McQueen (2018)

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McQueen (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

-(lndistinct dialogue on TV)

-(Dog barking)


-(McQueen) Sminky-Pinky.


-(Mira) You mean like a...


(Mira) A "V"? All right.

(Ads playing on TV in the background)

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Slow song playing)

(McKitterick) Lots of people say,

"I discovered Alexander McQueen."

But you don't discover talent.

Talent's there.

You open doors for talent. You push it

through or you help it along.

No one discovered Alexander McQueen.

Alexander McQueen discovered himself.

(McKitterick) Lee had this

very strange CV.

(McQueen) I wasn't very good at school.

I was always drawing clothes

in every lesson,

in science, in biology and...

But I used to enjoy art most.

(Joyce) When he left school

he wasn't sure what he wanted to do.

He was out of work.

Looking for work, I should say.

Because my husband's very strict

on the children going out to work.

We was watching

a television programme one evening

and they was saying

that they couldn't get apprentices

to work in Savile Row.

So I just said to him,

"Why don't you go and try?

"Just knock on the door.

They can only either say yes or no."

And that's exactly what he done.

(Hitchcock) Anderson & Sheppard

started in 1906.

We like to do things

slightly different to other people.

We have a house style.

That's what we're going to teach

the apprentices to make.

(McQueen) I was taught by a master

tailor from County Cork in Ireland.

(Hitchcock) He was the best tailor

we had on the premises.

You start off padding collars,

putting in pockets,

but you're expected

to make a full jacket

ready for fitting

by the end of the first year.

As soon as you put it on,

it should fit like a glove

and you know it's made for you.

(McQueen) I knew I couldn't survive in a

place like that for the rest of my life,

cluttered in a small workshop,

sitting on the bench, padding lapels.

But I did have a passion

and I was good at it.

I was good at tailoring a jacket.

I was quick at learning trousers.

I wanted to learn everything.

"Give me everything."

(Tatsuno) It was

the beginning of the '90s

when I had a bespoke tailoring shop

in Mount Street

and he just walked in one day.

He looked like a skinhead,

but he just told me

he can cut a frock coat

much better

than the 50-year-old tailor I had.

So I was very curious

and I just told him,

"OK, show me what you can do."

I never really made clothes

in a traditional way.

I was experimenting myself

in how to create structure

and volumes.

I 'd begun to just take in material,

any material.

And, by putting them all together,

somehow you can start to create

this three-dimensional form.

He wanted to understand

why I'm doing it this way

or that way.

(Janet) When Lee was 17, he said,

"I'll make you a couple of skirts.

And I've got to say,

they fitted like a glove.

They were so fitted to my body

I couldn't even

move my legs, hardly,

but I used to get compliments

on this skirt.

I did use to wonder,

"I hope he finds the right thing

for himself in life."

(McKitterick) He was a sweet boy

from the East End,

looking to make money.

We needed technical help,

machinists, pattern cutters.

We needed people

who had hands-on experience

in making clothes.

He gave me no attitude,

was never late,

always knew what he was doing,

always delivered.

He listened continually

to Sinad O'Connor, which was quite odd.

No one else liked

Sinad O'Connor at the time

but he really liked her for some reason.

I always remember him with his Walkman

on, listening to Sinad O'Connor.

(Man) Three, two, one, ignition.


(McKitterick) Red or Dead was

this very young streetwear company.

When I said to him

that the Space Baby collection

was based on the anniversary

of the men landing on the moon,

he was like, "What?"

He didn't know

that you could take a subject

that had no relation to clothing

and actually get inspiration from that

to design clothing.

So, he didn't understand

this idea of visual research

or historic references

or sexual references.

(Control) We copy you on the ground.

(Armstrong) The Eagle has landed.

He must have

asked me questions,

"What can I do next?

How can I push myself forward?"

And at the time

all the designers in Italy

were opening diffusion lines.

He went to Italy with no language,

no place to stay,

no money, no qualifications.

I thought, "Within a week he'll be back

with his tail between his legs."

A week later, maybe 10 days,

I get a call from Lee from Italy.

(Chuckling) He'd landed a job

as an assistant for Romeo Gigli.

To say I was shocked

was an understatement.

(Gigli) I said to him,

"OK, I'm looking for a new jacket.

"I have in my mind this shape

"but my tailors,

they cannot reach that shape.

"Maybe you can help me to do it."

And we start to do that jacket

and within the first fitting

I say, "No, it's wrong.

That is not what I'm looking for."

So with the tailor,

with Lee, they did one more.

We did the second fitting

and again I take out the lining,

look inside the jacket

and it was wrong.

Third fitting I say,

"No, it's incorrect."

And I take out the lining

and inside the jacket

Lee wrote with a black pen,

"f*ck you, Romeo."

That was a time

when I was looking for new shapes,

for shapes, for shapes...

And he was looking

so deeply and hard.

He was really deeply looking

to understand everything.

He was leaving my studio

because he wanted to study

more and more and more.

(Bobby) You can't teach talent.

But what you can do is make them better

at what they do, or more professional.

And to me, the whole thinking

behind this MA

was to make them work in teams,

working together,

as you do in the fashion world.

I saw this unprepossessing,

I must say,

very shabby,

very unattractive...

I hate to even say this

but it was true.

...boy with a bundle of clothes

over his arm outside my office.

So I said to him,

"Who are you looking for?"

And he said, "I've come to see you."

But I had no job,

which he said he was after.

The whole thing intrigued me.

He was passionate.

And to me this is the secret, really.

You... If you tap into that.

(Chuckles) I found myself saying,

"Well, I think you should come

on my course."

And I couldn't offer him money.

That was really sad.

And it was patently obvious

he had none.

Aunt Renee said

she had money in the bank,

sitting there not doing anything,

and she would rather help Lee.

She'd worked

in the rag trade.

She knew

that Lee had talent.

And he came back and said,

"My aunt is going to pay the fees

"and I'm coming."

(McQueen) Saint Martins

was the place to go.

But what I liked about it

was the freedom of expression

and being surrounded

by like-minded people.

We got on really well because

we had the same sense of humour.

And he laughed all the time,

so he was just funny and disrespectful.

And he'd do catwalk shows down

the corridor. He'd just muck around.

Whenever he could muck around,

he'd muck around.

I was teaching there

at the time as well.

And he was not frightened to tell

people, "I know better than you."

Even the tutors.

He was a bit of a nightmare student

because he knew so much.

I'm sure he was a pain

and did interrupt people.

He didn't actually dare interrupt me.

But he used it. He used it

as I intended him to use it.

And he'd come to a painting or a book

and, not having had a formal education,

it was all new to him.

And that was it.

He reinterpreted things in his way.

It wasn't filtered through,

as with a lot of us

who'd had

more conventional backgrounds.

I loved that.

He knew where to go for everything.

London was his town.

"Where do I get my buttonholes?"

He'd go,"You want to go

to Martin in Soho."

"If you want fabric, then you want to go

to Berwick Street, Shepherd's Bush."

He would take me to gay bars

and he would take me to lesbian bars

and he'd, like, sit me there

and he'd go,

"This is what you want.

This is what you want."

I'd go, "No, I just want to go home.

Can I just go home and do my homework?"

(Bobby) The course always ended

with the degree show.

No other college

had ever been invited, as lwas,

to show during British Fashion Week.

(McKitterick) He called me when he

was finishing the final collection

and asked me to come in to have a look

and talk to him about it.

It had all the elements.

H had the history of the East End.

It had the darkness,

Jack the Ripper st*lks his victims.

It had the research.

It had a really great story behind it.

(Rebecca) He was reading books

like Perfume,

which is all about the m*rder of women,

and he had a very dark side to him

as well,

so he was drawing

from a of these influences

and then creating something

very beautiful out of it.

(Fast-paced instrumental music)

(Blow) The pieces went past me

and they moved in a way I've never seen.

And I wanted them. They were modern.

They were classical.

He would do a black coat

and then he'd line it with human hair.

And it was blood-red inside

so it was like a body.

It was like flesh with blood.

And I just thought,

"This is the most beautiful thing

I've ever seen."

it was about sabotage and tradition,

which is the perfect combination,

and beauty and v*olence.

All the things that t suppose

the '90s represent.


(Reporter) How difficult is it

to discover genius?

(Blow) Not at all difficult,

cos they have it and I spot it.

If you're interested

in late 20th-century clothes,

Isabella Blow is a big player.

(Blow) I was at American Vogue

and Anna Wintour discovered me

and I worked for her

and then I went to British Vogue.

McQueen was her knight

and she was gonna take him to the top.

She was determined.

(Blow) I just knew. I rang up his mother

and said, "You've produced a genius."

You know, he's like

the Saint Laurent of the year 2000.

And his mother said to him,

"Look, there's this mad woman

who keeps trying to call us.

"She wants

some of your clothes."

I rang between six

and eight times a day.

Finally I got a little voice

on the end of the line, "Hello?"

I said, "Can I make an appointment

with you? My name's Isabella Blow."

I don't know to this day

if he knew who I was.

No, I just wanted the money.

I was desperate for money.

I wasn't interested in him either.

I just wanted the clothes.

I didn't give her no money off.

I said, "That's 350, love.

You can take it or leave it."


And she loved that.

(Bobby) It wasn't until I went

to the Bluebird Garage collection

that he did that I...

Well, I just thought,

"What have I unleashed?"

And he walked across

and said, "I owe it all to you,"

which I thought was very, very sweet

because it was far from true.

He'd worked every...

Every inch of the way himself.

(Triumphal music)

Every fashion designer wants

to create an illusion,

create things that disturb

and fascinate people.

Clothes are really beautiful

to work with,

but there's also a reality outside.

Some people don't want to hear it.

It's all lovey-dovey and everything's

fine in the world all the time.

And I tell it the way it is.

(Andrew) In the '90s,

you used to make clothes to go out.

You used to make something

just for that night.

You're going to this nightclub.

This person is on, or that DJ.

"Right, what are we going to do?"

t think Lee took everything.

t mean, that's one of Lee's strengths.

He took a lot of Bowery/s aesthetic.

It's transgressive, it's in-your-face.

And he thought,

"How does this translate onto a runway?"

Lee also used that language of fetish

in terms of rubber

and latex and leather

and put it into his fashion design.

We started going out with each other

but part of me was thinking,

"But also it's quite useful

cos I can sew as well. "

It was literally anyone that could sew.

It didn't matter whether they were

any good at sewing or not.

Were they willing to come

and sit in the studio

for, like, 16 hours a day?

And were they going to be

fun to be around?

Lee was the badly-behaved,

naughty school boy

that was always doing pranks

on people in the pub,

and that's the person

that I liked and loved.


(McQueen speaking)

(Upbeat music plays)

(Mira) At the time I first met Lee,

lwas living in Hoxton Square,

and one day in pops this guy

and I kind of figured he had rented,

you know, the downstairs.

"Come in for a cup of tea.

Come in for a cup of tea."

And he asked what I did.

I said, "Oh, you know, I do grooming

for men, hair and make-up. "

And he goes,

"Oh. I'm having a show soon.

"Would you do the hair and make-up

for the guys?"

And I was like,

"Don't you need to see

some of my work first?"

I'd never done a show before,

you know, so...

And he's like "No, no, no, no.

I can tell. I can tell."

(Alice) He said to me one day,

"I've decided to do my own collection. "

I remember thinking "How on earth

does he think he's gonna have a business

"and make a collection?

"He's got nothing. He's got no money,

no wherewithal, no studio,

"nobody to support him

and nothing behind him."

And yet he was determined

this was what he was going to do.

I survived on unemployment benefit

and I bought all my fabrics.

I bought all my fabrics

with my dole money.

And I went round to my parents

for baked beans

and tins of soup and things like that.

(imitates violin and laughs)

This is my pooch.

(Alice) He said to me,

"I really need to get a logo."

We asked my boyfriend at the time

if he would design it.

It was my idea

to put the "C" inside the

but then Dave designed the rest of it.

He was fantastic at getting people to do

a phenomena! amount of work for him.

And we were never, ever paid.

In fact, we were paying him

to work for him.

How amazing is that?

(Mira) Just to be pan' of it,

be part of his vision, yeah.

He had that, even from

the very beginning, that pull.

(McQueen) It's so bohemian. Warhol.


(Mira) Dance your way

to success. Come on!

(Cheering and laughing)

(Alice) Isabella was very keen

to call him Alexander.

She thought it sounded better

as a designer.

It sounded grander

and more romantic.

Issie got criticised

for trying to make him posh.

So what? Good for lssie.

She was just trying

to make him successful. And she did.

Alexander McQueen is a brand.

(Reporter) Why do you love her

so much, Lee?

Cos she's the same as me.

She doesn't care what people think.

At the end of the day we're...

We're separate entities

to everyone else

and we have our own

personal view about things.

(Blow) When you fall in love

with something,

you nurture it and you look after it

like it's your... Garden.

People garden, they cook,

they do the same thing.

My ingredients are clothes.

(Plum) She introduced him to everyone.

She championed him.

So I suppose what initially started

as a work relationship for her

became a creative friendship.

(Andrew) She was someone

that was always really excited

and wanted to see the next thing

and the new thing

and wanted to push people.

It was never about money.

I never saw any money going

backwards and forwards between them.

(Detmar) I just remember the laughter,

the exciting creativity of the mid-'90s.

And the adventure they were on this

rocket they shot to the moon.


-l'm sure you're a hungry little thing.

(Detmar) The early days

were very happy days.

They were short times, but they were

beautiful and they were funny.

lssie didn't have children

so she threw her maternal love

to her protg.

I looked forward to seeing him

cos he made me laugh so much.

Issie and McQueen

had a very dirty sense of humour.

McQueen would describe lssie

as a cross between Lucrezia Borgia

and a Billingsgate fish wife.

lssie had a very vulgar humour.

I always found the cocks

and the c**ts slightly...

Always a bit... (Laughing) Oh!

I wasn't really into

their earthy humour.

However rude McQueen got,

lssie was even worse.

They loved to play off each other

like that and be outrageous.

I know Alexander loves birds

so I've got this bird hat on

designed by Philip.

We're going to do some falconry tomorrow

cos Alexander's got a very...

He's passionate about birds.

We're going to fly some falcons

tomorrow afternoon.

(Slow instrumental music plays)

(Simon) We did go and stay

at Hines a few times.

You would end up

diving into lssie's dressing-up box

and we'd all be wearing

fantastical costumes for dinner

and things like that.

The world she inhabited

was so far removed

from the world

that any of us had come from.

There was a sort of unreality to it.

Whenever we went to that house,

you just felt so at home.

And I think Lee felt very at home there.

(Detmaq They had this big sister, a fun

person to be with, who was outrageous.

With lssie,

"Be as different as you can.

(Laughing) "And keep going!

"The more different,

the more I love it."

I really don't like the norm.

I don't think it's...

You don't move forwards, seriously.

You just don't move forward

if you play safe.

You really do piss a lot of people off.

(Alice) His first shows

were unbelievable.

People were winded by them.

People walked out.

Quite a few acerbic reviews.

But everything else before

paled into comparison.

I don't wanna do a show

that you walk out of

feeling like you've

just had Sunday lunch.

I want you to come out

either feeling repulsed or exhilarated.

As long as it's an emotion.

If you leave without emotion,

then I'm not doing myjob properly.

So that's that.

That's the thing about Alexander.

I think his clothes are very emotional.

This coat is, like, based on a tramp,

so it's based on someone

who hasn't got any money,

standing in the street,

nowhere to sleep.

You wrap it round yourself,

you feel fantastic.

Then you have

all this passion and love

and slashing

and sex and romance.

(McQueen) The idea of the collection

was never to produce.

The shows were all about publicity

and creating a marketing ploy

for Alexander McQueen, the designer.

(McKitterick) They were

impossible to reproduce.

They were made of plastic bags

or masking tape.

They were show clothes.

(Andrew) Lee started doing bumsters.

These were cut so low that you could see

the model's pubic hair.

(McQueen) It's nothing to do

with pubic hair.

It's just a technical thing where,

as a tailor,

you're breaking up the proportion

of the body

by lowering the trousers,

elongating the torso.

It's nothing to do with bum cleavage.

It's an added bonus

if you've got a nice bum.

(Detmar) He told that mannequin,

"Put your pubic hairs

in Anna Wintoufs face."

It's just funny, naughty behaviour.

You could give Alexander 500

and he could produce

30 pieces of clothing.

(Andrew) He saw some cling film and said

"I'm gonna make a dress out of that. "

'Tm going to put the model in it,

wrap her up."

And he just cut this dress,

put a zip in it

and suddenly that went down the runway.

(Mira) Getting a tyre

and running it over the suit.

Things like that. Just genius.

(Andrew) 4 worth of lace.

Invisible zip, 1.

Sprayed with car spray paint.

They probably cost less than 10,

those dresses, to make.

But, through that weird alchemy

of being cut and made by Lee,

suddenly they're being requested.

Avedon wanted to have

this dress for Sharon Stone.

So it has to be in America now.

"We need someone to fly over

with the dress on Concorde."

That still upsets me to this day.

I didn't get to go on Concorde.

(Both laughing)

It was me.

(Andrew) That's almost the period

where I think,

the madness really kicked in.

(McQueen) The show was brilliant

but I'll wake up tomorrow and think,

"I've got to get a bottle of milk.

Where am I going to get 42p from?"

(Andrew) We went to a McDonald's.

We got two cheeseburgers,

two fries, two Cokes.

And I was that tired

that I just dropped the tray

and then we had to pick

the food up off the floor.

And I thought,

"This is a weird world,

"that you've just shown the finale

of London Fashion Week

"but we haven't got five quid to eat."

That's how it is.

People have got to understand that.

You're doing f*cking fab shows

but you've got to start living.

(Andrew) The Clothes Show,

you know, BBC One.

At the time 12 million viewers.

You're 22 years old.

You're not in any of the sh*ts

and you're dictating the terms

on how you're going to appear.

(McQueen) Because I was doing the shows

on money that I got

from unemployment benefit,

I could not afford

to show my face on camera

because I would be arrested

for working as well as signing on.

- Did it piss you off?

-(Woman) No.

It should have done.

That was the idea.

(McQueen) I really worked

that East End yob,

this juxtaposition between a hooligan

and someone that uses a needle.

And people couldn't fathom it.

So it was new.

It was a breath of fresh air.

Savile Row, Cockney geezer,

ding dong, all of that.

He was aware

how seductive that was.

I get a bit annoyed

when I read that.

He was far from a bad boy.

In fact, he was a very loving,

happy child

and very generous.

(Woman) Beautiful face, huh?

(Andrew) I just remember this one time

when I went round his house.

I think I said something was shit

or something in front of his mum.

He turned round,

glared at me and said,

"Don't you f*cking swear

in front of my f*cking mother."

(Joyce) We were never

what people called poor.

My husband was a London taxi driver.

Even though there was six children,

they all had everything

that they should have had.

I don't know, it just seems...

Like, honest,

an honest place round here.

You know where you stand,

if you know what I mean.

If someone's going to mug you,

they tell you before they do it.

(Laughing) I'm onlyjoking.

(Gary) From our granddads,

he got the sense of humour,

which was, at times, wicked.


(Alice) I think that he struggled

coming out of that background

and going into the world.

I made the choice

to come out to my father.

I'd told all my brothers

and sisters and aunts,

but my father was a London taxi driver.

He would come home at night and say,

"God, I nearly run over

a bloody q*eer last night in Soho."

I'd have to deal with this.

My dad could be a bit cutting sometimes,

but he was joking.

And if you didn't know him,

you'd probably take that the wrong way.

(Mira) Lee's father was saying,

"Sell your clothes in Brick Lane,"

never quite understanding

what Lee was doing.

(McQueen) My dad wanted me to be

some sort of mechanic or something,

but... It never worked out that way.

(Gary) From our nan

he got that storytelling,

that dark romance

of the Victorian times.

I think that really lent itself

to his visions

of the stories

that he wanted to tell.

(McQueen) It's all right, Mother.

(McQueen) Oh, Mother, come here.

(Joyce) No, I'm too ugly.

(McQueen speaking)

(Andrew) She was very strong

and powerful

and quite a lot was unsaid,

but, my God, you realised there was

a really strong bond between them.

(Alice) She made him feel

like he could do anything.

I always encouraged them to read

and have lots of books

because I myself loved history

and things like that.

That's one about a Highland clan.

(Alice) She was looking into

the genealogy of the McQueen family

and aimed at proving

that the McQueens came

from McQueens of the Isle of Skye.

(Gary) It opened up his world.

He was born in Stratford, but he knew

there was this other life for him

which came from Scotland.

(Alice) She encouraged

the sort of fantasy

and excitement of those stories

and Lee went with it.

(McQueen) You have two types of Scotland

people will associate themselves with,

the Vivienne Westwood romantic Scotland,

swathes of tartan silk.

My ancestry

is the Jacobites of Scotland.

The w*r of the English and the Scottish

where the English r*ped loads of women,

k*lled clans completely off.

It's like a form of genocide.

It was then.

And people don't realise this.

I mean, take Bosnia.

How many dead people have you seen?

There's millions of dead people

in Bosnia.

It's just genocide in the end.

People have got to realise that

it still goes on in the world today.

(Ruti) There was something different

about him.

He had this artistic energy in him

rather than like a fashion designer.

I rang his mother and said,

"I want to work for your son."

She gave rne the address

and I went one morning

and ever since,

we were working every day

on the Highland r*pe collection,

trying to get the pieces ready.

(Mira) There were times

when he hadn't yet started working

on the collection and it was due soon

and he would do one drawing

after another,

after another, after another,

after another

and there was a collection

in one evening.

Very quick, very fluid.

(Ruti) He was also very creative

at night.

His adrenaline was much more alive

and we usually used to put music.

(Mira) He would listen to the piano

and it became very important.

The composer Michael Nyman

became part of his team.

I was just enjoying myself

to watch him

because he was sitting

like an old lady,

his needle and his thimble.

You can feel like he's...

It's kind of a therapeutic work for him.

(Alice) He went into a sort of zone.

I always used to say

his eyes went black

because he suddenly was focusing

on what he was doing

and he almost couldn't hear

anybody else.

(Andrew) He could draft a jacket,


just with a piece of chalk,

so he wasn't using measurements.

He could just, from his eye,

read someone's body measurements

and then be able to draw that out

onto a bit of cloth.

At heart, Lee was a romantic,

and that romantic is because

of that physical relationship

to what you produce,

which then comes back

to that idea of craft in a way.

(Gary) The family always got

invites to the shows.

It was very important

that my nan was there.

He really wanted to make my nan proud.

(Janet) Aunt Renee and Mum made sure

that the models had some sandwiches.

Mum would have probably done

her sausage rolls.

We were all, as a group

of young, really cool, English models,

so excited to see this man

that had this reputation.

(Janet) I was just amazed.

All these people, photographers...

And I thought, "My God,

they're all here to see Lee.

"I hope they're not disappointed."

Because I thought,

"This is just Lee from Stratford."

(Fast-paced instrumental music)

The darkness,

the going to the depths

and the recesses of one's mind

to come up with such things

like Highland r*pe.

"I'm going to send down loads of girls

who look like they've just been r*ped."

And then we were all looking

like we'd come out of a hedge backwards

and I was going,

"ls this the hair and make-up?"

(Andrew) They're not easy garments

to look at.

They do look like something

from a crime scene.

(Kidd) I honestly just thought

that he really just didn't like women,

he didn't like the models,

he didn't like anything,

he was just trying to t*rture us all.

But his vision,

when you actually came down,

and the silhouette

and the way he made you look

was so extraordinary.

I don't think I really understood,

because I was 15 at the time,

exactly what was going on

or the connotations of it.

It wasn't until probably the next day

that I read the newspapers.

And, you know,

there was quite a backlash

of the statement of the show.

I mean, it was pretty intense.

But he made every single headline

and that's what he wanted to do.

And he sure got it.

(Reporter) Judith Church,

MP for Dagenham,

thought there was no excuse

for such a show.

(Church) The very title of the show,

Highland r*pe,

has been done to shock people.

It's been done to attract publicity.

It has succeeded

and that, in a way, is sad,

because I think women want

to look at fashion,

but they don't want to see it

in some way

as portraying them as a victim.

(McQueen) I'm not a misogynist.

The idea was saying to the public,

"A man takes from a woman.

The woman's not giving it."

That's what r*pe is.

My oldest sister was badly beaten up

by her husband.

When you're eight years old and you see

your sister strangled by her husband,

who's now dead, thank God,

you know, all you wanna do

is make women look stronger.

(Andrew) You might not like the honesty

he was presenting you with,

you might find it distasteful,

shocking or aggressive

or misogynistic,

but for him it was his truth.

Those garments all tell you about Lee

and they're almost like confessional.

They do relate to things

that happened in his childhood.

We were just in our flat. It was

literally in the middle of the evening.

And he said,

"Oh, by the way, I was abused

"when I was a child

by my brother-in-law. "

It just came out

and he started crying

and then we started talking

and then, almost as soon

as he started telling me all that,

he said, "Anyway, t don't want

to talk about that any more."

(Gary) The stuff that he saw,

I mean, the v*olence against my mum,

the abuse he suffered by my dad

and the abuse my mum suffered by Dad...

They had that affinity together.

They shared that, Lee and my mum.

They were both affected

by the same person.

And they had that connection

through that, you know.

And Lee saw my mum

very much like a mother figure

and somebody

that he wanted to protect,

but my mum wanted to protect him

as well.

I had quite a big burden

on my shoulders.


But I'd always felt close to Lee


ln the early years, Lee had seen

things like domestic v*olence and,

at the time, it must have also had

an effect on his mind.

(Gary) And that stuff he had to get out,

I think it was a way

of exercising his demons,

a way of protecting women and himself

by creating these strong women

who looked like they had armour on.

It was armour for his heart as well,

you know, so...

(Andrew) The relationship

between me and Lee,

I joke that it was four seasons long,

purely because I think those collections

and those shows became markers

in terms of how our work life

was also tied up with our relationship.

And, looking back on it now,

I can see the reasons

why it would be...

How could a relationship work

with all the things

that were going on in his life,

all the things in his past?

I can't think of any relationship

that would be able to deal with that.

(Short bursts

of fast instrumental music)

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

When you went to St Martins,

in the first year you'd go to Paris

and the idea is that you're meant

to go to exhibitions.

But we would just spend all of our time

wangling our way

into the various shows.

So we went to this show and it was...

It was all very floral

and there was chiffon and Lee was going,

"Well, that's rubbish.

That's rubbish. Oh, my God.

"This is just the worst show ever.

Bloody hell.

"Givenchy, that's a load of crap!

"That's for, like, old ladies.

"I never, ever want to work

somewhere like that."

(Speaking in French)

It was a really exciting time

to be covering the industry

because it was changing,

it was evolving.

People like Bernard Arnault

were buying up small family brands

and then turning them

into global corporations.

And first he brought in John Galliano

and, after two years,

moved John over to Dior

and then needed another

new, young, hot flavour

for Givenchy.

(Presenter) And so he said...

Why did he want you?

He said when I was hired

that I was his horse.

I don't know if that's in looks

or what, but...

(Presenter laughs)

But he said I was his horse

he betted on.

I was living with Lee

when Givenchy called

and he thought that they wanted him

to design a handbag.

And I'm like "Wow. WOW!"

"Cool man!" You know?

Next thing I know

he comes in

and he basically says

they've asked him to be

creative director of Givenchy.

And I was like, "You are kidding me!"

He called me at work and then he said,

"They've offered me this job.

"If I move to Paris,

will you come with me?"

I was like, "Yeah, of course."

It was sort of exciting

and also quite scary as well

because it was still that honeymoon

period of our relationship.

(Presenter) Why did you go to Givenchy,

having already created your own name,

having won British Designer of the Year

twice in a row?

(McQueen) For one reason,

the money was good.

But what do I do

with the money from Givenchy?

I put it straight back into McQueen.

lt helps me employ people for McQueen

to build my own company up.

(Mira) Very talented people

that he brought with him to Givenchy.

What a team!

(Sebastien) He told me,

"I will need a team to work with me

"so I was thinking of you.

"So, think about it

and let me know."

There's nothing to think about.

Of course, I'll take the job.

We took an aeroplane

from City Airport.

We were the weirdest people

in the plane. It was all businessmen.

And we were there

with our bleached jeans,

with a lot of attitude.

(McQueen) Where did you find this?

In Japan.

(indistinct conversation)

(McQueen) Really?

(Man) Yeah.

(McQueen mumbling in French)

-(Man) Oh, oh!

-(McQueen speaks French)


(Murray) There was huge excitement.

Cos imagine being that age

and you're being given

that amount of, one, responsibility

and also that amount of money.

(McQueen) Statue!

(Murray) There's Sebastin Pons.

(McQueen) Hello, Sebastin!

- Sweaty armpits.

-Come on!

God, you've got wet patches.

I think that in the McQueen studio

I was a little bit like the bouffant

because I was

the funny one there.

They were taking the piss

out of my accent.

A Spanish bouffant in a British court.

(Murray) Simon Costin.

(McQueen) God, you're looking

fairly gross today.

I saw myself as the person

that put things into context.

The set was always there to reflect

the sort of untold story

of the collection.

There was Katy, of course,

Katy England.

(McQueen) Katy's the most important part

of McQueen.

Camera up, please.

(McQueen) She's the Tweedledee

to my Tweedledum.

She fuels my imagination.

I help research the collection.

I, erm, bring things to his attention

that I think might be

important in fashion.

Basically, I'm always there

at the right-hand side.

Shaun Leane was very much involved

in the business, making jewellery.

What do you think, eh?

Fancy a dance?

(Leane) For me to do work Hke this

is very good for me.

It allows me to go

from one extreme to the other.

And now I'm going into different areas.

I'm working with body jewellery

and it's really going

into a form of sculpture.

(Murray) Sarah Burton.

Sarah was the intern.

(Sebastin) He looked at us

like the sort of pillars

that would make him feel secure.

(Murray) We had this really nice flat.

I loved the area. I mean...

Place des Vosges. I mean, hello?

(McQueen) Oh, God, that's pretty scary.

(Simon) Thinking about it now,

it was tiny.

When I would come over

to start working on the set,

I'd be on the sofa.

(indistinct background chatter)

(McQueen) Ooh, ooh!

(McQueen) Sebastin!

(Squeals) Oh, language!

(McQueen laughs)

I always ended up

sleeping in Lee's room

because Lee was always

collapsing on the sofa.

(Sebastin) Lee!

- You changed the pillows.

-(McQueen) Yeah, f*cking right.

(McQueen laughs)

We had a driver

so we got driven everywhere.

(McQueen) Oh, wait a minute,

he's gone blurry.

That's better.

Say hello to the people

of England.

(All laugh)

(Murray) Such fun.

(McQueen) We can do

some funny tricks.

Hello, I'm on speed, baby.

(All laugh)


When we arrived at Givenchy,

everybody was kind of like

bending their head to him

and calling him

Monsieur McQueen,

which was like, "They're calling you

Monsieur McQueen? Here?"

(McQueen) Cath! Woo-ooh!

(McQueen laughs)

(Sebastin) When we arrived

I think they were in shock.

The way we dress,

the way we work

and the jokes we made.

(Simon) Obviously it was very grand,

with chandeliers,

so it was very different

from the working environment in London

which was a very, very small room,

chaotic, with stuff everywhere.

(McQueen) Here I have my own office.

I pick up the phone

and I get what I want.

(Laughs) Cos I want it,

I want it, I want it!

So I ask for it.

(Murray) We was just like a bunch

of young kids running about in Givenchy.

(Presenter) Were they surprised

you were chosen?

Well, I think that it put most people

in a coma when I got chosen!

(Sebastien) All of a sudden,

we're there,

sitting in Hubert de Givenchy's house,

looking out the window

and you see the Balenciaga sign

and you knew

that Yves Saint Laurent was there

and knowing that John Galliano was there

at Avenue Montaigne,

just a few yards from there.

And there we are

with Alexander McQueen,

being the new talk of the town.

And I felt special.

(Murray) He was trying

to find his feet there.

He obviously had to make

a huge impression

because it was his first collection.

(Sebastien) I remember telling Lee,

"Everybodys looking at us

and we have nothing."

And he always would answer,

"Don't worry, Sebastin,

we'll get it done."

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(McQueen) This is Paris and Paris chic.

This is Givenchy, this is not McQueen.

This is where elegant suits are made

and fantastic fabrics are used.

I mean, it's going to take

my own label, McQueen,

another 40 years

to get the reputation this one has.

(Sebastien) I remember once

we saw this beautiful work.

Lee asked Catherine DeLondres,

who was in charge of the atelier,

"Who's done this fabulous work?"

"She's not allowed to come in."

He's like, "What do you mean,

she's not allowed in?

"Please let her in."

I remember from that day on

Lee wanted to see the person

who has worked directly

with the garment.

And I think they loved that.

(McQueen) This is the Bet Lynch dress.

And we also treated it,

bonding plastic over the top

for raincoats

so you get the whole ensemble.

None of us spoke French

and the French atelier

didn't speak English.

Lee would actually draw in the air

how it would have to be.

-(Catherine in French)

-(McQueen) Yeah. Yeah, it's OK.

(Catherine and McQueen speak French)

(McQueen) Oh, it's OK.

I thought it was just pantalon.

(Catherine speaking French)

(Catherine laughs)

They're quite precise and like...

They, like, take the threads out and...

I just get the scissors

and go, "Whack it off!"

And they go... (Muted scream)

Like that.

And I go, "lt's OK, it's only clothes."

(Mira) I'll never forget

the expression on her face.

But in the end she saw

exactly what he was doing.

She was in awe.

A very mutual, you know, respect

grew between the two of them.

(McQueen) Haute couture is about

the atelier. I come from Savile Row.

So I have great respect for the tailors.

They deserve just as much praise

as I do.

(Sebastian) Lee, one day he said,

"Where can we go and eat'?

"Where do the workers eat?"

And then Catherine said,

"There is a canteen

"in the basement for the workers."

And Lee was like, "So let's go there."

When we went down there,

the people, they're flipping out.

"Alexander is eating with us!"

They couldn't believe it.

These fashion houses, they treat

the designer like he's a king.

And they treated Lee

like a king,

but Lee didn't want

to behave like a king,

Lee wanted to behave

like a regular person.

(McQueen) OK.

The ideas for the show,

they grew out of the collection

as the collection developed.

He would pull threads

and stories out of that.

And there was always mood boards

and things pinned all over the walls.

Everyone fed in.

it was a very group practice.

But Lee was the spider

in the centre of the web, as it were,

pulling everything together

and distilling

what it was that he had in his head.

I remember the fraughtness

about a week before the show

with things coming down and not right

and things having to be changed.

It was really insanely crazy.

The pressure was super intense.

(Sebastien) In 25 days

to put a 55-outfit collection together

is not an easy task.

(Simon) The first couture show

had the theme of the Golden Fleece,

Jason and the Argonauts.

(Murray) They wanted it to be amazing.

My first feeling

from Alex's description was,

they had to be warriors

mixed with goddesses.

I said, "We do horns?"

He said, "Yeah, but do big."

I said, "But how big?"

He said, "You know Genghis Khan?

"He's the junior size.

"Give me the senior."

It's the 19th of January 1997

and, as they say in the trade,

we're about to witness a fashion moment.

At the tender age of 27,

British Designer of the Year

Alexander McQueen

is about to show

his first haute couture collection.

(Dramatic orchestral music)

(Nicolas) Every model had

to have a character,

an identity, a signature.

Every single girl could have been

a show on her own.

(Sebastian) Where did the inspiration

come from? He told me, "From the logo."

The logo is the Gs,

which looks like a Greek motif,

and the Givenchy label

is white and gold.

(Kidd) Always with Lee's collections,

there were some pieces where you'd go,

"God, that's rather risqu."

I think a tot of the press

focused on the ones

that were a little bit more crazy

or a little bit, you know, unwearable.

French designers

were complaining and saying,

"Oh, they're not even French

and they're taking over Givenchy.

"Look what he's doing to Givenchy."

I think it was them saying,

"I'm still gonna be who I am,

"regardless that you put me

in this posh space.

"I'm still who I am."

I liked that, that they stayed true

to who they were.

They actually brought England into Paris

in their own unique way.


(Nicolas) People were talking,

fashion editors.

"He has a big mouth.

He has a big head.

"Oh, the British!

What does he think?"

And then I understood that basically

the world was against him.

(Presenter) And you do your first show.

(Presenter) It's not a huge success.

(McQueen) No, that's true.

-(Presenter laughs)

-Well done.

They were wishing

to see him crash and be destroyed.

They have claws and knives

and they're throwing everything

into your back,

which is fine cos I'm a good fighter!

(Both laugh)

I remember us afterwards.

You know, Lee was...

Oh, hellish, yeah.

That was a really horrid night.

lt was a difficult night after that.

A few punches and arguments.

(Blow) I think he's done a lot

with the house,

because Givenchy

have had a lot of press.

It's a more difficult thing to deal with

cos McQueen is McQueen in London.

Givenchy is taking over

from another man in Paris.

As Alexander says,"lt's like taking

a dinosaur out of the sea."

And I think in one season

he's done that.

So I think in a year

he will have done 20 times that.

(Detmar) Givenchy changed everything.

The fun times were over.

I had an accountant who spoke French.

They were going to Paris

to sign the deal.

And I said, "Please, make sure

lssie gets something out of it."

And then I kind of did ask McQueen

and he said,

"lssie and I are not about money."

When the money did come

and Alexander cut her out...

That was very tough.

Their friendship changed.

She was so hurt at this rejection.

She'd have created a buzz.

She'd have had a salon at Givenchy.

She'd have made it

the most happening place in Paris.

(Murray) I do remember going to Hilles

straight after the takeover at Givenchy.

You cannot imagine the tension

between the two of them in this room.

These designers think

that you made me.

- And it's never been about that.

-No, they don't.

- I know that that's...

-But they do!

You see it all the time in the press!

They say, "Oh, Isabella Blow,

"responsible for Philip Treacy

and Alexander McQueen."

-(Blow) No, they say...

-They do just say that!

(McQueen) But it's never been

about that for me and you.

Whether I was part of it?

Does that annoy you

that they put a strap on it?

"As discovered by Isabella Blow."

Does it piss you off?

No, not at all, because lssie

has helped me a lot in that way,

but not in the way that she's like...

She does it

because she loves my clothes,

not because she loves me.

Exactly. That's the point.

Because I can't stand her guts!

I'm joking.

(Murray) I do remember sitting there,

thinking to myself,

"Please, lay off lssie

because she's done nothing but help you,

"but you seem to be giving her

a really difficult time."

(Detmar) Issie kingmaker.

This is the man she championed

and then he resented that

and wanted to be his own man

so there was no position

for Isabella Blow at Givenchy.


And I remember

McQueen turned to me and said,

"I'm the tycoon now, Detmar."

And it wasn't meant affectionately.

We had a policy. Don't show hurt,

don't show weakness.

Keep your head up,

keep proud, keep fighting.

Something will turn up. It's got to.

His star ascended

and hers didn't as much

and, you know,

he slightly abandoned her.

(Detmar) Then Issie suddenly got

this job at The Sunday Times

and McQueen said,

"You've been resurrected, lssie. "

And I thought, "No thanks to you, mate."

(McQueen) I saw myself within the press

and in the public eye as the gazelle.

And the gazelle always got eaten.

And that's how I see human life.

We can all be discarded quite easily.

The fragility of a designer's time

in the press.

You're there, you're gone.


It's a jungle out there.

(Sebastin) I went to his London studio

and he was talking

about a haute couture show.

"I tried to please them

and then I f*cked it up.

"I'm gonna do my own thing.

"It's gonna be very McQueen,

the next one.

"f*ck you! f*ck you, all of you.

I'm gonna show you."

(Simon) We went from this sort of...

The hallowed halls of Givenchy

into the sort of rough,

gritty Borough Market,

people just sweeping

all the rotting fruit and veg up.

(McQueen) It's nice to show them

the rough pan' of London,

make them a bit scared, look over

their shoulder once in a while.

(Nicolas) It's nothing to do

with couture.

Now you've got your own studio.

We're in another chapter,

in another world, in another McQueen.

All camera crews

go round the front gate.

(Simon) The London shows were always...

The audience,

the expectation, was so great.

The shows in Paris

were far more formal and reserved.

People would scream

their heads off in London.

(Kidd) It was crazy, people literally

fighting to see the catwalk.

(Murray) Lee just running

from model to model

and screaming and shouting at everyone.

(McQueen) Simon, we want to start

the show!

(Shaw) And just always moving,

always dressing, always stressing.

Stressing and dressing,

actually, together.

(Woman) Are we all standing by,

ready to go?

(McQueen) OK.

Where's Russell?

ls he out there? ls he getting ready?

(Woman) Yeah.

(Shaw) One of the models was late.

He said, "f*ck her"

and he started the show.

(Kidd) He'd just go,

"Right, Jodes, just go for it. "

He used to psyche me up.

I used to literally get out

onto the catwalk and go...


(Simon) It was really the first time

the collection kind of seeped out

into everything,

from the energy that was in that space

to the effect it had on people.

A sort of angst, an anger and fear,

that was woven through that show.

(Sebastin) We were mind-blown

because they didn't look like models.

They look like animals

with this big hair

and this animal make-up.

It was like...

It was intense.

(Simon) Some students

that weren't allowed in

stormed the barricades

and kicked over a these fire pots.

And then

the fire started.

(Simon) Cos there were a pile

of crashed cars

and I don't think

we'd emptied the cars of petrol.

(Kidd) The car's actually on fire.

There's a fricking car on fire

on the catwalk.

(Simon) And everyone thought

it was part of the show.

"Don't you...dare go out there

with fire extinguishers.

"Just keep sending them out.

Keep sending them out."

(Shaw) Had that not been rectified,

that whole tent

and all the top fashion editors

and models would have been history.

(Kidd) That's just back to typical,

wonderful, mad, brilliant Lee.

(Crowd applauding)

(Slow dramatic orchestral music)

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Reporter) Did you move out of London

and settle in Paris?

I stay in both. I'm here for six months

and in London six months. All over.

My dog is in London and I'm missing him.

I'm missing my dog.

(Reporter laughs)

(Melancholic music)

(Mira) TraveHing between the two cities

to do Givenchy and McQueen,

of course it would take its toll.

But he did it.

And he managed

to make the shows amazing.

(Simon) By that time

there was so much more pressure

because he was also doing his own line

and then having to do

ready-to-wear and couture.

You could see the beginning

of the pressure that Lee was under.

(Sebastin) The favourite company

of LVMH was Dior.

Lee felt they were really

comparing him with Galliano.

And then he sort of found out

that John had

four times more budget than him

to create his haute couture collection.

The house we loved

was the McQueen house.

Givenchy was like a stepbrother.

We knew that our time there

had an expiry date.

When we arrived at Paris

Lee's clothes tended to be very rigid

and I think in Paris

he got to discover

the soft side of things.

We took that

and we brought it to London.

For No. 13, I remember him very happy.

Lee had it very clear in his head

what he wanted to do.

We all left the meeting thinking,

"Oh, my God,

he has it very dear this season."

"He knows what colours,

he knows the shape..."

He himself was feeling at peace.

The first show I ever worked on

with Lee, he liked the idea of robots.

(Sebastien) Lee kept going on about it,

"Oh, I 'm gonna have this robot,

this model. "

And we were like "Oh, no!

The robots again. Oh, my God."

We were just hoping

he was gonna forget the idea.

But then, the night before the show,

the robot did turn up

and we didn't have a dress

to go with the robot.

I went back to the studio.

I was like, "Guys, we need

to make a dress for the finale."

We went under the table

and pulled all these jewels out

and he was like,

"Hey, there's the dress."

(Slow instrumental music)

(Mira) They told him it was impossible

and he said, "No, it's not.

You can do it."

That's what Lee did for people,

he made them do the impossible.

(Joseph) We got some technician down

to operate the robots and Lee was,

"Oh, yeah, let's make the robots

do more of this."

He's directing these robots

like they're actors

and, consequently, you end up

with this incredible choreography,

her spinning.

(McQueen) You had Shalom Harlow there

and these two robots going round.

And the thing is, the robots looked

like they had a mind of their own.

(Pace of music speeds up)

(McQueen) I think that's the first time

that I was blown away by my own show.

That man and machine thing at the end

was... I 'm still in shock, really.

It's the first time I've cried

at my show, so...


(Janet) Lee was living his dream.

He would never have given the work up,

as hard as it was,

because you get that one chance in life.

(Mira) The first time I knew that Lee

was actually getting very famous

was when some stranger

came up to us

in the supermarket

and asked for his autograph.

And I remember him saying to me,

"Oh, my God, that's so scary."

And I realised then

that something was happening.

He was breaking outside of fashion

and becoming famous.

(Alice) That whole celebrity thing,

people chasing after him.

You got the feeling he was saying,

"This is not the important thing.

This fame is nonsense.

"The important thing is what I do."

(Murray) I sometimes wish

he'd had a normal life

and that he could just be

a normal person

in terms of not having that pressure

of everything at such a young age.

(Mira) I knew Lee when he had nothing

but a rubbish bin full of clothes,

so I saw very quickly

him become a millionaire and more.

And the more money he had,

he seemed to be more unhappy.

(Detmar) With the money came dr*gs.

And that was the sad thing.

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Mira) When did it become bad?

Well, it became bad when the pressure

became too much for him

and he obviously started dealing with it

in ways he shouldn't have,


(Detmar) With cocaine

came an aggressiveness,

that kind of anger,

that sort of paranoia.

He still made some great clothes,

but the personality changed.

(McQueen) All the hard work I do.

I do 10 collections a year.

And it's hard work.

I didn't go to Givenchy,

they come to me.

I got really upset

when people started saying

I was gonna get fired

when it wasn't true.

"Sod the lot of you.

I do what I like."

(Murray) There was definitely a change

and definitely a move

in our relationship.

He had two sides to him.

He could come

in a super cool mood,

like, full of laughter and that,

or it could be

a devil crossing the door.

(Murray) He was obviously

a very troubled person

and the darkness created

this amazing creativity

and genius artist.

T had a tattoo saying McQueen on my arm.

I got it covered up

and when he found out,

that was kind of like the end

of everything.

(Alice) Lee was a romantic.

I think that he flirted always

with the idea of love.

I'm not sure

whether he ever achieved it.

The big thing in his life

that he was in love with was his work.

And also he didn't trust anyone.

He thought,

"lf the boyfriend is not here,

it's because he's with someone else."

And that made him suffer a lot.

(McQueen) People forget fashion 's

always been about attracting a mate.

H's about sexuality,

showing a person who you are.

I'm sorry if you think I'm stupid.

Even though I'm chubby

and I would like to look smaller.

I mean, let's be realistic here.

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Alice) When he changed his appearance,

he said, "I changed myself.

it was the wrong thing to do.

"I lost touch with who I was."

(McKitterick) What was it?

Ten years from Lee, little Lee McQueen,

satin the corner of my studio

sewing away,

to this svelte figure

dressed in Comme des Gargons,

having to become something

he didn't really want to be,

this son' of persona,

this Alexander McQueen.

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Simon) 6:00 in the morning.

(Woman 1) Don't! Don't do that to her.

(Woman 2) Oh, Simon.

-(Simon chuckles)

-(Woman 2) Oh, my God.

(Simon, chuckling)

She's only got a few hours left.

It wasn't fun any more for me.

That was the bottom line.

It just wasn't fun any more.

(indistinct conversation)

(Woman) I don't like the camera much.

Turn it off now.

(Mira) I've never done better work

than my time with Lee.

There was times that were dark with him

and times that were very bright.

And we all chose it.

We all chose to be there.

We all chose to not be there

sometimes as well.

(Sebastin) I collapsed once in Givenchy

because of the pressure

and the workload.

We had a price to pay

and it was our health.

I grew in the company,

of course.

I wasn't the little boy

that I started there.

As I grew up, I realised that...

I was feeling like I was a little bit

claustrophobic of the situation.

(McQueen cheerfully) Sebastin!

(Man) Oh, Sebastin...

(McQueen) Come on, you ugly bitch.

(McQueen laughing) Ooh!

It was like full devotion

to the McQueen house.

Looking after his dogs,

endless hours of working

and weekends either working

or socialising with Lee.

We were going also on holiday together.

I even know how to fake

his signature, you know.

I was feeling, like, trapped.

Even if I loved what I was doing.

I tried to... To speak with him

and that didn't end up that well.

The day I told him I was leaving,

he told me,

"Well, you'd better think about it

because there is no way back."

And I left and it was really sad,

you know.

My leaving, you know, it was...

No one...

No one, erm...

No one came to...

After all the work I've done and...



Lee took things quite to heart

without maybe thinking about

what the other person was going through

or what they needed

and he would take it very personally

when someone would leave

or he felt betrayed.

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Kidd) A lot of people around fashion

do suffer from anxiety,

do suffer from panic att*cks,


The industry is feeding this ego.

And it has a very negative effect.

(Joseph) For the Voss show

the original concept was a padded cell.

(Kidd) You start losing who you are

and it becomes a darkness

and a place that you can't get out of.

(Joseph) And, of course, Lee being Lee,

he wasn't happy

with just this one great idea.

You then had to have another box

in the middle

as a kind of theatrical climax

to the show.

When he came and sat down

to explain what it was,

he wouldn't look me in the eye

and he was saying,

"Yes, it's about death

and beauty and rebirth."

"lt's gonna be beautiful."

I really wasn't expecting

to be recreating

Joel-Peter Witkin's

famous incubus image.

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Tape stops)

It's a pretty gruesome image

and I'm thinking, "Oh, my goodness,

am I gonna do this?"

And I was like, "All right,

then, I will do it,

"but I want you to know... "

Serious face.

"...that I 'm doing it for an'. "

And he looked at me like I was mad

and then he looked away and he went,

"I thought we all were, weren't we?"

And he was off.

The actual set had

that Stanley Kubrick 2001

meets an insane asylum feel.

And there was a two-way mirror

so that when the fashion people,

when the fashion press came in

to wait for the show to start,

they were ail looking

at themselves in the mirror.

The music started,

ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum,

with this heartbeat

that went faster and faster and faster.

(Joseph) We didn't know what to expect,

what was gonna happen.

None of the audience knew at all.

(McQueen) Fashion is a big bubble

and sometimes I feel like popping it.

(Joseph) When the show starts,

boom, you can see inside.

But the models

can't see the audience at all.

(Olley) it was suddenly a much more

kind of voyeuristic thing.

The bandages he put

on a the model's heads

so it had that slight feeling of unease

and sickness and a bed/am feel about it.

(Mira) There was one time

that I 'd just come out of surgery

and he came to visit me

and he saw me

and I had bandages everywhere.

I was all bruised up and he was like,

"f*cking wicked!", as he would do that.

He absorbed things like a sponge,

saw the beauty in the ugly,

as with the bandages on me.



(McQueen) Life isn't perfect.

We're not a perfect size-zero models.

But there is beauty

within the eye of the beholder.

(Flatlining beep)

(Olley) For the final image

to be this one

of a large woman with moths everywhere,

it sounds like a joke, really.

But I do think there's a sense of humour

going on underneath there as well.

It's fat birds and moths.

I mean, isn't thatjust

fashion's worst nightmare?

(Tom Ford) Every season

whose collections do I look at?

Whose collections

am I jealous of in a sense?

Whose collections do I think

are absolutely amazing?

(Viglezio) Tom was literally God

ln the industry.

I guess, even if Lee was a rebel

and he was a totally different

kind of person,

he probably was flattered

and, you know, touched

by the fact that someone like Tom Ford

noticed him and wanted him.

Also he was smart enough to know

that he needed that financial help.

(McQueen speaking)

The wonderful thing

about Lee is he is poet...

He won't like this either,

but it's true.

...poet and commerce united,

because he's very practical.

So he understands you can express

whatever you want on the runway

but you need something beautiful

on the hanger to sell to a store.

(Alice) Gucci Group was smart.

They saw what the potential was.

And they offered McQueen a deal

he thought he couldn't refuse

which was, "Here, we'll underwrite

your company

"and give you 50% of the ownership."

They had secret meetings

so none of it would get back to Arnault

and the LVMH people.

They had no idea it was coming

until it hit them.

(McQueen) I was quite adamant

when I talked to Tom

that this was a one-man band.

So they leave you alone

to design what you want?

Hundred percent.

(McQueen) I was looking

for major investment

and then Gucci got in touch and...

The rest is history.

(McQueen laughs)

Au revoir, Givenchy.

(Lively stringed music)

(Music stops abruptly)

(Dog panting)

(McQueen) Got ya!

(Melancholic orchestral music)

(Dogs growling playfully)

What are you doing?

I have an affinity with the sea.

I don't know, maybe cos I'm Pisces.

And when it rains and it snows

and you're near the sea

and you can hear the waves...

H's very melancholic

but it's very romantic.

Sometimes you need to have a break

to get away from everything

and not to think about business

and fashion shows

and to take time out.

I have to be surrounded by nature.

This is older than the house.

This is over 400 years old.

It's an elm tree.

And we uplight it at night.

And, like, it's good inspiration.

(Melancholic orchestral music)

All my friends come here

and, you know,

we have the fire on

and we watch DVDs and listen to music.

It's nice and relaxing.

He would be spending time

with my mum a lot, down the cottage.

(Janet) I'm grateful

that we had that time together.

We'd see more of each other

and we did things together.

(McQueen) My family keep me grounded.

Fashion can be

a very superficial business.

When I started in London

there was nothing like this.

It's as close as we can get

to haute couture in England.

All the people here are students

and it's, like, training them up

and giving them that initial step

into the world of fashion.

Lee knew

from when I was a little boy

that I loved to draw

and I was always very artistic.

A lot of time had passed

and I was working at a rubbish tip

and Lee had the position

for a textile designer on menswear

and that's when he took me on.

Lee was really happy having me there,

firstly on the creative level,

but secondly just having

something that reminded him of his past

and his childhood.

Let's have a look.

(McQueen) There was a period when it

wasn't so good and I had a lot of angst.

It was kind of hard. There was a lot

of confliction in my head

with doing a job that I didn't wanna do,

which was Givenchy.

But I think I've come to a stage where

I just accept this is my fife,

this is what I was born to do.

(McQueen) Oh.


-(Woman) I like you like this.

(Gary) He controlled the vibe

wherever he went.

A lot of the time he was

such a buzz to be around.

The way I put it,

it was like he was the queen bee

with the worker bees responding

to the signals from that queen bee.

And people felt that, you know.

He had this kind of childish way

of mucking about

in the studio environment.

It just made things so fight

and such a nice place to be.

There was always

something creative happening.

That's what excited everybody.

(McQueen) I speak so loudly

in my work itself, you know.

I think everything I do is personal.

Even turning Kate Moss into a hologram

is kind of personal. It's ethereal.

It's a time I'm feeling at one

with the world and heavenly.

If you want to know me,

just look at my work.

(Slow triumphal music)

(Reporter) What does fashion

mean to you?

My life.

(Detmar) lssie died proud,

having achieved beyond her

wildest dreams.

(Plum) The fact that Issie went

was a huge blow to so many people,

including Alexander.

A huge blow.

(Bells tolling)

I saw him at Issie's funeral and

I've never seen anyone so devastated.

I couldn't recognise him.

He sat right behind me

and I turned round and saw this person

in a Highland kilt and a hat,

looking very sad.

I thought, "My God,

it's McQueen, Alexander."

And the look on his face was haunting.

I felt...

I felt for him.

You could just feel...

You could just see the pain.

He suffered.

I could see the love.

Never deny the love.

It was such a love affair

between those two.

lssie seemed to slot in

between a sister and a mum.

She was in the middle

and Lee just loved lssie.

(Detmar) The connection

between Issie and McQueen...

They both carried sadnesses.

Alexander had been abused.

He felt that person

had destroyed his innocence.

Issie had this very sad instance

when she was about five years old

when her brother

that she was playing with died.

Not lssie's fault,

but she always felt responsible for him

and carried that guilt.

There was a destructive side

and destructive issues

which she could never resolve entirely

and they would blow up.

It became more and more serious.

(Blow) I don't take dr*gs,

but I take medication.

I mean, sometimes I have to take a pill,

just to keep me calm.

The pathway

to her self-destruction was clear.

Issie, perhaps, was thinking

she didn't want to go on forever.

She couldn't rein vent herself

as an old woman

cos fashion 's all about youth.

Discovering people is a big thing.

It's like being a mother.

And the milk's dried up.

(Detmar) Issie was planning her death.

So she wanted

to say goodbye to McQueen.

And she organised a weekend.

She'd gone to a lot of trouble

with a very lovely menu.

And Alexander was exhausted

when he turned up

and just stayed in his room.

Whatever she needed,

he wasn't able to give it himself.

But they did see each other, yeah.

There was a farewell between them.

Big hug and kiss and...

"See you in the next world."

I don't know.

The thing is, when you're ill,

you don't know...

You're very alone.

(Detmar) lssie had ovarian cancer

at the end.

If it was terminal, who knows.

She wasn't interested in chemotherapy.

The last thing Issie said to me,

"Do you remember, Detmar,

when I was a ray of sunshine?"

And I said,

"You'll always be a ray of sunshine."

McQueen is calling his show

"La Dame Bleue."

He's dedicating this show

to his late great friend

and mentor, Isabella Blow.

You could see her

in the clothes.

You could smell

the perfume of her around.

And you could see her children,

in a way, backstage,

Alexander and Philip

going crazy together.

(Mira) What bonded them was lssie.

Isabella single-handedly invented

Alexander and myself

from nowhere

with such conviction that...

We will never experience again.

Her belief in you made you be

the person you are.

(Wings flapping)

(Tinkling screech)

(Melancholic instrumental music)

b*mb Once you sat down

and you saw the set and the music,

you were there and it held you,

because I kept seeing her in the clothes

that he was putting on the catwalk

and the hats, of course,

that Philip was designing.

(Viglezio) It was actually creating

some mythical figure

that was like lssie's presence

at the show.

(Detmar) So emotional.

I just couldn't stop crying,

just bent over double.

And, erm...

Grief is grief.

You have to go through it.

(Bobby) And then to see them come on

and realise how young they were

and they had lost a great friend

and how they had loved her.

(Janet) I think it had a big effect

on Lee.

After lssie passed away,

he was in a really dark place.

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Sebastien) We were watching TV

in the evening

and Lee McQueen

opened the news that day

with the Horn of Plenty show.

And my father was sitting there

and he's like, Sebastian, come over.

"I think it's your crazy friend's

fashion on TV."

And when my father

saw the collection, he was like,

"I think your friend

has gone really mad."

And I think with Horn of Plenty

that really reflects

the fashion world today,

a pile of crap.

(Sebastin) Three years of being apart,

I think a lot and I think

he thinks a lot also.

And when I called him,

it was like, "Hello, Lee?"

(As McQueen) "Hello?"

"Lee, it's Sebastin."

"Where the f*ck have you been

all this time, you f*cking bastard?"

We just started again like...

Like the brothers we were before.

So then I took the ferry to Ibiza

and I went to his villa.

When he opened the door,

I was in shock

because the person

who opened the door,

he was a different person,

he was really skinny

and looking very fragile

and very, very pale.

When I hugged him,

that's when I noticed

something has changed because...

His body structure was just bones.

There was hardly any muscle

or flesh there.

(Gary) Lee come in with the idea

of having an invitation for a show

that had that metamorphosis.

He wanted his face

to transform into a skull.

Everything in his life had just led

to these feelings of torment.

Lee was HIV positive.

Even though it isn't

a death sentence as such,

I think it was always

in the back of Lee's mind.

You'd feel the bad vibes

when Lee was down.

There was a real depression

that was brought with that as well.

(Slow stringed music)

(Janet) I think the trouble is with Lee,

after a show, when you've done

that build-up and you've worked hard,

you could see

there was a little bit of a down.

And then onto the next show.


Yeah, it was just show after show.

I don't know how Lee did it.

(McQueen) The pressures

kind of quite immense now

because of the Gucci contract

and, erm...

You know, the...

I do the men's now

and now I also do McQ,

so it's about 14 collections

a year again,

same as when I was at Givenchy,

so it's hard work.

(Gary) He would have liked

the idea of moving away

and just leaving everything behind,

but as it was his name above the door

and his reputation as a person

and everything he had built,

he couldn't just abandon it.

If I ever get that old and I'm still

around and I leave my company,

I'll just burn the place down

so there's no one working there.

(Reporter) Really?

So you'd never let someone carry on

the McQueen tradition

or the McQueen brand

if you weren't actively involved?


I don't think so. I mean, it doesn't...

It... Because that person will have

to come up with the concepts for my show

and my shows are so personal.

How can... How can that be?

(Janet) I said, "Why don't you

just step away, Lee, for a year?"

And he just said,

"You don't understand."

He said, "I'm responsible

for 50 people.

"They've got to pay their mortgages.

I can't just stop."

(Viglezio) I was always thinking

there's so much sadness in him,

and that was sad, you know,

because he was this successful,

flamboyant being

who actually was so lonely deep inside.

It can be. lt can be really lonely.

And I think...

You know, I think

there's more to life than fashion

and I don't want to be stuck

in that bubble of, "This is what I do."

It's nice because you see

everyone in the office.

They go home

and they can shut off

but I'm still Alexander McQueen

after I shut the door.

Do you know what I mean?

I've got to go home with myself, so...

You know,

if you've had a bad day,

I've only got myself

to answer to, so...


I mean, with us,

he was, like, behaving...

All right, OK,

but deep inside

we knew that he wasn't...

He wasn't 100%.

He could hear voices.

He was telling me

that they were chasing him.

One thing he used to say,

"Paranoia will destroy ya."

(Joseph) I remember doing a drawing

which, basically, has got

lots of cameras around.

We're thinking, "Maybe

the cameras could be on robots."

It was always about

getting the camera right in your face

and it's surveillance,

making the audience a bit uncomfortable.

(Gary) The idea behind Plato's Atlantis

is where people come from the land

and go back into the sea.

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

(Tape stops)

(Gary) He loved swimming, scuba diving.

He loved that feeling of just being

in a different world unden/vater,

just away from everything,

almost like you're back in the womb,


You know? And that kind of serenity

you would get through that.

(Sebastin) Plato's Atlantis

was kind of like a study in his head

with all the digital printing

and all the experimenting,


And the robots were there again.

He said to me, "I designed

my last coflection, Sebastian."

And he told me,

"I've had enough with all this.

"I am gonna k*ll myself."

"What do you mean,

you're gonna k*ll yourself?"

He's like, "Yeah, I...

"I am fed up. I've had it with this.

"L just wanna put an end to it.

"And in my last show,

in the end..."

He said,

"Do you remember Voss?

"So, I'm gonna do

the same sort of thing,

"but it's going to be a Perspex box

the size of a human being.

"So, when the show ends,

"this box is gonna come up

from the ground

"with me inside.

"And then I'm just...

"I'm just gonna

sh**t myself."


(Stammering) And I...

I mean, I just didn't know

what to... How to react to that.

You know what I mean?


He sounded so convinced.

(Tape plays)

(McQueen speaking)

It was like he thought

that the whole fashion "system"

was against him.

And I said, "No, no one is against you.

"But if you are thinking to do this,

"you're gonna harm so many people

"because people come

to your shows to see your beauty,

"your talent, your creativity and

"to see you, to see your work."

(Soft instrumental music)


He was like a movie director.

We had to be like aliens

and he told us this.

He said, "Listen, you have

to have this face.

"Strong, you know.

You have to be powerful."

With this show,

he kind of threw a b*mb on us.

"OK, this is it. Finished.

Everything is finished.

"We are reborn. We're starting anew.

"New chapter, new planet."

(Music intensifies)

(Frackowiak) I was really scared.

I tried not to picture myself falling.

I wanted him to be proud of me

and I wanted him to be proud

that he has such an army of models.

(Gary) Endless print designs.

It might have been a fish's fin

or scales from a snake,

and then manipulated and montaged

into a repeat pattern.

And it became something else,


This was the turn of the digital age

coming into fashion.

(Sebastian) It towards the end

he wasn't that happy,

why his best collection is there?

He knew he needed

something revolutionary.

And I think

Plato's Atlantis is, I'm sorry.

(Janet) I didn't go to Plato,

my mum not being well.

She was on dialysis at the time.

Lee didn't really want to face the fact

that we was gonna lose Mum.

Because he'd lost lssie,

he wasn't, erm,

dealing with Mum not being well.

(Gary) After my grandmother Joyce

passed away,

he was in really bad shape.

(Janet) Lee was distraught.

We was sitting

in the living room at my dad's

and he didn't look himself at all,


I mean, we was all taking

my mum's passing bad.

I think we was all worried about Lee

because obviously Mum and Lee...

Lee idolised my mum.

The Iastjob he gave me to do

was designing the gravestone.

He liked the idea of the wings

wrapping round the gravestone

to kind of embrace

my grandmother Joyce.

Originally, I had hands

which were facing down

on top of the gravestone.

But the hands for him facing down

was holding them down.

He wanted them uplifted,

so he turned the hands upwards.

(Janet) I called Lee


we spoke about

Mum's funeral and...

And that was the last conversation.

-(Tape plays)

-(McQueen speaking)

(Mira) The night...

lwas in bed,

I was reading, and I felt...

I felt something touch my head.

Very softly and very gently.

I touched my head

and I said to myself,

"Who's here? Who are you?"

I knew someone had passed

and was saying goodbye.

I got a call at half past 9:00

in the morning

from my sister.

And then that phone call...

Just changed...


I just really couldn't believe

what I was hearing

because itjust seemed so surreal

in that moment.

Just the vision in my mind

of Lee being sort of all alone

and doing that as well

was playing through my mind,

you know, and it's quite...


It's not the nicest way to go, you know.

su1c1de, alone, hanging.

It's, erm...

I just don't want to think

what was going through his mind,

how lonely he must have been as well,

doing it.

(Reporter 1) The fashion world

is in shock

over news that Alexander McQueen

has died...

(Reporter 2) The darling of British

fashion has been found dead after...

(Reporters speaking other languages)

(Sebastin) He used to say that a lot.

"One day

"I'm gonna come home

inside a body bag."

And that day when...

The news opened again

that day

of him leaving his house

inside a body bag.

(Rebecca) I'd taken my kids

to Hamleys' 100th-year celebration

and my partner picked me up and said,

"I've got..."

I can't do it. It'll just be really

silly. I'll just cry.

He said, "Lee's dead."

And it was just such a shock

and I was so angry

for a really long time.

Because you think just...

"How do you...

"How did that happen?"

You know? He's...

I think that

perhaps after my mum went

that he felt there was nothing

that could make him happy any more.

And I just think it was

in that moment that

he had that emptiness.

I miss him a lot, yeah.

I miss that... That... You know...

He could have had, like,

some really great happiness in his life

and he didn't quite have that

in his personal life.

And... That's what I wish...

Wished for him most.

($ftly) Yeah.

I'm so happy I got to...

To meet him and to...

To share

part of my life with his story

and everything.

But I miss him.

I wish

things ended in a different way.

(Plum) He wanted to make

really beautiful things

and he sculpted in clothing.

He was a sculptor really, I think,

and that's where that silhouette

came from.

(Mira) His clothes made me feel

that you could be feminine,

but at the same time, you know,

"Don't f*ck with me, I'm a bitch."


(Sebastian) The thing I remember best

is seeing him working.

It was magical.

For me, he was like a magician.

(Kidd) One outfit would just be insane

and then the next one

would just be genius.

(Viglezio) Nobody could create emotions

in a show like Lee McQueen did.

(Gary) Fashion for Lee was a way

of just communicating a whole world

and he wanted to take himself

out of the picture,

for people just to focus

on this art that he was creating.

(Simon) Raucous, bolshie,

incredibly funny, incredibly driven.

Not only did he have a singular vision,

but he was a very singular individual.

And his strength of personality

was quite phenomenal.

You just don't see

many people like that.

They don't...

They don't come up very often.
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