04x02 - Flying Aces" / "The Mermaid Returns

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x02 - Flying Aces" / "The Mermaid Returns

Post by bunniefuu »



The plane! The plane!


Boss, Boss! The plane.


Hello, Roarke.

ROARKE: Hello, Nyah.

I called to you from
the deepest canyons

of the Glass Green Sea.

Yet you heard and came to me.

You too are a remarkable
creature, Roarke.

And a handsome one, too.

Such flattery, Nyah.

Uh, could it be that, uh, you
want something from me?

Well, yes.

Uh, let me guess.

Um, a fantasy of
your own, perhaps?

How did you know?


Well, it doesn't matter.
But since you did bring it up,

I would like to learn
what love is like.

Human love.

Well, I don't know if I
should help you, Nyah.


ROARKE: Well, for one thing,
you've been luring sea men

into the dark waters of eternity
for several hundred years

with your siren song.

It's an understatement
to say that, uh,

with you, love can be dangerous.

Perhaps even for yourself.

NYAH: Your human love
may thr*aten foolish mortals.

But I am Nyah...

most royal princess

of the Kingdom
of the Seven Seas.

I have nothing to fear.

You will give me my
fantasy, won't you?

-Please? -We'll see.

We'll see. But first,

to know human love...

one must first be mortal.




What have you
done to me, Roarke?


NYAH: I hate you!



Smile, everyone. Smile.


Boss, where were you?

You should have been here.
The plane was approaching

and then suddenly,
it turned around

and went back to sea.

Uh, yes. Yes, my friend.

I suspect the pilot
saw a castaway

drifting helplessly
with the current

and stopped to pick her up.

Uh, a castaway?

Her? But, Boss,
that's Princess Nyah.

The mermaid. What
is she doing here?

She's a customer.

You mean she has a fantasy?

She has indeed.

Her fantasy is to discover
the secret of human love.

Well, she could
hardly begin her search

confined to the ocean.

Boss, her tail is gone.

ROARKE: It's only a
temporary condition.

She has hours
to fulfill her fantasy

and then she will
go back to the sea.

And, uh, to her tail.

- TATTOO: Who is that, boss?
- ROARKE: Mr. Tony Chilton.

An airline pilot from
Okmulgee, Oklahoma.

A happily married man with
a young daughter but, um...

uh, something nags at him.

And that's why he's here, right?


He was born during
what many considered

to be the last great
romantic conflict,

World w*r II.

His fantasy is to fly
one combat mission

with a certain
famous fighter group

based in the New Zealand area.

Mr. Chilton wants to be
one of those Flying Aces.

One of the heroes.

Boss, that could
be very dangerous

doing things like that.
He could get k*lled.

He could indeed, my friend.

Besides, there is
a great deal more

to his fantasy
than meets the eye.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


- Ah, Mr. Chilton.
- TONY: Mr. Roarke.

It's amazing,

all the famous fighter
planes from World w*r II.

The Lightning, the Mustang,
the Corsair, the Zero.

It's quite a collection
you have here.

Yours is a very difficult
fantasy, Mr. Chilton.

My preparations
had to be meticulous

and Tattoo's research
was very precise.

I still can't believe
it's gonna happen.

How soon can we start?


All set, Boss.

If you wish, your
fantasy begins now.

But first,

I must remind you that it
is exceedingly dangerous.

That's understood.

But there is one thing.

It will be the rd
Naval Fighter Group,

before March , ?

Exactly as you
specified, Mr. Chilton.

That's great.


is that a special date or what?

In w*r, all days are
special days, my friend.

But in Mr. Chilton's case, the
date has a special meaning.

Mr. Chilton.

What's all this?

Elements, Mr. Chilton.
Elements of your fantasy.

Well, what do I do now?

Uh, change into the clothes
you'll find in those boxes

and then, uh, when you're ready,
sit down on the chair and wait.

Wh... wait.

Is that it?

The journey of a
thousand miles, Mr. Chilton,

or in this case, of
more than years,

begins with a single
step. That is your first step.

I sincerely hope
your fantasy lives up

to your fullest expectation.

Will you excuse me?



PILOT : Tied it up?

Joe's in my life
already, skipper.

PILOT : Yeah,
you got Tony Knees.

TONY: Mr. Roarke, you did it.

I hate these awkward
spindles you call legs.

They bend strangely.

And they are so weak.

They almost let me
drown in my very own sea.

And when I am angry
and do this... [GROANS]

- They hurt.
- Then don't do that anymore.

But I must do something,
Roarke. I am furious with you.

Why did you not tell me

that you would take
away my beautiful tail?

But you demanded
your fantasy at once.

Well, I could hardly disobey
a royal command, could I?

This is true.

I am a princess after all.


I forgive you for starting out
my fantasy on two wrong feet.

ROARKE: Thank you.

This is not as good as seaweed.


bring me some love at once.
I am beginning to get bored.

Oh, I'm afraid
love is not a dish

that can be so easily delivered
by room service. No, no.

Love is an elusive,
precious link

between fortunate beings.

A link which may join
a man to a woman,

a mother to her child,
a friend to a friend.

Even a boy to his dog.

NYAH: Roarke, my
fantasy was to know love.

Real, important love.


how do I find it?

As all mortals must,
by searching for it.

And when you have found it...

you'll know.

Very well.

I shall search for it.


where do I start?

Well, I think perhaps some
place familiar to you like, um,

the swimming pool
might be a good start.

I saw several eligible young
men there a few moments ago.

I believe I will start...

at the pool.

Wise decision.




Uh, excuse us. There's
been a slight mistake.

She's a, uh, health club
member, and obviously,

she got too much
sun. I'm terribly sorry.

Please have a drink on
me, won't you? No, two.

I'm terribly sorry. I apologize.

Well, you told me to
look for love at the pool.

You are on dry land now

and we humans observe
certain conventions.

- Clothing, for instance.
- [SCOFFS] That's silly.

Nonetheless, while you
are on Fantasy Island,

you will observe
the general rules

of human conduct.

You will wear
clothing! Is that clear?

-Yes. -All right.

I've never heard of
anything so stupid

in my entire eternal life.

I'm afraid that human love
is going to be dull, dull, dull.

DAVID: This is Red Fox leader.

We're going to , feet. Now.

PILOT: And I hope
we do it together.

DAVID: All right, you
monkeys. Can the chatter.

if you have a daughter ♪

♪ Bounce her on your knee ♪

♪ And if you have
a son, Then the... ♪

DAVID: I said can the chatter.

PILOT: Who's that
off your port wing?


Number .

DAVID: Get back into formation.

Who, me?

Yes, you.

TONY: Hey, what outfit is this?

DAVID: The rd, of course.

Skipper, Zeros eight o'clock.

PILOT: Ah, there's another
bunch at eleven o'clock.

All right. You're on your own.

[sh*ts FIRING]


[sh*ts FIRING]

[sh*ts FIRING]


Is there anybody out there?

DAVID: Sitting on your tail.

You lost?


I didn't know which way was up.

This is your lovable
squadron leader, David Chilton.

Stick close.




Do these tiny bits of cloth
make me look mortal enough

to walk about without
causing a fuss?

[ROARKE] Uh, yes.

Yes, I'm quite sure anyone
who looks at you will say,

"There goes...

a real human being."


Now I can start searching
for someone to have love with.

If you see him before I
do, will you point him out?

Oh, I can't decide
whom you love, Nyah.

When you meet the
right person, you'll feel it...

in here.

You say that...

Uh, I must search for love.


And that I will feel it in here.

That's right.

I still don't understand.

[SIGHS] I'm so confused.

Oh, look.

A beautiful,
golden-haired mortal.

I think I will love him.

I am Nyah. Princess
of the Seven Seas.

I would like to love
you. Are you ready?


Freddy isn't ready, honey.

I don't know who
you think you are.

Hey, come on,
girls. Cool it, okay?

Be gone!



I don't understand his concern.

- She's quite an ordinary woman.
- ROARKE: May I remind you

that I have provided
your fantasy

and will cancel it unless
you control yourself.

Do you understand?

-[GASPS] -Answer me.


It's not fair! I need
your help to find love!


Roarke! [GROANS]

PILOT: We were on our way back.

He fell out of
formation, smoking.

Saw a couple of our Corsairs
covering him on the way down.


With that lost look,
I'd say you must be

the new replacement, right?

Yes, sir. Tony Chilton.

Oh, I kept griping they
were sending me kids.

I guess I finally
got through to them.

I'm Captain Rosicker.

Hey, your name, uh,

showed up on the
transfer sheet this morning.

You any relation to our flight
commander, David Chilton?

Uh, no, sir. I don't think so.

He was your escort home.

ROSICKER: Commander...

shake hands with Tony
Chilton, your little lost lamb.

Says he's no relation.

He's right. As far as I know,
I'm the last of the Chiltons.

Uh, what am I saying?

I just had a son two months ago.


Hey, and thanks for
bailing me out up there.

I never would've
found this place.

Well, it's easy to get
turned around up there.

Welcome to the Fighting
rd. I gotta go check in.

Excuse me, Captain.


It appears to be a fine
Havana, Mr. Chilton.

Do you find something
wrong with the cigar?

Mr. Roarke...

what are you doing here?

Well, I wanted to make
sure your real fantasy

was progressing satisfactorily.

You knew all along, I guess.

It was very simple
to determine that, uh,

two months after your birth,

your father, Mr. David Chilton,
was reported k*lled in action

as a squadron leader of
the rd Naval Fighter Group.

Have you met him yet?

Gave me this.

In honor of his new son, you.


Yours is an extremely rare

emotional experience,
Mr. Chilton.

It's really difficult to
describe the feelings.

To be able to talk
to my own father.

He's so young.

To actually see him alive.

Oh, alive only because
it's your fantasy, Mr. Chilton.

But he is alive.

- There's got to be something...
- I must remind you that fate...

cannot be altered
or history rewritten.

No matter how desperately
we might wish it so,

we cannot change what
happened on March , .

I'm sure as hell gonna try.

I'm sure you will, Mr. Chilton.


BARTENDER: Uh, yes, miss.
What would you like to drink?

One glass of sea water, please.

Extra salty.


One Salty Dog, coming up.

No, no, no. Just the
salt. Hold the dog.


What do you see that
makes you sigh so sadly?


Oh, it's my family.

That's my wife, Heather.
And our kids, Mona...

and that's Harvey, Jr.

I guess I take 'em for granted

when they're around
all the time, but...

when they're not...

I remember I love 'em.


Oh, you can love
so many at one time.



Sorry to butt in,
gorgeous, but...

me and Bradley couldn't help
but hearing you talk about love.

We'd just love to
buy you a drink.

Oh, you can love a drink
as you love a person?

Explain that to me, please.


Never mind.

If I am to find love,

I guess I'll have to
do it my own way.

Your eyes.

Lady, what's going on?

Do you feel...


Yes, I...

Take me with you.

I want to go to the
deep, green caverns of...

endless love.

What kind of line are
you handing the lady?




Bless 'em all Bless 'em all ♪

♪ The long and the
short And the tall ♪


♪ Bless all the sergeants
And double "O" ones ♪

♪ Bless all the corporals
And their blinking sons ♪

♪ For we're saying
good-bye To them all ♪

♪ As back to the
barracks We crawl ♪

♪ So cheer up, my
lads Bless 'em all ♪


-Tony. -[SIGHS]

You still look lost.

[CHUCKLES] I found the bar.

- Can I buy you a drink?

Sure. Orange pop.

I got a squadron leaders
meeting in about minutes.

I gotta keep a clear head.

You mind if I ask you something?

Oh, not at all.

What the hell are you doing
flying fighters at your age?

I got friends with influence.

Hmm. Now if that were
true, you wouldn't be here.

Uh, let's sit down.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

But what about you?

Where would you be right
now if you had your choice?

Okmulgee, Oklahoma.

I got a little house there,
right on the outskirts.

I got a couple acres
of fruit trees and...

a lawn, a garden.

Me and Mary, uh, that's my wife.

Uh, we picked it up
just before I shipped out.

We wanted a nice place
for the kid to grow up.

Hey, I got a picture you gotta

Here, you take a look at
this. Here's the little tiger.

Anthony David Chilton.
Ain't he something?

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, sure is.

How about you,
Tony? You got a family?

Damn right. The
best in the world.

Next to yours, of course.

Well, I gotta get
going. I got that meeting

and I got a feeling something
big is on for tomorrow.

Tell me, we couldn't have met
somewhere before, could we?

Yeah. I guess it's possible.

I thought so.

We'll figure it out sometime.

I'll see ya.

All right.


TATTOO: And when
the cops got there,

they start fighting
over Nyah, too.

Finally, I had to call
the fire department

and have everybody hosed down.

Well, you did very well

under the
circumstances, my friend.

Please take charge of
the cleanup operation,

-will you? -Okay, boss.

But keep her away.
She's bad news.

I have repeatedly warned you
to conduct yourself properly.

But, apparently, you
didn't take me seriously,

-did you? -I did, too.

I was trying very hard
to learn about love.

And those unpredictable mortals
started bashing each other about

merely because I looked at them.

My eyes are very beautiful.

Perhaps I'm just too
lovely for men to stand it.

We are both aware of
what your eyes can do

to mortal men, aren't we?

Not to mention your other...


Are you pleased with
the way I look, Roarke?

That makes me very happy.

And your actions make
me decidedly unhappy.

You have acted without
consideration for others

and I will have no more
of it. Do you hear me?

Well, I will not be lectured
to by commoners, Roarke.

My dear Princess

I shall now show my
love for a naughty little girl

by spanking her

where she has been needing
it for at least a thousand years.

Stand back!

I will not let you
touch the royal person.

Oh, I promise
that the part I touch

is not all that royal.

Rise up, Father Neptune,

and drown this upstart
in your angry waves

and drench him
in your icy waters.

G... Giant squid!


[PANTS] Shark? Crab?
Where is everything?

My apologies, your
spoiled highness.

Ow! Ow! I object! Roarke!


I regret that the
punishment was necessary,

and I assure you,
it did not hurt me

as much as it did you.

Now dry your tears...

blow your nose...

and when you have
recovered your composure

and your manners...

you may resume
your search for love.

I need not continue
my search for love.

Well, if you wish to
terminate your fantasy,

that is entirely your affair.

But, please, do let me know
your decision, won't you?

I don't have to look
any further because...



I have found the one I love.

It is you, Roarke.


I love you.

TONY: I'll have a whiskey.


In the mood for company?


You don't have to
talk if you don't want to.

A lot of them don't.

Do you make a career out of

comforting the lost
souls of the world?

Are you from the rd?

- Isn't everybody?
- Oh, I'm not being nosy.

It's just, I know most
of the fellas, I imagine.

Oh, I see.

Do you know Commander Chilton?

Look, uh...

I just, soon you left him
out of this conversation,

if you don't mind.

I'm afraid you're out of
luck there, Lieutenant.

Everybody talks about
Commander Chilton.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Don't worry about me, love.

It's the Commander
you should apologize to.

As a matter of fact,
I only met him once,

and all he talked about was
how much he loved his wife

and his new kid.

But all the young pilots
told me all about him.

They call him The Shepherd.

-The Shepherd? -You know why?

Because when any of
them are lost and overdue,

it's always him that
goes out and finds them

and brings them home.

The Shepherd.

Does that make you feel better?



Thank you. I...

I'm very grateful to you.

Look, uh, I'm sorry, I...

- Will you forgive me?
- Of course.

Thank you.



Oh, Tattoo!

Wonderful news!

I have decided I
am in love with him.

I love Roarke.

- You in love with the boss?
- Yes.

Oh, isn't that wonderful?

Now I understand
the mystery of it all.

Oh, Tattoo.

I want to swim through the
air as I swim through the sea.


Quicksilver. Ecstatic.

But that's not gonna work.

You're not right for the boss.

You will not stop
me from having him.

Oh, yes, I will.

And I will stop you
from even trying,

and that's a promise.


Well, you're right, of course.

[SIGHS] I would prefer a
golden-haired man anyway.

Oh, there's a lot of them
here on Fantasy Island.

In fact...

if you were to bring
me a boat from the cove,

[EXHALES] I could row out to
where the golden-haired men

ride upon the surf.

I could not swim that far
till my tail were returned.

One dinghy coming.


You will not stand
in my way, little man.

Waters of the deep, hear me.

When Tattoo rides
upon you, blow upward,

keeping him far from the shore.

Nyah has spoken.

is our combat order.

We've got a tough
one, gentlemen.

The rd will fly a
diversionary patrol

to draw off enemy fighters

from bomber
elements that will strike

enemy bases

at Kerney Island
and Pacumi Atoll.

Every flyable aircraft will
be in the air this morning.

You see what your
influential friends got you into?

- Yeah, I'm beginning to.

Yesterday's mission
was the best we've done,

although your formations
were a little sloppy.

Tony, the old man's
talking about the lousy flying

-you did yesterday.

Hey, he's gonna be
my wing man today.

I'll keep him out of trouble.

That will get you
both k*lled, you mean.

Hey, don't sweat it, Tony. I
haven't lost a fledgling yet.

ROSICKER: We'll fly
North towards Pacumi

to get their attention,

and then turn East.

The squadron commanders
will brief each unit.

ROARKE: I must remind
you that fate cannot be altered

or history rewritten.

No matter how desperately
we might wish it so,

we cannot change what
happened on March , .

TONY: I'm sure
as hell gonna try.

ROARKE: I'm sure you will.


Bandits at one o'clock.

[sh*ts FIRING]

PILOT: Behind you, skipper.
You got one on your tail.

[sh*ts FIRING]

-Took a hit. -[ENGINE STALLING]

Looks like I
bought it this time.

Not while I'm here.

[sh*ts FIRING]


All right, Tony. You got him.

That's some nice sh**ting.

To hell with that.

Just follow papa home.



NYAH: Roarke!

-Roarke! -Yes?

I must speak with you.


I have found the love I
had been searching for.

I'm very happy for you, Nyah.

Who is the fortunate man?

You, Roarke.

It's always been you.


I am very honored

that your quest for love
has brought you to me.

But you must look further.

You have been my
pupil and I your teacher.

It's not unusual to
mistake that relationship

for something much deeper, Nyah.

But my love is true.

You have great strength.

Yet you are gentle.

You have courage, but
an understanding heart.

Look into my eyes
and love me, Roarke.


Love me.

Nyah, Nyah.

Did you think to
seduce me with trickery

and win my affection
by unnatural power?

What would love won
that way be worth?

But I feel this ache
of longing for you.

I see your face before
me when you are not there.

I hear your voice speak
my name as in a dream.

And I don't know how
to tell you these things.

To touch you how you touched me.

You have done that
just now without sorcery.

I do have love for you, Nyah.

But not the love you
wish for or deserve.

But why not?

You are a child
in so many ways...

and a gentleman does
not take advantage

of innocence.

Thank you...

most sincerely.

Thank you.

What is it now?

My fantasy was to know love.

And now that I have,
I'm ashamed of myself.


I sent Tattoo out to sea

so he would not come between us.

What do you mean, "out to sea"?

I sent him to find
me a small boat,

to get him out of the way...

and then I ordered the currents
to carry him beyond the reef.

The waves out there
will capsize a small boat

and Tattoo is unable
to swim a stroke.

He will drown!

Roarke! Roarke!




He must have drifted
far out. I can't see him.

There is no choice
but to swim out

and hope I find him.

We may both drown because
of your cruel act, Nyah.

Oh, Roarke! I'm truly sorry.

I will find him. I
will prove my love.



I understand now, Roarke.

I understand.


NYAH: Tattoo, the rope!

I will take you in.

Hey, you did all right up there.

Thanks to you, I'm
still here to say so.

Well, somebody's got to
take care of you young punks.

Come on, I'll buy
you an orange pop.

All right.


What, we got a problem, Captain?

I'm not sure.

I picked something
up with the radio.

It's pretty garbled,

but it sounded like that kid
we got in last week, Thompson.

He's lost and asking directions.

- You get a fix on his location?
- ROSICKER: North.

But I guess it
was in the vicinity

of the Pacumi Atoll.

Well, I'm the
shepherd around here.

I'll grab that Corsair
and go have a look.

I'll take a rain
check on that pop.

Good luck.

Hey, David. Wait a minute.

Let me go.

Hell, there's no use
you playing the hero

around here all the time.

Yeah, then I'd be out
there looking for you, too.

Now bringing home lost
lambs is my specialty.

- Remember?
- Course I remember. [CHUCKLES]

Now look...

David, don't go up.

I've got to.

It's my job.

You know, I
still can't get a fix

on where we met before.


Well, we'll have
to figure it out

when I get back. All right?



Hey, wait a minute,
I'm coming with ya!


Wait for me!


Come back!


Wait for me!


Wait for me!




I am a creature of the
sea once more, Roarke.

My only regret

is that I did not love
you as a mortal woman.

Saving Tattoo was love
in its highest form, Nyah.

But not the love

that might have been
between us, Roarke.


But we have touched, you and I.

And the memory is
one I will never forget.

Nor I, Roarke.

But I have not given up.

You see, we shall meet again.

Again, my love.


Well, Mr. Chilton,

are you ready to go
back to the routine

of flying passengers
instead of combat missions?

More than ready, Mr. Roarke.

But you were one
of the Flying Aces.

One of the heroes.

Well, I've been thinking
about that, Tattoo, and...

and, well, maybe the ones
who make it out of a w*r alive,

they're merely survivors.

The ones who don't
make it are the only heroes.

Hmm. I never
thought of it that way.

I sincerely hope your fantasy

was not a disappointment
to you, Mr. Chilton.

Oh, no, not at all, Mr. Roarke.

I'll be forever grateful to you.

You've given me
something that no other man

can possibly have,

a real feeling and
memory of his own father,

strong, forever young.

And a good shepherd.

You were right. It
is a good Havana.

Difficult to come by nowadays.

Boss, what's the
cigar have to do with it?

Oh, it's more than a cigar,
my friend. It's also a memory.

A celebration. A reaching
out across many years.

Touching between
a father and his son.


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