01x38 - The Snow, the Mountains, Friendship and Monsters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x38 - The Snow, the Mountains, Friendship and Monsters

Post by bunniefuu »

They're going to choose
the Moon Princess

by her looks, athletic ability
and gracefulness?!

So, what about me?! I'm stuck
in all this snow!

A girl's not supposed to let her
hips get cold, you know?!

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

Gomen ne sunao ja nakute
yume no naka nara ieru

Shikou kairo wa short
sunzen ima sugu aitai yo

Nakitakunaru you na moonlight
denwa mo dekinai midnight

Datte junjou dou shiyou
heart wa mangekyou

Tsuki no hikari ni michibikare

Nando mo meguriau

Seiza no matataki kazoe
uranau koi no yukue

Onaji kuni ni umareta no
miracle romance

Shinjite iru no miracle romance

The Snow! The Mountains! Our
Friendship! And Of Course, a Monster, Too

Hey, everyone, let's go!

It says here that one of
the events is called

the Moon Princess Contest!

Moon Princess Contest?

That's right!

Don't you think this contest was
practically made for me?!

Let me see.

Wow! "The award ceremony
at Moonlight Course

Moon Princess Contest
Wow! "The award ceremony
at Moonlight Course

Moon Princess Contest
Executive Committee
will be held in the moonlight."

Will be held in the moonlight."


Moon Princess

It sure does sound romantic.

Don't you think so?!

We don't mind, but won't Luna
make a fuss about it again?

You don't have to worry about
that. We'll just tell Luna

that we're going to the snowy
mountains for special training.

It's a little surprising to hear that
coming from you.

Huh? You think so?

But if you tell Luna and Artemis,
I'm sure they'll be satisfied.

Then, we're all going?!

But I wonder if we can get
hotel reservations now?

If you'd like, I'll arrange
something for you.


My parents live right
near that place.

Really?! Then, please!
We're counting on you!

Sure! Then, Miss Rei, I will ask for
some days off as well and...

What? You're planning on
coming with us?

Would that be wrong?

Come on, it's okay, Rei.

"Even a chance meeting is due

to a kindness in a previous life,"
you know?

Mako, that should be "due to your
karma from a previous life."

But either way, I'm not sure

that proverb applies for this situation.

Moon Princess Contest
Executive Committee

They are a girly bunch.

They are certain to buy into this event.


Do you not think you are
underestimating them a little?


Every last one of your
previous tactics failed.

My analysis shows that is entirely due

to you underestimating
your opponents.

I believe knowing your enemy
and knowing yourself

is the first step in building a strategy.

Do you not agree?

You impress me, Endymion.

The long time you spent fighting
with Sailor Moon

certainly shows.

You must know a great
deal about them.

But this is none of your business!

I will defeat the sailor warriors
without fail.


Wow, it's so beautiful!

It really feels like we're here!

I feel bad for having left Luna
and Artemis behind.

You don't have to worry about that.

As they say, "The cat curls up
on the heated table."

The heated table is the
best thing in winter.

Don't you think so, Artemis?

He looks so peaceful.

But I can't believe they went for
training in such a cold place.

I'm so impressed.

My parents are at their vacation
home in Switzerland.

Excuse me, Yuichiro...

Why is a rich boy...

Oh, I mean, the son of good
family like you,

training at our shrine?

To become a better person, of course.

Oh, I see...

Rei, I hear there are a lot of weird
people among the rich.

That might be true.

Anyway, whatever!
Come on, let's go ski!



It's snow, it's snow! Yay! Yay!

It's a perfect day for skiing.

It really is!

Come to think of it, where did
Rei and Yuichiro go?

Let's go up higher instead
of skiing in this flat area.

No, that's all right.

You and Yuichiro can feel free
to go on up there.

We're having plenty
of fun right here.

That's right!

But Miss Usagi,

you're participating in the Moon
Princess Contest, right?

Because the contest hall is
at the top of this mountain.


That contest requires beauty
in face and figure, of course,

but you can't be chosen unless
you're also a good skier.

No way...

What will you do, Usagi?
Will you forfeit?

Then, maybe I'll take the crown
of the princess!

I'm going!

How could the real Moon Princess
not participate?!

Moon Princess Contest

Have any likely candidates shown up?

No, not yet.

I see.

Just remember, if you use the
monster power that I gave you,

you will be able to uncover
Sailor Moon's identity.

Make sure you do it right.

Yes, Sir. Please leave it to me.

Don't tell me we're going
to ski down that thing.

Not at all! This is nothing compared
to the area near the top.

Oh, no!

These people are all a bunch
of daredevils!

Moon Princess Contest

Moon Princess Contest
Ladies, thank you for coming
to this event!

Moon Princess Contest

Moon Princess Contest
In a moment, we will start the fourth
Moon Princess Contest.

Your hostess, who will guide you
through this contest,

is the first Moon Princess

Moon Princess Contest
and our very own instructor here
at the Moonlight Slopes,

Moon Princess Contest
Ms. Saeko Yamamoto!

Moon Princess Contest

Moon Princess Contest
Then, I will now explain the
judging process to you.

Then, I will now explain the
judging process to you.

The woman who gets to the bottom
of this Moonlight Course first

and does so most gracefully will be
this year's Moon Princess.

It is a night course, but
it is completely safe,

so please ski without any worries.

Then, start!

I'm going to quit after all!

Miss Usagi, you can't afford
to get a late start.

There you go!

See? Nothing's impossible, if you try!

This course is actually
going right to Hell.

I just felt something like
an evil aura, but...

It can't be.

There's no way a monster
would appear here, right?


I can't stop!

Usagi isn't half-bad! All right!
I'm not going to be outdone!

Someone stop me!

It seems one of those two must be

the princess of the moon, Sailor Moon.

Usagi, it'll be dangerous if you
don't slow down more!

I know that! But there's nothing
I can do about it!

Usagi! Go, faster!

I told you, I have no control at all!

I'm pretty sure I just heard
an avalanche!

I hope Miss Rei isn't...


How about this?!


What is this?!

I'm scared!

Miss Rei!

Miss Rei, I'll be right there
to rescue you!

Miss Rei!

I thought I just heard
someone's voice...

There is something to being
the princess.

But I doubt you can escape from this!

Bli! Bli! Bli! Bli!


What'll we do now?

Something is wrong here.
Could it be a monster?

Rei, are you all right?

Of course, I'm not all right!

Come on! Hurry up and
climb out of here!

Say, Rei, let's think of some other way.

What are you saying?!

You'll become less of a woman
if you give up so easily!

You have to show your
willpower! Willpower!

Man, I guess they will have already
picked somebody else

to be the Moon Princess.

I'm sure they did! Thanks to someone,

I've missed my chance at the crown!

I'm sorry.

Tuxedo Mask...

Oh, Rei!

That belongs to Tuxedo Mask, right?


When I'm feeling Ionely and stuff,
listening to this makes me feel better.

Oh, I'm not trying to show
this off or anything!

I just wanted a change of pace...

I'm sorry, Rei. Did I hurt your feelings?

Why? I don't care about that anymore.

What? But...

To be honest, I've already
given up on Mamoru...

No, I mean, Tuxedo Mask.

After all, he tried to protect you
and put his own life at risk.

I can't possibly win against that.


But remember this, Usagi Tsukino.

If you don't become happy with
Mamoru, I will punish you!


And to do that,

we have to defeat the bad guys
in the Dark Kingdom,

and restore peace to the world.

You're right. Oh, I just
remembered something!

What's this all of a sudden?!

Rei, we can get right out of here
if you use your Fire Soul!

You're right! Why didn't you
notice that earlier?!

Usagi, you are such a slowpoke!

How about you, Rei?!

Okay, let's transform! Mars Power...

Miss Rei!

Thank goodness, you're safe!


This is a miracle born of love!

Come on! The exit is this way!
Let's hurry!

Not so fast!

Who are...

I am the monster, Blizzar.

I was sent to assassinate Sailor Moon.

I bet the minions of the
Dark Kingdom...

...transformed her into a monster!

Prepare to die, Sailor Moon!

What? Me?!

Good looks, athletic ability
and gracefulness.

You must be the princess of the moon!

Oh, you think so, too?

You are such an honest little monster.

What?! Miss Rei, you're Sailor Moon?!

You've got the wrong person!

Shut up! My judgment is never wrong!


I will protect Miss Rei!


Usagi, this is perfect! Let's transform!

Rei, you're colder than this snow.

Hurry up!


Moon Prism Power Makeup!

Mars Power Makeup!

So, both of you were sailor warriors?

I'll never forgive you for trapping us
in this place!

A girl's not supposed to let her
hips get cold, you know?!

How dare you freeze my Yuichiro?!

I hope you're prepared to pay for it!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

In the name of the Mars,
I will chastise you!

That's enough impertinent talk.




This is the end!


Tuxedo Mask!

Good evening, sailor warriors.


I will take care of them.
Blizzar, back off!

Sailor Moon, en garde!

I will not miss next time.

What should we do?

Tuxedo Mask, have you forgotten

how you fought with us?!

The person you loved most dearly,

Sailor Moon, is right here!

Sailor Mars...

Please remember, Tuxedo Mask!

Endymion, what are you doing?!

Now, Sailor Moon!


Moon Healing Escalation!


k*lling you guys right now

would give me nothing to brag about!

Good-bye. We will meet again.

Tuxedo Mask, someday,
please come back to me.

But you know, Yuichiro is
such a hopeless idiot.


Oh? What am I doing here?

Oh, are you finally awake?

I'm so glad! You're safe!

Yes. Sailor warriors showed up
and rescued us.

I see. I'm sorry, I'm such
a good-for-nothing.

That's not true! Yuichiro,
you were really cool!


Right, Rei?

Well, kind of.

Oh, really?!

Man, you're making me blush!

Hey, what are you doing
goofing off over here?!

Honestly! Everyone was worried!

But, I'm glad.

After all, they say, "A healthy horse
is a good horse."

I don't think that proverb is used
in situations like this.

Usagi kept on making
a mess of things,

so I just had an awful time of it!

What?! How could you say that?!

We reaffirmed our friendship
with each other, remember?!

Friendship with you?! I'd scrunch
it up and toss it away!

Rei's being mean to me!

Hiru ni wa hana no kaori

Yoru ni wa hoshi no matataki

Soko wa daremo shiranai sekai nano

Shiroi kutsu o narashite

Shiroi tsuki no hashi watatte

Amai kisu no yume o miteru
ohimesama ga sunde iru no

Inori o sasagete moon

Kitto shiawase ni shitekureru

Maware maware tsuki no

Suzushige na glass no
dress hirugaeshite

Itsudatte mimamotte iru wa

Moon moon princess
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