05x06 - George's New Stockbroker

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x06 - George's New Stockbroker

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lotta tryin'
just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live
it's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece ♪

♪ Of the pie ♪♪

Look, I'm telling you, Hawkins.
You can't go wrong
giving me your business.

- I got stores
all over the city.
- Twenty.

Nope. Only seven.
But I plan to open some more.

Oh, no, no, Jefferson,
I was counting my exercises.

Look out!
Look out!

[Intercom Buzzing]


Man, if it wasn't for you,
I'd have dropped my drawers.

Yeah, Linda?
What? Oh, yeah. Look.

Tell Wilson I'll have an answer
for him as soon as I go to file
on the Bronx store. Right. Bye.




Great little item, huh?
Helps me keep my arms
in shape for all the girls.

[Laughs] If there's
one thing I believe in,
it's keeping in shape.

Yeah? Say, how about
you and me getting together
tomorrow morning, Jefferson?

Oh, sure. I'd love
to go out for breakfast.

No, no, no.
I mean to jog.
Jog? Well, uh...

Yeah, we could take in
a little five-mile run.

Oh, darn! I just remembered
I promised to take my wife
shopping tomorrow.

At : in the morning?

Oh, yeah. Well, see,
Weezy likes to beat the crowd.

Look, I'm telling you now.

I can beat any price
your hotel pays
for laundry service.

Well, that sounds good.
Quote me a price
and we'll talk about it.

Now here's what
you're gonna need:

number of towels,
number of sheets,
number of uniforms...

What's this number?

It's a phone number.
You won't be needing that.

She'll have
all she can handle
with me tonight.

Right, Jefferson?
Oops! Sorry. You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.
Just working
a little hard lately.

But that's
what you gotta do
to stay on top, right?

A little work,
a little play.

To stay on top
you gotta have balance.

That's what I meant.
I've been working hard
at balancing the books.

Look, I'll have
a price for you in a minute.

What's that?

Quitting time.
Say what?

I never work past : .
But I'm almost done here!

Sorry, Jefferson.
This is my time to play.

And, man,
have I got a playmate
waiting for me tonight.


♪ Got a date with an angel
Gonna meet her at : ♪

- Wait, I got a figure!
- My girl's got a better one.

- Hey, what about the contract?
- Tomorrow, Jefferson.

All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy.

It also makes Jack
a lot of jack, Jack!

[Intercom Buzzes]

Yeah, Linda.

What? Why ain't he
working in the store?

Okay, send him in.

Mr. Jefferson.

What are you doing here, Leroy?
The store's open till : .

Well, don't worry.
I put out the
"Closed for Vacation" sign.

What? People will think
we're closed
for the whole week!

You should have used
the "Out to Lunch" sign.

Yeah, I thought of that.
But it's : .
Too late for lunch.

Ain't no vacation either,
but your brain's taking one.

I came over to tell you
the van broke down.

Well, why didn't you
just call me on the phone?
I thought of that.

But the messenger
dropped these off.

You should have told
the messenger to bring 'em here.
I thought of that.

But I was coming over anyway
to tell you about the van.

Look, forget about it, Leroy.

Just get back to the store fast.
Here, take a cab.

Okay. But who's gonna
drive the van back?

What? I thought you said
it wasn't running!

Well, it wasn't.
But I fixed it
just before I left.

Then why'd you bother to come?

'Cause I had to
deliver those dumb things.

They ain't dumb things.
They're financial reports.

My accountant sends them to me
so I know what's going on
in my business.

Gee, I can tell you that.

This morning a man brought in
three suits, a leather jacket,

and then a woman came in
with some drapes...

Never mind, Leroy.
Just get back to the store.

Hey, wait a minute.

- What about the cab money?
- Ah, forget it.

I'm driving the van back.

Man, how can a normal-size head
hold so much stupid?

Mr. Jefferson, will you be
needing me tonight?

Let me see.
I gotta work up a price.

Then I gotta
go over these reports.

You'll be needing me tonight.
I guess I better get us
something to eat.

- Yeah, I guess you better.
- What do you want?

- Hawkins's business.
- I don't think
the deli carries that.

- Then make it
a Tom Willis sandwich.
- Pardon?

Turkey on white.

- I'll be back in a few minutes.
- [Laughs]

[Phone Rings]


Jefferson Cleaners.

Oh, hi, Weezy.

No, I can't tonight.
I gotta work.

I know we had a date for dinner,

but this is more important.

Well, of course
I love you, Weezy.

I know, but...

Yeah, but...

Look, don't wait for me.

I got to work,
and that's it.
Okay? Bye.

Don't you understand?

It's hard work that put me here,
and it's hard work
that's gonna keep me here.

And if I'm here, how can I be
out with you at dinner? Huh?


♪♪ [Humming]

Weezy, I'm home!



I'm coming.

Florence, is that you?

Florence, do me a favor,
will you?

Weezy! Is that you?

Can you help me with this?

Oh! [Laughs]
I get it.

They're having
a costume party
at the help center,

and you're
both dressed up
like Miss Jane Pittman.

Sure is a fancy dress,
Mrs. Jefferson.

Well, Florence, it's not
every night you celebrate
a th anniversary.

What are you talking about?
We've been married
longer than that.

Time sure flies.

Seems like just yesterday
I started working here.

Wrong. You still
haven't started.

Can you believe it?

The Jefferson Cleaners
still around
after years?

What are you talking about?
I've only had those stores
eight years.

Thank you, Florence.
You're welcome.

Damn it, Weezy.
Will you say something?

Did you chill
the champagne?
What champagne?

Yeah, it's in the 'frigerator.

Now just relax.
The party's gonna be fine.

What party?
What's going on?

Weezy, answer me!

What the hell's
going on around here?

Maybe the newspaper
will say something
since nobody else can.

Weezy, I was getting ready
to look at the paper,
if you don't mind.


Promises Tax Relief."

That's all he's gonna
do, too, is promise.

"At a special
news conference today,
President Amy Carter under"...

Amy Carter?

November , ?"

Oh, I got it!

It's a dream.

I can see them,
but they can't see me.

Hey, I'm dreaming
about my future. Oh!

All right!

Jefferson Cleaners
is still around.

Weezy still looks terrific.

Hey, this is great.
[Doorbell Rings]

Ah, Mrs. J.

are certainly apropos
on this momentous occasion.

Bentley still ain't learned
how to speak English.

Oh, Mr. Bentley,
come in.
Thank you.

I have some wine
for the celebration.

Oh, thank you,
Mr. Bentley.

It's a quite rare vintage.
I had a hard time finding
anything that old.

You seen Florence lately?

[Doorbell Rings]
This is old.


Oh, hello, Helen.

Happy anniversary, Louise.

Oh, thank you.

Well, where's Tom?

Yeah, where's
the other half
of the zebra?

Right behind me.

That's exactly
where his half belongs.

Damn it, Helen!
Not so fast!

if I looked as bad as you did,
I'd wake myself up.

Did you say something, dear?

- No, Tom.
- I did, you big h*nky!

Hey, watch where you goin'!


You almost squashed me!

Tom! Tom!
Remember our diet.

Uh, what?
Did you say
something, dear?

She said you're too fat!

Naughty, naughty.
Oh, Helen.


- Anybody want a drink?
- I'd love one.

Funny how
Tom always hears
that one word.

What word?

No, thanks.
Florence is already
getting me one.

Wait, Florence.
How about some champagne?

Good idea.

Y'all want some too?


Just kidding, Mrs. Jefferson.

Oh, Louise,
we're so excited tonight.

Imagine, years
in the same business.

Things have turned out well.

And I thank you all for coming.

You're lucky she's the one
that did the inviting!




I can't even
get a drink
in my own dream?

This calls
for a toast.
Oh, yeah!


Friends and neighbors,

we gather here tonight
to celebrate
the silver anniversary...

of the Jefferson Cleaners.

Hear! Hear!
Oh, I haven't

Twenty-five years ago,

George Jefferson
was just a poor, determined,

Don't forget good-looking.

Very small man with a dream.

Hey! Hey.

It started with
one small store...

and grew into a prosperous
chain of outlets
all over this city.

Twenty stores? See that, Weezy?
I told you all that
hard work would pay off.

And so it is with great honor
and respect that I say...


Huh? Huh?
Oh. Hear! Hear!

Here's to
the Jefferson Cleaners,
a dream come true.

Thank goodness.

Oh, what's wrong, Louise?

I was just thinking,
I wish George had lived
to see this day.

Weezy! What do you mean,
you wished I had lived?
You talkin' like I was...

Damn batteries must be dead!

Shut up, Willis!
I'm not dead!
I'm right here. Look!

Girl, we're all
really proud of you.
I'm not dead!

Indeed, Mrs. J.

You rallied beautifully
after Mr. J's untimely passing.

Untimely passing?
What happened?

I didn't have much choice.
It happened so suddenly.

How, Weezy?

How many years
has it been, Louise?
Yeah, how many?

Let's see.

It's going on...
How long?
How long?

- Seven years!
- Seven years?

These batteries
are supposed to last
seven years!

Will you shut up, Willis?

We're talking
about me dying,
not your dumb batteries!

We'll worry about it
tomorrow, dear.

The first year was the worst.

After that, I managed to
adjust to life without George.
You did?

Took me a while to adjust too.
It wasn't easy getting
used to all that quiet.

That's enough out of you.

George may have yelled
at you a lot, Florence,

but deep down
he really liked you.

No, I didn't!

Well, actually,

I do kinda miss
the little fella.

And I know that
Tom misses George too.

Why, it's been years
since anybody's
called him "h*nky."

h*nky, h*nky, h*nky, h*nky!

Did someone call me?

No, dear. You must
have been dreaming.

I missed George at first.

Then one morning I woke up
and said to myself,

"Hell, Louise, it wasn't you
who kicked the bucket!

Get out there
and enjoy life."

Right on, girl.
what are you saying?

And from that day on,
I haven't stopped going.

Going where?

I'll say.
Remember that year
in Hawaii? Oh!

Yes, those winters
in the Caribbean.

And don't forget
that two-year cruise
around the world.

What did you do, Weezy?
Join the Harlem Globetrotters?

Well, I could use
a bit of fresh air.

Me too.
Good idea.

Come on, Tom.

Maybe it'll wake him up.

Well, I'm not going out there
without something
to keep me warm.

What a beautiful night,
eh, Florence?

Sure is clear.

Yeah. You can see clear
to the next building.

Wake up, Tom.
Huh? What?

Oh, look!
A flying saucer!

A what?


Watch the cane!


Oh, never mind.
It was just a mosquito.

You have to be
more careful, Tom.

You nearly knocked over
Florence's drink.
Love one!

Oh, it's chilly out here.
I think I'll go back inside.

Me too. Thought champagne
was supposed to keep you warm.

Ha! What a fall!

You should have seen me, Weezy.
I fell floors, straight down,
and didn't get a scratch.

[Doorbell Rings]

I landed on this awning.
Then I bounced down
into the street.

And three cabs ran over me
before I even got up.

Doesn't anybody care?

Ralph! What a surprise!

Mrs. Jefferson, ma'am.

Ralph? Damn!

You must be opening
some pretty fancy doors
these days.

I couldn't let the anniversary
of Jefferson's Cleaners
slip by...

without offering you
my congratulations.

Look out, Weezy.
He wants a tip.

I wanted to give you
a nice gift.

But what could a woman
of your wealth possibly need?

So I decided on something
with a sentimental value.

That means he got you
something cheap.

This hat is the hat
I was wearing...

when you moved
into the building
years ago.

Oh, Ralph.

Thank you.

I thought
you might have it bronzed
to always remember me by.

It'd be better
if we bronzed your hand.
We seen more of that.

It's the least I can do,
Mrs. Jefferson.

If it hadn't been for all your
husband's tips, I never could
have bought this building.

Bought this building?
Are you jivin'?

Well, I've got to run.

My limousine is double-parked.


I forgot.
I brought your mail up
from downstairs.

Old habits are hard to break.

Oh, thank you.

Ralph, you want a tip from me?

Oh, I'm sorry,
Mrs. Jefferson.

Like I said,
old habits are
hard to break.

Oh, wait, Ralph.
Wait right there.

Here, for old time's sake.

Thank you,
Mrs. Jefferson.

Five hundred dollars?

Now, that's a full t*nk of gas.

Good-bye, everybody!

Bye, Ralph.

Ooh, Louise, you really
throw the money around.

Well, George left me more than
I could possibly get rid of.

You don't have to
give it away, Weezy!

You know, somehow
I've got the feeling he's
looking down at us right now.

That's funny.

I always kind of pictured him
looking up at us.

Well, I guess it's time
to let you all in on a surprise.

I've decided to
sell the business.

Weezy, are you crazy?

I worked myself to death
in those stores!

Who's buying the business,
Mrs. Jefferson?

Oh, the same person
who's been running it
all these years.

My brilliant general manager,

Oh, no!

You know everyone here.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis.
Hello, Florence.

Leroy, I wanna thank you for
doing such a wonderful job.

That birdbrain
don't know nothing
about running a business.

There really isn't much
to it, Mrs. Jefferson.

Once you balance
the incoming credits
with the outgoing debits,

then all you have
to do is combine
the tangible assets...

to the existing profit margin...

to accrue
a substantial cash flow...

at a current international
monetary exchange rate.

Well, I hope Jefferson Cleaners
brings you as many rewards
as it has me.

Weezy, they're my stores!

They are all yours, Leroy.

Thank you,
Mrs. Jefferson.

Well, I better get back...

and take that
"Closed For Vacation" sign
out of the window.


And the rest
of my surprise is...

that I'm leaving
for a cruise around the world
in just a few minutes.

- Another cruise?
- But this time
I'm going with a friend.

- Anyone we know, Louise?
- You'll see.
He should be here any minute.

♪ Got a date
with an angel ♪

♪ Gotta meet her
at : ♪
Who's that singing?

♪ Got a date
with an angel ♪
Oh, it's my Romeo.

Sounds like he's
coming over the terrace.

♪ She's so lovely
beside me ♪

♪ And whatever betide me ♪

♪ Got an angel to guide me ♪

♪ And I'm on my way
to heaven ♪♪

Goodness, you have
a long climb ahead of you.

Would you care to
stop here for some tea?

Louise, darling.

Brian, darling.


n*gg*r, get your hands
off my wife!

Doesn't Brian
look terrific
for his age?

Brian looks terrific
for any age.

Oh, yeah? You wait till
you see how he looks
when I'm finished with him.

Girls, I learned
a long time ago...

that if you wanna beat life
at its own game,

you've got to stop
along the way
and smell the roses.


If only George
had followed that advice
he'd be alive today.

Well, ready to play, babe?

Sure am.

Your playing days
are all over, turkey!

Good. 'Cause I can't wait
to be on a slow boat with you.

Oh, yeah? Wait till you see
what I'm gonna do to you!


You know, there's
a slight draft in here.


Well, see you all
in a year.

- Bon voyage!
- [Helen] Wave good-bye!


I'll k*ll him!
I'll k*ll him!

I'll k*ll him!

[Groaning, Muttering]

I'll k*ll him!
I'll k*ll him!

Are you all right?

Hawkins, get your
dirty hands off me!
I forgot my keys.

I've got an : reservation
at Chez Jacques, so I came...

I'm gonna k*ll you.
I'm gonna k*ll you!
Jefferson. You're crazy!

I'm gonna...
Mr. Jefferson!
What's the matter?

Can you believe
that jive turkey tried to
run off with my wife?

I thought he was here
about the contract.
What contract? What day is it?

What year?

Oh, my God!

Forget it.
He's gone.

How could I be so stupid?

But it seemed so real.

I just dreamed Weezy
ran off with that Brian.
And where were you?

I was dead from working so hard.

Well, here's your sandwich.
I'll be at my desk
if you need me.

- Oh, you can go home, Linda.
- But I thought
we were working late.


That dream
made me change my mind.

Call my wife and tell her
to put on her best dress.
I'm taking her out to dinner.

She'll be surprised.
Then call the florist
and order two dozen red roses.

She'll be thrilled.
And then call Chez Jacques and
have their best champagne ready.

She's gonna faint.
No, no, no. The champagne
ain't for my wife.

It's for Hawkins.

Make sure they put on the card,
"Brian, join me at my table,
and we'll make a great deal."

You mean you're
gonna work tonight?

But didn't you
learn anything
from your dream?

Yep. I learned
I'm gonna be a big success
and own cleaning stores.

Now get moving!

♪♪ [Whistling]

♪♪ [Woman Vocalizing]

The Jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.

♪ Movin'
Movin' on up ♪♪
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