01x23 - The Unwavering Path

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Spy x Family". Aired: April 9, 2022 – present.*
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Series follows master spy Twilight, who must disguise himself as psychiatrist Loid Forger and build a mock family in order to investigate political leader Donovan Desmond.
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01x23 - The Unwavering Path

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, apparently I've discovered that

I can take these yawn-filled days

And turn them into movies

I've found the secret and trick to it

Under this sky where we don't get along

I closed my heart and locked it

That's how I've managed to live my life

And the melodies now overlap

I wanted a sign, no matter how small

That I could actually find
better than any streetlight

I put a ribbon on each of the
sights that my eyes pick out

And I collect them like souvenirs
as I continue down this path home

The seasons each say hello,
and I shed a few tears as I go

Where should I begin to talk about
this way home that you've given me?

I walk and walk and sometimes
rush on my way to see you

I run and run, wait, no, I should
still walk on my way to see you


The Phony pair just can't be stopped!

Take this!

Carrol's hit just went in a crazy angle!

Damn it. Time for the next plan.

Adjust the net's height.



It's moving up and down
by about a ball's height.

We'll correct our trajectory
calculations and strike back.

That's not working at all!

Then we'll just have to use some wind!

Hey! They're just using
it to their advantage!

Damn it!

The Campbell siblings use one method
after another to try to stop them.

Damn it! Douse the ball with
the putrid-stench spray!

That's gonna reek for us, too, though!

But they were nothing more than child's play to
the pair of spies who had found their groove.

Your observation skills, judgment,
and control are all perfect, Nafalia.

I'm glad I have you playing by my side.


We are now entering our final set!

Which pair will take home the glory?!

Ah, damn it...

I want this tournament to continue forever!

Perhaps I'll force a tiebreaker
that goes on forever... No, Nafalia.

That'll make Twilight hate me.

I almost forgot how I felt in the beginning,
even though he just reminded me.

That was a close one.


Looks like she's carefully
thinking up a strategy.

It appears as though she's regained her cool.

What do you two think you're doing?!

Do you have any idea how much
this match is going to cost me?!

Tch. Guess we're gonna have
to use our trump card.

Did they give up their petty tricks?

He lobbed it nicely into the air. This ends it!


A new signal?



What's this? Twain just suddenly pounced
onto his wife and took them both down!

Hey, now. Could you old farts spare
us the snuggling during our match?

Did he sense it before the
shot was taken? No way.

Darling... Darling, are you all right?

Don't worry. It's not too bad.


It's a special rubber b*llet.

There's a sn*per somewhere in the air ducts.

Look. They even painted the b*llet
the same color as the court.

I'm terribly sorry. This happened
because of my carelessness.

I figured something like this might happen,
so I wore a bulletproof vest.

Impressive as ever.

The fact that he even considered this
possibility makes him the best, for real.

Impossible! He's unharmed?!
It hit him, didn't it?!

This interference has
definitely gone too far.

Perhaps we should talk to the umpire
and see about having a penalty issued.

Depending on where the victim is shot,
that could be lethal.

I'm not so sure about that.

I'm pretty sure most of the staff and
management are in Campbell's pocket.

Not to mention, if something
happens to the tournament

and we lose our chance to get the painting,

that would be a huge blow.

Thankfully, these are low-velocity.

If we purposely leave enough
room and shift our timing,

we can make them miss.

Don't miss their signals.

I will do my best.

Are you two all right?

Sorry about that. I'm still a
bit hungover from yesterday,

and I lost my balance.

Th-That can't be true!

Unbelievable! Twain has been pulling off
those elegant plays while hungover!

It's not.

And now, let's continue the match!


So they're going to target
me right as I'm serving.

Look at Twain's bizarre footwork and serve!

Damn it... I missed.

Is he starting to feel drunk yet again?!

Court engineering squad, we need
to work together and distract them.

Floor Dent Team

Net Raising/Lowering Team

Wind-Blowing Team

sn*per Team

We must make sure the young master
and lady win at any cost!


Looks like Nafalia is feeling
a little drunk herself.

Why can't I hit them?

Was the couple drinking
together into the night?

Their overconfidence is making
them very easy to read.

Team BB! We need you now!

Just don't let the crowd
or the umpires catch on.

Number here. Roger.

Number , roger.

Here they come, Nightfall.

Yes, Twilight.

Really? Even the ball boy?

Twain just whiffed the ball!

He parried?

He did that to mine, too.

Looks like two more are getting in our way.

Yes. But unlike the sn*per we can't see,

we can see their gazes and the
movement of their fingers.

They're no match for us.

Let's go ahead and finish this!

The Phony pair is making absolutely
incomprehensible movements!

Is this what they call the
drunken fist in the far east?

Stop them, Carrol and Kim!
You have to stop them!

Are you all right?

Y-Yes. Looks like the milk I drank
this morning had gone bad.

Apparently, Carrol has been
playing through a stomachache!

This is a pure battle of wills! What passion!

I don't want to lose!

I don't want to lose...

But our opponents are just too good!

Game set! The winners are...

The Phony pair!


You saw through all of our tricks, didn't you?

And despite all that, you still defeated us.

You crushed us.

I think this is the first time
I've been genuinely upset...

You're still young,
and you're clearly talented.

From now on, hone your craft properly.

I'm sure you'll become an amazing player.

Twain! I'll really do my best from now on!

I believe in you.

Not only did we successfully
complete our mission,

but he managed to reform our opponent.

Impressive as ever, Twilight. I love you.

How stupid.

We lost this match, but we
still gained something.

You've grown so much, my son.

Has it sunk in just how
much you've lost yet?

Sir, you have a phone call.

Don't ruin this moment!
What's wrong with you?


Our winners, the Phonys,

will be presented with a piece of their
choice from Mr. Campbell's collection.

Congratulations to them!

This one. We'd like Lady in the Sun.

Understood. I will go fetch
it from the gallery.

No, wait.

I'm terribly sorry, but that is the
one piece I cannot give you now.

And why is that? It's clearly
listed in your catalog.

Something came up.

You can pick any other piece.
I'll even make up the difference.


I knew it. The State Security
Service just called him.

They must've caught wind of the code.

They'll be here any moment to retrieve it.

Well? You don't have to decide
right at this moment, but...

Would it be all right if we make our
choice after seeing the actual pieces?

Sure, that's fine.

My, how lovely.

Only a select few are allowed
in here. You're truly lucky.

Oh? Where is your husband?

His hangover was getting worse,
so he went to lie down.

The painting is still here.

Do you have any recommendations?

If Lady in the Sun is out of the question,

I was considering getting
something that isn't a painting.

Right this way.

Do you mind if I put my things down here?

Of course not.

Sir, what about Lady in the Sun?

They'll be here in ten minutes.

I told them to wait in the lobby,
so take it out to them right away.

Yes, sir.

Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up.

It's better to make sure the piece
is in good condition, is it not?

Leave it. They didn't seem like they're
heading here just to retrieve an art piece.

Yes, this is definitely Lady in the Sun.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Oh, of course! I look forward
to seeing you again.

I will go see the Phonys to the entrance.

Yes, I'm counting on you.

Try seeing if they'll come play
for us while you're at it.

Should we take them up on their offer
and continue working for WISE?

I think I've had my fill of tennis for awhile.

What did you pick from his collection?

A strange pot and some rings
that are in awful taste.

I have no interest in either.

I suppose we could give them
to the Handler as a gift.


The exhaustion hit me all at once.

But everything went well.

I did panic a bit when he said
he couldn't hand it over...

But things worked out in the end.

All because you used your
racket bag to sneak in a fake.

This was only possible due to your
technique in swapping them out.

It also helped that the
code wasn't in the frame.

Yes. The traces of special ink
on the back here must be it.

Let's get this to the analyst
team back at HQ immediately.

The State Security Service will probably
continue searching for a code that doesn't exist.


Well, anyway...

Mission complete.

You can let me out over there, Nightfall.

I'll drop you off at your house.

So I can stay with you for
even a second longer.

I'm Loid Forger, a husband and father.

I can't have our neighbors getting the
wrong idea about our relationship.

Plenty of people get reported to
the Secret Police over adultery.

Twilight... I was useful
on our mission, wasn't I?

I did my best for you.

I should be your rightful partner.

It should be me...

Very well.

Well, see you at the hospital.

Miss Anya! Bond! We should
start heading home.


I guess they were playing tennis again today.


Good evening, Mrs. Forger.


Oh, um... Fiona? Good evening.

It's that one lady.

I'm back, Yor.

Oh, Loid.

She gave me a ride since
we were going the same way.

I figured I should say hello.

I-I see...

Do you play tennis, too?

Huh? Oh...

Miss Anya became obsessed with it after
we practiced with Loid the other day.

Anya is an expert at home runs.

We got really far in today's
competition thanks to you two.

That's wonderful!

Hmph. You really think you helped
Twilight raise his level?

Where are the fabulous prizes?

You arrogant woman. Even I could... no.

I would've helped Twilight become
more powerful far more efficiently.

Oh, then you must be quite
the tennis player yourself.

May I request a match with you, then?

Er, Fiona, what are you doing?

I would like to find out if

I haven't gotten quite enough
exercise just yet.

this woman is athletic enough

to carry out Operation Strix.

If you wouldn't mind...

I'll crush you.

I will crush your heart to the last and make
you lose your place at the Forger household!

I didn't know my place.

I will let Fiona take my place as your wife.



Um, um...

I have no idea what's going on.

Feel free to say no, Yor.

I accept!

I have a feeling I cannot lose
or run away from this fight!

I've always wanted to marry someone
who's really good at tennis.

For real? I'm awesome at tennis.


Anya! Did you see this
week's Berlint in Love?

You wouldn't believe what happened!

The protag's fiancée and his childhood
friend happened to run into each other!

Oh my gosh! Those girls were
about to have a total catfight!

Anya prefers cartoons.

I finally understand how Becky felt!

Anya loves shows about fighting, too!

Huff, huff!

Come at me with everything you've got.

Uh, don't, Fiona.

Please stay out of this, Doctor.

She's right. It would be rude of me
to hold back against my opponent.

I'll give it everything I've got!


You disappoint me, Yor Briar.

I knew it. You're...

Oh, no! I've done it again!

If I put too much strength into my swing,

the racket strings just cut up the ball,
and it crumbles into pieces.

I'm so sorry, Mr. Ball.
I'm just awful at tennis.

I need to give it my all, but hold back
just enough that the ball actually flies.

Miss Anya, could you get me another ball?

Go forth, Transport Officer Bond!


My apologies! Let's try that again!

Uh... wait. What?

What in the world did I just see?
The ball fell to pieces? Wha...


Faster than the speed of sound?

Its path doesn't stray even a millimeter.

Oh, what a beautiful trajectory.
It's headed straight out of bounds.

That doesn't matter right now, Nightfall.

Put your racket in front of you. Or...

You'll die!

It's so heavy!

I can't push it back!


But my love for Twilight is just as heavy!

This is nothing compared to all the
feelings for him I've built up over the years.

Forward! Bring the racket forward!

sh**t right through
Twilight's heart, Nightfall!

Don't let this woman steal him from you!

That's right. I'm the one standing next
to Twilight in the future he envisioned!

We'll reminisce about the hardships
we faced in the living room,

visit former battle sites together,
and retire in old age

to a neutral nation,
relaxing and gazing at the ocean.

Ah, just thinking about it
is getting me excited.

And that's why...

When it comes to being "Mrs. Forger"...

You need to switch with me!

I've lost... completely.

I stood no chance.

That's why I said "don't."

Are you all right?! Are you hurt at all?!

I'll admit it. Right now,
you're better than me.

I beg your pardon?


Mrs. Forger... I request a
revenge match in the future.

Just go ahead and enjoy
your life until then!

I will not give up!

D-Did I make her mad?

That lady sure is energetic.

I-I think she's just very
passionate about tennis.

I hope Yor doesn't get
too suspicious over this.

Then again, this is just a marriage
of convenience, so it doesn't...


I won!

Er, yes... Congratulations.

I won!

Yes, you sure did!

I'm really... really tired.

Papa, I'm hungry.


Sorry... Do you mind if we get takeout today?

Excellent work retrieving
that painting last week.

I have the results of the analysis today.

Hm? Where's Nightfall?

She said she's holing up in the mountains
to work on her swing speed today.

I see.

The code itself was extremely simple to crack.

We've identified the top-secret depository,

and sent our agents there
to retrieve the goods.

Were you able to retrieve
the Zacharis Dossier?

A journal?

August st. Today, I have sealed something
extremely dangerous within this depository.

Photographs of young actresses.


I love all forms of theater!

Though I much prefer comedic
musicals to tragic operas.

Any production featuring young
ladies is truly exceptional.

I just feel so compelled... to support them.

I, uh... Uh-huh...

I became so obsessed that my
wife beat me to a pulp once.

How much money have you spent on this?!

Er, I'm just being charitable...

I even invited my wife to attend a show
with me, but she just didn't understand.

I don't understand why they
just suddenly burst into song.

She told me to throw all the photos away,
but I just couldn't let go of the rare ones.

Ever since then, I've kept my
visits to the theater a secret.

I've buried everything,

including the photos that could reignite
conflict, in this basement depository.

So "reignite the flames of w*r"... didn't mean
the w*r between the East and West.

Rather, between husband and wife.

How in the world would one
consider this a top-secret file?

What was all of my hard work for?

Right before the w*r ended

and the diplomatic corps
from the West arrived,

Colonel Zacharis invited
them out to the theater.

But the fact that he asked them to keep
that outing a secret from his wife

is probably where this all originated from.

No... There must be another code somewhere
between this journal and these photos!

There is not. The analyst thoroughly
checked every last inch of it.

There was nothing that could reignite the w*r,
and that's more than enough this time.

You're right.

A picture of the colonel?

"My beloved wife and daughter."

After all was said and done,
the colonel remained a devoted family man.

He took his secret to the grave
to protect his happy family.

If he truly loved his wife and daughter,
he would've tossed the photos. They're creepy.

Jeez, you just don't get it!

This is this, and that's that.
Rare items are still rare.

It must be difficult to
maintain a happy family.

Let's see... Can I get two each of these
apple tarts and caramel nut cakes?

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