03x99120 - An Invasion from another Dimension: Mystery of Infinity Academy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99120 - An Invasion from another Dimension: Mystery of Infinity Academy

Post by bunniefuu »

Hotaru is missing...

Nobody is at her house, either...

Haruka's group said that she
was the warrior of destruction...

...but I won't let them k*ll her!

I, Sailor Moon, WILL save her!

You don't know the horror of silence!

Unless we k*ll that girl,
Sailor Saturn will awaken.

If Saturn awakens,
it means the end of this planet.


Small Lady...


Where... Where did you take Hotaru!?

When I got here,
everyone had already disappeared...

That's a lie!
Hotaru is my friend!

She wouldn't disappear
without telling me!


It's your fault, Plu!

She disappeared because
you guys said mean things, Plu!


Hotaru is my...


Small Lady...


I hate you, Plu...!

Small Lady...

Nobody was in Hotaru's house.

Neither Professor Tomoe,
her father... or his assistant, Kaori...

And they didn't leave even one clue...

What can you find out using
the computer, Mamo-chan?

Information about Professor Tomoe should
be registered in the academic files...

Perhaps there's a clue there...

Here it is!

Soichi Tomoe, the pioneer
man in genetic engineering...

Professor at Mugen Academy...?

Mugen Academy...?

That's where Haruka and
company attend, right?

Hotaru, too.

That's the elite school with strict
standards, full of geniuses, right?


An education from elementary school
all the way up to its university.

I hear that the high-rise
building which serves as...

...their campus is filled
with state-of-the-art equipment.

What's wrong?

Not only is Soichi Tomoe
a professor at Mugen Academy...

...but he's also the owner.

Owner... you mean it's his school?

What does that mean?

Perhaps there is a clue at that school...

It looks like we need to investigate...



What's wrong?

You shouldn't walk around so late at night...


Chibiusa, you're soaked!

What are you doing?

You didn't take an umbrella with you?

Sheesh, you're so soaked...
You'll catch a cold.

Now, come over here...



Thanks for walking her back here.

Then, I will be on my way.

No, wait.

We would like to ask a little
about Mugen Academy.

Do you mind?

Mugen Academy is a school that
Soichi Tomoe created three years ago.

However, many strange incidents
have happened on campus.

So Uranus and Neptune, who'd been thinking
the school was suspicious for a while...

...entered Mugen Academy
as students to investigate.

Undercover operation...

Then, Professor Tomoe is...

We feel that he has something
to do with the Death Busters...

But then, Hotaru...

...is part of the Death Busters, too?

We don't know...

All we know is that Hotaru Tomoe is
the reincarnation of Sailor Saturn.

That's right...

There's no way that
Hotaru can be our enemy!


Hotaru is a really good, kind girl!

You can't...

You can't k*ll her!

You just can't do something like that!


Even if Saturn was
the soldier of destruction...

...she's still a Sailor
Soldier like us, right?

Isn't there another way around this?

This is why we didn't want to
involve all of you in this battle...

It's me...

Professor, it's Mimet.

I found the next target!

The authority on the physics of
alternate dimensions, Dr. Sergai Ajimov!

He's holding a special lecture
at Mugen Academy today.

The theory of an alternate universe...
A very curious hypothesis.


No, unfortunately, there is no
need for you to head out for now.

But he's very cool and handsome...

Well, I'll be contacting you soon, Mimet.

I understand... I will be waiting.

It's time to go, Telulu.

Oh, my!

She is doing her best...

But, I'm not getting
the results I really want...

So I decided that I should
put my hopes upon you.

If you succeed, you will become
the next executive! Do your best!

Yes, Professor!

Then, I'll be going now...

You've got to be kidding!

This has to be a joke!

Yes, Telulu here.

I'm sorry to bother you again, Telulu...

But that operation has been canceled.

I will call you again.

Just you sit there and wait!

"Just you"...?

I am the next executive
of the Death Busters!!


I'll just have to get rid of the Sailor Soldiers
myself and show them what power I have!

Oh, Chief Eugeal!

I'll borrow that machine you
were making for a little bit!

This is creepy...

I do feel something ominous here.

Mugen Academy...

It really is suspicious.

It seems like this school is holding a
special lecture with a guest speaker today.

It says that anyone can
enter the school today.

It's our chance! Let's go!


An article from years ago...?

A huge fire at a genetic engineering lab...

All the research staffers died...

Professor Tomoe and his eldest
daughter's miraculous survival...

They were able to escape from a building
lost in a huge fire without a scratch...?

Just the two of them?

What does this mean?

Hotaru is a kind girl!

You can't just k*ll her like that!

Nobody's here.

Everyone must be at the lecture hall.

What should we do?

For now, let's look for the computer room.

We might be able to find
something out if we look there.

What is it, Mako-chan?

I said, what is it?

- Hey, Mako-chan, stop it.
- No, it's not me, it isn't!

I said, stop it!

Hey! Can't you stay quiet... huh?

What are you doing here?!

Um, we were wondering where the lecture
hall was... We're kinda lost... yeah...

The lecture hall is that way.
Turn right when you get to the wall.

- Oh, yeah, I see.
- Thanks a lot.


You forgot something.

I-I'm a little weak in the knees...

What are you doing?
You're so embarrassing!

I'm so sorry...

H-Hey, you, hold it right there!

I'm not suspicious or anything!

You're TOO suspicious!

Let me take a look
at what you got there!

W-Wait a minute!


Show it!

No, no, stop it!

I don't have anything to lose anymore...

Will you stay out of my way?

An alternate universe.
It's not a faraway existence.

The possibility that an alternate
dimension and our own universe...

...are ALWAYS working in parallel
to one another is very large!

For instance, take a small nebula like this.

Perhaps it's that nebulas such as this...

...are just invisible to us,
and may as well exist right next to us.

And there is the further possibility
that there are life-forms inside.

We are unable to see them.

But, at the same time, I believe that
the rare unable to see us, either.

Likewise, there's a possibility that outside our
universe, there lies an even bigger universe.

We are unable to see it for now.


...if the conditions are right, we will be able
to find such a universe... and observe it.

I'm glad that the school
staff are all so academic.

We can even come inside
off-limits places like this as a result.

But the entrance to the central
headquarters of the Death Busters...

...is not that easy to find, huh...?

Don't surprise us...

The girls are also investigating
this Mugen Academy.

I see...

This is only my hypothesis, but...

...perhaps it's true that the alternate
universe in itself maybe one giant life-form.

The time for our beautiful space to swallow the
Milky Way galaxy in its entirety is approaching.


Now, Hotaru, it's dangerous if
you poke your head out like that.


This is a special space that I prepared
for delicate gene splicing experiments.

Papa... What's that?

Hotaru! Hang in there, Hotaru!


Oh, what a horrible thing!


Do you want to save
The life of that girl?


I will save the lives of you and that girl.
But I have one condition.

P-Please, save us!

I don't care what happens
to me, but Hotaru...!!

I see...
Then, I'll take over your bodies.

Now, awaken.

For our true purpose!!


Next, I'll start explaining the equations for the
structure of the alternate dimensional universe.

Everyone, although we are in the middle of
the lecture, Dr. Ajimov will be leaving now.

Please pardon the inconvenience!

It's so nice to be the center of attention...

I won't let Telulu take this joy away from me!



Appear, Daimohn!


Oh, an appearance that truly experiments
with the alternate dimension theory!

Now, do it all in one shot, Upasocon!


Preparations complete!



Trying to steal the heart of a professor,
the treasure of humankind!

We won't forgive people like that!

Heaven knows, the earth knows,
and people know.

For love and justice,
the Sailor Team!

In the name of the moon,
we'll punish you!

All you do is talk nonsense!

Upasocon, get them!


Prepare for attack.


Confirm targets.

First attack!





You did it!

Not yet!

They're still hiding
somewhere around there!


Being off guard is bad for you!

Jupiter! Mars!

I'm over here, too, you know!



Mercury! Venus!


Jupiter! Mars!

Well done, Upasocon.

An honor greater than imagined!

If I bring back a pure heart,
and also defeat these little brats...

I will make it back in the group!
A comeback!

Now, Upasocon, finish them off!.




Sailor Moon! Now!









Now, Mimet, give up!

What are you talking about?

Do you have that much strength left?

I still have the ultimate w*apon!





She disappeared?

What's going on?

W-Where is she?

Now, Mimet will be
perform in gonstage!

Were you surprised?

But it's not just my
body that grew bigger.

This machine makes my powers
tens of times as strong as well!

It feels so good...

To see me on stage like this,
you guys are really lucky!

Now, let's go!

Wonderful, Mimet...
You really are wonderful.

T-That voice...!! Telulu!

But it's not good to take someone
else's work away, you know...

S-Shut up!
Don't get in my wary!

Do you know why our old chief
Eugeal didn't use that machine...?


Yup. One thing about that machine...

When you turn off the power while you're in
the monitor, you're trapped in there forever.


Please, stop!

Come on, I'll apologize!

Any thing but that!

Just don't pull that plug!

Farewell, idiot.


F-Fighting amongst themselves...?

What in the world is going on?

Super Sailor Moon!?

Are you all right!

Hang in there!

I'm all right...

I'm just a little tired...
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