Sx03 - Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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Sx03 - Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks

Post by bunniefuu »


"Special" line:%

Break through the shining clouds,

and fly away (fly away) line:%

As a panorama spreads

itself throughout my being! line:%

The earth, having been kicked

in the face, gets angry (angry)! line:%

And makes one of

its volcanoes explode! line:%

If, within the thawed polar ice, line:%

There is a dinosaur, then I want

to train him to balance atop a ball. line:%


No matter what may happen,

I feel as though nothing can bother me, line:%


However hard your chest pounds,

the Genki Dama will roar! line:%


The emptier your head is, the more

room there is to pack with dreams, line:%


With a cheerful face and an Ultra-Z,

today is ai-yai-yai-yai-yai... line:%



Hurry! Hurry!


Goku is...


Goku has died.

Everyone seals up the sorrow

in their hearts their own way,

and peace continues for a short time.

And then, a half-year later...

A devilish pair appears

on an island in the south.

The warriors step forward. However...

Piccolo dies.

As does Vegeta,



and Kuririn.

The world is plunged

into the depths of terror... a result of these

two Artificial Humans.

This is the story of another future.

"The History of Trunks"

Defiance in the Face of Despair!!

The Remaining Superwarriors--Gohan and Trunks.

And now, thirteen years later...

The Artificial Humans!

The Artificial Humans are attacking!

Somebody help!

I'll give you all ten seconds.

See if you can get away in that time.

I don't think it's very likely, though.













Devils! They're devils!

The Artificial Humans have

appeared in Peppertown.

This is hell!

It's as if hell had arrived on earth.

Now that the military has been destroyed,

is there no one who

can stand against them?

They're pretty far away, we'll be okay here.

But we don't know how long it might

be before they head this way, do we?

The Artificial Humans continue to

attack mercilessly and indiscriminately!

It's only a matter of time

before Peppertown lies in ruins!

If the Artificial Humans are not

defeated, there can be no future!

At this point, it's up to me to...

Muten Roshi-sama, you mustn't!

He's right!

Piccolo, Vegeta, and even

Yamucha were taken out by them!

If only Goku...

If only Goku had lived...

Please, all I ask you is to spare my life!

Take as many clothes as you want!

Oh? You have such stylish clothes.

I'm quite pleased.

They're letting me live!

What, you did him in?

This is no good, No. !

Didn't I tell you to at

least leave the clothes?

Oops. I forgot.

The terror in Peppertown continues!

What could this cruel,

cold-blooded pair be thinking?

Run away! Run away!

If you dawdle around, you'll get run over!

Peppertown is experiencing

the absolute worst of all terrors!

The Artificial Humans are running mad!

Those miserable Artificial Humans!

They won't get away with this!

I don't know what it is they're thinking,

k*lling their creator Doctor Gero,

and all those innocent

people, one after another!

They're just a pair of monsters

who take pleasure in k*lling.

Can't anything be done about them?

Mom, would you go on home without me?

Trunks, what are you thinking of doing?

You're not thinking...


Hey! That was awful!

Hey, now! If you aren't lucky,

you're headed for hell!

No. ! How long are

you going to play around?!

Let's hurry up and wreck this city!

Let's go, No. .

I'm too late. line:%


Gohan-san! Why are the

Artificial Humans doing this?!

I can't take this!

I can't just let the Artificial

Humans keep having their way!

I want to become stronger!

I want to get stronger and beat them!

Gohan-san, please!

Will you train me even harder?

I can't just sit here doing nothing!

I have my Dad's blood, the warrior-race

Saiyan blood running through me!


You remind me a lot

of when I was younger.

No matter how hard my

mother tried to stop me,

I felt like, I had to train, I had to train...

Trunks, those guys are incredibly strong!

Right! I'll do my best!

Way to go, Trunks!


It's Mom, Gohan-san!

Please don't say

anything about this, okay?

Oh, good, Trunks,

you made it back okay.

I was worried you may

have gone to Peppertown.

Uh, ahem.

Ah, Gohan-kun, you're here too.


This is perfect.

You're probably hungry, aren't you?

I brought plenty of groceries

home, so you're eating with us.

And hey, you two, I don't want

you playing anything dangerous!



Thanks to those Artificial Humans,

I've been able to get less and

less of what I've wanted lately.

I'll just have to cover for what's

missing with my cooking skills.

Well, go ahead and eat.

I humbly accept.

I humbly accept.

Seconds, please.

Amazing, so alike.

What's that?

Wearing that Gi,

and eating the way you were,

you seem just like your

father Son-kun. It's amazing.

I made this Gi because I wanted

to be strong, like Father was.

That's what I thought at the time,

but I haven't had much luck.

Maybe, but sometimes

I hear stories about you.

You're facing off against

the Artificial Humans all by yourself.

That's pretty cool.


But Trunks is starting to

look up to those stories.

I don't know what to do with

him wanting to imitate you.

Can you make him listen to reason?

An impressive Ki.

He's every bit the son of Vegeta.

Help me!

What's wrong? Is that all you've got?



what kind of person was my dad?

He died soon after I was born,

and I never knew him.

Mom doesn't talk about him much, either.

He was a hard man to please,

but he was very strong,

and proud of who he was.

Really. Mom says the same thing.

I'm back!

Welcome home. How'd it go?

I heard another city got destroyed.

They say half the world's

people've been k*lled now.

Everyone's livin' in terror.

Oh yeah, an' I heard

some stories about Gohan.

About Gohan?! How's Gohan-chan doin'?!

Sounds as though he's partnerin' up with

Trunks an' fightin' the Artificial Humans.

I reckon he's still tryin' to

avenge everyone else's deaths.

If it weren't for them, he would've

been a great scientist by now.

Gohan, come home! I don't

care about no Artificial Humans.

Just come home soon.

Get angry! You must become more angry!

Anger will make you a Super Saiyan!


It's quite possible he might become

an even greater warrior than I am!

He could even win

against the Artificial Humans!

I bet this is the only amusement

park still doing business these days.

Our city still has a military presence,

so the Artificial Humans won't attack us.

Hey there, no cutting in,

keep your place in line.

Stay in line? You must be joking.

No you don't, go back to your pla--

I hate this guy.

Hello? Is this the military? Hello?

Hello? Hello? Hello?

We should have come here sooner!

This stuff is too good to

be used by regular humans!

Over there, Trunks!


No. , hurry, hurry!

What, you guys again?

And we were in such a good mood, too.

No. , take care of them quickly.

All right.

Trunks, stay back!


He's winning! Gohan-san is winning!

Don't interfere, No. !

Don't cry sour grapes.

You almost had it there.

Let's take care of these

guys so we can play!


Lousy brat!



You aren't getting away!

Hmph. Well, we can't play here any more.

We still have to finish them off.

Surely they're already dead.

And if they are alive,

we'll see them again.

Let's go home.

All right then.

T-This is the last Senzu.

T-Trunks, you... take it.

You're... our last hope.



What happened, Trunks?!

Gohan-san was protecting me, and he...

Hurry and lay him down on the bed!

We'll have to call a doctor!

It's all right. He's no

longer in any mortal danger.

Your mom knew all

about what you were doing.

About how you and

Gohan-kun were fighting together.

I'm sorry, mom.

If only Son-kun were alive...

Pretty soon, the time

machine will be finished.

Once it's done, you'll

be able to get inside it,

and it will take you back in time

to when Son-kun was still alive...

Damn you, Artificial Humans!

Get angry! You've got to get angrier!

Damn! While we're here doing this,

who knows what they're up to?


Why can't I become a Super Saiyan?

Just a little farther, Trunks.

It was awfully hard for me, too.

Becoming a Super Saiyan

is a matter of anger.

I thought about how

Piccolo-san and Kuririn-san,

and everyone else were

k*lled by the Artificial Humans.

And as I dwelt on that, it finally happened,

and I became a Super Saiyan.

You've got Vegeta-san's

blood flowing through you.

You'll be a Super Saiyan

before long that's for sure!

The Metroplex!

Damned Artificial Humans!

They've finally come to this city!

This time you've had it!

Gohan-san, are you in any shape for this?

Trunks, you stay here, you hear me?

No way! If you're going,

Gohan-san, then I'm going too!

I'm a lot stronger than before!


Don't take the Artificial

Humans' power so lightly!

I won't be a burden any longer!

I want to fight alongside you, Gohan-san!

Okay, you got it.

--Trunks, let's go!


Trunks, you're our last hope.

If you were to die, there won't be

any warriors left to defend the earth.

You're the last warrior,

and a few years from now,

you'll have the ability to

defeat the Artificial Humans.

Give it up, No. .

There are hardly any humans left here.

Let's go somewhere else.

Chances are, there's a place to the north

of there where the humans are hiding.

Don't be in such a hurry!

Let's be more thorough.

If we don't carefully

exterminate everyone,

then where's the

fun of it all for us?

We could just as well

blow it all up at once.

Okay then, let's play

some kind of game.

You could run them over

with a car or something.

That might be fun too...

No. , you look hilarious!

I like these clothes.

When they get ragged, it annoys me.

They're not as sturdy as

our bodies, you understand.

I've only got four more sets like this.

But never mind that, Son Gohan.

You really are still alive.

We won't let you go this time.

We're going to fight you

at full power and k*ll you.

I am not going to die!

Not even if this body is destroyed...

There will be another who will

arise and carry out my last wish...

And he will defeat you Artificial Humans!


I can't feel Gohan-san's Ki!



Gohan-san... Gohan-san...


It can't be!

Gohan-san! Gohan-san! Gohan-san!




And so, three years later...

I'm home, Mom. I managed to

buy a lot of good groceries today.

Welcome back. Guess what, Trunks.

We've got just about

enough energy charged... the time machine

for a round-trip journey.

This will be enough to let you go

about twenty years into the past.

It took nearly eight

months to charge it this much;

too bad we can't test it.

I think it will get you there

and back safely, though.

If only my lab hadn't been destroyed,

I could have made it a lot better.

Mom, with the strength I have now,

I think it's enough to

defeat the Artificial Humans.

I shouldn't need to go to the trouble of

traveling into the past and learning from them.

You're just having wishful thoughts.

Sure, you've become a lot stronger,

but I'm sure you haven't forgotten how

Gohan-kun was k*lled three years ago.

I don't think there's

that much difference

between how strong he was

then and how strong you are now.

I've trained so much since then!

Quite frankly, I know

this time I can take them!

We interrupt this program for an

update on the Artificial Humans.

They are currently attacking Bridgetown,

an area meters south of Metro West.

Residents in the area

are advised to use caution.

That's really close to here.

N-Now hold on, Trunks.

Don't get any crazy...

I'll be back. I'm going to

show you I can beat them!

Whoa, Trunks! Wait!

Gohan-san, and everyone else,

I will avenge you this day!

You just wait and see

what's coming, Artificial Humans!

Let's head on back.

I'm with you.

Artificial Humans!

You've had it this time!

You k*lled Gohan-san,

and I will take revenge!

Such a brat. He never learns, does he?

We don't like you guys.

What nerve! Now you've done it!

I did it!

He's certainly become several

times stronger than last time.

But his att*cks are all so direct.

I think that will just wear him out.

They're dodging me. My energy is

missing them by a hair's breadth...

It's no use! They're dodging them!

Where are they?!

Where did they go?!

You seem to be

breathing pretty hard.

Unfortunately for you, our energy

lasts forever, and is inexhaustible.

Looks like you've

completely lost your will to fight.

Let's put an end to this, No. .

Is he dead?

Artificial Humans!

Why are you doing this?!

Doctor Gero apparently built us

for the purpose of world domination,

but that doesn't matter to us.

Whenever we see humans,

it angers us. We hate humans.

You can't get away with this!

You can't get away with this!

And now to finish you...


It will be me who finishes him off.

Trunks! Trunks! You're okay!


Thank goodness. Trunks, you've been

out for the last five days straight.

Forgive me, Mom.

You were right, I'm not nearly

a match for the Artificial Humans.

I'm glad you came back to me alive.

You've got a strong streak

of luck, just like your mom.

As soon as I've recovered,

I'm ready to take the time machine.

That sounds good.

First you'll go twenty years

into the past and give Son-kun...

I mean, Gohan-kun's

father this medicine.

If only he hadn't died

from that heart disease,

I doubt the terrible state the world

is in would have come about like this.

This father of Gohan-san's,

was he really all that strong?

He certainly was strong as well,

but no matter what

terrible thing happened...

You felt like he would

take care of things for you...

He always had a way of

making you feel like that.


I look forward to meeting Dad.

I'm not sure you'll want

to expect too much.

Here. This is the cure

for the heart disease.

Be sure you give it

right away to Son-kun, okay?

Don't get in over your head.

Right! You be careful too, Mom.

So then,

I'm counting on you!

I'll be back.

And so, Trunks boards the time

machine, bound for today's era.

Waiting for him there

was a whole new battle.

Heads up! Some dangerous guys

are closing in to confront us,

Everyone on our side is,

that's right, acting recklessly,

I don't believe in this history,

so make your decision clear,

Make yourself look your

best for a one-two punch!

The azure wind brings its hope,

And as the legend

begins to run forward,

Be there to inscribe its tale yourself.

The azure wind brings its hope,

And it shines its light

upon the unseen days ahead

You are (you are) our Hope. line:%

"The End"
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