05x183 - The Screaming Dead: Terror of the Camp Monster

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x183 - The Screaming Dead: Terror of the Camp Monster

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan, my love, it's finally here! The summer break we dreamt about!

Sailor Moon: We're going camping alongside a lake, but...

Sailor Moon: a ghost seems to have shown up during our long vacation.

Sailor Moon: It happens to be Friday the th and pretty girls are in danger!

Sailor Moon: I don't like horrors at all!

Regular Dialogue: This is also a failure!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Oh? Don't be so wasteful!

Regular Dialogue: Who are you?

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Are you Ibuki Kengo, the young ceramic artist whose work is being recognized?

Regular Dialogue: What do you want?

Sailor Aluminum Siren: I want you to show me your Star Seed!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Another blank.

Sailor Venus: Well, which one? Which one?

Sailor Venus: This is it! Oh no!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Hey, Chibi Chibi! It's dangerous! Keep still!

Chibi Chibi: Still...

Sailor Venus: To be suddenly asked to watch Chibi Chibi, Usagi-chan is out of luck, isn't she?

Sailor Mars: Even when going camping, Usagi is just baby-sitting!

Sailor Venus: I'm sure to find romance and love in a summer resort!

Sailor Jupiter: Since Rei-chan recommended it, I'm very excited!

Sailor Mercury: Didn't you say that you know someone that lives next to the campground?

Sailor Mars: Yes! He's my cousin, a ceramic artist.

Sailor Mars: I wonder how many years it's been since we last saw each other.

Sailor Mars: He made this for me.

Sailor Jupiter: It was made through fire?

Sailor Mars: Oh yeah!

Sailor Mercury: Looks nice!

Sailor Mars: From my point of view, it looks very nice, but from his view, it's a failure.

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Venus: This?

Regular Dialogue: It's a failure!

Regular Dialogue: It's a failure!

Regular Dialogue: This one too!

Regular Dialogue: This too! This too! This too!

Regular Dialogue: This one too!

Sailor Mars: Please stop it!

Sailor Mars: Don't destroy it! It looks so beautiful. Please!

Regular Dialogue: I'm so sorry. Next time, I'll make something even better for you.

Regular Dialogue: Until then, will you keep this?

Sailor Mars: Kengo destroys everything when he's in a slump!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Regular Dialogue: Lunch, tea, coffee, juice...

Sailor Moon: Hey! Chibi Chibi, wait!

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan's in a slump for life!

Regular Dialogue: Right! Right!

Regular Dialogue: Are you camping here?

Sailor Mars: Yes!

Sailor Venus: To find romance in summer!

Regular Dialogue: Romance sounds good, but be careful. I hear someone is ravaging camps.

Sailor Moon: Camp ravager?

Sailor Star Maker: Anywhere evil is nesting, we'll come and get you like a boom!

Sailor Star Fighter: Super Red!

Sailor Star Healer: Super Yellow!

Sailor Star Maker: Super Blue!

Regular Dialogue: We are the sacred command, Super Commander!

Regular Dialogue: You came to save me, Super Commander! Super nice!

Regular Dialogue: Cut! Good!

Regular Dialogue: What a realistic performance!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hot! Hot!

Sailor Star Maker: I can't stand this costume!

Sailor Star Healer: I agree.

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey, let's go swimming during our break!

Sailor Star Maker: That's a good idea!

Sailor Star Healer: Let's swim! Let's swim!

Sailor Mars: Oh?

Sailor Mars: Kengo! It's Rei!

Sailor Mars: Did he do this because he's in a slump?

Sailor Mars: I've got a bad feeling.

Sailor Moon: Yahoo!

Sailor Moon: It's cold!

Sailor Moon: Are you ready, Minako-chan? It's a fire engine! Boom!

Sailor Venus: Now you've done it! Niagara!

Sailor Moon: Typhoon No. !

Sailor Venus: Pololoka!

Sailor Moon: Hurricane!

Sailor Jupiter: Camp ravager, I wonder.

Sailor Mercury: I'm concerned, especially since Chibi Chibi is with us.

Sailor Moon: A squall!

Sailor Venus: A big flood!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan! Behind you!

Sailor Moon: A big tide!

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Sailor Venus: Taiki-san?

Sailor Jupiter: Yaten-kun?

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi?

Sailor Moon: What? You guys are the agents of justice protecting the Earth?

Sailor Moon: It's the end of the world!

Sailor Star Fighter: Shut up, Dumpling!

Sailor Star Fighter: So, the monster resurrects from the lake and att*cks a camp...

Sailor Star Fighter: and we're going to defeat it in the story.

Sailor Mercury: Wow!

Sailor Venus: What if those who are ravaging camps are actually monsters? I'm scared!

Sailor Star Maker: What's that about?

Sailor Jupiter: We heard that someone is ravaging the campgrounds around here.

Sailor Star Maker: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: Camp ravaging?

Sailor Moon: That's what we heard!

Sailor Star Healer: Sounds exactly like the movie sh**t!

Sailor Venus: I'm very scared!

Sailor Star Fighter: It might be true!

Sailor Moon: What? What is that?

Sailor Star Fighter: A monster!

Sailor Moon: What are you saying? There can't be!

Sailor Star Fighter: You never know!

Sailor Moon: No! Don't!

Sailor Venus: Oh no! I'm scared! Yaten-kun, please protect me!

Regular Dialogue: Three-Lights!

Regular Dialogue: We're starting!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Thank you!

Sailor Moon: Don't scare me!

Sailor Mars: What?

Sailor Moon: You showed up so suddenly!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan, is your cousin alright?

Chibi Chibi: Right?

Sailor Mars: Actually, he wasn't there. I told him earlier.

Regular Dialogue: Cut! Okay!

Regular Dialogue: It's the end of the day! Have a good one!

Regular Dialogue: Have a good day!

Sailor Star Healer: Hey, you'll get in trouble if you take them without permission!

Sailor Star Maker: What are you going to do with that?

Sailor Star Fighter: I have an idea!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: It's dangerous! Give it to me, Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi! Chibi! Chibi! Chibi!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi?

Sailor Star Healer: Big trouble! Big trouble!

Sailor Star Maker: W-We saw a monster ravaging a camp!

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Moon: What shall we do?

Sailor Mars: No way...

Sailor Moon: What's up, Rei-chan?

Sailor Mars: Was my relative also att*cked by the camp ravager?

Sailor Moon: No way!

Regular Dialogue: Run away!

Regular Dialogue: It's going that way!

Sailor Star Healer: He's scaring strangers too!

Sailor Star Maker: He's over exaggerating!

Sailor Mars: Probably, Kengo was att*cked too!

Sailor Moon: Do you think there really is a monster?

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Moon: T-Tent! Our tent! Please hold her!

Sailor Moon: Hey you! What are you doing?

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Star Healer: He looks like the real thing!

Sailor Star Maker: But did he have that? Wasn't it a chainsaw?

Sailor Star Fighter: Your lights...

Sailor Star Fighter: That scare must've worked! They'll be paralyzed with fright!

Sailor Star Maker: He hasn't come back yet! Is he still chasing them?

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya gets too excited, doesn't he?

Sailor Star Healer: He's coming back!

Sailor Star Maker: Yes, he is!

Sailor Star Maker: Why don't you stop, that's enough!

Sailor Star Healer: I'm hungry!

Sailor Star Fighter: What do you mean by "enough"? I haven't done anything yet.

Sailor Star Fighter: First of all, where are they?

Sailor Star Maker: S-Seiya, did you just arrive?

Sailor Star Fighter: That's right.

Sailor Star Fighter: I was thinking of scaring them but where are they?

Sailor Star Fighter: What? The tent is broken!

Sailor Star Maker: Yaten, that was...

Sailor Star Healer: ...the real thing!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey! What "real thing"?

Sailor Star Fighter: H-Hey!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan, let's transform!

Sailor Mars: Right!

Sailor Mars: Mars Crystal Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Mars: With so many plans, we came to this summer resort to have fun!

Sailor Moon: Singing, eating and looking for romance...

Sailor Moon: are part of our happy camp that you've disturbed, you bad guy!

Sailor Moon: For love and justice

Sailor Mars: Pretty Sailor Soldiers!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Mars: Sailor Mars!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon...

Sailor Moon: I'll punish you!

Sailor Mars: I'll punish you!

Regular Dialogue: Failure! You're a failure!

Sailor Moon: How rude! Why am I a failure?

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Moon: What are those clay shaped pot and plate things?

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Mars: No way.

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Mars: Please stop it! Don't destroy it!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Mars: Please stop it!

Sailor Mars: Don't destroy it! It looks so beautiful. Please!

Regular Dialogue: I'm so sorry. Next time, I'll make something even nicer for you.

Regular Dialogue: Until then, will you keep this?

Sailor Mars: Kengo!

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Mars: You're kengo, aren't you?

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Moon: Is that true, Sailor Mars?

Sailor Mars: I'm sure! Someone probably turned him into this!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Regular Dialogue: Everything here and there is a failure!

Sailor Mars: Please stop, Kengo!

Regular Dialogue: Failure!

Sailor Mars: Mars!

Sailor Mars: Flame sn*per!

Sailor Mars: Please, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Right!

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: BEAUTIFUL!

Sailor Mars: Kengo!

Sailor Star Fighter: It seems they're capable when they need to be!

Sailor Star Maker: Yes.

Sailor Star Healer: Shall we go?

Sailor Mars: Kengo, were all of your great works destroyed?

Regular Dialogue: That's alright! It's a good chance to start again!

Regular Dialogue: I've been looking for something so new that I lost myself!

Sailor Moon: Shame on you! You fainted when you saw the camp ravager?

Sailor Moon: Aren't you the hero of justice who protects the Earth in the movie?

Sailor Star Fighter: Well, it suddenly appeared, so...

Sailor Moon: If your fans find out, they'll be disappointed!

Regular Dialogue: Usagi-chan!

Regular Dialogue: Seiya!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Damn! You perv!

Sailor Star Fighter: It was an accident!

Sailor Moon: Oh, what shall we do?

Sailor Star Fighter: Why are you so worried?

Sailor Moon: Tonight, Chibi Chibi and I are going to be alone!

Sailor Star Fighter: Come one, you're not a kid! Control yourself!

Sailor Moon: I heard that there were a lot of break-ins!

Sailor Star Fighter: If you like, I'll be your bodyguard!

Sailor Moon: Really! Lucky!

Sailor Star Fighter: I want to talk to you about something.

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Night Between Us! Usagi's Pinch

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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