04x02 - The Grand Opening pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x02 - The Grand Opening pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ took a whole lot of tryin'
just to get up that hill ♪

♪ now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ as long as we live
it's you and me, baby ♪

♪ there ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got a piece ♪

♪ of the pie ♪♪

You know, pop, I still think
we should call the cops. No.

But, pop... You wanna
see your mother alive?

Well, sure I do. Then no
cops. The kidnappers told me,

They said get $ , , go
home, wait by the phone...

And don't call the cops, and
that's exactly what we're gonna do.

George, the police are professionals.
They know how to handle these things.

They wouldn't do anything
to jeopardize louise.

Then how come they let her get
kidnapped? Well, they... Oh, be reasonable.

Look, no cops and that's final.

I wonder where my
banker is with the money.

Well, I wish there was
something we could do.

All this waiting's
driving me crazy.

Maybe I oughta call the jeweler
and see if louise was there.

- What good is that gonna do?
- He might have noticed
something. A clue perhaps.

- A clue? Like what?
- Well, like a man grabbing
your wife and kidnapping her.

I'm gonna call.

Don't touch that phone. The
kidnappers might be trying to call.

We can call from my apartment.

Good idea. We'll be right back.

Oh, man, this is
like a bad dream.

I just wish I could get my hands
on that h*nky that grabbed weezy.


How do you know he's white?

'Cause he had a white accent.

I'm just glad I got the money. If we was
poor, weezy would really be in trouble.

If we were poor, mom
wouldn't have been kidnapped.

But why me? There are a
lot of rich guys in this city.

Oh, yeah, pop, but they don't
go around advertising it.

Look, when you run your own business,
you gotta advertise to make money.

And to make mom a
target for kidnapping.

Don't push me!

Pop, I'm sorry.

Uh, I'll make coffee. I'll help.

That's a good idea. I need
something to calm my nerves.

Mother jefferson, coffee
doesn't calm the nerves.

No? Well, then maybe you'd
better make me a bloody mary.

Your mother's one
in a million, lionel.

I remember right after you
were born, I didn't have no job.

Couldn't find none, no
matter how hard I tried.

And then weezy went
out and got a job.

Came home and worked all day.

Took care of you
and me. Mostly me.

'Cause I was climbing
walls by then.

But she never complained. Any other
woman would have split out on me.

You know, I never realized
how much I love her until now.

Like they say, "you never miss
the water till the well runs dry."

[Scoffs] I know what
that means now.

I mean, she means everything
to me, lionel. Everything.

I don't know. All this money
wouldn't mean nothing...

If I ain't got weezy
to share it with.

If anything happens to her,
lionel, I don't know. Hey, pop.

Look, we just gotta think positive,
okay? Because mom's gonna be fine.

Why didn't they kidnap me?
Why did they have to grab weezy?

George, you've
got to have faith.

Louise is in god's hands.

No, she's not, mama. She's
in the kidnappers' hands.

Ain't no telling
what they might do.

Anybody that's crazy enough to kidnap
somebody in broad... [doorbell rings]

What's that? Pop.

Now, just take it easy.
It's just the doorbell.

- Maybe it's the banker.
- Did you talk to the jeweler?

Yes. He said louise picked up the
watch and left about an hour ago.

Oh, this is awful.
Take it easy, ma.

Well, they've got
your watch too.

Uh, mr. Jefferson, if your wife
left the jewelry store an hour ago,

And the kidnappers phoned
your office a half an hour ago,

Then they can't have had mrs. Jefferson
for more than minutes when they phoned.

So what. Let's say it
took them two minutes...

To get mrs. Jefferson
into their car,

And perhaps four minutes to get her
from the car to where they're keeping her.

That leaves
minutes traveling time.

The kidnappers are holding mrs. Jefferson
within one mile of the jewelry store.

- How do you know that?
- Oh, it's elementary.

In rush hour
traffic in this city,

You can't get further
than a mile in minutes.

This is saturday, bentley. There ain't no rush
hour today. They could be in jersey by now.

Drat! If it were a weekday,
we'd have had them.

I'm afraid we're dealing with
professionals, mr. J. Where's that coffee?

It's coming up.

Well, that oughta do it.

Oh, boy, it's gonna
be a long day.

Will you get me a diet soda?

A diet soda?

I have to watch my weight.

Daddy, how can you
eat at a time like this?

I always eat when I'm
nervous. You can say that again.

I remember when I was in labor with
you, your daddy brought me some candy.

Well, all I got
were the wrappers.

That's right. When you were born,
your mother lost eight pounds,

And I gained .

- Was there any luck
with the jewelers, mama?
- No.

Oh, I feel terrible.

If only I had picked
up george's watch.

Mama, there was nothing you
could do. The watch wasn't ready.

But I should have gone
back to the store with louise.

This is all my fault.

Oh, mama, don't. Oh,
take it easy, helen.

Daddy's right. The only
thing we can do is wait.

That's right. And the most important
thing is that we all stay calm.

[phone rings] the
phone! The phone!


It's the kidnappers. It's : .

Repeat everything they say,
mr. J., And I'll write it down...

So that we can tell the
police later. [Clears throat]

Hello. Yeah, this is
george jefferson.

What? Three dance
lessons for $ . ?

Three dance lessons
for $ . . No, no.

No, I am not interested. And
don't be calling on my phone again,

Or I'll dance on your head.

Why don't they call? Yeah,
what's taking them so long?

[doorbell rings]

Good afternoon.
I'm mr. Billings.

Please, come in. We've been
waiting for you. you got the money?

It's all here. Good. Gimme it.

[Yells] oh, please.
Mr. Jefferson, be patient.

It's all right, billings.
They're all friends.

Or relatives.

Uh, before I give you the money,
mr. Jefferson, I'll need your john hancock.

What do you want with
my life insurance? Huh?

Uh, no, no, no. Just put your
signature on these loan forms.

Why didn't you
just say signature?

There you are. Now, this
gives the bank the right...

To impound all your personal and business
property in case something happens.

Like what? Like the police
don't get the money back.

- You see, george, I told you...
- Shut up, willis.

And this form is for our files. It
certifies... Just show me where to sign.

Please, I'm just trying to be helpful.
There's no need to get excited.

Oh, no? Has your wife
ever been kidnapped?


Leslie, the keys.

There you are,
mr. Jefferson, $ , .

Now I must call security and
let them know I arrived safely.

May I use your phone? Not
that one. I'm expecting a call.

You can use the pay
phone down in the lobby.

Oh, of course, yeah.
Do you have a dime?

I never carry cash.

Here. Thanks.

Oh, I'll credit this to
your account. [george groans]

Well, here it is,
$ , . [All] oh!

I've never seen so
much money before.

George, it's a good thing
they kidnapped louise.

Mama! What are you
talking about, mama?

Just think how much they would
be asking if they'd kidnapped me.

I'm gonna call the cops.
Don't touch the phone!

Damn it, pop! This is my
mother we're talking about.

You know, I care just as much
about her safety as you do.

Well, if you care, don't call
the cops. Well, look, pop...

[Overlapping arguing]

What are you all doing here?

Well, I went back to
the office and... Weezy!

George, what's
all the kissing for?

You're here in our
living room, weezy!

You never act like this
in our bedroom. Oh, mom!

What in the world...

[Laughing] oh, louise.

Baby, baby, baby, baby.

Now I know something's wrong.

Hey, mom, tell us,
how did you get away?

Did they let you go?
Can you identify them?

Was one of them a
h*nky? I mean, white.

What are you all talking about?

The kidnappers.
Kidnappers? What kidnappers?

The ones that grabbed you.

You thought I was kidnapped?

- Well, wasn't you?
- Why would anybody want me?

That's what I've been
asking myself for years.

Hey, mom, now look.
Somebody called pop's office,

And they demanded a hundred
thousand dollar ransom for you.

A hundred thousand dollars?

George, where would
you get that kind of money?

Right here.

My stars. Oh, I feel faint.

Weezy, what's
wrong? Me, kidnapped.

Well, you ain't kidnapped.
But just the thought.

Those gangsters
grabbing me and hurting me.

Oh, george, I'm so glad you're here
to protect me. [Choking] okay, weezy.

But who's gonna
protect me from you?

It looks like you were the
victim of a hoax, george.

But what kind of person would
make a crank call like that?

A crank.

A sick crank.

Well, now that I know
george's watch is safe,

I'm going to take a nap.

Helen, the watch was
supposed to be a surprise.

But I had to tell them
where you went, louise.

Don't worry about it, weezy. Having you back
safe and sound is the best surprise ever.

Mr. Jefferson, do
you have any enemies?

- Enemies?
- I mean, is there anyone
who doesn't like you?

Are you kidding?
Who wouldn't like me?

Well, let's go alphabetically.

Who asked you, helen?

George, here's
your watch. Surprise.

Oh, thanks, weezy. Hey!

That's great. Read
what's on the back.

Oh. "Shockproof, waterproof."

George! The inscription.

Oh, that. [Chuckles]

"To george, the man I love
to make time with. Louise."


Mrs. Jefferson, could
the person who phoned...

Be someone who
had it in for you?

Oh, no. I... Wait a minute.

George, where was your
mother when you got that call?

Oh, come on, weezy. Look, why
don't we just forget about this.

Everybody have a drink to celebrate weezy
being safe. Okay? What'll it be, willis?

Oh, i-i don't know. What
about a white mule?

What's a white mule?

A h*nky donkey.

Uh, no, thank you, george.

I think the champagne we had
at your office is affecting me.

Look, willis, you have to learn
how to drink without getting sick.

Oh, I'm not sick. I said
it was affecting me.

Come on, helen.
Let's go upstairs.

That's a good idea.

The champagne's
affecting me too.

Good. It's giving me a headache.

Mr. Jefferson, perhaps it
was a disgruntled customer.

Who? The crank who's
playing this nasty trick on you.

Oh, bentley, it's all over
now. Weezy's home safe.

Case is closed. [phone rings]


Hello. Yeah, this is
george jefferson.

What? You jive turkey.

Yeah, I got the
money. It's the crank.

Oh, so you got my wife, huh?


Okay, let me talk to my wife.

Your husband
wants to talk to you.

Watch what you
say and make it quick.

The kidnappers grabbed
florence. They think she's you.

Florence? Are you sure?

Look, weezy, I'd know that
old cracked voice anyplace.

Florence, how'd
you get into this?

Well, uh, darlin',
these two men...

Came to our apartment and
told me not to make a sound and...

Well, tell them they screwed up, that you
ain't my wife. Maybe they'll let you go.

Wait a minute, uh, george
dear. You don't understand.

These men know there ain't nobody
in this world more important to you...

And worth more
than your wife... Me.

So now, george dear, you better
do exactly what these men tell you.

After all, you do want to see me
again, don't you, george darling?

Now look, shorty. I don't
want no stuff outta you.

Uh, I mean, george sweetie...


Yeah. Yes.

Yes, dear, I know a hundred
thousand dollars is a lot of money.

But I heard on my car
radio that some man paid...

$ , , For his wife.

Hey, pop, what is she saying?

I don't know. She's rattling on about some
guy that paid a bunch of dough for his wife.

What? Yeah, I heard you. , , .
But what's that got to do with...

Okay, time's up. Now listen,
chump, and listen good.

There's a tire store on the
corner of th and lexington.

If you ever wanna
see your wife again,

Go to the alley behind the store
and put the money in the garbage pail.

Got it? I don't want any lip.

Just have the dough there in half
an hour. And remember, no cops.

Yeah, okay, no cops, but
how... Jive turkey hung up.

How did florence sound?

Terrible. Oh, that's awful.

- No, that's normal.
- What did they say, pop?

Well, they told me to drop the money
off behind a tire store in a half hour.

You'd better get going.
Not me. I'm calling the cops.

No, they said not to. Yes, and you
didn't wanna call the police before.

That's when I thought
they had weezy.

Oh, now, pop, what's the difference
between mom and florence?

If you don't know the difference
by now, you gotta be pretty dumb.

No, no, mr. Jefferson.
Florence's life is in danger.

[doorbell rings] no, it ain't.

In about two hours, them kidnappers
are gonna be begging her to get out...

And take her mouth with
her. Hello, mr. Jefferson, sir.

Ralph! Maybe you can help us.
You've been here all day, right?

Well, no, sir, I was
gone about an hour.

What? You deserted your post, huh?
You could be shot for that in the service.

For going to
woolworth's? Woolworth's?

Yes, sir, to get you this
office-warming present. Oh!

Yeah, well, you were only gone an
hour. Hey, ralph, that's pretty nice.

Yes, sir. I figured a
man as busy as you...

Would need a good
pocket calendar.

Yeah, but, ralph,
this book's been used.

Oh, no, sir, I just noted a few important
dates you wouldn't wanna forget.

Christmas, my birthday,

Thanksgiving, april .

April ? The day
after taxes, sir.

I'm a little short then. Oh,
wait a minute, ralph. Look.

Did you see any suspicious-looking
strangers hanging around the building?

No, sir. Think hard now,
ralph. This is important.

Did you see anybody take
that elevator up to this floor?

Well, only those two
telephone repairmen.

They must be doing very
well, sir. They gave me a $ tip.

You idiot, that's
them! What them?

Them them. What
did they look like?

I didn't notice. I was too
busy looking at the $ bill.

But next time,
sir, I'll make sure...

That ralph... He's always got his
hands open and his eyes closed.

Five million dollars. I don't recall
anyone ever paying that much ransom.

Florence said she
heard it on her car radio.

Oh, well, wait a minute. That can't
be. Florence doesn't have a car radio.

She doesn't even have a car. I bet
she was trying to give us a clue.

That's it! They
got her in a car!

Come on, let's go.
Come on, bentley.

Where am I going? There's
a million cars in this city.

George, you are wasting time.

Now pick up that money and
drop it where they told you to.

Yeah, you're right, weezy.
We gotta get her back.

But I'm taking this
out of her salary.

Mr. Jefferson, I
think I've got it.

- I think
I know where florence is.
- How could you know that?

- I figured it out
thanks to senora hidalgo.
- Who?

Senora hidalgo was a character
in a mystery story I once read,

the case of the kidnapped
written by...

- What are you mumbling
about, bentley?
- I lent that book to florence.

That's the trouble with florence.
She's always reading instead of working.

Senora hidalgo and her husband
were living in exile in england,

When she was kidnapped
by hostile forces.

But unbeknownst
to her kidnappers,

Both senora hidalgo and her
husband were amateur radio operators,

Well-versed in morse code.

- So?
- So, in the presence
of her captors,

Senora hidalgo tapped out
her location in morse code,

While talking on the
telephone to her husband.

As I recall, she used her wedding
ring. Dot, dot, dot, dit, dit, dit.

Mr. Bentley, what's this gotta do
with florence? She's not even married.

Or was it... Dit, dit, dot, dit,
dit. Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot...

I'm gonna dot your head if
you don't cut it out, bentley.

Yeah, mr. Bentley, just
tell us... Where's florence?

I don't know
exactly. But you said...

However, I think I know how
we can find her. Look at this.

[Gasps] you're a
genius, mr. Bentley.

Hey, you sure are,
bentley. Hey. [Laughs]

[Clears throat] operator,
give me the police.

I'll give it a couple more minutes, and
then I'll drive down to make the pickup.

Yeah. I can't wait to see
all that beautiful green.

Excuse me. Is
it all right if i...

You just went five minutes ago.

I was just going to ask
if it's all right if I pray.

Sure. Go ahead.

♪ Just a closer walk with
thee ♪ hold it down, lady.

♪ Grant it, jesus if you
please ♪♪ knock off the noise!

Noise? I was singing to
the lord like I do in church.

Yeah, well, this ain't
no church, so shut up.

The lord just ain't in
church. He's everywhere.

Oh, he is, is he? Well,
he ain't under there.

[Men cackling]

Maybe he's hiding in the closet.

Nope. No.

I guess he took today
off to play golf. Golf.

Stop that blaspheming!

Now, you keep talking with the devil's
tongue, and the lord's gonna punish you.

Now, if you was smart, you'd get
down on your knees and repent.

If you're smart, you'll
sit down and shut up,

Or you're gonna be talking
to the lord face-to-face.

Shouldn't you get started now?

Yeah, but, uh, first I'd better call
the airport. See if our flight's on time.

You think we're asking
enough money for her?

A hundred grand
ain't pocket change.

Yeah, but some guy paid over five
million for his wife. Ain't that right?

Huh? Oh, oh, yeah.

- Give me global airlines.
- Who paid all that money?

I-i don't remember.

- How much did you say he paid?
- A lot.

You said it was
, , something.

S-s-something like that.

It was , , , wasn't it?

I can't remember figures.

- Damn!
- What's the matter? The line's busy?

No, she told them
where we are. What?

See, - . That's
our phone number.

They could be
tracing us right now.

- You're gonna pay
for this, lady.
- Wait a minute.

You ain't got nothing to worry about.
My boss is too dumb to pick up that clue.

What'd you say?
I said my boss...

I mean, mr. Jeff... I mean,
my husband is too dumb.

Something ain't right here.

No. Yeah, didn't you hear?

First she said her boss,
then she said mr. Jeff...

Aw, shut up, you nit.

Okay, lady, just who are you?

I'm george jefferson's
wife. What's your first name?

Florence. I-i mean
louise. Check her wallet.

If you're lying to
us, lady... [Clicks tongue]

It says here she's
florence johnston.

- Florence johnston?
- That's my stage name.

- Your stage name?
- Yeah, I'm a dancer. See?


I'll bet you don't make
too much money dancing.

'Cause your insurance card
says you're a housekeeper.

A housekeeper?
Damn, we got the maid.

The maid? We ain't
gonna get a dime for her.

Oh, yes, you will.
Mr. Jefferson just loves me.

He's always saying, "florence,
ain't nobody in the world like you."

We gotta get outta here. Wait.
What are we gonna do with her?

We'll have to get rid
of her. Why? Yeah, why?

'Cause you can identify us. No, I
can't. All you people look alike to me.

What are you worried about?
They'll never find us down in florida.

You jerk! Now we gotta take care of
her. You just told her where we're going.

I didn't hear him. I
wasn't listening.

But we don't wanna
risk a m*rder rap.

Did you say m*rder? I
thought you weren't listening.

I wasn't. That was
just a lucky guess.

We'll dump her along the way.

Dump her? Oh, lord!

Tie her up and gag her.

Save me, jesus. Deliver
me from this evil.

I'm thanking you in advance, lord.
This is your daughter, florence.

Hurry up! It's all twisted.

♪ Take my hand precious lord ♪

Gag first, then the rope!

Oh, lord, um, save
these poor sinners.

Would you shut up?
I'm praying for you.

You're asking for it. Oh, st.
Peter, open up your pearly gates,

'Cause here I come.
Police! Freeze!

O lord, take me into
your house. Drop it!

[Continues, indistinct]

It's okay now, miss.
[Continues, indistinct]

It's okay, miss. And you
know I've been good, lord.

I said it's okay. You're safe.

Oh. Oh, thank you, jesus.

I knew you'd save me.

But what took you so long?

So then I threw on my
coat and went out the door.

And, child, there they was,

Waitin' for me.

Something told me right
away that they meant business.

- What was that, florence?
- That g*n sticking in my face.

Here you are, florence.
This will calm you down.

Whoo, I tell you, I ain't never been
treated so bad before in my life.

They're animals.
Nothing but animals.

- But you said
they didn't hurt you.
- Look what they did to my hat.

It's just your hat. Just think what
they could have done to your head.

You're right about
that, miss jefferson.

Child, I can't tell y'all
how worried I was.

What was you worried about? You should
have known I'd pick up that clue like that.

George, you didn't...

But it's been a
good day after all.

Got my wife, got my money.

And you got me. Don't spoil it.

- I got my son going into
business with me, right?
- Wrong.

- But, lionel, you said...
- We, pop, said we'd think
about it.

And we did. But lionel's
not gonna take the job.

But think of all that money and
what you can do with it, lionel.

Oh, I did, pop. But
you know something?

I saw what all that money
almost did to mom and florence.

I think lionel's right, george.

One tycoon in the
family is enough.

Yeah, I guess you're
right... For now.


Where's the money? What money?

The ransom money. The last
time I saw it, it was right there.

Well, it ain't
there now. Get up.

Don't nobody leave.

All right, come on, come
on. Help me find the money.

Come on, weezy.

Mama, what are you
doing with the money?

I'm counting it. You
made me lose my place.

I got it.

That ain't necessary, mama.
The man said it's all there.

George, were you really
gonna pay all that money for me?

Sure, weez, you know you're
worth your weight in gold.

Oh! [Laughs]

I don't think there's that
much gold in fort knox.

♪♪ [humming]

[woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪♪ [humming]

♪ movin, movin' on up ♪♪
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