bandages have to be on

For another week or two.

Must have burned
his hand real bad.

Yes. Second-degree,
the doctor said.

What about the truck?

All right.

Great. Thank you.
I'll see you later.

Hey, uh, drive careful.

Sorry I can't give you
more of a hand, john-boy.

All right, that's all right.

I really like it

When the shoe starts
to change shape.

Well, I'm back!

I can see that, honey.

Were you wearing them
clothes this morning?

No, isn't that beautiful?

It's a genuine copy of a dress

Janet gaynor wore
in her latest picture.

(John-boy) I'll take those.

Curtis, don't leave
the driver waiting.

How much is it?

Uh, $2.25, but give him $3.

'Cause he's been real nice.

We just chatted
the whole way out.

A taxi all the way
from charlottesville?

Couldn't you take a
bus to uh, hickory creek?

Uh, with all my bundles?

That's another thing, ann.

That dress. Now,
we can't afford it.

Curtis, please, not
in front of strangers.

Annie, annie.

If you have anything more

You want to discuss
with me, curtis norton,

Please do so in the
privacy of our home.


Ann, I want you to be happy.

I'd be purely
willing to give you

Anything your heart desires.

But at the same time,

Money doesn't
exactly grow on trees.

Oh, I thought it did.

Curtis, what's the matter?


I'm real worried, john-boy.

It's the same kind
of feeling I had

When annie first came here.

It looked like she
wasn't gonna stay.

Things are different now.

Yeah, I thought so, too.

But here, lately,

She's moody all the time.
You know what I mean?

Taken to reading them
movie magazines again,

Talking about how she's
gonna fix herself up

To look like claudine colbert.

Claudette colbert.


Buying all kinds of foolishness

For the house.

There's something
bothering her, I just know it.

Uh, well.

Maybe she spends
too much time alone.

(Curtis) there's
truth in that, I guess.

Only people she sees are
me and my... My dog, earl.

Don't get along
too well with him.


Women. Mysterious creatures.

That's the truth.

[Cutlery clinking]

[Guffawing] (elizabeth) stevie's
had only 8 helpings.

(John) he can have 8, he
can have 8 more if he wants.

Stevie, would you
like a little more?


Well, I'm going to
have some more.

These are the best beans
I've had in a long time.

There's a little bit left here.

You sure you don't
want the rest of it?

Well, ok.

Erin, you and mary ellen clear

While grandma and
I get the dessert.

Why does it always
have to be us?

(Olivia) because you are
misused and mistreated.

Now clear.

How are things up at curtis'?

Well, we didn't get
too much work done.

His hand still hurting him?

That's no help.

But I think his wife
is bothering him

More than his hand.

(Olivia) is she all right?

No, she's not.

She's running off
to charlottesville

And buyin' expensive clothes

And she's coming all
the way home in a taxicab.

(John-boy) the thing that's
worrying him the most

Is she started talking about

Those movie shows
all over again.

Little pictures have big ears.

Don't be piggy.

All right, now.

No strong-arm
stuff there, stevie.

She started it.

She didn't mean anything by it.

Everybody, eat your dessert.

Was that ann norton
you were talking about?

Yes, that's right.

(Olivia) oh, remind me to take

That salve of
grandma's over there.

Best thing there is for burns.

Stop it!

Now, what is goin' on?

Stevie was taking my dessert.

I am not.

You were, too. Your
hand was moving

Toward her plate
90 miles an hour.

All right, jim-bob, all
right, listen you two.

That's enough. Jim-bob.

Stop it, you two.

Finish your dessert
and don't say a word

Till you're excused
from the table.

Go ahead. Eat.

Stevie, come back. Come here.

I'll go.

Go away.

Why don't you come
back downstairs

And finish your supper?

They don't like me.

Stevie, you haven't given
them much of a chance.

Why should i?

Because they're
pretty nice people

When you get to know 'em.

I don't want to know them.

What's that for?

Just brushing the
chip off your shoulder.

Just leave me alone.

No, stevie, I'm not
gonna leave you alone.

Look at me.

While you're here,

I'm gonna treat
you and talk to you

Like you're one of my own.

I want you to march
back down those stairs

And finish your supper.

And I want you to
mind your manners.

No more stealin'
anyone's dessert

And no more fightin'.

(John) you understand?

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

[Clears throat]



It's hard to
believe it's only 9:00.

It feels like 4:00
in the morning.

It's been a long day, liv.

And I've been on my
feet every minute of it.

I'm glad those
children are in bed.


(John) jason feels that
since he's second oldest,

He should go to bed
at a different time

Than the rest.

Mama, I just feel

That I should get to
stay up a little longer.

Sounds reasonable to me.


All right, son.

Oh, well.


I think I'll get me
a glass of water.



Hey, jason.

That old catfish
tore everything apart.

[Clears throat]

What'd you say?

Hmm? Oh, nothing.

What are you doing up so late?

Jason, will you quit
thundering around out here

And go on to bed?

I guess I'll go
back in the house.


[Paper rustling]


Where's john-boy?

What's that, son?

Is john-boy around?

He's upstairs in his room.




Good night, everybody.

Good night, son.

Good night, jason.

Good night, jason.


[Birds chirping]

[Metal clanking]

Hey, mama.

John-boy, curtis. Olivia.

I brought this
salve for your burn.

Grandma made it
and it does wonders.

I appreciate that, livie.

Tell old mrs. Walton
I appreciate it, too.

(Ann) olivia, how
nice to see you.

Hello, ann.

Brought some salve
for curtis' burn.

And some peach preserves

That verdie grant
and I made last summer.

Mmm, thank you.

Oh, gosh, it's good
to see you, olivia.

Come in, please.

Children, want
some refreshments?

No, that's ok. We want to
watch curtis make horseshoes.

Don't get in his way now.


♪♪[Music playing]


Well, no wonder
we never see you.

You must be
working night and day

To get so much done
in such a short time.

Oh, do you like it?


Did you see a movie

Where uh, mary astor
goes to the country?

Well, she has this living room.

What an unusual lamp.

It's just like the
one in the movie.

And so are the
curtains and, uh, oh...

That clock.

It's an ormolu.

Mary astor,

She was a concert
pianist in the movie.

I'm afraid I don't get
to the movies much.

Seems whenever there's the time,

There isn't the money,

And whenever there's
the money, there isn't time.

I know. I don't, uh,

I don't get to go very
much myself lately.

We miss you at church.


I sort of got out
of the habit of going.

Sunday seems such a family day,

And I feel out of place.

[Birds chirping]

[Both giggling]

Wait a minute. Let me go.

All of you have, uh,
so much in common.

Children, school...
I've only got curtis

And this house
and uh, oh, that dog.

[Ann chuckles]

Well, ann, you've only
been married a short while.

Give yourself time.



What is it?

I've been going to a
doctor in charlottesville.

He took some tests and...

Olivia, he told me

That I can't have any children.

Last one to touch is it!

(Ben) ok, you're it.

[Children chuckling]

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20...

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,

35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41...

42,43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49, 50.

I think I spy elizabeth
climbing up the tree.

You count too fast.

I also spy jim-bob and ben.

You can come down now.

You, elizabeth,
you gave us away.

(Ben) you can't follow
wherever me and jim-bob go.

(Elizabeth) you can't
count so fast.

Children, quit
picking on elizabeth.

(Ben) I'm not going
to play this anymore.

(Erin) just because you're it.

(Ben) well, no, I'm not it.

[Children chattering]

Stevie, why aren't you playin'?

It's a kid's game.

Looks like fun to me.

I wouldn't mind playin' myself.

No, not me.

All right, stevie,
what would you like?

I don't want to
play any damn games.

Stevie, we told
you we'd treat you

Like one of our own
children, and we meant it.

If you use that word again,

I'm gonna do what I'd
to jim-bob and elizabeth

And that's turn
you over my knee.




(Curtis) hey.

You lost?

None of your business.

Want a ride?

I can take care of myself.

Ok. Here.

Hey, mister!

Hop in.

You live around here?


Where you headed for?

Just travelin'.

What's that?

It's a horseshoe.
I'm a blacksmith.

What's that?

I make shoes for horses.

Horses don't need shoes.


Sure they do.

You're lyin'.

Where is this place?

Well, uh... This
here is my house

And that's the
horseshoe factory.

I've gotta go.

Hold on, don't you
want to look around

Before you head off?

Well... Come on.

Ok, sure.

[Birds chirping]

Hey, stevie, what's...

Oh, hey, wait, hold it.
Hold it here, hold it.

Hey, you know each
other? Oh, easy.

We sure do. Stevie's
stayin' with us.

Calm down. Come on, now.

Here. Tell you what.
You wear my favorite hat.

It'll help calm you down.

There. See, what
did I tell you, huh?

What's the matter, stevie?

I didn't mean to drop it.

Something happen
up at the house?

I didn't do it on purpose.

(John-boy) do they know
you're gone from there?

Who cares?

Who cares? They're probably
worried sick about you.

C'mon, I'm taking you home. No.

Wait a minute, now. If you're
staying with the waltons,

You'd better get back.

You take me. I don't
want to go with him.

All right. I'll tell you what.

I'll take you in the truck.

I don't really live there.

(Curtis) oh, yeah.
Well, anyway...

Let's go, huh.


See you later, john-boy.

In you go.

[Engine starts]

There you are.

Don't let him get away, zeb.

Hey, hey, come on here.

Bring him here.


C'mon, c'mon.


Got you.

You gonna let that
old woman k*ll me?

Esther, is that
what you had in mind?

You just give me that
boy. Come on. Down.

Oh. Oh, dear.

Now you sit.

Sit. You see he
doesn't get away.

Esther, what crime has
this young man committed?

Dish of my freshly
peeled apples.

Here. Proverbs.

Let's see. Here's the one.

Now you start reading that,

And don't you
stop until I say so.

"Salem, x.c.x.l.i.

"Conducts of may trial.

"Lord, I cry unto thee,

"Make haste unto me,

"Give ear unto my voice

When I cry unto thee."

I can't thank you
enough, curtis.

Lord knows what
would've happened to him

If you hadn't run into him.

He sure is a cute little fellow.

Looks good in my hat, too.

Not a thing wrong with that boy.

He's had a hard life

And can't seem to trust anyone.

W-where did you all get him?

From the orphanage
at jefferson county.

Hobie shanks sent him
to us for a week or so,

Like we used to do for him.

Hobie thought it
might be good for him

To spend a little time
way from the home.

What? Is he sick?

No, nothing like that.

Just thought he could
use a taste of family life.

Spunky little kid. I like him.

See you.

All right, curtis.

"Let the righteous spit me

"It shall be a kindness.

Let them... Let him"

Keep reading.

"Reprove me," it shall be

"An excellent oil
which shall not break..."

(Ben) bye, reverend.

(Erin) bye, bye.

[Children chattering]

Hey, stevie.

(Stevie) can I wear your hat?

Well, I don't have
it with me today.

This is my sunday hat.

I like the other one better.

(Curtis) me, too.

And who is this little man?

Stevie's staying
with us for a while.

Oh, stevie, this
is my wife, ann.

How do you do?

Fine, I reckon.

How come you've met
stevie and I haven't?

Oh, well, he came by one day.

I think you must be
in charlottesville.

Ann, why don't you
and curtis come over

And have sunday dinner with us?

Oh, I wouldn't want to
inconvenience you, olivia.

(Olivia) I'm cooking
for so many now.

2 More ain't gonna make
that much difference.

That's real nice of you, olivia.

Well, then I guess we
accept your kind invitation.

Hey, can I go with you?

Is that all right, curtis?

Well, you bet you
can come with me.

Might even let
you drive the truck.

This your first time
driving a truck, stevie?

Yes, sir.

Well, you're good at it.

Let's go faster.

Well, this is about as
fast as the old girl will go.

You all right, ann?

Oh, fine, thank you.

I was just thinking
this is the first time

I've ever been driven
to sunday dinner

By 2 gentlemen.


Seen the way that boy shines
every time he's around curtis?

So does curtis.

I wonder if he told ann

That the child didn't
have a home of his own.

The 3 of them would
make a fine family.

I hope nobody talks about that

While they're visiting.

Why not? It's the truth.

If the idea does come up, I
hope it comes from them.

I feel guilty enough
about ann in the first place.

How so?

I sort of played matchmaker

And talked her
into marrying curtis.

There's nothing wrong with that.

I'm not sure if it was
any of my business.

Curtis norton is a fine fellow.

It's not as if you
got her married off

To yancy tucker,

Much as I appreciate yancy.

Yancy tucker.

Now there's a man
that needs a wife.

Yes, esther.

That would take
care of everythin'.

♪♪[Children singing]

[All chattering]

(Olivia) ok, everybody.

Dinner in an hour. Go
change your clothes.

(John-boy) ok.

(Olivia) watch out.

Ann, good to see you.

Hello, john.

Hello, john, how are you?

Good to see you.

Hey, curtis, want
to play some ball?

Well now, look here, stevie,

You go on and play
with the other kids.

I'll play some ball
with you later, ok.

Oh, curtis.

Come on, now, go
change your clothes, huh?


(John) boy's really taken
a shine to you, curtis.

His mama and papa

Have sure got a
boy to be proud of.

He doesn't have a mama and papa.

Jackie cooper.

I've been trying
for the life of me

To remember who that
little man reminds me of.

Jackie cooper.

Jackie who?

He's an actor, in the pictures.

Oh, no, stevie's a real boy.

Are they, uh, always so
energetic at that age?

He's quiet compared
to jim-bob and elizabeth.

(Ann) oh, my goodness.

(John) how's that hand of yours?

Livie, how old is stevie?

He's 8 years old.

He seems older somehow.

Well, he's a little independent.

He has to be, coming
from where he has.

I thought he was a
member of your family.

I... I guessed him to
be a visiting cousin.

(John) no, he's no kin of ours.

He's from the county
home, just here for a visit.

You mean, he's an orphan?

Yeah. He's just getting
comfortable around here, too.

It's a shame he's
gotta go back so soon.

G-go back?

He's just here for a while.

The home probably
figured that we'd adopt him.

And you're going to?

(Olivia) I wish we could,

But times being what they are,

We just can't afford to.

(Grandpa) my dear lady, you
mustn't feel too sorry for him.

He's learned how
not to get his feet

Too firmly planted in one place.

He's used to going
from here to there.

Livie, I could use some help.

I'll be right there, grandma.

Stevie's pretty
careful about that.

He stays outside the family

As much as the
kids will let him.

I'd better go help
grandma in the kitchen.


Look, honey, why
don't you help out?

I promised stevie
I'd play ball with him.

Uh, curtis.

What's the matter, honey?

I... I have a... A
splitting headache.

Ok, some food'll
fix you right up.

Would you like to
rest awhile, ann?

No, uh... Really, thank you all,

But i... I... I think
I'd better go home.

Honey, we can't
just... Curtis, please.

I feel very weak
all of a sudden.

I'm sure sorry, folks.

You gonna play now?

Stevie, I'm, uh...

I'm sorry, I gotta get on home.

(Ann) curtis.

You promised.

I do promise, I do promise.

I'll tell you what.

You... You have
john-boy bring you on up

To the horseshoe
factory tomorrow, ok?

All right, I'll see you later.

I have a feeling ann thought

We were trying to
arrange something.

John-boy, I asked
them here for dinner

Because I wanted them.

Arranging something

Was the last thing on my mind.

Did you know she
can't have any children?

Yes, I did.

Did curtis tell you?


I guess she keeps insisting
that the doctor is wrong.

She's determined to
have a family of her own

One of these days.

I can understand that.

I guess not being
able to have children

Makes her feel unwomanly.

She has to keep pretending.

Doesn't seem to be
helping anybody, does it?

No, it doesn't.

Guess I'd better
see about dinner.


[Curtis laughing]

Well, now, what do we got here?

John-boy's gonna
give us a nickel

To shovel coal into the fire.

I need money because
I'm gonna buy an airplane.

If that's all right
with you, curtis.

Oh, sure is, john-boy.

We can use some extra
labor around here.

Well now, where'd you get these
2 strapping youngsters, john-boy?

They're on loan from the w.p.a.

Well, we'd best
put them to work.

I tell you what, if
they do a good job,

Might even throw
in a nickel myself.

You, young fellow,
can't work without a hat.

Come on, get over here.

Earn your keep.

You crank that around.

Jim-bob, get the shoes.

(Ann) john-boy.

John-boy, could you
come here a minute, please?

(John-boy) yeah, sure.
I'll be out in a minute.

John-boy, what are you
doing bringing that child here?


S-stevie, he just tagged
along, like jim-bob.

It's not quite the
same as jim-bob.

Are you plotting, huh?

To get me to take that
orphan into this house?

Ann, that's not really fair.

Stevie's gonna be
here for a few days,

Then going right back
to the county orphanage.

While he's here, he's just here.

That's all there is to it.

I don't believe you.

Well, that's your privilege.

I am convinced that

Someday curtis and I will have

Our own natural-born children.

I hope you do, ann. I
really hope you do.

And stevie is practically
a grown person.

Well... It's not what
curtis and I want.

It's... It's not what
curtis and I need.

What we need is...

Well, you know what we need.

(Stevie) let's play horseback!

(Stevie) c'mon.

(Stevie) giddap. C'mon.

[Stevie chuckling]

(Jim-bob) c'mon.

(Curtis) c'mon.

(Stevie) good boy.

[All shouting]

[All yelling]

[All laughing]

(John-boy) I've
had it. I've had it.

[All laughing]

Personally, I'm too old
for this game, curtis.

I'm too old.

Yeah, me, too. But let's
keep going, john-boy.

I've never had such a good time.

You want to have a heart attack?

No, I don't wanna have
a heart... Look here.

[All laughing]

C'mon. Giddap.

Sure is quiet
around here tonight.

It's just like
every other night.

Would you like me to,
uh, put enrico caruso

On the victrola?

(Curtis) today that
jim-bob and stevie

Just filled this place up.

Fun and sweat.

Oh, I tell you, ann, I
had me one good time.

You just wait, curtis.

When we have our baby,

There'll be plenty
of life around here.

Ann, what's wrong?

When we do have a child, curtis,

You're going to have
to think seriously

About getting rid of earl.

I mean, he'd just be so jealous,

He wouldn't know
what to do with himself.

Don't sell old earl short.

Had him in my sight
longer than I've had you.

Yeah, and probably are
more attached to him,

If the truth be told.


Ann, when are you going
to stop fooling yourself?

What are you saying?

Ann, i...

I don't want to
hurt your feelings,

But that... That doctor at the
university of virginia hospital

Knows his business.

(Curtis) it's not so bad, not
being able to have a child.

I mean there's other
ways to have a family.

I choose to wait until
we have our own baby.

You're lying to yourself, ann.

That's not true.

(Curtis) oh, ann.

Ann, you're acting
like life is a movie again.

Like some movie doctor

Is going to walk
in here and say:

"Mrs. Norton, I'm
happy to announce

"You're going to have twins.

"Strapping baby boys

"By the names of franklin delano

And cactus jack garner norton."

I do not understand

Why your belief
in me is so feeble.

Ann, it has nothing to
do with my belief in you.

I love you, and I
do believe in you,

And I know you'd
make a good mother.

That's why I wish you
could see things different.

Well, I can't and I won't.

Now I'm going up to bed

Because my head is
beginning to ache again.

(Mary ellen) go on, blue.

[All chattering]

Go on, blue. Go on.

(Jim-bob) giddap.
C'mon on, blue.

(Ellen) wait a minute, I
don't think he wants to go.

Why don't we... [All laughing]

Careful of that
blade there, stevie.

It's sharp.

I like the blacksmith
shop better.

If you become a
good enough smith,

You can help us around here.

Doing what?

Well, old blue could use a
new pair of shoes, I reckon.


That's enough, son.

(Erin) come on, stevie.

We're going to ike
godsey's for mama.

Ok, coming.

Curtis give you that hat?

Not for keeps.

Come on.

(Jim-bob) c'mon, let's
play follow-the-leader.

(All) I'm the leader!

Daddy? What'd I
say? What'd I say?

He's only got one
more day left, son.

We've got to get
him back to the home.

(John) going to
hate to see him go.


You know, if curtis
asked that boy to jump off

The church steeple,
he'd do it in a second.

Shame it didn't work out.

Ann is just acting so foolish.

W-when she looks at that child,

You can tell she loves him.

But, uh, she's just
sticking to her own notion.

(Grandpa) evening, johns all.

Esther and I are
going for a stroll.

Come along with us?

Oh, esther, I was
hoping to get you alone.

Zeb, you get more
foolish every day.

(Grandpa) let's catch
us some fireflies.

[Cutlery clinking]

You all look so dismal.

We don't want stevie to go.

We're kind of
getting used to him.

Maybe he can visit sometime.

[Footsteps approaching]

(Olivia) stevie, come and
have some breakfast.

I'm not hungry.

You want to go down to
the pond with me and jim-bob?

No, thank you.

You know, jason and I are
going to play catch. You want to?


I think maybe stevie
has something

In mind to do. What is it, son?

I have to give
curtis back his hat.

I'm going over there about now.

You want to come along with me?

Yes, sir, john-boy.

(John-boy) ok, let's go.

John-boy, stevie.

Came to return your hat.

Oh, well, that...

It looks a sight
better on you, stevie.

Why don't you keep it?

It doesn't belong to me.

I'm gonna go in the
house for a minute, fellas.

Hey, you're gaining some weight.

Getting to be a
real big boy, stevie.

I have to go away.

Yeah, I know, stevie.

John-boy, I didn't
know you were here.

I usually hear your truck.

Well, we came up on blue.


"We" usually suggests
more than one person.

All I am looking at is you.

Stevie came by.

He wanted to give curtis
back his hat and say goodbye.


Is, uh, stevie taking
leave of us so soon?

Well, I'm sure that
sooner or later

They'll find a
good home for him.

Well, I wish I thought
that were true myself, ann.

Oh, of course they will.
I-i mean, who wouldn't want

Such a bright, appealing child?

That's what I can't figure out.

You're talking about
me and curtis again.

Understand, john-boy,

If we weren't planning on having

Our own children, we
certainly would think...

About adopting stevie.


Curtis is just flowing
over with feeling

For that child.

And I think you want to be, too.

I mean, if you got love to give,

You ought to give it.

It's not like money

That you can put in
the bank, save it up,

And take it out some time later.

You have to give it
when you've got it to give.

I'm not sure I'm ready.

What's that?

Don't. That's mine.

Elizabeth wasn't
going to take it.

It's a locket.

Where did you get it from?

My mama gave it to me.

(Ben) thought you said
you never had a mama.

(Stevie) I don't.

If you never had a mama,

Then how could
she give that to you?

They told me when
I got to the home.

They found it in my clothes.

It was pinned to
one of my shirts.

That's dumb.

(Ben) will you shut up,
jim-bob. Now, you're being dumb.

Everyone's had a mama sometime.

The thing is, stevie
never saw his.

She must have before she, uh,

Went away given him
that to remember her by.

She had gold hair.


I gotta pack my clothes.


We can always be friends.

We could be pen
pals. We'd write to you.

Me, too, when I
learn to write better.

(Stevie) you all have
too much to do.

You can have my
penny I've been saving

To buy a stamp.

You know, you'll live
with a real nice family

In a beautiful place like

New york city or
chicago, illinois.

Well, I'll probably
live right here

In jefferson county
orphanage forever.


I know I'd adopt you.

People like to
adopt babies best.

They hardly ever
pick the big guys.

You're not so big.

I gotta go.

Earl, you'll get your food.

If you'll just wait,

I'll fix you something special.

All right, earl, settle down,

You'll get yours when it's time.

Settle down now.

Curtis, there is no
need to raise your voice.

You're gonna hurt his feelings.

For pity's sake, ann, you
don't even like the dog.

Don't treat him
like he's our baby.

[Ann sobbing]

Honey, I'm sorry.
Honey, I'm sorry.

(Curtis) baby, I
didn't mean that.

Come on, it's
gonna be all right.

Everything's gonna be all right.

It's gonna be all right.


In here,

There's some of those
chocolate cookies you like,

Apple sauce... Here,
put your finger there.

And mary ellen made
a... Made a cake for you.

Apple sauce cake.

And there's a shirt in there.

All the children
wrote their names on it.

And, uh...

We're going to miss you, stevie.

It's time to go, stevie.

I'd like to come along,
if it's all right with you.


Forgot my keys.

I'll get them for you.

They're in my jacket.

(John-boy) ok.


Stevie, please, can I
talk to you for a moment?

I have to go.

It's all right,
stevie, we got time.

Curtis, would you mind if...
If I talked to stevie alone?


I made a mistake.

This is going to be
difficult to explain.

I... I want you to have this.

It belongs to curtis.

I know.

But he and I want
you to keep it.

And we want to go with
you now to the home

To talk about your coming back

To live with us.

To be adopted by us.

We want you to be our son.

Instead of a baby?

Instead of anyone or anything.

If you want us.

(John-boy) the
depression lingered on,

Hard times continued.

But somehow the love that
was most important to us

On walton's mountain

Extended itself to others.

And love is what the
nortons gave to stevie

And he to them.

(John) everybody quiet
down now and get some sleep.

(Olivia) good night, everybody.

(Jason) good night, mama.

Good night, ben.

(Ben) good night, everyone.

(Mary ellen) good night, mama.

(Erin) good night, daddy.

(John) good night, children.

(John-boy) good night,
daddy. Good night, elizabeth.

(Elizabeth) good night,
john-boy. Good night, jim-bob.

Good night, jim-bob.

(All) good night, jim-bob!

(Jim-bob) what's going
on? I was asleep.

What's everybody doing?

(All) good night, jim-bob.

[All laughing]
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