05x189 - Duty or Friendship: Conflict Between the Sailor Guardians

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x189 - Duty or Friendship: Conflict Between the Sailor Guardians

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, my love...

Sailor Moon: Guess what? Rei is pretending to be a fortune teller, among other things...

Sailor Moon: ...and tries to look into my heart about Seiya and me.

Sailor Moon: What? You want to know who my heart belongs to?

Sailor Moon: Well, you'll have to wait and see the story!

Sailor Star Fighter: Fighter Star Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Sailor Mercury: After all, the three of them didn't come to school today...

Sailor Venus: Don't worry! They'll come tomorrow!

Sailor Jupiter: I doubt it!

Sailor Jupiter: R... Right!

Sailor Mercury: They'll come tomorrow!

Sailor Venus: It's shocking that Three Lights are girls! It's like my love has disappeared!

Sailor Jupiter: But, Taiki is Taiki! We should hang around as we did before!

Artemis: You're not supposed to take things lightly!

Artemis: What?

Luna: They must have a reason for keeping their identities a secret and being idols...

Sailor Mercury: Why did they come here from outside the solar system?

Sailor Venus: Usagi... what's wrong?

Sailor Moon: I think I'm in shock...

Regular Dialogue: Shock?

Sailor Moon: I thought we knew each other pretty well but not quite...

Sailor Venus: Right...

Sailor Mercury: We didn't tell them about ourselves either, did we?

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sorry.

Sailor Star Maker: Hey!

Sailor Star Healer: Hey, why are you in this dark room?

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya, wake up!

Sailor Star Fighter: S... Sorry, what was that?

Sailor Star Healer: Come on, you don't have time to be dull! Do you know that?

Sailor Star Maker: You know what we have to do, right?

Sailor Star Fighter: Yeah... to find our Princess...

Sailor Star Maker: That's fine!

Sailor Star Healer: The problem that we have is too much noise!

Sailor Star Maker: I don't think so.

Sailor Star Maker: The more noise they make, the further Galaxia's eyes will stray from us.

Sailor Star Healer: I see.

Sailor Star Maker: I really hope that the fight between Sailor Moon and Galaxia gets fierce.

Sailor Star Fighter: Stop it!

Sailor Star Fighter: They're fighting to protect this planet as well!

Sailor Star Fighter: Don't you feel ashamed to take advantage of that?

Sailor Star Healer: Oh, is that right?

Sailor Star Healer: You're worrying about that girl, Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Star Healer: That's the truth!

Sailor Star Maker: Stop it, please!

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya, you're confusing the image of our Princess with Sailor Moon!

Sailor Star Maker: Our Princess is just one in the world. You know that, don't you?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I am Sailor Tin Nyanko...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: ...and swear to co-operate with Crow to help you, Madam Galaxia. Right, Crow?

Sailor Lead Crow: What are you talking about?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: D... Don't joke, Crow! Did you forget?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I'm sorry!

Galaxia: That planet!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What? The Solar System?

Galaxia: On the third planet of this Solar System...

Galaxia: I feel a big wave of power...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Really? On that rural planet?

Galaxia: I can't forgive anyone who's going to interfere with my goal!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Y... Yes, Madam.

Galaxia: I won't allow there to be any confrontations against me!

Galaxia: I don't care if all the life on this planet dies!

Galaxia: Hurry up and get all the Star Seeds there! There's no time to waste!

Regular Dialogue: Yes, ma'am!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: With your honor!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Damn, I'm mad!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: The workload has increased again!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Crow isn't that helpful... What is this?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Waste is waste, after all!

Sailor Lead Crow: Hey, what are you doing?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: There you are, waste number ! Don't you get it? I'm cleaning up the garbage!

Sailor Lead Crow: How can you say that? Siren completed the work she was assigned.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Oh, dear... She was erased by Madam Galaxia because she...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: couldn't complete the assigned workload.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: You had better be careful, otherwise...

Sailor Lead Crow: Stop!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Hey, why are you so excited?

Sailor Lead Crow: You'll see! You're going to look up to me!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I'm certain she won't be helpful...

Regular Dialogue: The world of mystery! Right now, here in Fuku Fuku Department Store...

Regular Dialogue: ...the fortune telling exhibition is being held!

Sailor Mars: Oh God, grandpa got me a terrible job. Why do I have to do this?

Sailor Mars: What if somebody I know finds out? It would be a life-long embarrassment...

Sailor Star Fighter: Excuse me? Is it okay?

Sailor Mars: Yes, sure!

Sailor Mars: Wow! A nice looking man...

Sailor Mars: Seiya! God, I started off with someone I know!

Sailor Star Fighter: As a matter of fact, I have a girl in mind...

Sailor Mars: What? Is it Usagi?

Sailor Star Fighter: I told her a lie and kept it secret.

Sailor Star Fighter: I wanted to tell her, but she found out before I could.

Sailor Mars: This isn't good! What should I say to him?

Sailor Star Fighter: My friends don't appreciate that I'm worried about it.

Sailor Star Fighter: I, myself, know that it isn't a good time to do it.

Sailor Star Fighter: And, she might not forgive the fact that I lied to her.

Sailor Star Fighter: But I want to see her again! I don't know what to do.

Sailor Star Fighter: How stupid of me! You can't know of such things by fortune telling.

Sailor Star Fighter: Please forget about it.

Sailor Mars: Wait!

Sailor Mars: God, I did it! But how can I let him leave?

Sailor Mars: Please be seated.

Sailor Mars: Oh God, what should I do?

Sailor Mars: If fortune telling helped, I could solve any problem.

Sailor Star Fighter: Can you see something?

Sailor Mars: The answer you are looking for...

Sailor Mars: the answer is...

Sailor Mars: not here!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Mars: The important thing is honesty, isn't it?

Sailor Mars: If you feel bad about having told her a lie, the first thing is to apologize.

Sailor Mars: Everything starts there, doesn't it?

Sailor Star Fighter: You...

Sailor Star Fighter: have pretty good insight!

Sailor Star Fighter: I tried fortune telling without doing what I should have done first.

Sailor Star Fighter: I feel refreshed by your words. Thank you!

Sailor Mars: This is bad for my heart! I want to quit and go home!

Sailor Mars: Please come in!

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Moon: As a matter of fact, I have a boy in mind...

Sailor Mars: What?

Sailor Mars: Damn!

Sailor Mars: Don't you have a boyfriend somewhere?

Sailor Moon: Yes, that's right. But I'm not talking about him regarding love...

Sailor Mars: I'm relieved to hear that.

Sailor Mars: So?

Sailor Moon: So, I had a small problem in between...

Sailor Moon: I want to talk with him but he doesn't come to school...

Sailor Moon: I don't know what to do.

Sailor Mars: You're the kind that acts rather than wonders. Why don't you act like yourself?

Sailor Moon: You've got it right! But...

Sailor Mars: If he doesn't come to school, why don't you go see him?

Sailor Moon: But I don't know where he is.

Sailor Mars: Why don't you look for him?

Sailor Mars: It's not going to help if you make excuses that you don't know where he is.

Sailor Mars: If you're worrying about being unable to talk to him, you'll miss an important thing!

Sailor Moon: Great! Can you see that stuff, too?

Sailor Mars: Of course! I know what you're thinking, Usagi!

Sailor Moon: Rei!

Sailor Mars: The important thing is to have courage to do what you wish!

Sailor Mars: You can worry about what he thinks when you see him!

Sailor Mars: To just keep wondering isn't like you, Miss Usagi Tsukino!

Sailor Mars: Here you are!

Sailor Moon: Rei, this is...

Regular Dialogue: Jack's Invitation at Night consists of your letters and requests.

Regular Dialogue: Tonight's program is brought to you with my guests, Three Lights.

Regular Dialogue: Well, it seems there's more ladies than usual because of you, Three Lights.

Regular Dialogue: The odds for getting a seat in the open recording is a historic high of one out of forty.

Regular Dialogue: This reassures their popularity! Now Seiya, would you read the letter...

Regular Dialogue: while the requested song plays?

Regular Dialogue: Seiya?

Sailor Star Maker: Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: Y... Yes!

Regular Dialogue: Please read the letter.

Sailor Star Fighter: Yes.

Sailor Star Fighter: "Everything starts there"

Sailor Star Fighter: Pen name "Light From A Star" requests the song sh**ting Star.

Regular Dialogue: Do we have such a letter?

Sailor Star Fighter: To "Light From A Star"...

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.

Sailor Star Fighter: I didn't mean to deceive you.

Sailor Star Fighter: I can't tell you the details...

Sailor Star Fighter: but I think...

Sailor Star Fighter: we can get to know each other, someday...

Sailor Moon: Seiya...

Sailor Moon: I'm sorry that I can't understand...

Sailor Moon: your situation. Someday...

Sailor Moon: we can talk about the truth...

Sailor Moon: I can believe you, can't I?

Sailor Star Fighter: Here you are!

Regular Dialogue: Thank you!

Sailor Star Fighter: Thank you for your time today.

Sailor Moon: Thank you for... your message.

Sailor Moon: Even if it's not a good time...

Sailor Moon: someday, we can get to know each other, can't we?

Sailor Star Fighter: Yes, someday!

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya, why don't you stop it?

Sailor Star Maker: I can't stand your behaviour, especially tonight!

Sailor Moon: S... Sorry!

Sailor Moon: It's not his fault! I just came here...

Sailor Star Healer: Shut up!

Sailor Star Maker: It's none of your business!

Sailor Star Fighter: Just a second! That's not the proper way of saying so!

Sailor Star Maker: I don't like how you do it!

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya!

Sailor Star Maker: Let her go!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Lead Crow: Damn, another blank!

Sailor Moon: Hold it right there!

Sailor Moon: I can't forgive you stealing the heart of a DJ who sends a song of love to everybody!

Sailor Moon: Agent of love and justice, Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Lead Crow: Damn! Sailor DJ!

Regular Dialogue: Yes!

Regular Dialogue: How are you doing? Is everybody listening to the radio?

Regular Dialogue: I'll send you a song!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, don't keep running around! I like it when you have a positive attitude!

Sailor Moon: I don't want you to like me!

Regular Dialogue: Let's be happy together!

Sailor Moon: Stop!

Regular Dialogue: I got you!

Sailor Mars: Mars!

Sailor Mars: Flame sn*per!

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Jupiter: Now, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Silver Moon!

Sailor Moon: Crystal Power Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: Beautiful!

Sailor Lead Crow: Damn you! Because of you, Siren was...

Sailor Lead Crow: I'll finish you all off!

Sailor Venus: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Mars: Let us take care of her!

Sailor Moon: No! I can't just run!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Oh, my. I worried about her all the way over here, but she's no good at all!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Attacking from the front is for stupid people!

Sailor Moon: We have a duty to protect this planet!

Sailor Lead Crow: I've heard it many times!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Moon: Seiya! Seiya! Wake up!

Sailor Lead Crow: Nyanko! Why are you here?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I came because you're not reliable!

Sailor Star Healer: Star Sensitive Inferno!

Sailor Star Maker: Star Gentle Uterus!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: We'd better retreat for a while!

Sailor Lead Crow: It's your fault!

Sailor Lead Crow: Squeeze in!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Your butt is too big! Why don't you go on a diet?

Sailor Lead Crow: You should do something about your chest!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What?

Sailor Moon: Seiya! Seiya! Wake up!

Sailor Star Healer: Take your hands off!

Sailor Star Healer: I said take your hands off! Don't touch him!

Sailor Star Maker: He got injured because of you!

Sailor Star Maker: It's up to you whether you are going to protect this planet.

Sailor Star Maker: But don't involve Seiya or us!

Sailor Star Healer: Bad things have come to us because of you!

Sailor Mars: That's terrible of you to say!

Sailor Star Healer: Don't come near us anymore!

Sailor Star Maker: Good-bye!

Sailor Moon: Really? We can't be close to you?

Sailor Moon: Seiya was injured because of me.

Sailor Moon: I want to see him and apologize but Haruka and the others told me not to get involved.

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling, please listen to my song. I want to tell you everything!

Sailor Moon: Seiya, your song is different from usual! My heart is getting hot and lonely.

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Truth revealed! Seiya's past.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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