05x11 - Harry's House Guest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x11 - Harry's House Guest

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

That hill ♪
get up
♪ just to

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't
nothin' wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪♪

Good morning.

Mrs. Jefferson,
I'm working!

You're working?

Yeah. I'm working up
the energy to fix
your breakfast.

Oh, thanks.
I think I'd like...

Grapefruit and toast.
How do you know?

Because thursday
is your grapefruit
and toast day.

It is?

Grapefruit and toast
on thursday.

Melon on friday.
Figs on saturday.

Bacon and eggs, sunday,
cereal, monday,

And prunes
on tuesday.

Ok, smarty.
What's wednesday?

My day off.
I don't know what
you eat then.

I wasn't aware
that I had a routine.

You and mr. Jefferson
are both in a rut.

we are not in a rut.

I bet you $
I know exactly what mr.
Jefferson's gonna do.

I'll take that bet
to show you
you're wrong.

First he'll come in
and kiss you
on your left cheek.

Then he'll grunt,
"mornin', weezy."

Then he'll bury his head
in the paper

And complain
how good weather
means bad business.

Turn to the stock market,
slam his fist down
three times,

And say a bad word
after each one.

And then?

Then you pay me
my $ .

Oh, good morning,

Morning, weezy.

Wanna kick in
another five?

Look at this lousy weather.

It's a beautiful day.

Not for my business.
No snow, slush or rain
means no dirty clothes.

But the sun is shining.
The birds are out.

Yeah. The birds
are my only hope.

Aw, the market's down.

Strike one.

[Pounds fist]

Strike two.

Sorry, florence.

Never bet
against the house.

All right!

We're in a rut.

You stare at your paper
and don't know I'm here.

I know you're here.
I kissed you.

You wouldn't know
if you kissed the toaster.

I could see myself
in the toaster.

I'm just kidding.

Would you...


How did you know
I didn't want the sugar?

I want the cream.

You got the cream.
Why are you mad?

You know what I want
before I ask.

See how much time I save?

I got to run.


I'm sorry for yelling,

But I just feel so...
So regular.

That's because
you eat prunes
every tuesday.

I almost forgot.

What's this?

A love note
leroy wants
to give sally.

Why don't you send me
romantic messages anymore?

Ain't nothin'
romantic about this.

"Dear sally,
in the kitchen
or in the den,

"I can't wait
to see you again.

Love, leroy,
your big teddy bear."

This is none
of your business.

It's on
a jefferson cleaners

So it's my business.

I'm going to lock my diary.

[Doorbell rings]

Your diary's safe.
I've read the ugly duckling.

Who helped you
with the big words?

Morning, mr. J.

You're up early.

I'm going bird watching
in central park.

You should see
some strange birds there.

May I borrow
some window cleaner
for my binoculars?

We have some
in the kitchen.

You should
come with me.

It's really
quite exciting.

I'll bet.

The thrill
of sitting quietly,

When suddenly...


Do you know
what that was?

An english cuckoo.

Here you are,
mr. Bentley.

I must meet my mate
at a pub.

We always have
a smashing time.

Sometimes we get
so smashed

We forget
about the birds.

You might be able
to fly south with them.

We never go
to out-of-the-way
restaurants anymore.

That's because
we have money

To go to

Remember luigi's?

That dumpy
italian joint?

You proposed
to me there

While you were
on a shore leave.

You looked so handsome

In your uniform
and cute little cap.

Yeah, I did,
didn't i?

Remember how
luigi and his wife
serenaded us?

Their singing
was worse than
their cooking.

Then he brought
our spaghetti.

I dumped my wine
in your lap.

But I didn't mind,
as long as we were together.

Let's go back there
for dinner.

Ok, but you'll get wet.

They tore it down
and built a car wash.

Let's go to some other
italian restaurant tonight.

We got that
chamber of commerce banquet.

You never said
anything about that.

We've been going
the past five years.

You took it for granted
I would go.

I won't.

I need you tonight.
You need me?

I want you beside me.

You do?

I want you to look good

When I talk business.

Is that all
I'm good for?
Window dressing?

Get a dummy from macy's.

Take her with you.

this is leroy.

How's my bubblin' brown sugar?

Did you get my note
from mrs. Jefferson?

She ain't got there yet?

Oh, no, no.
You're going to have to wait

And read it for yourself.

I know.

I'm just
a big ba-a-ad teddy bear.

Hey, big bad
teddy bear,

Tell goldilocks
a customer wants
his cleaning.

I got to go, sally.

This is it, honey.

You sure
you'll be ok here?

I think so.

This is the address
on my note.

That's right.
"Jefferson cleaners."

You should see a doctor
about that bump.

I just can't
remember anything.

It's terrible...

All the muggers
we have in this city.

I'm glad
I found that note
in my pocket.

I got to
get back to work.

Good luck, sally.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

Oh, hi.

Do you know leroy?

Do I know what?


Do I know what?

Not something.
Somebody. Leroy.


Yes, you do?

Yes, I do what?

Know leroy!

No? Just a minute ago,
you said yes.

Have you seen leroy?

Have I seen what?



I have a note.
It says...

I know what it says.
I wrote it.

Then you're leroy.

Of course,
mrs. Jefferson.

Mrs. Jefferson?
You mean
we're married?

Married? Me?
I'm not married.

Am I married?
Of course.

I'm having
an affair!

With who?

With you.

You sure
you feelin' all right?

I took a bump
on the head.

I'll get you
a glass of water.

And one for me, too.

Guess who?

How dare you!

Why did you do that?

I don't kiss strangers.

It's me, george.

George who?

With / million
people here,

What are the odds
of getting mugged?

These days about, - .

She's got amnesia.
What will become of her?

Take it easy,
dear. Sit down.

I'll make some coffee.

While you're in there,
wash the dishes.

Come right in, dr. Norris.

This is where we live.

Come ahead, louise.
It's all right.

See? Dr. Norris said
it's all right.

Here's our maid

And your best friend


That's florence.
This is helen willis.

Hello, mrs. Jefferson.

My name is florence.

How are you?

She lost her memory,
not her hearing.

Wander around
the apartment.

See if anything
comes to mind.


Will she be
all right?

When will
her memory be back?

It could take
an hour.

She can make
that banquet tonight.

Or it could take
a year.

A whole year living
with somebody who can't remember

And somebody
I'd like to forget.

The main thing
to remember

Is her mind
is searching

For something
to grab onto,

Anything that could
jar her memory.

That could
take forever.

Be patient, george.

I'll call tomorrow.


Mr. Jefferson.

Mr. Jefferson?

She wants
to know me better

Before she calls me

Coffee time.

Who's that?
Our butler?

That's my husband tom.

That's your husband?


I don't remember
either of you.

Amnesia does have
some benefits.

I've got an idea.

Let's talk about
something we did together.

Remember the birthday party
we had down here?

Yeah! We had
that big pillow fight!

It started
when I hit willis
like this.

Then I hit you back
like this.

Then I hit helen.

And like that.

She's laughing.
She's laughing.

you remember?

No, but I wish
I was here to see it.

You were here.

Maybe you should rest.

That's right.

You'll forget
about everything.

I mean,
remember everything.

I mean...

Tom, let's go.

Good-bye, louise.

It was nice
meeting you.

Could I have
a glass of water?

Come on, florence.

It don't take
two people

To get one glass
of water.

Fix her
something to eat.

Your awful cooking
may help her remember.

[Doorbell rings]

I saw
a common loon.

I beg your pardon?

He was standing
in the brush.

Suddenly, he gave
a tremendous cry.



It became so exciting,
mrs. J.

Mrs. J.?

Oh, don't worry.
It's mr. Bentley.

He's not crazy.
He's english.

You disappeared before
I finished my story.


Louise has amnesia.


She lost her memory.

Do you remember
where you lost it?

Do you remember
giving me this?

Just put it
in the kitchen,
mr. Bentley.

May I ask you

Of course.

What exactly
do you do here?

I'm the maid.

I haven't seen you
do any work.


That's telling her,

I'm really quite tired.

Where's the bedroom?

I'll show you.

Can't you just tell me?

It's down the hall.

I don't think
I'd feel comfortable
in there with you.

Sure you will.
It's a new mattress.

You'd better
sleep on the couch.

On the couch?


Florence, bentley,
get out here.

What is it, mr. J.?

We got
to do something.

I saw a movie
where a man had amnesia.

His family reenacted
an event from his past.

We can reenact
the night
I proposed.

I'd want to forget that.

She was talking
about that
this morning.

Get some wine.

Bring out that spaghetti
we had yesterday.

But it's cold.

It can't taste any worse.

Mr. Jefferson?

Do you have a robe
I can borrow?

Hi, honey.

I only got
four hours

Before I go back
on ship.

Aren't you a little old
to play sailor?

Go along with me.

If it will
make you happy.

Look where we are.

The dining room?

It's luigi's.

It's mama
and papa luigi.

If it ain't luisa mills
and george-a jeffersoni.

How y'all doin'?


We don't want no jello.

Give us the usual.

The usualmente...
the usual what?

The specialty of the house,

Come on-a, papa luigi.

Here we are.

Alone at last.

I don't know
what you're trying to do,

But it isn't working.

Give it a chance!

Now what do I look like?

A half-wit?

A periscope.

Remember? I did this
all the time.

Torpedoes ready.
Prepare to fire.


I beg your pardon!

Weezy, you
used to love that.

I can't believe that.

Here's your dinner,
italian soul food,


And meatballs.

You and papa luigi
sing an italian song.

I don't know none.

Learn one quick
or no tip.

How about
some vino?

That's italian
for wine.

Thank you,
mr. Jefferson.


Look, baby.

I ain't got much time.

I'd like to make a toast.

To us.
Look out, stomach,
here it comes.


What did you
do that for?

That was
the accident.

You did it on purpose!

I did it
for your own good.

One good turn
deserves another.

Why did you do that?

It was your idea.

I'm sorry
I thought about
the whole thing.

I'm sorry
you did, too.

♪ When the moon
hits your eye ♪

You said you'd
never forget that!

I'm trying
to remember.

Try a little harder!

Will you shut up?

How do I
get you back?

Dr. Norris...

I want her back now!
Now, now, now, now!

Calm down.

George, calm down.

You called me george.

That's your name.

You remember me?

How could I forget
someone who carries on
like that?

I got you back.

I knew that big mouth
would come in handy someday.

going on here?

You had amnesia,
mrs. J.

How did that happen?

It's a long story.

But we got you back.

What are you doing
in that silly cap?

He took you back
to the night he proposed.

The night you proposed
at luigi's?

That's-a right.

You did that for me?

I would have done

I was wrong.

You don't take me
for granted.

Are you sure
you're feeling
all right?


We can still make
that banquet.


I told you
this morning.


Who am i?

Where am i?


And who are you?

What was your name?

You win.
No banquet.

That's-a my george-a.

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.
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