02x23 - The Five Foot Shelf

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x23 - The Five Foot Shelf

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) looking back down the
years to the great depression,

I realize now that our family

Was much more
fortunate than most.

Many things were
in short supply,

But we had the advantage
of being able to live

On the bounty of the
rich virginia country.

And even more important
than the gifts of the land,

Our family remained intact.

We stayed together
under one roof

And were never deprived of
the comfort and closeness

Of our mother and father.

Those feelings easily made up

For what we often
lacked in material things.

What are you doin'?

Fixing my shoe.

Do you live around here?

What's your name?


Mine's elizabeth.


Many of you folks at home?

11 In all.

7 Kids, and then

Mama, daddy, grandpa,
and grandma make 4.

That's 11.

Any of you folks read?

John-boy reads. He
reads all the time.

He does?


You going in the store?


Yes, indeed, I am.

[Bell tinkling]

(Elizabeth) hi, mr. Godsey.

Hi, elizabeth.

Are you back in to
change your guess?

No. I'm right. I'm gonna win.

Wanna see something pretty?

That's the most
beautifulest doll

In the world.

Hmm, she sure is pretty.

I'm gonna win her.

I'm a real good guesser.

You are, huh?

Thanks, mr. Godsey.

You're welcome, elizabeth.

Soon, she'll be all mine.

Well, soon, I can tell
you who the winner is.

That's the best I can
do for you, elizabeth.

I know who it is. It's me.


Bye, mr. Godsey.


Nice little girl.


I'm prepared to bring you
culture and knowledge.

Don't waste your breath.

I haven't used any yet.

Then, mister, don't
waste it, will you?

I've got a whole storeroom
full of supplies back there

And I'm having
trouble selling 'em.

I bought a whole
bunch of those dolls

That I've got to sell.

I'm giving this one away.

The kids come in and
they count the beans.

I got to sell
those dolls at $2.98.

Hard cash.

I've got an icebox over
there that's broken down,

And meat that's gonna
spoil pretty soon.

I got... I got things
going wrong around here

That you can't even count.

All right, what have you got?


Oh, books.

Mister, you better
keep right on going.

Why don't you go in
to charlottesville?

Or better yet, you
ought to go to westham.

Now, westham,
it's a college town.

You probably can sell some.

I stopped there
before I came here.




Thanks, anyway.

I sure hope that little
girl wins this doll.

You say, uh, you got
more of these, huh?



That's right. They're
not cheap, either.

My little girl would
give her heart and soul

For a doll like that.

How old is your little girl?

Oh, uh,


Sort of like...


What did you say that
little girl's name was?

Elizabeth, elizabeth walton.

A doll bed's not hard
to make. Not for you.

(Grandpa) you know, a man came
at me pestering like that one time.

All he wanted me to do

Was to build himself a
courthouse with new steps.

Any work takes time, honey.

Not a doll bed.

Last time I saw your
doll bed, elizabeth,

It looked in pretty
good shape to me.

But this is for a new doll.

Oh, you got a new
doll? Where is it?

At mr. Godsey's store.

He has to count the
beans before I win.

Maybe we ought to wait

Till you bring that
doll home, honey.

You know, there's a
chance you won't win.

I'll win.


[Birds chirping]


You know, she's been
down that store everyday.

She's just convinced
that doll's hers

And ike's just
holding it for her.

You know, we tend to
forget, as we ramble on, john,

That one of the sweetest
words in life is hope.

This is way beyond hope, pa.

She really believes that.

It's as catchy as measles.

She's got me believing it, too.

You suppose that's why

I've been trying to figure out

Whether I should
put straight legs

On that doll's bed,

Or make them
curved like a rocker?

Honey, I tell you,

I got to get on down to ike's.

Just 2 more pushes, daddy.




How do?




Something I can do for you?

No, sir.

Ahem, I think maybe
there's something

I can do for you.

I'm prepared to bring you
culture and knowledge

And travel and trips

To the far and wondrous places.

The wit... Keep
going on, mister.

Whatever you're selling,

We can't afford
anything right now.

Hate to have you
waste your time.

I'll be going down
to the general store,

If you'd like a lift.

I don't think there's much sense

In my going back
that way. Thanks.

[Birds chirping]

Sir, would you mind if i,
uh, sat down for a minute?

Sure, go ahead. Take your time.

(John) livie, I'll
be down at ike's!

[Car engine starting]



Yes, ma'am?

(Olivia) mister, would
you like a cup of coffee?

That's very generous
of you, ma'am.

I'm selling culture
and knowledge.

Travel and trips

To the far and wondrous places.

The wit, wisdom, and philosophy

Of 100 great minds.

And more.

Excitement, adventure,
drama, and laughter.

You got all that in
that bag of yours?

[Laughing] I think he's talking
about books, grandma.

Yes, ma'am. The
harvard classics.

5-Foot shelf of books.

The greatest set of
books in the whole world.

Excuse me, you...

Are you selling the
harvard classics?

You must be john-boy.

I met your little
sister down the road

And she said you're,
uh, a powerful reader.

Oh, that's an
accurate description.

John-boy, this is mr. Reed.

How do you do?

Those are wonderful books,
those harvard classics.

I've heard about them.

Yes, sirree.

Greatest set of books
in the whole world.

There are over 418 stories

Contained within 50 volumes.

So many.

(Reed) yes, ma'am.
I could give you

Testimonials from people
across the country.

There's a woman
in washington, d.c.,

A mrs., Uh, clara
emerson, mother of 5.

She claims that the purchase
of this very same set of books

Is what prompted her children
to go on with their education.


Must be very expensive.

You got the, uh, got the
whole collection here?

You got the whole set with you?

(Reed) I have samples here.

Real fine book.
Beautiful binding.

Ma'am, it'd take
me the whole day

To properly describe
this set of books.

This one book is just the index

For what's contained
in the other 49 volumes.


Whose idea was all this anyway?

These books were put together

By the president of
a great university.

Why, it takes 3
pages just to list

The professors
he had helping him.

Sounds right impressive.

John-boy, these are no times

To be spending
hard-earned cash money

On a whole set of books.


But just think of the adventure

Locked within these pages.

The great literary
works of the ages.

It would be wonderful.

It'd help you with your
college work, too, john-boy.

Oh, sure.

Grandma, it could probably
save me a lot of money.

Save me from having
to buy books at school.

It might encourage the
other children to read.

You heard what he said about
that lady in washington, d.c.

(Grandma) livie,
what's come into you?

Grandma, sometimes I get
so tired of this depression,

I think the only way
to keep my sanity

Is to do something extravagant.

(Olivia) and this isn't
even extravagant!

Why, it would help
the whole family.

This is really... I
can't believe this.

They've got books on
science, astronomy, poetry.

It's incredible.

And all for only $3 down

And a little bit per
month thereafter.

Oh, good lord.


I can only repeat, mrs. Walton,

I would feel

As if my children
were being deprived

If they didn't get a set of
these books for themselves.

Uh, wait a minute.

Uh, all right.



But mama... [Laughing]

There's a little over
$3 in the nest egg here.

Livie, that money is...

It's mine, and I'm gonna do it.


You sure about this?

$3 Now.

Mrs. Walton, what's
your first name?

$3 Now and more every month

For the rest of your life.

What's the first name?

Uh, mrs. John walton.

You're really sure?

I'm sure.

Well, it... It'll be good
for the whole family.

W-when do we get
the rest of them?

You don't have
them all with you.

How long does it
take to get them all?

The whole set.

Well, uh,

It's difficult to say.

I mean, there's
packing and shipping.

And, uh,

There's quite a bit of
bookkeeping involved in this.

So, it's hard to say.



I can see that you folks
are really interested.

So I'm prepared to do something

Extraordinary for you.

This book here,

The autobiography
of benvenuto cellini...

He was a famous artist,

Born a poor boy
across the water.

Now his is one

Of the 50 volumes. His story.

I'm going to give you this.


Yes, take it.

To keep until the rest
of the books arrive.

He, uh, painted, uh, old chapels

And many things.

I... I... I always thought
that was michelangelo

Who did all that stuff.

Uh, yeah, him, too.

Thank you, thank you.

You'll make us real happy

If you finish the rest of these.


Much obliged.

You've made john-boy
real happy, mr. Reed.

You've made me real happy.

I suspect john isn't going to be

Quite as happy as
the two of you are.

Ah, good day to you, horace.


Horace, how's the hunting goin'?

I'm off hunting, john.

How come?

Oh, it's that wife of mine.

I bring home venison, she
turns up her nose at it.

I'd like some good deer,
as far as I'm concerned.

She says it's too gamy.

Tell you what, horace,

Come huntin' with me
and yancy on saturday.

I know where the biggest covey

Of quail is in jefferson county.

What's got into you, john?

Ain't a weekend goes by
you're not off hunting.

I've got a lot of
mouths to feed, horace.

What else am I gonna do?

Well, if you didn't throw
your money away like water,

That wouldn't be
no grief to you.


You know better than that.

What about all them
books you bought?



5 Feet of 'em.

That's a yard and 2
thirds by the way I count.

If you want to squander
your money away

On that kind of
truck, that's up to you.

When you send them
drummers over to my house,

I don't consider it friendly.

Horace, what are
you talking about?

Let me tell you something, john.

Next time you send
one of them peddlers

Over to my house,

I'm gonna fill his
caboose full of rock salt,

And he can thank you for that.


(Grandma) wipe your feet.


You all through at ike's?

Come outside for a minute.

I wanna talk to you.

Something wrong?

Could be.

Well, can it wait
till I finish this?

(Grandma) wipe your
feet. Take off your cap.


(Grandma) where did
those apples come from?

(Jason) me and ben
worked for them.

(Ben) ben and i.

Olivia, horace linely told me

There was a book
salesman by his place.

Now, I just might make an
apple cobbler for supper.

Ma, we'll talk about
supper in a minute.


Did that book salesman
talk you into something?

John, I thought you
liked... Please, ma!


He was selling the
harvard classics, john.


They're very special
books and I bought 'em.

Look, there's one now.

Oh, yeah. See?

What do you mean
"there's one now"?

Oh, well, it's a whole set.

We bought the whole
kit and caboodle.

Whole thing.

How many books did you buy?




(Both) 50!

All right, you two, go
out and finish your chores.

Put the apples down there.


[Door creaking]

But we can't afford this.

You should've talked
it over with me first.

I'm gonna find
that book salesman

And I'm gonna cancel that order.

John, please don't.

This is very important to me.

To john-boy.

He won't have to
spend as much money

On books for school.

Where are we gonna
get the money from, liv?

I've used my egg money
for the first down payment.

And I'll make the
rest of the payments

As the money comes in.

Are those books gonna be
any use to you at all, son?

Oh, abs-absolutely!

Daddy, they are the
greatest classics in the world.

Like mama says, it'll save
me lots of money in college.

I could even help
pay for it myself

If I got an odd job or...

Would you like a
cup of coffee, john?

Yes, I would like
a cup of coffee.

(Grandma) livie, I think you'd
better tell him the rest.

I'll get the coffee first.

What else?

You know that mr. Reed?

You mean the book salesman?


He didn't have a place to stay.

So he's going to be
staying in the barn

The next couple of nights.

How did you know?

Just a lucky guess.

Where is this mr. Reed now?

He's, uh, down at ike's

Mailing in the
order for the books.

But he'll be back.

In time for supper, I hope.

Oh, john, you
just can't imagine.

He told me how hard things are

On the road just now,

And I felt sorry for him.

(Ike) your luck sure did
change fast, didn't it?

Yeah, it sure did.

You'll be surprised

How many people
around here like to read.

How many orders you get?

A couple.

There we go.

No, i... I... I want
to look at it first.

[Cash register rings]

Let's see, that's 1,

2, 98.


She's just about perfect.

Serena's gonna be real happy.

Her birthday's next week.

Serena. That's...
That's a pretty name.

Uh, where does your family live?

New york.

Uh, the company I
work for is based there.

(Ike) ok. This is the time

You kids all have
been waiting for.

A bunch here, huh?

I think, elmer-bob, I
think we'll both count.

I'll help you here.

I'm gonna get you!

5... Hey, kids, come
on, slow down now.


20... I got 5.


You got 5.705.

Hurry up, mr. Godsey,
so I can win.

5, 10, 10. You got 10?

I got 10.

(John-boy) mr. Reed.

Mr. Reed.

I'm reading that
book about cellini.

Oh, he was something, wasn't he?

I just...

Nothing, nothing could
get in that man's way.

If I wrote a story,

If I wrote a story
about such a man,

No one would believe me.

I got to that part where
he burned his house down.

Burned down his house.

Yeah, you remember.

Oh, he needed to keep

The furnace going all night long

So he could... So he could
melt down the bronze,

So he could pour
it into the mold,

So he could make that statue.

Burned down his whole house?

Every piece of it.

Bit by bit. Furniture.

All night long. In the morning,

There just wasn't
any house left,

Nothing but that mold

And that statue standing there.

The thing about it

Is that the writing
is just so vivid.

It just, just...

It jumps right off
the page at you.

I could... I could
smell the smoke.

I could see the flames.
Didn't you think so?

I just

Cannot wait to get my hands
on the rest of those books.

Which one is your favorite?

To tell you the truth, [sighs]

[Clears throat]

Haven't had time
to read them all.


Of the ones you have read,
which one is your favorite?

Uh, let's see...

I mean, how can you sell 'em

If you don't know what's in 'em?

To tell you the truth,

This isn't my line of work.

I mean, I'm a printer by trade,

And I'm a darn good one.

And when this

Rough time came
along, I had to take

The first thing I could
get, and this was it.

It's all I could get. I
got a wife and a child.


They got to eat, just
like anybody else.

This is your first
time out as a salesman?

First time I've, uh,

Been away from home, too.

Away from my wife and serena.

That's... That's my little girl.


I tell you, john-boy, it's hard.

It's real hard.

(Grandpa) uh, there you are.

Your grandma said
you'd fallen into

The milk pail and got drowned.

No, no, we just got
to talking about

Books and things.

Mr. Reed, I'm real glad

That livie's buying that
set of books off of you.

I do hope there's a
volume of poetry.

I was always partial to poetry.

"Abou ben adhem,
may his tribe increase!

"Awoke one night from
a deep dream of peace

His name led all the..."


What's that?

Poetry. What you
were asking about.

Hmm, you suppose
it'd be legal for me

To accept this volume

Without making another payment?

Sure, sure.

Uh, we often

Give away an extra volume
with the down payment.

(Grandpa) that is
real nice of you.


Say, would you like
to stay for supper?

I'm real tired.

Think I'll turn in
now, if you don't mind.

Have it your own
way. Come on, john-boy.

[Children chattering]

Oh, it sounds like jim-bob.

[Engine revving]

[All shouting]

She's got the doll!

[All cheering]

(Elizabeth) told you I'd win it!

(Grandpa) what's her name?

I'm telling you, john,
didn't I tell you that

Hope was something
worth waitin' for?

[All chattering]

Oh, she's so pretty!

(Grandpa) don't get her dirty.

I'm not getting her dirty.

[All chattering]

Ike, thank you very much.

Later, ike.

[All chattering]

All right, ike, take care.


What's so funny?

This benvenuto
fella, he sure knew

How to have himself a good time.


I don't know though,
it's pretty gamy.

I don't know if this
is the sort of book

The children should
read. It's pretty racy.


Never you mind.

Let me see that. Come on.

What does "racy" mean?


I don't see anything
racy in that.

Look here.

Maybe this is the kind of
book you shouldn't read either.

You old fool. You
can read anything

Into anything with
that mind of yours.

If you sleep on the
floor, you'll catch a cold.

The doll's new
bed isn't ready yet.

Well, how about the doll
sleeping on the floor?

If she sleeps on the
floor, she'll catch a cold.

Well, it's better
than if you do.

No, it isn't.

Yes, it is, because if you
catch a cold, we'll catch it.

Now get back in your own bed.

No. Doll told me

She wanted to sleep on my bed.

Yeah, I'll bet she did.

Funny, I didn't hear anything.

That's because you
don't understand.

She said it right
in front of you.

You see, she talks in
a different language.

[Speaking gibberish]

That's doll talk, erin,

For, "I want to sleep
in elizabeth's bed."

You're mean. I hate you.

Nobody hates anybody, elizabeth.

And get in your bed.

If anybody sleeps on the floor,

It's gonna be doll.

But, daddy... Get
in your own bed.

I bet mr. Reed's
little girl's doll

Doesn't have to
sleep on the floor.

Mr. Reed doesn't
have a little girl.

He couldn't afford
a doll like that.

Thank your lucky
stars you won it.

Now go to sleep.

Mr. Reed does too
have a little girl,

And she has a
doll, just like mine.

Mr. Godsey told me so.

Mr. Reed likes my doll so much

That he bought
his little girl one.

All right, all right now.
Settle down and go to sleep.

(John) good night, everyone.

Good night.

[Girls giggle]



(John-boy) daddy?

Mr. Reed say anything to
you about having a little girl?

Uh-huh. He said
something about it.

He say anything about
buying his little girl

A doll like elizabeth has?


[Chuckles] I don't reckon
he's got enough money

To be throwing it away on dolls.

Elizabeth was just...

She was probably
just pretending.

Yeah. Unless, uh... Unless what?


I can't imagine him
having any other money

Than what mama gave
him for our books.


Daddy, do you... Daddy?

You say he's, uh, staying
with your folks now, huh?


The funny thing about him,

The first time he
came into the store,

I... I thought he's gonna
fall over with hunger.

Then the second
time he comes in,

He's got nothing better
to do with his money

Than buy one of those great
big dolls like elizabeth's.

A doll, eh?

It costs a lot of money
to buy that doll, doesn't it?

Oh, yeah. He plunked
it right down and said

His little girl
was going to have

The best birthday ever.

And then he said
he was moving on.

Now you say he's
staying with your folks.

Yeah, he is. He was, anyway.

Much obliged to you, ike.

Don't mention it, john-boy.

[Car engine starting]

Daddy, elizabeth was right.

Is he still here?

He left just after
you did this morning.

His stuff's probably
still in the barn.


There you are, right there.

There's a doll box.

[Birds chirping]

All right.

Leave everything just as it is.

I'm gonna go find him right now.

No, I'll take care of it, son.

Daddy, come on.

He might have had
some other money.

Could've used that
to buy the doll.

Gotta give him a chance, son.

Daddy, do you realize
that if he's taken our money,

We're never gonna see those
books? You realize that, don't you?

He's got to have his say.

Get to your chores.

Grandma said to give you this.

She didn't have to go
to all that trouble.

She likes to wiron and ash.

I mean wash and iron.

Will you thank her for me?


You don't have to hold that.

I'll hold it for you.

What's your little girl
gonna name her doll?

My little girl
doesn't have a doll.

I mean the one you bought
her for her birthday.

I don't know.

I want to thank you
folks for a very nice meal.

Mrs. Walton,
that's some cobbler.

Glad you enjoyed it, mr. Reed.

Mr. Reed, uh, there's a matter

I'd like to discuss
with you outside.

(John) mr. Reed,

We're gonna be listening to
the radio. Why don't you join us?


Thank you, but I think I'd better
be getting back to the barn.

Gonna get up early tomorrow,

And I want a good night's rest.

Sit down. You'll enjoy it.

[Clears throat]

Thank you, mr. Walton.
I would enjoy it.

All right, everybody, let's go.

It's time for fibber
mcgee and molly.

[Radio buzzes]

Lot of static tonight, pa.

Storm up at rock creek.

(Mary ellen) keep trying, daddy.

I wanna listen to
hollywood on the air.

So you can pretend
you're gonna to be

A famous hollywood
movie actor someday?

What about you? You're
always pretending

You'll be gene autry
when you grow up.

(Jason) what do you
mean "when I grow up"?

(John) all right, you two.

(Jason) daddy, she's always
pretending to be one thing or another.

(John) it's all right to pretend

As long as you
don't hurt anybody.

Sorry, everybody. Too
much static tonight.

(Grandpa) oh, dear. I'll tell
you what. I've got an idea.

Why don't we do things
the way we used to?

Uh, that new book
of poems I got here,

Mr. Reed gave us.

Would you read
out of this, john-boy?

No, no. No, thank
you, not tonight.

Why don't you read, grandpa?

It's a good idea. We haven't
heard you read for ages.

Well, if you... If
you want me to.

I really do think, uh,
I'd better be going.

Mr. Reed, being a family man,

I thought you'd like
joining our family.

Please stay.

How did you know
I was a family man?

(John) john-boy was telling me

About your daughter
and her birthday.

Mrs. Walton was saying

How you wanna buy
the books you sold

For your own children.

He's got a wonderful voice.

Sit down. You'll enjoy it.


Show off.

Sit down.

"Leigh hunt.


"Jenny kissed me.

"Jenny kiss'd me when we met

"Jumping from
the chair she sat in

"Time, you thief,
who love to get

"Sweets into your
list, put that in!

"Say I'm weary, say I'm sad

"Say that health and
wealth have miss'd me

"Say I'm growing old, but add

Jenny kiss'd me."

Yes, she did.

Oh, you old fool.

Daddy, he's gone.

Maybe he felt he was intruding.

Yeah. John-boy,
I'll take care of it.


[Crickets chirping]

I wanna have a talk with you.

I've got to be
going, mr. Walton.

Mr. Reed, that money
my wife gave you.

When does she get
the rest of the books?

Well, there's, uh,

There's packaging
and mailing and all that.

It's hard to say the exact day.

How do you send that
money to your company?

Money orders,
along with the form.

I got it right here in my case.

Where'd you get the money order?

The store down the road.

Ike godsey's store?

That's right.

That's wrong.

You didn't buy anything
like that from ike godsey.

Yes, I did. I got it
right here in my case.

You wanna see it?

Mr. Reed, you stole
that money from my wife.

I want it back.

Mr. Walton,

I have

A little girl, too.

She'll be 7 years old next week.

Mr. Reed... I guess
I must've traveled

Over 4,000 miles
this past year trying

To sell these books.

Walking, walking.

And all that time

I wasn't able to put away


To buy my little girl a present.

I know you want your money.

But I want my little girl

To have a present.

I want her to wake up,

I want her to wake up

On her birthday

To something special.

Doesn't matter to
you who pays for it?


Doesn't matter.

Doesn't matter.

All right, mr. Reed,

Take your doll.

Get on out of here.


Hi, john-boy.

It's as pretty a
piece of burl wood

As I've ever seen.


Sure is. How long you
been hoarding that?

Oh, 3 or 4 years, maybe.

You know, it's a funny thing,

A tree can grow
up tall and straight,

Good like this, you cut it down,

Cut it up into ordinary
boards, just like that.

But when a tree has
its troubles, you know,

Like this, when
it's full of knots,

Gnarls, all sickly disease,
parasites, and whatnot,

And turns out to
something beautiful,

Like this.

[Birds chirping]

Maybe that just goes
to show us that, uh,

Trouble sometimes

Brings out the
best in all of us.


Trouble may bring
out the best in trees,

But I'm not too
sure about people.

How's that?

What you gonna do with that?

I've been thinking of
making a shelf for you.

That benvenuto celli,

Like when he burned
his house down...

[Grandpa laughing]

Going to make a bookshelf, huh?



Well, no need for you
to make a bookshelf.

The last thing in the
world this family needs

Is a bookshelf.

Mr. Reed is gone and
mama's money is gone

And we've been stung.

Mr. Reed.

Mr. Walton.

I wanna talk to
you and your wife.

Not much to say,
as far as I can see.

Yes, there is, mr. Walton.

It's important to me.

I'd be much obliged if
you'd give me a moment.


John-boy, would you move
the chair for me, please?


John-boy, table, too.

Thank you.

Hello, mr. Reed.

Mr. Reed, you are
not welcome here.

Please, mrs. Walton,
I've got to talk to you.

You didn't send in
the down payment

To the company.

(Reed) that's right.

I don't know how you
could even consider

Buying your little
girl a present

Bought with stolen money.

What are you up to
now, mr. Reed, hmm?


I hope you'll forgive me.

I had to give it back.

Mr. Godsey was nice enough

To take the doll back

And give back your money.

Uh, john-boy, would you
get mr. Reed's books, please?

Sure. They're in my room.

These are hard times.

Doing without has
gotten to be a way of life.

But it was wrong of me

Tryin' to change
that at your expense.

Times like these, people

Do things they never
dreamed of doing before.

I'll just go on

Selling these books

And manage as best I can.

(Reed) hope that things get
better soon for everybody.

Mr. Reed,

If everybody here's agreed,

I'd like to make
another down payment

On the 5-foot shelf of books.

We're agreed.

Well, amen to that.

Uh, you should get
your first shipment

Within 10 days.

Thank you.

Well, I'll be going.

Take care on the road.

Thank you.


(John-boy) so long.

Mr. Reed.

Mr. Reed!

Mr. Reed!

Mr. Reed, mr. Reed.

Good-bye, mr. Reed.

(John-boy) how about this?

"2 Years before the
mast and 24 years after

"By richard henry dana, jr.

With introduction and notes."


"Chapter 1. Departure.

"The 14th of august

"Was the day fixed
for the sailing

"Of the brig pilgrim

"On her voyage from
boston round cape horn

"To the western
coast of north america.

"As she was to get under
weigh early in the afternoon,

"I made my appearance
on board at 12 o'clock

"In full sea-rig,
and with my chest

Containing an
outfit for a 2 or 3..."

(John-boy) the salesman
was right about one thing.

The wit and wisdom of the ages

Were contained in those books,

And many of the voyages we took

Were no less memorable
for having been enjoyed

Through the written word.

(Mary ellen) it was,
too, michelangelo

Who painted chapels. I know it.

(Jason) you're
wrong, mary ellen.

It was that cellini fellow.

(John-boy) it was
michelangelo, jason.

(Mary ellen) see, smarty.

(Jason) well, a body can't be
expected to know everything.

(Jim-bob) there's
something I want to know.

(Elizabeth) me, too.
What's a chapel?

(John) it's like a
church, honey.

(Elizabeth) oh, that's
nice. Good night, daddy.

Good night, mama.

(Olivia) good night, elizabeth.

What was it you
wanted to know, jim-bob?

(Jim-bob) is mr. Cellini or michelino
going to paint our church?

Either one. We're not proud.

(John-boy) mama.

Good night, john-boy.

(John-boy) good night.
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