02x22 - The Graduation

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x22 - The Graduation

Post by bunniefuu »

Children chattering

(John-boy) being a country
boy on walton's mountain

And looking like one

Always seemed as natural
and normal as anything to me.

But a few days

Before my graduation
from high school,

I began to look at myself
in quite a different way.

I've got it. I've got it.

All giggling I've got it.

Ok, that's fine.
Thank you very much.

All laughing mine is good.

Marcia. Marcia.

Uh, excuse me for a minute.

Marcia, you didn't write
in my autograph book yet.

Oh, not now.

Why not?

It's a very personal
experience for me

To write in somebody's
autograph book, john-boy,

And I don't want
to do it right now.

Oh, ok. I'm sorry.

(Miss hunter) all
right, graduates,

We are gonna go
through this once more.

Clears throat

No, no, no, no. Come on.
Please, miss. I can't do it.

Take your places in line.

(John-boy) all right.

Hens clucking

Ben, will you watch
where you're going?

Mrs. Drip.

Laughs stop that.

She looks like she's
going to the altar.

Well, I wish I were.

Ah, it'll happen soon enough.

Oh, grandpa,
chance's acting funny.

Chance? Well, how...
What do you mean funny?

Well, she's just
kinda lying around.

She won't eat or anything.

I'll go have a look at her.

He's coming! He's coming!

(Ben) hey, everybody.


Boys screaming hey,
come on. Let me in.

He's coming. He's coming.
Everybody get ready!

Turn around.

All muttering

All shushing what's
going on around here?


Hurry up, and change
your clothes, john-boy.

What for?

Ask us no questions and
we will tell you no lies.

Just get dressed,
or we'll be late.

Are we going somewhere?

Indeed we are.


It's a surprise.

That's all you're going to know.

So go on up and get changed.

But I don't understand...

Go on up and get changed.

No, really... Go on.

Go get changed.

All laughing shushing

Grandpa laughs

This family's gone crazy.

Door opening john-boy, come on.

Hurry up.

Children chattering

John, come here. It's chance.

I... I think she's
feelin' real bad.

I'll see how she is
when we get back.

Come on, here we
go, everybody in.

Here he comes.

(John-boy) will somebody
please tell me where we're goin'?

(All) no.

We're going to new york city.

To see the yankees play!

Ok, ok. You spoiled
the surprise.

I'll figure it out
when we're there.

All right. Sit down,
everybody. Here we go.

All right, now where?

(John) all right, everybody out.

(John-boy) now where we goin'?

Children chattering what
are we doin' here?

We're going on a shopping spree.

For your graduation.

Oh, no! No, no.

(All) oh, yeah.

We all decided that
you should have

A brand new suit of
clothes for college.

You are gonna be
the living example

Of what the well-dressed
college boy will wear.

Has this family gone crazy?

Graduation present
from all of us.

That is gonna be you.

Mama, we can't afford
this kind of stuff.

(John) we can and we will.

(Jason) this means ben
gets john-boy's knickers.

(Ben) why me?

Well, because I'm too tall
for 'em and jim-bob's too short.

And I'm just lucky, huh?

What's wrong with my knickers?

Oh. Well, I can
think of a thing or 2.

All laugh

All chattering



Looks just fine,
don't you think, john?

(John) 100 percent.

Do you think the
shoulders are all right?

(Olivia) perfect, grandma.

(Tailor) I've got it.

All right. Excuse me.



Clothes sure make the
difference, don't they?

You sure don't look country.

Oh, daddy.

Now if you'll just, uh,
slip off the trousers,

We'll have the cuffs made

And you can pick
them up tomorrow.

Not before noon.

Mama, do you think maybe

You could do the
cuffs yourself at home?

If that's what you'd like.

Well, if you're not
accustomed to making cuffs,

It'll be a shame to have
these trousers look...

Well, improper.

I can make cuffs, and sleeves
and shoulders and necks, too.

There's no extra
charge for cuffs.

Just wrap them up, please.

(Salesman) yes, sir.

Thank you, mama.

Come on, now's our chance.


Let's get through
all the ladies' things.

(Erin) there's some

Well, he doesn't need a cap.

All chattering

He looks so old
in those clothes.

A little bit.

It's just right for
college, though.


Even if he is ours.

Laughing hurry up, ben.

$3.98 on the shoes.

Cash register whirring

These are nice suspenders.

$1.98 on the shirt.


98 Cents for the suspenders.


(Grandma) everybody
put your money...

45 Cents on the bow tie.


1, 2, 3 Pair argyle socks.

Is that it?

Yes, ma'am. Here's the money.

Hurry up.

Ok. Now, that'll be... 5... 6.


(Both) ...7, 8, 9...
And what? 40.

Yeah, 40.

Here's 40.

40 Cents, thank
you. I'll take that.

Thanks very much.

Mama, I really
appreciate this. Daddy.


Sure am proud of the way
you look in those things.

Cost a lot of money.

Money well spent,
son. Thank you.

Where is everybody?

Been right here all the time.




Sure won't be sorry to
get out these knickers.

(All) surprise!

Handkerchief to go
with your new clothes.

Here's some argyle socks.

(Erin) argyle socks.

Suspenders to
hold your breeches.

More argyle socks.

Shirt from me.

It's blue and it's broadcloth,

And... And a new pair
of rubber crepe...

(Mary ellen) crepe rubber.

Crepe rubber
sports shoes from me.

And here's a bow to go
with your stupid grin.

All laughing

Gosh. What... What
am I going to do with...

(All) put them on.

Well, all right. All right.

All chattering door opening

All laughing

(Elizabeth) mama,
look, look at that.

You look wonderful.

Not half bad, huh?

Look at my socks.

Should wear my socks.

(Ben) because they
go with the jacket.

(Jason) nice. Nice.
You never mind.

How about that, daddy?

You look right handsome.

Well, half the girls in college
will faint away at your feet.

I reckon so.

He's going to college to learn.

Yeah. That, too!

(Olivia) all right, off
to bed now, all of you.

Good night, mama.

(Mary ellen) good night.

(Jim-bob) good night, mama.

Good night, jim-bob.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Good night.

(John-boy) good night.

Good night, grandpa.

Good night, daddy.

Good night, sweetie. Good night.

Daddy, couldn't we go out

And see how chance is feeling?


I can tell you
how's she feelin'.

She can't stand
up. She won't eat.

Can't we just see her?

Sighs in the morning

We'll... We'll go and look
at her first thing, all right?

Come on, off to bed.

Good night.

Good night.

What's taking so long?

I don't know, ben. I don't know.

I got tired of
watching them practice.

How's chance?

Grandpa's in there with her now.

(Ben) daddy said
not to go in there.

Don't worry, jim-bob,
they'll be out soon.

Olivia sobbing

Isn't there something we can do?

She's not really in pain,
her life is just ebbin' away.

Poor old chance.

I think we can say, "well done."

She's been a good
and faithful servant.

Don't read it now.

Why not?

Tonight. When you're alone.


Birds chirping

It sure is gonna seem funny

Not goin' to that old
schoolhouse anymore.

Or seeing miss hunter every day.

That's right.

'Course, you going to be meeting

Lots of new people at college.

And how.

Everybody at college is
goin' to be new people to me.

Lots of new girls.

I know. I was just thinkin'
and feelin' sort of blue.

Marcia, we're always
going to know each other.

I know, but it'll be different.

You know what most everybody
wrote in my autograph book?

That I was fickle.

Oh, they's just teasing.

They wrote, "little miss fickle"

And they rhymed it
with "nickel," and "pickle"

Oh, marcia. And "tickle."

Horrace klinger,
right? Horrace klinger?

He's always writin' stupid
things all over the place.

Tyler crofut did it, too.

Well, marcia, the truth is

That you have been
fickle from time to time.

The wrong times with you.

And now it's too late.

Marcia, will you
stop talkin' like that?

Elizabeth sobbing

Elizabeth, honey,
what's the matter?

I'm never going to
love anybody again.

Why, what makes you
say a thing like that?

Because it hurts
so when they die.

Well, who died?


Door opening

What did chance die of?

Old age.

We'll get another cow, son.

The logans.

I see no reason whatever
we can't barter milk

From them for the next few days.

It's a good idea, pa.
Let's go over there

And see if we can
make us a deal.

We'll do that.

I have got something to
say about this fix we're in.

Sighs the answer is no.

Are you readin' my mind?

I appreciate the
offer, son, but no deal.


(Olivia) john-boy,
you're not to consider

Returnin' those things.

(Grandpa) we'll
have none of that.

You're going to college wearing
long pants like the rest of them.

Well, will you please tell
me what else we are gonna do?

We'll save our money
till we can buy a cow.

You are not to take those
things back to the store.

Daddy, the way this
family drinks milk,

And what we need for
cookin' and makin' bread,

What else can we do?

We'll work it out.

John-boy, let us try to
find another way, all right?


Don't worry. I'm just going
out to practice my speech.

I'll be back.

Door closing

Exciting time to... To
begin an enormous journey.

We, the graduating
class of 1934,

Begin this journey

Inspired by the words
of our president...

Hi, john-boy. Hi.

Can I do somethin' for you?


I was just wanderin' around.


Radio clicking

Static buzzing

(Radio announcer) and
now we find ma perkins

Just where we
left her yesterday.

She's had a quarrel with evey

And refused to
help evey's husband,

Willy fitz, in any way.

(Evey) ma? Ma?


I would appreciate it if
you would stop that, please.

And turn the radio off.

Ma, ma, what did you think...

Radio stops playing

What's the matter with you?

Nothin'. Nothing at all.

I guess I'll get
over it in time.

Get over what?

Look, if you really
want to know,

I'll... I'll tell you the truth.

I was kind of hurt

That I didn't get an
invitation to your graduation.

Well, ike, you don't
need an invitation,

You're... You're
automatically invited.

No one said anything, and i...

Ike godsey is cordially
invited to attend

The 1934 graduating ceremonies
of the walton's mountain school.

Well, ike godsey
cordially accepts.

All right, good.

What do you want for a present?

Don't you go doing
anything like that.

Oh, no, no, no, I mean I
got to get you something.

After all, I've known you

Since you were
practically a baby.

And I gotta get you somethin'
that you'll never forget.

I want to get you something

That marks you down
as special in my book.

Oh, you know what?

You got to get yourself a suit.

You know, you can't graduate

In a pair of blue denims
or in your knickers.

You got get yourself a suit,

So you look like
john d. Rockefeller.

It's taken care of, ike.

Mama and daddy brought
me into charlottesville

And bought me a whole bunch
of stuff. It was a big surprise.

Well, I'm... I'm happy for you.

Even though they did
buy it from strangers.


What did they buy for you?

Tsk, a beautiful
blazer and some slacks.

Suspenders, ties, shirt.


I'll bet you really
look like a dude, huh?

That's me, all
right. A real dude.

(Elizabeth) milk, please.

There isn't any.


Water is the next best thing.

(Ben) oh, we've
got plenty of that.

Besides, your whole body
is made of water, anyway.

Not mine.

Mama, can I eat supper

Over at loretta's
tomorrow night?

Her daddy promised
to bring me home after.

(Olivia) what about
your homework?

(Erin) she wants to eat there

'Cause they've pitchers and
pitchers of milk on the table.

That's not true.

May i, mama?

Good mornin'.

(All) john-boy, good morning.

Well, I guess it's all right

As long as you do your homework.

Bread, john-boy?

Yes, please.

John-boy, try these
peach preserves

Of your grandma's on your bread.

Better than
butter. Is that true?

Well, uh, i... Listen, I have a
request to make of everybody. Ok?

Go ahead.

John-boy, jim-bob says

My body is made of mostly water.

He's right.

During the graduation
ceremony when we march in

I don't want you all to
start laughin' and gigglin'.

It's not gonna bother me,

But it'll probably hurt miss
hunter's feelings. All right?


I'll try not to.
(John-boy) try hard.

We'll probably be the only
ones who aren't laughing.

I won't laugh unless
grandpa tickles me.

But you look so funny.


Anyhow, what're
we gonna laugh at?

I'll explain later, darling.

Don't you worry, john-boy.

There'll be no
gigglin'. I'll see to that.

Thank you, grandma.


Well, the last cow
I sold brought $25.

$25 Is a lot of lumber.

Well, she was a pretty
good little milker.

Give you that one for $22.

She's not bad. Looks
a little bit like chance.

I wasn't expectin' to
go over $18, though.

Uh, might let her go for $20.

Is she about 4?


Tell you what, henry.

I'll fix this roof for you,
and the pasture fence.

Use my own lumber
as a down payment.

It's cash what I need,
not carpenterin', john.

Now this roof...

Yeah, it's sadly
needin', I know.

But i... I gotta
have cash, john.

Now be careful, tyler.

(Tyler) don't worry. Give me
that white flower down there.


Do you think we could put
paper from the hoop to the...

Miss hunter, this
isn't finished yet.

All chattering all exclaiming

(Miss hunter) isn't the
banner beautiful?

We gotta put it
right in the middle,

Right in the
middle, right there.

Oh, here, put it straight.

You know what you
are, john-boy walton?


You are a t-e-a-s-e.

How's that?

I just loved what you
wrote in my autograph book

But I'm dying to know how
you liked what I wrote in yours

And you're just ignoring me.

Oh, marcia.

I'm... Uh, I'm sorry. I
completely forgot, marcia.

I'm sorry. So much
has been happenin'.

Everything's turned upside
down at the house. I feel...

Birds chirping

(John) I thought for
sure henry cottle

Would be willing to make a deal.

(Olivia) grandma and me'll
try some other places

To see if anyone
can use extra eggs.



You tell daddy I'll be home

As soon as I find out what it is

The baldwin sisters want. Ok?

Sure, bye.


What do you think of that?

Look good at the prom.

I like this much better.
Oh, that's very nice.

Certainly the plaid is good.
Goes good with the trousers.

Why don't you take
the blue off? And we'll...

Excuse me, sir. Pardon me.

Uh, could you... Could
you look around?

I'll be with you
in just a moment.

Yes, that's good.

Yes. Very good
with the trousers.

Excuse me just a moment.

Yes, what is it?

Uh, my name is walton.

Perhaps you remember me? My whole
family came here a couple of days ago.

And we bought a suit.

You came... You want us to
do the cuffs after all? Huh?

Uh, no, no, that's all right.

I just... I just have to make a
return. I can't keep the clothes.

What's the matter with them?

Nothing, they're
perfect. They're fine.

I just have to have
the money back.

Oh, all sales are
final, I'm sorry.

We'll take them both, darling.

You know, that's a good
idea. Smart shopping.

Sir... Sir, perhaps I could
talk to somebody else about it?

Look, they're...
They're in good shape.

I just... I just tried
them on once, I swear.

They're clean. I
haven't dirtied them up.

I'll talk to the manager.

Thank you. Thank you.

Crickets chirping

(John-boy) no, thank you, ma'am,

I... I really have to
be getting home soon.

The reason we invited you
here this afternoon, john-boy,

Is because

Now you're about to
graduate from high school...

And go on to college.

Of course, you know
that some time ago

Emily was paid court
to by a college man.

Ashley longworth, yes.

He was a student,
don't you know,

Over at the
university of virginia.

Yes, and you
remember that one day

Papa saw ashley kiss emily.

Under the maple tree.

A swirl of autumn leaves
came tumbling down

And ashley just
got carried away.

(Mamie) and papa sent him
away and he never came back.

I know. I'm sorry.

(Mamie) now you're gonna
be a college student.

Quotin' poetry and
courtin' the girls.

Yes, ma'am.

And getting carried away.

You've always reminded
me of ashley, john-boy.

His manners and
dress were perfect.

Well, almost perfect.

Which brings us to why
we invited you to call.

Oh, yes. Excuse me.

This is the gift I
bought for ashley

All those years ago

But I never had the
chance to present it to him

Because of his hasty departure.

Now that you're going
to be a college man,

I want you to have it, john-boy.

Why, thank you, miss emily.

If you wear that your tie will
always be neat and straight.

And set off by the
beauty of the pin.

Why, it is beautiful.

Thank you very much.
This is very kind of you.

I really appreciate
it. Thank you.

You're very welcome, john-boy.

(Mamie) you will pay

Careful attention
to your appearance.

It's so important
when you're in college.

Uh, first impressions
mean so much.

And they're lastin'.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, this is beautiful.

Thank you.

Miss mamie. I'll treasure this.

Door closing

(John) ah, that
bread smells good.

It did until you brought
those fish into the house.

I'll have you know,

These fish are
the tastiest trout

That ever came out
of the rockfish river.

And one of these days

I'm gonna have to
go fishin' with you.

Have to bait your own hook.

I'm not afraid of worms.

Door closing

Don't you two ever stop working?

It's gettin' late.

John-boy, you're beginning
to sound old before your time.

How were miss
mamie and miss emily?

Well, I truly love
those old ladies, mama.

Daddy, this ought to
help you buy that new cow.

What did you do,
rob ike's store?


John-boy, I told...

I told you I didn't
want you to do that.

We've scrimped and
saved for john-boy

To get through high school
and... And college and...

Well, it just doesn't seem fair.

What doesn't, liv?

It's wrong

For him to have to go to his
graduation and to college

In those silly old knickers.

Now, honey,

His clothes aren't really
what's important, is it?

Of course not,

But I just wanted him
to start everything new.

So did i.

Maybe gettin' him started
is gonna have to be enough.

No, I'll think of somethin'.

Livie, how about zeb's old suit?

Ma, he wanted to wear
that suit to be buried in.

Yeah, well, zeb looks
right handsome in that suit,

But i-i've said all along

It's not right to
be wearin' tweed

When you go to meet your maker.

Now even if you
do get his consent,

Is there time to alter it?


We'll get the girls to do
the housework and the cookin'

And grandma and I
will do the tailorin'.

And knit him a pair
of those socks

And make a bow tie.

It won't be perfect, but it'll be
close to what they wear in college.

Anything's better than
those knickers, I tell you.

What the devil are you
looking at me like that for?

Uh, zeb, come on, sit down.

We got somethin' to say to you.

Pa, it's about when
you meet your maker.

John-boy, have you
seen the big scissors?

Uh, yes, yes, I have.
They're in my desk.

Oh, good.

Thank you.

I sure have spent a lot
of time sitting at this desk.

It'll feel awful strange
not being here anymore.

Well, I'm sure gonna miss you.

Well, I'll be able
to come by and visit

From time to time, won't i?

Of course. I'd be delighted
to have you call on me

Whenever you need any
help with your college work.


Not that I think
you're gonna need any.

Well, I'll always need
help from you, miss hunter.

John-boy, there is one thing
that sort of disappoints me.

Oh, that step, I'll
get it right, I promise.

No, it's not that.


You know, you
are the only senior

That hasn't asked me to
sign his autograph book.

Oh, uh,

I... I thought you'd think
that was silly of me.

Have you got it with you?

Yes, I do. Here.


Can I read it?

Of course you can.

And even though the
lines aren't original,

I want you to know
that I truly believe them.

And I hope you do, too.

(John-boy) "heights of
great men reached and kept

"Were not attained
in sudden flight

"But they, while their
companions slept

"Were toiling
upward in the night.

"You're a talented
young man, john walton

"And I will always remember
you affectionately.

Rosemary hunter."

Knocking on door

Are you the teacher?

No. The teacher's out.
She'll be back in a minute.

Come here.

Come on. Come on.

Sit here.

I'll tell her.

Her name is miss
hunter. You'll like her.

Watch out, elizabeth!
You want to get burned?

But you promised I could help.

Well, go set the table.

I don't want to set the table.

I always set the table
when I was your age.

The plates and dishes
are already out there.

(Jim-bob) we'll set the table.

(Olivia) come here, honey.

(Jim-bob) cooking fish stew?

(Ben) sure smells like it.

If I get to the machine
as soon as he's asleep,

We'll have just enough time.

If you take the waistband
off and unfold it,

Then you can make it wider.

Seems like that's
the fashion nowadays.

The coat's big enough so I can
use the extra to make wider lapels.

(Grandma) good.

Can I help, grandma?

Yes, darling.
Grandpa seems to need

Some comfortin' out there.

Come here, elizabeth.


My suit. I never did like black.

I'd look real good
laid out in this tweed.

Keep the vest.

All the seniors are stayin' at
school for an hour or more.

To rehearse for tomorrow.

Good. We'll move upstairs
before john-boy gets home.

What's for dinner?

(Mary ellen) you'll find
out when you get it.

Stay out of my way. Oh.

And I'm not cleaning
up after dinner.

I've done my work for today.

For the whole week.

I'm sorry, but you children
will have to clean up.

Grandma and I will
never finish this

If we have to worry
about the dishes and all.

But, mama...

We'll be up half
the night as it is.

All right, but I
don't want to see

You boys disappearing
after dinner.

You heard mama.
We have to clean up.

That's awful.

It's all fatty.

I don't want to hear any junk
about having to do homework first.

Everybody helps.
Would you leave it alone?

Rooster crowing



(All) here he is!


That's better
than the other one.

Sure looks better on
you than it did on me.

(John) all right, everybody.

Pa, isn't it beautiful?

Now, get out of
those fancy clothes,

We've got things to do.

Get out the plates.

Come on.

All chattering let's
make breakfast.

Looks real good, honey.

Well, it was just like
christmas this morning.

You sure were surprised.


I tell you, that suit of clothes

Looks every bit as good
as the one from the store.

Ma and your grandma
did a real good job.

They sure did.

Yeah, they did a good job
on those college clothes.

They'll still know you're
a country boy, though.

Yeah, that's true.

A poor country boy at that.

Which is what you are.

Daddy, I don't believe I've
ever heard you talk like this.

Does what I say strike
you as being true?

Yes, sir.

You know, when I
went into the army, uh,

I took a lot of joshin'
about being a country boy,

A hayseed.

Same thing will
probably happen to you.

I reckon so.

As long as you remember
who you are you'll be all right.

Who am i?

You're the eldest of
the walton children, son.

You are loved and respected
by your whole family

And by a lot of
other people, too.

You're held in high
regard by your teacher.

As long as you
remember all that, son,

You don't have to worry
about being called country.

Come on.

(Jim-bob) hi, grandma.

Children chattering

(John-boy) ben, have
you seen my harmonica?

All chattering

♪♪Piano playing


Oh, yeah.

Um, hurry up, now.
You're all gonna be late.

You're gonna be late.

John-boy, it's time.

Marcia, did you ever
think to yourself

This moment is never
gonna come again?


After this, everything's
gonna be different

For all our time on earth.

I don't like to think
of things like that.

It's happenin'.


You look just like a college
man already in those new clothes.

I wish you were comin' with me.

Did you read what I wrote
in your autograph book?

Yes, I did.

Tell me how it went.

"How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways."

You did read it.

I'll never forget it.

Promise you won't forget me?

Ike clearing throat



Your graduation present.

That's beautiful, thank you.

Write good.


All chattering

Where are marcia and john-boy?


Are you ready?

(All) yes.

Children giggling birds chirping

♪♪Piano playing

Clears throat

On this commencement day,
you are beginning a new life.

And we encourage
you and support you

In whatever course you may take.

Your teacher and your parents
have brought you this far

And now it is with hope

That we send you
on your journey.

And I know I speak

For your teacher and
your parents and friends

When I say that we are
all very, very proud of you.

All applauding

Thank you, reverend fordwick.

And now, I'd like to
call on the young man

Who is our class valedictorian

And who won the
dabney scholarship

To boatwright
college: john walton, jr.

All applauding

What an exciting
time to be alive

To be venturing
out into the world,

To begin an enormous journey.

We, the graduating
class of 1934,

Begin this journey

Encouraged by the
words of our president,

Franklin delano roosevelt

Who said when he was
inaugurated a year ago:

"This great nation will
endure as it has endured

"Will revive, and will prosper.

The only thing we have
to fear is fear itself."

This is a wonderful day.
A day of hope and promise

For me and my fellow students.

A day without fear.

New laws have just been passed

To eliminate child
labor in factories.

Man's working hours
have been shortened

And no man can be paid less
than the new minimum wage.

It's been a long time since any
banks closed down in this country.

And truly, our land is a land
of progress and opportunity.

As high school graduates,

We will be able to
take full advantage

Of these opportunities.

That we are high
school graduates,

We owe to some
very special people.

Our parents.

Our fathers have put in
hours of backbreaking labor

To keep us in school.

And I know that in my house

Many winter coats my
mother went without

In order that books
could be bought

For my schooling.

But above these sacrifices,

They have given
us their support,

Their guidance and their love.

And we are deeply grateful.

There is someone else to
whom we owe so very much.

She has given
generously of her time,

And her intelligence

And of her love for learning.

And it is with sadness that
we leave miss rosemary hunter.

But with the promise that we will
strive to maintain her high ideals

As we come to this
parting of our ways.

This is a landmark that
we will never forget.

The day that we, the
graduating class of 1934

Set out on the great
adventure of our lives.

Thank you.

All applauding

Everyone, please rise.

♪♪Piano playing (all)
♪ a son of god ♪

♪ Goes forth to w*r ♪

♪ A kingly crown to gain ♪♪

(John-boy) we could
not have known then

The great and momentous events

That were to happen in
the decades to follow.

But that small school

And those teachers
like miss hunter

Had prepared us,

And that preparation
helped sustain us

Through those turbulent years,

Through w*r, the death
of kings and presidents,

And through those lesser
day-to-day experiences

Which, added together,

Make up the fabric of our lives.

Crickets chirping

(Olivia) he'll be learnin'
so many new things:

Science, biology,
foreign languages.

(John) that's what he's
going to college for.

To find out what
the world's all about.

(Elizabeth) if john-boy learns
all those foreign languages,

Will we still be
able to talk to him?

(Erin) he probably
won't want to talk to us.

(John-boy) you're
all talking about me

As if I suddenly turned
into a different person.

And you're makin'
me very nervous.

(Olivia) don't be nervous,

You'll be the smartest
boy in that whole school.

(John-boy) mama, please.

All right.

Sleep tight.
Goodnight, everyone.

(All) goodnight.

John, (john) hm?

He will be smartest.
I just know it.

(John-boy) mama!
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