01x07 - The Curse of the Lawrence Mansion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sweet Valley High". Aired: September 5, 1994 – October 14, 1997.*
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Based on the books of the same name, revolves around the lives of Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, beautiful blonde twins who live in the fictitious Sweet Valley, California, and their g*ng of friends.
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01x07 - The Curse of the Lawrence Mansion

Post by bunniefuu »

Look right down any crowded hall You see there's a beauty standing Is she really everywhere Or a reflection?

One always calls out to you The other's shy and quiet Could there be two different girls Who look the same at Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High?

Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High I saw her first.

She's mine.

Yeah, we'll see about that.

OK, we'll get that right out to you.

Hey, babe.

Great God.

She's all yours.

(girl) Hey, Karl.

Hey, I'll see you guys tonight, huh?

And remember

- you don't wear a costume, you don't get in.


What costume are you gonna wear at Karl's party?

I thought we'd go as Romeo and Juliet.

There's no way you're gettin' me in a pair of tights.

You should try 'em.

They make you feel light and springy.


I wore them in Macbeth.

Hey, trick



Ah, so, Winston, gonna break out the Spider

-man Underoos again this year?

No, Bruce.

I thought I'd go as a rich snob.

Can I borrow some clothes?

(all) Ooh! Hey, Baxley, over here.

Everybody, this is Gary Baxley.

He just transferred in from Eastdale.

Um, this is Patty, Enid, Liz, Todd, and Wind Bag.


Oh, yeah, this is Your personal welcoming committee.

Lila Fowler.

Perhaps you've heard of me.

Gary Baxley.

Didn't you score three touchdowns against us in last year's championship game?

Yeah, I got lucky.

Listen to him.

Gorgeous and humble.

Gary, I'm not usually this forward She's usually much worse.

Can it.

Interested in going to a costume party with me tonight?

Could be.

You going, Bruce?

Uh, tonight?

No way.

I'm going to the school to see Larry Mason.

Larry Manson?

25 years ago, the football team dared him to steal an exam on Halloween night, but they set him up, and when he broke into the school, they scared him to death.

Now he comes back every Halloween to walk the halls and get revenge against all Sweet Valley High students.

Ooh, you guys are really scary.

It's true.

I read about it in The Oracle archives.

OK, so a kid died.

But the walking in the halls part please.

Well, if you're too chicken to go.

Well, I'm in.

Sounds cool.

If Gary's going, I'm going.

This is stupid.

I spend enough time there during the day.

Why would I wanna go back at night?

Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk.

Bawk bawk bawk.

Knock it off, Bruce.

You're not gonna get him to go by calling him a chicken.

Yes, he is.

Nobody calls me a chicken.

You're coming with me, right?

I don't know.

Let's do it.

It'll be fun.


I wanna see this.

I'm coming, too.

What about Karl's party?

So we'll leave a little early.



I'm in, too.



-uh, I'm not going there.

And if you're smart, you won't, either.

You don't mess with the dead.

What's his problem?

There's a frat party at SVU.

Wanna go after Karl's?

I don't think so.

I'm busy.

Doing what?

You know we have that term paper coming up next month.

I thought I would get a head start on it.

All right, what's his name?

Gary Baxley, and he's gorgeous.

Nice try, Lila.

So, what do you think?

You're wearing that?

It's kinda revealing, isn't it?

Well, what are you wearing?

Catwoman or Genie.

They're both man


What is that, a glove?

Catwoman definitely.

(wolf howls) I thought you said you were wearing the cat suit?

I lied.

And, Lila, is that cellulite?

Oh, I'm so frightened.

Just stay close to me.

How obnoxious.

Gary! I'm scared, too.

I wish you told me you didn't have a spare before I got the car off the ground.

I had a spare.

It was just flat, too.

OK, here comes a car.

(screams) Maybe if ya flew.

Very funny.

We wouldn't even be in this mess if you hadn't spilled your hot cocoa on my lap.

I wouldn't have spilled my cocoa if you hadn't hit that pothole.

I wouldn't have hit that pothole if you hadn't Never mind.

Look, we can walk to the school from here.

It's only a mile.

It's pitch black.

It's Halloween.

I am not walking through there.


I know these woods like the back of my hand.

(sighs) Aah! (laughing) This stuff is driving me crazy.

I told you not to use shoe polish.

All right! I want everybody to hold hands and close their eyes.

(Gary) That tickles.

Knock it off, Jess.

(Patty) Todd, your hands are slimy.

We've gathered here tonight to summon Lawrence Manson from the netherworld.

(door creaks) What was that?

What was what?

I heard something.

I didn't hear anything.

It might have been my heart exploding.

Can we please continue?

All right, but hurry up.

My foot's falling asleep.

Lawrence, we mean you no harm.

Now everyone repeat after me Lawrence of the spirit realm (all) Lawrence of the spirit realm come forth into the physical world come forth into the physical world in all your power and your glory, come and tell us of your story.

With your rage, our souls will fill.

in all your power Our souls Glory will fill.

Will fill.

(lightning crackles) (girl screams) Is everyone all right?

Is everyone all right?


I didn't know we were finished.

I don't like this anymore.


Nothing happened.

Over there! (girls scream) (Liz) Todd, get out of the way! It's fishing line.

And if I trace the line around the room Gotcha! You jerk.





Come on, guys, it's Halloween.

It's supposed to be scary.

I'm having fun.

Aren't you, Gary?

Climb back in your bottle, Jess.

I'm outta here.

(Lila) Wait, Patty.

Don't go.

We can still have fun.

I'm just going to the ladies' room.

This metal bra is chaffing me.

(moans) Aah! (all scream) Hi, guys.

What's up?


What happened to you?

We had a flat, there was a mud hole It's a long story.

I'm going to the gym to take a shower.

Anybody wanna come?


You wish.

Did you hear that?

Maybe I better check it out.

I'll go with you.

No, I'll go with you.

I don't trust Bruce.

Oh, great, so you're gonna leave us with the Prince of Darkness?

If I need anyone, I'll yell.

I hope nothing happens to him.

I just found him.

I'm going after him.

You stay here, Lila.

Yeah, right.

Not so fast, Jessica.

(wolf howls) Gary?


No! No! Gary?

! Aah! (thunder) What is that?

Looks like Gary's costume.

Aah! (wolf howls) It was the most horrible scream I ever heard.

We came around the corner and found his costume shredded to pieces.

As if by some sharp

-clawed animal.

Or Lawrence Manson.

He's come back.

(moans) Aah! (moaning continues) I've got

-a loose fangs.

Anybody know a good dentist?

Anybody have a wooden stake?

I'm feeling drained.

Come here, Enid.

Grow up, will you?

We've got a real crisis here.

Let's split up and find Gary.

Forget him.

Let's get out of here.

Oh, no, we're trapped.

Try all the exits.

There's gotta be a way out of here.

(wolf howls) (hinges creak) Something strange is going on 'round here Aah! We have only everything to fear My worst nightmares are comin' true I'm stuck inside my skull My worst nightmares are comin' true Aah! I'm stuck inside my skull Oh, no Grr (woman screams) All the doors are locking by themselves All the books are laughing on the shelves My worst nightmares are comin' true I'm stuck inside my skull My worst nightmares are comin' true Aah! I'm stuck inside my skull I'm stuck inside my skull All right, Bruce, a joke is a joke, but this is getting out of hand.

What are you talking about?

I had nothing to do with this.

Maybe we can't get out, but we could still get help.

(alarm doesn't sound) I don't hear anything.

Maybe it's a silent alarm.

For what, Pebbles, people with sensitive hearing?

Look, Gary's missing, we're locked in here, and we can't get any help.

I'm really scared, OK?

Has anyone noticed?

Lila and Winston are missing.

First, Gary, now them.

Who's next?


Gary, are you in here?

No, he's not.

You scared me.

I'm sorry.

Didn't mean to.

Well, he's not in here.

Let's go.

I haven't checked the closet.


In horror movies, every time somebody opens a closet, they die.

I scoff in the face of danger.

Aah! Get off me, you little (snickering) That's not funny.

Yes, it is.

That's Mr.

Bones, remember?

We studied him last year.

Just help me get him into the closet.

Aah! Winston.

(doorknob jiggles) (pounding on door) Uh Lila?

I think we're stuck in here.

Uh aah! I don't know if splitting up into small groups was such a good idea.

It is if you and I wanna be alone.

(tick) It's midnight.

That's when Lawrence stops walking the halls.

I guess we're safe.

(chiming) (gasps) Liz, listen to me.

Nothing is gonna happen to us, I promise you.

I won't let it.

I feel a lot better in here than I do in the hallway.

I feel safe, too.

It's a test paper with all the answers on it.

This night might be luckier than I thought.

What class is it?

Looks like History.

I could use help in History.

Oh, no.

It's dated 1969.

That's the year Lawrence died.

(all scream) Heh






(muffled cries for help) You can never get a signal.

You've had a phone all this time?

Why didn't you use it?

This is the first time I felt a real sense of danger.

At least whatever's out there is just locking us up and not k*lling us.

Unless, of course, it's just storing us until it gets hungry.


I wouldn't worry too much, though.

We'll probably suffocate before that happens.

(sobbing) Oh, Lila, don't cry.

Nothing's going to happen.

I was trying to be funny.

I guess I wasn't.

I'm just glad I'm not alone.

Me, too.

(doorknob jiggles) Should we scream for help?


Someone might come.


Aah! Will you get off of me?

Sorry, I thought you were someone else.

What were you doing in there?

Nothing, nothing at all.



Come on, let's go find everyone.

You say one word, Winston Liz thank God you're safe.

Where's Bruce?

I thought he was with you.

He was, until we found Lawrence's missing test paper.

Then the lights went dark.

We ran out, but Bruce didn't make it.

He's probably shredded, too.


Someone's coming.

Close the door.

If I had a dollar for every scream I heard tonight, I'd be as rich as you.


The best was Gary's ripped costume.

No, no, no.

The best was when I grabbed you from behind That wasn't funny.

Not at all?

(chuckles) Now let's go find Gary.

Man, am I glad this is all a joke and they're all still alive, because I'm gonna k*ll those guys.

Todd, there's a better way to handle this.


Why get mad when you can get even?

(thunder) (wolf howls) Any sign of 'em?


I looked everywhere.

(girl screams) Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Jessica.

Jessica! What happened?

It It's in there! Aah! Manny Go in there and see what she's screaming about.


Why don't you go in there?

Come on, what are you guys scared of?

We'll all take a look.

Gary, hit the lights.

(Bruce) Oh, my God.

(Manny) Is that Winston?


Ohh Aah! (alarm doesn't sound) Manny, you idiot! You cut the alarm wires! You told me, bonehead.

We're dead.

Uh, we're locked in.

(laughter) You didn't fool us.

We were never scared.

Jeez! Good job, Winston.

(laughter continues) Somebody call the Colonel.

I think it's time for some chicken.

Is everybody here?


(all scream) (Enid) Help! (sinister cackling) That's right, Lawrence.

They're gone now.

(Lawrence continues sinister cackling) Look right down any crowded hall You see there's a beauty standing Is she really everywhere Or a reflection?

Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High
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