04x15 - An Execution of Trust

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x15 - An Execution of Trust

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪♪

[Car engine sputters]

[Car engine starts]

What happened?


It's been doing that.

It might
be the carburetor.

You'll want
to get that checked.

You were driving
a little fast.

I'm trying to keep
an appointment
with your boss.

Damndest thing is,

I never expected it
to feel that good.

I got the guy

That was having his way
with my wife.

I fixed it so another guy
would get the blame,

But that was o.k.

He had as good
a reason to do it as i.

I remember driving away,
I bust out laughing.

Hey, is that so crazy?

That catfish must
have weighed 50 pounds.

He had whiskers
over a foot long.

That's big
for a catfish.

Are you sure
it wasn't a beaver?

What color was its fur?

You know I can't
stand sarcasm.

Oh, I'm sorry, parker.

I nearly caught that
old boy. He was big.

You know,
nothing makes a fish
seem so big

As nearly being caught.

Yes, sir.
That's the truth.

Chief, dr. Laureen
alcott is here.

Oh, fine, fine. Yes.

Come in, doctor.
Come in.


How do you do?

Well, please, sit down.

You said
that, uh, something
was disturbing you?

Uh, yes, but it's
a confidential matter.

I'm sorry.

it's confidential.

Yes, sir.
I was just leaving.

This is about
the state's execution
of ray garrett.

Oh, yes. Yes.

That's the...

That's the barnes' m*rder.

When's that execution
coming up?

Almost immediately,

But garrett
should not be ex*cuted.

Well, doctor, that case
is pretty cut and dried.

Barnes was sleeping
with garrett's wife.

Garrett announced
his intention
and shot him.

I'm telling you
ray garrett is innocent.

Were you
garrett's psychiatrist?

No. I didn't
even know him,

But I was told

In the most
confidential way--

And I really
believe it--

That somebody else
shot barnes.

Are you saying that
one of your patients

Told you he did it?

Because you must know
that, uh...

It's not
uncommon for people
with mental problems

To confess to murders.

That kind
of mental problem

Is not involved here.

I really believe
this information.

I also know garrett has
only three days left.

You think it's the truth?

Well, I believe her

When she says one of
her patients confessed.

I'm surprised that she
believed the confession.

You're convinced garrett's
really guilty?

People think he
k*lled his wife, too,

Though he wasn't
accused of it.

What's our obligation
in a case like this?

Oh, none at all.

The case is over.

I just hate to think

A mistake
might have been made.

Well, chief, there's
always a possibility.

Yes, but then there's
some possibilities

You just don't want
to have on your mind.


Well, as soon as I get
these two tibbses home

For lunch and a nap,
I'll look into it.

They look wonderful,

Thanks, chief. Thanks.


Here comes
mrs. Abercrombie.

See you later.

Oh, chief!

Oh, good morning,
mrs. Abercrombie.

How come I never meet
lieutenant skinner

In this park anymore?

I really
couldn't say, ma'am.

Well, where is he?

Don't tell me he went
to bible class again.

It's sinful
to make a falsehood
out of a sacred subject.

Oh, yes, ma'am.

Well, now, uh...
Let me think.

Uh, where's bubba?

Well, what day is this?

It's tuesday.

Would that be morning
or afternoon?

Morning, you fool.

He's probably dancing.


Aerobic dancing.

Yes. It's
the newest, uh, craze...

I believe.

Hold your fire.
Targets up!

Well, detective tibbs.

You got an emergency
you can't handle
or something?

No. I'm just looking
at something
for the chief.

A case you worked on
before I came--

Ray garrett?

Garrett? Oh, yeah.

Fella that k*lled
his wife's boyfriend.

Can we?

Yeah. Sure.


We're, uh, not saying
anything for the moment,

But a psychiatrist

garrett's innocent.

What do you remember
about the arrest?

We got a call
about a fight at a bar.

When we got there,

Barnes was laying dead
in the parking lot.

Garrett had just
took off in a truck.

When did you catch up
with him?

In minutes.

He was spotted out
on old mill road.

Me and clinton brown
chased him for a while.

He lost control of
that pickup, spun out,

And hit
an irrigation ditch.

We cuffed him.

He'd tossed the g*n
at the parking lot.

We found it there later.

Did he say anything?

Yeah. He kept swearing
on his mama's grave

That he
didn't k*ll nobody.


You know something,

I do remember
that I believed him.

Prison's no place
for innocent men,

And he was innocent.

I'm not saying that
'cause I'm his attorney.

I remember

You attacking all that
fingerprint evidence.

Well, sure I did.

Your prints
can be all over a g*n,

But I must prove,
using chemical tests,

That your hands

Actually fired
the fatal shot from it.

Garrett's prints were
enough for the jury.

It was awful.

The prosecution's witness
never actually saw him

Fire the fatal sh*ts
at barnes.

Everybody said he k*lled
his wife. He didn't.

I know
I remember that well.

A lot of evidence about
barnes was suppressed.


The judge
kept reminding me

That the victim
wasn't the one on trial.

There's a lot of men
wanting barnes dead.

I couldn't
bring that up.

Garrett claims

He couldn't
have k*lled barnes

Because barnes

Knocked him out
during that fight.

Did you believe that?

I believed him

Will you now tell me

Why you're
conducting this inquiry?

There may exist some new
evidence in his favor.

How do you know?

Now, ed, I'm just
saying it's a maybe.

That's all.

And anyway, my source
is confidential.

Listen, I'll phone you.

Thanks for spoiling
my day, bill.

Forgive me, ed.

Yes, sir?

Get me parchman prison.


Who's producing
the evidence?


So it's all really nothing.

Well, the only stay
I'm interested in

Is for everybody to stay out
of what's left of my life.

I finally accepted death.

I ain't going to
spend my last days

Tortured by the thought
that somebody out there

Is still trying
to keep me living!

I got to go.


What news?

Well, nothing
you want to hear.

I'm afraid
the d.a. Doesn't
want to do anything.

Why not?

He told
my chief investigator

That garrett
had his day in court

And was
unquestionably guilty.

What are you going
to do about it?

I can't do anything

Unless you give me
the guilty party's name.

I can't do that.

I know that if
an innocent man's
about to be ex*cuted,

It's your duty
to save him.

No. That's your duty.

I'm willing
to reopen the case,

Investigate to the best
of my abilities,

Though you've
given me next to
nothing to work on.

What would you suppose
I could accomplish?

It took three months to
convict the man in parchman.

You expect me
to clear him

And convict
another man
in three days?

I'd lose
my medical license.

I'd certainly lose the
trust of my patients.

Even if I told you,

It would only
be thrown out of court.

Garrett's execution
could be stayed
by the governor.

We could think
about court later on.

Would you call
the governor yourself,

Tell him
what you know?

Don't put me
in that position.

Here you go, detective.

Here's the g*n that
k*lled travis barnes--

Colt 45, military issue.

Thanks, parker.

It was never registered.

Nothing says
it belonged to anybody,

Except garrett's
fingerprints were on it.

Garrett swore he never
owned a handgun.

Bubba, what's this
on the handle?

Wasn't related
to the case.

How did it
relate to garrett?


Garrett managed
a food market.

You know something,

I got to
go make sure

I didn't
help convict
an innocent man.

Well, what you going
to do, bubba?

I'm going
to parchman

And see if I
can talk to garrett.

What do you expect him
to tell you?

I don't know.

I have the transcripts
of the trial here.

I don't need
to read it.

I remember
every word.

He'll tell you
something new?

I don't know, parker.

You think he'd
be willing to see you?

I don't know.

Hey, take over, roy.

Sit down over here.

How you doing?

Is that the papers
I said in court?

Sure. A copy anyway.

Can I see it?sure can.

Yeah. I'll tell you,

I'll never forget
that night. Never.

You said in court

Garrett hadn't been
in here for a while.

That's right.

Nobody asked you why.

That's right.

Garrett didn't
want to see barnes.

Barnes was a regular here.

He'd been messing
around with his wife.

He shows up here
one night, blazing drunk,

Then he asked barnes
to step outside.

Did you
see garrett's g*n?

Not inside the bar.

You saw them leave.

That's when you
heard g*nshots?

Couple of minutes later.

And then you called
the police?


Well, it says
in here--let's see.

"I went outside,
seen garrett
staggering around

"With his g*n
in his hand.

was already dead.

Garrett got
into his pickup
and drove away."

Didn't it say something
about the other car?


Hmm. That's right.

You know,
they didn't ask me
about that other car,

But there was another car
leaving that lot.

You saw one leave.

Sure did.

That's the first thing
I did see.

It was a--
it was a oldsmobile,

And it had
an alabama plate.

That would've been
a 1985 plate.

Remember the year
of the car?

Nah. I couldn't say.

Couldn't say
it looking that new,
you know?

Mr. Garrett,
I'm lieutenant skinner,
sparta police department.

They say
you're the one
that arrested me.

Yeah. Yeah.

Funny, I don't remember.

There was another fella.

Clinton brown--he was
my partner that night.

Older man?


He was about to retire,
as a matter of fact.

Did he?

Yeah, but not
in the right way.

Clinton took his own life.

It's hard
for me to imagine

Doing a thing like that.

You're the only one
I hadn't seen

Of the people
who put me here.

Oh, don't worry.
No hard feelings.

Well, I'm glad
to hear you say that.

I really am.

So what brings you here,

I'd like to ask
a few questions
about the case

If you can stand them.

Ask your questions.

Mr. Garrett, I know
what you said happened

Outside the bar
that night,

But I was wondering--

Did anything else come
to you after the trial,

Something that you
remembered later on?


that happened at...

At the end of the fight.

And that barnes
could fight.

He was strong.

Punches kept coming
and coming.


Then there was this
bright flash of light.

A car.

A car's headlights,

Had to be.

And then what?

Then I saw
someone watching.

And what
did he look like?

I couldn't tell.
I couldn't think about it.

Like I said, I was
fighting for my life.

Next thing I knew,
I was coming to,

Holding a g*n
I'd never seen before.

I'm sure you told
somebody else
about this story

After the trial.

Sure I did.

Didn't matter none.

You ever
have nightmares?

Yes, I do.

I have nightmares.

The punches, they just
keep coming and coming.

Then there's the flash
of light.

And this peculiar
sound starts in.

What's it like?

It's footsteps.

But it's only one
real footstep.

It's a step
and a click.

A step and a click...

Over and over.

It gets louder
and louder

Until I wake up
in a sweat.

Can you
explain that sound?


Well, mr. Garrett, uh...

Thank you...

For talking to me.

Tell the truth now.

Did you come
hoping I'd say,

"Don't feel bad.

"Now that I've got
to face my maker,

I want to tell you
that I did it"?


Maybe I was hoping that.


I understand.

But I can't say it.

I didn't do it.

Officer--wilson, is it?

Officer sweet, ma'am--
wilson sweet.


Is this about my husband
who once was?

Yes, it is.


It's a m*rder case.

Questions arise,
even in old ones.

O.k. What do you
want to know?

Well, we would like
to know when it was

You found out
about your husband
and garrett's wife?

Didn't know
about cheryl garrett
till the trial.

I'd heard about other
women, but not her.

What were their names?

Who I heard they were
and who they were

Could be very different.

I know.

You or I could be named
as a tramp

By anybody at anytime.

Yes, ma'am. I know.

Rumor had it that
one was, uh, rita...


And the other was some
passing-through girl.

Janice somebody,

Worked at,
uh, cindy burger.

Were there any others?

Oh, sure.

But who knows who?

I taught him
what a woman was.

As soon as he'd learned,

He wanted
to try them all.

I knew
somebody'd k*ll him.

I mean, if not garrett,
then osley or somebody.

That's the second time
you've mentioned osley.

Why is that?

No reason,

Except I see him
every now and then.

I think to myself
that I was the wife

Of the man who ruined
his wife.

Poor fella.
He just hobbles by here.


He's got a lame leg.
I forget which one.

Can I wait
on these people?

Thanks for your help.

Hi, ladies.
How are you today?

What's it about?
It's urgent.
That's what it's about.

Hold on, ma'am.

Chief, what do you
want me to tell her?

I mean,
she said it's urgent,

And she's real mad.

All right, parker.
I'll get on with her.

Uh, yes, dr. Alcott?
I'm with you.

I hope I'm not
tearing you away

From something
much more important
than my silly concerns.

Your concerns are mine.

Let me be the judge

Of whether
they're silly or not.

My life's
been threatened.

What's your judgment?



Well, I don't see
how we can help you,

If you won't let us.

Can't you put
an officer here?

We could
guard the house,

But we can't guard you

Unless you're here
all the time. Are you?

Of course not.

Please don't
touch those files.

Don't examine them!

No, ma'am. I won't.

Uh, doctor,

If you would only
identify the threat,

I could remove it for you
directly and quickly.

I choose
not to identify
any of my patients.


Well, uh, doctor,

I have other duties
I have to attend to,

So if you'll excuse me.

Can you
at least tell me

What you think
brought this on?

I made a suggestion
to a patient,

Something I thought
he should do,

And he became
violently angry.

Were you alone?

Yes. In my office.

About 7:00. After hours.

Did the patient
injure you?


I ran out,
got to my car.

He couldn't--

At least he didn't
follow me.

He shouted,

"Next time,
I'll bring a g*n."

That'll stop you.

When I came back
this morning,

I found this mess.

Excuse me, virgil.

A neighbor said

She did see a man here
last night

About 7:30 or so.

Did he break in?

She doesn't know.
He was gone.

She noticed the man
had a brace on his leg.

Did the person
that att*cked you--

If you can tell me--

Have a brace on his leg?

I can't tell you that.

This is bordering
on the silly.


I'm sorry
you feel that way.


We'll do what we can
to watch your house.

I find it
hard to believe

That you are the same
dr. Alcott

That was so very helpful
to my wife.

I presume you are.

My policy
is not to respond

To anyone's

About who is
or who is not

A patient of mine.

You really think
it's hopeless?

Well, bubba,

A governor may grant
a stay of execution

To give everybody
a chance

To look over
new evidence,

But he doesn't want
a new theory.

Yeah, I know.

If I ever saw
an innocent man, chief,

I saw one
at parchman prison.

If we called
the governor

And told him there's
a woman in sparta

Who knows
the real k*ller

And asked him
to wait

Until she told us
his name,

He'd think
we were peculiar.

You would naturally
tell the governor

That that woman's
a reputable psychiatrist,

Wouldn't you?

If she were
a world-renowned

It would
make no difference.

Did lucy barnes
tell you anything?

She mentioned a fella
named osley.

His wife was one of
her husband's playmates.

She sees him
now and again.

He's got a leg brace.

She thinks
he had cause.

Wait a minute.

We have here
a note from jamison.

"A neighbor
of dr. Alcott

"Saw a man
leaving her house

Wearing a leg brace."


How old a man?

About 40.

Yes, sir?

Know any white men
about 40

Wearing leg braces?

One. Got his knee mashed up
in an accident.

His name's carlton osley.

What's the problem?


What problem we do have
is not yours.

We'd like to ask you

About your former husband
carlton osley.

I wish you wouldn't.

Well, we're not
going to insist.

It's because
I hate him,

And consequently,
I hate thinking
about him.

Don't I know you?

Old friend
of your sister ethel.

That's right.
Dee shepard.

I hadn't
seen carlton
since we split.

Do you recall
ever hearing him

to k*ll travis barnes?

Many times.

to k*ll me, too,

Consequently to
what he thought

Me and travis
was doing,

was in his mind.

Think maybe he was
just blowing off steam?

I think
he meant it.

why I moved in
with my sister.

could tell you.



what did you think

When you heard
barnes was shot?

I thought carlton
had shot him.

That was
my first thought.

Then y'all caught
that other fella.

Carlton must have
really celebrated.

Ever think
we might have caught
the wrong other fella?

Yes, to tell you
the truth.

What did you do
about it?

You didn't tell anybody?

I tried. That
other fella's wife.

Ellen garrett?


The lady who died
of a broken heart.

Well, anyhow,
heart failure.

I wrote her
this note,

And I said, "I think
my husband shot him.

Not yours."

She never got it.

She was dead.

And that was it?

You didn't
tell anybody about it?

Not till now.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

What's going on?

We're looking
for carlton osley.

He's over by the mixer.

He in any trouble?

The whole world's
in trouble, man.


There's an '85
olds 4-door

In the employee
parking lot.

That belong to you?

Yeah, it's mine,
if it's blue.

it ain't stolen.

I bought it new.
It's finally
paid for.

I never been
in no accidents,

No trouble.

One owner, huh?

Yeah. You don't
believe me?

Did you buy it
from a local dealer?



Tuscaloosa, alabama.

I bet it's pretty hard

To get that cement
off your hands.

No, it ain't hard.

A little water.

Is there anything else
you want to know,

Like how I take
that brace off at night?

no more questions.

Any question
in your mind, lonnie?

Not as to who
the guilty party is,
there ain't.

Tell detective tibbs

That carlton osley's arrived
and heading for the house.

Doctor let osley in

Like she
expected him.

Just stand by.

what happens.

You think she's
taking him back
as a patient?


I hope
she doesn't wind up
being a patient.

No. No. Don't. Back.

No. Aah.

Please. Please stop. No.


Shut up!

Where is it?

Where is it?


I'll k*ll you.

Is it upstairs?

In the car? The car?


The car. The car.

Hold it.

Hey. Come on, man.

Get up there.

No! Don't!
Stop it! Stop it!

Don't hurt him!
He didn't break in here!

Yes, ma'am. We know.

He's a sick man.

I won't be making
a complaint against him.

You don't have to.
I will.

Come on.

You might want
to go inside

And tend
to them wounds
on your face.

Oh, my god.

Thank you.

Here's the prisoner,

Well, mr. Osley.
Sit down in that chair.

Now, we're
going to play
a tape for you.

The tape is labeled
"carlton osley,"

Which, of course,
is no proof

That it's your voice.

Some of us think it is,
and some don't.

Maybe you can help us.

Damnedest thing is,

I never expected it
to feel that good.

I got the guy having
his way with my wife,

And I fixed it

So that another guy
would get the blame.

That was o.k.

He had as good
a reason to do it

As I had.

I remember driving away,
I busted out laughing.


Is that so crazy?

Is that you?

Don't sound to me
like me.

What's your interest
in that tape?

I got no interest
in it.

You sure tried
to get to it.

You terrorized laureen
in her office,

Broke into her home.

She invited me in.

That was the second time!

After you punched her
in the face.

I done told you all

The guy on that tape
is not me.

I'll bet you

If we play that tape
for a jury,

going to hear you.

What exactly are you
holding me for?

Lord have mercy.

Didn't y'all
tell the man

Why we're holding him?

Yes, sir.

Felonious as*ault,
breaking and entering,

and resisting arrest.

Is that all?

Just hold on, y'all.

Osley, look here.

An innocent man
is going to get ex*cuted

In a couple hours

Over a k*lling you talked
about on that tape.

I'm telling you...

I'm asking you...

Don't let that happen.

Yeah. You mean
confess I done it?

You think you're talking
to some kind of moron?

We're talking to a man
who ain't well, that's sure.

A man that the law
would take sympathy on

And maybe even help

Once they understand
his state of mind.

You should have been
a preacher, boy.

You got a soothing way
of talking.

Is that right?
Well, maybe I could--

Bubba, bubba, bubba.

Yes, sir.
I'll take a walk.


Take him away.

Well, bubba's
got the right idea.

Only a confession
directly from that man

and I say might--

Get a stay of execution.

But that tape
isn't going to work.

Are you going
to stop trying,

Well, we got
till 9:00.

Might be one
of the few times
in history

A bunch of policemen
stood around

Trying to figure a way
to stay an execution.

[Knock on door]

come on in.


Virgil...told me, um,
what happened.

No, no, no.
I'm all right.

I was walking
and thinking

And suddenly
I showed up in
front of your house.

I shouldn't
be popping
in like this.

Of course
you should.

This is sparta.

Popping in
still happens here.

Is your
husband home?

Uh, no. He'll be
here any minute.

May I wait?

Of course.

Why don't
you have a seat?

I'll make us
some coffee.

I don't know where
the notion got started

That all
public prosecutors
want to be governor

And that they want
to climb up

On the bodies
of those they send
to the electric chair.

I don't know where
it got started,

But it sure has
considerable backing.

Well, my fax should be

To the
lieutenant-governor now.

Gerard, can't
you make a call?

You don't remember
this case?

I was still
in philadelphia.

Ray garrett, who's now
awaiting execution,

Told people he was going
to k*ll travis barnes.

Said, "I'll get
a .45 and blast him,"

The man who
seduced his wife.

Despite testimony
that he hated g*ns

And probably
never fired one.

He was seen standing
over the dead man

With his w*apon
in his hand.

Four slugs
from that w*apon were
found in the victim.

And if that wasn't enough,

By the time garrett
went on trial,

It was well known
that before he did
the sh**ting

He physically att*cked
his own ailing wife,

Who soon died
of heart failure.

Well, we never
tried him for that.

Didn't have to.
The world tried him for it.

Mr. Darnelle,
a mr. Graddy is on
the phone from jackson.

Let me put it
on the speaker.

He says
the lieutenant-governor

Dictated a message
he wants to read y'all.

Go ahead, mr. Graddy.

Mr. Darnelle?

Yes, sir.

How you doing?

We met
at convention
in new orleans.

Had a fine time together.

You remember?

Yes. Thanks
for remembering.

I'm sorry both
the governor and--

Let me read this.

It reflects
everybody's view.

"In deciding
whether or not

"To stay
the execution
of ray garrett,

"The confession of
a man like osley

"Under psychiatric care,

"Is not a
convincing factor.

"Such confessions

"Have not
been reliable
in the past,

"And we do not
feel justified
in calling

"The verdict
and the two appeals
into question.

"Your petition,
the humane motives

"That inspired it,

Must be denied."

Hey, listen,

Yes, sir?

I was trying
to remember that
hotel down there

Where a couple
of them movie stars


Imagine getting it
on with a couple
of teenyboppers.

My god...

Put all your
clothes in there

Except for
your socks, shoes,
and underwear.

Put that on.

My lawyer call back?


My doctor?

Nobody called.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

If I refuse
to put that thing on?

will be delayed.

You know something, ray?

I believe
I would've ordered
chicken livers myself.

I can't think
of anything
I like better.

Never had them before.

So I thought I would.

Did you
like them?

Probably won't
order them again.

Well, ray,
it's 8:50.

Goodbye, john.

for your company.

God be with you, ray.

And you, too,
my friend.

mrs. Tibbs.

come on in.

Virgil with you?

He's parking
the car.

I know you know
dr. Laureen alcott.

Yes, indeed. Doctor.

I'll get
some coffee.

Thank you.

I wonder if a message
reached you

From your patient?

He's been trying to
get in touch with you.

I was out
walking around.

Dr. Alcott, hello.

I realize I've
caused you some problems,

And I want
to say I'm sorry.

Oh, well, I think
the main problem's

Going to be the
district attorney's.

When we investigate
carlton osley

And establish
his guilt,

And we're going
to do that,

Mr. Darnelle's
going to have
to prosecute him

And demand
the same penalty

That ray garrett
is fixing to pay
as we speak.

For the same crime.

It would've
been better

If I'd never
brought this up.


For whom?

For me, of course.
For me.

[Clock chimes]
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