05x192 - Go for your Dream! Minako Becomes an Idol?!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x192 - Go for your Dream! Minako Becomes an Idol?!

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, my love...

Sailor Moon: Minako has made it to the final round of an idol audition!

Sailor Moon: If she succeeds, she'll be a super famous person!

Sailor Moon: But she's so worried about Three Lights and the enemies' movements...

Sailor Moon: that she can't show her true ability! Mamoru, help me cheer her on!

Artemis: On second thought, you're going to skip the final round?

Artemis: Is that all right?

Sailor Venus: That's all right!

Episode Title: Straight to your dream!

Episode Title: Idol Minako is born?

Sailor Moon: Wow! They're really doing well, those Three Lights!

Sailor Jupiter: The reason they don't come to school is that they're busy in the entertainment business.

Sailor Venus: The entertainment business...

Sailor Venus: But school is also important, isn't it?

Sailor Venus: After all, we should study when we're young! Study!

Sailor Venus: In order to open up many possibilities! Am I right, Ami?

Sailor Mercury: Y... Yes...

Sailor Venus: Now, it's time to go home and do my homework! Homework!

Sailor Venus: If you don't study, you guys are going to be Usagi's make-up exam buddies!

Sailor Moon: What? Minako!

Sailor Venus: Let's study! Let's study!

Artemis: Mina...

Sailor Mars: It's surprising to hear "study" from Minako's mouth!

Sailor Jupiter: Does she have a fever?

Sailor Mercury: But it's a good thing! Usagi, you should follow her.

Sailor Moon: I feel betrayed by my make-up exam buddy.

Sailor Mars: She's obviously acting funny.

Sailor Mars: I wonder if something happened.

Artemis: Well, in fact...

Sailor Moon: What, Artemis?

Artemis: She's keeping a secret from you!

Sailor Moon: Minako?

Artemis: Yes. She auditioned a while ago and passed the first round.

Artemis: She's in the final round, but the timing is bad.

Luna: Right. Not only do we have to worry about Three Lights, but also our enemies.

Sailor Moon: Is Minako giving up?

Artemis: Seems so.

Sailor Mars: That's why she's acting funny.

Artemis: If she passes the final round, the top popular music producer...

Artemis: Takuya Moroboshi will arrange a debut song for her.

Sailor Jupiter: That's great! It's like a guarantee to be a star!

Sailor Moon: Being an idol is Minako's dream, so she should go!

Sailor Star Fighter: I felt the energy of our Princess nearby.

Sailor Star Healer: Our message must have reached our Princess, right?

Sailor Star Maker: The other day, I noticed the scent of our Princess.

Sailor Star Healer: Really?

Sailor Star Fighter: Where?

Sailor Star Maker: I'm certain... but...

Sailor Star Fighter: I wonder if there's a reason why she won't appear before us.

Sailor Jupiter: You should go, Minako!

Sailor Moon: That's right! We're here for you!

Sailor Mercury: Don't worry about us!

Sailor Venus: At a time like this?

Sailor Moon: I want you to go for it because it's such a time!

Sailor Moon: Please don't forget about your dream...

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan.

Sailor Venus: Usagi!

Sailor Moon: Dreams, love, hope, friendship, the many things we have...

Sailor Moon: and, because we have so many things to protect, we can fight together.

Sailor Jupiter: That's right! If something happens, we'll cover your position, Minako!

Sailor Mercury: So, please, Minako!

Sailor Venus: Are you sure?

Regular Dialogue: Yes!

Sailor Venus: Thank you, everyone!

Sailor Venus: If you like, please come and see the moment Idol Minako is born!

Sailor Moon: Hey! Hey!

Sailor Jupiter: If you get too carried away...

Sailor Mercury: ...you won't be successful!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Are you looking hard for a real Star Seed, Miss Karasuma Producer?

Sailor Lead Crow: You'll see how different I am from you!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Again, it must be...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: He looks pretty nice! He may have it, I guess.

Sailor Venus: Everyone looks pretty, all right.

Artemis: But you have to do your best to pass, don't you?

Artemis: On behalf of the gals that sent you here to realize your dream!

Sailor Venus: Yes!

Regular Dialogue: He's Mr. Moroboshi!

Regular Dialogue: You girls! Please stop!

Sailor Star Healer: Oh, God!

Sailor Star Healer: What are you doing here?

Sailor Venus: What are you doing here, Yaten?

Sailor Venus: You're not participating in the audition, are you?

Sailor Star Healer: Come this way!

Sailor Venus: H... Hey!

Sailor Venus: Let go!

Sailor Venus: W... What?

Sailor Star Healer: Is it okay for you to do this sort of stuff?

Sailor Star Healer: Does everyone know?

Sailor Venus: Y... Yes, they do. They told me to come.

Sailor Star Healer: What? Did you think about the situation you're in?

Sailor Star Healer: Don't you care what happens to your planet?

Sailor Venus: I know.

Sailor Star Healer: If you know, why are you here?

Sailor Venus: B... Because...

Sailor Star Healer: You girls astonish me! You're all trash!

Sailor Venus: Wait! This is my dream!

Sailor Star Healer: What?

Sailor Venus: To... To realize your dream is important!

Sailor Star Healer: Do you think your dream is more important than your duty as a soldier?

Regular Dialogue: Yaten, it's almost time to begin!

Sailor Star Healer: Yes.

Regular Dialogue: We're now starting the final audition for the Idol Scouting Caravan!

Regular Dialogue: It seems we have a judge who's not here yet.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I'm sorry, but Miss Karasuma couldn't make it.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I'm here to represent our department. I'm Suzu.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Nice to meet you!

Regular Dialogue: Nice meeting you, too! Everyone shines!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Oh, yes, but you shine more, Mr. Moroboshi!

Regular Dialogue: What?

Regular Dialogue: Now, let me introduce each judge and the process of the decision.

Regular Dialogue: First, music producer and composer, Mr. Moroboshi!

Regular Dialogue: Good luck, everyone! Relax and bring out your real ability!

Regular Dialogue: Next is number five, Miss Minako Aino!

Sailor Venus: Yes!

Artemis: Good luck, Minako!

Regular Dialogue: Please start!

Regular Dialogue: Thank you! Next is Miss Hanako Urashima! Please!

Sailor Venus: Not good at all!

Artemis: What happened to your usual rhythm?

Artemis: Don't be happy with just mediocre, Minako!

Sailor Moon: Hold tight, Chibi Chibi.

Sailor Moon: It's easy to get lost in a TV station.

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi.

Artemis: Minako!

Sailor Venus: Are you okay?

Artemis: Minako! Remember Usagi's words and hang in there!

Sailor Venus: I won't give up! Usagi's words.

Sailor Moon: I want you to go for it because it's such a time!

Sailor Moon: Please don't forget about your dream!

Artemis: That's right, Minako!

Sailor Moon: This way! This way!

Sailor Moon: Oh, my goodness! A dead end!

Regular Dialogue: The judges are going to ask you some questions. Forward in numerical order.

Regular Dialogue: Now, you may ask your questions!

Sailor Star Healer: Number five!

Sailor Venus: Yes!

Sailor Star Healer: Why did you apply for this audition?

Sailor Venus: I want to give people dreams through song, dance and plays! Like Three Lights!

Sailor Star Healer: Do you understand what it means to be an idol?

Sailor Venus: Well...

Sailor Star Healer: Do you have something else to consider before you pursue being an idol?

Sailor Venus: To realize my dream, I believe there's nothing to be done before or after!

Regular Dialogue: You lost, Yaten. She shines all right! She has a strong will, too!

Sailor Moon: If we don't hurry, we won't make it!

Chibi Chibi: Can't... Can't...

Luna: Didn't we come here before?

Sailor Moon: Oh... did we?

Luna: You see!

Regular Dialogue: Thank you for coming.

Sailor Star Healer: Hey!

Sailor Star Healer: How can you push ahead?

Sailor Venus: Because I want to respond to everyone's wish!

Sailor Star Healer: Everyone's?

Sailor Venus: Yes. Usagi told me, "Don't forget my dream because it's such a time!"

Sailor Venus: My dream is everyone's dream. Everyone's dream is my dream.

Sailor Star Healer: We're allowed to dream of anything besides our duty as a soldier, right?

Sailor Star Healer: Have we lost the ability to do so?

Sailor Venus: Yaten.

Sailor Star Healer: She's close by, but she hasn't appeared. We think we're missing something.

Sailor Venus: You're not lacking anything!

Sailor Venus: You guys shine, Yaten! You shine more than anyone else!

Regular Dialogue: Everyone shines, I can't narrow it down to just one.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: No, I've already narrowed it down to just one!

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: It... is... you!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Meow!

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I've got your Star Seed!

Luna: Usagi!

Sailor Moon: Yes! Chibi Chibi, stay here, okay?

Sailor Moon: Luna, please watch her!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Oh? No, after all, Crow's targets aren't good!

Sailor Moon: Stop right there!

Sailor Moon: I can't forgive you for attacking Mr. Moroboshi...

Sailor Moon: a wonderful composer who gives everyone dreams and energy through song and dance!

Sailor Moon: For love and justice, Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What can you do, Miss Annoyance?

Sailor Venus: Stop right there!

Sailor Moon: Venus!

Sailor Venus: I can't forgive you for attacking Mr. Moroboshi, because he's a nice judge!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Another annoyance!

Sailor Lead Crow: Stop right there!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What? More annoyance?

Sailor Lead Crow: I can't forgive you for stealing my target!

Sailor Lead Crow: You play dirty, Nyanko!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Oh, please, calm down! But it was a blank!

Sailor Lead Crow: What?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Sailor Musician, please have fun with these two!

Regular Dialogue: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, here!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Well, please enjoy your chat!

Sailor Lead Crow: Wait, Nyanko!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Don't be violent! Ouch!

Regular Dialogue: Hey, you girls! What kind of music do you like?

Regular Dialogue: I like rock'n roll! Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, here!

Regular Dialogue: There!

Regular Dialogue: There! There!

Regular Dialogue: There! There!

Sailor Star Healer: I can't wait for them! Oh, dear!

Sailor Star Healer: Healer Star Power! Make-Up!

Regular Dialogue: Fa, So, La, here!

Sailor Star Healer: Star Sensitive Inferno!

Sailor Venus: Venus!

Sailor Venus: Love and Beauty Shock!

Regular Dialogue: Minor!

Sailor Venus: Sailor Moon! Now!

Sailor Moon: Silver Moon!

Sailor Moon: Crystal Power Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: Beautiful!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: I hope you win!

Sailor Venus: Well, if I don't, it's all Yaten's fault!

Sailor Star Healer: I judged harshly!

Sailor Venus: What?

Sailor Star Healer: However, you shined the most!

Sailor Venus: Really?

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Star Healer: Th... This scent is...

Sailor Star Healer: Princess?

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Star Healer: This is the scent Taiki was talking about!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Artemis: Well done!

Sailor Venus: Now, my ability has been proven!

Sailor Venus: I can become an idol anytime!

Sailor Venus: Right now, it's more important to be with my friends!

Sailor Star Fighter: Why? Our message must have reached her!

Sailor Moon: Hey Seiya, we're going to organize a coffee shop at the high school festival!

Sailor Star Fighter: Why hasn't our Princess shown up?

Sailor Moon: We prepared very cute aprons and Makoto is going to make cakes!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling?

Sailor Moon: Sorry, but we don't have dumplings.

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! The Silver Crystal is stolen! The Fireball Princess appears.

Episode Title: The Silver Crystal is stolen!

Episode Title: The Fireball Princess appears

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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