05x196 - Countdown to Destruction: The Sailor Guardians' Last Battle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x196 - Countdown to Destruction: The Sailor Guardians' Last Battle

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: In the middle of the final Three Lights concert...

Sailor Moon: Galaxia suddenly appeared in front of us.

Sailor Moon: The Princess protected us from Galaxia's attack...

Sailor Moon: ...but instead, her Star Seed was taken.

Regular Dialogue: It's an emergency! It's an emergency!

Galaxia: You insects nested on this rural planet!

Galaxia: Listen! The whole galaxy is mine!

Galaxia: I won't allow the existence of ugly creatures like you! Prepare yourselves!

Sailor Star Healer: It's the same! Just like what happened to our planet!

Sailor Star Maker: This planet will be destroyed soon.

Sailor Moon: No.

Sailor Jupiter: Where's the enemy's headquarters?

Sailor Mercury: I'm checking!

Sailor Mercury: The point of origin of the TV electric wave is...

Sailor Mercury: Galaxy TV!

Sailor Moon: Galaxy TV

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Sailor Neptune: Where are you going?

Sailor Star Maker: Fighter!

Sailor Uranus: Are you going to their headquarters?

Sailor Neptune: If you go through the front, you'll die miserably!

Sailor Star Healer: Leave us alone!

Sailor Star Maker: We survived to protect our Princess, and then to rebuild our planet.

Sailor Star Maker: Now that we lost that hope, we have no reason to live.

Sailor Star Maker: Besides, we have to strike a blow against Galaxia for our Princess.

Sailor Moon: Oh, no! Your Princess doesn't want you to!

Chibi Chibi: Does not!

Sailor Star Healer: Shut up!

Sailor Star Healer: How can you understand?

Sailor Star Maker: You should worry about protecting your own Princess!

Sailor Moon: Fighter!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sorry!

Sailor Star Fighter: We have to go to avenge our Princess!

Sailor Uranus: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Venus: Look out!

Sailor Saturn: Silent Wall!

Sailor Moon: Saturn!

Sailor Moon: Pluto!

Galaxia: I have you!

Sailor Star Healer: Where are we?

Sailor Star Maker: Looks like we're sealed.

Sailor Star Fighter: No! We don't have time to waste!

Sailor Star Fighter: We have to hurry and find Galaxia.

Galaxia: Don't worry!

Sailor Star Fighter: Galaxia!

Galaxia: You'll never get out. Ever!

Sailor Moon: The city!

Sailor Moon: We have to do something, quickly.

Sailor Pluto: The enemy is too powerful! They have most of the galaxy in their hands!

Sailor Saturn: Our previous enemies' powers are no comparison.

Sailor Jupiter: No way! We can't do anything then?

Sailor Venus: Meanwhile our city is being destroyed.

Luna: I wonder if Seiya and the others are all right.

Sailor Moon: We can't allow the Earth to end up like Seiya's planet!

Sailor Mars: We have to do something!

Sailor Pluto: Although the situation is pretty grim.

Sailor Saturn: "Do your best with whatever you can do today!"

Sailor Uranus: "Then, you will have further progress tomorrow." Right?

Sailor Uranus: I won't let her continue any longer!

Sailor Neptune: We should protect this planet!

Sailor Neptune: Is it okay not to say good-bye to her?

Sailor Uranus: It sounds as if I won't be able to see her anymore!

Sailor Neptune: You might not be able.

Sailor Uranus: That's all right, because you're with me! Right?

Sailor Neptune: Right.

Sailor Pluto: We're going with you.

Sailor Saturn: As members of the outer Solar System!

Sailor Pluto: We can't overlook the crisis on Earth.

Sailor Neptune: Yes. Out of us four

Sailor Pluto: at least one

Sailor Saturn: will survive and

Sailor Uranus: defeat Galaxia!

Sailor Pluto: Let's go to protect this planet!

Sailor Mercury: We can't find them!

Sailor Venus: Same here!

Sailor Jupiter: Where did they go?

Sailor Mars: Maybe...

Sailor Moon: Just the four of them, to Galaxy TV?

Sailor Mercury: The fire has spread already!

Sailor Venus: If it continues...

Sailor Jupiter: O-Our city is...

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi

Sailor Moon: Don't worry, Chibi Chibi.

Sailor Moon: We're going to protect it!

Sailor Mercury: That's right! This is our planet!

Sailor Jupiter: We met each other here and...

Sailor Venus: laughed and wept and so on.

Sailor Mars: Because it's our treasure.

Sailor Moon: We have to protect it with our hands!

Regular Dialogue: Yes!

Luna: Usagi-chan, be careful!

Artemis: The enemy is really strong!

Sailor Moon: Please look after Chibi Chibi!

Luna: Yes!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi?

Sailor Mercury: Mercury Crystal Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Mars: Mars Crystal Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter Crystal Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Venus: Venus Crystal Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Moon: See you, Luna! We're off!

Artemis: Be sure to come back, okay?

Luna: We'll wait for you!

Chibi Chibi: For you!

Sailor Moon: Yes! We'll definitely protect this planet with our hands!

Sailor Venus: Galaxy TV.

Sailor Moon: Galaxia's in there.

Sailor Jupiter: An intruder will be..

Sailor Mercury: We can't get in!

Sailor Mars: We have to find another way.

Sailor Jupiter: What's that?

Sailor Mars: Healer!

Sailor Mercury: Maker!

Sailor Moon: Fighter!

Galaxia: You are no different than dust before me!

Sailor Star Fighter: Galaxia! We'll strike out your ambition!

Galaxia: You have a powerless and meaningless existence!

Sailor Star Healer: That's not true! You'll see our power!

Sailor Star Healer: Star Sensitive Inferno!

Sailor Moon: Fighter!

Sailor Jupiter: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: No!

Sailor Moon: Let me go! If it continues, those three will be...

Sailor Mars: No!

Sailor Jupiter: If you're caught by the barrier...

Sailor Venus: ...you'll end up just like that!

Sailor Moon: But I just can't sit and watch!

Sailor Star Fighter: She's strong!

Galaxia: Everything you've done is meaningless!

Galaxia: You'll die here begrudging your own destiny!

Sailor Uranus: They are...

Sailor Neptune: ...the Starlights!

Sailor Moon: Fighter! Healer! Maker!

Sailor Jupiter: Can't we do something?

Sailor Mercury: There's no way to get into Galaxy TV!

Sailor Mercury: Even if we could, the sphere that Galaxia is in...

Sailor Mercury: is so twisted that I can't find the entrance!

Sailor Venus: No way! All we can do is sit and watch?

Sailor Moon: No! I can't!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: It's terrible. We can't do anything even if we're so close?

Sailor Moon: Chibi Chibi Moon!

Sailor Venus: No way!

Sailor Mars: How come?

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi

Galaxia: What's wrong? Is that all?

Sailor Star Healer: In such a place...

Sailor Star Maker: What we've done so far was meaningless?

Sailor Star Fighter: Hang in there! We still have a chance.

Galaxia: You'll die here like dirt!

Sailor Star Healer: No...

Sailor Star Maker: If we're hit again...

Sailor Star Fighter: A light?

Sailor Jupiter: Where are we?

Sailor Mercury: Galaxia!

Sailor Moon: Chibi Chibi Moon, is this your power, too?

Chibi Chibi: Power?

Galaxia: To get into this sphere...

Galaxia: I praise you, first of all. I'll finish you off along with those three!

Regular Dialogue: Three?

Sailor Star Healer: Why are you here?

Sailor Star Maker: We won't thank you for this!

Sailor Mars: That's not why we're here!

Sailor Jupiter: We want to protect our planet!

Sailor Moon: Fighter!

Sailor Moon: I didn't think we would see you again.

Galaxia: An impressively touching meeting, isn't it? How pathetic!

Sailor Moon: Galaxia! Don't do any more terrible things! Leave... Leave our planet!

Galaxia: As long as you surrender your Star Seeds to me!

Sailor Star Fighter: You're kidding! I won't let you do that!

Galaxia: You won't let me? Who are you talking to?

Galaxia: Get out of the way!

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Moon: Galaxia! It's totally wrong for you to do whatever you like!

Galaxia: There's nothing that I can't do when I please!

Galaxia: I was thinking of having fun by hurting you...

Galaxia: but you'll regret that you talked to me that way!

Sailor Neptune: No!

Sailor Pluto: The shine of the four planets are...

Sailor Uranus: ...dying out?

Sailor Saturn: Jupiter

Sailor Saturn: Mercury

Sailor Saturn: Venus...

Sailor Saturn: Mars

Sailor Star Healer: No way! Why? Why? For us?

Sailor Mercury: To save important people

Sailor Star Maker: Important people?

Sailor Venus: Yes, both Sailor Moon and Starlights are important to us

Sailor Star Fighter: No way! Even if you might fade away?

Sailor Jupiter: Please in our place protect Usagi-chan and this world!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan!

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Moon: Wait! Mako-chan! Minako-chan! Ami-chan! Don't leave me! Don't leave me alone!

Sailor Mars: You are too sweet, be strong!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan! Don't...

Sailor Moon: We promised to be together until the end! Please don't leave me alone!

Sailor Mars: Don't forget you have Mamoru-san.

Sailor Mars: Sorry I can't protect you.

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan!

Sailor Moon: No

Sailor Moon: No!

Sailor Moon: Return them to me! Return Rei-chan!

Sailor Moon: Mako-chan, Minako-chan, and Ami-chan!

Sailor Moon: Return them!

Galaxia: Beautiful! I'll let you see something great...

Galaxia: the number of real Star Seeds that I've collected!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan?

Galaxia: What?

Galaxia: Oh? You have a good eye to catch the golden Star Seed!

Galaxia: This Star Seed is in charge of this planet.

Sailor Moon: No. If that's Mamo-chan's Star Seed, then Mamo-chan is...

Sailor Moon: Mamoru is...

Sailor Moon: This is Mamo-chan's Star Seed?

Galaxia: Yes, the shine of your most beloved!

Sailor Moon: Stop it!

Galaxia: Uranus! Neptune! Go and get Sailor Moon's Star Seed!

Sailor Moon: Uranus! Neptune! Why?

Galaxia: They've surrendered to me! They're no longer yours!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Ruler of the galaxy, Galaxia's threat.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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