Tinder Swindle, The (2022)

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Tinder Swindle, The (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

I think

everyone would love to just meet someone

in a bar or in a grocery store.

But nowadays, the best way

you can meet someone is on a dating app.

You can find

a bit of everything on Tinder.

There are people looking for

long-term relationships or marriage.

People who just want to hook up.


You can pick guys from all over the world.

It's a lot of men.

We are all looking for

that diamond in the rough.

And of course, you Google everyone that

you're supposed to go on a date with.

Well, this is gonna be fun.

Let's swipe right on that.

Private jets, cool cars,

amazing parties all over the world.

What happened to me felt like a movie.

But in the movies,

there's always bad guys.

I get these threatening messages.

These enemies were watching me, my family.

It's just been f*cking hell.

I'm shit scared.

Are they coming now? Did we lock the door?

I don't think I ever will be

the same again.

One little swipe

can change your life forever.

I think the... I think life is about love,

'cause the most happiest times I've had

is when I've been in love.

That's what's most amazing about love,

no matter how many heartbreaks you've had,

you still go after it.

I love dating.

The moment I get nervous, then I know

that there's something special here.

And I love being nervous.

That's the thing.

I'm after that all-consuming, the kind of...

What you've grown up with.

The first memories

that I have about love is Disney.

I had memorized the entire

Beauty and the Beast cassette.

I knew all the songs.

I just love Belle.

She is this small-town girl like me,

hoping for something bigger.

She meets this person,

and then she saves him in a sense,

or he saves her as well. Like,

to go into a different life together.

It just sticks with you, like, the feeling

of a prince coming to save you.

And I think that even though you know

it's not real, it's still with you a bit.

I think everyone has

that little bit of hope deep down inside

it will be as magical

as they were portraying it to be.

But finding Prince Charming in real life...

It's a lot of work.

I've been on Tinder for seven years.

I'm from Norway, but live in London.

So I've been on Tinder in two countries.

How many matches

have you had?

Do you really want to see?

- Can we see?

- Yeah.

1,024 matches.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a Tinder expert.

You can say that.

The most important thing that you can

have is a picture of your face,

then you have a picture with friends.

It's important to show

that you're social as well.

Feel my profile showing

I'm not in the hook-up culture.

Like, I'm after long-term love.

For me to swipe right on a guy,

it needs to be

that we have some similar interests

in the pictures I'm looking at.

Maybe like a nice dinner somewhere,

or that you like the beach,

'cause I love a beach.

Oh my God. Um, animals.

A handsome man with a cat?

Like, it can't go wrong.

And you want a guy that has ambition.

It's like Marilyn Monroe in the movie

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

And then she has this quote

where she says...

Don't you know that a man being rich

is like a girl being pretty?

You might not marry a girl

just because she's pretty,

but my goodness, doesn't it help?

It is a very true quote.

Like, you want the full package.

But it's not easy to find

what you're looking for.

It's a lot of swiping.

Back and forth, back and forth.

When I saw Simon's pictures,

he had the kind of look that I like.

He was dressed very stylish. I love a guy

in a suit, and he had several of those.

And he had his link to his Instagram.

You always check the Insta.

He had so many pictures

and so many followers.

Business meetings, parties, beaches.

This guy is just having a very different

life than I ever will experience.

And I was just thinking that it would be

kind of cool just to meet up.

I decide to swipe right.

And then he just responds fairly quickly.

"I'm leaving London tomorrow.

Do you want to meet up?"

When we text on WhatsApp,

he asked me to meet him

at the hotel that he was staying at,

the Four Seasons...

...and he just sent the Google Maps link,

so I could know where I was gonna go.

This was just going to be, like,

an hour-long coffee,

'cause I could just sense

that this guy was a busy guy.

When I walk into this really fancy hotel,

I feel out of place.

I think I'm a bit early.

So I just decide to sit down and wait.

You know, you're nervous.

When the elevator door finally pings...

I was like, "Shit."

He looks exactly like his pictures.

He has this magnetism.

There's something about this guy

that is special.

One of the first topics

we talked about was his job.

He's the CEO of LLD Diamonds.

He got the job from his dad.

When he mentioned that his dad

was the king of diamonds,

so that meant that he was

the prince of diamonds,

I realized, like,

"My God, what kind of family is this?"

Very quickly, he'd become very personal.

And that's what I really liked about it.

He has a baby daughter

that turns two in a couple of weeks.

She's there now to visit him in London,

but he's not together with the mom


He's rarely in one place

for a very long period of time,

and he just missed having someone,

you know.

When we were nearing the end of the date,

he said, "I really want

to get to know you better."

They were traveling to Bulgaria

for a business trip,

and then he was asking me

if I wanted to join them.

We're traveling by private jet.

"Shit. Ooh, this is something new

that I've never done before."

I felt that I would be stupid

if I said no.

So I was kind of, like,

super excited on the inside,

but on the outside, I kept it very cool,

because I was just thinking,

"Okay, you like this guy,

you just need to keep your cool now."

Simon asked one of his drivers

to take me back home,

so I could pack some stuff,

get my passport,

then they will drive me back.

Suddenly, there's this Rolls-Royce

waiting for me.

So I was kind of like,

"My God. This is insane."

It felt like being in a movie.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents

an exciting, extravagant,

romantic adventure.

The Yellow Rolls-Royce.

I can be quick when I pack.

I have a messenger group

with my girlfriends.

My friends are freaking out.

"Who is this guy? How do you know him?

You can be abducted."

I was like, "Oh, I didn't even think

about that. I'm on a date, you know."

At the airport, there is the entire team

waiting for us.

A really tall guy,

which I presume is the bodyguard.

There's a couple of drivers,

and you have his little daughter.

I see this woman

that's with Simon's daughter.

Simon tells me that

that's the baby's mother

and that they're going to be

on the plane with us.

His ex is joining us

on our first date together,

and I'm kind of like,

"Well, this can be interesting."

Morning. How are you?

Ah, good. Morning.

Did you take videos

on the plane? Show me?

Yes. It's like the worst person.

That's what one of my friends would say.

"Can you stop being so awkward?"

But I was very excited about it, you know.

It was champagne with caviar.

I've never eaten caviar before.

And then it was sushi. And it was like

it was a totally different world.

If I like someone, I'll give them

a little kiss on the cheek.

It was quick,

but it just felt very natural.

When we landed, me and the baby's mother

and the baby, we went into a car.

Of course, I take the opportunity

to ask some questions.

She tells me

what a wonderful father he is,

that he's still supporting them

even though they're not together anymore,

which was really, really nice to hear.

When we go to the hotel, we check in,

and when we're walking

into the elevator together,

exactly when the door closes,

he takes me around the waist

and he just looks at me

and he draws me in

and just gives me this kiss,

and I was like, "Oh, shit," you know,

the kind of butterflies...

It was passionate,

and was just the perfect first kiss

that you could have, you know.

- You sleep together?

- We sleep together.

And then, later on, I could see

that he has some marks on his back.

I was just wondering, like, what is this?

Where, like, I was touching it.

And then he was kind of like, "Oh, well..."

He didn't exactly know how to say it,

but it was, like,

he had been in jail in South Africa.

And I was like, "What?"

Just trust me once more.

Why should I?

He had a deal going on there, and they had

turned their backs against him

and betrayed him.

So he had gone in prison

on false pretenses.

He was innocent.

He had been manhandled in prison

because he was Jewish.

Here was this guy I thought

had everything going for him

sitting on the bed with me,

being really vulnerable.

Just give me the stamps.

Oh. Oh, I love you, Adam, Alex, Peter...

Here's this kind of person

that you want to save,

especially 'cause he has

so much responsibility on his back.

Everyone is relying on him.

Even though things had gone

very quickly with us,

but when I sit there and I feel

an emotional connection with someone

and they're opening up,

that's just how I am as a person.

He starts getting a lot of calls,

and, in the end, he just says,

"We're so busy. I think it's best

if you just go back home."

I was a bit disappointed, actually.

I was kind of like...

I wanted to spend more time with him.

When I came back to London, I thought

the conversation would die out.

I didn't expect anything.

I felt like I knew him more,

but I didn't really "know him" know him.

Like, how special was I? I felt special,

but, like, when he leaves, you never know.

I was hoping. I was really hoping

that he was gonna come back.

But then kept going with, like,

good morning messages to each other

and good night messages, and FaceTime.

He was, like, tagging me

where he was going.

When I was at work, you could hear

the pinging in your phone,

and it was, like, "I hope that it's him."

He just suddenlyasked me,

"So what's your address?"

Never, ever received a bouquet like that.

Miss you. Wanna spend some time

together... Kiss you, hug you.

Feel like we have something special,

and he says so to me.

So I'm kind of like,

"Oh, shit. Is this it?"

Ah, it was so nice seeing him again.

I can't even describe to someone.

Like, when you really want to see someone.

Just feeling that you're his girl

is like the best feeling.

But then it was difficult to meet up with

him. He was traveling a lot for business.

I was going home to Oslo

and I was thinking,

"Well, you can come to Oslo!"

And that was one of the things he said,

"But, babe, I don't have anything to do

in Oslo. There's no business,"

and I was missing him so much, I was like,

"I'm never gonna be able to see you."

You're kidding me.

You're such a busy guy,

and you decide to take a private jet

and land at like 3:00 a.m.

to come and see me.

So I go to his hotel. I bought him,

like, a Valentine's present.

It was a book about

having a relationship with a Norwegian.

And then I had made,

like, ten things about him

that makes him wonderful,

which I'd written myself.

And then he just asked me,

"I am serious about you.

Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

And I'm kind of like, "Oh, shit."

The kind of words that you wanted to hear.

Yeah. And then we were together.

That's when he said there was something

he wants to tell me

if we're gonna be together.

It was better to be open and honest

about how his life was

than to keep it hidden.

He was just talking about

this big deal that he needed to get done,

and the deal was worth $70 million,

but the diamond industry

is a dangerous business.

He had these threats

surrounding his security.

He had a security team in Israel.

Peter was like the head of it.

Threats had gotten worse.

He showed me pictures of, like,

they had gotten b*ll*ts in the mail.

Funeral flowers had been sent.

He had CCTV of an apartment in Tel Aviv.

He had a break-in there.

The security team told him

that he wasn't safe in London anymore,

and for time being he needed to stay away.

Of course, I get super scared for him.

I could just see

that it was straining on him.

He just wanted my understanding

that things were gonna be fine,

and we were going to be together.

And I was like,

"Okay. I'll be here for you."

When I got back home, one of my friends

Googled the Leviev family.

She says this is

one of the most powerful families.

They've become big for a reason.

Need to be realistic

about what he's involved in.

I hadn't seen him in a while.

And of course it made you a bit scared.

So I check his Tinder to see where he is.

I see that he's in a different country.

And I also see

a couple of his pictures had changed.

My heart just sank, you know,

'cause that means that he's been active.

So what's going on?

I'm not using Tinder anymore.

I deleted the app. I deleted the account.

He tells me that we're a team

and we're together

and that I have nothing to worry about.

There's no one else. Only me.

I care about you. I miss you.

And everything will be all right, baby.

I was sitting by my phone,

swiping, swiping.

What kind of guy

were you hoping for?

An ideal guy. A smart one. And funny.

And very impulsive.

I'm a very independent woman.

I always have been.

I've done that since the age of 16,

so I don't need a man to take care of me,

but I would appreciate

to have a man to share my life.

My Tinder profile was a mix.

It had some pictures

with me dressed for work, traveling,

because I still wanted

to attract this person

that was living the same life as I did.

So I was swiping.

And then this guy comes up.

This is someone who is well-traveled.

And still works very hard.

So I thought,

"Oh, great. Let's swipe right on that."

I got a match.

He was here in Stockholm for business,

but it said he was living in Amsterdam.

He texts me and asks me

if I want to come visit.

There is a flight

tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning

from Stockholm to Amsterdam.

So tell me if it's all right for you.

He asked about my passport details,

booked my flight ticket,

which I thought was a nice gesture.

I get this confirmation

from Simon Leviev at LLD Diamonds.

Of course, I started to Google,

because you always Google everyone

you're supposed to go on a date with.

His father is this diamond tycoon,

and I'm just thinking,

"Oh my God, another diamond guy."

- Um...

- Another diamond guy?


I used to date a guy

that was in the diamond industry.

Okay, maybe second time around.

I take a car to his house, which is

in this lovely, lovely neighborhood.

He comes and opens up the door.

He dresses very elegantly.

"A little bit short for my taste,"

was the first thing I was thinking,

but he's really easy to talk to.

It's quite rare that you meet someone

and you have this instant connection.

After we spent an hour together,

we felt like we had known each other

for ten years or something.

We go for lunch,

the entire staff welcomes us.

They bring a special order of caviar

that the restaurant uses just for Simon.

I don't think the food

ever stopped coming in.

He really asked a lot of questions,

really wanted to listen,

which I really appreciated.

'Cause it's quite rare

to have men listen sometimes.

Afterwards, we had a nice, long walk

around Amsterdam. I see a diamond museum.

I love museums,

and if you should go to a diamond museum,

you should go

with someone in the business.

He knows all about the mines,

how to cut them,

where you get the best diamonds.

He knows everything.

After that,

he makes this little bit of a move on me.

But it just doesn't feel right.

He's like, "No, maybe no.

Just... Better just stay friends."

"Yeah, maybe you're right."

Even though there wasn't

a romantic energy between us,

I really enjoyed myself.

I actually missed him after just a day

or two, because we did have a lot of fun.

We were talking and calling and texting.

When he's out to dinner,

he sends me a picture,

and we used voice notes.

Beautiful looking.

Beautiful, Pernilla.

Happy to see you tomorrow.

You can be two different types

of personalities sometimes.

So either you can be a battery charger

or a battery drainer.

Work hard, play hard.

And he was definitely my battery charger.

Amazing. Amazing. Beautiful dress.

Once, I remember, like, he flew over

just to have a coffee with me one day

because I was having a bad day.

Pernilla, about 10 o'clock

we're going for a drink.

Then, 12:30, we're going to the club.

Can't wait to see you later!

I gave him a little bit of a prince emoji

next to his name,

because that's how he's behaving


And I always make a joke about this.

Really felt like we had

a special connection.

I can't wait to see you.

I love you with all my heart.

I miss you so much.

Simon was away a lot

on business.

We'd talk and text every single day.

Your girl is finally done with yoga

for the night.

And she's at home

making some delicious salmon.

I felt special.

It was just amazing.

And then, he asked me.

It's just the best feeling, you know,

when you have someone

and both are on the same wavelength.

Time for apartment number two.

Living room where we can

watch movies and stuff.

I was dreaming of how it would be

for the two of us to live together.

And then you have this awesome kitchen.

And here is the bedroom.

Simon tells me that

the budget is $15,000 per month.

Third apartment.

So I'm going all the rounds

in these amazing apartments.

And sometimes I even have

Simon with me on FaceTime.

It was just a really nice way

to connect with him,

even though he wasn't there,

to do it together.

The view is out to the Piazza

at Covent Garden.

Cecilie, my love, I love you, I miss you.

I can't wait to see you.

In the middle of the night, I get

a picture of Peter, Simon's bodyguard.

Simon is writing "Peter hurt,"

and I'm like, "What the f*ck?"

Well, this is the night.

Can you write your first name?

Or I can write it, of course.

We're in an ambulance.

Can you write that?

He just says that, "They were

going after me. Thank God for Peter."

"If not, I would be dead."

It's okay, love. It's okay.

I told you, we're in a w*r.

We need to be strong.

I didn't know what to do.

And he just says, "We're safe now."

"We're being taken care of.

You just need to sleep."

The next morning,

Simon sends me a voice note.

Because of the situation,

with the security and everything,

they told me I'm not allowed

to use my credit card.

He can't use his cards anymore because

the security team has said his enemies

are tracing his spending and where he is

based on his credit card use.

I wanted to ask you a favor.

If you have

an American Express credit card,

I can link it to my account.

He was just wondering

if he could use my cards for some time.

It would just help him a lot.

It's just temporary,

like, for, uh,

two weeks or something.

I'm his girlfriend.

Of course he would ask me.

Like, you trust me and I trust you,

so of course we're gonna help each other.

It wasn't even a question.

The Platinum Amex is in my name, and he

starts using it as he said he would,

but he maxes out quite quickly.

So he makes payment directly to Amex,

and I get the receipt from him,

and he says that the money is on the way,

but in the meantime,

he wants me to come to Amsterdam

and bring some cash to him. $25,000.

How on Earth am I going to

get that amount of cash?

I took out a loan,

which I then took out in cash.

I was super scared

having that amount of cash in my bag.

Especially when we went through security.

I was super stressed.

How was I gonna explain the money

if I got any questions about it?

The moment I'm with him, I feel safe.

My biggest issue was being apart from him.

He was really grateful.

He told me that everything I was doing

is keeping him safe.

But within hours, the security team

said there was a problem.

He deletes his Instagram

because of security measures,

and then he asked me

to make my account private.

Take it all away.

He says that they can come

and get me through him.

Of course, I get paranoid.

What the f*ck is going on?

Later on, Simon gets a call.

He puts Peter on the speakerphone,

and he says,

"Simon, there's been a security breach.

They know where you are."

"The plane is ready to leave.

I can't tell you where you're going."

Peter is asking if he can please

turn off the lights in the apartment.

I'm shit scared. Are they coming now?

Did we lock the door?

Just seeing someone

that you care so much for in danger,

and, like, you can see that

he was not doing well mentally.

I could see

that he was struggling so much.

And in the end,

he just told me that he had to go.

When he lands, he sends me the geotag.

He's landed in Stockholm.

He is here. Very spontaneous.

So I ask him...

The club is basically an ocean with women,

or as I call them, champagne girls.

They are basically like flies.

Like, you put out a rotten banana,

and they just attack,

but these girls do the same thing

when they see a bottle of champagne.

And Simon is of course

paying for this entire circus.

He's paying with cash and just making sure

that everyone is having a good time.

All of them are quite drunk,

especially Simon's bodyguard, Peter.

This is not an environment

that I want to be in.

So I just stay for 10, 15 minutes

and then just say,

"Let's talk tomorrow

and enjoy your night and have fun."

The morning after, I text him

and ask how the hangover is

and maybe if he needs a cup of coffee,

we should go for one,

and then he texts me back.

He's already in Spain.

The Amex card is in my name.

Welcome to American Express.

So I had to pretend that I was the one

traveling around, you know.

I understand your card isn't working.

I'll connect you with someone

who can assist. Say or enter...

I needed to know exactly the amount that

he was spending, which hotel he was in,

so they would believe

that I was the one using the card.

We need to go. We need to travel.

It's making things

very complicated, honey.

Couple of hours later he would call again,

and it's blocked again.

Welcome to American Express.

Then I need to call Amex,

and Simon had already told me

that this would happen,

that it would be something

that I would need to do at the start

to call them and fix this.

The other problem

was that the credit limit wasn't enough.

We had to get it up so he could spend it,

'cause he had an entire team, you know.

So I was like,

"Okay, but how are you going to do that?"

He said, "Well, I can employ you."

He then calls someone in LLD Diamonds

and asks for my passport details,

so I can be put

into the employment registry.

I just tried to say,

"Well, I am not really working there."

He's like, "Well, you are. I'm the CEO.

If they call, you are employed."

I would never ask you for anything

if it was not serious shit.

All these security issues,

you've always been there for me,

so thank you, my love.

We were in a crisis at this point.

Like, what else are we gonna do?

So then I got employed. I got pay slips.

- How much?

- Earning so much.

I think it was, like, $94,000 per month.

I send this over

to prove that I earn much more.

That makes them

raise the credit limit like this.

Of course, you are a bit worried,

but he sends me

a receipt from Credit Suisse

where he's making a transfer

directly to me.

It's for $250,000.

It's more than enough to pay

for the amount that he was spending.

Mykonos is like

a perfect playground.

You will see a lot of yachts,

a lot of celebrities, a lot of models.

You pack all your bikinis, definitely,

for the daytime parties as well.

I am on the phone with Simon,

and he tells me

he has just met his new girlfriend.


I tell him they should meet us in Mykonos,

and he does.

I was going to Oslo.

To see my friends, see my family.

And I really wanted to introduce him.

I'm just waiting for him.

He said he was gonna come the next day.

I meet Polina

for the first time.

She's this typical, like, Russian model.

Quite young. But she's very down to earth.

And I really liked her.

He seems very smitten over her.

They seemed like a good match.

Look, I cannot come right now.

I cannot.

The security team had told him,

"You need to stay away."

I felt deeply disappointed.

But what's most important

is actually to keep him safe.

Of course

he had booked the grand suite,

with own private pool.

It's about $5,000 a night, this room.

It's absolutely gorgeous.

I know

you hate to ring up the bank,

but sometimes it is necessary.

I need to book some tickets

for the rest of the team.

Suddenly need to get

so much money for this entire team

that is traveling business class,

that is having expensive dinners.

Like, they're going out with clients,

and the spend is to another level

that you have never, ever seen before.

This is what I do all the time.

Just meetings and more meetings.

$20,000 is a lot of money,

and that was spent in three days.

Simon asks, "Where should we go now?"

We decide to go to Bonbonniere,

also known as the billionaire's club.

You don't get in here

without paying for a table,

which is normally $2,000.

For people here, this is peanuts for them.

This is coffee money.

He maxes out

the credit card again.

So he told me to get more loans.

Don't worry,

I will finish this deal.

Champagne's on me.

Simon orders in

a couple of bottles of champagne.

Before we even have time

to try and chip in,

he has already paid for the bill.

Simon is very generous.

I take out a loan for $40,000.

Simon and Polina

were continuing their little summer tour.

I tried to do,

like, another transaction,

and it didn't go through.

Every second or third day

is a new request.

France, and then they were going Vienna.

They were going Switzerland.

Almost there.

I'm 97% done with the deals.

Each time he maxes out the card,

I have to take out a new loan.

$50,000 Instabank. $12,500 DNB.

$10,000 for a credit card.

"Let's meet up in Rome.

We need to go and see the Coliseum."



This amazing

Rolls-Royce Phantom

is taking us around all the famous sites,

like the Spanish Stairs, the Coliseum,

the Trevi Fountain to throw a few pennies.

I definitely need some more luck in my

life. Let's see if this can sort it out.

Check what is going on

with the card.

Now. It's important.

Money he had promised me

still hasn't come into my account.

I've already done it

so it doesn't matter right now.

We need a solution right now

for the current situation.

It's kind of like a pressure

that I have never experienced before

to have someone's life

depending on what you're doing.

You know,

I'm facing security threats

with people trying to k*ll me.

If he couldn't use the card, if something

went wrong, he could be in danger.

And if I didn't help him,

what might happen?


The things you're doing for me,

the things we're going through together,

it's for life.

This is what is making me see

that you are the one.

$20,000, Monobank. $15,000, Nordea.

We all give each other

a big hug

and say that we should meet again soon,

after just like an amazing summer, really.

How much had you taken?

$250,000. That's not what I signed up for.

- A lot.

- It is a lot of money.

I know

you have done, uh, too much,

for me, for us, for everything.

I know you're tired

and you want to be together,

which, of course, I do want as well.

I understand.

Everything will be all right.

I was getting so tired and annoyed

and I just needed some kind of money.

That's when he says, "You can come

to Amsterdam and I can give you a check."

He seemed colder.

Wasn't the same kind of affection.

There was almost a cloud across his eyes

that I couldn't pierce through.

When we get into the apartment,

the check is already there.

The check is worth much more

than the debt I have now.

We're trying to be together.

But I can just feel a distance.

It wasn't a good night.

The first thing I do when I come back

from Amsterdam is cash this check.

I really needed that check to go through.

I had eight, nine creditors, you know.

That's a lot of emails

coming down on you at the same time.

I check my bank account every single day.

When four days have passed,

I just know that I need to call the bank.

How can I help you today?

She says, "We won't cash it."

And she couldn't tell me why.

And that's when I was just standing

on the phone, like,

feeling that I had hard to breathe.

Cecilie, I don't understand.

We have...

I was asking about the check,

like, "It didn't work."

He says, "Well, f*ck it.

I gave you the money, so..."

"I did my deal."

I already done it.

Never hear him so cold

in my life.

It was like that person on the phone

was no longer my boyfriend.

Was no longer my boyfriend.

I... It was just a, uh... just a darkness.

I know I was in deep shit.

Like, what do you do

when you have nine creditors on you?

I called the Amex helpline.

They can hear how stressed I am.

They just said,

"Stay put. We will come to you."

I was shit scared

they were gonna come and handcuff me

and take me away.

The documents that I sent over.

The lies I told on the phone.

I gave him my card.

I tell them everything.

They said, "Do you have a picture of him?"

That moment when they look at each other

and they say that's the guy.

f*ck. Shit. You know?

"What kind of name did he use?"

And then I said Simon Leviev.

And they said, "Well, that's

one of many names that he's been using."

"Many names"?

Who is this guy

I've been sharing the same bed with?

"He's a professional.

He does this for a living."

Everything's a lie.

He's not a prince of diamonds.

He's not the son of a billionaire.

The man I loved was never real.

He faked everything.

It was horrible, you know.

'Cause I still...

In a sense, I still loved him, you know?

Or the person I thought that he was.

Like, you know everything is a lie,

but then you still have this fairy tale

that's going on, on your phone.

Simon, with still the heart behind it,

'cause I couldn't remove it.

'Cause I still wanted him to be true.

I don'tunderstand

how someone can be so f*cking evil.

I felt that he knew me.

The minute they're gone,

I want to speak to my mom.

She just told me,

"You need to get back home to Norway."

"I need you to be with me."

I was going through the messages

in the text.

I was still asking,

"When are we going to fix the money?"

The last messages between the two of us

is like, "I'm working on it."

And then I blocked him.

There was nothing else to say.

That's when I remember

he has my mom's number.

Hey, you blocked me,

I don't know what is your reason.

I'm trying to reach you.

You don't want to talk anyway.

I want to tell you something.

Take my advice.

Just watch out.

Because with every action

there will be a reaction.

I got super scared.

But my mom got even more scared.

We call the police in Norway,

because he knows everything about me.

He has all my passport details, where I

was living, where my mom is living.

He's spoken to her on the phone.

He knows where I am.

But the police didn't seem to care.

I don't know what he is capable of.

I've been on the edge for several days.

I had all these creditors.

I had to let them know, each one of them.

It wasn't just two banks.

There were, like, nine of them.

For this kind of loan, the interest is so

high, that they would just eat me alive.

I felt that I was just drowning.

It was like someone was

just dragging me to the bottom.

I was driving down this road,

and I saw a trailer coming towards me,

and I was thinking...

"What if I just

take the car over," you know?

- And just hit...

- just hit the trailer, you know?

Then at least it's done, you know?

And that's when I got scared.

That's when I got really scared.

I put myself into a psychiatric ward

because I didn't know what to do.

I was at home, and I could see

the phone started flashing.

I see it's Simon,

and he has sent me news articles.

Simon's father is gonna be

questioned by the police

in a big diamond smuggling case.

Members of Simon's family

have gotten arrested. Russia is involved.

I give him a call.

That sounds really scary...

He sounds all over the place.

He says police went in. They have

shut down all accounts, all credit cards.

One girl in the office literally jumped

from the building and k*lled herself.

But Simon says he doesn't believe

that this lady jumped off a building.

He believes that someone went in

and threw her out.

We don't have the options,

you know, the...

And I'm getting so scared.

I'm like, "What is really going on?"

And he says that the security situation

right now is really bad.

I have the worst night in my life.

A few days later,

I can feel my phone buzzing.

Simon is sending a lot of messages.

Oh, my God, what happened last night?

Someone tried to s*ab me, and

so Peter broke his hand.


What do you mean tried to s*ab you?

What is going on?

Simon said,

"This is my enemies behind this."

He was really concerned

that someone was after him.

And then I get a voice note from him.

I want to ask you, uh, a favor.

"Pernilla, I am really embarrassed

to even ask you."

"Would it be possible

for me to borrow $30,000?"

It would be a huge, huge, huge,

huge, huge, huge help.

Please let me know if you can

do something. Thank you so much.

I didn't have $30,000 to spare.

I'd been at my mom's now for three months.

I had my savings

that wasgonna go to buy myself a new

apartment where I'm supposed to live.

But, what is more important,

my friend's security situation

or me buying an apartment?

Thank you

for everything you've done...

And I make a bank transfer

while I'm on the phone with him.

He's really grateful to have such a good

friend as me that he really can trust.

I was laying in bed

at the psychiatric ward, on my phone,

going through moredetails

with the people that I had met.

I knew that Simon was lying.

But what about the others?

Peter, the bodyguard.

If it wasn't real,

then did he lie to me as well?

Who is the woman with the kid?

Was that Simon's daughter?

I write a message to Amex.

Can you give me some more information?

They tell me to Google Shimon Hayut

and that I will find some answers.

There's an article in Finnish.

So I go into Google Translate.

Israeli multi-millionaire

that cheated on women.

What the f*ck?

Back in 2015, he had been defrauding

three Finnish women.

They don't give names. They are protected.

He was saying that he was in the weapons

industry to one of the women.

To another woman,

he said he was a Mossad agent.

That's insane. He goes to prison.

He becomes even worse.

They let out a guy that has almost been,

like, cooking up a new plan.

You knew he would

just continue, continue, continue.

Who's gonna stop him?

I had to stop him.

I needed to go to the biggest newspaper

in Norway, VG.

I was just praying, you know,

that they would take this on.

This was really like

an unbelievable story.

A guy who had pretended to be

a son of a diamond billionaire.

Private jets, a luxury lifestyle. It, uh,

sounds almost like a fairy tale or movie.

First thing you ask

as a journalist is

what kind of documentation

can you share with us?

You can't print it without documentation.

Of course, I have WhatsApp.

I then imagine strangers reading through

my inner thoughts, my fears,

my love for this guy, you know?

It's super private. It's selfies in bed.

But the evidence came first,

and I just sent it over.

It was almost 400 pages of text.

There's video.


Okay, baby. I'm taking off now.

Audio messages.

It's astounding.

It's like looking

into the anatomy of the relationship.

We can follow how this developed

minute by minute.

He's extremely professional

in what he does.

The first date was a good way

to lure her to believe

that he was really successful.

This is an emotional con.

He was promising so much...

an apartment together,


building a family together.

I wanted to ask you a favor.

The first request for money

comes after

they've been dating for over a month.

And he has been using that month

to make her fall in love with him,

prove that he is really rich,

and make her afraid of his enemies.

There's no reason to believe

that Simon is not able to pay her back,

because she has seen how wealthy he is.

Simon is surrounded

by a lot of people,

especially his bodyguard

and his business partner.

We don't know who is working with Simon

and how far this conspiracy actually goes.

Cecilie was also sending us

this Finnish article.

Is Shimon Hayut and Simon Leviev

the same guy?

We all got in touch

with the authorities

and found out the names

of the three Finnish women.

I ask Cecilie, does she recognize

the victims' names?

I Google these women.

I don't recognize anyone.

And then a face pops up

that is very familiar.

It's the same woman

that was on the jet with me.

The same woman

that has a child with Simon.

How on the f*cking Earth

were you a victim?

You were standing at the trial

back in 2016.

Putting him to jail,

knowing that he had lied to you,

and suddenly, three years later, you're

sitting on a private jet with Simon.

The things that she told me in that car

made me really believe

that he was a great guy.

Why didn't she warn me?

That was extraordinary,

and it made it hard

because we didn't know who to trust.

But we still had to prove to the police

that Shimon Yehuda Hayut and Simon Leviev

was the same person.

In the indictment,

we have his date of birth.

So when we typed in

"Shimon Hayut" in Google,

that didn't give us much,

basically nothing.

But there's one thing that Simon Leviev

and Shimon Hayut has in common.

They're both from Israel.

We needed someone who knew Hebrew

and knew the country of Israel.

So we contacted

this journalist called Uri.

Uri finds out the last known address for

Shimon Hayut. We need to go to Israel.

We're driving towards

the outskirts of the city,

we see more narrow streets,

smaller apartment buildings,

and a lot of ultra-Orthodox Jews.

This was the total opposite

of how he wanted to present his life

in social media.

Is it here?

So let's park, uh...

- I asked him to stay very near.

- Okay.

In case we need to escape.

Uri, Natalie, and I go out.

My job is to be the cameraman

that documents everything that happens.

That's the name.

That's the name. This one.


What's it says?

It's a letter for him.

- For Shimon?

- Shimon Hayut.

Yeah, this one.

So he might actually be staying here.

So this is a letter from the authorities

that ask money back from people

when you owe money.

Oh, okay.


Who are you?

We're journalists.

We're looking for Simon.

Who is it?

- You are not allowed to be here.

- But, Mom, come in.

So, you're Simon's mother.

- Where is he?

- Where is he?

You're looking for him,

I'm looking for him.

He's swindled a woman in Norway

for a quarter of a million dollars.

I have absolutely no contact with him.

I have nothing to do with him.

I've not had contact with him

since he was 18 years old.

- But his registered address is here.

- He changed his name and address.

He is not Hayut anymore.

- So who is he?

- Leviev.

Let's go.

To confirm that Simon and Shimon

was the same person,

we need to see the local police.

Is this face familiar to you?


In 2017, he changed his name

to SimonLeviev.

Before that, he was known as Shimon Hayut.

The police confirmed

that Simon Leviev and Shimon Hayut

is the same guy convicted in Finland.

He uses many names.

He has been a fraudster

since his late teens.

You start to piece together

some more of the puzzle.

Back in 2011, Simon was suspected

of stealing a check from his employer.

He moves on to other stolen checks

and forged checks.

Simon was supposed to meet in court,

but he fled the country.

But then he left Israel.

He forged a passport and left the country.

So he's wanted by the police?


The Israeli authorities

demand that he be found

so the trial against him can continue.

And we're doing what we can

to find him and bring him in.

We got a lot of new

and really good information

after the trip to Israel,

but we don't know where he is right now.

Well, I will keep you posted.

Everybody else got their money,

so you should too.

I will see what's going on.

I will call the bank.

Love you. Miss you. Bye-bye.

He really apologizes and says

that he needs to borrow a little bit more.

I told him, "Simon, you were supposed

to transfer back this money you borrowed

a week or two after."

"Are you sure

everything is gonna be okay?"

He's like,

"Yeah, everything is gonna be okay."

So I transfer him another $10,000.

I guarantee you

I will make payment next week.

The next week,

he texts me a bank receipt for $100,000.

Simon is being very generous.

He only owes me 40,000.

Oh, seriously, Simon,

that is so nice of you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you so, so much.


Through the most difficult moments,

you have been there for me.

So that's why I wanted to thank you

from the bottom of my heart.

And then the money just don't arrive.


the bank want me there physically

with my lawyer

to sign some few other papers.

I need to fly and I need to fix it up.

I want to ask you a favor.

So I pay for these flights

on my American Express card.

The money

has left our bank account

so you have nothing to worry about.

He asked me to help him

with another flight.

And then another flight,

and then another flight.

So with time just passing,

money doesn't come in.

I was just at the bank

and they can't find any transfer.

And that I need to pay my bills.

I'm really freaking out.

I'm panicking. Like, I got myself

in so, so much trouble right now.

They put a stop on my account.

Of course I can give you

one of my watches.

I have a watch worth over 100K.

So he tells me

he will book me a flight to wherever he is

within a couple of days

to collect the watch.

We have a lot of new information,

but we still haven't found him.

So what we have to do is go back into

the documentation we got from Cecilie.

Cecilie gave us a lot of transactions

done with her Amex card.

In these transactions,

we see flight tickets.

There are also names.

The business partner.

The bodyguard.

But we could also find names

of different women.

So one of the names

is Pernilla Sjoholm.

So I find Pernilla on Facebook

and write a message to her.

I... panic.

I thought I was gonna pass out.

I forward the message

straight over to Simon.

I would not...

He says I shouldn't worry,

that this is

his enemies trying to get information.

He really tries to calm me down and even

just, like, after hanging up the phone,

I'm starting to realize, like,

this can't be made up.

My phone rings. It is Erlend.

So I asked her, "Can I come to Stockholm

to meet you to talk through your story?"

I get on a plane.

We were meeting up the next day.

He tells me everything.

I am furious.

Why would Simon do this to me?

This was a friend

who I really cared about, who I loved.

He really created this person

that I would like,

someone who would be a really good friend.

So, if it's not only through romantic

relationships that he's pursuing scams,

what else could there be?

I tell Erlend

about all the travels

and the amount of money

he has been spending,

and all the other people that I have met.

When he tells me

about this Norwegian girl,

I'm starting to realize

that the amount of money she has lost

doesn't add up to the lifestyle

that he's been living,

because there is an extreme amount

of money that has been spent.

This must just be the tip of the iceberg.

After looking at Pernilla's bank accounts,

I realize this may be a Ponzi scheme.

He uses Cecilie's money on Pernilla,

and he uses Pernilla's money

on somebody else.

It's never his name on the credit card,

so he has plausible excuse.

He can always say,

"I was just borrowing the money."

It's almost like the perfect scam.

Of course, by using

one woman's credit card

to buy plane tickets to a second woman

and to buy a dinner to a third,

he was able to travel a lot,

and he never stayed long in one place.

That made it very hard for

local police authorities with low budgets

to go after a man that,

in their world, was like a small scam.

Hey, we order all the menu.

I ask Pernilla,

"Can you tell me where he is?"

I don't just only know

where he is.

I am booked on a flight

to go and see him tomorrow.

He's in Munich.

In less than 10 hours,

we need to be in Munich.

Our goal in Munich

was to film him

to prove to the police

that he was possible to find.

You're really focused.

You know you have this one chance

to get what you want.

Also you have responsibility forPernilla.

Simon can absolutely not find out that

they are there or that I have done this,

because I don't know

if it's dangerous for me

if he does find out

that I'm doing this behind his back.

I'm going in there

trying to sabotage his fabulous life.

The plan is to keep a safe distance,

and to do that, Natalie is tracking

Pernilla's whereabouts on the iPhone.

In case Simon should look

at Pernilla's phone,

Pernilla saves my number

as a different name.

That makes it possible for Pernilla

to have constant contact with me.

She writes

that she's just landed.

We have a photographer outside the airport

who may be able to get pictures.

She writes, "My friend is picking me up."

That must be Simon.

I've now received a picture

from the photographer.

Wow, he's in Munich.

My heart is pounding.

This is the first time

I meet his business partner,Avishay,

that he had told me so much about.

I'm starting to become very, very paranoid

because who am I in the car with?

Who are they really?

I'm looking at him, and I know the truth,

like everything that he has done.

These former feelings that I had

that this was my friend just got erased.

I don't think I ever hated a person

my entire life

until that second

when I was sitting in that car

and just looking at him.

Pernilla texted me

that they were going

to Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

That's a fancy hotel

with a restaurant inside.


The most important job I had in there

was to text Kristoffer

and the still photographer

whenever they were leaving the restaurant.


there's a parking garage.

Just behind gaps in the wall,

we can place our lenses

to capture Simon as he walks out.

Everyone knew about him.

"Welcome back, Mr. Leviev."

And that gets me going.

What have you been doing in Munich?

How many victims are here?

He tells me he's sorry

about the situation with the money

and he gives me the watch.

He orders everything on the menu,

and I feel so bad even sitting there

when we're having this dinner,

'cause the only thing

that goes in my head is,

"Who's paying for this dinner?"

We're just waiting and waiting

for a text from Natalie.

Simon looks in our direction, and we hide.

Simon starts speaking in Hebrew

and getting very upset to Avishay.

And I'm like, "What's going on?"

And they were like,

"There's a camera guy over there."

And he started screaming, like,

"Get into the car!"

Driving around so fast through Munich.

I don't know what they're saying. Do they

know that I have set them up to do this?

What are they really gonna do with me?

Just think, like, "Pernilla, you play

your biggest act you have ever done

your entire life, because otherwise

you are never coming home."

I'm trying to twist everything around.

I'm screaming at him, like, "Is this your

enemies? Are they after me now, Simon?"

He's trying to calm down the situation,

like, "No, it's me they're after."

I'm telling him, "Just drop me off."

I never opened a car door

as fast in my entire life.

We were very concerned

about Pernilla.

We realized we wouldn't be able

to confront him there.

We need to go back to Oslo

and work out our next step.

I take the watch

to a pawn shop,

and they tell me it is fake.

Of course it is,

because nothing about him is real.

I really want to confront him

and at least tell me the truth.

That's what you want from all people.

Just tell me the truth, how it is.

Pernilla really wants

to talk to him,

and we are filming that call.


Hey, what's up? Good morning.


Good afternoon. Sorry.

It's okay. What are you doing?

I'm all right, and you?


I'm not so good, Simon.

What is it?

Can you just tell me the truth?

I told you the truth.

No, you haven't told me the truth.

Can you give me the entire truth?

At least I deserve that.

I told you the entire truth,

I don't understand what is the...

Simon. Simon, I lost everything I have.

Can you please tell me the truth

for once. It's a little...

Pernilla, you have no idea.

My enemies are trying to...

Simon! Simon! Simon!

Simon, listen to me. I know.

What do you know?

I know about...

Something that I don't know?

What do you know?

I know everything. Simon, I know...

I know you're doing this fraud thing.

I know you've been in jail in Finland.

I know you're...

What the f*ck is this bullshit?

I know about the other people

that you have frauded.

You double-cross me...

I can tell you right now,

you will pay for this

for the rest of your life.

I am paying for the rest of my life.

You took everything I have.

This is your mistake. If you want

to make some claims against me,

give me the evidence you have against me.

The Israeli police have confirmed you

with your picture.

Nobody has confirmed anything.

That's not true.


I had a flight to Amsterdam, right?


Yeah, who paid for that?

I paid for it!

No, you didn't.

I have the transaction for the ticket,

and it's paid by another woman.

Because of my enemies

I couldn't use my own...

I have paid these people in cash.

I did give them money.

Simon, you can't keep doing this.

Like, it's crazy.

Honey, what have you done this all for?

There will be a price,

and I promise it'll be bigger than money.

What do you mean, the price?

You double-cross me,

you're gonna pay for it.

I really got scared,

because what have I done?

The only thing that we can do is to make

the VG piece as big as possible

to get his face out there,

because if people would know who he is

and recognize his face,

he can't do this anymore.

Coming forward with a story like this

takes a lot of courage.

I was feeling anxious, you know.

VG is the biggest newspaper in Norway.

Like, my face would be on the front cover.

There would be this big online special.

I know that people were gonna judge me.

Am I ready?

Your entire life

is never gonna be the same again.

Everything just, like, went wildfire.

It felt like a nightmare.

Social media is brutal, you know.

They'll eat you alive.

People are saying what a gold digger

you are or, "She deserved this."

A gold digger

would never give out a penny.

I never understood this,

how you can blame a victim.

All I did was just trying to help people.

I didn't want anyone else to get hurt.

But it was kind of nice

to just see

and try to focus on the positive things

that people were writing.

I could see the amount of shares.

Comment after comment after comment.

"Look at this story," you know.

"It's just insane."

We were sitting there watching

the numbers go up and up.

Everybody wanted to read

The Tinder Swindler. It was going viral.

This is what I wanted.

His face is there. His name is there.

No matter who he meets and he says,

"Hi. My name is SimonLeviev,"

the moment they Google him now,

it will be there.

I met Pernilla.

Immediately, we had a bond.

This is the only person who really

understands what I am going through.

We wanted

to keep the momentum up.

We joined forces.

Both of us had a goal

that this needed to come out

in as many newspapers

in as many countries as possible.

- Hello.

- Hi.

First of all,

I wanted to apologize

and let you know

that not all Israeli men are such crooks.

Talk shows and news agencies in the US,

UK, Netherlands, Germany as well.

We needed more exposure and more countries

to make their own investigations.

Like, "What did he do in our country?

Do we have any victims here?"

But another thing was

to actually get the police

to feel the pressure from the media,

the pressure from the public,

and do something about this.

The response

was really overwhelming.

We were contacted by victims

all over the world.

I met him on Tinder in 2015.

We met up Copenhagen...

We dated for around six months.

He met my family and friends.

He stayed with us in New York.

He said his name was Shimon Yehuda Hayut.

- His name was Mordechay Tapiro.

- His name was Simon Leviev.

My wife and I hired Simon

to babysit our five-year-old son.

He was 20 years old at the time.

We knew that his father was a rabbi

and he came from a very...

He told me

he was heir to an Israeli airline.

He employed me as his PA.

He hired me

as his personal chauffeur.

And he hired a lot of expensive cars.

He never paid the bill. $300,000.

He told me

that he was a Mossad agent

working undercover as a pilot.

He spent nearly $20,000.

In just three days,

he spent $42,000 on our Amex card.

Three of our checks

had been forged.

Nearly $50,000 in total.

I'm still not over it,

six years later.

I'm scared of him.

We got all this information,

but nothing happened to him.

He was still on the run,

he was still a free man,

even though we knew

that he was reported to the police

in at least seven different countries.

I was at the airport in Prague.

I had been visiting my boyfriend.

While I was waiting for my plane to leave,

I was scrolling through Instagram,

and I saw the picture of my boyfriend.

I clicked on it.

"The Tinder Swindler"?

What the f*ck is this?

I was completely in shock.

I sent the article to Simon,

and he started calling me.

We were about to take off,

so I downloaded the article

and put my phone on airplane mode.

I saw that this girl Cecilie

met him on Tinder.

I also met him on Tinder.

He also took me to a five-star hotel

on the first date.

I was already dating Simon for 14 months.

So we were in a serious relationship.

I loved him very much.

He was very thoughtful.

He would remember every little thing.

I shared my whole heart with him.

We started talking about

settling down together, starting a family.

I really felt

we were meant for each other.

I was scrolling through the article.

I saw these videos coming up.

Cecilie, my love, I love you.

I miss you. I can't wait to see you.

He sent me the same video.

Ayleen, darling,

I miss you.


I went through my WhatsApp history,

and I started to compare.

He was sending exactly the same words

to her as he did to me.

"Good morning, love. How are you?

I love you. I miss you."

"I wanna have babies with you."

He took Cecilie to Amsterdam, my hometown.

Exactly the same period as we were dating,

she was looking for houses

to start living with him in London.

I was also looking for houses

in Amsterdam.

The same day, he was flying to Oslo

for a business trip,

he was just going out to see her.

He texted me, "I'm tired as f*ck."

Yeah, of course.

He was withCecilie all night.

He told me that this business deal

in Munich went wrong.

But he was meeting Pernilla.

Peter is down!

He sent exactly the same pictures to me,

telling me that his enemies

had beaten Peter up.

When I got those pictures,

I was terrified.

It made me paranoid,

constantly looking over my shoulder.

A few years ago, I was followed

by two guys and they beat me up.

I told Simon about this.

When Simon said I was being followed,

I was full of anxiety all the time.

I'm reading that he is a fugitive.

A convicted criminal.

He swindled women for millions.

My heart almost stopped beating,

because I also lent him money.

It started off small.

His enemies were tracking his phones,

so he asked me to get some SIM cards.

So I was paying off those bills.

But it became more and more and more.

I gave him $140,000. So much money.

Designer clothes, flight tickets

for other women. Fancy dinners.

Now I see,

my money he spent on basically bullshit.

I had so many emotions.

The cheating part, the money part.

On one small flight, I lost everything.

I didn't want the plane to land,

because I needed to face reality,

and that reality was terrifying.

The moment I land in Amsterdam,

I knew he would call me.

...an enjoyable flight.

Thank you for flying with us,

and have a pleasant evening.

I mean, I don't know

where this shit came from.

He says the article was fake.

Cecilie andPernilla

would have been paid by his enemies

to create this article.

I knew I was defrauded.

I knew that he was fake.

I love you. I care about you...

I talked to the police.

They said they needed time

to build this case,

but it was something I didn't have,

because I knew that Simon was a fugitive.

The moment he was able to get away,

he would.

I didn't want him to get away with this.

I wanted to talk to someone

who was in the article.

I found Pernilla on Instagram.

So I get a message

from this Dutch girl, Ayleen,

saying that she's the girlfriend of Simon,

and she has seen the story

and says that it feels like

she is in the middle

of a horror movie right now.


Ayleen says she's going

to help us catch him,

but there's something

she needs to do first.

I needed to get my money back. But how?

I had to come up with a plan.

Suddenly I realized

I was in a quite powerful position.

He wasn't able

to get any women on Tinder anymore

because his face was all over Google.

So he was hiding in Prague

and he had absolutely nowhere else to go

besides me.

He always told me keep your friends close

and your enemies closer.

To make him believe

I was still on his side,

I told him I still love him,

that I believed everything he said.

I even called these girls b*tches.

I'm texting Simon all the time,

saying, "Good morning, love. How are you?"

"Good night. Sleep well.

I love you. I miss you."

And he keeps on telling me,

and, of course, it's Simon,

that he needed money

to escape from his enemies.

He needed fake passports.

He wanted me to pawn my car.

He wanted me to sell my house.

That's when I got my idea. I was

going to swindle the Tinder Swindler.

Simon only wears designer clothes.

He's covered in it.

Versace, Gucci, Louis Vuitton,

Dolce & Gabbana.

I work in the luxury fashion industry,

so I know his wardrobe is worth a fortune.

I said to him,

"Please, let me sell those clothes for you

so we can generate some money."

Simon has all of these clothes with him.

I needed to go to Prague.

Before I leave Amsterdam,

Simon had a credit card delivered to me.

It says, "David Sharon."

I take a picture

and send it to the police,

telling them Simon is creating

a new identity.

His address was in the middle of nowhere.

As I'm getting closer,

my heart is pounding.

I thought, "Oh, my God, how can I come up

with such a stupid plan?

Because now I need to face him."

He's not my boyfriend.

He's not the son of Lev Leviev.

He's not working for LLD Diamonds.

He is a fraud,

and I have absolutely no idea

what he's capable of.

He was already standing outside

waiting for me,

and he hugged me

and he kissed me on the lips,

and I felt disgusting.

I was so angry and I wanted to scream,

but the only thing I said was,

"I love you and I missed you."

He made an appointment

in the center ofPrague,

and he wanted me to come along with him.

We stopped outside this head office

of a plastic surgeon.

I was like, "Oh, my God,

what are we going to do here?"

He wanted to change his cheekbones,

his nose, his lips, maybe his chin,

and the plastic surgeon says,

"I'm sorry,

but I'm not going to do this surgery

because only criminals want this."

I almost spit out my water

because I really wanted to say

to this surgeon,

"But he is a criminal."

As I'm watching this pathetic man crying

for not getting his plastic surgery,

I thought,

"If you weren't such... a piece of shit,

I would feel sorry for you."

In the afternoon,

we played boyfriend and girlfriend,

holding hands, having dinner together.

But then I needed

to still sleep next to him.

He didn't make any move, thank God,

but I was just in bed, frozen,

looking at the ceiling all night.

Morning finally comes,

I pack up three massive suitcases.

Simon didn't even help me with it.

Right before I was leaving,

he hands over this letter.

He said, "Please read it in the plane."

I cannot get out of there fast enough.

I remember that I had this letter.

I have it here.

"Dear Ayleen, well, as you know, this is

the most difficult time of my life,

and I want to thank you

that you are standing by my side

and that you don't give up on our love."

"You are the woman of my dreams,

and I want to build a future together."

"To marry you will be an honor for me."

"And to make a family with kids together,

you are the woman I see it with."

"You've got to help me

with everything you can."

"It's for you, for your parents,

for our future. I'm worth it."

"Now it's time

to do the impossible possible."

"I'm blessed to have a woman like you

in my life

to live in happy ever after."

"I love you like I never loved before."

"I trust you."

"Don't give up."

"Love you forever, yours, Simon."

Just a piece of shit.

I'm on Operation Sell, Sell, Sell.

Simon is texting and calling me

all the time.

"What have you sold?

Where's my money? You need to be quick."

I keep on telling him

I haven't sold anything.

I was selling, selling, selling. I was

never going to send him the money.

I just got a notification that I got

an offer for one of Simon's items.

Speaking of the Devil.

So you're still

selling his things now?

Yes, I'm still selling his things.

Of course it wasn't in line

with everything that I gave him,

but it felt like a little bit of payback.

We need the money on Monday.

Another day, another day.

Are you trying to buy time?

You're dragging it over three f*cking

weeks. It doesn't take three weeks.

After a few weeks, he knows

that I was keeping the money for myself.

That's when he turned around completely.

You stop playing game

with me now! Stop!

He bombs me with all these messages,

and they were so aggressive.

If you're active, listen to me!

You're gonna give it today.

You don't know

where the f*ck you're going.

Voice memos of, like, 20 minutes.

I'm sorry about what I said,

but that's it.

But you're taking the piss out of me.

This is where I saw

his several personalities.

I love you

and I care about you.

I ask a thousand f*cking times.

I ask nicely. I'm speaking to you nicely.

I try to respect you,

but it's like you're f*cking with me.

You have no idea

how much I love you.

You just need to trust me one last time.

I need an answer tomorrow. Believe in me.

Have a leap of faith for one time. Do it.

Don't send me lies.

I know how to lie.

I can teach you how to lie.

I need this money to succeed.

Help me out here.

I don't have nobody else. I have only you.

I'm begging from you, please.

I give you advice. Choose it!

You disappear.

Nobody can see your messages.

I'm not your enemy. I'm not fighting you.

And you will get the worst f*cking enemy

you have ever seen in your life

for you and for your f*cking family

if you will ever play with me!

Give it today.

Look, Ayleen,

I'm sorry about everything.

I give you the last f*cking

warning! Today. You want w*r?

You will get f*cking w*r!

You will get f*cking w*r!

It was a horrible experience.

But part of me was actually enjoying

seeing him "swerm."

Squirm. No.

Ayleen, can I ask you a favor?

Can you put me one lottery ticket

with numbers that I can choose?

How pathetic can you be?

I thought you were a billionaire.

He has no money coming in.

He had no one to go to.

He even sent me pictures and texts

that he was eating leftovers

in a shopping mall.

He grew himself, like, this big beard.

He was sleeping in hostels of $12 a night.

At this moment, I see the real Simon,

because without other people's money,

he was nobody, and he's nothing.

He even called himself

"the homeless king."

The prince of diamonds

to this homeless king.

Cry me a river.

One morning, I get a text from him.

A few weeks before, he was just mentioning

he wanted to go to Greece.

When I text him back,

my message wasn't receiving.

I just saw one tick.

That's when I realized

that he was on a flight,

because Simon is always on his phone.

I'm searching for flights

from Prague to Athens.

I found a flight exactly the same time

as he went offline.

I took a screenshot of the details,

and I sent it directly to the police.

He wouldn't travel under Simon Leviev

because he was wanted for fraud.

I also make sure they had the name that

I saw on the credit card, David Sharon.

Now, it was in the hands of the police.

It was one of the best moments of my life.

He even says...

He got arrested by Interpol

on a fake passport,

under the name David Sharon.


Ayleen tells me, "We got him!"

I just wanted to call Cecilie.

I was like, "Are you f*cking kidding me?

He's really caught? Now? Today?"

I can't even describe the joy it is.

This is what I wanted.

I wanted to see him in handcuffs.

I needed justice for myself.

Does he know

you gave that information to the police?

No. He never believed

that I was capable of doing this.

He knows now.

Hi, Simon.

Everything that we did

did have an effect.

We helped at least one person,

and we did get him arrested.

Maybe not for everything that we wanted,

but he did get arrested.

So our action had a reaction.

Just got my new iPhone 12 Pro.

Just received the new shoes. Perfect.

This is the real deal.

The Bentley or the Ferrari.

I wish you

a great and magnificent evening.

I will proceed

with the lawsuit against you

for defam-in-ation and lies

and, you know, that everything is based,

basically, on a lie.

And that's it, this is how it's gonna be.

Have you been

on Tinder since?

Yes. Oh, tons. Yeah, I know.

Everyone is asking me.

Tinder has nothing to do with this.

I was on Tinder immediately.

- You're still looking for love?

- I'm still looking for love. So...

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