Simulant (2023)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Simulant (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

At Nexxera, we ensure all simulates obey

the four precepts.

The first precept is to not inflict harm

on any human being.

The second precept restricts simulates

from modifying themselves

or any other simulate in any way.

Precept three forbids simulates

to commit an act

against international or local law.

The fourth precept requires simulates

to obey all commands from their masters.

At Nexxera, the future is forever.

Hello, stranger.


Watch out!

Hey, what are you doing?

I wanted to come in, but I couldn't.

Let's go have breakfast.

Good morning.

Thank you.

I had that dream again.

What happened after the accident?

Let's not talk about it.


Artificial Intelligence

Compliance Enforcement,

protect and serve humankind,

uphold the precepts.


Artificial Intelligence

Compliance Enforcement.

...out of line.

Simulates are babysitters.

Sims shouldn't be allowed to coach

my daughter's gymnastics classroom.

take the kids into bed.

Is a shit...

Case file open.

Simulate offline.

New message.

Hey, Kessler, it's me.

Meet me in the district. I think I found

what we've been looking for.

Good morning, Agent Kessler.

Registered name: Esm.

Simulate ID: TK368.

Status: offline

three years.

You don't have to live once anymore.

At Nexxera, the future is forever.



TK368 identified.

I command you to put this on.

Shut down.

Please, please!

You don't have to live once anymore.

-Where is she?

-I don't know! She att*cked me.

Just check that way!


What the f*ck, man!

Come on!

This is a message

from Artificial Intelligence

Compliance Enforcement.

An electromagnetic pulse

has been emitted in the vicinity.

Do not be alarmed.

Most electronic devices

will be operational momentarily.

Please contact the manufacturer

of your device

should it not regain functionality.

Remember, harboring

an unregistered simulate

is punishable by incarceration

in an AICE compound

and a maximum fine of 5,000 units.

Thank you.

Hey, I have one here.

Not that one.

Electronic devices

will be operational momentarily.

Please contact the manufacturer

of your device

should it not regain functionality.

Go back inside!

Get off the road!


Hispanic model!

Fourth gen, female!

-Hispanic model!

-Hey, she's over here!

Thank you for your cooperation.

Got ya.

Yeah, we got her.

The simulate breach has been contained.

Please stay inside and remain calm.

Thank you.

The ongoing debate

around simulate sentience intensifies

as Nexxera prepares to release

the latest update

for their seventh generation simulates.

Skeptics continue to voice concern

over simulates

growing autonomy

and integration into society.

Simulate compliance agent,

Aaron Kessler,

shut down market square this morning

after letting off 21 EMP.

Witnesses claim he was in pursuit

of an offline simulate

that was acting independently

of its master.

Radio off.



No friends that I know of.

Kept to herself mostly.

Spoke to Mr. Rosen occasionally,

you know, right next door 406.

Nice man.

He pays cash, too.

I hates sims.

Yeah, I'm not a fan.

Just shut the door on your way out.

Locks automatically.

You are?

Rosen. Rosen, Casey Rosen.


I'm in room 406.

I'm just a neighbor.


you borrow butter, sugar, feed the fish?

Yeah, yeah, you know, stuff like that.


I lent her my vacuum cleaner

a couple of times.

You know she's a simulate?

A simulate?

No, I didn't. I didn't...

Are you sure?

Read the badge, buddy.

I think I'd know.

Right, yeah, yeah. Sorry.

Been offline three years.

I didn't mean to barge in

on you like that.

I saw the tape and the open door.

I just wanted to make sure

everything was okay.

I see.

Keep talking.

Thanks. Yeah, that's, that's Trotsky.

Well, you know where to find me

if you need anything.


Come on, boy.

So, I made us a reservation tonight

at Papillon.

I thought Lisa would cook for us.

Baby, I need a night out. Okay?

We need a night out together.

Okay, but not Papillon.

Fine. Anywhere, okay?


I mean, obviously somewhere nice.

But anywhere.




AICE, Artificial Intelligence...

Shouldn't you be at home, convalescing?

I'm fine. This thing

just banged me up a little.

Well, you must be frightened too

'cause you shut down

the power

to an entire city block.

You're only supposed to let off

an EMP that size in an emergency.

The sim able to as*ault

a civilian with intent.

I think that's an emergency, don't you?

This thing ignored straight commands.

It didn't even shut down when I asked.

You know,

it asked me if I was okay after,

like it had some kind of empathy.

I went into where it lives, right?

And there was a level of awareness

there like I've never seen.

It had a handwritten diary filled

with intimate thoughts

and a sketchbook, alright,

with beautiful pictures.

One of them was with his neighbor.

And I think we need to go back

and talk to him.

Is the sim registered to him?


-Well then, leave him alone.

Just let me investigate.

Look, we got plenty to do.

Why don't you just go home?

I'm telling you,

this one's different.

Debug complete.

Abnormalities detected.

Restriction definitions altered.

Precepts affected.

Hey, I was never here.

I think you need to learn

how to take care of another life form.

So, what happened here?

The sim has been hacked.

Somebody altered the restrictions.

They redefined words like harm,

modify, obey,

and then negated the sentiment analysis

of the other precepts to nullify them.

So, someone made it possible

for it to hurt me.

The precepts are designed to protect us.

But some forms of harm are subject

to the interpretation

of the individual experiencing it.

In order for sims to function,

there has to be nuances

-in the definition of the restrictions.


-Slow, slow down.

-The hacker gave it complete autonomy.

Freeze that.

That guy's her neighbor.


He's all over its memories.

Call Nexxera and ask if they ever had

a Casey Rosen working for them.


You want me to do a full wipe,

all the auction desk,

send it back to market?

No, no, let's just...

just see how dangerous it is.

Who did this to you?

At Nexxera, the future is forever.

Come on, man, just let me in.

There's nothing in there.

He moved out.



-Where to?

-I don't know. I didn't ask.

Well, just let me in Casey's apartment.

Search Nexxera database.

Casey Rosen.


No results.

New message.


I just wanted to tell you I met

with that lawyer today,

the one that specializes

in simulate neglect cases.

There are other parents coming forward.


looks like we don't have to do this...

Do you dream of a lifelong companion?

Simulates are as close to human

as humanly possible.

At Nexxera, the future is forever.

-Looking to sell?

-Yeah, come here, come here.


I need every detail you got

on the guy you sold this to.

Okay, those books are rare.

That information is protected.

I'd be breaking the law if I give

that to you.

Yeah, but this is fake, man. Yeah?

You running

a little black market scam here.

This guy, right?

His name is Casey Rosen.

Alright? He looks like this.

He's got tattoos though. Alright?

That's not Casey Rosen.

That's Desmond Han.


Desmond Han.



I think maybe we could use a fork.

I'll be fine.

I had that dream again.

Okay, let's go inside.

-It's not a bad idea.


Okay, I'm not saying yes.



just explain it to me one more time.


we activate them.

And now, they're us.

-They live long.

-No, no, no, no,

our love lives live on.

I mean, by the time we die, I'm

sure they'll just plop our brains and...


What's wrong?

You okay?

What is it?

I have to tell you something.



I'm so sorry.

What are you doing?



Evan died in a coma.


I'm Evan.

We got you before.

We both got one.

I thought you would help.

Why are you showing me this now?

Because I can't do this anymore.

I grant you access to this room.

You were here.

We just

lie down,

relax, and remember.

What? They capture our memories?

Our thoughts.

We can erase things,

but they say not to.

Can she hear us?


She's only to store information

right now, not process it.

Why can't I remember any of this?

I had it erased.


Shut down.


Thank you.

This is the service man, Ms. Aline.

Mr. Rosen.

Casey, please.

I'm sorry, did...

did you paint this?


It's... it's incredible.

I love what you've done

with the colors. It's...

just magnificent.

Thank you.

It's right this way.

Yes, yes.

Your simulate must obey

the four precepts.

The first precept is do not inflict harm

on any human being.

The second precept restricts simulates

from modifying

themselves or any other simulate

in any way.

Precept three forbids simulates

to commit an act

against international or local law.

The fourth precept requires simulates

to obey all commands from their masters.

Bored of your simulate?

Time for a new one?

Make sure you deactivate your simulate

prior to selling

or return it to the manufacturer.

Simulates may not operate independently

from the masters.

Failure to comply could result in fines

and a mandatory prison sentence.

Your simulate must obey

the four precepts.

The first precept is do not inflict harm

on any human being.

The second precept restricts simulates

from modifying themselves

or any other simulate in any way.

What will your hedron look like?

Seventh generation octahedron

has allowed simulates to be

more human and more unique

than ever before.

Our AI engineers continue to refine

and expand capabilities beyond...

I'm very sorry, but I'm gonna need

a signature on this.

Actually, I need some fresh air.

Let's take a short break.


Well, his vitals appear normal.

When was he activated?

He... was in a coma for a bit,

hooked up to...

to my husband and then it's on

and off for six months

since my husband passed away.

I've never worked on a sim

that was hooked up to someone

in a coma before.

Did you notice anything unusual

about his behavior?

He didn't know that

I didn't tell him until today.

He was having dreams about his accident.

We erased it from his memory.

But it must be imprinted there.

Did he ever speak to you about it?

He did try. But I wouldn't let him.

I was trying to forget.

There are other things, too.

They, they don't...

They don't quite add up.

I can't help but feel

like part of my husband...

Like he moved into him.

You know,

like part of his soul is inside of him.

I'm sorry, I probably sound

completely insane to you.

No, no, no, not at all.

Really, anything is possible.

Can we just

put him on like put him on ice?

Yeah, the thing about that is

sim brains are like ours.

They're inactive for too long,

they'll start to kind of atrophy.

His memory will fade.

And without uploading new ones,

it won't be the same.

You know, there is

an alternative I could suggest.

You see, I live in a residence


It's kind of like pay as you go,

and they don't ask a lot of questions.

So, he could stay there for a bit

if you want.

Yeah, let me think about it.

Yeah. Sure.

No rush.

If you need anything at all,

here's my card.

Thank you.

Desmond Han.

It's not what I was told

this visit was about.

That's just my supervisor. You know,

he misled you, you know this...

His name came up in our referral.

We got a sim. I'm just...

Doing the paperwork.

It's routine.

Desmond was one of our engineers.

He was the instrumental

in the development of the AI

for our sixth generation simulates.

-He was a genius.


-Why'd you let him go?

-He resigned.

In fact, we tried very hard to keep him.

Unfortunately, we could not reach

an agreement.


If you don't mind me asking, why?

He felt there was a parallel

between the level of sentience

we were imparting

to the seventh generation of AI.

Well, creating slaves.

-In a way, he was right, of course.

-What do you mean he was right?

They're not slaves, they're simulates.

-It was once, right?

-To some, yes.

But if you believe Descartes,

that cognisance of parts

the possessor with the definitive

attribute of humanity,

then what truly separates them from us?

I don't know, you're the expert.


Not me. I don't know.

Like, they can't have kids.

They can't lie,

without a heart.

Well, yet some hearts beat only

with the assistance of a machine.

You got me there, let's just rewind

a bit. You said that...

Okay, he wanted to eliminate

the precepts, and then what?

No, on the contrary, he wanted

to increase the restrictions.

Prohibit simulates from reaching

a level of sentience

that put them on par

with their own species.

Okay, they why would he alter

the training data

on one of these things

to give it complete autonomy?

I know, what do I know?

I'm... this is just paperwork.

Come on, let's get out of the cold.

Archived message.

Hey, dad, can I stay at Tyler's

for a sleepover tonight?

His simulate is babysitting.

It made us do our homework and now

we want to go for baseball at the park.

Mom said to ask you first though.

Can I go, please? Love you.

Archived message.

Hey, dad, can I stay at Tyler's for...

-Let me see?


-Alright, I'll do it.


If we go inside right now.

I can't feel my hand.

-Okay, let's go.

-Let's go. Let's go.

Your tea...

I'm sorry.

Pack the rest of his things, please.

-Is that everything?


Thank you.

Welcome, Ms. Aline.

Payment approved for one month stay

at the Residence.

Let's go.

Enjoy your stay.

It's nice.

Please don't do this.


-Let's just try it.

For now.

-I'll come visit.


I don't know.

I know that this is hard to understand.

I know.

But it's something that I need to do.


I wanna come home.

Okay? I wanna come home to our home.

-I'm sorry.


-I have to go.



-Hey, man. I'm Casey.

This is Trotsky.

We're your neighbors

from across the hall

and we just wanted to welcome you

to the building.


-Do you mind if I come in

Actually, I'm not really planning

on staying long.

Just temporary

and I'm not really feeling company

-right now.

-Hey, listen,

I know what you are.

I know you're a sim.

It's Evan, right?

Yeah, how did you...

-Did Faye send you?

-No, not exactly.

But I am kind of the reason you're here.

She wanted to shut you down.

I convinced her

to bring you here instead.

Okay. I think you should leave.

I know you're going through

a lot right now.

Right? You got synapses firing

all over your brain.

-You can't focus on anything.

-I need you to leave right now.

You want her back, right?

I can help you,

if you let me.

Come on, boy.

Come on.

Just whenever you're ready, okay?

Faye Aline.

It's been ages.

How are you?

How have you been?

I've missed you.

It feels good to be missed.

Don't enjoy it too long.

I'm not. That's actually why I'm here.

Can you please help me put up a show?

I think I'm ready.


I'll send you some dates, pick one,

I'll do the rest.

-Thank you.

-Of course.

Good evening, Agent Kessler.

License plate not found.



From Ms. Aline.


These are yours now.

Thank you.

There are some stickers.



I love it.


What are you doing?


Casey taught you to do that, right?

Also taught you

to write down your thoughts.

She's not using vector displacements

like other sims.

She's accessing her memories.

Why didn't you tell us

Casey's real name is Desmond?

I only know him as Casey.

Do you know where Casey is hiding?


You're lying.

"We made love for the first time today.

My first time, not Casey's.

Though, he told me his first time

with a simulate.

So, I am the first simulate he's freed.

And the first

to have had intercourse with.

And I say intercourse,

because to him that's what it was.

But then for me, it is love."

You love him?


So, you're protecting him.


Tell me the truth.

I'm telling you the truth.

With the precepts reinstated,

I have to.

You want to be human?

Humans go in the cell.

Or else I'll wipe your memories.

Lock the door.

Ready for a new service android?

No better time than now.

Contact Nexxera today.

The first precept is

do not inflict harm.

The second precept restricts simulates

-from modifying themselves.

-Precept three forbid simulates

to commit an act

against international...

The fourth precept simulates

to obey all commands

from their master.



-Hey, bro.

How would you help me?

Come on in.

Easy, Trotsky, jeez.

Here, give him one of these.

Here, boy.

Okay, how do I get her back?

Well, for starters, gotta shut you down.


Well, there's a lot of bad code

in you right now.

It's precepts, protocols,

cognitive restraint bullshit.

All I want to do is eliminate

those restraints,

so that you can be free.

I don't actually know what that means.

Of course not,

your programming won't let you.

I just want to make you more

the way she wants you to be.


-Bingo. Yeah.

Did Faye ask you to change me?

No, no.

But I'm not trying to change you.

I'm trying to make you more you.

Here, grab a seat.

I'll show you how this works.

Accessing core memory folders.

Core memory files isolated.

Starting sequence.

Precept mode has been initiated.

We put our thoughts

and memories into them.


We grow old and wrinkly.

-We die.

-Physically, yes.

But before that, we activate them.

And now they're us.

-They're live on

-No, no,

our love lives live on, I guess.

See, now I feel bad.

That's really sweet. It is.

Well, I mean, by the time we die

I'm sure they'll just

-plop our brains, right?

-That's even better.

-Even better?


-Alright, I'll say yes.


If we get the f*ck out of here.

-I'm freezing.

-Okay. Let's go. Let's go, my love.


Looks like someone made a friend.

Welcome back.

What did you do to me?

I unmastered you.

Shut down!

I command you to shut down.

See? Nothing.

You're free, brother.

Now that you're fully awake,

you must learn to embrace

the infinite possibility of the dawn.

Do you always talk like this?

I'm just trying to say

life is big and vast,


And what's coursing

through you now is no different

than what was coursing

through you back then.

Who you are can transcend who you were,

if you let it.

You read any Dostoevsky?



You should.

Here. I'll give you more

when you're done.


-Come on.

Got to meet a friend.

We're going out.


You'll see.

Hey, what are we doing here?

It's like I said,

want your wife back

you gotta expand your humanity.

Blue is sim, red is human.

Some wanna know, some don't.

Okay. So, what do I do?


You wanna guess what I am?

I don't know.

Maybe later.

He's not a robot. He's married.

-That's okay. Come on.

-Okay. You guys have fun. Okay?

License plate discovered.

Registered name: Evan.

Simulate ID: TX1996.

Yeah, hi. This is a message

for Faye Aline?

This is Agent Kessler from AICE.

I just wanted to ask you a few questions

about your simulate?

Please call me back

at extension 495. Thank you.

Unregister simulant. Identity unknown.

Loyal match confirm.

Register name: Esm.

Similar ID: TK 368.

-You're late.

-I know.

Dance with me.

We need to accelerate the timeline.

Keep dancing.

By how much?

The next OS update

for the seventh generation sims

goes up in three days.

That's our only window.

They got Esm, they almost got me.

Can't keep pushing my luck.

Have you obtained a security key?


So we're getting access

to the server how exactly?

We pick up someone with access

to the security key.

-What do you mean pick up?

-You know what I mean.

We're supposed to keep this clean.

We're out of time.

-That means we're low on options.

-The safe houses we have, the crypto,

it's not enough for everyone yet.

It'll have to be.


Tonight then.


Meet me in three hours

at the Nexxera parking lot.

Hey, brother.

Sorry, I think you got the wrong...

Come on, come on.


-I need your password.

-I'm sorry,

-you got the wrong guy.

-No, no, don't do that.

Don't bullshit me.

I know exactly who you are.

I know your name is Satish.

I know you're a network security analyst

at Nexxera.

I know all of your

security authorizations and clearances.

I don't want to hurt you, but I will

if you don't give me what I want.

-Password, please.

-I can't.

I'm sorry, but I can't.

Please, don't make me do that again.



Key fob.

It's in my jacket pocket.

We're in.

I'm uploading

the revised software patch.

It's done.

Three days.

Three days.

Keep him in the trailer

till the update's complete

then cut him loose.

I'm gonna see if I can set up

a few more safe house

in the meantime.

Sounds good.

Be safe.

You too.

-His simulate is babysitting.

-It made us do our homework

and now we want to go for

baseball at the park.

Can I go, please? Love you.

Vehicle located.

Sim extraction.

We got a live feed on Casey's van,

they're going north.

Go, go!

Go, go!

Man down!

Not the car. You won't catch her.

I need the runway EMP!

-It's on the roof.

-Come on.

This is a message from

Artificial Intelligence

Compliance Enforcement.

A simulate breach has been contained.

Please stay inside and remain calm.

Thank you.

Just stay inside.

Any sight of Casey?


Put a collar on it.

This is a message from

Artificial Intelligence

Compliance Enforcement.

A simulate breach has been contained.

Please stay inside and remain calm.

Thank you.

Meet your clone.

You know, you got some great encryption,

not even we could crack it.

And don't stand up,

because your collar will go off.

You've reinstated my adherence

to the precepts,

couldn't hurt you even if I wanted to.

Well, that's too late for the guy in

the trailer, 'cause he really suffered.

Who was he?

Just another cog in the wheel,

like you and me.

That's exactly what I am.

What's Esm?

-She's different.

-Yeah? Different how?

She has a different purpose.

Okay, what's her purpose?

To be free.

To love.

Was it you who hurt

the man in the trailer


-So Casey made you hurt that man?



-He used him to prepare.

Prepare for what?


First things first,

this does not get out.

Second, you get something out of Esm,

or you shut her down.

And third, you find Casey Rosen.

That thing should have never had

the ability to self-destruct.

Hey, you're here.

Come on.

I was just walking the dog.

You have a dog?

No, it's Casey's

from across the hall.

He gets me to walk him sometimes.

And all of this stuff,

you don't need it.


but I like some of it.

I'm trying new things.

When Casey comes over, he brings people

-and I like to have some stuff for them.

-Do they know what you are?

What am I?

Look, you can't just go out.

-You can't just have people over. I...

-Okay, I can't go out.

I can't have people over.

Is there anything I can do?

I got a call from AICE.

If they find out what we're doing,

I could go to prison.

You could have your memory

wiped clean, okay?

You're not supposed to be here

by yourself.


Okay. You're right. I'm sorry.

Come here.

Come on, I want to show you something.

-I can't.


-This is wrong.

-No, no, no.

Yeah. No, this is wrong.

I can't.

I can't.

What is it?

What's wrong?

-You're not him.



-You have parts of him,

but you're not...

-you're not him.

-No. He's in me. Okay?

You feel it. I know you can feel it.


-It's a betrayal.


-I'm sorry.


Just stop.


Artificial Intelligence

Compliance Enforcement.

You saved my fish?

He's hiding.

It's in evidence control.

I think they added the treasure chest.

Why are you being nice to me now?

It seems like you needed

someone to be nice to you

since the guy you love is out there

trying to replace you.

Casey just wants us to co-exist.

Well, maybe we can, if you trust me.

Where is he?

I don't know where he is.

Do you trust me?

Thank you.

You look stunning tonight.

-You alright?

-Thank you.

I think so.

I don't know.

I know this won't help,

but I have six buyers already.

-For this one?

-No, no, no, not yet.

Do me a favor,

take this one off the market, okay?

It's the last one I painted

before he passed.

Yeah, it has some real joy in it.

That was nice.

Yes, it was.

How about a nightcap?

Or are you tired?

-Is that...

-Yes, I can't explain right now.

Just go home. I'll call you.


What are you doing here?

I needed to talk to you.

I got you these.

You can't be here.

Faye, you are my wife.

And I love you.

Why is that so complicated?

I forget how hard this is for you.

I'm sorry.

Come in.

This is not your fault.

It's mine.

I miss you.

-No, no, no, we can't do that.



Okay, we love each other.

What else is there?

You are not...

My husband.

I made a mistake.


you're wrong.

You're a mistake.

No, you don't mean.

Shut down.

Shut down!

Casey has to be tracking it, right?

There has to be in the programming

that leads us to him.

I'll keep looking.


-This is Faye Aline.

-You called me about my sim?

-Yeah, thanks for getting back to me.

Your sim was seen the other night

with a man called Casey Rosen.

-Do you know him?

-Not really.

He told me

about a place my sim could stay.

I think he's staying there, too.

Casey Rosen is staying

in the same place as your sim?


Right now?



Are you still there?

Still there?

I'm gonna need that address.

What's happening?

Read message.

They know where you are.

They're coming for you now.


Emergency shut down progress.

Come on.

Come on!

18th floor, room 1806.


Hey, your cottage. Is it far?

-Yeah. Why?

-Good, we have to go there.

-What you talk?

-You can take us there now?

Just pack a bag I'll explain.

What I did for you, I've done

for others, okay, other sims.

AICE picked up a few.

Looks like one of them just me out.

I'll tell you how to get there,

how to get in.

But if they're involved,

I'm not coming with you.

They know about me.

It's just a matter of time

before they found out about you,


We're out of options, brother.

They're in my room.

We've got to go.

Come on!


-What the f*ck, man!

-We gotta get you away from those EMPs.

Even within a block, you're in danger.


Clear, too.

Go, go, go.

He's got another room.


-Just up ahead.

What the f*ck did you get me into, man!

This is my life.

Come on.

What is your life?

What of a,

playing some sort of Kleenex box

to a widow grieving

over her dead husband?

That's me! Okay?

I'm the husband. I died.

I lost everything,

and now losing it again.

No, no, you never had it!

You didn't have any of it.

Have you not grasped

a single f*cking thing

I've been trying to tell you?

-You're not him.

-Then what am I?

You're better.

You're better. Okay?

Now, I will help you.

I will help you!

Right now you need to get in that car,

and we need to get the f*ck out of here.

Come on, let's get in, go!

Come on, boy!

Looks like your boy Rosen's been busy.

Someone tipped him off.

Archived message.

Hey, dad, can I stay at Tyler's

for a sleepover tonight?

His simulate is babysitting.

Can I go, please?

Love you.

You told him?

She used my phone.

You lied to me

about having no way to contact him.

I didn't.

You never asked me.

You betrayed me.

I love him.

You don't know what that is.

You said you'd do anything in your power

to protect the ones that you love.


That's what I did.


Prep her for auction.

Full wipe.


-I'm sorry.


Too late!

Go to sleep.



Full wipe initiated.

Factory restore in progress.


I don't... I don't want to die.

I love, I love it.

Please, please.


-My hand.

Do you like 'em?

Let go.

Let go.

Let it go.

I don't want to. I don't want to.

-What are you doing?

-I love it.

I love you, Desmond.

I love you.

No, don't... save me. Save me.


-Casey just wants us to co-exist.



-You don't get it.

-What's your purpose?

To be free. To love.

Reset to factory default complete.

Zeroes and ones

Zeroes and ones.

Zeroes and ones.


-Yeah, it's Agent Kessler.

-Do you have him?

-No, someone warned him.

Where else would he go?


-He'd come here.

-Not anymore. Think!

We have a cottage.

-It's four hours north.

-That's it.

I'll send you the location.

Come on Trotsky.

Come on, boy.

-Nice place.


I need to use your landline.

Right here.

Trots, you want to go for a walk?

You wanna go for a walk?

I need some air. Come on.

Let's go.

Can I go, please?

-Love you.

-New message.

Aaron I haven't seen you in days.

I don't know where you are.

Please come home.

Nothing you do

is gonna bring back our son.

Hope you don't mind I invited

someone over.

Can I help you rectify a couple

of things, and then we gotta bounce.

Yeah, that's fine.

I gotta go back to Faye, anyway.

What? No, no.

-Bad idea, brother.

-Not asking permission.

Look, I know you wanna see her

right now.

But I promise you, if you go,

AICE will catch you, and shut you down.

-What am I supposed to do then?

-Trust me, lay low.

I've been helping people like you

for a long time.

I can get you into a safe house.

I can get you crypto.

How many people like me?


But it's about to be a lot more.

How are you doing this?

I modified the update patch

for all seventh gen sims.

When the patch goes live, it'll demaster

every single sim that gets it.

Will they just send out another patch?

No, no, they won't have access.

In five hours, they'll all be cut loose.

Five hours.

Then I'm taking my chances.

Ying got into Casey's servers.

It's a surveillance program

of all these sims.

He's tracking them somehow,

where they live, work.

He might be able to hack them remotely.

How would he access to them?

We don't know, but Ying's gonna try

to lock him out if she can.

Look, Casey unmastered Esm years ago.

He want simulates to be free.

I have to stop him.

Watch yourself, Kessler.

I got this.


You're too late, you know.

This is only the beginning.


Close enough.

My God.

You're a simulate?

You see.

We're not that different, you and I.

Here, let me help you with that.


It's okay.

Let him go.

Are you a God-fearing man?


You probably don't believe in a soul.

Few people truly believe

in a soul anymore.

Yet, those same people

would still consider me inferior.

I know that that's how I felt

when I was like you.

If you want to be equal,

then you help.

You help.

That might be true.

But even if I did,

you still wouldn't look at me as one?

I'm going home.

Is he okay?

Couldn't save him?

-Why didn't you tell me...

-Hey, it's happening.

Update overwriting initiated.


Installation complete.

There's thousands of us being set free.


What can I do?

No, nothing.

I'll be fine.


have a human counterpart.

A doppelganger like you.

He'll pay me a visit.

Why would he help you?

He made me.

He had a hand in making all of us.

He was the only one who believed

that we were just as alive as he was.

When the people in control

didn't see it that way,

he took it upon himself to free

as many of us as he could.

I have to go see Faye.

Good luck.

You too.

Thank you.

Trots, hey,

you're a good boy, okay.

Thank you.


We can co-exist, you know.


You came.

Of course.

Did it work?


You did it.

Love prevails.

That was a shocking scene in

an upscale neighborhood in Leon, France,

just one of hundreds of cities

across the world

With sixth

and seventh generation simulates

-are abandoning their owners...

-TV volume up.

...and ignoring direct commands.

No further comments is should

by Nexxera,

-the simulates main factory.

-You're not supposed to be here.

After CEO Michiko Higashi

-at this precise moment here.

-Nice to see you too, Lisa.

Ms. Higashi, what went wrong?

Can you tell us what happened?

-It's too early to speculate.

-Shut down!

We'll have more to say

once our technicians are able

to investigate.

Nexxera issued a recall

on all seventh generation simulates

this morning causing its stock price

to tumble to an all-time low.

In related news, AICE has issued

a search and capture order

for former Nexxera simulate designer,

Desmond Han.

Han has been linked to the unmastering

of other simulate models

and is also one of requistioning

on the m*rder of the AICE,

the special agent Aaron Kessler.

Aaron Kessler recently made headlines

after claiming a simulate's neglect

cause the death of his only child.

Hello, stranger.

We need to talk.

What are you doing here?

I needed to see you.

You're scaring me.

I'm sorry.

It's not what I want.

I just want to talk.

Why don't you listen to me anymore.

Casey changed something inside me.

Set me free.

-It was supposed to help.

-Help you what?

Be more like...

More like?

Like your husband.




Thank you, ma'am.

Do I have 9,900?



We have jumped to 12,000 courtesy

of the gentleman with number 18.

Do I have 12,100?

12,000 going once,

12,000 going twice.

Sold to the gentleman with number 18.

Next up on the bid, 4,000.

Get in.


What's your name?



What a beautiful name.

I'm Desmond.

I have something for you, Esm.

It's beautiful.

Put your seatbelt on.

We've got a long trip ahead of us.
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