How to Survive a Plague (2012)

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How to Survive a Plague (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome to ACT UP!

We are the AIDS coalition

to unleash power.

A diverse non-partisan group

of individuals united in anger

and committed to direct action to...

...end the AIDS crisis!

Less than 12 hours from now,

we are going to be taking over

city hall!

ACT UP, fight back, fight AIDS!


Mr. mayor, in campaigning for

the lesbian and gay vote in an

election year, a bit of

historical context is necessary

in dealing with the AIDS

crisis in New York City.

It wasn't until 1983 that you met with

people to deal with the AIDS crisis.

- How do you respond to these criticisms?

- That is a falsehood.

Please, anybody who's thinking

about being arrested,

fill out a support sheet, make

sure your support person knows

who you are and what

group you're in... yeah?

If we end up in the tombs,

is there like, a q*eer t*nk

there and would you recommend

that we ask to be there?

There is a h*m*-t*nk and

I've been there and it's

better than the straight

t*nk, let me tell you.

Who else? Yes?

In the past, you've described act

up as fascist, yet in the press

release, you called them

"concerned citizens" and I was

wondering what

changed your mind?

Well, I don't think

you can't use both.

Fascists can be concerned

citizens and I don't believe

they are fascists, I think they

have used a fascist tactic.

Let us celebrate together

tonight, the end of the last day

on which Ed Koch can tell

himself that the communities

which are being decimated by

this epidemic are so weak and

so divided among themselves, that he can

keep serving us this kind of bullshit.

Tomorrow morning he will

begin to learn the truth!

ACT UP, stand tall, tomorrow

morning at city hall!

ACT UP, stand tall,

tomorrow morning at city hall!

ACT UP, stand tall,

tomorrow morning at city hall!

ACT UP, stand tall...

We're talking to Jim Eigo from the

treatment issues committee of ACT UP.

Jim, what specific

treatment issues are being

brought into this

demonstration this week?

The municipal hospitals are

totally falling apart.

More than half of the people

that get diagnosed with AIDS

today get diagnosed in the

emergency rooms of our city.

You're going to find yourself

waiting four days in an

emergency room before

you get a bed.

Pretty scared, but being

HIV-positive, I don't have

much choice in the matter.

I just love all these people,

and I think what we're doing is

really right and I mean, listen to

this and look at all the people.

It's just really wonderful and it's

worth putting yourself on the line for.

...there is no

accurate diagnosis.

There are incentives in the city

hospitals not to diagnose people

with AIDS and therefore,

people don't get treated.

We are angry at the way this

city has handled this crisis

and we demand that ed Koch exert leadership

and declare a state of emergency.

Go in the street now or wait,

those are the options.

- One, he says go.

- Go now.

Says now, three.


Go now, Tom says.

We're standing here

with Larry Kramer.

What is ACT UP trying to

say today to Ed Koch?

We're sending a message to

public officials, to closeted

public officials, that we won't

be shat on anymore and obviously

all the AIDS issues.

I would love to see

like, more cameras or

something, you know, for

our own protection.

Did everyone hear his concern?

People die every day,

friends get sick every day.

It's like being in the trenches.

There's such anger in the

community and it is coalescing

in a way that has never

been done before.

Okay, which way do we face

girlfriends, this way or that way?

Healthcare is a right,

healthcare is a right!

Healthcare is a right,

healthcare is a right!

Healthcare is a right,

healthcare is a right!

Pump up the budget!

Healthcare is a right,

healthcare is a right!

You are currently in violation

of law by obstructing

vehicular pedestrian traffic.

You have the option of leaving

at this time, otherwise...


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!


Fight back, fight AIDS!

I guess I'm feeling pretty

helpless at the moment.

I think like, the biggest

question that I'm facing

now is how to remain hopeful in

the face of increasing loss.

I don't know, maybe it

sounds really corny but I...

As difficult as the time is for

us... I like being alive.

And I love my friends and I love

my family.

I love the people around me.

I'm going to die from this.

This isn't going to be cured

for years and years and years.

Doctor's office.

Hi, it's Peter Staley.'s like living in a w*r,

all around me, friends are

dropping dead and you're scared

for your own life, all

at the same time.

I was diagnosed with

AIDS-related complex while I was

working as a bond

trader on wall street.

I had night sweats.

I began to get dry, patchy,

scaly, itchy skin on my face.

And I would get sick constantly.

Colds would lay me up for weeks.

I started to look around in

desperation for ways that I

could find treatments to help

save my life... um... And

there was nothing coming out

of our government's efforts,

I quickly realized.

Everything I read said I had about

two years to live, at most.

- What do we want?

- A cure!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- A cure!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- A cure!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

I was on my way to work and I got

handed a flyer about act up and AIDS.

My mentor says, "if you ask me,

I think they all deserve to die

because they took it up the butt."

I was deeply closeted and I had to just

stew about it for the rest of the day.

I got myself to the very

next ACT UP meeting.

They could just tap into that

immediate anger and get stuff done.

...we will not leave until an

administrator meets with us

and tells us that St. Vincent's

is willing to make a public

statement condemning gay

and lesbian v*olence.

All those in favor?

All those opposed?

They're coming!

You see them right there.

You've heard about ACT UP.

You've seen our flyers.

The kiss-in happens tonight.


Fight back!

Make love!


Whoo, whoo!

I'll deal with the cameras.

Are you the security guard

that was beating people up?

Members of the mainstream

media were thrown out, as we

were earlier on, but Steve Zabel

and I came back in and we're

bringing you this exclusive footage.

Don't destroy property!

You're destroying property.

Well, actually you damaged

some human property last week.

You damaged people.

You will not beat up on faggots

and you will not beat up

on lesbians in hospitals

in our own community.

Two gay women were beaten up

and when her lover came to

respond... you know the story.

And another story was when two

gay guys came in, one was sick

with AIDS, the security guard

told him to get the f*ck out of

here and called him "f*gg*t."

I think if you're gonna work,

especially in Greenwich village,

you should have some sensitivity training,

'cause we're not gonna have it.

I'm willing to meet with three

people if the rest of you leave.

Okay, one at a time,

one at a time.

It's unclear how to play it.

My own instinct would be to say,

"we'll be glad to meet with you,

and when the meeting's

over, we'll leave."

Not to leave before the

meeting takes place.


We've shown the kind of power we

can have by immediate action,

by sticking together, by

reaching a consensus together.

We should take this in steps

and we should be cool-headed.

I'm going to take

a straw poll, Okay?

...and we agreed to leave the

waiting room while he met with

three of our representatives:

Gregg, Jerry and Neil, in that

public space right there.

And then we would stick around out here

and wait to see what the outcome was.

So I said, "enough of this,

this job is gonna k*ll me."

So, I went on disability and

decided to become a

full-time AIDS activist.

In the beginning, what

dr*gs did we have?

We had nothing.

And the pneumonia could come

on like that, and be gone

and that person is dead.

The skin lesions, the Kaposi's sarcoma was...

people would be

coming in with a purple spot.

Everybody was coming in

with, "what is this spot?

What is that spot?"

You'd have some guys come in with k.S.

On their face and

they'd be putting makeup on

their face and they'd be...

It was... and they were lucky if

it just stayed in the skin.

If it didn't go into their

lungs, and then if it went into

their lungs, chemo didn't

work and then they were gone.

You were grasping at straws for

everything because these are

young, vibrant people.

And all of a sudden

they're being snatched.

I think everything has to

be put in perspective.


Iris long is lifesaving.

If you can't hear in the back and you

want to, just shout it out, please.

This is a report from the

American society of microbiology,

a conference I went

to at the end of may.


There were many infections

talked about, including AIDS

at this conference, and it was

overwhelming to know how many

pathogens, bacteria, fungus,

protozoas and viruses there are

out there that can really make

you very sick...

One day this woman just showed up, this

housewife who had been a scientist and

still was, and said, "you guys don't

know diddly about what this is.

And anybody who wants to learn

about the system, how it works,

how grants are made, how the

science works, how everything

works, how the N.I.H. Works, how the F.D.A.

Works, how you

can deal with all this enormous

amount of material, I'll teach you."

There should be much more funding than

there is for infectious diseases.

Iris was not gay, but

she could not see, with what was

going on around her and what

she knew, not reaching out to the

affected communities of AIDS.

I waited and went up to

iris afterwards and said,

"I'm interested in what you were

saying, I'd like to know more,

I'd like to help."

And a few people joined her,

and that became a bigger and

bigger group and that became the

treatment and data committee:

T & D.

They're still getting a hell

of a lot more money than

actually getting those treatments in... was kind of a dorky

activity for a bunch of east village

hipsters and artists to sit around reading

medical journal articles.

We called it science club, like

it was chess club or something.

There aren't dr*gs.

Individual after individual

had to come to grips

with the fact that "I will

survive the longest, the most I

know about what I'm

putting into my body."

So they all had to be become

scientists, to some degree.

And what I'd like everyone to

do is to keep on thinking of

ways to refine these things to

make them more clear to people

that don't necessarily

know the issues.

Like, 'o. I.', no one knows what 'o.

I.' Is... Okay, so I wrote it

here, just 'cause

it's shorthand.

Only 17% of people in their

trials have been taking dr*gs

for opportunistic

infections or cancers...

Mark wasn't like the

big, beefcakey guy.

He was super smart,

smoked nonstop.

Right away, Mark

digested, as by osmosis,


And within a few weeks, he had

come up with a glossary of AIDS

treatment terms and we started

giving it out in our meetings.

Next we have an announcement by

Tom Dwayne regarding housing.

This is Bernard Braverman, who's

in danger of being evicted

from his apartment that he shared with

his life partner for many, many years.

His life partner died and the

landlord wants Bernard out of

his home, because his name

was not on the lease.

What's his landlord's address?

There are cards here to fill

out to write to the governor.

Let's make sure our voices

are heard in New York City

to save the homes of p.W.A.S and

other non-traditional families.

Thank you.

I just want to say something

about what's just happened.

I've realized we haven't done

anything yet for him and we

haven't been effective and

we haven't been powerful.

But we will be.

It's very inspiring to know

that the power in this room is

potentially available to

each and every one of us.

One, two, three.


How's it?

Is that as good as

daddy's or better?

You're better.


Would you like daddy to try it?

Are you ready?

That's not very good.

One, two, three.

I know this sounds ironic, considering

that it ended in divorce, but I think it

is fair to say it is the only really

successful love affair of my life.

I came out at age 40.

It was very bad timing to come out

in the middle of an epidemic.

The question is what does a

decent society do with people

who hurt themselves because

they're human, who smoke too

much, who eat too much, who drive

carelessly, who don't have safe sex?

I think the answer is that a

decent society does not put

people out to pasture and let them die

because they've done a human thing.

For the first time today,

the government approved

prescription sales of

a drug to treat AIDS.

The drug, A.Z.T., is not a cure

for the disease, but it has

prolonged the lives

of some AIDS victims.

It's the only government-approved

AIDS drug in America.

But even this most promising of dr*gs

is a source of frustration and anger.

At $10,000 a year cost per

patient, it's prohibitively expensive

for most and not widely available.

Out of the bars and

into the streets!

Out of the bars and

into the streets!

A.Z.T. Was the most

expensive drug in history;

They charge $10,000 a year.

We need to get a substantial price

reduction out of this company.

The incident began at 10

this morning when four AIDS

activists took over an office at

Burroughs Wellcome, saying they

had enough food and water to

stay holed up for a long time.

The activists are demanding that Burroughs

Wellcome lower its price of A.Z.T.

Burroughs Wellcome is

profiting off of our lives,

that's why we did

today what we did.

And, if they don't see to, start

listening to my community,

to our community, the AIDS

community, then we're

gonna be back.

One of the worst, worst

things was when people

died in the hospital, they used

to put them in black trash bags.

It was...

It was really awful.

And not every funeral parlor

would take patients who had died

of AIDS.

But so the least we could

offer is sympathy and moral

support, you know, and kindness,

and so forth.

And that they deserved,

in any case.

And when even that became

denied, you know, by the

totalitarian rules of

organizations, of institutions,

it was really horrifying.

It is the most frightening

medical mystery of our times.

AIDS victims must deal with the trauma

of being both a patient and a pariah.

I hate to use the word "gay"

in connection with sodomy.

There's nothing gay about these

people, engaging in incredibly

offensive and revolting conduct that

has led to the proliferation of AIDS.

There is a feeling among

members of any of a number of

professions or just the general

population, that patients with

AIDS, many of whom are h*m*,

are a little bit different.

I think that that has led to a

little bit of a complacency

about the approach

towards this disease.

In the absence of adequate

health care, we have learned to

become our own clinicians, researchers,

lobbyists, drug smugglers, pharmacists.

We have our own libraries, newspapers,

drug stores, and laboratories.

Some of the medications that were

made available were not effective.

They were in this category that

we called "what the hell" dr*gs,

which is there's some

evidence it could be useful,

it's unlikely to be harmful...

what the hell.

Should I type?

Yes, type.

Take your time.

Where are we?

We're at the people with AIDS health

group, the largest underground buyers'

club in the United States.

And what do you do here?

We help people import dr*gs

from other countries, um,

that are unapproved here.

Peptide T, albendazole, oral

amphotericin b, um, we have a

whole variety of things for

your treatment pleasure.

None of which work, by the way.

Put that in.

People with AIDS, what they

were mostly thinking about was

"oh, dr*gs, how do I

get it off-market?

How do I... will we ever get a

black market for this drug?

I hear this is good and..."

It was iris who helped us see:

We don't want a... black market,

we want to make the

real market work.

Try it.

Hi, I'm Mark Harrington

from ACT UP New York.

Recently, a lot of activists have

been asking why ACT UP is going...

Uh, you've got to start over, I've gotta do that...

I've gotta do that over.

You can just start

yourself over.

But I did - but I won't get that

wonderful cigarette-lighting thing.

I think the cigarette maybe

is not going to work.

I shouldn't use the

cigarette at all?


I don't think so, it's too, um...

too much.

Too much?

Hi, I'm Mark Harrington

from ACT UP New York.

A lot of people have been asking why are

AIDS activists going to the F.D.A.?

First of all, you have to

understand that the F.D.A. Is

one of the many federal AIDS

bureaucracies which we're angry

with for not doing enough

in the fight against AIDS.

Half the people who take A.Z.T.

Can't take it 'cause of side

effects, and therefore,

the F.D.A. Has to take a more activist

stance in the experimental process.

And only the F.D.A. Has the

power under existing laws and

regulations to release the dr*gs

that we want released now.

How's that?

Chanting group approaches:

A.Z.T. Is not enough!

Give us all the other stuff!

A.Z.T. Is not enough!

Give us all the other stuff!

A.Z.T. Is not enough!

Give us all the other stuff!

It takes nine months to

test a drug in Europe... in Belgium,

in France, in Germany, in england.

We are not asking the F.D.A. To

release dangerous dr*gs without

safety or efficacy.

We are simply asking the F.D.A.

To do it quicker.

dr*gs for sale!

dr*gs for sale!

Dextran sulfate for sale.

Get your dextran here.

You can't get it inside.

...f. D.A., but we're

selling it anyway.

$30 for dextran sulfate!

Release the dr*gs now!

Release the dr*gs now!

Release the dr*gs now!

...get to work, get to work!

Get to work, get to work!

...guilty, guilty, guilty!

Guilty, guilty, guilty!

Guilty, guilty, guilty!

...seize control, seize control!

Seize control, seize control!

Keep it moving!

Keep it moving!

Seize control!

Seize control, seize control...

Fight AIDS!


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!

Seize control!

Seize control, seize control!

Seize control,

seize control, seize control!

Seize control!

Tell us why you got arrested, where are

they taking you, what's going on today?

We don't know what's...

where they're taking us.

We're here because this

government has the resources

to deal with the AIDS epidemic, and

they won't do it unless we force them.

I.J. Hutchins reports

live from Rockville,

where the massive protest

is wrapping up... I.J.?

Well, Jim, it's being billed as one

of Montgomery county's biggest

demonstrations in recent history

and it went off smoothly.

185 arrests, as a coalition of

gay groups came to Rockville

to shut down the F.D.A.

Tonight, from Washington,

crossfire, against all odds.

On the left, Tom Braden.

On the right, pat Buchanan.

In the crossfire, Peter Staley of the New

York AIDS coalition to unleash power.

Peter Staley, you have the

AIDS virus, and I am sorry.

But don't you think that the

federal drug administration has

a responsibility not to let

people, such as you, have quacks

that could cause even more

harm than you already have?

The problem is, is that the F.D.A.

Is using the same

process to test a nasal spray

as it is to test AIDS dr*gs,

and it's a 7-10 year process.

You have the F.D.A.

Giving you a drug.

So far, you've got A.Z.T.

Why... - which I can't take

because it's too... far too toxic

and over half the people

that have HIV can't take.

Okay, but the F.D.A. Says

there is nothing else

that is worth anything.

Mr. Staley, this is gonna astonish you,

but I agree with you a hundred percent.

I think if someone's got AIDS

and someone wants to take a

drug, it's their life and if it gives them

hope, you ought to be able to take it.

What I want to ask you is

whether you know of anything

that you think might be some

kind of miraculous cure that

you think they're

sitting on at F.D.A.

There are over 140 dr*gs out

there that the F.D.A. Has

identified as possibilities,

and are in some stage of

being looked at right now.

Why are they holding back?

Among that 140, there's gotta

be one or a combination thereof

that can, that can slow down this

virus or halt it in its tracks.

You're just simply carrying

the virus, is that correct?

I have a few very minor symptoms and

my immune system is virtually shot.

What would you like to take?

I would like to be able to take

dextran sulfate... legally.

How would that hurt you?

...on the underground

right now.

Well, why not, Mr. Braden?

Because... well, I don't know

anything about dextran sulfate.

Well, I'll tell you this:

It's an over-the-counter drug in

Japan and has been for 20 years.

But - over-the-counter.

But if the F.D.A. Says...

I'm only asking that they

be released after there's a minimal

amount of efficacy, not a 100% test.

You've got the pink triangle on

your shirt, silence equals death.

I gather that means

you're a h*m*.

- Yes.

- Looking in the camera, what would you tell some

kid, say you had a younger

brother, 21 years old, who also

might have h*m*

tendencies, what would you tell

him if you wanted him

to live a long life?

Use a condom, and also to use a lubricant,

by the way, that has the medicine...

this is Russian roulette.

It is not Russian roulette.

It is Russian roulette to not

give people this information

when human nature dictates

that they're gonna

go out there, and

they're gonna have sex.

- You mean celibacy is impossible?

- It's just not gonna work.

People aren't gonna do it, and lots,

lots of people are gonna die.

Now would you rather have a lot

of people cheating on their

celibacy with thousands of

people dying, or would you rather save

those lives and let them have sex?

I think that, uh... Well,

thank you very much,

Peter Staley, thanks for

being in our studio.

Mr. Braden and I will

be back in in a minute.

One of the things we wanted

was a drug that you gave

to people who had

cytomegalovirus and advanced

AIDS, because people who had

both tended to go blind.

It was called d.H.P.G.

In a way similar to A.Z.T., it

was highly toxic, but it was

known to be effective because

6,000 people had already used

the drug, but never

in a clinical trial.

Hey, hey, F.D.A.!

How many people did

you k*ll today?

We are with Jim Eigo from

ACT UP, and there's a major

protest going on here in

Bethesda over the drug d.H.P.G.

Tell us what's happening.

Well, this is the second

meeting of the bush commission

for reviewing procedures for

approving AIDS and cancer dr*gs.

And we thought, since the

non-approval of d.H.P.G. Is

such a perfect example of how

regulation has gone wrong,

we'd bring it home to the

commission itself by showing up here

in force, and that's what we've done.

Okay, also inside at the hearing

itself, and I understand

there's gonna be an action in just a

little while when Ellen Cooper speaks.

I guess so.

What about d.H.P.G.?

What about d.H.P.G.?

Without the objective data, we

feel that we would indeed be

on, on treacherous grounds in

defending that decision, and in

fact would be wide open to the

charge of arbitrary


Although, uh, we certainly

wouldn't be be accused

of being inflexible.

You did it with A.Z.T., I don't

see why you can't do it with...

I mean, I have to say that

the difference in the data

between A.Z.T. And d.H.P.G. Is

the difference between night and day, as far as...

Sight and blindness.

You're just as blind...

...since this meeting's started, and four

more are gonna die before it's over.

Who represents the

patient on this panel?

Where is the person of

color on this panel?

F.D.A. Relooks at the

d.H.P.G. Data and suddenly, oh!

Agrees with ACT UP.

Ready for a vote?

All in favor, raise your hand.

One, two...

Well, that's everyone.

It was really an amazing

encounter, but it sort

of felt like reaching, uh,

the wizard of oz, like,

you've got to the center of the

whole, of the whole system,

and there's just this

schmuck behind a curtain.

There was no guiding agenda,

there was no leadership,

there was no global strategy for

how to deal with AIDS in the U.S.

And so, on the bus back from

Bethesda, we decided to write a

treatment agenda, because nobody

was dealing with the entire map

of AIDS, the entire

constellation of opportunistic

infections, the gaps in

research, the underrepresented

populations, the fact that the

diseases and the dr*gs might

be different in

those populations.

- How would we ever find out?

- They weren't even being studied.

In the dark of night

I laid myself to rest

step out of the strange...

- Bye, Ron!

- Bye, Bobby!

Come on Catherine, let's go.

It's time to go.



come to life...

...knows no borders!

The AIDS crisis!

Knows no borders!

The AIDS crisis!

Knows no borders!

The AIDS crisis!

Knows no borders!

The AIDS crisis!

Knows no borders!

The AIDS crisis!

Knows no borders!

I'd just like to say that

the reasons I can't get any

of these dr*gs is 'cause for

nine years now, the leadership

in this country has failed to

come up with a plan of action.

They've failed to come up with

a plan of research, a national

research agenda.

People with AIDS and their advocates

have finally done this for them.

This is it.

This is the plan

we're presenting.

We need our government to read

this plan, we need them to work

with us, if they want to change

it a little, we'll talk to them.

But I want them to adopt it,

I want them to get started

on it, I want them to save our lives.

Thank you.

I snuck around and grabbed, uh,

grabbed one of those copies,

and it was very interesting.

We believe that the united

states has a global

responsibility to quickly

develop effective treatments,

not only for HIV infection

itself, but for all of the

opportunistic infections, which

actually cause suffering and

death in people

living with AIDS.

This is not a new agenda, and it

is not an agenda of only ACT UP.

Scientists agree with this.

Why can't we have it?

The researchers and regulators

are going to have to

come up with a parallel release

program that will get dr*gs to

the people who need it before

the five years down the pipe

where they may be

approved by the F.D.A.

I was scribbling madly

in this copy of their,

their AIDS treatment research agenda...

I would go back and

forth between saying, "no, no!

They, they don't understand!"

To saying, "whoa, you mean this

isn't the way we're doing trials?

You mean people aren't

allowed to do this or that?"

But I have to tell you that I

was still not ready to sort of

go up to them and

try, try and engage.

I brought this copy back and I

distributed it to a small group

of statisticians that was meeting regularly

to talk about trial design issues.

The people sitting around that

table got as excited as I did.

This had clearly been written

by people who were very

knowledgeable, very, very

intelligent, and really wanted

to do the trials the

best possible way.

They were not against trials.

They wanted to get the right

answers, but they wanted what

they called humane trials.

It all came together in

Montreal, but what was new for

ACT UP... we went

to a drug company.

There is renewed hope for

people infected with AIDS.

A new experimental drug, D.D.I.,

will be distributed on a limited

basis for free this fall by its developer,

the giant Bristol-Myers company.

This marks the first time an

anti-AIDS drug will be available

even before safety

testing is finished.

Full A.Z.T. Treatment is too

much for patient Peter Staley.

For nine months, he's been limited to a

quarter-dose of the drug, and wants D.D.I.

As soon as possible.

Do you need D.D.I.

To live, do you think?

Yes, I need, I need D.D.I.

I probably need some other

anti-virals beyond that.

It is historic, it is because

the AIDS activist community

has obtained this drug.

It is not the government, no one

has given it to us, we have

fought for it, and for the

first time, we have won.

So, by '89, less than a year after our F.D.A.

Demo, they had

approved a drug to prevent

blindness in people with AIDS.

And we had gotten expanded

access to D.D.I., and that was

a very powerful feeling.

We felt like we were taking direct

action and we were helping make

people's lives better.

I wasn't sure that A.Z.T. Or D.D.I.

Were all that great,

but we were beginning to get

letters from people that said,

"thank you for saving my

eyesight, " " thank you, ACT UP,

for getting me access to D.D.I.

And helping to save my life."

At Merck, HIV was an

important scientific target.

HIV, of course, is a virus.

In order for the virus to infect

an uninfected cell, it needs to

construct itself in

a particular way.

First, the viral RNA needs to

transform itself into a DNA copy

in order to knit itself into the nuclear

DNA of the newly infected cell.

This occurs by a process

called reverse transcription.

- A.Z.T. And D.D.I. Were both

- Originally developed to try to

inhibit that process of

establishing infection.

A number of other researchers

began to focus on another

portion of the viral life cycle,

after the cell is already infected.

One of the steps that it takes is that is...

it makes a viral

protein, it has to snip that viral

protein in very specific places.

The resulting pieces self-assemble

to make the viral particle.

And what does the snipping,

and what in fact controls

the snipping is a viral

protein called the protease.

If you genetically modify the

viral protease so that it can no

longer snip, the virus no longer

has the ability to make those

component pieces that it

needs to make in order to

self-assemble, and make an

infectious viral particle.

We solved the structure

of HIV protease in 1989,

and published it pretty quickly.

I think, I think we saw the

structure and within a few weeks

it was in the literature.

And then the question became

"all right, can we prove it?"

Can we prove it that that is

in fact the case, and most

importantly, can we prove that

if you inhibit that protease,

if you knock out its activity,

that the virus can no longer

replicate, and therefore make new

progeny viral particles that

would then go on and establish

a new cycle of infection.

AIDS is now the leading

cause of death for men

under 44 in New York and a

half-dozen other cities,

surpassing homicide and

all other diseases.

Yet Roman catholic bishops are

meeting this week to publicly

oppose the use of condoms

as morally unacceptable.

This puts them in direct opposition to U.S.

public health policy.

The new church position

condemns not only the

immorality of condoms, but

their effectiveness, as well.

The draft under consideration in

Baltimore this week says it is

quote, "a virtual certainty that

reliance on condoms will result

in transmission of AIDS."

Of the bishop's proposed new

policy, New York City health

commissioner Stephen

Joseph says...

This would be a

public health disaster.

It would undoubtedly lead to

more transmission, particularly

in high-risk areas of the city,

more disease and more death.

Catholic conservatives say not

just physical death but spiritual

death is at issue here.

As New York City's archbishop,

John cardinal O'Connor put it...

The use of prophylactics is

immoral in a pluralistic society

or any other society.

I think that's it except, of

course, we have Ann Northrop

giving her sound bite technique.

Uh, we want everybody to join

us, to support us, to destroy

the power of the catholic

church, to make our side the

strong one, and to do that,

we must put out the message

that we are the ones who are

fighting for people's lives,

and they are the murderers.

Don't be afraid of the media.

You're talking through

them to the public.

We are trying to arouse,

to anger an action.

And hone it down to, yes, a

three-second bite, a five-second bite,

just a phrase that will have an

impact, that will say something

specific and that will

be understandable.


I don't have a, uh, phrase

worked out, and, uh, so you're

all gonna have to create your

own, so this is empowerment.



Answer me,

sweet Jesus

won't you help me?

Please, you're interfering

with us, step back.

This is Jesus Christ.

I'm in front of St. Patrick's

cathedral on Sunday.

We're here reporting on a major AIDS

activist and abortion-rights activist

demonstration, which will be

taking place here all morning.

Inside, cardinal O'Connor is

busy spreading his lies and rumors about

the position of lesbians and gays.

We're here to say we want

to go to heaven, too.

J.C. Here with the fire and

brimstone network, and we'd like

to ask you a little bit about this large

vision that you've visited upon us.

Well, we've decided to

rename the cardinal.

He's now cardinal O'Condom.

This is our message to him that

condoms are safe, it's no sin.

Stop k*lling us!

Stop k*lling us!

Stop k*lling us!

We're not gonna take it anymore!

You're k*lling us!

Stop it!

Stop it!

Stop it!

Stop it!

Stop it, stop it!

Stop it!

How many more have to die?

How many more have to die?

Saving lives is morally right!

Those protesting

believe that the protests

will result in some change of

environment, some change

of attitudes, perhaps.

The church will be teaching that

h*m* activity is sinful,

until the end of time.

That won't change.

This is July 22nd, 1989.

Now Sara, what do you think

about your dad being 44?


Thank you, thank you

for your support.

One, two, three.

Yay... We did it.

A lot of smoke.

Oh, boy.

I wish those candles

would stop smoking.

It's bad for their health.

That's right.

Okay, Robert Rafsky, do you have

any remarks before you jump off

the edge of the porch?

I have no interest in jumping

off the edge of the porch.

I will jump up and down.

I think 44 is a very fine age.

It has a nice symmetry to it,

it has a nice feeling to it.

It's, uh, better than 22 and

possibly better than 88.

We'll see.

Here's how we planned this.

What we want to do is run this

like a treatment and data meeting.

A number of times we've had

people come to a treatment and

data meeting and speak on

certain issues.

We try to get in depth, we

try to nail issues down.

This isn't a free-for-all.

Let's call it a working


So, why don't we start?

This is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Bob Rafsky.

I may be wrong, Dr. Fauci, but

it's my understanding that

thousands of people died from

pneumonia because there was no

priority within the government,

or within the medical system

as a whole, to push the known

preventative treatments

for a long time.

Now those thousands

of people are dead.

It would seem to me that someone

who was within the government

while that took place, as you

were, must have on their

conscience these deaths.

That is a tough one, um...

No, it really is.

It's inexcusable that an

academic priority should ever,

ever come before the health of

the people that you're working

with, there's no

question about that.

But the reality of the situation

is there was a great reluctance

among the community of

everything from the scientists

to the congress saying that what

we should be doing is not

telling investigators what to

do, but we should allow them to

do what they feel is

the most important.

Now that sounds awful when

you're putting it in the context

of what we're talking about here, but

the whole world isn't in this room.

Every 12 minutes someone dies!

Protests won me a Nobel prize!

Every 12 minutes,

someone dies...

AIDS activists stormed the government's

premiere disease research center.

The national institutes of health is

where an AIDS cure might be found.

It is where therapies are being

tested in clinical trials.

No more secret meetings!

No more secret... Demonstrators

blocked access to buildings.

Scientists and administrators reporting

to work stood around looking confused.

Activists charged the bush administration

with foot-dragging on AIDS research.

It's not the amount of federal

money allocated to it so much as

how research priorities

are defined.

We need new dr*gs to keep

people alive, but the NIH is

only testing old dr*gs,

dr*gs that we already have.

Can you tell us

what you're doing?

Hi, I'm Jim Jenson and I'm

in a clinical trial here.

And right now, I'm observing and

participating in the ACT UP demonstration.

Why? Why do you

support this action?

Because we need far

more AIDS research.

And we're just beginning.

What trial are you in?

I'm in interleukin-2 A.Z.T.

Combination study.

Are there any women

in your trial?

No, there aren't

any women at all.

People of color?

Uh, no, there are not.

Why do you think that is?

Just the beginning

of the problem.

m*rder, m*rder!

There are three major things

that control stupidity,

incompetence and greed.

Those are the three major

driving forces behind what's

going on here and why there are

no treatments out there for

people living with this disease.

In that building down that way,

Dr. Anthony Fauci is deciding

the research priorities

for the national

institutes of allergy and

infectious diseases.

We're down here 'cause we think

we should be deciding the

research priorities, because

these are the people who know

what's going on 'cause they're

dealing with it every day.

The whole world is watching!

The whole world is watching!

The whole world is watching!

The whole world is watching...

The whole world is watching!

The whole world is watching!

The whole world is watching!

The whole world is watching...

If anything, the mood after

the n.I.H. Was even bleaker than

the mood before, because we had

no indication that they were

gonna change or respond to our

demands, and we had in fact had

a meeting with them in Bethesda

after the n.I.H. Action that

indicated that there was total

resistance to putting people

from the community on the

research committees, to letting

the ACT UP observers attend

the meetings, and to open up the meetings

so that they weren't secret anymore.

Why should science be

shrouded in secrecy?

It's supposed to be based on

a free exchange of ideas.

And, so, it was very important

to stage in San Francisco

before, again, the global

community of scientists and

people working on AIDS, why we

had been at the n.I.H., why the U.S.

system wasn't working out,

and to reach the people directly

that we had reached symbolically

through the n.I.H. Action.

About a hundred protesters

have already been arrested at

the international AIDS conference

that began today in San Francisco.

Hundreds more are angrily

protesting a government policy

they say neglects research

and ostracizes victims.

Why don't you do an

informational slide first?

"United States has the most discriminatory

immigration policies regarding HIV."

I could say, you know, as a way

to bridge the, uh, the rift

between the scientific community...

all of you...

and the activists, we'd like

you to join in some activism.

...and I've always been

painfully aware that in order

for me to beat this virus and

live, I will need a great

deal of help from all of you.

Can we all, before it's too late,

begin to understand each other?

Will we realize that we

share similar motivations?

During the upcoming days, act

up New York will be handing

out our AIDS treatment agenda,

which includes a list of

99 dr*gs that we believe could

be ready for small phase-one

studies this year or next.

However, from your side, we're

being constantly told to butt out.

On my side, the level of anger

and frustration is reaching such

a point that attitudes claiming

that all of you are uncaring and in

it for greed are now widespread.

While at times we may offend

you, remember as well that

like you, ACT UP has succeeded

in prolonging the lives of thousands

of people living with HIV disease.

I would like to be joined in front of

the stage by my fellow AIDS activists.

Would you all come up?

At this moment, there are others

just like us who are trying to

get into this conference but are

being barred by the Billy clubs

of San Francisco police.

And there are still others like

us who are trying to get through

customs at the San Francisco

airport, but are being detained

instead because they are gay.

There's a man that could have

prevented these absurdities.

This man has said that he would like

to see a kinder, gentler nation.

If you believe that the

immigration policy barring

people living with HIV disease

from entering this country is

useless as a health policy and

discriminatory as well, please

stand now and remain standing.

Join us in vocalizing

our collective anger.

Join us in a chant against the man who

could bring down the I.N.S. Barriers.

Join us in a chant against the

man who has decided to show his

commitment to fighting AIDS

by refusing to be here today.

Instead, he is at this very

moment in north Carolina,

attending a fundraiser for the

h*m* author of the I.N.S.

Barriers, that pig in the

senate known as Jesse helms...

Join us in this chant:

300,000 dead from AIDS,

where is George?

300,000 dead from AIDS,

where is George?

300,000 dead from AIDS,

where is George?

300,000 dead from AIDS,

where is George?

You can all now consider

yourselves members of ACT UP.

One of the things that

happened in San Francisco was

that we found out we had won

some of our n.I.H. Demands.

Fauci came up to me and said,

"we had a meeting, we decided

that we're gonna put you guys on

all the committees, and we're

gonna let your observers go to

the meetings, and the meetings

won't be secret anymore."

Never again... could any of

this be done without taking

people with AIDS and their

advocates into consideration.

This would be public

business from now on.

You know, we should all be

going through the bushes

like this, like sticking

our heads up... was beginning to feel a

little different because we'd

spent all the time up until then

being on the outside, sort of

beating on the doors and trying

to get in, and now they actually

wanted to hear what

we had to say.

We brought them in at Merck.

We made... we made a very, uh,

specific effort to bring those

individuals in so that they

would see what it is that we

were doing... or trying to

do from the very beginning.

This was really fantastic

stuff because we were sitting

down with them, and... sometimes

from the very earliest stages

of development of a drug...

and helping them plot out their strategy

toward, uh, designing clinical trials.

The chemists who had worked

on the project, a bunch...

uh, couple chemists said,

"let's look at all the aspartic

protease inhibitors that

we have on the shelf."

And they tested 'em and they found a

few molecules that actually worked.

The challenge was is now you had

these molecules that were really

good inhibitors in your assay,

which is just in a test tube.

When you put it into animals

they just would never work

or they would never get

absorbed by your system.

And I remember being very

disappointed 'cause I had to

share this information with

sort of my own personal view,

this is gonna be a lot

more difficult than,

you know, we thought

it was gonna be

originally, and in fact

may not be possible.

And Bill Bahlman said, "take a break,

pick yourself up and go back at it."

If he and his colleagues and his

friends around the table can

take that attitude and do that,

I remember saying to myself,

"Emilio, you've got no right to

say to yourself, 'I don't know

if I can do this, ' all right?"

And... so, off we went.

And we kept going at it.

We're spending $4 billion

a year on AIDS research.

When you consider that on a

per-capita basis for... compared

to heart disease or cancer,

it's an awful lot.

Almost nothing stops George

Bush from a round of golf.

He's played nearly every day...

and sometimes twice a day...

during his August vacation.

I'll be glad when you're

dead, you rascal, you

rascal, you

I'll be laughin'

when you're in your

grave, you dog

dirty dog

when you're dead

and in your grave

no more ravioli

will you crave...

If the message is research,

I would say please

talk to Dr. Fauci and others at

the national institute of health

who would tell you that, uh, we're doing

pretty well in funding of research.

...dirty dog

I invite you to my

house for a meal

all my meatballs

you tried to steal

mm... you're a devil, yeah

We've got to factor in the

sensitivity of those of us

who feel that there's a

spiritual and moral aspect to

this playing to the

h*m*, lesbian crowd.

It makes it different

from anything else.

Oh, shh-.

I wish they'd shut their

mouths and go to work

and keep their private matters

to themselves and get their

mentality out of their crotches.

I'm here today because

Jesse helms is the devil.

Jesse helms has worked for years

to do as much as he possibly can

to ensure the continuance

of the AIDS epidemic.

The disease is spreading because of him,

and people are dying because of him.

This is an educational effort, it's not a

violation of people's property rights.

We've been very careful that

absolutely no damage is done,

and if any damage is done, whatever

it is, we'll be happy to pay for it.

We have the money with

us to pay for it.

You guys don't want to tangle

with these people 'cause

you don't want to get AIDS,

I know, but what's next?

Come on, get out.

If they would keep their

mouths shut and go about

their business with whatever

their sexual orientation is,

nobody would ever say a word and we

wouldn't know anything about it.

But, no, they march in the

streets, and they defy you to

say anything about it.

Well, they don't like me

and I don't like them.

Back off the property.

Bunch of 'em climbed up

on my house in Arlington

and hoisted about a 35-foot

canvas, uh, condom one

day in protest of me.

Fight AIDS! Fight AIDS,

fight AIDS, fight!

I'll be glad when you're

dead, you rascal, you.

Sir, when we started this

colloquy, I thought I was

on your side, particularly

on the first amendment.

And under the first amendment,

people don't have to shut their

mouths, they have

a right to speak.

Well, uh... they can speak,

uh, just so long as, uh,

they don't offend anybody

else, uh, I suppose.

Make sure your second

coming is a safe one.

Use condoms.

- ...are you sh**ting?

- Yeah.

I just turned it on.

Okay, rolling.

Tell him we're rolling.

The machine is rolling.

You can start

talking now, honey.

Oh, I didn't know

she meant now.

What I was gonna say was I just

love, I love so much to go up to

the 10th floor because no one

ever had explained to me that

there was going to be light

again in the world and that the

whole world wasn't

going to be dark.

Some great challenges

face us as young people.

We're in our 20s, and, and

this is the challenge that's

been placed in front of me.

And, who knows, little camera.

Lots of other blind, deaf

men have lived happy lives.

There are, there are many

years to come, let's hope.


What the hell?

Life is worth living...

Isn't it?

The death rate just

kept on climbing.

We realized that science really

was up against a brick wall.

We kept getting new dr*gs

approved to prevent

opportunistic infections, and then

somebody would just get another infection.

So, Peter, where are we going?

We're gonna be going to the headquarters of

daiichi pharmaceutical companies of Japan.

This is their U.S. headquarters,

and, uh, we're blockading their

offices because they have a drug

that's important both to AIDS

activists and cancer activists,

specifically, uh, breast cancer,

um, that they've been dragging

their feet on for over two

years now, and, uh, we don't

understand why, but we certainly

are gonna try to let them

understand why we're concerned.

...and, everybody...wait for

you at the end of the hall.

Just wait outside

the elevators.



Hi, we're with ACT UP.

We're doing an act of civil

disobedience, please remain calm.

Jim, it's Peter, we're in.

Send all the press.

Hello, we're from

ACT UP New York.

You already have the blood of

several thousand people on your

hands, and those of us like me

who have Kaposi's sarcoma are

gonna die, and we are here

until we get arrested.

You seem to know nothing about

the actual details of the

development of this drug.

Maybe you're just

not telling us.

Mr. Borsic, have you scheduled

a meeting with the F.D.A.?

Yeah, as soon as we can.

We have helped many companies

through this process.

We can take a drug from your

test tube to the market

in under two years if you work

with us, and we will pave the

way for you with the food

and drug administration.

But, but this total reluctance on

your part is gonna get you nowhere.

...have been used in

people for 30 years.

It'll end up k*lling

us, all right?

See this dark mark

on my forehead?

That's Kaposi's sarcoma.

It's gonna spread!

It's gonna k*ll me.

You coming to my funeral?

Because you're the man

f*cking responsible.

You are my m*rder*r in

your shirt and tie.

Do you think that you'll

live to see a cure?


I don't.

Do you think that you'll live?



You expect to die from this?

The anger just mounted and mounted and

mounted the more people who were dying.

Once a week we met...

And at that meeting a lot of

people came who were just

terrified they weren't gonna

be alive even the next week.

What can we do, how

can we get there?

I think ACT UP's anger turned in after

having been directed out so long.

In its first few years,

treatment and data pretty much

got everything it wanted from

the floor of ACT UP, but as

treatment and data was becoming

more and more technical,

there were a lot of people in the

general membership of ACT UP

that saw that as an elite, and

that maybe it would be better if

that elite was pulled in a bit.

There was a fear, I think,

that we were getting too close

to the people in power, that we would

compromise our own principles.

And the people who were more

interested in the social issues

became uncomfortable with that.

I remember this very divisive

moment where, um, you know,

there was a proposal for

moratorium on meeting with

drug companies, and someone...

for six months... and there was

a huge and impassioned debate

over it, and someone said... a

woman who was not HIV-positive

said, "well, it's not like it's

for the rest of your life."

And for a lot of people in the

room, it was the

rest of their life.


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!

There were inevitable

splits in priorities.

And you know quite well...

I know.

And it was completely

left out of the n.I.H.

Research agenda.

I agree.

I, I...

I remember a lot of dirty tricks that

happened, and a lot of fear within the

organization that the various

factions had done this to each other.

Mark Harrington, Mark Harrington,

there's a video camera here now.

Would you like to take an oath

that you will not write nasty

anonymous letters to people?

I've been getting some hate

letters too, but those are

unsigned. I don't ever, I don't ever...

so you'll keep on

writing nasty letters to people?

There were a lot of charges in the midst

of that, of sabotage and threats.

Our last speaker is,

is Larry Kramer.

Why didn't you

answer the charges?

Bill, you're gonna

have a chance to talk,

all right, everybody's...

don't lecture me,

you stupid, lazy,

incompetent shithead!

Bill, everybody got the flyer... can't just lick

his ass before he talks!

Shut the f*ck up and

let him answer!

Look, there are a lot of people

in the audience who want

to ask and talk about treatment,

and I think it's important that

we allow that to happen.

Oh, we're gonna dictate

free speech now?

You're the one who's interfering

with speech right now.

Go back to G.M.H.C.

Or whatever AIDS pimp

operation is paying you.

You're making the same point

George Bush made... - plague!

We are in the middle

of a f*cking plague!

And you behave like this!


40 million infected people is a

f*cking plague!

We are in the worst shape we

have ever, ever, ever been in!

All those pills we're shoveling

down our throats, forget it!

ACT UP has been taken over by a

lunatic fringe, they can't get

together, nobody agrees with

anything, all we can do is field

a couple hundred people

in a demonstration!

That's not gonna make

anybody pay attention!

Not until we get

millions out there!

And we can't do that!

All we do is pick at each

other and yell at each other!

And I say to you in year 10

the same thing I said to you in

1981 when there were 41 cases.

Until we get our acts together,

all of us, we are as good as


In the end, the treatment and data guys...

Peter, Garance, Mark, and some

others... split off and formed

their own separate organization.

Tag was one of the little Mercury balls

that flew off the main body of ACT UP.

A more sort of "think t*nk"

type project came about.

Mr. Harrington, a tag

member, educated at Harvard

college, and he has worked for

a long time on experimental

treatments for the disease, and

and also the basic science.

And Mr. Gonsalves was born in

long island and attended tufts

university, also a tag member.

Um, I guess I can do nothing

better than to turn this

conference over to my speakers.

I noticed that you're both

sitting up there in suits

and ties. Do you feel that your

approach is better than circling

n.I.H. Buildings and so forth?

I think that we like to keep our

options open, but it's silly

to risk arrest and the hassles

that are intendant upon it if

you can get serious attention

and negotiations going

with other measures.

We just released a report, a critique

of all the n.I.H.'S AIDS programs.

The research is spread out

over 12 agencies, there's no

coordination, there's

a lot of duplication.

There's no leadership.

The budget is shrinking and

shrinking as cases mount,

and the president needs to be

blamed, as well as the congress

who cut the entire n.I.H. Budget

by $150 million two weeks ago.

Our recommendations, I think,

are gonna require some

legislation, um, so we have to

go to our friends on the hill and see

what wonders they can work for us.

We had this one particular

compound that looked like it may

have had the potency and the

physical properties that we wanted,

and it could be a possible drug.

We said, you know, let's put

in HIV-infected individuals

and let's see what happens.

So, we went into HIV-infected

individuals with this drug

called crixivan, and you could

see a very substantial drop just

with the one protease inhibitor, you could

see a very substantial drop in virus load.

So that was the first week.

The second week was very

disappointing, because what we

saw in the second week was in fact, the

virus load coming right back up again.

One exception.

There was one patient that,

um, patient 143, I believe,

was his name... his number...

that the virus went

down and stayed down.

That told us that

it was possible.

If it can happen in one, then

by definition it can happen

in everyone, you just need

to figure out how to do it.

That puts you in a completely

different place and in a

completely different

state of mind.

So then the question became,

Okay, now what do we need to do

in order to make it possible?

This is the beginning of the primary

season to elect the next president.

We want to send a message to all

of the candidates... we have not

seen them actively address the

AIDS plague, and we thought

it would be best to send a message by

voting with our feet in the streets.

I want to call for a massive

march on Washington.

The weekend the AIDS

quilt is gonna be there.

We have got to surround the

white house with people

concerned about AIDS to push

bush out of the white house!

Last night a man with

AIDS heckled Clinton,

charging that he had a bad record

on fighting AIDS in Arkansas.

When voter Bob Rafsky met Bill

Clinton, it was anything but pleasant.

We're dying in this state, what

are you going to do about AIDS?

First of all, it will become a

part of my obsession as president.

And that's why I'm running for

president, to do something about it.

Will you just calm down?

I feel your pain!

I feel your pain, but if you

want to attack me personally,

you're no better than Jerry

brown and all the rest of these

people who say whatever

sounds good in the moment.

If you want something to be done,

you ask me a question, you listen.

If you don't agree with me,

go support somebody else for

president, but quit

talking to me like that.

This is not a matter of personal

attack, it's a matter of human loss.

I came here tonight because

I'm dying from AIDS.

And it doesn't matter to me who

the next president is if they

don't change 11 years of government

neglect of this epidemic.

Is this on?

This isn't on.

Um, Okay, first off, um,

what happened this week was AIDS

became an issue in this campaign.

I'd like to call

down Bob Rafsky.


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!

Uh, never debate a Rhodes scholar...

it gets you into a world of trouble.

It looks like what we have to do

is to keep forcing these clowns

to say the right thing so that

if one of them happens to become

president, we can hold them accountable

for doing the right thing.


But I just... it's always

important to say that we all

know that the names of the

people who might save our lives

are not Bill Clinton

and Jerry brown, etc.

The names of the people who

might save our lives are

iris long, Mark Harrington,

Peter Staley, etc.

And they're the ones who will be

remembered as the heroes of this epidemic,

as well as those who have gone before.

...and he smells

like one, too.

Well, I haven't showered,

so I'm not surprised...

No, I've just been writing and

I was up at 5 A.M. yesterday.

This is Bob's birthday,

July 22nd, 1992.

- Ready for the pyrotechnics?

- Yes!

Nathaniel, help.



Lydia E. Rios.

Steve H.

My friends David Evans,

Nicolas kaiser, George Marshall,

and my beloved brother Dennis J.

Robert R. Hakins.

Phillip Gregory Ellison.

Terry Ronan.

Michael Bennett.

Ron Field.

Tina Chow.

Perry Ellis.

Freddie Mercury.

Peter Allen.

To the thousands of other people who

were made to suffer in silence.

Join ACT UP for a

political funeral!

Meet at the South of

the capitol at 1 P.M.

Give a wake-up call to George

Bush and Bill Clinton and Perot.

I think the quilt itself does

good stuff and is moving.

Still, it's like making something beautiful

out of the epidemic, and I felt like doing

something like this is a way of showing

there's nothing beautiful about it.

You know, this is what I'm left with...

I've got a box full

of ashes and bone chips.

You know, there's

no beauty in that.

And I felt like a statement like

this is like saying "this is

what George Bush has

done," you know?

This is what him and Ronald

Reagan before him have done.

These are our loved ones and

this is what they've been

reduced to, and we're bringing them to the

person who's responsible for their death.

Fight back!

Fight AIDS!

ACT UP, fight back, fight AIDS!

ACT UP, fight back, fight AIDS!

ACT UP, fight back, fight AIDS!


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!

Bringing the dead to your door!

We won't take it anymore!

Bringing the dead to your door!

We won't take it anymore!

Bringing the dead to your door!

We won't take it anymore!

Bringing the dead to your door!


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!



Fight back!

Fight AIDS!


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!

Shame, shame, shame, shame!

Shame, shame, shame, shame!

Shame, shame, shame, shame...

I love you, Mike!

I love you, Mike!

Welcome to the first of three

debates among the major

candidates for President of the

United States, sponsored by the

commission on

presidential debates.

Mr. president, yesterday tens

of thousands of people paraded

past the white house to demonstrate

their concern about the disease, AIDS.

A celebrated member of your

commission, magic Johnson,

quit saying that there

was too much inaction.

Where is this widespread feeling

coming from that your administration

is not doing enough about AIDS?

I can't tell you where it's

coming from, but I am very much

concerned about AIDS, and I

believe that we've got the

best researchers in the world

out there at n.I.H.

Working the problem.

It's one of the few diseases

where behavior matters.

And I once called on somebody,

"well, change your behavior.

If the behavior you're using, uh, prone

to cause AIDS, change the behavior."

Next thing I know, one of these

ACT UP groups is out saying bush

ought to change his behavior.

You can't talk about

it rationally.

Let everyone here know

that this is not a

political funeral for Mark

Fisher, who wouldn't let us burn

or bury his courage...

Or his love for us any more than

he would let the earth take his body

until it was already in flight.

He asked for this ceremony,

not so we could bury him,

but so we could celebrate

his undying anger.

This isn't a political funeral

for Mark, it's a political

funeral for the man who k*lled

him and so many others,

and is slowly k*lling me.

Whose name curls my tongue

and curdles my breath.

George Bush, we believe you'll

be defeated tomorrow because we

believe there's still some

justice left in the universe

and some compassion left

in the American people.

But whether or not you are, here

and now, standing by Mark's

body, we put this curse on you.

Mark's spirit will haunt you

until the end of your days,

so that in the moment of your defeat,

you'll remember our defeats.

And in the moment of your death,

you'll remember our deaths.

As for Mark, when the living can

no longer speak, the

dead may speak for them.

Mark's voice is here with us,

as is the voice of pericles, who

two millennia ago warned the

Athenian soldiers who didn't

have to die, and in whose death

he was complicit, but who had

the nobility to say that their

memorial was the whole earth.

Let the whole earth hear us now.

We beg, we pray, we demand

that this epidemic end!

Not just so we may live,

but so that Mark's soul may

rest in peace at last.

In anger and in grief, this fight is

not over till all of us are saved.


Fight back.

Fight AIDS.

The debate over AIDS therapy

has reignited with a new

European study that challenges

the effectiveness of A.Z.T.,

the widely prescribed drug

used to treat the HIV virus.

This study disproves what

every other study proves,

is that the drug is at best

modest, mostly useless, not good

for you in the beginning.

Two other dr*gs, D.D.I.

And d.D.C., were approved

because they were as good as

A.Z.T., which means that they

might not be very useful either.

All this is profoundly dispiriting

for advocates of people with AIDS.

We thought we had made some

advance in AIDS treatment over

the last five years, and these

studies show that we really haven't.

Many activists now admit their

demands were short-sighted.

It's been a huge expenditure,

a waste of money for the U.S.

Taxpayer, and it was a naivet

on our part to think that the

magic b*llet was out there, it just

had to be tested in humans and, uh...

Given to us as the cure.

Many doctors and scientists say the bleak

results presented here indicate the U.S.

Government needs to substantially reorganize

the way it conducts AIDS research.

Robert Bazell, NBC News, Berlin.

There's been this big crisis at St.

Vincent's about the way

that we talk about the, uh,

what happened in Berlin.

Couple of doctors said they were afraid

of people committing su1c1de now.

I don't feel like, oh, now

I just... I don't feel oh, now I

want to give up, now I want to

stop living because A.Z.T.

Doesn't work.

I've felt forever now that I'm not gonna

outlive this epidemic, that I will,

that I will die from this.

You know, maybe that is our future,

that we're gonna watch each other die.

It's... that's not a new thought.

We've been thinking that ever

since we started the group.

The way that the recent spate

of deaths is... I don't know,

it all seems so much

more apocalyptic.

Like the story doesn't seem...

To have this relationship to effective

treatment, or a cure anymore.

It now seems to have this

relationship to death.

It ends, it ends with

everybody dying.

Will the last person alive in

Chelsea please turn out the lights?

Joining me now is Dr. David

Kessler, the commissioner of the

food and drug administration.

Dr. Kessler, how excited should

we get about this new family of

dr*gs, these

protease inhibitors?

I don't want to over-promise,

but these are the most potent

dr*gs we've seen

against the virus.

I know that you are pushing

for faster F.D.A. Approval

of these dr*gs, I know that the

application has just gone for

the first of these dr*gs to the f. D.A...

It's still gonna take six months.

We will turn around that

application as quick as ever.

We're approving dr*gs in a

matter of months these days.

But you were telling me

that's six months, right?

That's as quick as possible.

We may be able to do it

even a little quicker.

A split has developed

between those who want

rapid approval based on early

indicators of success...

And the treatment

action group, or "tag".

Tag has asked the F.D.A. To reconsider

the accelerated approval process.

We told the F.D.A., "no,

the company has asked you to

approve that drug too soon.

They need a little bit

more data first."

Tag is asking the F.D.A.

To take a closer look at

saquinavir, the first protease

inhibitor to seek approval.

We need to make sure we don't repeat the

mistake we made with A.Z.T. And D.D.I.

This is a new class of dr*gs.

We need to know if it works.

...the battle over early

approval of saquinavir was a

really pivotal moment for

treatment activism, and we took

such shit for it... from within.

There are a lot of people

who do agree that there are

problems, serious problems the way

drug testing and drug trials are run.

But there are many of us

who feel that halting, um,

accelerated approval is not

necessarily the answer.

Tag made their proposal for

this large, simple trial of

18,000 people that they want to

put in a placebo control trial

where one-third would get placebo.

They pushed this idea on the F.D.A.

At a secret meeting,

which was not announced

to the community.

This is something we have

fought hard and long for.

We've been arrested to get

accelerated approval through.

It's the behavior that

I have a problem with.

It's the work they're doing that

I have a problem with, and it's,

this is what I am gonna fight.

I'm not interested in mud

wrestling with the boys.

I am absolutely enraged

that there are

people who have appointed

themselves elitist

representatives, and represent themselves

as the single voice of this epidemic.

I am gonna fight them, my

patients are gonna fight

them, and you g*dd*mn

well better fight them!

Apparently there's a big discussion on

accelerated approval and protease drug

development last week on the

floor, so we just wanted to give

you sort of the tag perspective,

and give you a sense of our, um,

proposal on protease drug

development so we can start from

a baseline of common

understanding and knowledge.

This proposal is not about

taking expanded access away,

taking accelerated approval away...

this is about adding something.

This is about figuring

out how do we get

information about how to

actually use these dr*gs.

We need more people when you

have a less powerful drug.

If we were dealing with penicillin,

we could do it in 20 people.

So we put together a large,

simple trial that tried to

synthesize expanded access

in a large, simple trial.

And what we did is we presented

it to Merck, we presented it to

the F.D.A., we wanted to start

a community discussion.

I just wanted to thank Gregg and Derek

for coming to tell us about this...

Because we hadn't heard anything

until we read about it in Barron's.

If you wanted to hear the proposal,

you could have heard it 40 times.

It's been talked about all over.

Dr. Cotler wants to speak.

Tag is talking about getting

accurate information.

ACT UP is talking about

making dr*gs available.

There should be a way to mesh those

two, it's really not one or the other.

Your two groups are really

talking past one another.

Try not to scream, try not to

go at each other's throats,

but just talk, because the

differences really can be bridged.

No, no, no.

- Hey!

- Shh...


'93 to '95 were the worst years.

It was a really terrifying time.

They were the worst years.

And then we got lucky.


You know, just losing...

And, uh...

Just so many...

So many good people.

And... uh...

You know, like any w*r,

you wonder why you came home.

Mark collected all of

our writings, pieces that all of

us had done about what had gone

wrong in the ways that we studied

previous dr*gs, and what

we were already doing wrong in

terms of trying to figure out

whether the protease inhibitors

worked, and we published it

as this big report and started

passing them out everywhere we went.

Let's do this study.

They elevated themselves by

their own self-education about

these things, and then it became

very, very clear that you

weren't gonna mess with these

people because they knew exactly

what you were talking about, and

they knew exactly what they

were talking about.

Activists created a system

that was able to do everything

faster, better, cheaper, more

ethically, and more effectively.

They forced people to put

together the right clinical

trials where you had the patient in

mind, and you weren't cutting corners.

And of course, the big

breakthrough was combination

therapy, 'cause mono-therapy

was clearly not the way to go.

So let's go back into patients,

and let's go back into

patients with crixivan plus A.Z.T.

Plus 3tc.

The activists proposed a study

design, industry used it.

It got the drug

approved in six months.

So I was at a meeting in

Washington, and I stood up

there and I showed for the first

time the data in the study.

The data goes up on the screen and

everyone gasps and cameras start to click.

And just, it's a realization that this

is, this is really great drug, and it,

it could work.

I remember sitting there in a

hotel room in Washington, D.C.,

our hotel banquet room,

and just crying.

It was like, we did it.

We did something.

It was too much to

take in at that point.

It wasn't until we started

putting the dr*gs in our bodies

and we all went home and...

Started, went straight on that

regimen that had been on that

slide, including crixivan and

two nucleoside analogues.

And sure enough, it happened in

us within 30 days, all of us.

Undetectable, undetectable,


The dying was stopping with

triple drug combination.

And if you needed your clinical

trial, you could just go to

these hospitals that were not

filling up the way they were

filling up with people with HIV.

You would see their Kaposi's

sarcoma lesions that had been

bright and red and, um, big,

melting back into their skin.

They were calling it

the Lazarus effect.

People who were deathly ill,

would get put on this drug

and all of a sudden,

they're working again.

That was a phenomenal feeling.

It worked.

You know, we did

something remarkable.

So that breakthrough, you

know, that we thought was

gonna happen in '88 or '89 if we

just worked fast enough,

you know, it did happen.

But not until '96, and so...

You know, a lot of people died.

Maybe if Reagan had started

putting money into AIDS

a little earlier...

They wouldn't all be dead.

I feel very fortunate, and

there's probably a lot of

complicated reasons why,

but I still find it very

difficult to plan for the

future, and/or accept that

I will have a long life.

Which is unfortunate because

I've had a long life and I've been

living with AIDS for 20 years.

But it's hard for me

to relax into life.

I know lots of us went through

really difficult times after...

Um, trying to figure out,

well, what do I do now?

You know.

Not just because I didn't think

I had a future and now I do,

so I have to make some plans, but... how

do I do something else that is as...

I mean, it's a weird word, but as

fulfilling as that work has been.

To be that threatened with

extinction, um...

And to not lay down, um...

To stand up and to fight back.

The way we did it, the way

we took care of ourselves,

and each other, the goodness

that we showed, the humanity

that we showed the world

is just mind-boggling.

Just incredible.

Fight AIDS!


Fight back!

Fight AIDS!

Every single drug that's out there is

because of ACT UP, I am convinced.

We had the brainpower and

we had the street power.

We had the good cops

and the bad cops.

The government didn't

get us the dr*gs.

No one else got us the dr*gs.

We, ACT UP, got those

dr*gs out there.

It is the proudest achievement

that the gay population of

this world can ever claim.

We could do it because we

could deliver hundreds and

sometimes thousands of bodies.

We had people with AIDS putting

their bodies on the line,

flopping out in the streets, saying

"fine, this is my body, take me away."

I drew the line there.

I didn't want to get arrested.

That far I wouldn't go.

Keeping up,

keeping up with the

feeling, oh, yeah

getting to know what you like

and what you love

I'd like to close with words written

by fellow AIDS activist, Vito Russo.

"When future generations ask

what we did in the w*r, we have

to be able to tell them that we

were out here fighting, and we

have to leave a legacy to the generations

of people who will come after us.

Remember that someday the

AIDS crisis will be over.

And when that day has come and

gone, there will be a people

alive on this earth, gay

people and straight people,

black people and white people,

men and women who will hear

the story that once there was a

terrible disease, and that a

brave group of people stood up and fought...

and in some cases

died... so that others

might live and be free."

And there's,

and there's, and there's

no end in sight

and there's, and there's,

and there's no end in sight

We might have a federal

charge against us...


Leavenworth, here we come. invoice?

Keeping up

keeping up

Green, green...

Ouch, that hurts.

Keeping it up, keeping it up

Information is essential so

that doctors and patients

can make intelligent

treatment decisions.

Okay, all right.

Do I have to hold

the red button?

No, you can let go.

I'm really glad to

see everybody here.

You look really good.

Try to keep up in time.

I'd like to suggest that

we not be unethical, to do

a randomized trial of two

different prevention programs.

If we don't eradicate HIV everywhere,

we will never eradicate it anywhere.

Keeping up

keeping up

We may march without incident

or they may arrest us.

But it'll be fun.

...plane insky magazine.

We're going to ad-min today.

and there's, and there's,

and there's no end in sight

and there's, and there's,

and there's no end in sight

keeping up

In just over, um, two years,

um, that drug went from

test tube to full approval.

Heartbeat won't go slow

and when it's knowing you

will be there tonight

keeping up
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