04x01 - Brotherly Love: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x01 - Brotherly Love: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

The old general would
turn in his grave

If he knew
the chief of police

Was escorting
a pregnant black woman
through town square.

Well, I don't think
it would get him
too excited.

He was acquainted
with a few pregnant
black women himself.

Chief, what are
you saying?

I'm only saying
what I've heard.

You're in a funny mood.

I'm in
a pleasant mood.

A man doesn't often
become the godfather
of twins.

I'm feeling
a little pride.

Did virgil tell you,
he's tried every route
to the hospital

To see which is
the fastest?

No, but knowing him,
it wouldn't surprise
me a bit.

And, uh, talking
about surprises,

This is why
I brought you here.

See that double pram
in there, says sold?


Chief, how sweet.

I can't wait to see
you three perambulating

Through this square.

Oh, thank you, ma'am.

Bubba, we all agreed
to learn to use
the computer

When things got
a little slow.

The good people
of sparta spent

Their hard-earned
tax dollars.

Just learn
how to use it.

Yeah, well, I don't know
why I got to do it.

this computer is...

As essential
as a g*n to the
modern-day officer.

I know. You told me.

Now, press enter.

[Telephone rings]

Good, good.

Keep smirking, parker.
You're next.

Detective tibbs.


Call for you
from philadelphia.

It's dwight walker.


Yes, sir.

Thanks. I'll take it
in the office.


All right, bubba.
Now press escape.

I'll be right back.


I like that.

Hey, dwight.

Hey, bro. Hope I didn't
call at a bad time.

No, man. I was
about to call you.

Big day's almost here.
We're having twins.

That's why I'm calling.

Celia and I want
to be there.

You got
a good hotel there?

Hotel? My best man's
not staying at a hotel.

You'll stay at the house
in the spare bedroom.

Wait a second.

Sorry, virgil. I got
to take another call.

I'm closing a big case.

I'll tell you
about it.

All right. Later.


Wait a minute.
What about your in-laws?


When they come here,
where they going
to stay?

The heart-a-sparta

Oh, lord, chief.

Somehow I've managed
to forget all about
my in-laws.

They're coming down here.

Sure they are.

To be with their baby
when she has her babies.

You better
make sure you got

Everything covered
before they get here.

Everything covered
like what?

Like, for instance,
the names of the twins.

How could I not realize?

They're going to want
to stay with us.

Well, guess I'll have
to call dwight back.

Every blessing has
its little burdens.

Got here quick.

The east side bus
only came by once.

What floor?

The fat one
and the sweaty one,

They b*at you.



Here comes
the east side bus.

Made real good time.

There it is.

The pride of the incas.

Ray naguchie.

What are you going
to do, ryan?

Follow me until you can
make a case stick?

Relax, ray. We just came
to deliver a message.

Read us our rights.
Get this over with.

You want this over with?

He's nuts.

We're all nuts.

What do you want, ryan?

The money?

The dr*gs.

They're all yours.

Right. I didn't
see nothing.

I won't tell a soul.

You don't know
how right you are.

You told dwight what?

Without asking me?

Well, i...

Virgil, how could you?

Thea, dwight
and celia want
to see the babies.

They want to be here.

Where do
mom and dad stay?

Not at the heart-a-sparta
motel, huh?

Now I know why
you hate dad so much.

I don't hate him.

But why?

Because you're
just like him.

Me and "ironjaw" peterson?
In what way?

He's a cop.

And that's where
the similarity ends.

You're both stubborn.

I am not.

And you both
love me.

That's why you're
telling dwight
to stay in a hotel.

Believe it or not,
that's what I
planned to do.

So much
for me being stubborn.

[Telephone rings]

Mommy, phone's ringing.

Oh, jeez.


Sweetheart, I want
you to put those
in your room.



Celia. Oh, virgil.

I was just about
to give up on you.

Did dwight call you?

Yeah. We spoke.

I, um...

Uh, is dwight
around, celia?

He should be.
His car's out front.

Dwight? It's virgil.

Just a minute,



Oh, my god!

"Thou preparest a table
before me,

"In the presence
of mine enemies.

"Thou anointest
my head with oil.

"My cup runneth over.

"Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me

"All the days of my life.

"And I shall dwell
in the house of the lord,

Forever and ever. Amen."



I don't know what to say.

I know.

It's not the words
that count now.

"Ironjaw" peterson.

Captain jenkins.

He was
a good man, celia.

He'll be missed.

Thank you, michael.

Oh, virgil.


Do you know
officer edwards?


Nice to meet you, virgil.

Nice to meet you, too.

Virgil, thank you
for coming.

I need your help.

Anything I can do,
you know that.

Dwight didn't
k*ll himself.


He wouldn't.

Dwight's strong.
He didn't run away
from his problems.

He faced them head on.

Dwight did not
hang himself.

He was k*lled.

Why? By who?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Mayberry is nice enough
for a once-a-year visit.

The town's name is sparta.

But philly is
a better place to live.

Besides the theater
and the museums,

We've got football,
baseball, basketball.

Ella fitzgerald was
here last friday.

Good concert?

We didn't go.

But we could have gone.
That's the point.

There's more to do here.

Or not to do here.

When althea was home--

Have you decided on names
for the twins?

Ruth, we've got it
narrowed down to--

Leroy and eugenie.

Leroy and eugenie?

Calvin's parents.

[Telephone rings]

Excuse me.


Fine names, sir.

Suppose you've found
something better.

He's right here, honey.
Hold on a minute.

It's althea.

I'll take it.

She wants to talk
to virgil.

Uh, you're timing is
a little off.

Not going well?

No, fine, if you
like the names
leroy and eugenie.


It's ok.
It's fine.

How's it feel to be back?

Feels very different.

Not like home anymore.

You know, this thing
just doesn't make sense.

And I can't stop
thinking about it.

Why would
dwight call me,

Make plans to come down,

And then...

You know,
I think celia's right.

I'm going
to stick around.

I'll call
you tomorrow, thea.

I love you
and miss you.

I miss you, too.

Hold it, boy.

I want to talk to you
for a minute.

In here.

This isn't an easy city
to be a cop in.

Calvin, I was
a cop here, too.

Dwight walker
k*lled himself.

How can you state
that's a known fact?

I've worked
in the 5th precinct.


I talked
to the captain.

Internal affairs was
all over dwight.

They found money
and a g*n in his locker--

A g*n used to k*ll
a drug dealer.

Ray naguchie.


Yes, his things
are here.

Officer edwards,
the man who was
dwight's partner

Before he made

He brought them.

Did dwight
tell you anything

About an internal affairs


Did he seem worried?


Were you having
money problems?


We lived
on a policeman's salary.

We'd learned to live
with it.

May I see
dwight's things?

Ray naguchie.

Ok, buddy.
It's me and you.


Hey, lonnie,
come here.

I want to show you

Mr. Tibbs
might be right.

This little doohickey
might be worth something.

of motor vehicles"?

How did you access
their system?

I just mashed
some buttons,
like this.

"Mary jo lasso.

5'9", 115 Pounds."

"Green eyes, red hair."

Marital status?

All: "single."

Somebody jot this address
down for me, please.

[Telephone rings]

Sparta police department.
Parker williams.


How's every little thing
in philadelphia?

I'm at a pay phone.

Just get the chief
on the line, please.

Oh, sure thing,

How come
all the mix?

The mcs are
before the ms.

That's how
old man mcsweeny
left them.

Old man mcsweeny
was a fathead.

Yes, sir.
A lush, too.

That's for me
to say, parker.

He was a lush.

Oh, the detective
is on line two.

Why didn't you
tell me so?

Yeah. What?

I'm staying
a few more days.


Got a problem.

I don't believe
dwight hung himself.

How did he get
attached to that rope?

I don't know yet.

That's no reason
to stay, virgil.

You don't have

I've got a hunch.

I don't believe
in hunches.

Oh, chief, that's
about all you do believe in.

I got to run.

I'll keep you posted.


What I do believe in
is following orders.

That's what I believe in.

[Honk honk]

Excuse me.

I'm captain virgil tibbs,
sparta, mississippi.

Yeah. So?

There was
a detective
dwight walker,

Fifth precinct.

I'd like to see
his file.

I'd like to see
the phillies take
the pennant.

We're both out of luck.

Is deputy chief merrill

Nope. Doesn't work here

May I have
the name of
your supervisor?

Deputy chief
harlan cassidy.

That's me.


Detective tibbs.

That's right.

I remember you.

Yeah, I used to work
at the third precinct.

That's right.

Roberts, you give
detective tibbs
anything he needs.

Yes, sir.

Uh, thank you.

You're welcome.

I'm trying to run
a department.

You don't like it?
You try running it.


Uh, just to remind you, sir.

There's a virgil tibbs
waiting to see you.

Oh, right.
Show him in.

Detective tibbs.


Officer parker.


Parker? That's right.

Captain jenkins
will see you now.

Would you follow me?

Thank you.

Heard a lot
about you, tibbs.

Sorry about everything.

Take a seat.


I'm not sure
what we can do for you.

There's some things
I just don't get.

Such as?

This drug dealer
dwight supposedly k*lled,

Ray naguchie?

That's right.

I read the internal
affairs report.

Dwight's prints
weren't on the g*n
found in his locker.

No, they weren't.

But they found
gloves complete
with powder burns.

It all seems too convenient.

I think the i.a.
Investigation on dwight

Should be reopened.

Are you sure that's
what dwight's widow

investigation d*ed
when dwight did.

As far
as I'm concerned,

His family deserve
that pension,

And I won't let you
or anyone else
take it from them.

Afternoon edition.

Delgado's getting off?

The punk had the motive,
no alibi,

And we found his prints
on the m*rder weapons.

Well, hey,
the witness dies,

The case is thrown out,

And carlos delgado
is back on the streets.

But not for long.

I pay his bail
two hours ago.

What's taking so long?

Did you pay in pesos?

That's a r*cist remark.

I was born
and raised here.

I'm puerto rican.

We got dollars.

Oh, you're right.
I apologize.

So why are you
keeping me here
two hours?

We're keeping you
here two hours

Because we enjoy
your sparkling

Excuse me.


Chief investigator
virgil tibbs,

Yeah. So?

I was wondering

If you could tell me
anything about
a hammering hannah.

Want to file
a complaint?

You'll have
to wait in line, buddy.

He's no help
at all.

No. Do you know
who she is?

She's a nut.
Lives out on the streets.

Carries around a big
hammer in her purse.

To ward off
invisible attackers.

She calls us up
with tips.

Any idea where she is?

She ain't got
a permanent address.

Check down by the mission.

She hangs out there


What's eating
you, kasch?


What, justice is
someone kills
an old lady,

The witness dies--
then he's innocent?

He's not.
He's still guilty.

I didn't say
he wasn't.

It's just--

You became a cop
because you want
to protect people

From the scum
that prey upon them.

Only you're
protecting nobody

'Cause you can't
do your job.

Bust them, and
the system puts them
back on the streets.

Remember, you're not
just protecting us
from these people,

You're protecting your kids
and your kids' kids.

But dwight was--

Shh shh!

You walked once,

You'll never
walk again.

Say your prayers.

[Praying in spanish]

Ayudame, diosito,
por favor.


I don't know you.

I just want to talk.

I'm busy.

I'm a policeman.

And I need your help.

You've come
to the right place.

I'm always helping
the cops.

Did you help
dwight walker?

Ha ha! Styrofoam
for wrapping hamburgers.

This stuff will be here
long after we're gone.

It's true.

There'll be nothing
but styrofoam

And disposable diapers

And cockroaches.

You knew dwight,
didn't you?

Knew him?
Hell, I still do.

Hannah, dwight's dead.

Yeah, well,
that's life, isn't it?

If there's anything
you can tell me...

He was a good man.

Yes, he was.

How about
if I buy you lunch?

A pita?

If you want.

I hate pita.

Ok. We won't.
We'll have
whatever you like.

I used to like
something called...

Chicken cordon bleu.

Well, that will
be a little difficult.

How about
a cheese steak?

No onions.

No onions.



Yeah, I remember
virgil tibbs.

Listen to me. He's
going to be trouble.

Real trouble.



All right.

Word just came down

We might have
to take out virgil tibbs.

I'm at an alley
near 24th and main.

Hang on.

Police have
sealed off the area

Where the sh**ting

Residents here are
no strangers to v*olence.

They've identified
the victim

As carlos delgado, 35.

Ain't that something?

Police have no leads.

He's released
on a m*rder rap,

Then gets
m*rder*d himself.

from custody yesterday.

The d.a. Was forced to drop
charges against delgado...

Thea, I've got
to stay another day.

The anxiously awaited
delgado m*rder trial...

You'll miss our
final lamaze class.

I'm sorry.

I know.

See, I think
I'm onto something.

I talked to a bag lady

Who saw dwight
before he d*ed.

He saw something
he shouldn't have seen.

Like what?

Dwight walked
into a building

After three
uniformed officers.

I think he was k*lled
by those cops.


I have no idea yet.

That's why I got
to stay longer.

Well, honey,
of course, you know,

Uh, but please
be careful.

You know I will.

You know
I'll still worry.

Love you.

Love you.

I'll call you tomorrow.

[Telephone rings]

Go on.



Why don't you
play it smart?

Who is this?

Go home while
you still can.


No. I want you
to stay right here.

I'll be right back.
It will take a second.

Oh, hi, bubba.
What a nice surprise.

Come on in.

I can't.

The chief wanted me
to make sure you're ok.

You ok?

Mm-hmm. I'm fine.

You need
anything at all,

You just holler.

As a matter of fact,

I could use your help.

I need help
with my lamaze class.

I'm ashamed to say

I never have been too
good with them books.

That doesn't matter.
I need a coach.


Yeah. I could probably
help you with that.

Just let me know when.

It might be
lots of fun.

If we leave now,
we'll arrive in time.


I'll be right back.

Well, uh...



Where are the notes
on that peterson case?

I don't see how
bubba can find anything

Unless he puts things
in a file.

Where is he, anyhow?

He's got
the morning off.

He called in, though.

He said something about
coaching lamooze.

Oh, I know what that is.

Ms. Tibbs, I think,
dragged him off

To help her with
that childbearing class.

I wish I could see
old bubba's face right now.

Yes, sir.

Uh, parker?
That's lamaze.

Yes, sir. Lamaze.

That feels good,

[Deep inhalation]


That's it.
Real good.


You all right?


Somebody up there better
mark this down for me.

Hey, bubba.


You come on down here.

You get comfortable, too.

Put your hand
on her thigh.

Coach, your hand
right here

And on her back.

Ok. Very good.

Keep moving your hands.

Am I hurting you?

It's just
my breathing.

Moving your hands.

Good. Both.
Both of the hands.

Keep moving them.
That's very good.

You're doing real good.



Yes, ma'am.

Officer edwards,
thanks for coming.

You bet.

Can i, uh,
get you something
to drink?

No, thanks.

Celia says
I can trust you.

I need your help.

I guess you don't believe
dwight hung himself?

Not for a second.

You saying cops don't
k*ll themselves? Many do.

I know.

How can I help you,

Well, I got this
anonymous phone call,

A thr*at.

Somebody thinks
I'm onto something.

Like what?

Whoever k*lled
ray naguchie
k*lled dwight.

I think
it's dirty cops.


I think they put the g*n
in dwight's locker.

There's a woman

Who might be able
to tell us who,

A bag lady named hannah.

Ok. I'm in.

I'll pull
the naguchie file,

Find out which
officer arrived first

And who found the g*n
in dwight's locker.

Tibbs is asking
about hannah.

She saw dwight when he
showed up unexpectedly.

She was in front
of that building?

We walked right past her.

When we
went upstairs?

Dwight's old pal edwards,
he's downstairs.

So what.

He's looking
at the naguchie file.


Oh, sorry.

Sorry, sorry.

What the hell
you looking at?

Nothing. I'm sorry.



The g*n was found by
sergeant lou d'agostino.

Who was the first
on the m*rder scene?

Charles ryan.

Can hannah i.d. Them?

If we find hannah.


Let's go look.


Excuse us, please.

Excuse me.

How's it going?

Can I help you, officer?

Do you know hannah,
about 60?

The one with the hammer.

She usually comes by.
I haven't seen her in days.

Ok, thanks.

Yeah. Thanks.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

See, dwight had called me

To tell me that he was
just about to close

On this really big case.

Wait. That looks like her.








Ok, edwards is down.
I can't get tibbs.

I'll get him.

Drop your w*apon!

I'm a police officer.

I said drop it!

Wait a minute!

The guy who did
the sh**ting ran that-a way.
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