02x57 - After School Trouble: Usagi is a Target

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x57 - After School Trouble: Usagi is a Target

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Two innocent, pretty girls studying
in a dark classroom after school.

Afterschool hours are supposed
to be for shopping and dating!

They're not for staying late
and studying!

By the way, what is this monster?!

Anyway, in the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

Now, Sailor Moon!

Moon Princess Elimination!


Damn you, sailor warriors!

Just you remember this!

Be Careful After School!
Usagi is a Target

Be Careful After School!
Usagi is a Target
Be Careful After School!
Usagi is a Target

Be Careful After School!
Usagi is a Target

I'm gonna be late!

I am going to be late!

And I have never been late in all
my fourteen years of life!

Unless we run faster,
we'll be in trouble!

Oh, wait!

Miss Tsukino? Miss Tsukino!
Is she late again?


Usagi Tsukino is here!

Even when I try this hard, she'll
still mark me for tardiness.

Miss Usagi Tsukino, it's nice that
you are always so energetic,

but please be a little more quiet
when you enter the classroom.

Yes, ma'am.

Then, I will continue taking attendance.

What's going on? She's in an awfully
good mood today.

Ms. Sakurada, you have a phone call.

Oh, thank you.

Hello, this is Sakurada.

Oh, Kouichi! If you're talking about
today's date, everything is fine.

I will be there as soon as
school is over...

You have urgent business and
have to cancel. Oh, okay...

Oh, don't worry, I'm fine.

Okay. Then, I will talk to you later.

Oh, I'm hungry.

Oh, I need energy.

How long will you keep up this noise?!
Get back in your seats!

"Once upon a time, there was a
pretty girl on the moon."

Now, let's have someone translate
this for us. Miss Tsukino!


You have some nerve, eating lunch
during my class, Miss Tsukino.

Oh, no! It's not what you think!

Stay late after school!

No way!

Then, how about you,
Miss Natsumi Ginga?

Yes, ma'am.

Hali le la sa su lela...

What are you saying?!

You asked me to translate it,

so I translated it into our
planet's language.

Quit joking around!
You will also stay after school!

Yes, ma'am.

So? I assume she didn't
find out who you are.

No, I don't think we need to
worry about that.

This could happen again.
You have to be very careful.

I understand.

I have no choice.

I will carry out the new plan to steal
more energy by myself.

This is all those sailor warriors' fault!

That's right.

This time, make sure to pick a
Cardian stronger than them!


Miss Natsumi! Miss Natsumi!
Oh, there you are!

Haruna says detention starts now.

Oh, but I...

If we don't hurry up, she'll give us
even more homework!

Okay, okay! Please don't
pull me so hard.

She's so adorable!

Miss Usagi, I'll make sure to
win your heart.

That's right. Usagi has to
stay late and study.

She has no motivation whatsoever!

But we had a busy morning
to start with.

In a way, I do feel sorry for her.

And Ami's at cram school.

I guess we have to cancel
today's meeting.

Then, why don't we go see
a movie together?

Good idea!

There's a good one playing right now!

No! You're not allowed to see a
movie on your way home!

Don't worry, it's not a big deal!

Okay, let's go!

I will not let you go home until
you finish those questions.

Don't worry, I will be here with you.
We have plenty of time.

Ms. Sakurada, you have a phone call.

What? Oh, really?
You two keep on studying.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Oh, Kouichi! No, I'm not mad at all!

What? Right now? Of course, I can!

Okay, I understand.
I will be there right away!

Oh, he made me worry so much this

Haruna's still not back yet.

Okay! I don't have time for this!

I'll go home early and catch Mamoru
on his way home!

Miss Tsukino?

Huh? What?

You still haven't given up on Mamoru?

There's no way I would ever give up!

Mamoru and I are linked by
the red string of fate!

You can't do something like that!

You're such a stubborn girl!

Okay, then we'll play a game.

A game?!

Yes, let's see who can finish
these questions first.

And the one who loses will give up
on Mamoru. What do you think?


Come forth, Cardian Amanju!


Now, Amanju, steal energy from
everyone in town!

Mamoru Chiba?!

If I could just get rid of him,

Miss Usagi would be mine.

Amanju, steal that mars energy first!

Go ahead, steal as much energy
as you can and k*ll him!



You're ignoring my orders!
Where are you going?

Now, I have to tackle this seriously.

I don't have enough energy.

I'm getting dizzy.

If I had enough energy, these
questions would be a piece of cake.

And I could make her give up...

What am I thinking?
The energy is right here.

Man! I don't get this!

On top of which, if I steal
all her energy

and k*ll her, Mamoru will be mine.

I can k*ll two birds with one stone.

Absolutely Pass Cram School

What's that?!

A Cardian?!


Absolutely Pass Cram School

Absolutely Pass Cram School


What was that?

This is Ami! A Cardian showed up!

Are you sure, Ami?


At my cram school. But it already
left, heading northwest!

I got it, let's meet somewhere
right away!

Come on, let's go, Rei.

What? It's just getting interesting.

Hey, it's time to go to work!

Okay, I got it.

Oh, Allan...

Minako, you hurry, too!

Oh, I don't get it!

What are you doing, Miss Natsumi?


I'm just exercising for a change!
One, two...


Wait, Amanju! Your target is...


What in the world is going on?!

It's impossible for a Cardian
to ignore my orders.

I never give up.


Oh, sorry! It's your own fault.

Because you snuck up behind me
and stood there.

Ah, I'm so unlucky today.

I wonder what happened to Haruna?

I feel like I'm forgetting something.
I wonder what it could be?

Well, it's okay, right? It's probably not
anything important.


Okay, I don't care from whom anymore.
Just steal energy from humans!

Got that, Amanju?!


What are you doing?!
I don't need bird energy!

Humans! From humans!

That's enough!

Not satisfied with just sneak att*cks
at morning and at night?!

Not just once, but twice!
You have some nerve!

You won't get away with ruining
the birds' peaceful day!

We will bring you to justice!

In the name of Sailor Moon,
we will punish you!

So, you're here, sailor warriors!

But it won't be so easy this time!
Get them, Amanju!


sh**t! It did it again!

Oh, it ran away!

Does this mean we won?

One more question,
and I'll be finished!

How about you? Miss Natsumi,
are you almost finished?

Yes, well, I think I'll manage to finish.

Okay! I'm not going to lose though!

Usagi Tsukino, she's certainly won'thy
of being my mortal enemy.

It's impressive that she hasn't lowered
her guard against me.

Miss Natsumi, are you okay?
You look pale.

And you haven't solved
any problems at all.

Oh, nothing to worry about.
I'm just a little tired.

Is there anything I can do for you?

Well, I know I'm going to win.

So I'm willing to help you
in any way I can!

This sounds similar to that Earth
fable I've heard before.

About a hare and a tortoise racing.

If I recall, that story had a
similar turn of events.

Is something wrong?

Well, maybe I should ask
for your help.

Okay. But you can't ask me
something like,

"give up Mamoru" or
"solve these problems".

It's nothing like that.

Instead, would you just close your
eyes for ten seconds and stay still?

Oh, that's easy! For just ten seconds?
All right.

Thank you.

Miss Tsukino, please sleep eternally.

I feel sort of weird.


Gag! What is that?!


That was a Cardian!


The Cardian is not following
my orders!

That's impossible.

Then, come with me!

You can't get away from us now!





Crescent Beam Shower!

Bubble Spray



It's so powerful! Unless we do
something, they'll all be k*lled.

Oh, that's Usagi. I'll go get her!


Is the Cardian finally
following my orders?

There's absolutely no way that a
Cardian would ignore our orders.

But it was!

Go for it, everyone!

Why don't you stop cheering
and transform, too?!

Luna! Oh, where's Miss Natsumi?

I don't know. Now, hurry!

Leave it to me!

Moon Crystal Power Makeup!

Sorry for making you wait, everyone!

You're late!

Calm down, Rei. I'll finish it off,
so forgive me, okay?


Oh, something's wrong.
I don't have any power.

What's wrong, Sailor Moon?!

I wonder if I studied too much?


An evil creature belongs
in an evil world.

Leave this beautiful moonlight at once!

Sir Moonlight Knight!

Come! Now is the time, Sailor Moon!


Moon Princess Elimination!


We did it!

Even a crescent moon is no match
for beautiful warriors.


Now, I have to get back
to the classroom.

Otherwise, Miss Natsumi will
suspect something.

All of a sudden, she's fine now.

I didn't think anyone could
recover so quickly.

She always amazes me.

Well, we should leave now.


We screwed up again.

Damn! Sailor warriors...

Well, I will be going back
to the classroom.

Otherwise, Miss Tsukino will
suspect something. Then...

Something's going on.
Is something about to happen?

Or is it already happening?

I did it! I finished!


Oh? Miss Natsumi, when did you...

I just finished, too.

Once I started working seriously,
this was nothing.

Come on, Usagi, let's go home!

I know you worked hard!

Oh, thanks! Well, Natsumi,
I think we're even this time!

I guess so. Let's just say that the final
showdown will be up to Mamoru.

All right! I'll never lose! Bye!

Me, either.

I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart,
with a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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