04x17 - Lionel Gets the Business

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x17 - Lionel Gets the Business

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece of the pie ♪♪

Break out the good champagne.
It's been one hell of a day.

Oh, hi, george.

She spreads her
beauty like the dawn

With a trail of
angels at her feet.

Oh, that's so romantic.

Did you make that up?

Somebody painted
it on the subway.

But it's true!

Weezy, guess what.
After six months, I did it.

Did what?

Don't you listen to me? It's
all I've been talking about.

What's the last
thing I said last night?

Not tonight,
weezy. I'm too tired.

Florence, good to see
you. How's my favorite maid?

What's wrong with him?

Nothing. Haven't you ever seen
mr. Jefferson in a good mood before?

No. But don't go by me. I've
only worked here two years.

You can't get to me today.

Lionel and jenny
will be comin' soon.

Don't you want me to
start the hors d'oeuvres?

Nope. Hold it.

These are the hors d'oeuvres.
Real fancy french ones.

Stick 'em on a plate.

You bought hors d'oeuvres?
I was gonna make 'em.

That's why I bought 'em.

Okay. I was gonna fix
something special for you.

I call it my george
jefferson sandwich.

What is it?

Shrimp wrapped in tongue.

George, tell me why
you're in such a good mood.

I finally did it.

[Doorbell rings]

That must be the kids.
You can tell us at once.

It's them!



Just in time for the news.

What's up, pop?

Remember that
account I've wanted,

That hotel that
french dude owns?

The moulin rouge?

That's right.

I'll be cleaning all the
rouge off their moulins.

I'm so proud of you.

That's wonderful, mr. Jefferson.

Here's to your new job.

Here's to my old one.

Your old one? What happened?

I got laid off.

How could they? It's illegal.


Because you're my son.

They didn't take that
into consideration.

What about your starving kids?

That's lying.

If you had kids,
they'd be starving.

The contract I was
working on ran out.

How will you support yourselves?

It's not that bad.

We have savings.

How long will that last?

If we really cut down?

Eight or nine hours.

Mom, don't worry.

It's probably just temporary.

I could quit school and work.


You support lionel?

What's wrong with that?

Mrs. Jefferson helped you.

Weezy has talent
for doin' laundry.


I mean, you really shine

When you're around dirt.

Keep talking, and you'll
be under six feet of it.

Jenny could help, but
that isn't necessary.

I'll get another job.

You will?

Oh, I know where.


With me.

It's perfect.

Good hours, good pay,

A boss like a father.

It's a good idea, lionel.

It would be temporary.

It would tide you over.

You know what I'm
like to work for.

Don't blow it, george.

What do you say, son?

Careful, lionel.

Your father says "temporary,"

But he really means "permanent."

What makes you think
mr. Jefferson would ever lie?

Maybe I heard it
from my starving kids.

Jenny, he's only trying to help,

And I do know the job.

Good. It's settled.

Ok, and thanks, pop.

But remember, if
an engineering job...

Sure, sure.

Meanwhile, you'll
work at headquarters

As my vice president.

A temporary vice president?

I thought I'd work in a store

Behind the counter.

Those jobs are taken.

I can't fire a poor
guy just for you.

Of course not.

Vice president is
the only job open.

You know I don't
have experience.

Your name is
jefferson, ain't it?

Cleanin' fluid is your blood.

There's some in these
hors d'oeuvres, too.

What are they?

Little green things over here.

Little black things over there.

And the brown things?

If they ain't movin',
they probably anchovies.

Well, no thanks, florence.

Maybe later.

Don't wait too long.

Lord knows what
happens when they age.

Florence, I'm starvin'.

Get rid of that mess
and serve dinner.

We'll help you, florence.

It's nice the way
everything worked out...

Lionel working for
you temporarily.


He's going to work
for me permanently.

It's finally going to be,

"Jefferson and son."

Lionel doesn't want to
work for you permanently.

He will.

When a man makes
important decisions

Behind a big desk,

He's feet tall.

Why didn't it work for you?

The supplies are coming?

Thank you.

How's it goin', lionel?

Great, pop.

You know somethin'?

You've been easy
to get along with

For this past week.

You don't question my decisions.

You haven't argued with me once.

Are you ok?

You're the boss.

If you say somethin'
is right, it's right.

The stores just called.

They said the new
furniture is beautiful.


Who the hell ordered furniture?

I did.

Oh, you did!

Another great decision.

New furniture!


Customers might
like someplace to sit

While they wait.

Of course! What a great idea!

How much was it?

I got a great deal.

It would normally cost $ , .

$ , ?

I got a great deal.

It only ran us $ , .

Oh, only $ , !

For each store.

For each store?

Did I do somethin' wrong?

No! Why didn't I think of that?

You probably didn't
have any good deals.

You might be right, lionel.

I want to show you something.

You the boss!

You'll really like this.

Better than furniture?


I don't think so.

[Telephone rings]


How's the restaurant
business, mr. Simmons?

What do you mean,
where's your laundry?

It always takes a week.

Who said we had one-day service?

Lionel jefferson? I
never heard of him.

He said he was my son?

That's impossible.
My son's in alaska.

I'll take care of it.

Ok, bye.

Lionel's hopeless.

What do you think?


Oh, it says,
"jefferson cleaners."

That little patch
is good advertising.

I thought so, too.

I got one for every employee.

Great! It couldn't cost much.

They were free when
I bought the blazers.

You bought blazers for everyone?

Yeah, to give the
stores some class.

About $ , worth of class.

No, $ , .

Who could put a price on class?

I knew you would
appreciate that.

I made one more decision.

Let me sit down.

Ok, go ahead.

I'm having all the
stores painted.

You're having all
the stores painted.

It won't interfere
with business.

The painters will
come on sunday.

Lionel, painters get
double time for sunday.

I didn't think about that.

I've made my first mistake.

No, I wouldn't say that.

How much will
this painting cost?

Here's the estimate.

It's only a ballpark figure.

Yeah, yankee stadium.

I'm going to the bank.

I'll go.

Stay away from the bank!

Some son you
got! $ , ! $ , !

He'll probably buy
the painters blazers.

What are you talking about?

Your son lionel is
a walkin' disaster.

Lionel has only been in
the business a few days.

If he stays, there
won't be no business.

Maybe you're expecting too much.

Oh, weezy.

I mean it.

You made mistakes at first.

Like what?

That delivery truck you bought.

How could I know it
was used in a holdup?

The b*llet holes in the
back might have been a clue.

Yeah, you're right. I
should have looked.

Remember when you accidentally
bleached those nuns' habits?

Oh, yeah.

Boy, were they mad.

I didn't think nuns
knew words like that.

And when the dryers burned out

Because you used
the wrong fuses?

That was really dumb.

You made your point.

It takes time to
learn the ropes.

Lionel will straighten out.

You're probably right, weezy.

Just relax and read the paper.

I'll make you another drink.

And besides, your ad
turned out beautifully.

Yeah? That's good.

What ad?

It's on page .

This ad.

"Jefferson cleaners
announces friday half-price sale"!

Who the hell did this?

Didn't you?

Are you crazy?

That sale could
ruin my business.

If you didn't do it, who did?

Lionel. Lionel.

What do you want me to do?

[Telephone ringing]

Use your own judgment!

Don't put 'em on overtime!

They'll be getting double
pay for half-price laundry.

What is it?

The bronx store says someone
dropped off a ton of laundry.

Lionel's ad is gonna ruin me.

Every cleaner is
sendin' me their work.

The manager in the bronx
is practically crying.

Tell him to come over.
We can cry together.

[Telephone ringing]

What is it? Wong song
phat's hand laundry?

No speak english. Call
back when you learn how.

Hi, george. I thought you'd
like to go to lunch today.

Get us a table
for two in brazil.

I got a mean dude on the line.

He's laughing and saying you
are the dumbest businessman ever.

Who is it?

Your accountant!

[Telephone ringing]

What about lunch?

Not now. Answer the phone.

Huh? Grab the phone!

What'll I say?



What? You're from the newspaper?

No, I don't want to
run the ad next week.


Your manager in queens
forgot to tell you something.


[Telephones ring]

What's going on?

Grab the phone.


Jefferson cleaners.

I know that.

What do you want?


Then get the hell off our phone.

Buster, nobody
talks to me like that.

Listen, mister.





Hi, weez.

Mister, huh?

I didn't know it was you.

It's because of this ad.

Hey, mom.

Lionel, we were just
talking about you.

You should see all the
business we're gettin'!

We're gettin' the
business, all right.

Uh, lionel,

Are you sure that
ad was a good idea?

We couldn't buy publicity
like that for $ million.

I think we just did.

If you want to talk,
I'm going shopping.

See you later, weezy.

Have fun, mom.


Sorry. I've got to
get these bills out.

I've been thinkin'.

You've turned things
around in a week.

I'm glad I'm workin' out.

I figured you're about
due for a vacation.


Paid, of course.

A vacation?

At least three months.

But there's too
much to get finished.

Finished? That's the
word I keep thinking of.

We're too busy now.

I'll skip that vacation.

I don't want to overwork you.

You must stay fresh to
keep gettin' great ideas.

So that's it.

I got lots of great ideas.

Oh, you do?

Lionel, you are unbelievable.

Pop, don't thank me.

What are sons for?

I'm beginning to wonder.

[Telephone rings]



Yeah, he's here.

It's your boss from the
engineering company.

Hello, mr. Hoffman?


Sure, I'd like to meet with you.

That sounds great.

Lunch today will be fine.


What did he say?

They want to give
me my job back.


I mean, really?

I don't know what to do.

I like the job.

Then take it.

I'll miss you, but
I'll manage somehow.

I am an engineer.

You got to go with
your profession,

But you did great here.

You'll find someone
to replace me.

I don't think so, lionel.

I don't think there is anybody

In the cleaning
business like you.

That's all I needed to know.

Where you goin'?

To tell mr. Hoffman
I'm staying here.

You need me here.

Hey, come here!


George, stop walkin' around.

I feel like I'm eating
in a bus depot.

Lionel means well, but
he's ruinin' my business.

"Jefferson and son"
isn't working out?

The "jefferson" is cool.

The "son" has to go.

Here's your coffee.

Where's the cream?

Where it always
is... The kitchen.

It isn't lionel's fault.

He never wanted
to be a businessman.

Well, it was all
your stupid idea.

My idea? You won't
pin this one on me.

It was your stupid idea.

It don't matter.

He's our son. He's
screwing up our business.

We'll just work it out together.

What can we do?

You just fire him.


What happened to,
"doing it together"?

We are.

I hired him. You fire him.

You do it.

You're his mother.

You're his father.

You had him.

You made him.

I used to pick up after him.

Can't you do something
better than sittin'?

I don't know. Make me an offer.

Try washin' the dishes.

That ain't better than sittin'.


Y'all always talkin'
about I'm part of the family.

George, you got
yourself into this mess.

Now get yourself out.


Tell him the truth.

Yeah, that's right.

We're both men.

We can handle business.

I'll lay it on the line.

What are you doing?

Writing him a letter.

No, you're not.

You'll talk face to face.

I can't tell him.

I can't tell him.

They asked you to work
on a special project.

You couldn't turn
mr. Hoffman down.

What's wrong?

I can't hurt pop.

He really needs me.

Lionel, you love engineering.

Any reasonable person
will understand that.

We're not discussing
a reasonable person.

We're discussing my father.

Yeah, I forgot.

It's got to be done.

Well, it won't be easy.

Lionel! Jenny! What
a nice surprise!

Hi, mom.

Hello, mrs. Jefferson.

Come on in.

Hi. Anything wrong at the store?

Everything's fine.

You didn't sell one
of them, did you?

Why would I do that?

Maybe you ran out of blazers.

Lionel's got
somethin' to tell you.

And george has
something to tell lionel.

What is it?

You go first.

Go ahead, lionel.

I'll get right to the point.

I can't... I don't...

I... Uh...

That's right to the point.

Woman, I can't talk if
you keep interruptin'!

I forgot where I was.

Somewhere between "i" and "uh."

Son, what is it?

Lionel, just tell him.

I want to tell you somethin'.

I like workin' with you.

Ok, george, your turn.



I like workin' with you, too.

See you tomorrow.

: Sharp.

Hold it!

George, now say it.

You, too, lionel.





You're fired.

He quits.



You said I was great.

You said you enjoyed it.

What father would fire his son?

A father whose son
quits on his father.

You let me down.

You disappointed me, lionel.

And I've never been happier!

♪♪ [Humming]

[Woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.
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