02x01 - Summer Lovin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sweet Valley High". Aired: September 5, 1994 – October 14, 1997.*
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Based on the books of the same name, revolves around the lives of Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, beautiful blonde twins who live in the fictitious Sweet Valley, California, and their g*ng of friends.
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02x01 - Summer Lovin

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Look right down any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere, or a reflection ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be two different girls who look the same ♪

♪ At Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

[upbeat rock music]


[waves crashing]

Lauren, you take the pier with Ben.

Jordan, you start by Larry's Clam Shack

and work down to the shore.

Seth, you and I'll take the parking lot.


What's wrong with this picture?


Liz, it's the last day of summer

and you're holding a pen and paper.

Jess, I'm organizing a beach clean-up.

Liz, you've worked at a soup kitchen, painted a church,

and now you're spearing trash with a pointy stick?

What's next? World peace?

Okay, I guess I've been throwing myself

into a lot of things.

Why can't you just relax and have some fun?

Use me as your role model.

I haven't done a thing all summer.

It's just with Todd gone, I'd go crazy

if I didn't keep busy.

Listen, I know what'll get you out of this funk.

The Beach Olympics.

Not again.

We always come in tenth place.

Ex-squeeze me?

We came in ninth place last year.


-I have to go to work. -Fine.

But there's no way that you can convince me

that this is fun.

Liz, we just hit the jackpot.

A whole bunch of dead jellyfish just washed ashore.

[Jessica] Great.



[dreamy music]



Manny? Manny?

Manny? Are you okay?


I think I watched too much TV this summer.

All the time, people ask me.

Bruce, how is it that you've won the Beach Olympics

for four years in a row?

I tell them my team stands behind me.

Maybe it's because of my leadership,

maybe it's because of my skill.

Well, maybe it's because you buy them all Twinkies

after the game.


Oh, Jess. The team's meeting in ten minutes.

Don't tell me.

The Bad News Babes are entering the Beach Olympics

for the fourth humiliating year in a row?

Well I guess the tenth place ribbon and free plate

of fried clams is better than nothing.


Let me tell you something.

With me as team captain this year, we are gonna kick

some serious Patman butt.

Face it, Jessica.

Captain Crunch stands a better chance of winning than you.

You know, it's a good thing Liz is organizing

a beach clean-up.

Because this place is covered in trash.


Romance IQ.

What is your idea of a perfect romantic evening?

A, candlelight dinner at an expensive restaurant.

B, picnic by the lake at sunset.

Or, C, playing Yahtzee.

[Enid] Oh, obviously Yahtzee.

Todd, today, my mother, on the phone.

Have you been eating sugar cubes again?


Todd's coming back!

Winston, explain now!

Todd called my house looking for me.

He's coming back from Vermont today.

Is he home yet?

Oh my god, I've gotta get over there right now.

No, no, my mom told him we were at the beach.

He's coming here.

I can't believe this!

He told me he didn't have a break from basketball

until Thanksgiving.

He must have missed you so much he had to fly back.

You think so?

But why didn't he call me?

Probably wanted to surprise you.

[Enid] Oh, that's so romantic.

Wanna borrow my Yahtzee?


Lila, I want you to start carbo-loading.

We'll have four large orders of fries,

and three hot dogs.

Extra starch.

[man] You got it.

Stop, rewind, erase.

I don't do Beach Olympics.

I don't do sun-tanning, and I certainly don't do



Carbo-warbo-marbo, there's a [indistinct] Adonis at :.

I see you've noticed lifeguard Josh.

He's judging the Beach Olympics.

He is?

He loves the Beach Olympics.

It reminds him of his last girlfriend.

She was one of those fun-loving, volleyball-playing

redhead types.

Do you think I'm that gullible?

I'm not gonna let my skin turn to leather

for some lifeguard.

Hello, ladies.

I'm looking forward to seeing you two in action later.

Maybe a little sun would do me some good.

[man] Hey, girls over here!

[upbeat rock music]

Excuse me, but your huge ego is blocking my sun.

Why don't you just quit the Beach Olympics now, Wakefield?

Save yourself the humiliation.

Don't worry. There'll be plenty left for you.

Now would you mind?

You're dripping water all over me.

Oh I'm so sorry.


See you at the competition.

Bruce Patman is the rudest, most egotistical,


Evil underhanded little witch.

Sounds like you really like her.


Sounds like you really like him.


Welcome everyone to the annual Sweet Valley

end-of-the-summer Beach Olympics!

[crowd cheering]

[upbeat rock music]

♪ Minds are tough, tough ♪

♪ Bodies are strong, strong ♪

♪ Fear is gone, gone ♪

♪ We'll go on ♪

Come on! Come on! Come on!

♪ Here we go, in control ♪

♪ Feeling strong is what we know ♪

♪ Here we go, rising slow ♪

♪ Everyone is grabbing hold ♪

♪ Competition, hold ♪

♪ On a winning mission ♪

♪ Hold, competition ♪

♪ Hold, on a winning mission ♪

♪ The race is on, on ♪

♪ Winners take off, off ♪

♪ The lines are drawn, drawn ♪

♪ Losers will fall ♪

♪ Here we go, we're toe to toe ♪

♪ Staying tough is what we know ♪

♪ Here we go, we're rising slow ♪

♪ Everyone is grabbing hold ♪

♪ Competition ♪

♪ Hold, on a winning mission ♪

♪ Hold, competition ♪

♪ Hold, on a winning mission ♪

♪ Hold, competition ♪

♪ Hold, on a winning mission ♪

♪ Hold, competition ♪

♪ Hold, on a winning mission ♪

♪ Hold, competition ♪

♪ Hold, on a winning mission ♪


Bruce Patman is going to rue the day he ever cheated.

And I am talking major, major ruing here.

Jess, you were the one that cheated.

Whose side are you on, anyway?

One large blanket and a side order of pillows.

Make that two. About to collapse.

Don't wimp out on me, guys.

We still have the final event.

I'm tired, I'm sweaty, and I have sand lodged

in every precious pore of my skin.

Jess, don't you think you're taking this competition

a little too seriously?

It's supposed to be fun, remember?

I am having fun.

And I'll have even more fun when we beat

that pompous nimrod, Bruce.

Aren't we fired up?

Could there be a little summer loving going on

between you and Bruce?

-[chuckling] -That is totally ridiculous.

Hey, isn't it great that our teams are tied?

It's like we're all winners.

[all] Shut up, Manny.

[boy] Hey, Wilkins!

Todd! Hey, Todd!


[girl] What's he doing back?

Come on. Let's take a walk.

[slow piano music]

Todd, that was so great of you to surprise me.

Surprise? Oh, yeah right.

How long are you in town for?

Liz, I'm moving back to Sweet Valley. For good.

Oh my god!

That's fantastic!

But, I don't understand.

I thought you loved Fairmont Academy.

Let's just say things weren't going as I planned.

It's a long story.

Well, I have time.

Actually, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

I'm gonna go home and unpack, okay?

I got a bunch of stuff I gotta do.

But you'll be back for the finals, won't you?

I'll try.

Todd, wait, I just want you to know,

I'm really glad you're back.

Well, that makes one of us.

[tropical music]

[people chattering]


Nice volleyball game, Wakefield.

Where'd you find Brunhilda?

Oh, her? She's an exchange student.

From where? Planet of the apes?

Don't worry, Bruce.

You still have the obstacle course.

That'll definitely separate the winners from the ...

From the ...

The losers?

The perfect name for your team!

Why the long face?

Don't tell me lifeguard Josh hasn't swept you off your feet.

Feet, Jess?

Why don't you look at my feet?

Thanks to you, my feet look like ballpark franks.

I can't go out with him like this.

But I gave you my sunscreen.

SPF is not sunscreen, it's barbecue sauce.

So does this mean you're not gonna be in the relay race?

[waves crashing]

This bonfire is gonna be so romantic.

Course, it would be much more romantic

if I had a boyfriend.

Yeah. I agree.

Where's Todd?

I thought by now you guys would be off making goo-goo eyes

at each other.

Actually, Todd went home.

He said he had to unpack.


He hasn't seen you for months.

You'd think he'd ...

Have a lot to unpack.

Sure, he's home unpacking.

That makes perfect sense.

Enid, I never told you this.

But Todd's been acting really strange, lately.

I mean, he's distant on the phone.

He barely wrote me any letters.

Do you think he's still upset about Nick?

No, he knows nothing happened between us.

I love him so much, Enid.

Now he's back, but something's changed.

I know it.

Todd loves you.

Obviously he didn't come back to Sweet Valley

for the local seafood.

You'll see.

Once Todd gets settled back into town, you two will regain

your title as Mr. and Mrs. Perfect Couple.

Ugh. I'm feeling queasy already.


I'm sure you're right about us.


At least I hope so.

[tropical music]

Here you go.

Hey, little buddy.

You look like you could use a taste of paradise.

[Manny] Thanks, man.


[dreamy music]

I've been looking for you all night, Gilligan.

[gulps] Gilligan?

Not again.


What's in that thing?

Welcome back everyone to the annual Sweet Valley

end-of-the-summer Beach Olympics!

[crowd cheering]

Alright it's time for the final event,

the obstacle relay race.

We all know how it's done, right?

[crowd] Yeah!

Okay, we're gonna obstacle course down, egg and spoon

back, first team to cross the finish line wins.

Let's get our first teams out there!


Please take your places.

Good luck.

Luck is for the unprepared.

[man] On your mark, get set, go!

[crowd cheering]

[upbeat rock music]

Oh! Yuck!

[Enid] Oh man, that's seriously gross.


Go Enid!


I'd love to stay and chat, but I've gotta run.


What's the matter with you?

Tell mom I loved her.




Woo-hoo I won!

I'll take my trophy, now.

Yeah, think again Jessica.

I saw how you cheated. You're disqualified.


So are you, Patman.

You can't do this!

Yeah, this isn't fair!

-Get out of here, both of you. -[crowd groaning]

What's wrong?

You look like you just saw a ghost.

I just spoke to Todd's mom.

Todd was cut from the team at Fairmont Academy.

He dropped out of school.

[tropical music]

Burned your feet pretty bad, huh?

Fried, charred, and blackened with Cajun spices.

Let me see what I can do.

What are you doing?

A little aloe vera massage will do the trick.

Where on earth did you learn to do that?

Actually I'm studying to be a foot doctor.

Oh, well in the name of sweet science, continue.

[waves crashing]


So humiliating.

You have some nerve getting me disqualified.


Please, Bruce. You were cheating so badly it hurt.

You're bad news, Wakefield.

Don't worry. I'm staying as far away from you as I can.

I'll believe it when I see it.

What's that supposed to mean?

This is exactly like in third grade

when you chased me around the swing set trying to kiss me.

You conceited little--

-Admit it! -Arrogant--

-Admit it! -Low-life, meat-headed--

You better remember that moment,

because it'll never happen again.

[somber music]


I've been looking all over for you.

I was worried when you didn't show up at the party.

I wasn't feeling up to it.

Listen, I talked to your mom.

I know all about what happened at Fairmont Academy.

Why didn't you tell me you got cut from the team?

I don't feel like talking about it, alright?

It'll be okay.

Hey, you can always play for the Sweet Valley team.

Gee, what a consolation.

Look, I had my big chance and I blew it.

I'm through with basketball.

Todd, you can't just give up on your dream.

Liz, my life is totally changed.

One thing hasn't.

I still love you.

You don't even know me anymore.

[somber piano music]

I don't even know me.

I know what you're going through.

But things will get better, I promise.

You know what I'm going through?

Right. You never failed at anything in your life.

Look, you have no idea what it feels like to be told

you're not good enough.

Todd, please!

You know maybe I don't fit in with the rest

of your picture-perfect life, right?

Maybe, maybe I don't make the cut.

That's not true! I just want to help you!

You want to help? Then leave me alone.

But Todd!

You know, go find some other charity case

because we're through.

[acoustic guitar music]

[Enid] Wow, it's a beautiful fire, huh?

Enid, I thought you might like to roast--

How sweet of you, Manny! Here.

Thanks, Enid.


Excuse me.


If you told me this morning the summer would end like this,

I never would have believed it.

Neither would I.

Come on. You'll get through this, Liz.

If not, I'll just have to trade you in for another twin.


You know what?

As long as we're together, we'll make this

the best year ever.

When did I start sounding like a Hallmark card?


[upbeat rock music]

♪ Look right down any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere, or a reflection ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley high ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High. ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪♪
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