06x13 - Louise's Setback

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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06x13 - Louise's Setback

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

♪ Movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin'

♪ Just to get up that hill

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat

♪ As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

♪ There ain't nothin' wrong
with that

♪ We're movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

♪ Movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪


George, have you seen
my Help Center folder?

What? What?

Have you seen my file folder?

Weezy, I can barely see you.

Well, what's the matter?

I'm tired,
that's what's the matter.

I wish you'd tell
that Ruthie nut to stop

calling all hours of the night.


George, she only called twice.

Well, yeah,
once at :
and again at : .

I couldn't tell
if I was sleeping
with you or Ma Bell.

Uh, hello?

Oh, hi, Ruthie.


I don't have
time to talk now.

I've got to get down
to the Help Center.

Sure. Well,
I should be there
in about minutes.

Great, I'll see you then.

What did she want this time?

George, for some reason,

I'm the only one
on the su1c1de hotline

that Ruthie has opened up to.

Oh, Weezy,
but she's becoming a pest,

and the only way
to handle a pest

is just to come right out
and tell 'em to get lost.

Well, you're right, George.

Get lost.


Oh, Florence, I'm sorry
the telephone kept you
up last night.

Oh, that's okay.
I was up anyway.

I was readin' a new
Western romance story.

Passion In The Cactus.

Passion In the Cactus?

It's all about
this bounty hunter

who falls in love
with the sheriff's wife.

But the only place they can
meet without getting caught
is in a cactus patch.

Well, how'd it turn out?

Oh. Well,
I better get to work.

Weezy, today is Saturday.
Nobody's supposed to
work on Saturday.

Well, George,
if you feel that way,

how come you
usually work
on Saturday?

I'm supposed to.
The man works so
the wife don't have to.

Hmm, Lord,
I got to get me a man.

Look, Weezy,
since today
is my day off,

I figured we'd spend
some time together.

You mean,
you're stayin'
here all day?

That's right!
Then I ain't.

Uh, you can use some
help at the Center,
can't you?

Of course.
I'll only be a minute.

Hey, that's great.
Everybody's goin'
to the Help Center.

Center this, Center that.

What about me?
What am I supposed to do?

Well, you could clean up
a little. I hate coming
home to a messy house.

George, I'll be home
as early as I can,
I promise.




LOUISE: Mr. Bentley,
what are you doing
on roller skates?

Right now,
about three miles an hour.

Bentley, get off me!

I'm sorry,
Mr. J, but I'm not used
to having wheels on my feet.

And I ain't used
to having a honkey
on my back!

I was wondering
if you'd like to
come skating with me.

Skating? No way.

Oh, go ahead, George.
You wanted someone to
play with.

Oh, come on, Mr. J.
We'd make a fabulous team.

Just like Fred and Ginger.

Um, Steve and Eydie.

Yogi and Boo Boo?

Look, you two, have fun.
Come on, Florence.

Oh, look on the bright side,
Mr. Jefferson.

If you slip
while you're skating,
you ain't got far to fall.

So what do you say, Mr. J?

We can stop and buy
you a pair of skates
on the way to the park.

Forget it, Bentley,
I'm stayin' here.

But I hate to skate alone.

Who'll compliment me
on my grace?

Who'll admire my form?

Who'll pick me up?

Bentley, look.
Skating is for kids.

Well, I suppose you're right.

You probably are too old for it.

Say what?

Oh, I don't mean
old, as in old, old.
I mean old, as in elderly.

I'm young enough to
skate rings around anybody.

Sure you are.

Okay, I'll prove it to you.

I'll go get changed.
Whatever you say.

I say, let's go skating.


You tricked me,
didn't you, Bentley?

But I couldn't have done it
without your help.

Okay, Mrs. Simpson.

Now, where
have you been staying?

On th Street.

In a hotel?

No. Just on th Street.

Excuse me, I'm redecorating.

But you can't spend
every day living
out of a shopping cart.

This may look like
a shopping cart to you,

but I think of it
as my Winnebago.

we'll find you
a place to stay.

Just go over there
and she'll take care of you.

Thank you.
You've been so nice.

Here, I want you to have this.

Oh, a fork?
Thank you!

Oh, hi, Louise.
Hi, Helen.

what brings you down here?

Oh, I just thought
it'd be nice to get
out of the house.

George is home today.

You got it.

I'm expecting
Ruthie Graham.

Would you let me know
when she gets here?

Oh, sure, Louise.

You got anything for me to do?

Oh, well, uh,
oh, do you think
you can file these?

Sure, I could.

You know, a maid
and a secretary
have a lot in common.

They do?

One, you wear out your feet,

and the other one
wears out her seat!


So, here you are,
Mr. Cassidy.
Thank you.

I tell you,
I think a documentary
on the su1c1de hotline

is a great idea.
I'll get Mrs. Jefferson.

Fine, I'll just look around.

Excuse me, miss.

Can I talk to you about su1c1de?

You wanna k*ll yourself?
k*ll myself?

That's what
I was afraid of.
No, miss...

Look, believe me,
things will get better.

Nothing's wrong.

Ignoring the problem won't help.

I don't have a problem.

There you go again.

Look, you got
a lot to live for.
Think of your children.

I don't have any children.

Then think of your wife.
I'm not married.

Well, what about
your girlfriend?
I don't have a girlfriend.

Lord, no wonder
you want to k*ll yourself.

Gerald Cassidy,

this is
Louise Jefferson
and Helen Willis.


Mr. Cassidy's the producer
of Focus On New York,

the local television show.

He was gonna k*ll himself.

No, I wasn't.

'Cause I talked you out of it.

Well, I better get back to work.

Louise will be
able to answer
all your questions.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you.

So, Mr. Cassidy,
what can we do for you?

Well, I'd like to
film a documentary
on your su1c1de hotline.

A documentary? On us?

You mean to put on TV?

The "If you're on it,
you get to become a star

"and dip your feet
in wet cement"
kind of TV?

Uh, yes.

I think it's important
people see what you do here.

Oh, me, too.

And one of
the most important things
we do here is, uh, um,

what I do.

File things!

I think a documentary
is a great idea.

We'll do whatever
we can to help.

Good, good.

I want to interview you
at the beginning of the show.

Oh, okay.

You mean
interview me
on television?


Oh, why me?

Well, your supervisor
suggested it.

She said you'd been instrumental

in helping several
potential su1c1de victims.

Oh, but...
It's a great idea,

It'll really help the Center.

Think of the exposure!
Think of the publicity!

Think of the fan mail!
Think of the movie offers!

But I don't know anything
about being on television.

Mrs. Jefferson,
can I talk to you?

Oh, hi, Ruthie.
I'll be with you
in just a minute.

It's all very simple,
Mrs. Jefferson.

Besides, it's
only a local broadcast
with a small audience.

Three million, tops.

Three million?

Well, give or take
a few hundred thousand.

We're up against
reruns of Green Acres.

if you think it'll be
good for the Help Center.

All right!

Mrs. Jefferson.

I'll be back
this afternoon
with a camera crew.

This afternoon?
Don't you think
that's a little soon?

Not really. We in TV
are used to working fast.

I'll see you
around : -ish?


I've got to get ready!
What should I do first?

Get an agent.

the first thing
you should do is relax.

Oh, but I'm going
to be on television.

Shouldn't I at least
get my hair done?

Well, I guess you have time.

Yeah, and... and
I better change outfits.

Oh, yeah, me, too.

in case the camera
swings in my direction,

I wanna be ready for stardom.

Oh, come on, you two.
It's only a television show.

Yeah, you're right, Helen.

See you in a while.
Yeah, see you later.

Hey, everybody!
We're gonna be on TV!


Oh, man, Bentley.
We should have stayed longer.

I was just getting hot.

Yes, and so were
all the people
you knocked down.

Well, it ain't my fault
they was movin' so slow.

I gave 'em all
a warning, didn't I?

Ah, yes, but I think
you might have shouted
something nicer than

"Move it, turkeys!"


Hey, Florence,
what happened down
at the Help Center?

You get tired of
workin' for nothin'?

No, I'm used
to that around here.

I came home to change clothes

because I'm gonna
be on television.

In what?
A monster movie?

No, they're doing a TV show

on the work
Miss Jefferson does
at the Help Center

and I'm hopin' to be on it, too.

Weezy's gonna be on TV?
Where is she?

Oh, she'll be right up.
Wait a minute!

I ain't got a minute, child.
A star is born.

Weezy's gonna be on TV.
Ain't that something?

Yes, television.
It's a fascinating industry.

Why, without it,
we'd never have seen
the Nixon/Kennedy debates,

the first man
landing on the moon,

the Watergate hearings,

Earth's first visitor
from another planet.

Visitor from another planet?
Yes, Mr. J.

Who came to Earth
with powers and abilities

far beyond those of mortal men.

who can change
the course of mighty rivers,

bend steel in his bare hands,

and who, disguised as...

how'd you like me
to bend your mouth
with my bare hands, huh?


George, you won't
believe what happened.

You're gonna be on a TV show.

No, no.
I'm going to be on a TV...


Who told you?

Oh, we heard it
from a little bird.

Yeah, an old bat named Florence.

Mrs. J.

I'm sure it'll bring
a good deal of publicity
to your Help Center.

Not to mention our cleaners,
right, Weez?

this program
is for the hotline

and I'm not gonna
use it for anything else.

But, Weezy,
you never know
when my cleaning stores

might come up
in the conversation.

How would a cleaner's come up

in a documentary about su1c1de?

Well, suppose a guy purposely

spray-starched himself to death?

Just remember, Mrs. J,
stay calm and act natural.


Forget about the lights.
Forget about the camera.

Forget about
the millions of people
who'll be staring at you.

Uh, Mr. Bentley...

Just remember,
whatever you say will
be recorded for all time.

So, be careful.

I've seen people
make absolute fools
of themselves on television.

Jabbering away and fidgeting,
even biting their fingernails.

Uh. Thanks for the advice,
Mr. Bentley.

I've got to get ready.

They're sh**ting this afternoon.

I'll go with you.

Oh, Mr. J,
thank you for the company.

I think next Saturday,
I'll go skating with Delores.


That chick you were talking
to over by the water fountain?

She ain't no
better skater than I am.

Well, perhaps not.

But when I'm falling,
she'll be a lot more
fun to hold on to.

Oh, hello,
Mr. Bentley.

Oh, I was just leaving.

Oh, Mrs. Willis,
do you skate?

BENTLEY: I guess not!

Oh, George,
I've got to
talk to Louise.

Well, she's in the bedroom

getting ready for her TV debut.

I've got some bad news for her.

They canceled the show?

Ruthie Graham
tried to k*ll herself.

k*ll herself?
You're kidding!

No! She took
a whole bottle of pills
and now she's in a coma.

Oh, man, that's terrible.

I don't know how
I'm going to tell Louise.

I know she's gonna
blame herself.

She thought she had
Ruthie turned around.

Look, maybe you
ought to let me tell her.

Are you sure?

Look, Weezy's used
to hearing bad news
from me.

You got a point there.
Thanks, George.

Tell Louise
I'll see her down
at the Help Center.



Oh, would you
fasten this for me?

Sure, Weez.
Hey, Weezy, look, there's
something I gotta tell you.

Now, before you say anything,

I want to let you know
I'm not going to be nervous.

Oh, well, that's good, but...

I mean, I talk to
people all the time
at the Help Center,

so there's no reason
why I can't do it
in front of the camera.

Right. There you go!


This documentary
is... is important
to the Help Center

and I'm not gonna
let anything distract me

from telling people that
there's always a place to go

when they need help.

Right, but...

what did you want to tell me?

Well, uh...
I'll tell you later, huh?

Well, I'm ready.

Mr. Cassidy said to
wear everyday clothes.

These are my everyday clothes.

Yeah, if everyday is Halloween.

Come on, let's go.

George, isn't this
going to be great?


Oh, yeah, it sure is.

(GROANS) Oh, God.

Oh, Miss Jefferson,
where can I get a pen?

Over there. But what
do you want a pen for?

For autographs.

Whose autograph would you want?

Somebody might want mine.

Oh, hi, Louise.

Oh, hi, Helen.
Where's Mr. Cassidy?

Oh, he's not here yet.
Louise, I just spoke
to the hospital.

What hospital?

Hey, Weezy, look at this clock!

I wonder what kind it is?

Probably the kind
that tells time.

What hospital?

Hey! It's got
a radio, too. See?

Where Ruthie is.

What's wrong with her?



Will you turn that thing off!

You mean,
George didn't tell you?

Tell me what?

Right after you left today,
Ruthie took an overdose.

Overdose? Oh, no!

Louise, Ruthie is conscious now.

She's gonna be okay.

But we can't visit her
until tomorrow.

But why would
Ruthie want to
k*ll herself?

She was just in here
this morning and I...

And I didn't talk to her.

Oh, my God!


What did she say?

She wants to be alone.
George, why didn't you
tell her about Ruthie?

Because I didn't
want her to get upset.

But look how upset she is now!

I know.
You shouldn't have told her!

Uh, Miss Willis,

there's a call for you
on line two.

Thank you, Florence.

I need your help.
With what?

Getting Weezy
out of the bathroom.

What's the matter?
Is the door stuck?

No! She got upset
and she won't come out.

Okay, what did you
say to her this time?

It's what I didn't say.

Now, will you just
go in there and tell her
I want her to come out!


You work here?

No, my wife Louise does.

Oh. Here,
I want her to have this.

Why do you wanna
give her a spoon?

'Cause I already
gave away my fork.

Well, did you talk to Weezy?

Yeah, I told her
you wanted to see her.
What'd she say?

She said you have
a picture of her
in your wallet.


What am I gonna do?

I don't know.
But you better do
something quick,

because here comes
Mr. Cassidy.


Excuse me,
I'm gonna go talk to him.

He might ask me
to stand in the background.

If he's smart,
he'll ask you to
stand in New Jersey!

Weezy, the guy
from the TV show is here!

LOUISE: I don't care.

Look, Weezy,
If you don't come
out of there, I'm comin' in.

Okay. Forgive me, Lord.


what are you
doing in here?

Checkin' for feet.

This is the ladies' room.

What if somebody
comes in and sees you?

I'll cover my mustache!

I just want
to be left alone.

I don't feel like talking.

Well, I do!

Look, Weezy,
I know how much
you care about Ruthie,

but what happened
to her is not your fault!

Oh, yes, it is.

I was so
wrapped up in myself,
I forgot all about Ruthie.

But she's gonna be okay.

Well, this time I was lucky.

But what about next time?

you win some,
you lose some.

Take my job.
You think I can
get out every stain?

Oh, George.

Okay, Weezy, look.

How many people have you
talked to on that hotline?

Oh, I don't know.
A hundred?


And out of that ,
how many have you talked out
of trying to k*ll themselves?

All of 'em
except Ruthie, right?

Well, that's out of .

That's a good average!

Hell! If you
was a baseball player,
you'd have your own candy bar!

I'm not talking about baseball.

I'm talking
about someone's life.

And I almost cost Ruthie hers!

Weezy, will you listen to me?

I don't wanna listen
to anyone right now.

Weezy, look,
come outta there.
I wanna talk to you.

I'm giving you three
to come out. One...


Weezy, you're gonna
get me arrested if you
don't come out of here!

I'm not coming out, George!

Look, Weezy,
would you stop pacing?

What am I supposed
to tell all those people
waitin' out there?

Tell them I quit.

You can't quit!

Oh, yes, I can!

I had a chance
to save a life
and I almost blew it!

Okay, you wanna
save a life, save mine.

Because I wanna
jump off this toilet seat

and land on my head!

Oh, George, stop it.


See, Weez?
You saved my life!

George, don't you see
the serious mistake I made?

But everybody makes
mistakes. Even me!

But in my job,
I can't make a mistake.

What do you mean, you can't?

Who do you think you are, God?

Okay, maybe you should quit.

I'll just go out there
and tell those people

that they'll
have to find somebody
else to run the hotline.

I'll tell 'em to look
for somebody that's perfect.

Somebody that never
makes mistakes.

If they can't find
somebody like that,

To hell with
all the people
that need help!

Well, I'm gettin' out of here.

I gotta go to the bathroom!

George, wait.

Maybe you're right.

I made a big mistake,

but it's a mistake
I'm not gonna make again.

Right, Weez.
I always knew
you weren't a quitter.

Thanks for coming in here
and talking to me, George.

It helped.

Yeah, it helped me, too.

I learned something.

What did you learn?

Women write
on bathroom walls, too.



"For a good time,
call Fred. - ..."

Oh, George!

Oh, there you are,
Mrs. Jefferson.

I'd like to get
a little information
before we start sh**ting.

Oh, sure.

Tell me a little about your job.

Well, it's frustrating at times,

because we don't always succeed.

But it's important
for us to remember

we can't get out every stain.

Oh, I mean, we're not God.
We're not perfect.

It must be very hard
sometimes to keep up
your spirits.

Yes, it is.

But I'm lucky
to have someone
who keeps picking me up.

Someone who won't let me quit.

Really? Who's that?

My husband, George.

I'd like for you to meet him.

Uh, Mr. Jefferson?

Let's get this on film.

Oh, come on,
Mr. Jefferson.

I'm afraid to go on TV,

Well, sh**t. I ain't.


This is Focus On New York.

We're here
at the su1c1de hotline

with Louise Jefferson
and her husband, George.

And their
wonderful housekeeper
and part-time secretary,

Florence Johnston.

Mr. Jefferson, do you have
something you'd like to say?

Uh, here's your spoon.

Well, that's that.


Wait a minute.
You mean, it's over?

They cut me out.
You couldn't even
see my face!

That's because
Weezy's program is
to prevent suicides,

not cause them.

Well, I'm just happy
they made that documentary.

It should help a lot of people.

Yeah, like me.

Didn't you see
how good I looked on TV?

It could be a whole
new career for me.

Who knows, today,
Focus On New York...

Tomorrow, The Gong Show.

♪ Movin', movin' on up ♪
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