Tina (2021)

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Tina (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

Tina! Tina! Tina! Tina!

Well, hey, everybody!

Come on, give it to me.

I said hi, everybody!

Let me hear you say, "ow!"




Oh, waiting in the storm

Ask me how I feel

When things are going wrong

Ask me how I feel

The night is awful cold

Ask me how I feel

You're much too loose

To hold

Ask me how I feel

You don't treat me tender

No matter what I do

I'm the great pretender

Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh

Waiting in the storm

Ask me how I feel

When things are going wrong

You gotta ask me how I feel

When the night is awful cold

Ask me how I feel

You know

You're much too loose to hold

Come on

And ask me how I feel

I wondered sometimes

if anyone has approached you

to do the story of your life,

which is indeed fantastic.


But I don't want

to play the part.

I've done it.

Who else could play

the part of Tina Turner?

We'll find someone.

I just really don't want to play

the part, you know what I mean?

No, you don't know what I mean

'cause you'd have to know me

to know.

It was just so unlike me,

my life,

that I don't want anyone

to know about it, I mean...

You mean

it'd be too painful or too...

Ah, it wasn't a...

It wasn't...

It wasn't a good life.

It was in some areas,

but the goodness did not balance

the bad.

So it's like not... not wanting

to be reminded.

You don't like to pull out

old clothes, you know?

- Uh-huh.

- It's like old memories,

you wanna just leave that

in the past and done with,

and a lot of things

you don't really wanna say,

but there comes a time

when you do have to say it.

This is interview one, take one.

In 1981, you did this interview

with "People" magazine where,

for the first time, really,

you spoke openly

about your past with Ike.


And I'm curious

if you can remember at all

any of the thoughts

you had around the decision

- to be public about that?

- About my past?

About your past,

but also, I guess,

- about the abuse specifically.

- Yeah. Yeah, that was quite...


Actually, I called my psychic

and I said,

"What's gonna happen?"

'Cause I was really apprehensive

about giving the story away,

because it was telling,

it was really telling.

And she said, "No, Tina,

it's going to do

just the opposite.

It's gonna break everything

wide open."

In the early eighties,

being in "People" magazine was

the equivalent of going viral.

We had 30 million readers,

and if somebody wanted

to reach a lot of people,

there was really no bigger place

to go than "People" magazine.

I was the music editor of

"People" magazine for many years,

uh, and this is

the December 7th, 1981 issue,

when Tina decided

to tell her story.

And it was the first time

she'd told the story

in public to a journalist.

So, um, this is the story.

I reported it and wrote it

for "People" magazine.

This is, uh,

the picture of Tina.

"Tina Turner remains

rock's original Jagger,

a primitive force who,

glittering in sequins

and a gold chain miniskirt,

typically assaults the stage

in mid-scream

with both legs pumping,

hips grinding,

long mane whirling,

and her mouth wrapped around

some of the sexiest sounds

ever set to music.

More than five years have passed

since Tina's bitter break

with Ike Turner,

her long-time husband, sideman,

and music collaborator

on such classics

as 'Proud Mary'

and 'Come Together.'

Only now is Tina able to discuss

what she claims

were the harrowing events

leading up to their split."

I lived 16 years with a man

that I knew there was no way

I could ever be happy with,

but I felt that

I had to stay there.


You have to believe me,

now, when I tell you something.

My ex-husband

was a physically violent man.

I went through basic t*rture.

t*rture? You would say...

You would call it t*rture?

I... To me it was.

A lot of people don't know,

and your magazine

will probably be the first

to make it publicly known.

I was living a life of death.

I didn't exist.

- But I survived it.

- Hm.

And when I walked out, I walked.

And I didn't look back.

People choose

to tell their story

for lots of different reasons.

I think she told me so much

because she wanted

to just tell it

and then forget it.

It didn't quite

work out that way

because now that story

is a great mark of her life.

Ladies and gentlemen,

you've seen them live

from coast to coast.

Now you're about

to see them all together

for the very first time

on national television.

"Hollywood A Go-Go"

presents the fantastic

Ike and Tina Turner Revue!



When I was a teenager

back in the sixties,

I knew of their record

that they had out,

but I had never seen them.

And then they came on TV,

and I saw her dancing.

And that's all I could look at.

I was just so amazed

at this woman!

I remember standing

there watching her

and saying,

"Whatever that is,

I want some of that."

I got the spirit.

It's no different

than being in a church

where you are moved

and stirred to the point

where you could feel it

inside yourself.



Do you like good music?

Sweet soul music

Long as it's swingin'

Yeah, yeah

Get out here on the floor


Dancing to a go-go

And dancing to the music

Yeah, yeah

Spotlight is on me, y'all

And I'm having

A ball, y'all...

Back then, you had

the whole Motown Revue,

you had Diana Ross, Mary Wells,

the Temptations

in these Italian suits,

and were putting forth

an image of sophistication.

And they were all...

...that kind of stuff,

and Tina was more, "yeah!"

That kind of stuff,

it's wild, it's your sensuality,

your sexuality,

and it's in your face.

Dancing to a go-go

And dancing to the music

Did you ever study dancing?

- No.

- No?

And what about...

what about music, uh, singing?

No, no music at all.

Everything is just natural

for me.

I'm a performer.

And I sing and Ike does the, uh,

the managing and producing.

It was Ike's band, but he knew

that in order to...

to be a number one,

he needed Tina, 'cause Tina

was the shining star.


Box top

Let's rock

Don't let it stop

You bet not

Oh, box top...

He gave

Me a mother

And he gave me

A father too

He gave

Yes, gave me everything

And then he gave

He gave me you

He gave...

He gave

Yes, gave me everything...

Could I want...

He was like her hero,

like a big brother.

And he seen her

like a little sister.

That relationship

was very beautiful,

it really was.

He gave me strength

to love with...

I wasn't thinking of...

"I'll go to St. Louis,

and I'll start singing,

and I'll be a star."

I was young, naive,

just a country girl,

and everything

just opened up to me.

And most of all

He gave me you

Tina, you started

your musical career

in a church choir

in your hometown.

Do you consider your musical

roots to be Black gospel?

Oh, yes, certainly.

Black gospel, blues,

BB King's music

was our radio during that time.


What kind of songs

were you singing as a member

of the church choir?

Well, we called them...

Well, it was a Baptist church,

and they were just

spiritual songs, um...

songs about, you know,

love, and, um, giving,

and, uh, and, uh...

doing all of the right things

that make life good.

Those were good times, you know,

to remember all of the church

singing and the choir and all.

When you're in the South,

there's nothing... happened

except the church, the piano,

the preacher.

During that time, I didn't know

about anywhere else,

so seeing Lucille Ball

and Loretta Young,

all the beautiful ladies

of Hollywood,

they were a role model

for a performer.

But I didn't think that

I would actually achieve that,

because, first, I wasn't pretty,

and I didn't have the clothes,

I didn't have the means.

I remember the first

Vogue magazine that I saw,

and I remember my first

French poster of Champs-lyses,

uh, the Eiffel Tower, and the...

the very... very French woman.

I was like, "Ah,

that's what I want!

The world.

That's where I wanna go."

I got the impression

from her, she always felt

a little bit of out of time

or a little bit out of place.

I didn't think she ever felt

like people understood her

or really liked her

for who she was.

And the talent she had,

she finally learned

that she had,

can win you a lot of people

who will recognize who you are

and will become

like your... your real family,

uh, or try to.

Ike, first of all, if we can...

if we can kinda go back

a long way

to when you were a young man,

a lot of people credit you

with doing

the first ever rock and roll

record, "Rocket 88."

- Yeah, that was in 1951.

- Yeah.

How did... how did

that thing happen?

Well... I lived in

Clarksdale, Mississippi,

which is actually 61 miles

from Memphis,

and BB King, uh, my mother,

she practically raised him, you know?

And, um, one night, we was coming

from Chambers, Mississippi, playing,

and, uh, BB,

I asked him, I said,

"Man, can we play a song?"

And he said... he said, "Yeah."

So he let my band play

one number, so anyway,

he said, "Man, you guys

should be recording."

And, man, we didn't have

any material, so on the way up,

we decided to write this song, and

that's when I wrote the song "Rocket 88."

("ROCKET 88"


You women

Have heard of jalopies

You've heard

The noise they make

But let me introduce

My new Rocket 88

Yes, it's straight

Just won't wait

Everybody likes

My Rocket 88

Baby, we'll ride in style

Moving all along

Ike Turner is a very

important part

of R&B history.

Everybody relied on him

'cause he really knew music,

and he scored a real hit record

with a song in 1951

called "Rocket 88."

People say it's

the first rock and roll record.

And when it comes out,

Chess has credited it

to Jackie Brenston

and his Delta Cats.

Ike Turner did that song,

you know.

He made everything

about it happen,

and it's credited

to one of his saxophone players.

Imagine how he feels about this?

And I think that's the story

of his career.

I think he became paranoid

about that,

he said, "People are always

trying to rip me off."

He was always obsessed on it.

"Everybody leaves me.

I make 'em, you know, popular

and get a hit record

and everything for them,

and they all leave me."

Ike had a problem

of writing songs for people

and they would leave,

and I promised him

that I wouldn't leave him.

In those days,

a promise is a promise.





There's something on my mind

Won't somebody please

Please tell me what's wrong

- You're just a fool You know you're in love

- What you say?

- You've got to face it To let it explode

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

- You take the good Along with the bad

- Yeah, hey, yeah

Sometimes you're happy

And sometimes you're sad

One more time

- You know you love him You can't understand

- Tell me about it now

Why he treats you like he do

When he's such a good man...

I finished school,

and I went to a recording studio

and I did a demo,

and that's when

the hit record came.

Oh, now I must be a fool

'Cause I'll do anything

He wants me to do

- Now tell me how it goes

- You're just a fool

- You know you're in love

- Yeah, one more time

You've got to face it

To let it explode

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Ike came in

and he said, you know,

"The people in New York

are very excited.

We got a hit record."

He was very excited, you know.

And then there was a contract

started coming in.

I was very ignorant

to show business.

I didn't have any idea

what it was about.

She really was young.

She never had no ambition

to be some kind of superstar,

but she... when she sang,

she just... she just had it.

And Ike exploited it.

He had to make sure

he was gonna get his this time,

so he makes sure

that his name is on it.

And that's when he put

the whole show together,

the Ike and Tina Turner Revue,

and gave her

the name Tina Turner.

Sheena, Queen of

the Jungle, it was a TV series.

"Tina" and "Sheena," I guess

it just sounded close to him,

and it sounded good,

"Ike and Tina Revue,"

as a whole entity.

So he changed it,

didn't even ask her,

she didn't know anything

about it.

Tina was the gold mine,

he knew that.

He created

this Frankenstein thing,

and he had to control her.

So he had to change that thing

from, "being my little sister,

no, no,

you've gotta be my wife now."


You'd never know

from one minute to the next,

Ike could be having a good time,

and everybody was having

a good time,

and it could just flip

in a second.

And I think, with... with women,

I think, you know,

he figured

he had the upper hand.

And especially like with Tina,

you know, that was like...

I think him instilling in her,

"You'd better be good,

or, you know,

I'm gonna beat the shit

out of you."

And did on many occasions,

you know, I mean,

and for no reason,

a lot of times, it was just...

I really don't know.

I don't think he knows

a lot of the time.

I felt obligated to stay there,

and I was afraid.

And I stayed.

That was just how it was.

I felt very loyal to Ike,

and I didn't wanna hurt him.

I mean, sometimes, like,

after he'd beat me up,

I'd end up feeling sorry

for him,

and why am I feeling sorry?

I'm sitting here

all bruised and torn,

and then all of a sudden

I'm feeling sorry for him,

you know?

Little things like that.

I was 23 years old or something,

you know,

I mean, early twenties.

I was just all...

How do you call it when someone

brainwashes you like this?

- Brainwashed.

- Maybe I was brainwashed.

Yeah, I was...

I was afraid of him...

and, um, I cared

what happened to him,

and I knew that if I left,

there was no one to sing.

So I was caught up in guilt

and fear.

Yeah, those are the two worst

qualities, I think,

for a young girl

to be caught up into.

And now let's go with

Ike and Tina Turner!



Listen while I talk to you

I'll tell you

What I'm gonna do

There's a new dance

That's going around

I wanna tell you

What they're putting down

Just move your body

All around


Oh, baby...

In those early days,

we'd play three shows a night.

Two shows this place,

two shows that place

and two shows

at the after-hours place.

It was hard work.

I can remember working

as many as four shows a night,

and every night

and every show...

...was packed.

Was packed.

Right now, I'm gonna tell you

a little something about my man.



- My man

- Your man Your man, your man...

He rehearsed constantly.

Even sometimes we'd be driving

to the next show,

and he'd be playing the guitar

in the back

and having Tina sing.

I mean, it was 24/7.

The show has to be perfect.

Every single part of it

has to be perfect.

He was one of those guys

who would, you know,

turn around on stage

and point at somebody,

they know they're getting

a ten-dollar fine

'cause they just blew a note.

He lets 'em know

That he's a one-woman man

My man

She didn't have the glam team,

someone doing the hair

and the makeup

and the stylist

getting the wardrobe.

They did it all themselves.

- My man

- Your man, your man, your man

You know

He's really all right

Your man, your man, your man

Yeah, yeah, yeah

He treats me...

The only freedom I had

was when the Ikettes and I

got the dancing ready

and I got the dresses ready,

and we'd get everything,

except we didn't even know

what song was coming up.

He would, "duh-dum,"

do it with the guitar, you know?

Here in our home

My man

It was awful in a way,

but it was a lesson.

Now that I look back,

I see it as a training.

You... you adjust to

what is given,

and that is what was given

at the time.

He controlled the music,

and she had to...

It was always his music,

and it was...

which is very samey, if you

listen to it all the time.

A lot of it's just brilliant.

I love those records.

But it's... it's of a type.

It's one thing.

It's Ike Turner's stuff.

And she... I think she had

broader tastes than that.

She must have felt there was more

you could do with music than this.

I think she probably had

a bigger dream than...

without knowing it, than he did.

People started to see

that there was more to Tina

than what Ike had to offer her.

Especially after the "River

Deep Mountain High" album,

you know, with Phil Spector.

Phil Spector was

the greatest pop record producer

of that period.

He played the studio

like an instrument, you know,

and he found all these singers,

and he made

these wonderful records.

And when Phil Spector wanted to

make "River Deep Mountain High",

Ike's presence

was not necessary.

Just bring Tina in,

'cause she's the star.

Spector didn't want Ike

nowhere near the studio,

so he paid Ike

X amount of dollars

to get him taken care of,

so to speak,

so that he wasn't...

wouldn't interfere with Tina.

And that was the first time

they gave Tina...

her chance to sing differently.

I remember

starting to sing with Phil,

that style of singing

which I had been singing.

When I was...

One more time.

And he said, "No, no, no, no.

Just sing the melody."

And I liked that.

That was a freedom

that I didn't have.

You know, like a bird

that gets out of a cage.

I was excited about singing

a different type of song.

I was excited about getting

out of the studio on my own.

It was a freedom

to do something different.



When I was a little girl

I had a rag doll

Only doll I've ever owned

Now I love you just the way

I loved that rag doll

But only now

My love has grown

And it gets stronger

In every way

And it gets deeper

Let me say

And it gets higher

Day by day

And do I love you

My, oh, my

Yeah, river deep

Mountain high

Yeah, yeah, yeah

And if I lost you

Would I cry

Oh, how I love you, baby

Baby, baby, baby

It was so big,

and my voice sounded

so different

standing on top

of all that music.

I love you, baby

Like the flower

Loves the spring...

People started to see

Tina was capable

of so much more.

She... she had wings, man.

And I love you, baby

Like a schoolboy

Loves his pet

This is such

an overpowering orchestration,

it's so complex,

it's this record

that just blows out walls.



Oh, baby



It just died

in the United States.

It died.

Nobody wanted to hear it.

And you listen to this record

and you think,

"What's the matter

with this country?"

You know? I'm so ashamed

to be an American.

You know, it's like,

"What's wrong?"

Um, so... And that was a big blow

to Spector's career,

and, you know,

maybe Ike, probably,

was thinking, you know,

"Well, see?

He's not so great.

You should stick with me."

Like any Black artist in

America that do, uh, any tune,

it has to go, like, top ten

on the R&B charts

before the top 40 stations

will touch it.

And "River Deep," uh,

was not a Black record,

you know, and so it wouldn't

make the top ten on R&B charts,

and so, therefore, the top 40

radio stations wouldn't play it.

But where in England, they, uh,

they listen to the record,

and if the record is an R&B record,

it's an R&B rhythm, you know,

if it's rhythm and blues,

it's rhythm and blues,

and if it's pop,

it's pop, you know,

and so it got played over here.

It never got played in America.

The Black jockeys

say it's too white,

the white jockeys say

it's too Black.



I was at this party

That had the doors

All closed

All this funny smoke

Kept goin' up my nose

They had this joint

That they was passin' around

But when they got to me

I turned it down...

- You live in LA?

- Yes.

What sort of life do you have?

Well, my life is sort of based

around my four sons.

I have a housekeeper that takes

care of them when I travel.

Being a wife and being Tina

at the same time

is almost like a split person.

But I'm able to separate

the two, so everything is fine,

and the whole thing is sane.

But everybody got tired

Of blowin' that grass

I told 'em at first...

Ike Junior and Michael

were Ike's kids

by Lorraine, his previous wife.

Tina had Craig when she was

with the saxophone player,

Raymond Hill,

and then she had Ronnie,

you know, with Ike.

They were, like, all together

by the time I met Tina.

Michael, don't stand

on that... that door,

don't lean

on that door like that.

I made myself a family.

I totally psyched myself out,

and I made a home,

and I found some pleasure

in that home every now and then.

Birthdays with children,

and dinners,

Thanksgiving dinners,


but at least I had

some sense of a life

of what I had always wanted.

But I was just too stoned

To take that ride

Where my trophy at?

Give me my trophy.

That's a water boy trophy,

it's not...

- Where's Mother's new trophy?

- Hey, Craig?


She was gone most of the time.

Over a period of eight years,

everything was basically

the same,

eight months on the road,

four months back,

eight months on the road,

four months back.

She was very, very strict, um,

particularly when she was home.

We couldn't have company

unless we finished our homework,

we had to do our chores,

we had to eat breakfast,

lunch, and dinner

at the same time.

She really took

to raising us personally

because, basically,

that was her happiness

to a certain extent.

Everybody was happy

around my mother,

and she was always sad.

She never had friends,

she never had anybody

she could really confide in.

So, basically, her happiness

was with us

and her time alone in her room.

And there was nothing she can do

about her circumstances.

He had to know

where she was at all the time.

She was on allowance,

she didn't have her own money.

My mother really had

a nonexistent life

other than the studio

and the house.

When I first interviewed her,

one of the questions

she kept on asking was,

"Why did I stay? Why did I stay?

People wanna know why I stayed."

And for me, it was interesting

to think about the v*olence

that happened before Ike,

'cause I think a lot of people

don't know that

she grew up watching

v*olence in her own home.



And right now...

I think you might like to hear

something from us...

- nice...

- Left A good job down in the city

...and easy.

- Working for the man...

- Well, now...

I'd like to do that for you.

But there's just one thing.

You see...

we never, ever do nothing...

...nice and easy.

We always do it nice...

and rough.

And we're gonna take

the beginning of this song,

and we're gonna do it... easy.

- Rolling

- Rolling

- Rolling on a river

- Rolling on a river My, my


I left a good job

- In the city

- Down in the city

Proud Mary keep on burning

- And we're rollin'...

- Rollin'

I was truly a friend to Ike.

I had promised

that I would help him...

so I was still trying

to help him to get a hit record.

The river

Two, three, four, come on!


Now I left a good job

In the city

Working for the man

Every night and day

And I never lost

One minute of sleepin'

Worryin' 'bout the way

Things might have been

- Big wheel keep on turnin'

- Turnin'

- Proud Mary keep on burnin'

- Burnin'

- Rollin'

- Yeah

- Rollin'

- All right

Rollin' on the river

I said we're rollin'

- Rollin'

- Yeah

Rollin' on the river

River doo-doo-doo



"Proud Mary" became a hit.

We were all over America.

And I pumped a lot

Of 'tane down in New Orleans

But I never saw

The good side of the city

Till I hitched a ride

On the riverboat queen

Big wheel keep on turnin'...

That's fabulous.

Who settles

an argument if you...

Ah, things are not always

the way they look, you know.

No, Ike's kinda quiet.

Yeah, he's... he's...

Ike is very bashful

when the lights are on, and...

But on the other hand,

when he's in

the recording studio,

Ike's the one that does

all of the ruling around,

the talking,

he's the whole thing.

But in public, he's like this.

Yeah, 'cause he can't get it

together. It takes him...

You better do it

I said we're rollin'...


Rollin' on the river



I swear you're behind me.

Y'all behind me, right?

These are... I'm on...

I'm on a speed above

where y'all feel that.

You don't hear me.

I'm just sayin', like,

you're telling her...

you're tellin' her that,

and she's not getting there.

I'm just trying to give her

an example...

of how to sing.


In the later part of their

career when, you know,

the hits weren't coming in,

a lot of money wasn't coming in,

he started placing

the blame elsewhere.

You know, he took a lot

of his anger out on her.

Most of the time, um,

when Ike would come home,

he would take her

back in the room

and then close the door.

And there'd be the screams.

And we were so petrified,

we were in bed

with the, you know,

covers over our heads.

And then I remember

one time he was, uh...

...he was, um,

striking my mother,

and I was young,

and, uh, he had thrown

some scalding hot coffee on her.

And I went,

banged on the door...

and I said, "Mother!"

And then it stopped,

and then she said,

"Craig, I'm okay."

He came to apologize,

and he apologized

for the third-degree burn

but didn't apologize

for throwing the coffee on her.

At that point in time,

I hated that man

for the rest of my life.

And I will never forget that,


I had begun to not really care.

And I was there alone.

How can I tell you

what alone meant?

Tell me have you seen him

We got to the hospital,

and they pumped her stomach

and Ike was out talking

to the doctor or something,

and I was in there,

just her and I,

and I was scared shitless,

and I said,

"Tina, you can't die on me.

Come on, now."

It just really scared me,

'cause I didn't know what had...

you know... if she was gonna

pull through or not.

- These are some difficult questions, now, and...

- Okay.

...there was a time

when she was unhappy,

and there was a su1c1de attempt.

Can you talk

about her unhappiness

and how that made you feel?

Well, I can't really say

how I felt

because I never knew

how she felt.

I didn't know why

she attempted su1c1de, uh, uh,

because I thought maybe

that it was a, uh, uh...


Let me start this again.

Uh, all right,

at first, Tina, um,

attempting su1c1de

two or three times,

um, I think that

this was some form of attention.

Um, she was unhappy about

the things that I was doing.

Uh, um, me being a womanizer,

being with all these women

and stuff like this.

And I think that, uh,

the real truth

is that she was trying

to be something that she wasn't.

She was... Wait a minute,

I wanna clarify this.

She was trying to be

what she thought I wanted.

Not what she... what really was.

She was trying to please me,

and so therefore,

she was going through

a lot of hurt

and I think she had a very

unhappy life because of that.

I think we were living a lie,

and, uh, if I'd have

used my head any at all,

I would've known better.

And so this is what led

to our, um, downfall.


Buddhism was a way out.

And it changed

your attitude towards

the situation that you're in.

The more you chant,

the more, you know,

you become liberated mentally.

Nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo,

nam myoho renge kyo...



Yo, ha-yo



Every woman's

Got to be respected

Every little girl's

Got to have her respect

Ike had recognized it too,

that he couldn't control

her anymore

because she just wasn't

putting up with any of that.

Right now,

I'm gonna talk about respect,

because you see...

respect is what I want.

I think it's what most

of us want.

But, you know, we don't always

get what we want.

Especially us women.

Tonight, I'm gonna speak

for us women, you see,

because somehow, the men

always manage to get

what they want.

That's right.

They do what they wanna do

whenever they want to do it.

And you know what?

They do it with whoever

they want to do it with.

But that's just started us women

to thinking.

Yeah, we can think too.

We think that whatever's

out there in the streets

must be good.

'Cause your man's been

out there a long time.

Now us women wants to go out

there and get us some too.

I want you to...

To get together

I want you to try to feel it

Try to feel it

And I want everybody

To do a soul clap

Clap your hands

Clap, clap

Clap, clap

Clap your hands, everybody

Show some respect

Just give me

Just give me respect

Just give me

Just give me respect

- Just give me

- Got to have

- Just give me

- Come on

- Just give me

- Got to have

Oh, yeah...

Okay, okay.

The memory of that

was horrendous, of course,

because I was practically

run over by a truck.

I didn't... I didn't...

Well, I wasn't thinking clearly,

of course.

And so I thought at that point

was a time when I could cross.

But, you know, I felt like

I was moving slow.

And there was that big truck,

really one of the big ones


and the horn blew and...

And what I mostly remember

is flashing lights.

The next day,

it was the Fourth of July,

and I said,

"Well, the Fourth of July,"

but I'll remember every time,

"Oh, Fourth of July,

that's when I got my freedom."

The divorce was... clean-cut.

I got nothing.

No money, no house, no car.


That is when I realized

that I could use Tina

to become a business.

And so I said,

"I'll just take my name."

Ike fought a little bit

because he knew

what I would do with it,

and it was through court

that I got it, Tina.

To keep it... is to reclaim it.

Reshape it, refine it.

Also a kind of like,

"f*ck you" to Ike.

"Yeah, you gave me this name,

but watch what I build with it."



When you walk into the bar

I'm the first one

You're gonna see

Business and pleasure

Just don't mix

So can I take

Your order please?

You fellas know

I don't take no mess

It's a whole lotta woman

In this dress

Oh, they call me

Root toot undisputable

Rock and Roller

I got a fine fanny

But a rough-talking Annie

Rock and Roller


I realized I had to go to work.

I mean,

I couldn't just stay there

and wait for what?

I had to work.

After Tina left Ike,

somebody had to pay

for all the dates they blew,

and Tina wound up

with all the bills,

none of the money.

She would go do Vegas.

She'd go do, like,

McDonald's conventions.

She'd play anywhere just

to make the money to get by.


Knows to keep it cool...

Ike wasn't paying

anything at that point.

So she's gotta support

herself and the kids.

So that's when I started

booking television shows.

I mean, we were doing everything

from "The Brady Bunch"...

Too many nights...

- ...to "Hollywood Squares".

- ...in "The Hollywood Squares"!

Whatever TV shows

we could get her on,

because that was the only

source of income at that point.

Ike and Tina, where's Ike?

I don't know.

So nice to have you

on this show, Tina.

Thank you.

What I remember

is there was always the shadow

of Ike Turner.

It was really hard for her,

you know.

Is it all right for me

to ask you if you and Ike

are together, or separated,

or divorced, or...?

Separated and divorced.

Separated and divorced?

Yeah. We are divorced.

- Yeah, it took a while for you to decide.

- Oh, yes.

Well, yes. It was...

I mean, we're family,

- we've been together for, like, 16 years.

- Yeah.

- Ike and Tina Turner, that... that was a unit.

- Yeah.

They still... People still

call me "Ike and Tina."

- Ike and Tina.

- Yeah, they do.

He triggered a lot of trauma.

Just the thought of him.

You know,

'cause there was a lot.

But she's a professional.

She'd get on stage,

you'd never know

anything was up. Ever.

Five, six, seven, eight.

My head

I hear music in...

I hear music

That lets me know

There's a party going down



I was... I was becoming stagnant.

I knew that there was

something else,

and I realized

I wasn't going anywhere.

I'd be in Las Vegas all my life.

Five, six, seven, eight,

change position,

two, three four...

I was ready to get out there.

This is fine,

what you've got so far,

but it's not good enough.

Well then, the next question is,

but you'll have to get

someone to organize that.

That is when

Roger came into the picture.




Gonna hurt someone

Before the night

Is through...

Well, I was working

with Olivia Newton-John,

and we were doing

a television special

called "Hollywood Nights".

And Olivia had this desire

to have really strong

female singers

back her in one or two songs.

If it takes all night

We had a list

of people we asked,

Toni Tennille,

Captain & Tennille.

I think Peaches was in it,

Tina Turner, and that's

when I first met Tina.

It's gonna be

A heartache tonight

A heartache tonight

I know

Yes, I know

It's gonna be

A heartache tonight...

I remember when I walked

into Roger's office,

he looked at me.

I will never forget that look.

It was in wonder, like,

"How old is she?

What can I do with her?"

All of that. And then I said,

"I simply want a manager.

I don't know what to do.

I need to work,

I want to work."

And then he said, "I need

to see what you do."

And so I said, "Well,

I'm opening in San Francisco."

Now you've heard my story

You heard

Every word I say...

They were doing

a two-week residency

at the Fairmont Hotel

in San Francisco,

two shows a night.

Fahrenheit or centigrade

They give us fever

The first show was supper,

you know,

everyone eating dinner,

and I'm like going,

"Christ," you know, this is...


It was very cabaret,

and they did a lot

of cover versions.

I didn't react that excited.

'Cause I didn't think I could

do anything with her.

Way to burn

What a lovely way to burn

Burn, baby, burn

Burn, baby, burn

Anyway, we stayed

for the second show,

and the second show,

being like a nine o'clock show,

it was people had some drinks,

they were standing on tables

and Tina was just working

the audience.

And I went, "Wow. What a great

live performance."

People getting loose now

Getting down on the roof

Folks are screamin'

Out of control...

You know when you meet an artist

if they have got something

that grabs you,

and, obviously, it did to me,

and she was also

incredibly determined.

Roger said to me,

"What do you want?"

I had a dream.

My dream is to be the first

Black rock and roll singer

to pack places, like the Stones

or those people that are packing

those kinds of places, you know?

"I want to fill the rock stadiums,

like Mick and Keith."

And I said, "Yep, that's

what we're gonna do."

I had no idea

if we were gonna do it,

'cause there weren't any female

rock artists

in the world selling out

football stadiums.

Tina's problem

after leaving the Ike orbit

was now she's on her own,

she's just Tina Turner,

but who is that?

She is, by this point,

older than your average

pop stars,

she's a middle-aged woman.

Is she R&B, is it...

was it disco?

Wasn't she doing that recently?

It was very unclear,

her image was unclear.

When Tina said,

"I'd like you to manage me,"

I immediately thought, "Well,

we've got to get her

a record deal,

we've got to change the image

so people

at record companies know

that you're not just

a Vegas cabaret act.

We're gonna make it current."

I said, "We're gonna have

to make a rock show."



I was ready for change.

I was ready for that.

Well, first of all,

the long hair was a...

a look that I used

for Ike and Tina.

So cut the hair.

That was a change immediately.

Then the Bob Mackie

clothes went.

Pulled out some

of my rock and roll dresses,

the shorter ones.

And I went to work.

Five, six, seven, eight!



Ladies and gentlemen...

Tina Turner!

Can I introduce myself?

I'm a girl

Of financial wealth

Sound in mind

Body, soul, and health

And I wanna k*ll his wife

I have this urge

To take a life...

We hired a young band.

We didn't really have any money,

so Tina, who had always knew

what she wanted them

to look like,

said, "We'll put them

in black karate suits."

The band hated them.

The musicians were like,

"Why do we have to wear these?"

I said, "Well you know, you each

get a different color belt."

He'll escape

Down into Mexico...

We looked a little bit shabby,

but that's what

rock and roll is. It's shabby.

She wanted two girls,

to get away, I think,

from that Ikette thing.

Should I act

Quiet, cold, and deliberate...

She was reinventing herself

as Tina Turner.

And they'll say su1c1de

They won't know who done it...

That was the beginning

of me taking control

of my performance.

k*ll his wife

I was my own boss.

I really wanna take a life

He'll escape

Down into Mexico

Baby, to Mexico

Sell the house

And find a nice young girl

Find a nice young girl

Just so life

Won't hurt no more


Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

So, the minute

we changed the show,

reviews were great,

everything was going well.

And then we started working

to try to get a record deal.

Nobody would touch Tina Turner.

When I first started

trying to look for a deal

with Tina,

the general feeling was,

"Is she still

with that guy, Ike?"

No one had any idea.

Tina needed to be exposed

as, "She's a solo artist,

she's not associated with Ike."

Roger came to me, asking me

if I would be willing

to give the story to the press,

and I was afraid to...

put it out because of

what I might receive from Ike.

I didn't really know too much

about the backstory,

and nobody knew

about the traumas

that she went through.

You know, I just was looking

for a simple comeback story.

Little did I know, you know,

there was this whole legend,

uh, that came about.

I didn't know what to expect.

I wanted to stop people

from thinking

that Ike and Tina

was so positive.

I mean, he was... it was...

that we were such a love team,

or a great team,

and it wasn't like that.

So I thought, if nothing else,

at least people would know.

Tina Turner is a legend,

a major influence on rock stars

like Rod Stewart

and Mick Jagger.

Once, she was teamed

with her husband, Ike.

Now she's on her own,

trying to establish herself

as a star once again.

My life with Ike, it was, uh,

one that a lot of, maybe,

people are familiar with,

of husbands that is, uh,

that practice brutality.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Nobody talked

about sexual abuse,

physical abuse, domestic abuse.

Abuse, period.

Our generation is the generation

that started

to break the silence.

Tina, she couldn't

voice her own opinions.

Everything that she did

was with Ike.

The idea of Tina

as a presence on her own

and having escaped,

people loved that story.

They wanted... You know,

here was somebody to root for.

Once the word was out,

we met a guy called Carter,

John Carter at Capital

who believed in her.

I had always been

interested in artists

that no one else

was interested in.

Once a star, always a threat,

and that's the way I felt

about Tina.

So you play that thing,

you're playing that,

and you're playing

the strum under me,

and we move down stage

with that.

Let's just get that right.

That's exactly...

Carter basically gave us

a development deal.

We tried probably

eight or ten tracks,

still trying to find our way.

We never got quite there.

Stay under me there,

but just come down.

Keep the pulse under me.

Don't lose the...

We record a few things,

and as much as Roger

and I would get enthusiastic

about a song here

and a song there,

it was never really

the body of work that we needed.

And then one day,

Carter rang me up,

beside himself,

because there'd been

a change of management

at Capital Records.

And they'd been in a meeting,

and they'd been going through

the roster of artists, I guess,

and the new management

didn't want Tina on the label.

The new regime comes in...

- Mm-hmm.

- ...and like any new regime,

they've got their own idea

about what they wanna do.

- Right.

- So I flip out,

I go downstairs, and I said,

"Hey, this is my act."

And the classic quote is,

"Carter, you signed

this old n*gg*r douchebag?"

Whoa. Whoa.

"Yeah, yeah, I did,

and I'm really happy about it.

Now pick up the phone

and call Roger Davies."

- Wow.

- He said, "No f*cking way."

And I get on my knees,

and I said,

"I'm now gonna beg you,

and I'm not gonna get up

until you pick up the phone."

And there was a long stare down,

- and he picks up the phone.

- Wow.

Well, he says, "Okay,

she's back on the roster."

- Mm-hmm.

- "You finish your record,

but you understand

that we're gonna do nothing.

That's all there is."

I was held back...

for a very long time.

But I didn't suffer

from those things,

and it's not necessary

to suffer about that

because what can you do

about it? You know?

So I didn't think

about those things.

She always had a belief

it was gonna be okay.

And I think you had to have

that belief to get... keep going.

Radio, as you know in America,

was very categorized.

And there's pop,

and there's R&B, there's urban,

then there's hot AC,

and she wanted to sing rock.

And that wasn't really what

they thought would work.

And that's when we knew

that it had to be England,

'cause England

and Europe got her.

It was London,

it was another whole experience

from America.

You know, it felt like home.

It felt so comfortable

that I could've been there

all my life.

Well I didn't have

that many friends in America

because, of course, Ike,

and then when I left Ike,

immediately, I went to work.

My sons were at home,

they were fine.

My oldest was 28, um...

my youngest is moving

well into his middle twenties,

so not really kids anymore.

I left everything

and everybody behind.

I needed every minute

of my brain

to map my life together.

It's almost like

she had a coming of age

at 40 years old.

The fact that

she has this voice,

this incredible,

incredible voice,

I would say the industry didn't

even really know what to do with.

Roger could see

what could be done

when other people

couldn't imagine

what it could become.

Said, "There's this new kind of

production technique in England,

and there are these new people,

they're getting new sounds,

and you should be part of that."

I was collecting songs.

I used to carry around

this leather bag

full of cassettes

and asking a bunch of people

and, you know,

Terry Britten,

he was a bit of a hero of mine,

and he had songs

I think might work for Tina.

Roger's tea.



"What's Love" is probably

the worst demo ever done

to this date. I mean,

there's no... there's no, uh...


Just none of that stuff.

Very white, very pop.

And nothing remotely

would say Tina Turner.

Only logical...

Originally, it did go

to an English band

called, um, Bucks Fizz.

They were really popular

at the time

and, uh, I think they actually

recorded it.


What's love got to do

Got to do with it?

What's love

But a secondhand emotion?

I was convinced.

I thought "What's Love" was...

it could be a big song.

Tina never really liked it.

It was terrible.

It was awful. It was...

I was rock and roll,

I was not...

That was a...

that was a pop song.

So Roger says, "All right,

all right, all right.

Just one thing,

you've gotta meet Terry Britten,

you've gotta meet him

'cause he's a great writer,

and maybe he can make some

adjustments or whatever."

And I went, "All right."

We walked in, and I didn't know

what to expect at first,

and Terry was like

a little leprechaun.

I mean, he's very short.

He was sitting there,

and his legs were hanging.

There's just something about his

legs hanging that I remember.

She came in,

and immediately, she said,

"Well, you know

I don't like that song,

and I don't wanna do that song,

and it's Roger... Roger

that wants me to do it."

Well, I said, "Well, you know,

if it doesn't work out,

you won't use it,

so let's give it a go."

I had to find a way

to sing the song,

so he would say,

uh, "Tina, sing this

how you would sing it."

So, okay. Then I applied

my heavy voice to it and...

Your hand makes

my pulse react...

She was trying

to get her head round it.

"How's this little...

...work?" Sort of thing,

and, uh, I said to her,

"Tina, this is a jog."

And we both stood and jogged.

I said... and...

she was singing loud,

and I went, "Quieter, quieter."

She said, "If I go any quieter,

I'll be whispering."

I said, "Yeah, that's it." And

we start to jog on this thing,

and suddenly she went,

"I got it, I got it, I got it."

Oh, oh, oh,

What's love got to do

Got to do with it?

What's love

But a secondhand emotion?

What's love got to do

Got to do with it?

Who needs a heart

When a heart can be broken?

I was stunned afterwards,

after the session.

That I'm acting confused...

They weren't used

to a strong voice

standing on top of music.

But I converted it

and made it my own.

I tend to look dazed

I read it someplace

I've got cause to be

There's a name for it...

She said, "You know what?

People are gonna say

this is a Tina Turner song.

It's not Tina doing a cover.

This is Tina Turner's song."

Whatever the reason

You do it for me

Oh, oh, oh

What's love got to do

Got to do with it?

I knocked that album out

in two weeks in the studio.

Done. Finished.

We just went

from studio to studio,

and, literally,

two or three weeks,

the album was done.

We turned up with an album

that sold 20 million copies.

Can be broken...

When the album was out

and we were in New York

at Tower Records

doing a record signing,

and I got the call

from our record company

that it had gone... "What's Love" had

gone to number one on Billboard.

In Tower Records?

This was in Tower Records.

And I just jumped up and I said

to everybody, "It's number one!"

And they all started cheering.

It was wonderful.

You know, when you said that,

I honestly have to tell you,

I know it's gonna sound

real corny, but I mean it,

when I saw you

say that last night,

that this went number one today,

I just, like, burst into tears

because, to me, it was like

there is some justice after all.

I don't know if you feel

that way about it,

but it was very moving.

Number one.

Oh, oh, oh

What's love got to do

Got to do with it?

What's love

But a secondhand emotion?

What's love got to do

Got to do with it?

Who needs a heart

When a heart can be broken?

What's love got to do

Got to do...

And the record of the year is

"What's Love Got to Do with It,"

Tina Turner.

My goodness. This has been

a wonderful evening.

I'd like to take this award

and give it to someone

that's been wonderful to me

as a friend, and in business,

and in many ways, my manager,

Roger Davies.

It's been a wonderful year.

My "Private Dancer" album,

no, I don't consider it

a comeback album.

Tina had never arrived.

It was Tina's debut

for the first time,

and this was my first album.

Tina Turner!

Tina Turner!

It reached a stage where,

after "Private Dancer",

it was unbelievably big.

It was a runaway train.

When you're hot, you're hot,

and this lady is the hottest.

- Here's...

- Tina Turner!

I had my boyfriend

standing in line

since 3:00 in the morning

to get these tickets.

I said, "That's it,

the relationship's over

unless you get me

these tickets."

And if she isn't sexy,

I don't know who is.

Give our honors to Tina Turner.

Stupenda, stupenda.

...Tina Turner.

Um, "Private Dancer",

I think we ended up doing

a hundred and fifty concerts.

And then we went on

to break every rule.

On that album, we did the

biggest tour we've ever done.

We played 230 shows

in 18 months,

everywhere in the world.

This 50-year-old woman playing

at stadiums throughout Europe

and having an audience

ranging from about 15 to 60

was pretty amazing.

- She makes you feel young. She's alive, she's bouncing.

- I know, I feel like

- I'm 20 years younger.

- I can't wait for them to come back.

When I'm on stage,

and it's like 20,000 people,

then you know that

it's all worthwhile, you know.

But it's really a lot

that goes on behind the scenes

when you... I've never

been this big before,

you know what I mean? And you...

Uh, it's just incredible.

We didn't stop.

We played the small halls,

we played the clubs,

we did all the TVs,

we got to arenas.

We eventually fulfilled

her dream

and filled the stadiums.

That concert in Rio

was 186,000 people there.

Tina! Tina!

Hello, Rio!

Give it to me. Hello, Rio!

You can't imagine

what it was like for me

to finally to stand there

and draw all those people.

It's a feeling of, like,

"I did it,"

and it's really genuine.

It's... it is almost like magic,

because you're standing there,

and they're really

giving you love.

Are you ready?

Are you ready for me?

I'm ready for you.




I can't stand the rain

Against my window

Bringing back sweet memories

I can't stand the rain

Do you remember?


How sweet it used to be

When we were together

Everything was so grand

Now that we've parted

- There's the one sound

- One sound

I just can't stand

I can't stand the rain

Against my window

Bringing back sweet memories

I can't stand the rain

Against my window

'Cause he ain't here with me

Oh, oh

When we were together

Everything was so grand

Ah, bringing back some

Sweet memories

- One sound

- One sound

I just can't stand

- Rain

- Rain


- Rain

- Rain

Rain, whoo!


Thank you.

In 1985, she signed on

to do the third Mad Max movie,

Beyond Thunderdome.

Rolling Stones sent me

to cover this.

Great, I would love

to cover this.

She was the biggest pop star

in the world.

I mean, it was already clear

that there were gonna be people

doing these quickie bios

of Tina Turner,

which I thought was really

tacky, so I get over there

and I talk to Roger,

and I said, "You know,

maybe you should have someone

do a book.

You know,

do an actual biography.

And... could be me.

I mean, could be

anybody, you know.

- I don't want to be pushy."

- You pitched to them?

Oh, yeah. Well,

I brought up the possibility

of doing something to forestall

all these bad books

that would be coming out.

When she became successful,

the past came up,

and it got a lot of press

'cause she was also

hugely popular.

People continued

to ask about Ike,

even after she had had

huge solo success.

They'd bring up

the same old stuff,

over and over,

in every interview.

We couldn't stop it.

Ike was, uh, arrested on some

cocaine charges in Pasadena.

- Oh.

- Yeah, for possession

and... and conspiracy,

possibly for dealing.

Any reaction to that?

I, you know, I'd like to hear

all positive things.

I'd love to hear that

Ike had a record deal,

- and he was producing an album on himself.

- Yeah.




I think that she said

at the time that, "I can do this

and not talk about it again.

Everybody's talking about it.

Everybody has this idea

about it, thinks this or that.

So, I know what happened.

I'll say what happened.

Then I won't have

to address it again."

A long line of fans

waited outside

a Barnes and Noble bookstore

for Tina.

The soulful singer is now

also an author,

and she was in town,

anxious and willing

to autograph

a few hundred copies.

It was worth getting sweaty,

going up there, pushing people,

getting them out the way,

seeing Tina Turner. I love her.

"What's Love Got to Do with It"?

Tina's book, by the way,

tracing her rise and fall

and rise again,

is titled I, Tina.

It was a top ten

New York Times best seller,

strict because of Tina Turner.

I mean,

they could put an empty book out

with her picture on the cover,

that book would have sold.

She just felt

maybe it will put it to bed

once and for all.

Which, of course, it didn't.

It just made it bigger.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, hello.

I read your book,

and it's totally

changed my life.

I love you. I thank you.

That story

reached so many people

who felt like they had to kinda

keep their secrets

locked away deep down.

But then I wonder

that thing of, like,

it's like a Pandora's box

situation, right?

Like, "Damn, I gotta tell

this story again?"

And then the film came out,

and just kinda brought

more attention to her name,

for people to see

what happened and everything.

- What'd you say?

- Don't start with me.

I ain't in the mood today,

all right?

It's tangible in the sense

you're watching it.

I'll give up

all that other stuff,

but only

if I get to keep my name.

I worked too hard for it,

Your Honor.

That just changed

everything for her.

That role changed my life.

I mean, I'm not Tina,

and I've got so much,

uh, love from others.

Men, women who have come up

and said,

"You playing her in that story

changed my life."

The story goes out

into people's houses,

and then it becomes

a part of their life as well.

It's Tina Day!

That's hard to wrap

your mind around,

that your life has been

an inspiration,

maybe the worst parts

of your life

has been an inspiration.

We have 50,000

letters downstairs

from women who have also

been through it and survived.

Tina did it, so can you,

let's celebrate.

She's no longer

in control of that story.

That's what happens to icons.

Anna Mae Bullock

has her own life.

Tina Turner

belongs to the world.

Miss Turner, welcome to Venice.

Can you give me your views

on the film?

Well, I haven't as yet

seen the film.

Well, I'm not so thrilled

about thinking about the past

and how I lived my life,

it was, uh... made a story...

the story was actually written

so that I would no longer

have to discuss the issue.

I don't love that it's always

talked about, you see.

I made a point of...

of just putting the news out

to stop the thing,

so that I could go on

with my life.

And this constant reminder

is not so good.

You know,

I'm not so happy about it.

So, do I want to sit in a screen

and watch the v*olence

and all the brutality?

No. That's why

I haven't seen it.

You know,

when you talk to journalists

over and over

for 20 or 30 or 40 years,

memories come back.

She has partly dreams about it,

uh, they're not pleasant.

So I think these are

these things

that come back to her

when she opens that book.

It's like when soldiers

come back from the w*r.

It's not an easy time to...

to have this in your memory,

and then try to forget.

I see it a little bit like that.

Tina today

is a world superstar, um,

but there was a point where you

had to become the Comeback Kid.

How did you get the strength

to get out

of that situation with Ike?

Oh, we are going to talk

about him, aren't we?


I need my fan now,

I just had a flush.

How did I get out

of that situation?

Let me figure out how I can

talk about that, two seconds.

No, no, I know how

to get out of it.

I'm just going to say,

um, something.

Give me two seconds here.

You don't want to think

about those times, you know.

You just want to...

it to just to go away.

But if you're gonna keep

bringing it up,

the brain is saying,

"Oh, you want to remember that."

That scene comes back.

You... you're dreaming. It's...

The real picture is there.

It's... it's like a curse.

You raised a son by him,

a son by another man,

and two of Ike's kids

by other women.

There were always other women

on the scene.

What was that like for you?

When you were married to Ike,

what was the absolutely

worse moment?

What do you think

attracts women to bad men?

Is there a real lowlight?

Something you'd love to forget?

And of course, the book

and the movie features

your allegations

about his bashings.

Tell me about that?

I'm... I'm past it.

It's been 16 years

since I haven't been with Ike,

and the movie and the book

is bringing me back to the past,

of something

that was really awful.

My life is wonderful

at the moment.

I'm a happy person now,

and I don't dwell

on unhappiness.

The trauma is still so deep

that to go back there

makes you feel like

you're actually going back.

If you don't address the wounds

of your past,

you continue to bleed.

You know, she just...

she always had the feeling

that she wasn't loved.

She wasn't, you know,

she wasn't a wanted child.

I think with her mom,

I think that's still the...

the dramatization

of being left as a child,

that never left.

Ma was, uh, not kind.

When I became a star,

of course, back then,

she was happy because

I bought her a house.

I did all kinds of things

for her. She was my mother.

You know, I was trying

to make her comfortable,

because she didn't have

a husband, she was alone.

But she still didn't like me.

Even after I became Tina,

Ma still was a little bit,

"Who did that?"

or "Who did this?"

And I said, "I did it, Ma."

You know, I was happy

to show my mother what I did.

I had a house,

I had gotten a car,

and she said,

"I don't believe it.

You're my daughter,

I know you didn't..."

Something to this affect.

Yeah, she...

She didn't want.

She didn't want me,

she didn't want to be around me,

even though she wanted

my success.

But I did for her

as if she loved me.

He's had a few kind

of ups and downs

in her life as well.

It hasn't...

it hasn't been all happy.

- Right.

- Um...

When... when she's unhappy,

how... how does she deal with it?

I would say she...

She did a great job

of dealing with it, because...

she would figure out the problem

and how to handle it.

Would she kind of come

running home to you crying?

No, no, no, no,

she figured that out on her own.

Have you had any particularly...

any particular moments

that you were really proud of?

Well, I've been proud of her

ever since she started singing.

But it's like...

a person... some people's

afraid to climb a ladder

unless someone's holding it.

But she's not.

Once she make that first step

on that ladder,

she keep climbing up,

up, up, up.

She's not afraid.

She'll try it.

She's not afraid

to try anything.

Do you think

that now, after all the...

I mean, you've risen to the top

of the entertainment field,

where you've maybe

sacrificed love for...

- Rising.

- This is what...

This is what

readers will say, now.

"She has no...

she has no love in her life."

Oh, Kurt, we're gonna

get really heavy now

because I'm drinking.

- You're gonna find out.

- Oh, good.

I have not received love

almost ever in my life.

I did not have it

with my mother,

and my father

from the beginning of birth.

And I survived.

Why did I get so far

without love, Kurt?

I've never had it.

And it... and if I cry here,

it doesn't mean

that I pity myself,

it means that tears come

with certain memories.

No. Tears are not bad.

I have had not one love affair

that was genuine

and sustained itself.

Not one.

Kurt, I've been through...

...f*cking tons of heartbreak.

I have analyzed it.

I said, "What's wrong with me?"

I've looked in the mirror

with myself stripped of makeup

and without hair.

Why can't someone see the beauty

in the woman it is that I am?

Not a g*dd*mn person

that found it.



When I was younger

So much younger than today

I never needed anybody's

Help in any way

Now those days are gone

I'm not so self-assured

Now I find

I've changed my mind

And opened up the doors

So help me if you can

I'm feeling down

And I do appreciate you

Being round

Help me get my feet

Back on the ground

Won't you please

Please, help me

And now my life has changed

In, oh, so many ways

My independence

Seems to vanish in the haze

And every now and then

I feel so insecure

I know that I just need you

Like I never did before

Help me if you can

I'm feeling down

And I do appreciate you

Being round

Oh, help me get my feet

Back on the ground

Won't you please

Please, help me

Won't you please

Please, help me

Oh, yeah

Won't you please...

Won't you please help me



Oh, oh, oh




The man that

I'm looking for, actually,

has to be a very strong man,

to wear, actually, the trousers,

but yet not to dominate me.

And that's fair.

Tina, over here!

We met at Cologne airport.

No, actually it was,

uh, Dsseldorf Airport.

And, uh, her manager, Roger,

asked me to, uh...

to pick up Tina.

He was younger.

He was 30 years old at the time.

The prettiest face.

I mean, you cannot.

I said, it was like saying,

"Where did he come from?"

He was really so good looking.

My heart went,

"ba-boomp, bop, bop."

And it means that

a soul has met.

And my hands were shaking.

So Roger said to me,

"Tina, you ride with Erwin."

And I... I wanted to go, "Yay."

We enjoyed the ride.

I enjoyed driving the artist.

Actually a superstar for us,

where you're normally

a little nervous, you know.

But, uh,

I wasn't nervous either.

I was just doing the job.

When he found out

that I liked him,

he came to America.

We were in Nashville,

I think it was,

and I said to him,

"When you come to LA,

I want you to make love to me."

But I thought that I could say

that 'cause I was a free woman,

I didn't have a boyfriend.

I liked him.

There was nothing wrong with it,

it was just sex.

And he looked at me

as if he doesn't...

didn't believe

what he was hearing.

I laugh now at the moment,

because I sometimes

get that look

when I do certain things.

He was just so, so different.

So laid back, so comfortable,

so unpretentious.

And that was the beginning

of our relationship.

I really needed love.

I just needed to love a person.

How many years later, darling,

we got married?


It's love. It's something

we both have for each other.

I always refer to it

as an electrical charge.

I still have it.

I still have it and even though

when I left her

two hours ago,

three hours ago this morning,

I still have that feeling.

That feeling is still with me,

and, uh, it's in my heart.

I feel very warm about this.

First, a minute to remember

one of the fathers

of rock and roll.

Ike Turner died today at age 76.

Back in 1951,

Turner helped record

what is one of the first

rock and roll records,

"Rocket 88," with his band,

The Kings of Rhythm.

He may be best known

as the abusive ex-husband

of Tina Turner, with whom

he performed for many years.

After their separation,

Ike Turner continued

to make music.

In 1991, he was inducted into

the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame,

and earlier this year,

his record "Risin' with the Blues"

won a Grammy

for Traditional Blues Album.

For a long time, I did hate Ike,

I have to say that.

But then after he died,

I really realized

that he was a sick person.

He was an ill person

at the soul.

He did get me started,

and, uh, he was good to me

in the beginning.

So I have some good thoughts.

Uh, maybe it was a good thing

that I met him.

That, I don't know.

It hurts to have to

remember those times.

But at a certain stage,

forgiveness takes over.

Forgiving means not to hold on.

You let it go,

because it only hurts you.

Not forgiving, you suffer,

'cause you think about it

over and over again.

And for what?

I had an abusive life.

There's no other way

to tell the story.

It's a reality, it's a truth.

That's what you've got.

So you have to accept it.

Working it.

Working it as always.

Why thank you, honey.

Can you tell us

what Tina means to you?

The money shot is coming.

Some people say

the life that I lived

and the performances

that I gave,

the appreciation

is blasting with the people.

And yeah, I should be proud

of that... I am...

but when do you stop

being proud?

I mean, when do you...

How do you bow out slowly,

just go away?

She said, "I'm going to America

and I'm going to say goodbye

to my American fans,

and, uh, I'll wrap it up."

And I think this

documentary here and the play,

this is it.

It's a closure, a closure.

Tina, Tina, Tina!

What I gleaned

from her life was love.

Love of self,

love of her family,

love of her... of her talent.

Love of audiences,

of music, of freedom.

But there's a part of her,

I guess,

that we've all laid claim to,

we've all embraced

across the world,

and I hope she knows that.

You know, how beloved,

how loved she is.

She is absolutely adored.



I call you when I need you

My heart's on fire

Come to me

Come to me wild and wild

You come to me

Give me everything I need

Give me a lifetime

Of promises

And a world of dreams

Speak a language of love

Like you know what it means

And it can't be wrong

Take my heart

And make it strong, baby

You're simply the best

Better than all the rest

Better than anyone

Anyone I've ever met

I'm stuck on your heart

I hang on every word you say

Tear us apart

Oh, no

Baby, I would rather be dead

In your heart I see the start

Of every night and every day

Oh, yeah

In your eyes I get lost

I get washed away

Just as long

As I'm here in your arms

I could be

In no better place

You're simply the best


Better than all the rest


Better than anyone

Anyone I've ever met

Ooh, I'm stuck on your heart

And I hang on

Every word you say

Don't tear us apart, no, no

Baby, I would rather be dead

Each time you leave me

I start losing control

You're walking away

With my heart and my soul

I can feel you

Even when I'm alone

Oh, baby, don't let go


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

You're the best

Sing it, everybody!

Better than all the rest

Better than anyone

Anyone I've ever met

Ooh, I'm stuck on your heart

I hang on every word you say

Don't tear us apart, no, no

Baby, I would rather be dead

Ooh, you're the best

You're simply the best, yeah

Better than all the rest

Better than anyone

Anyone I've ever met

I'm stuck

On your heart, baby

I hang on every word you say

Don't tear us apart, no, no

Baby, I would rather be dead

Ooh, you're the best

Thank you.
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