20 Feet from Stardom (2013)

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20 Feet from Stardom (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

It... It's a bit

of a walk, you know,

from, you know, back by

the drummer over here.

That walk to the front is...

is complicated.

Singing background remains

a somewhat unheralded

position, you know.

So people make that leap.

So, what you guys

do on that part?

I'll help you carry on

It's almost more of

a mental leap than...

than just the

physical act of singing.

It's a conceptual leap,

and if you can comfortably

come up with it, you know,

then you may

find a spot out there.

Carry on for...

But I know

tremendous backup singers

who just aren't comfortable

in that position.

You gotta have that narcissism,

you gotta have that ego.

So shall we do it?

It can be

a pretty long walk.

One, two, three!

There's a power

to what it is that we do.

No one till right now has

publicly acknowledged it,

but people love to see

the background singers.

I mean, when you think about

Lou Reed, "Walk On The Wild Side,"

you know, that iconic song with the line

that makes a lot of people uncomfortable

because it says "colored girls. "

But what is he... what is he referencing

when he says, "And the colored

girls say do-do-do-do-do?"

The fact that there's

a power to these women

that stand on stage

and sing with these guys.

Backup singers just bring so

much more life to the situation.

When a voice opens up,

there comes the life.

That's when it's a

person-to-person connection.

What about the time

you were rolling over?

You fall on your face

and you must be having fun


How do you do?

You don't hold on necessarily

to your individual vocal persona.

God help us

'Cause you're trying

to get your persona

to blend and mesh with the other voices.

That's awesome.

- What's the matter with him?

- He's all right

- How do you know?

- The Lord won't mind

- Don't play no games

- He's all right

Love from the bottom

to the top

- Turn like a wheel

- He's all right

See for yourself...

There's something that

happens when you lock in with somebody

and all the harmonics ping,

and, I mean,

if you don't like that,

what do you like?

Cool down

Stop acting crazy

They're gonna leave

and we'll be on our own

I could... I could be different people,

a chameleon, you know.

It's just like you could change up.

You're never bored.

I'm a part of the sisterhood.

I got to earn this.

It wasn't just a dream that I had

I actually got to sing

these songs and sing on key.

- Like a wheel

- He's all right

- See for yourself

- The Lord won't mind

- We're gonna move

- Right now

Turn like a wheel

As a background singer,

they would like you to come in,

make things sound great,

take very little credit...

and go home quickly.

It's all right

The Lord won't mind

Right now

Turn like a wheel

Inside a wheel

Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Father.

I will enter His gates

With thanksgiving in my heart

I will enter His courts with praise

God gave us the ability

to create, didn't he?

- Yes, he did.

- OK.

Today we're gonna pin

this down to music.

He has made me glad

I will rejoice for He has made me glad

I see these kids doing this

slide, I said, "Oh, child. "

He think he got that

from, uh... James Brown.

I said, "Oh, that came

from one of my pastors. "

He has made me glad

I will rejoice for

He has made me glad

- My father was a minister.

- My father was a...

- My father was a...

- Pastor's daughter.

- Isn't that clich?

- That's how I was actually

- introduced to music.

- I started as a four-year-old.

All through grammar school.

I will say this is the day

You come up learning the part

that your voice actually fits in.

Nobody tells you that's how singers

learn how to do background.

Hallelujah, glory, glory.

Thank you, Lord.

Thank you, Lord.

God gave me this talent

and I intend to use it.

And that's what my life

has really been all about,

trying to make a success

of the gift that I have.

Darlene Love is the one

that's the cause of all of this.

Darlene Love and Fanita

James, The Blossoms.

They were the first black

background singers

working in the studios.

Silver and gold

Silver and gold

Everyone's searching

for silver and gold...

When we first got into recordings,

it was totally white.

You'll never find comfort

in silver and gold...

They were all white girls,

and they were very tasteful.

They could do arm movements

and they could, you know,

get in and go...

go to the microphone

and come out of the microphone,

but that was about it.

Silver and gold, everyone's searching

Suppose silver and gold

Because it was white singers.

We call them the readers.

They couldn't do nothing without

that music sitting right in their face.

People would see us walk in.

They wondered what

we were doing there.

They handed us our music and

we took it like we was pros too,

like we would really read this.

Then as you got

more into the music,

people would want background

singers that were free enough

to put feeling in what

they were singing.

Not saying that

those singers back then

didn't have feeling, but they were

committed to what

they saw on the paper.

In silver and gold

- Shimmy, shimmy to and fro

- Oh, yeah

Shimmy, shimmy to and fro...

The song that was

coming from them was so raw.

That's what it...

it was so raw, and so real,

that it was hard to deny it.

Shimmy shimmy

It's the dance of the day

Shimmy shimmy

It's new this day

Shimmy shimmy's

gonna help us too

With mama and papa

and you know who

Shimmy shimmy in my soul

Shimmy shimmy

We'll never grow old

Now this is a surprise!

This is history.

None of us have sung

together in 30, 40 years.

I was 15 when I first met them.

- Ain't that something? Fifteen.

- That's not funny.

That's not funny.

But we were really white

before you got in,

- and then you added it...

- We had a sweet sound.

She brought guts and...

that bottom gospel thing

and it made it perfect.

- Shimmy shimmy

- Oh, yeah

They made that platform theirs.

The Blossoms made it theirs,

and when they came in,

every producer in California

and everywhere else, that's the sound

they wanted. That was from The Blossoms.

All you had to do is tell them

in what direction you were headed,

and they took you there.

- See when we had to sound white?

- Yeah, uh-huh.

I met him on a Monday

and my heart my stood still



What was unique about

The Blossoms, we could change our sound.

We worked with people

from Buck Owens to James Brown.

Yes, my heart stood still

Yes, his name was Bill

And when he walked me home



That was perfect,

without even rehearsing.

The amazing thing about

Darlene and Fanita and Jean

is that they weren't afraid

of anybody else that did what they did.

And if that producer

asked for a particular person

that could do something,

Darlene would say,

"That's not what I do,

but I know a girl that can do it. "

And that's how she'll get in,

and that's how Merry got in.

Can you turn off the radio?


I mean, how could you not have music on,

Morgan, in the Merry Clayton car?

- I know, right?

- That's just...

That's not even logical to me.

See, it's much better

for us to add the music later.

I know it, but I'm just saying,

Morgan, how could you...

How could you logically not

have a diva have her music on?

I don't get that.

Merry Clayton was always

the lead background singer,

but she was always a little

set apart from that group.

Well, I am a sister

Who can sing

I am a sister who can sing

Oh, but if I die

And my soul be lost

Nobody's fault but mine

I started going

to summer school with Merry,

and she'd start singing down

the street, and I'd go like,

"This girl is amazing. "

Nobody's fault but mine

Said nobody's fault

Nobody's fault but mine

I said that no one's fault

- If I die...

- She had no, uh,

no hidden agendas about it.

She just, "That's what I do. "

Oh, if I die

And my soul be lost, yeah

Nobody's fault

But mine

Nobody's fault

Ray Charles.

He was the only artist

that my father would

allow us to go and see,

and I'd stand at the end of the

stage with my hand under my chin.

I'd say, "Mm-hmm, I could do this.

I'm gonna be a Raelette one day. "

I willed myself to be a Raelette.

Now here are the Raelettes

to help us from this portion on.


So I was sitting

at home one day,

and I got a call from Billy Preston.

"This Bill, what are you doing?"

"Putting some clothes away. "

"You gotta drop it and you

have to come and sing for Ray. "


When you see me in misery

Come on, baby

See about me now

No, it don't matter

And, of course, you know,

I was totally full of myself by then.

I knew the whole spectrum of what you

were supposed to do as a singer.

See the girl

with the red dress on

She can filly dog all night long

But I didn't know anything

about being an entertainer.

- Hey

- Hey

- Ho

- Ho

- Hey, ho

- Hey, ho

Oh, it's all right

You know it's all right, baby

He said,

"Yes, you're a lead singer,

but you're singing with

three other ladies, Sister Merry.

So we're gonna teach you

how to sing

- with three other people. "

- You know it's all right

It's all right

He's the minister.

The Raelettes are the choir.

He brings that same church format

to playing popular music.

Yet he's singing about sex.

- Shake that thing

- Shake that thing

- Hey, baby

- Shake that thing

Can you imagine

"What'd I Say" that I said already,

without kind of an answer to that?



Uhh... uhh...

- Shake that thing

- Shake it, baby

- Shake that thing

- Shake that thing

He did a song called

"Together Again. "

Oh, Lord, I could not

find the second part.

I couldn't hear it.

I did not hit the note,

he took his finger

and banged out my note

on the piano,

and 5,000 people

were in the audience,

five... huge show in

Madison Square Garden somewhere.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

He banged out this note.

After that, I remembered everything.

I was not gonna be made

to look like a fool.

- Baby, let's go home

- Yeah, let's go home

- Baby, let's go home

- Go home, baby

- Baby, let's go home

- Oh!

A lot of background

singers are just background singers.

They don't wanna do all the drama that

accompanies trying to be a solo artist.

Actually, very interesting, if you're

talking about background singers,

because Lisa made recordings

as a solo artist

and she's a brilliant entertainer.

She's really funny.

Sings her butt off.

Could sing alone all day long,

but doesn't particularly want to.


I don't wanna go to school.

I remember when my mom

took me to kindergarten.

I told the teacher, it's like,

"I wrote a song," right?

"I wanna sing it for the class. "

She's like, "Oh, yay, good. "

I just wouldn't stop.

She had to stop me.

Now she's like, "That was fun. "

Being with Lisa

is really inspiring,

because she's a monster musician.

She just doesn't really talk about it.

I mean, she's as good as it gets.

Everyone knew

who Lisa Fischer was.

She was the talk of the town

at the time.

It was strange for me to actually see

her standing next to two other singers.

It was weird for me.

She's an incredible artist that

stands in front of that room,

in front of everyone, and demands their

attention in a really graceful way.

I love melodies.

I'm... I'm in love with the...

the sound vibration and...

and what it does with other people.

It's familiar, but it's so special

and you're just so happy

when you get there.

And you try to stay there

for as long as you can.

She's the

empress of that world,

and, you know, it might not

look like she's ego'd out,

but it takes a lot of ego to decide

you're gonna take that position.

'Cause there's a lot of background

singers out there, and she's held...

She's held that fort

down for a long time.

For me,

singing is about a sharing.

It's never a competition.

But there's this other energy sometimes

that I see going on that just

makes me insane, you know.

Gee, who can I call to introduce me

to so and so and such and such,

but it just... I don't know,

something about that feels slimy to me.

I don't know why.


To me, there's no more heavenly

instrument than the voice.

You can be a great player and you can

play things that really move people,

but the voice is the one thing

that we all are born with.

I mean, there's so many great singers

who are such a massive presence

on so many rock records, people that we

don't necessarily know their names,

but that had a huge impact.

I remember, um, yeah, there

was a Phil Spector special on.

Um, maybe '65-ish.

Every evening

when the sun goes down

- Whoo

- Hold it. Cut.

And Darlene Love and The

Blossoms were doing this song

that Phil was playing piano on.

Every morning

when the sun goes down

- Whoo

- Whoo

I lay my head

on the pillow down

And I was like 16 maybe.

It just went, like, pow!

That's what you're gonna do.

- Here we go.

- Hey.

- Hi, Darlene.

- Robert.

How about, uh, "Christmas. "

- Christmas

- Snow coming down

- Christmas

- I'm watching it fall


Phil Spector

was the one that started

with the Wall of Sound.

He wanted everybody to know

it was a Phil Spector session,

not a Darlene Love session

or a Crystals session.

It was a Phil Spector session.

They're ringing a song

- Christmas

- What a happy sound

They sound so young. Well, they are.

I was 18. I am now 70.

The Spector records...

and it's funny, 'cause

though that was a sound

we tried to capture ourselves

for many, many years.

And did not, because we didn't realize

it was the sound of youth,

of very young people.

And here Darlene

not only had

the incredible personality,

but she was a vocal powerhouse.

She captures...

Whatever it is, she captures

that particular sound, you know.

Amazing, isn't it?

I was talented

and didn't know it.

When we went in to do

"He's a Rebel" I knew it was gonna be

for a group he had in New York.

And I went, "This song ain't

gonna do nothin' no way.

Let's just go in, take the money. "

And it was my first lead voice.

See the way he

walks down the street

Watch the way he shuffles his feet

My, he holds his head up high

When he goes walking by

Darlene did a lot of ghosting

for records that came out

with other people's names on them.

Not just one of the crowd

The Crystals were out

on the road with Gene Pitney,

and the record was climbing

the charts, going to number one

and they had never

heard the song before.

He's a rebel and

he'll never be any good

He's a rebel 'cause he never

ever does what he should

But just because he doesn't

do what everybody else does

That's no reason why

I can't give him all my love

It's pretty debilitating

to the spirit, I think,

to sit at home and watch

the song that you sang,

and there's someone else lip-synching

and no one knows that you did it.

That's no reason why

we can't share a love

He is always good to me...

What hurt is when people

hear it on the radio

and they go, "Wow, The Crystals.

That's a great song. "

And they sitting there telling me that,

not knowing I did it.

After the success of

"He's A Rebel,"

that's when I said, "OK...

He knows how to make hit songs,

so now I need to sign with him. "

First of all he changed my

name from Darlene Wright

to Darlene Love,

and my first record

was supposed to be

"He's Sure The Boy I Love. "

So we go into the studio.

I'm signed with him now.

Everything is legal. We record

"He's Sure The Boy I Love,"

and I'm tootling down

the street couple of months later

and I hear the disc jockey say,

"Well, the new record by The Crystals. "

And I'm going, "Crystals? What'd he do?

Fly them in?" He didn't tell us.

No, it was my voice on "He's Sure

The Boy I Love. " So I was really pissed.

You couldn't fit two stars

in the room at the same time,

so Phil Spector really

kept her in a box.

The best material that she was

putting out

wasn't even coming

out under her name.

What did you think

after this song became a hit?


'Cause this was

a Darlene Love record.

I'm always amazed at how many

backup vocalists I've heard

and I've encountered who k*ll me,

who I hear 'em and I think,

"Man, you're as good as Chaka

Khan. " There's a lot of them.

You won't believe it, man.

Like, um...

Tata Vega, who is an

unbelievably great vocalist

and is up there with Aretha. I mean,

and... and I'm looking at that,

and I'm thinking to myself,

"What're you doing?"

Speak, Lord

Speak to me

Oh, speak Lord

Won't you speak to me?

I just loved music, is all.

It's all I wanted to do.

I was so lost

I was 16 and I said,

"I wanna go to California.

I don't wanna go to school. I wanna be

a famous singer. " Very selfish.

And my dad said, "All right. "

You had more of a opportunity

on the west coast.

You had exposure.

- Us growing up here in LA...

- Mm-hmm.

- ... was really...

- Hollywood always

right down the street.

So we had serious advantage.

Especially with the Motown people.

- With the Motown...

- Yes.

Oh, my God. But I remember

too coming up, uh,

we would do the long sessions

and we would be going

home in the morning.

- That's right.

- And people would be

just going to work.

Oh, my gosh, Stevie Wonder.

He was it for me.

Tata Vega, uh... incredible voice.

Somebody introduced me,

you know, "This is Tata Vega. "

"Mm-hmm. Nice to meet you. "

And he kept going. I went,

"OK, I gotta do something.

There's a piano. "

The only four little teeny

chords I know.

And I heard this girl

doing all these riffs and like,

I said, "Oh, my God," you know.

He came back.

He said, "You sound like me. "

Is that her? Is that the

same person? It's like...


I just loved music is all.

It's all I wanted to do.

Oh, listen

The world we know

was built on skill

That alone don't count

Ah, you know without the sweat

And toil of mind

it wouldn't be worth a dime

It goes back, like I say,

to the church call and response.

Pull a fish from the water

to the people from the water

To the river to the bank

to the happy to the sad

Through the first

through the last

There's that guy out front,


and then there's sorta the community

behind him, you know, amen'ing.

Everybody, let's sing

Sing, sing

Well, everybody

Let's sing sing, sing, sing

That was sort of

the backup sound

that came straight out of gospel

and the church and was secularized.

That was a sound

of worldly knowledge.

Ike Turner, oh my

goodness. Ike and Tina Turner.

I just... I couldn't believe

he asked me if I wanted to start

working right away.

And I said,

"Well, yes, of course. "

But little did I know

he meant that week.

I think we were

the first action figures of R&B,

The Ikettes,

the Ike and Tina Turner Review.

The girls were

absolutely sensational.

Tina was a force of nature,

of course,

but they were no slouches either.

They were fantastic.

It was what, peace, love

and happiness and, you know,

women burning their bras,

you know, women's lib,

and the timing was just right

for that way to present yourself.

- Oh!

- Oh, no

Ike Turner saw

himself as a pimp,

and he saw his backup singers,

even his wife...

- I do what I wanna do

- ... as the women

who worked for him, his hos.

Do what you wanna

When you wanna

Now do your thing, soul sister

He made sure

that you had a certain look

and that you were able

to walk a certain way

and dance a certain way.

Now I'm gonna try

There are still

artists right now

that view a backup

singer as eye candy.

Personally, that's not backup singing.

That's just playing a role.

Let me see you

There's one artist

that I've worked with.

I just get chills when I think

about how I just was so demoralized,

um, at the office.

We were basically naked.

Dress code:

"Make guys excite. "

Let me see it

Let me see you

You and I

You know, I tried to look nice

and I tried to carry myself

in a decent way,

but how it comes across, I mean,

I don't set out to say,

"I'm going to be

the sex symbol tonight. "

But you posed in Playboy.

There was something in

Playboy, yes, there was.

The English rock scene

was just a... a phenomenon.

They were trying

to sound black.

Most all of them tried

to sound black.

And the only way they

could get that sound,

they had to use us

to get that sound.

Like Led Zeppelin, for example.

Robert Plant or Joe Cocker even.

Once while traveling

Across the sky

This lovely planet

caught my eye

Many years ago,

when I was singing with Ray,

and I saw this guy contorting

in the front row of this concert.

So I'm standing like this,

and I'm telling the rest

of the girls through my teeth,

"Who is that guy?

What's wrong with him?"

Until we die

We're just learning to live together

Learning to live together

Learning to live together till we die

But what I loved about

working with Joe

is that he let us be ourselves.

In England, they were like,

"Go for it.

Give us all you have. "

That... it was the reason for

the innovation of rock and roll.



- Ooh

- Whoo!

He gave us free rein,

and everybody's face

would light up, you know.



And somebody would

start singing something,

or someone would

start playing something

and everybody just...

Until we die

Well, we're learning to live together

And then when I got to A&M, I was coming

down the stairs from Lou's office.

Joe was coming on the lot from

that front gate and he said,

"There she bloody is. "

He said, "I want you to

work on all of my records. "

Learning to live together

At any moment, you would see

James Taylor

coming down the hallway,

or you'd see Carole coming out,

saying, "Come sing with me. "

Till we die

Let me in, honey, to my other home.


What a great studio.

Boy, did we have some

times in this studio.

So it was like very late at

night and I was very,

you know, a little pregnant.

Had curlers and the whole thing

in my hair,

getting ready to go to bed.

And we got a call

"Merry, there's a group of guys

in town called Rolling...

The Rolling somebodies

and they're from England,

and they need somebody

that will sing with them. "

They picked me up

with silk pajamas on,

a mink coat, and a

Chanel scarf on my head.

We said, "It'd be wonderful if

a woman sang this part about,

that I'd written about r*pe,

m*rder and all this.

It was in the middle of the

night and we thought,

"Well, we would love to

have a woman sing this part. "

I didn't know her from Adam.

Then she turned up

in her curlers.

She was in bed

and she got outta bed.

And, you know, it was

a kind of raunchy part to sing.

I said, "What?

r*pe, m*rder?

It's just a shot away?"

I started to sing: "it's just a shot

away, just a shot away" with Mick.

She sings the lyrics right along me,

and with a lot of personality,

which is what was needed.

Don't you worry

w*r, children

It's just a shot away

It's just a shot away

What I liked was that she could sing.

She was able to be Merry.

She didn't have to bring it down.

He said, "You wanna do another one?"

I said, "Sure, I'll do another one. "

I mean, she just did it,

like, couple of times, you know.

So I said to myself,

"Mm-hmm, I'm gonna do another

and I'm gonna blow them

outta this room. "

I went in again and I did that pass

on the part that says,

r*pe, m*rder

Just a shot away

So I had to go up another octave.

r*pe, m*rder

It's just a shot away

It's just a shot away

r*pe, m*rder, yeah

It's just a shot away

It's just a shot away

- r*pe, m*rder

- Whoo!

It's just a shot away

It's a just shot away

Yeah, yeah

You know, you do these things

at sort of two in the morning,

and then you come in the next day

and you go, "Bloody hell, that's good. "

Yeah. I don't hear

a hand clap.

Everybody just tells me,

"You have to bring everything down. "

So when the rock and roll

world came and said,

"No, we want you to sing,"

it saved us.

It saved us. Saved our lives.

Lisa, let's practice that.

Lisa, let's do that.

Let's just...

just do the coda.

So Vinnie, from the coda.

Just the coda.

Mercury falling

I rise from my bed

Collect my thoughts together

But have to hold my head

- Seems that she's gone

- Gone

Leaving me too soon

During "The Hounds of Winter,"

I just indicated to Lisa

that she should, you know,

vocalize and do something

to evoke the spirit

of loneliness.

And out comes this voice,

you know, amazing,

extraordinary, ghostly voice.

So every time she's

performed that with me,

I've asked her to do that.

Lisa, give... you can

give me more than that.

Really? OK.

Give me something to play with.

Let me reel you in.

And I'm also intensely

proud of my band.

My greatest pleasure is to stand back

and let them do what they can do.

And they kick into this song

called "Hounds of Winter,"

and they go to this out vamp.

And Sting was cool

enough to say, "All right, go.

Put a spotlight on her

and just turn her loose. "

Lisa Fischer.

That's a powerhouse

voice, you know, and...

I think of her as a star.

She's a star.

She puts her whole

self into it and then

there's just something totally

transcendent that happens.

You're a little feather,

- and somebody just said...

- and you just go.

You just go and you never fall.

You never hit your head.

You just kinda land.

That's what it feels like to me.

The human voice is

the most pure expression

coming from your own being.

There's nothing between your soul

and your ability and your body and them.

It's not being camouflaged by a trumpet

or a saxophone or guitar.

It's pure, and that's why

they're so sensitive about it,

because they're putting it out there.

Everything's a mess.


Uh... everything's a mess.

It's just a mess.

Uh, these are old gold albums

I haven't put up yet. Um...

That's something from Tina Turner's tour

that was a gift from her.

This is, um, an old poster

of Luther Vandross that I love.

I met him right after that tour.

When I auditioned for him,

I walk into the room

and he's sitting around the

piano and there's this, um,

container with some

fried chicken in it.

I had to giggle.

I was just like, "Yeah!"

- And the eagle

- And the eagle

- And the eagle flies

- Oh...

And he goes...

And the eagle flies

"Sing this for me. "

And I would sing something to him.

He's like, "OK, now can you

give that to me with more air?"

And that was like, "More air?"

I was like, "OK."

'Cause, you know, nobody was talking

about those subtleties, you know.

A lot of his approach

was breath and air.

Sometimes the finesse of a note,

like... No turning back

Like, the way you got

off a note... Back

- One, two...

- And there's a rose

I sounded just like that yesterday

when I was understudying the note.

He really did.

You know what I'm saying?

I was up there.

- He was up there.

- It was me and John Glenn.

After we were done singing,

he says, "Well, " he says,

"if you can dance,

you've got this gig. "

And I was like, "Yay!"

And then I was like, "Uh-oh. "

Wait a minute.

Oh, I've got two left feet.


Are you ready now?

Hoo You sound nice

- Say it twice

- Hoo, hoo

Are you ready?

Won't you tell me, doll?

- Yeah

- Tell me and then tell me again

- Hoo, hoo

- Now do it...

He knew how

to pull each gift together

and make this beautiful...

piece of jewelry.

- All the way

- All

You know, when I

was a kid buying records

by The Shirelles, by Aretha Franklin,

by Dionne Warwick,

one of the first things

that appealed to me

were the background vocals,

and that remained with me.

Luther was a background singer

and a jingle singer in New York.

Back in those days,

Luther was very heavy

and wore three-piece suits,

sweating like a pig,

singing like an angel.

Luther Vandross,

when I first met Luther Vandross,

I went down to Philadelphia,

David Bowie...

David Bowie invited me down,

1973, to hear...

He was recording

"Young Americans. "

And I had one record out

and he cut a couple of my songs,

and so I was tremendously excited

and I took the bus

to Philadelphia.

And I went in the studio and I met David

and I met the band.

And Luther Vandross

was one of the backup singers

in David... David Bowie's

Young Americans band.

My God, I can trot on that.

Time, giving it

- Giving it

- Keeping it back

That's cool. That's cool.

OK, next one.

Gotta do it this way

to get it... One, two...

Well, it was...

It was just fabulous, you know.

And it was David Bowie's

soul record, in that sense,

and he called on those voices that were

rooted in the church to bring that in,

because they bring a world

with them, a world with them.

All night

All night

She wants the young American

Young American

Young American

She wants

the young American

I believe that, you know,

the role of the backup singer

evolves as music evolves.

Music was becoming more

complicated and richer

and more interesting

in the '70s,

and so the backgrounds

became more sophisticated.

It just became more than vocals.

It was the music.

All night

All night

She wants a young American

Young American

And you

find yourself singing

what the background singers sang,

as much as what the lead singer sang.

Mama's got cramps

and look at my hands shake

I heard the news today

Oh, boy

I got a suite

and you got defeat

Ain't there a woman

I can sock on the jaw?

Ain't there a man

who can say no more?

Ain't there a child I can

hold without judging?

Ain't there a pen that will

write before they die?

Ain't you proud that

you've still got faces?

Ain't there one damn song

that can make me

Break down and cry?

- All night

- All night

You know, when you

think about the history of pop music

and all the memorable hooks

that people sing along with,

they're singing with us

most of the time,

because that's what we do on records.

We come in and sing the hooks.


You give me a wah-wah

That show was

just something that was cosmic.

If you were there to experience it,

it will be something

you'll take to the grave.


Claudia Lennear

had that exposure,

and then the next big moment came

for her with, um, The Rolling Stones.

And Claudia Lennear, she was

like the really hot one of the...

of the Ikettes, you know.

She was a really great dancer,

very hot, beautiful girl.

There were a few young

ladies in the background world

who were trying to get to the

leading men as quickly as possible.

You know, Mick and I

had a very special relationship,

and we used to have so much fun.

We used to have so much fun,

just doing silly things,

dressing in each other's clothes.

Just crazy, wacky stuff.

You know,

Mick has his bad boy image

and David had his androgynous look,

but first and foremost,

they were just all really sweet.

Well, anyway, she must have

enjoyed those times,

because she looked like she was.

I don't need no wah-wah

- Wah-wah

- And I know how sweet life can be

At that particular time, there

was so much going on in the world,

with the Civil Rights Movement

and the w*r.

Though there was

so much politically going on,

you know, you're pretty

insulated from it a lot of times

and you only really find it out

when you get out there

on the road,

the places that you stay,

the people that you talk to.

You're able to see the actual

politics and the culture,

you know, what's going on

in the culture.

It was weird. It was happy, musically,

but it was a sad time.

One, two, three.

Turn it up.

I think Clydie King

called me for that session.

She said, "There's this guy.

His name is Lynyrd Skynyrd. "

I said, "Really?" She said,

"Yes, and he wants to do this song

called 'Sweet Home A... '

I said, "Alabama?

Honey, nobody wants to sing

anything about Alabama. "

I certainly didn't wanna sing

anything about Alabama.

Well, I heard Mr. Young

sing about her

Well, I heard

ole Neil put her down

Well, I hope Neil Young

will remember

A southern man

don't need him around

It was a moment

when this idea of black power

had a lot to do with people

defining themselves

based on their own ideas,

as opposed to white overseer's view

of how one should behave.

We don't give a f*ck

about whether or not

white people are offended.

We're gonna do our thing.

Sweet home Alabama

My husband was 19

years older than I was.

He said, "Oh, you need to sing

'Sweet Home Alabama. "'

I said, "Well, why?" He says,

"You'll understand later in life. "

He said, "Right now, you don't

understand, Merry. You're young.

You don't... you don't

really understand. "

In Birmingham they love

the governor, boo-hoo-hoo

Now we all did what could do

That's what we were doing,

we were living.

We were living the moment,

living that emotion, creating.

It was basically like a slap

in the face. A-ha, sweet home Alabama.

We got your sweet home Alabama.

But we gonna sing you anyway, and

we're gonna sing the crap out of you.

If given the opportunity,

we will demonstrate our value

beyond any reasonable doubt,

so much so that going forward,

when you start to define singing,

it's going to be based on

this transformative sound

coming out of these

backup singers' mouths.

My way of being an

activist in our struggle

as a black people

was to do the music.

Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord

It's the last line.

Lord lift us up

Where we belong

Where the eagles cry

On a mountain high

Lord lift us up

Where we belong

Up where the thrill below

Up where the free winds blow

Any song that you can name

with background on it,

either I was doing it

with a bunch of girls,

or either the Waters

were doing it.

We always went

in the studio with,

"God, we're on this song. "

And we would always do our very

best, like it was ours.

- Patti LaBelle.

- Patti LaBelle.

- "You Are My Friend. "

- "You Are My Friend. "

The Bad Girls album.

Toot-toot, ahh, beep-beep

That's when we really cleaned up.

- Whitney Houston.

- Whitney Houston,

"The Greatest Love of All. "

- All those LPs.

- The Disney characters.

- Yes.

- That's us on there,

the "Small World," you know.

- You hear all that singing.

- Lion King.

- Uh-huh.

- Growing Pains.

As long as we got

each other..

The biggest selling record

in the history of records,

Michael Jackson's Thriller.

'Cause this is Thriller

And the biggest

selling movie, Avatar.

It's some bird sounds

and things like that.

Stuff like that,

you know, different things... But doing

this kinda just took us away

from doing our own records, you know,

and stuff like that,

which we used to do.

Singing, you know,

oohs and aahs and...

It's kinda fun for a minute.


I'm not sure if I'd like

to do it for a living.

I love you baby like

a flower loves the spring

And I love you baby

like a robin loves to sing

And I love you baby, like

the schoolboy loves to play

Oh, and I love you baby

River deep and mountain high

Phil Spector's name

started getting big,

my name started getting big,

because the rock and roll people

like Bruce and Elton John

and Stevie wanted to know

who that girl singer was.

I want you baby

I mean, she without question,

is a lead singer.

You started to pick up that voice

and you began

to have an allegiance to that voice.

River deep, mountain high

If I lost you, would I cry?

That made me wanna be out there

by myself even more as a solo artist.

Baby, baby

I saw then I'd have to leave that group

to become a solo singer.

Singing background, to me,

it was like a rehearsal for what I was

gonna do for my project.

I wanted to sing as Merry Clayton,

to the masses. I wanted to get

my stuff out to the masses,

and God sent me Lou Adler.

Merry consciously wanted to be

a solo artist and a star.

Whenever Merry appeared,

standing ovations.

I mean, it's as if they never had seen

or heard someone like that.

Southern man

You'd better keep your head

Don't forget

what your good book said

When it came to my project, I was

gonna kick ass and take names.

Southern man

When will you pay them back?

I heard screaming

Bullwhip cracking

How long? How long?

How long?

Baby, how long?

She made three

really good albums.

They all sound like somebody

that's as big as Aretha Franklin.

Why don't you get

yourself together?

Get your heart, your mind

And your soul together, oh

I think Lou did a great job

and A&M did a great job

promoting my records here.

I think you do, number one,

have to have that k*ll spirit,

to really want it.

Now, Merry Clayton got the k*ll spirit.

I don't know why

she wasn't a superstar.

One day I'm gonna cut him down

You see I heard screaming

Bullwhips they were cracking

How long? Oh, how long?

Can you tell me?

Oh, southern man keep your head

We did everything possible,

and it just didn't take.

The industry,

it was controlled.

There were rules.

She was a gospel singer.

There's only one Aretha.

You know, and that's the way

they felt in those days.

It could only be Aretha.

Only could be Diana Ross.

Good book said

Well, you can't

forget what your

- Good book said

- Oh

Yes, I became frustrated at one time,

said, "Damn, the record didn't

go any further than this?

What're we doing wrong?"

I felt like if I just gave

my heart to what I was doing,

I would automatically be a star.

Southern man

I think what happens with

the whole issue of background

versus lead singing is, you know,

the material that you're given

and how you work with producers.

In the mid '70s, Darlene

Love is finally freed

from her contract

with Phil Spector.

I had signed with Gamble and Huff.

Who were, at that time,

the hottest thing out there.

And I say, "OK, here's my career.

It's gonna really go now. "

And, uh, there was

another door I ran into.

Within weeks, they sell her

contract back to Phil Spector

and the nightmare continues.

This was the new Phil Spector.

He did the Beatles thing and,

you know, he was a big star,

so now he's gonna act like a big star

in front of this little star,

Darlene Love,

and I wasn't having it.

It got to be so bad,

I just said, "You know what?

I've had it. "

That's what I said to myself.

Took the earphones off my ears,

put 'em in the chain

picked up my coat, put it on

and walked out the studio.

I didn't see Phil Spector

no more for over 20 years.

Many of these singers

came out of the music business at a time

when the singer depended

on a songwriter,

somebody who knew

how to feature their voice,

somebody who knew how

to create a hit arrangement.

Those are a lot of things

to be dependent upon, you know.

And I know so many people

with incredible voices,

but if you don't find someone

who understands who you are,

you can be a great singer

and just not... and that...

just not make that next step,

you know. There's...

I mean, the country's filled

with them, you know.

There's no guarantees

in entertainment.

There's no... no guarantees.

I had been offered the chance

to go solo several times,

and then ultimately, I ended up

with Warner Brothers.

The studio was smoking.

It was just...

and it was just amazing.

It was just amazing and...

And how was

the record received?

Mm... not that well.

If you are out there and

your name is on that doggone marquee,

the pressure is on 'em, and sometimes

that can... that can cause, uh,

problems in a person's life.

I had a contract as a solo artist

and then I was kept on, but shelved.

So I was on Motown, but not.

And it hasn't been easy.

You know, there's stuff

that goes on with people.

I had a daughter to raise.

I had a band to support.

I mean, it just got crazy.

The kind of feeling

that you get

from people

screaming in the audience,

if you're always looking for that

in life, you're gonna crash.

The focus wasn't

on music anymore.

I had to send my daughter to live

with my brother and his kids,

while I was trying to scrape

things together to pay the gas bill.

I remember her putting out a record,

but then I looked up and then...

I didn't see Claudia anymore.

She said thank you and goodnight,

that's what she said.

I thought people would be

banging down my door for deals,

and it didn't happen like that.

"You're too fat.

You're too old.

You know, you should seriously

think about another career. "

And after that, it's hell.

I think if I had "made" it,

like what the world...

millions of dollars, all that,

I probably wouldn't be sitting in this

chair talking to you right know,

'cause I would have OD'd somewhere.

It's not a level playing field.

It never is a level playing field,

and you come into life understanding

that. It's not about fairness.

It's not really about talent,

you know.

It's... circumstance,

it's luck. It's destiny.

I don't know what it is, but

the best people deal with that.

Working with Michael

really did inspire me,

and saying like, "Wow,

it's OK to dream this big.

It's OK to realize your dreams. "

I still believe


You'll come around

She's representational of

what's happening with background singers

at this point. I know she aspires

to be a solo artist, though.

I pray

This last tour, I heard from other

friends that were with Michael

that he just loved her and,

of course, she got the job.

You know, we were so excited

for him and for us to be

able to do this show,

and it was coming together.

I can't do that.

But you're fine to do it.

I gotta save my voice.

I ain't going nowhere

'Cause I...

And then all of a sudden,

we're on our way to rehearsal

and we get the news and it's like,

"You gotta be kidding me.

Like, how's that even possible?"

We'll always be waiting

So somewhere in me

It's such an overwhelming

shock just to go from

almost on our way

to this huge show,

to all of a sudden, he's gone.


I was crying

throughout the service

and I wasn't really emotionally

in a place to sing,

but, actually, it

wasn't too unfamiliar to me,

because that kind of feeling

and that reverence

reminded me a lot

of church service,

so that's how I felt

when I was there.

But, you know, I didn't

really realize at the time

billions of people

were watching it.

And a star is born.

We are the world

Judith, thank you so much

for joining us. Just 24 hours ago,

I think you were brought

to the world's attention

by doing one of Michael's

most famous songs ever.

Well, what you saw...

When you're a background singer,

it is a springboard in the beginning,

but it can easily become quicksand

if that's not what you wanna do.

Ever since the Michael Jackson


I've turned down almost

every background singing gig,

because I knew that

if I kept doing it,

then becoming an artist

would become more difficult.

I think the world

needs to hear her

and I didn't want her to go

the way of background singing.

I put together the girls for Elton

to go on tour and they wanted Judith.

Elton loves Judith, but I think

she had to make a decision,

"Do I really wanna

be a solo artist?"

And she's trying to do it,

because she writes songs.

We in the music industry,

especially African American people,

need to know our worth.

We need to know,

as women, we're important.

And I think the breakdown is

when a woman doesn't know who

she is and she settle for less.

Check out your worth,

because you're worth

more than that.

I couldn't sleep.

I was getting in such

a depressed state,

I called my mother and father,

asked them

if they would take care of my kids.

And the most enjoyment I got back

in those days was singing in church.

That's the only place that I was

actually singing during those times.

Only thing I thought I could do and

make a little money to survive,

you know,

I started cleaning houses.

Not the great Darlene Love.

She's not doing... cleaning houses.

I said, "Yes, the great Darlene Love is.

She is cleaning houses. "

One particular Christmas,

I was cleaning this lady's bathroom.

And "Christmas

(Baby Please Come Home)",

my Christmas record,

came on the radio while

I was cleaning this bathroom.

And I just looked up and just said,

"OK, all right, Darlene,

this is not where you're supposed to be.

You're supposed to be singing.

There's a whole world out there

who wants to hear you sing. "

And then the move from California

to New York, my career just took off.

Nice to have you here.

Everything OK with you?

- Wonderful.

- Thanks for being here.

- Come and sing it next year.

- Of course.

I hope you have a good holiday.

I have to plan what I'm going

to do. I have to take a little job.

The bastards got my daughter.

Just so you can keep

your name out there.

But if I didn't do those jobs,

then nobody would really know

who Darlene Love was.

As a young person,

I thought everybody could sing.

When you start getting older,

then you realize,

everyone is not the same,

that these are gifts,

and you have to share

and go out into the world.


Oh, my girlfriend and I took these.

It was supposed to be closed.

You see the zipper is broken.

I swear it was closed.

It started out closed.

Here, yes. It's my Grammy.

I just kinda keep 'em here.

I don't know what to do with it.

I don't know what to do with it.

- You're looking fantastic.

- Thank you.

- I've gotta tell this story.

- OK.

The first time

I met you, I met Lisa,

was you were singing

background on my record.

- Yes...

- "I Know How To Make You," right.

I know how to make you

love me, baby

That's right, that's right.

And I have to tell you,

I mean, everyone in the

industry knows Lisa Fischer.

I wasn't deep

in search of a record deal.

It was just one of those things

that just blossomed,

you know,

and I was really fortunate.

How can I


I just... I think she

is a freak of nature

that I've never seen before.

How can I ease

And the Grammy goes to... Lisa Fischer,

"How Can I Ease the Pain?"

- How can I ease

- How can I ease the

Oh, pain, baby

I have to thank Luther Vandross.

That's the first thing I have to do.

Without him, none of this would

have been possible for me.

She has her own Grammy. She has her own

recording contract with Elektra Records.

It's different when you're

singing background for someone,

you know, because you're so

into making them happy,

making sure that they

have what they need.

But then, once you're

doing your own thing,

it's like you have to try to

understand what it is you need

and what's gonna

make you happy.

Give it up. Lisa Fischer.

I was working

on a second record and...

I don't know, it just took too long.

It took too long, and

there was this window,

and it just took too long.

I just don't think anyone

knew what to do with me.

I don't think

I knew what to do with me.

That's something

I never really understood,

just the business part of it.

It takes a tremendous

amount of energy

to be a solo artist and a tremendous

amount of ego to want to do that.

And she's never

had that kind of ego.

I think there

is a psychology behind it.

I think most background

singers will agree

that we're not really

good self-promoters.

You know, the industry

is for those who put themselves

on display and are willing

to play the game,

and some people aren't.

In a strange way,

the gulf between the lead singer

and that group of backup

singers couldn't be wider.

You're going into a group format

where you sacrifice individuality

in order to arrive at that blend.

And the blend is something that's

not just infectious for the listener.

It's... it's the transformative

experience for the singer.

And some people

just wanna stay there.

Real musicians,

there's a spiritual component

to what they do.

It's got nothing to do

with worldly success.

Their music is much

more of an inner journey.

Any other success

is just cream on the cake.

There's this idea that you can

go on American Idol

and suddenly become a star,

but you may bypass

the spiritual work

that you have to do to get there,

and if you bypass that, then

your success will be wafer thin.

People lose

the heart of a lot of it

because they haven't

grown up with, you know,

having to go through that,

what I call wood shedding,

having to really say,

"OK, let me focus in on...

this is what we need to do. "

There's a budget right now,

in every...

every recording budget

that says "for tuning. "

And that's, you know, how many hours

are allowed for tuning.

And I said, "What's that?"

"Oh, we have to tune all the vocals. "

"Well, why don't they

sing in tune?"

"Well, it just takes too

much time and it's too hard. "

And so they just sing

and then they tune 'em all.

And that's ridiculous to me.

Please welcome Kylie Minogue.

Well, good evening, everyone.

How you feeling?

Actually, I've gotten

a lot of criticism.

I've done a couple of gigs

I thought I would get,

just get away with, you know.

And I even put a wig on.

I put, like, a straight-hair wig.

Like, on this Jay Leno gig,

no one's gonna know it's me. And then

I get these tweets from fans, like,

"How could you do this? You're singing

in front of... behind her,

and, you know,

you go from Michael to... "

And like just criticism, and I'm like,

"How did you even know that was me?"

But I'm, like, right

in the transitional stage here.

I am not at a position where

I can turn down everything,

because all of these things

as an artist

are really expensive

and my dreams are huge.

So I have been doing some

background singing on the side.

I want to stop

and thank you with this now

How sweet it is

to be loved by you

Oh, yes, it is, yeah

How sweet it is

With Judith, I knew

that she had an incredible voice.

I know that she sang in church,

and it was a really wonderful thing

when I heard her songs.

I said, "You're gonna do something. "

How sweet it is

to be loved by you

Stevie is very excited

about me as an artist as well.

He's really shown that.

But it's just an honor to just be able

to... I don't really care.

I mean, I just love singing

with him regardless, you know.

As much as

you're enjoying this,

don't let your dream disappear,

because you wanna be with me

or be around me.

You gotta step out there

and do your thing.

Sing, dah-dah-dah-dah-dah

People singing together

has always meant to me

people coming together.

What moves people

is the humanness of it, not the machine.

That's not the same as someone

singing and playing to you

and putting their heart into it.

And great background singers,

you know, it's moving.

For a long time,

I'd say a good five years,

you couldn't hear

a background on a record.

You wouldn't hear anybody

doing a hum or an "ooh"

or a "la" or... or an

answer line or anything.


There's not as much work

for background singers,

because different ones have

called me over the years

and just asked me, "Are you working?

'Cause my phone hasn't been ringing. "

A lot of home studios, people

have their families singing,

doing all the vocal parts


It's just put a lot

of singers out of work.

When you get to the '90s,

you're starting to see

major structural changes.

The big recording sessions

associated with the '70s and the '80s,

they're not happening anymore.

People didn't want

to pay the background singer,

'cause they don't

think they need it.

They were saying,

"Hey, we don't have to...

We don't have to write that check,"

not realizing that was the sound.

And that's why Joe Cocker

and The Stones and Rod Stewart,

David and all of these wonderful people,

they have their singers there.

They need those background singers.

You do tend to wonder,

is there a cutoff point

or is there a way to leave

this occupation or this life

without dying of heartbreak or,

you know, or just,

is it the biggest jones of all?

You get hooked on music,

you are f*cked, you know.

When you get into a relationship,

you know, there's an energy.

It's like when you see a married

couple walking into a room.

You see them part, but you still feel

that string that binds them.

I never really had that.

So I always felt like I

belonged to everyone, you know,

a part of my heart,

a part of who I am

belongs to everybody.

So, I mean, sometimes

when I, you know,

talk to my friends who have

children or who are married,

I think to myself,

"Hmm, maybe I should've gotten

married and had some kids

and done all that kinda thing. "

But... I'm good.

I am so good.

Lisa is so incredibly versatile,

then you almost, you're so talented,

you almost get like option anxiety.

Well, what do I do?

Should I stay with the R&B thing?

Well, R&B was so big at the time.

Then you're up against Whitney

and Mariah and blah and blah and blah.

Then, maybe I should do a little bit

more of the rock thing.

And her phone rings and it's Mick Jagger

and he says, "Join The Stones,"

and that's a hard thing to, you know,

to turn away from, you know.

That's a...

r*pe, m*rder

It's just a shot away

It's just a shot away


It's great to have

the female voice, you know,

otherwise it's me, me, me, me and me

and then it's a bit of Keith and...

But still, you know, it's still

the same kind of masculinity.

And then when you can get

someone like Lisa to step out

and you've got a whole

new voice out there.

It's like, I could

hear how Mick was singing it

and I, you know,

react to him a certain way.

My very life today

Like nobody else was in the room.

It was freeing in a weird way.

Gimme shelter

Or I'm gonna fade away

Why isn't she promoting herself

and why is she out with

The Rolling Stones all the time?

It's because she's

comfortable doing that.

She loves doing it

and she's got it all to herself.

She's not stupid.

It's just a shot away

It's just a shot away

It's just a shot away

Shot away, shot away

I wanna be able to walk the streets

and not have to worry about, you know,

putting on sunglasses

and hiding out and, you know,

the tits up in the air

and, you know... I just... I...

I'm just... I'm not feeling that.

I'm just not feeling that.

It's just a kiss away

It's just a kiss away

Kiss away, kiss away

Kiss away

Some people will do

anything to be famous,

and then there are other people

who just will sing.

It's not about anything except

being in this special space

with people, and that is

really the higher calling to me.

Seemingly, every time I get

ready to do something really big,

or something really, really wonderful,

something would just happen

that would just knock me

to my knees, you know.

You don't want everybody to know

you got this at Pick 'n Save.


I said, "God, what is this?

Am I not supposed to be doing this?

If I'm not supposed to be doing this,

then show me I'm not

supposed to be doing this,

and I won't do it, you know. "

But I never was shown.

- Amen.

- Praise the Lord.

And I just stay cool,

stay humble,

stay beautiful

and just do the work.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

If somebody says, "You're gonna

become an international superstar, "

of course everyone would spend

the money and do that.

But if you're living in a little place

and you have no money

and you got a little bit saved

and they say,

"You gotta risk all of that

and you still might be working

McDonald's tomorrow,"

I think you gotta be absolutely

crazy to go after it like that, yeah.

It was just...

I came to a fork in the road

and music wasn't on it.

Meaning, "I'm sorry,

I'm very sorry, or... "

I've been teaching

Spanish for ten to 15 years.

Maybe you're

where you're supposed to be

Safely kept within the crowd

It's always

been a missing link.

You're looking for a reason

to break free

It's been a regret that I

didn't just hang in there,

especially when I see my contemporaries

progressing in their musical lives.

Try to let it out

So much worse

I never said it

wasn't for me, never.

If I did, I was lying to myself.

It's always been for me, always.

Just do it. Maybe that's one way to get

rid of that gnawing once and for all.

Oh, chance

We all need

We all need, we all need

We all need a little desperation

Let's have a warm, warm welcome

for Miss Judith Hill.

Do you want, do you want

Do you want

Do you want a little inspiration?

'Cause every wound

Every wound, every wound

Really needs a little desperation

There's machines that make people

stars that don't have talent.

They don't really sing live.

Someone could have done that for Judith,

but I think what she has is deeper,

and maybe selling 500 million records

is not the best thing for her.

Let it out

So much worse

if you don't try now

It's more than just leaning on your

talent. You gotta be disciplined.

Gotta get up in the morning.

You gotta go do it.

Take a chance

Take a chance...

Opportunity's knocking.

Open the door. Get going, kiddo.

We all need, we all need

We all need

A little desperation

Can I have, can I have

Can I have

In these times that

we're living in right now,

a lot of it is based on

so many other things

that have nothing

to do with music.

Do you want

a little inspiration?

But, you know, at the end

of the day, it's up to you

to perfect that gift

that you've been given.

Put your spirit into that song.

Focus on the words

that you're singing.

Get into the experience

of what you're singing about

and sing your heart out.

A little desperation

Every time you get up,

you might fall down,

but you gotta get back

up again, you know,

and believe me when I tell you,

it's not easy, especially at my age.

I didn't start my solo

career till I was 40.

Tonight marks the 25th anniversary

of a favorite holiday tradition

here at The Late Show.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

please welcome

the remarkable Darlene Love.

Sometimes in our lives

We all have pain

We all have sorrow

But if we are wise

We know that there's

Always tomorrow

- Lean on me

- Lean on me

When you're not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on

And now it is

my honor and pleasure

to induct into the Rock

and Roll Hall of Fame,

and about time too,

Miss Darlene Love.

Somebody to lean on

Please follow your pride

Thank you,

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

I am truly honored and overwhelmed.


So many of us,

Merry Clayton, the Waters,

we stand on her shoulders.

My mother

told this one lady,

"Oh, my daughter's in New

York now. She's on Broadway.

And they go, "What daughter?" Said,

"The one that used to clean your house. "

- Lean on me

- Lean on me

- When you're not strong

- Lean on me

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on

- For

- Lean on me

- It won't be long

- Lean on me

Till I'm gonna need

Somebody to lean on

I've seen artists come and go,

and I look around on stage

and it's the same players.

They're in the game,

or they've stayed in the game

and they're legends

and they're amazing.

Lean on me

- When you're not strong

- When you're not strong

- I'll be your friend

- I'll be your friend

- I'll help you carry on

- Yes, I will

Singing background,

it helped me find me.

It got back to the love of music.

Somebody to lean

- Lean on me

- Lean on me

- When you're not strong

- When you're not strong

- I'll be your friend

- And I'll be your friend

- I'll help you carry on

- Yes, I will, yes, I will

- For it won't be long

- It won't be long

Till I'm gonna need

We have a gift.

We can hear a song

and find our part

and harmonize with it.

Children on the

corner's doing it.

Little babies do it

when they learn to sing.

It's the gift coming out.

Now, what you do

with the gift is you.

Like the old days.

OK, next session.

My boy!

I've got so much love

in my heart for him,

and I just don't feel like me

when he's not around.

Yeah, there are boys

and there are boys,

- but he's a...

- Fine, fine boy

I wanna tell the world

about the boy I love

Just the kind of guy

I've been dreaming of

He's so sincere

When he holds me tight

When I'm blue

He makes me feel all right

He even takes me places

and buys me things

But love is more important

than a diamond ring

All I wanna do is

stay by his side

Take care of him and

I'll be satisfied

'Cause he's got a sweet,

sweet kiss

And a true, true heart

Something tells me

that we'll never part

He's got a sweet, sweet kiss

and a true, true heart

And he's fine, fine, fine

No, he's fine, fine, fine

Let me tell you

He's a fine, fine boy

- Yeah

- Fine, fine boy

I know he's fine

And he's mine

- He's a fine, fine boy

- Yeah, he's mine

- He's fine

- He's a fine, fine boy

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

He's mine

He's a fine, fine boy


Darlene Love!
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