05x176 - Fighter's Secret Identity: The Shocking Super Transformation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x176 - Fighter's Secret Identity: The Shocking Super Transformation

Post by bunniefuu »

Regular Dialogue: Five, six, seven, eight!

Regular Dialogue: Vocals!

Regular Dialogue: Stop! Stop! Stop!

Regular Dialogue: Seiya-kun! Do it again!

Sailor Star Fighter: Me again? What didn't you like this time?

Regular Dialogue: Everything!

Sailor Moon: My beloved Mamoru, Usagi is in the biggest pinch of her life!

Sailor Moon: He seems to be in a rather big pinch, too!

Regular Dialogue: With that skill level, you can't handle being in this musical at all!

Sailor Star Fighter: What did you say?!

Regular Dialogue: Now! Do it again!

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn it!!!

Sailor Moon: As we thought... we'll have to take the make-up exam, right, Minako-chan?

Sailor Venus: If we fail the make-up exam, we'll take the make-up class, Usagi-chan!

Sailor Moon: It must be our fate!

Sailor Venus: We'll always be together!

Sailor Jupiter: You two sure are optimistic!

Sailor Mercury: But in high school, there's a possibility of repeating a grade...

Sailor Venus: Repeating a grade?!

Sailor Moon: Repeating a grade?!

Sailor Jupiter: Well, it might not be that bad to spend another year relaxing!

Sailor Venus: Mako-chan!

Sailor Moon: Mako-chan!

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn it! Stop talking about it!

Sailor Star Fighter: Are you really my friends? Geez!

Sailor Moon: Looks like you're in the make-up exam g*ng, too! Right?

Sailor Star Fighter: That's not what I'm talking about!

Sailor Star Healer: You see, Seiya is having a hard time with musical practice, and it's really bothering him!

Sailor Venus: A musical!?

Sailor Moon: Wow! A musical...

Sailor Moon: ...is that a good thing?

Sailor Venus: Of course it is!

Sailor Venus: Singing...

Sailor Venus: ...dancing...

Sailor Venus: ...and acting. They must do it all at the same time!

Sailor Venus: It's like memorizing English words, chronological tables in history and equations all at once!

Sailor Venus: Awesome! It's like a miracle!

Sailor Star Fighter: It's not that big of a deal...

Sailor Star Fighter: It's just memorizing stuff...

Sailor Moon: But he didn't do so well memorizing for this test!

Sailor Venus: Only points...

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey you guys! That's my exam!

Sailor Venus: That score is pretty bad, isn't it?

Sailor Moon: Oh, my! He just might have to repeat a grade!

Sailor Star Fighter: Like I said! It's because of the musical!

Sailor Mercury: But... if you do poorly on the make-up exam...

Sailor Star Maker: No doubt, he'll have to repeat a grade!

Sailor Mars: In that case, you have no choice but to join our study group!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: How the hell?

Sailor Mars: Our study group met in my house to prepare for entrance exams!

Sailor Mars: Together, we cheered each other on to get into good high schools!

Sailor Venus: Even though you DIDN'T have to take an entrance exam, right, Rei-chan?

Sailor Mars: Our study group for this year happens to be starting today!

Sailor Mars: The three of you would like to join us, right?

Sailor Star Fighter: W-Well... we have to practice for the musical right now.

Sailor Moon: Oh! I wanna see!

Sailor Venus: Ah! Me too!

Sailor Mars: Wa-Wait! You guys!

Sailor Jupiter: I wonder if I should go, too...

Sailor Mars: Mako-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: Rei-chan, you've totally blown your cover.

Sailor Mars: I don't believe it!

Sailor Mercury: Rei-chan, do you want to use my reference books?

Sailor Mars: Why should I have a study group all by myself?!

Sailor Mercury: I guess I should go see it as well...

Regular Dialogue: One, two, three, four...

Sailor Moon: Seeing him like this, he looks kinda cool, doesn't he?

Sailor Mars: Totally!

Regular Dialogue: Seiya-kun only, do it again from the top!

Sailor Star Fighter: Again!? So, what's it this time?

Regular Dialogue: I told you before! Everything!

Sailor Star Fighter: Just tell me what it is! What exactly is wrong?

Regular Dialogue: What's wrong is wrong!

Regular Dialogue: Your singing, dancing, and acting!

Sailor Star Fighter: Must be easy being the director! All you do is say, "No good! No good!"

Regular Dialogue: Because you haven't figured it out yet, this is all I can do!

Regular Dialogue: What kind of acting, singing, dancing? I've already told you what I want!

Regular Dialogue: If you need more from me, the only thing I can say is, "Are you really a pro?"

Sailor Moon: Intense!

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn it!!

Sailor Venus: Who is that lady?

Sailor Star Maker: Oh, Akane-san? She's the director of this musical.

Sailor Star Healer: She seems to have taken a liking to Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: What a joke! She's tormenting me!

Sailor Star Fighter: She only complains about stupid little things!

Sailor Star Fighter: It's like she's gone to w*r with me or something!

Sailor Moon: I totally understand! There's always someone you just can't get along with!

Sailor Mars: You got that right! For instance, a careless little crybaby who's completely clueless.

Sailor Mars: Hmph! It's so annoying!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan! Who exactly are you talking about?

Sailor Mars: Hmm, I wonder who it could be?

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan! There's something I've always wanted to tell you...

Sailor Mars: Oh? Well, now's your chance!!

Sailor Mars: I've got something to tell you, too!

Sailor Star Maker: Well, it's said that quarreling is a sign of friendship.

Sailor Star Fighter: You're wrong!

Sailor Moon: That's not true!

Sailor Mars: That's not true!

Sailor Star Fighter: She just hates me!

Regular Dialogue: Just how long do you intend to take a break?

Regular Dialogue: Come back right now!

Sailor Star Fighter: This is what I'm talking about...

Regular Dialogue: And you girls!

Sailor Jupiter: D-Do you mean us?

Regular Dialogue: Yes! You're interfering! Get out of here now!

Regular Dialogue: More importantly, we're in the middle of practice and you're bringing kids here?

Regular Dialogue: What are you thinking?

Sailor Mars: That person...

Regular Dialogue: Seiya-kun, did you become idols just so you could chase women?

Regular Dialogue: I certainly hope not!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Mars: Sister Angela!

Regular Dialogue: Hino-san?

Sailor Star Maker: Sister...

Sailor Star Healer: Angela?

Sailor Iron Mouse: "Three Lights" Their First Musical

Sailor Iron Mouse: The director, Gushiken Akane, is currently the most noteworthy play director.

Sailor Iron Mouse: But her profile is covered by a thick veil and only a few know her true identity.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hmm... a mysterious play director? She seems rather stubborn, but...

Sailor Iron Mouse: ...she seems to shine brightly as well!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hi! This is Nezu!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Yes, I'm already following the next target.

Sailor Iron Mouse: From here I'll go to arrange an interview, I'll be home after that. Thank you.

Sailor Iron Mouse: All right then!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Please excuse me.

Regular Dialogue: Have a good evening, Sister Angela!

Regular Dialogue: We will be going now.

Regular Dialogue: Good evening, girls!

Sailor Moon: Oh my goodness! It's true!

Sailor Moon: Who'd believe that a sister at Rei-chan's school is actually a musical director!

Sailor Moon: No wonder she hides her true identity!

Sailor Star Fighter: Akane-san!

Sailor Star Fighter: You're a director, aren't you?

Regular Dialogue: There are many things that I do!

Regular Dialogue: To decide on just one and give up on all the others...

Regular Dialogue: ...is something I will not do!

Sailor Star Fighter: Isn't that called "not giving it your best?"

Regular Dialogue: I am always giving my best in what I do!

Regular Dialogue: The one not giving his all is you!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm also giving this everything I've got!

Regular Dialogue: I wonder about that!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?!

Regular Dialogue: I saw all of you at a Three Lights concert.

Sailor Star Fighter: Well... thanks so much.

Regular Dialogue: While I was watching I could feel it.

Regular Dialogue: I felt, "They are trying to convey something. They are crying out a message from their hearts."

Sailor Star Fighter: That's right! So that the one person in the galaxy might notice us...

Sailor Star Fighter: {\fad( , )}That's why we're always sending our voices out loudly!

Regular Dialogue: During that concert, I saw the three of you shining tremendously!

Sailor Star Fighter: Really? You have a pretty good eye!

Regular Dialogue: Of course! I'm a director!

Regular Dialogue: But as a performer, you're just hopeless!

Regular Dialogue: It's as if your light burned out!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Regular Dialogue: I'm the one who should be angry!

Regular Dialogue: Why is there such a huge difference?

Regular Dialogue: Are you saying that you can't send your message through my musical?

Regular Dialogue: In any case, I won't give up until you show your true shine to me!

Sailor Star Fighter: But, you...

Sailor Star Fighter: Won't you have a problem if the school finds out?

Regular Dialogue: I'm in a better position than someone who might get a low score on their make-up exam!

Sailor Star Fighter: I...

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: Just as I thought... I just don't like you!

Regular Dialogue: It's perfectly fine if you dislike me.

Regular Dialogue: That way I can make you work even harder!

Sailor Moon: Oh no... Seems like she's even more stubborn now...

Sailor Moon: I just don't get it.

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Moon: After how she treated you and yelled at you, who would want to practice?

Sailor Star Fighter: If I give up now, I lose, right?

Sailor Moon: Are you a masochist?

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling, you have no idea...

Sailor Moon: What's that supposed to mean?

Sailor Star Fighter: I've gotta give this everything I've got...

Sailor Star Fighter: For the sake of that person, as well...

Sailor Moon: Did you say something?

Sailor Star Fighter: So tell me, Dumpling... do you have a boyfriend?

Sailor Moon: I do. He's overseas right now...

Sailor Star Fighter: Then, I've got a chance!

Sailor Moon: Huh?

Sailor Star Fighter: See ya!

Sailor Moon: W-Wait! You...

Sailor Moon: The make-up exam is tomorrow!

Sailor Star Fighter: I know!

Sailor Moon: What did he mean?

Sailor Star Fighter: Aren't you going to "make me work even harder"?

Regular Dialogue: What about you? You're okay with not studying for the exam?

Sailor Star Fighter: If I don't give it all I've got, I just won't be satisfied!

Regular Dialogue: If you don't, I'll pull you off the lead role!

Sailor Star Fighter: Be my guest! Only if you can find a person who outshines me!

Regular Dialogue: One, two!

Regular Dialogue: Just amazing...

Sailor Moon: Guess there's nothing to worry about...

Sailor Mars: Wrong! There's a LOT to worry about!

Sailor Mars: What will you do if you fail the exam and have to repeat a grade?

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan...

Sailor Mars: Stop worrying about someone else! Go home and get studying!

Sailor Moon: W-Wait a second!

Sailor Mars: I'll take care of Seiya for you!

Sailor Moon: Oh, Rei-chan! You sly devil!

Regular Dialogue: Already this late? Why don't we call it a day?

Sailor Star Fighter: No! I'm not ready yet!

Regular Dialogue: He really is stubborn.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Wow! Amazing! You are shining!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Just as I thought, my instinct is amazing!

Regular Dialogue: Are you a fan of Three Lights?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh my, please excuse me!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I am Nezu from Galaxy T.V.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Chuu!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I came here to learn more about the origin of your incredible shine!

Regular Dialogue: That's a problem for me. I prefer not to appear on television.

Regular Dialogue: Besides, all the things I want to say can be seen on the stage!

Regular Dialogue: That's all I can say. Good night.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Unbelievable! You're as stubborn as expected!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Now, show it to me!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Your Star Seed!

Sailor Star Fighter: Director!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Now give it...

Regular Dialogue: Seiya-kun!

Sailor Iron Mouse: ...to me!

Sailor Star Fighter: Akane-san!

Sailor Star Fighter: Stop it!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Look! Such a beautiful Star Seed!

Sailor Iron Mouse: ...or not! I was wrong, again?

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Director!

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Don't have such an angry face! It ruins your handsome face, chuu!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Sailor Director, I leave the rest to you!

Regular Dialogue: Camera! Start!

Regular Dialogue: Cut! Cut! Cut!

Sailor Star Fighter: What should I do?

Sailor Star Fighter: Is there no other way?

Regular Dialogue: Ready? Start!

Sailor Star Fighter: Fighter Star Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Star Fighter: Breaking through the darkness, a wandering sh**ting star!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Star Fighter!

Sailor Star Fighter: Stage On!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, good! Camera! Start!

Sailor Star Fighter: I must do this...

Sailor Star Fighter: ...until I find that person!

Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious Laser!

Regular Dialogue: NG!

Stars Translator's Notes: NG="No Good" A Japanese expression for a cut scene, etc.

Sailor Star Fighter: Forgive me!

Sailor Moon: Stop right there!

Sailor Mars: I don't know why you are fighting, but that phage was a human!

Sailor Moon: I can't allow you to attack her!

Sailor Star Fighter: Shut up!

Sailor Star Fighter: You'll never understand...

Sailor Star Fighter: our suffering...

Sailor Star Fighter: You live happily with no concern for the suffering of those who survived!

Sailor Moon: What are you talking about?

Sailor Star Fighter: This is our battle!

Sailor Moon: Don't!

Sailor Mars: Don't move!

Sailor Mars: If you insist on fighting...

Sailor Mars: I'll be your opponent!

Sailor Star Fighter: You...

Sailor Mars: Now! Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: OK! Beautiful!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Moon...

Sailor Star Fighter: Maybe what we need is her shine...

Sailor Moon: We'll meet again, right?

Sailor Star Fighter: I'd like for us not to be enemies.

Sailor Moon: What?!

Sailor Venus: What?!

Sailor Venus: percent?!

Sailor Moon: percent?!

Sailor Moon: When did you have time to study?

Sailor Star Fighter: I just made time for it!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'll keep giving my best in the musical too!

Sailor Star Fighter: Be easy on me!

Sailor Venus: Not only a musical but studying as well... It's a miracle he can do it!

Sailor Star Fighter: I've gotta give this everything I've got...

Sailor Star Fighter: ...believing in the day our message reaches that person!

Sailor Moon: Taiki-san, you're great! You got the top grade just like Ami!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan, you really should study more...

Sailor Moon: Alright! How about I ask Taiki-san to teach me!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan! It's better to study by yourself!

Sailor Mercury: Anyways, Taiki-san looks busy, so...

Sailor Moon: Ami-chan, are you by chance, jealous?

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Entrust Your Dreams and Romance To A Star! Taiki's Transformation

Sailor Moon: The moonlight is the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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