01x02 - Pilot pt.2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x02 - Pilot pt.2

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning.

Where you heading?

- Aravil.

l`m heading there.

Thank you very much.

Hold it! l said l`m heading there.

You want in, you pay for it.

Ten dollars.

But you just said you were going there anyway.

Nothing is free in this world pal.

Ten dollars.

Kindness is What?

Kindness is free.

What world are you living in?

Damn old truck.

What is it now?

Got a problem?


l got my head under here to keep the sun of my bald spot.

Hey, you want me to take a look?

l think l know a little more than you do about my own truck.

You sure you don`t want me to take a look?

Can`t hurt anything.

All right, all right go ahead.

All right, give it a try.


You have a nice day.

lf you still want that ride, get in.

Thanks for your kindness.

My name is Clyde.


You a mechanic?

l have been.

You sure have a way with machinery.

Just a gift l guess.

You can make a lot of money per hour with a gift like that.

Yeah l s`pose so.

Well where are you heading in town?

Havencrest Home.

The old folks place?

- Yeah.

You got a relative there?

No no just some old friends.

Well l`ll drop you off there.

l don`t want to have you go out of your way.

l said l`d drop you off didn`t l?

Thank you.

Well here you go

- Thanks very much.



Thanks for the truck.

Atruck`s like anything else.

You treat it nice, it will treat you nice.

l`ll be seeing you again Clive.

All right you`ll have to notify the family.

l can`t keep the old man here after the end of the week unless their payments are in my office by then.

But they said the cheques were late this month and as soon as Miss Gordon, l`m aware of what they said.

l`m trying to run a business, that`s what l was hired for and May l help you?

Excuse me l hope not interrupting.

Not at all.

l came about that job you advertised in the newspaper.

Gardening and general maintenance.

That advertisement.

That wasn`t supposed to be in the paper until tomorrow.

Yeah l know l found out about it at the newspaper office.

Figure the early bird catches the worm.

Quite true Mr um Jonathan Smith.

And no jokes about the name.


Yeah you know.

John Smith, Jane Doe.

Ah yes l see We`ll need some references of course.

Yeah well that will take me a little time to round up l`m from back east.

Well you can`t expect me to hire you without references.

Did your last man have references?

Of course.

Well where`s he?


The last man, where`s he now?

l fired him.

What for?

Because he was lazy, he wouldn`t work.

Goes to show references don`t mean everything.

Mr Smith, l don`t believe this conversation is getting us anywhere.

Our policy is l`m willing to work the first month without any pay.

lf you like my work, after that l go on salary.

You`re willing to work the month without pay?

That`s right.

lf l don`t do the job, you just say adios.

Don`t lose a thing.

All right! l`ll give it a try.

Thank you sir.

Miss Gordon, will you show Smith where the utility room is.

Yes sir.

Oh Smith

- Yes sir.

l have a full inventory of everything in the utility room.

Every item is listed.


Such a nice day.

How come everybody`s inside?

Well they rarely go out unless a relative comes.

That`s not very often the many.

Never for some.

What do they do all day?

They sit.

What about the staff?

Do they plan any activities for them?

Outings or anything?

Mr Haskins` policy doesn`t call for that.

He feels that it`s our job to provide food and lodging.

Not entertainment.

l`m not sure this is the right key.

How do you feel about the policy?

l only work here.

l`ll have to get another key

- Here let me try.

Hard to believe.

Hundred years ago people didn`t need locks.

Except in prison.

Times change.

No, people change.

We stop trusting each other.

l`m sure that you`ll find everything that you need.



ls it all right if l call you that?


l have to find a place to live.

l wondered if you had any suggestions?

Well There are some vacancies in the building where l live.

They`re not fancy apartments.

But it`s walking distance.

That sounds just fine.

lf l could walk over there with you after work l`d appreciate it.

All right.

All right, l`ll see you then.

How did you know my name was Leslie?

Oh, when Mr Haskins introduced us.

l`ll see you after work.

Excuse me.

l`m here to check your swamp cooler.

Who are you?


- new maintenance man.

Well good, they finally found a cute one.

Come on in, it`s over there.

Thank you.

lt`s not going to work, the other fellow tried.

Of course he was as dumb as a milk cow.

l`ll just take a look.

That cooler`s just about like most of the people here.

Too old to work right.

Well sometimes the old ones are better.

More dependable.


Get away from that door.

Go on, shoo.

You pervert, shoo, go on.


Did you see that man?

He is always peeking at me.

Maybe he likes you.

Oh go on, he can`t be a day under 80.

l don`t want some old man peeking at me.

ls that why you stay in your room all the time?

Well it won`t be for long.

l`m not regular here you know.

My daughter and her husband are coming back from Europe ln a few weeks and l`m going to live with them.

That will be nice.

The rest of the old biddies are down the hall watching soap operas.

What`s the matter, don`t you like the soaps?

l don`t like it when l have to watch with them.

They`re all half deaf.

And they shout at each other through the whole show.

Why did he say?

What did she say?

ln the meantime, nobody can hear a blasted thing.

Oh Miss Maddie.

That`s my roommate.

Hi Miss Maddie.

You have to shout.

She hasn`t heard anything since World w*r l.

Miss Maddie, anybody die on General Hospital today?

Somebody went to the hospital and died?

What room were they in?

No not here on TV.

Who died?

They died on their TV?

Just fell over on it dead?

No, woman.

On the soap opera.

Who died on the soap opera?

Ohh! Oh, nobody, no.

You see what l mean?

There`s nothing worse than living in a place with a lot of old folks.

l don`t know, l think old folks are pretty lucky.

How so?

Well a lot of people don`t live long enough to get old.

Fan is all fixed if you have any more trouble with it, let me know.

Nice to meet you Miss Maddie.

Nice to meet you.

You heard him?

Well of course l heard him.

l`m not deaf.

Well why do l have to shout at you all the time?

You don`t have to.

l never asked you to.

You`re just like everybody else.

lf you get old, people just shout at you.

My daughter doesn`t shout at me.

Of course not.

She doesn`t even talk to you.

She`s in Europe l told you.

Well suit yourself.

l`m going to have my lunch.

She`ll be taking me out of here the minute she gets back.

She wouldn`t let me stay in a place like this.

Go on, go and eat with them.

Spilling their food, clicking their false teeth.

Go on, go and eat with them, you belong with them.

They`re beautiful.

Oh thank you.

There`s nothing like some flowers to brighten up a place.

How did you get all this done so quickly?

l like doing it, makes it easy.

Guess l`ve got a green thumb.

Oh it`s five o`clock.

You said you wanted to look at the apartment now.

Oh yeah, if you give me a minute l`ll put the tools away and wash up.



- Yes Sir.

What`s this all about?

What Sir?

The flowers.

There`s nothing on your worksheet about flowers.

l just thought the yard could use a little colour.

l`d appreciate you doing the work you`re supposed to do.

l did that.

All of it?

- Yeah you can check if you like.

Regardless, there`s no money in our budget for flowers.

Oh no, these didn`t cost anything they`re free.

From a friend of mine.

All of this?

Yeah, as much as we need.

One thing my friend`s got is lots of flowers.

Well l, l gotta run.

Waste of time.

When the place is sold, it`ll be torn down anyway.

Oh no.

What`s the matter?

Mrs Goody won`t be back until six.

That`s all right.

lt`s only half an hour.

l`ll just wait right here.

All right.

l hope it works out for you.

- l`m sure it will.

Thank you very much.

You`re welcome.

Would you like to wait at my place?

Well that would be nice, if it`s not too much trouble?

No, not at all.

Thank you.

The other apartments are the same as this one.

Size wise.

Except this is a two


l live with my brother.

Hey, it really is a nice size.


lt`s one of the advantages of an older building.


l didn`t know you were home.

Now you know.

Mark, this is Jonathan Smith.

How are you?

Great, just great.

Would you like something to drink?

We`re out of beer.

l`m fine.

l`m not thirsty, thank you.

You surprised to see me home?


l got fired.

Oh no.

Television stinks.

They ought to play football games during the week for the unemployed.

Look, l think l`d better wait outside for Mrs Goody in case she comes home early.

All right Thanks very much for everything.

What happened this time?

Who cares?

l care Well l don`t l don`t care! l mean, l was not head of General Motors or something.

l had a stinking job.

And l will find another stinking job.

Will you be home for supper?

l don`t know.

Well l have to know whether to cook for two or not.

How you doing neighbour?

Oh l`m sorry.

l`m sorry, l didn`t mean to startle you.

lt`s so late, l didn`t expect anyone to be up.

Well l don`t sleep much.

You`re worrying about your brother, huh?

l saw him when he left.

lt`s the same thing over and over.

Every time he gets the job, he promises it will be different but it never is.

l don`t know why l even bothered to ask him what happened this time.

He was fired for fighting.

For hitting someone, for God knows what reason.

Has he always been like that?


Not in the beginning.

He was a policeman in Oakland for almost 15 years.

He really loved that job.

But then he started to change.

He he seemed to become filled with anger.

His superiors warned him about it but it didn`t do any good.

He was finally suspended for what they call excessive use of force.

That`s when he came to live with me.

How long`s he been with you?

Almost 5 years.

Well he hasn`t changed during that time?


Except now he drinks a lot when he`s upset.

That`s why l`m so worried now.

He`s gone to Rex`s again to get drunk.

The last time this happened he ran into a parked car on his way home.

l`m sorry.

l`m sure you don`t need to hear all my troubles.

Come on, don`t be sorry.

What`s the old saying?

What are friends for?

l know but we`re strangers.

Well, because people choose to be.

Some people choose to be friends and some people choose to be strangers.

l`d rather be a friend.

Me too.


Look, l`m going downtown anyway.

l`ll step into Rex`s and see how your brother is doing.

That`s very kind.

But he`s been drinking and l wouldn`t want you too.

Oh good, first you`re worried about your brother and now you`re worried about me.

Maybe you ought to spend a little time worrying about yourself.

l`ll see to it your brother gets home all right.

Goodnight Leslie.


Do l know you?

Yes, we met briefly today at your place.

Listen, l like to drink alone.

So your sister tells me.

Oh yeah.

That`s what this is about.

My little sister is worried about me.

Yes she is.

And what about you?

Are you worried about me too?

You, or anybody you happen to hit on the way home.

Well l don`t need your concern.

Like l said.

l like to drink alone.

What are you deaf?

You want to sit here, then sit here.

What do l care?

What is it you`re after?

Are you trying to make out with my sister?



l didn`t think so.

Nobody tries to make out with my sister.

You know l`ve been, l`ve been living with her five years.

All of that time she`s never had a date.

Not one.

Sits home every night, reads a book.



You know why she`s never had a date?

l`ll tell you why she`s never had a date.

Because she`s plain and smart.

And guys don`t like girls who are smart.

They like girls who are pretty Well maybe some men can see better than they can think.


You know that`s why l stay with her.

So she won`t be alone.

The world stinks.

lf we make it stink.

No it stinks.


l was a cop, l know.

You know what it`s like being a cop?

Being a cop is like extending your life watching the six o`clock news.



There ain`t a dam thing you can do about it.


Except turn off the set.

You could try changing it.

Listen, l`m going to have me some more drink.

And l`m going to have some fun.

Why don`t you just go on home?

Wow darling, darling l never thought you`d ask.

Do you mind l`m with someone.

Well of course you are.

You look silly out here dancing by yourself.

lf your looking for trouble beaver face, you found it.

Well as l live and breathe, if it isn`t Roy Rogers.

l was just having a little dance with Dale here.

Look l apologise for my friend.

He`s had a little to much to drink.

He didn`t mean anything.

Let him apologise.

For what, hopalong?

All right, that`s it.

Hold on.

Let`s take it outside boys.

He`s right Kimosabe.

Come on outside and l`ll show you how the West was won.

You sit down honey.

l`ll be right back.

Yeah, he`s right Dale.

You just sit there and wait.

He`ll be right back.

Two points.

There it is, the O.



And l`m Doc Holliday.

Hey, that`s enough.

Leave him alone.

l turned the other cheek.

You ready to go home now?


Are you all right?

Yeah l`m fine.

Your friend drove me home.

l didn`t ask him to look for you.

l was just worried.

He offered.

That figures.

What do you mean?

l don`t know, l`m tired Look err, thanks for worrying about me.


That err, friend of yours, that um Jonathan.


Doesn`t he strike you as funny?

ln what way?

Um, l don`t know.

l just don`t know.

l don`t know what l`m talking about.

Get some sleep.



Good morning.

Good morning.

How do you like them?


Our new bicycles.

Our bicycles?


l thought it`d be a lot more fun to ride to work than walk.

l think a little cool air on your face wakes you up in the morning.

Well l couldn`t.

l haven`t ridden a bicycle in Since l was a little girl.

Come on riding a bicycle is just like swimming, you never forget how to do it.

No l couldn`t really.

Where did you get them?

Afriend of mine gave them to me.

Where did you get all these friends?

You`ve only just come to town?

l guess l have a way with people.

Now come on now and mount up.

Really l can`t.

l mean Aren`t we a little too old to be riding bikes to work?

Leslie being afraid has nothing to do with being too old.

l`m not afraid.

Then get on your bike.

All right.

Here we go.

But you`ll see.

All right l`ll see.

You lead the way.


l don`t believe this.

l can still do it.

Of course you can.

Turn right.

We`ll head through the park.

All right.

Hurry up, get moving the race is on.

You told me you couldn`t ride a bike.

l haven`t seen a woman peddle that fast since the old witch rode off with Toto.

l forgot how much fun it was.

l know.

Hey l like that dress.

Which one?

That blue one right there Now that looks like a dress, not like those things you see in Vogue magazine with the great big shoulders and the pizza pie hat.

Argh you`d look great in that dress.


Oh yeah.

Of course, what do men know about women`s clothes?

Well we`d better get going.

Last one there is a rotten egg.


Look at those flowers.

Yeah pretty aren`t they?

They`re beautiful.

Look at the size of them.

l mean, yesterday they were l just can`t believe it.

lt must be that chemical l mix with the soil.

What on earth did you use?

l don`t remember the name of it.

Miss Gordon.

lt`s five after nine.

Coming Mr Haskin.

l`d better get to work too.

l`ll see you at lunch.

For Heaven`s sake.

Look at this You like `em?

Like schmike! What`s the difference?

lt`s a waste of time.

They`re selling this place.

A big machine will come here and take everything.

l didn`t know that.

How long has it been for sale?

About a year.

Well if it`s been one year, maybe it`ll be another year.

Come on there no use worrying about what may happen.

You The man is a philosopher.

No not quite.

l`ll tell you one thing, l wish l had a hand with this place.

lt takes an awful lot of time to keep flowerbeds looking the way they should.

l know.

l had a garden myself.

You`re kidding.

You wouldn`t have time to give me a hand out here would you?


That`s all we`ve got here is time.

Maybe some of the others would like to help?

You want me to ask them?

l`d appreciate it.

l`ve got plenty of tools for everybody.

All right Mr Philosopher l`ll ask.

Thank you Sid.

Miss Gordon Where is everyone?

What do you mean?

The rooms are empty.

All of them?

Practically Well l don`t know, l`ve been in the kitchen for the last two hours.

The ovens are on the blink again.

Never mind that now.

Let`s find them.

What`s going on?

Smith! Smith! Yes Sir.

l`d like to speak to you.

l`ll be right back.

lt`s looking real good Miss Maddie.

Oh thank you.

Yes Sir.

What`s this all about?

What are these people doing out here.

Just a little gardening.

Smith, we`re dealing with old people here.

l know that Sir.

Then why are you allowing them to do this?

Because they wanted to.

What they want and what`s best for them are two different things.

What were you thinking of?


Putting shears into the hands of a woman like Miss Maddie.

Well it`s too hard for her to do with that walker.

And suppose she injures herself.

We`d have a lawsuit on our hands or didn`t you think about that?

But she is doing fine Sir, they all are.

lf you don`t mind me saying so Mr Haskins l don`t think you give these old people enough credit they`re bored.

Besides l need help in the garden.

l think he`s right Mr Haskins.

What did you say?

l think he`s right.

They need to get out and do something.

lt doesn`t take up any of the staff`s time.

What harm does it do?

All right but if anything happens it will be your responsibility.

And yours.

What about the ovens?

Give them cold cuts.

l`ll try and get someone here today.

l don`t believe l did that.


l spoke up to Mr Haskins.

And he listened.

You say the ovens are out.

Oh yes, they should be replaced but they won`t spend the money.

Tell you what, why don`t l barbecue some hamburgers and hotdogs out here?

Oh l don`t know.

Oh come on.

Hey anybody here want to have a picnic?

What are you talking?

A barbecue

- hotdogs and hamburgers.

Did you hear that?

A picnic.

You mean we can eat out here?

You`re darn right you can.

What would you like Loretta?

l`d like one of each, if it`s all right.

Why sure, we got plenty.

Are you sure Loretta?

That`s an awful lot to be putting in your stomach.

Oh l can eat every bite.

l don`t know when l can.

lt won`t hurt me Miss Gordon.

l`m very regular you know.

l know.

Here you go Loretta.

Thank you.

She usually eats like a bird.

There`s nothing like a little exercise to pick up your appetite.

There`s nothing like feeling needed, you mean.

The garden was a wonderful idea.

They are needed.

l couldn`t keep it up without them.

l have a feeling you could do anything if you wanted to.

Oh come on, don`t l wish.

Where did Sidney go l`ve got his burger ready the way he wants it, burnt at the stake.

l think he decided to try and lure Estelle out here.

l`m afraid he`s hopelessly in love.

Aah well good for Sid.

How would you like a burnt burger?


lt`s not going to do him any good you know.

l`ve tried and tried with this stuff.

She hasn`t left that room since she`s been here.

Never underestimate the power of love.

ls there any left?

Sure Doc, what`s your pleasure?


lt`s all so good.

All right how about a bit of anything coming up.

Come in.

Get out.

Thank you.

l don`t mind if l do.

l would like to be left alone.

Well you are alone.

And you will be again in a second.

l just wanted to bring you some flowers.

And tell you the food is very good outside.


So here.

So over here.

lt won`t be a total loss.

l`ll leave them.

Mrs Wicks Estelle.

l know now the difference.

Between Jews and Gentiles.

Gentiles are rude.

And l love you.


Have a good day.

What`s wrong with you Mr Gould?


What do you mean?

l mean What do you mean by coming into my room, a perfect stranger.

Thank you.

For what?

For saying l`m a perfect anything.

From you.

That`s a compliment.

Well it wasn`t meant to be.

You`re just a senile old man coming in here telling me you love me.

l don`t know you and you don`t know me and l`d like to keep it that way.


As l said.

l`d like to be left alone.

Your wish is my command.

Mrs Wicks Estelle.

But let me tell you something.

Old l am.

And when you consider the alternative to being old.

lt ain`t so bad.

But senile.

l`m not.

Know you, l do.

Better than you do.

And you don`t want to be alone.

And l love you.


Have a good day.

Mrs Wicks Estelle.

l wish you could have seen them today.

They were so different.

lt was as though years were taken of their lives.

l`ve never met anyone like Jonathan.

What do you think of him?



What you think of Jonathan?

l don`t.

Leslie, can`t you talk about anything else tonight.

That`s all l`ve heard through dinner.

l mean, Jonathan this, Jonathan that.

Jonathan, Jonathan, l`m tired of it.

You don`t like him, do you?

l don`t trust him.


He`s too nice.

Nobody is that nice unless they are after something.

l was a cop, remember.

l know a conman when l see one.

You`re being silly.

Oh l am, huh?

Let me ask you something.

Don`t you think it`s just a little strange that people just give him things?

l mean, why him?

l drove by Havencrest today.

Do you have any idea what those plants would cost?

What about the bicycles?

Those are not throw aways, you know And a barbecue today?

Where did he get the money for all that food?

Did you ask him about that?


l felt very bad that he paid for it.

What did he say?

He said not to worry about it.

Yeah Well l don`t know too many independently wealthy maintenance men in this world.

l don`t trust him.

The trouble with you is you don`t trust anybody lf you`d seen what l`ve seen in my life, you wouldn`t either.

l don`t want to argue Mark.

Not today.

l`m going to ask him to dinner tomorrow night and l`d appreciate it if you`d go out.

That`s great.

l can`t even be in my own apartment when he comes.

l`m a grown woman.

l`d like some privacy.

You want some privacy?

You got privacy, all you want.

Come in.

Estelle, can l talk to you for a minute?

Of course, come on in.

Thank you.

Now l`ve got a favour to ask of you.

lf you say no, l`ll understand.

Well tell me what it is first.

All right.

l found a puppy.

And the darn thing is just so cute, l can`t get rid of him.

My problem is, he cries like crazy when he is alone.

He`s fine during the day because l`m with him.

At night it just isn`t going to work.

You know the way a landlord is, one neighbour complains and l have to get rid of him.

So what l wondered was, Could you see your way clear to taking care of him for me during the day.

You know, feed him a little bit, take him for a walk.

Well l don`t know.

You know my daughter is coming back from her trip soon.

Oh no no no, l understand that but l figure in two weeks he would have grown up a little bit and won`t be so scared.

l`ll be honest with you, l didn`t know who else to ask.

l have to have somebody l can trust with the puppy.

And you`re the only one here l can trust.

l got him right here.

l`ve got some cans of dog food and a leash too.

Come on.

Come on pal.

Look at that.

Cute eh?

Look at the size of him, he isn`t as big as a minute.

l don`t think he`s going to get too big.

Here take a look at how small those paws are.

Oh yes.


What do you say?

Will you watch him for me?


As long as l can.


l don`t know how to thank you.

Well l`d better get back to work.

Oh, l already fed him this morning.

But l didn`t take him for a walk.

l wouldn`t want him to mess up in the room.

Oh he won`t.

Oh and l haven`t named him yet so if you want to pick one, go ahead.

Well he`s your dog.

l know but l`m not very good at names.

See what you come up with.

l`ll see you later.

Look at you, look at you, ooh Look we`re not talking about a hand cam, it`s just a pellet g*n.

Yeah l know but look at the workmanship on it.

You can`t find that kind of workmanship these days.

The price is a little too high.

l`ll be right with you Sir.

No hurry.

55 bucks.

You cant beat the price.

Tell you what l`ll do, l`ll give you $50 for it, bottom line.

l can`t do that.

Well it`s been here two or three weeks.

lt will probably be here in 2 or 3 weeks from now.

Could be.

Yes, can l help you Sir?

Yeah, a mutual friend suggested l come and see you about a bike.

Oh that`s nice who is that?

Jonathan Smith.

Smith the name doesn`t ring any bells.

He must be a friend you gave him two bikes free of charge.

Free of charge.

Look l don`t know what it is about but we don`t give away bikes here.

l`m not looking for a freebie.

You don`t know this Jonathan?

Now l don`t but we can give you just as good a deal as anybody in town.

We`ve got more to choose from.

Yeah, thanks.

l`ll be back.

Say, you haven`t had a couple of bikes stolen in the last couple of days, have you?

No why?

l just wondered.


Well fancy meeting you here.

Mr Gould l`m trying to walk my dog.

Am l stopping you?

That`s a nice doggy.

Listen Now that you`re out of your room l thought we might have dinner together in the dining room No thank you.

Why not?

l`m not such a bad person.

We could talk a little.

l can`t.

l can`t leave Poofy alone.


My dog.

He`s only a puppy, l can`t leave him.

Listen to this Suppose l bring the trays down to your room and we had dinner there?

More private.

Mr Gould, you ought to be ashamed.

Of what?

Flirting at your age! Listen to this Do you know how old George Burns is?

You`re not George Burns! This l know.

lf l was George Burns, you`d have to be 20 years old for me to ask you to dinner Good day, Mr Gould.

Let me tell you one more thing Mrs Wicks Estelle: You know the difference between you and me?

l still have feelings! Mr Gould l don`t like to eat later than five o`clock.

Mrs Wicks Estelle l`ll be there five o`clock sharp with bells on! Where did you get all that stuff?


What stuff?

All the make up?

ls there something wrong with it?

No, just not like you is all.

l know.

lt`s almost 7.

l`m going, don`t worry.

Just hope you don`t wind up getting hurt.

Goodnight Mark.

See you later.

l look pretty.

Are you sure you wouldn`t like a beer?

No no l`m fine really.

You play the piano?

Oh once in a great while.

Do you like onion dip?

Uh huh.

Well dinner won`t be ready for about thirty minutes so l`ll make some to keep our stomachs from growling.

All right.

Hey what are you cooking anyway?

lt smells good.

Chicken and peppers l hope it`s good.

Good company makes for good food.

My brother doesn`t care much food except for steak so l really don`t get a chance to try different things.

No, l knew l`d forget something.

What do you need?

l didn`t get any sour cream.

l think l`ve got some at my place.

l had it on my list.

Don`t worry about it.

Just take me a minute.

Be right back.

Can l help you Mark?

Yeah, you can help me.

You can help me by telling me what you`re after.

l don`t know what you mean.

Oh come on, don`t play Mickey the dance with me.

l`ve been there.

l know the difference between a straight John and a conman.

Do you want to talk to me want to talk to the cops?

Go on l have been to every nursery, every bicycle shop in town and none of them have heard of you.

Can you explain that to me?

l`d rather not.

And what about this place?

You`ve got no clothes, you don`t have any food, you don`t even have a toothbrush or a razor.

You don`t live here.

This place is a front.

l want some answers Mr Smith.

Look, all can tell you is l`m just doing my job.

l`m not here to hurt anybody, please believe me.

Hmm you sound like all the rest of them: 'l`m innocent`, Please believe me` Now l`m going to tell you one more time, either you talk to me or l call the cops.

lf you do that, l`ll have to leave before my job is done.

Then talk.

lf l tell you, you`re not going to believe me anyway.

Try me.

All right.

ln my job, l`m sent to various places by my boss to try to help people.

Go on l`d like to leave it at that.

Yeah l bet you would.

Come on, come on now.

What is a setup here?

Who is your boss?



My boss is God Oh, boy oh boy, my sister really picked a winner.

Well you`re nothing but a kook.

l told you you wouldn`t believe me.

And you were right.

Listen l don`t know if you`re a harmless kook or a dangerous kook but l`ll tell you one thing, l am not leaving you alone with my sister.

Not until the police have a chance to check you out.

l`ll let you leave in a minute.

What do you mean you`ll let me leave?

Just what l said.

You wanted the truth, l`m giving it to you.

l`m an angel.

l`m not one of the best but l try.

And l make mistakes

- The bicycles were a mistake.

But he let me have them.


Yeah, God.

l guess he figures the only way l`m going to learn is by mistakes.

l`m kind of new at this.

Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Listen friend, you need help.

Yes l do, l need your help.

What good is it going to do you to go to the police?

l`ll be gone by the time you get back and l won`t have finished my job.

You`re going to hurt a whole bunch of innocent people for no reason.

And all because you don`t trust your fellow man.

An awful lot of good people in this world Mark, l`m just here to try to help them.

l`ve said my piece.

You can go now.

lf you change your mind about talking to the police, you`re welcome to have dinner here.

Leslie says you like steak.

You`ll find one in the refrigerator.

l`ve got to bring her the sour cream.

l`m sorry it took so long.

No, no l hadn`t heard about it.

l don`t know.

Of course.

Don`t cry Estelle.

Look err l`ll be right there.

Yes l will.

l`m sure he will.

All right, goodbye.

What`s wrong?

That was Estelle Mr Haskins notified everyone tonight the home will be sold by Friday.

They have to find other accommodations.

They`re all so upset l said that l`d come down and see them.

l`ll go with you.


l`ll turn off the stove.

All right, where are you going?

Mark, what are you doing in the bushes?

Never mind what l`m doing in the bushes.

Where are you going?

There`s been a problem at the home.


Come on, l`ll drive you.

l haven`t made that call yet.

l know.

How can they do this?

Just like that.


All of you, out.

Jeez, just when things are starting to get good.

We were starting to feel like a family.

They don`t care because we`re old people.

lf they treated animals that way they`d be in trouble.

Why do people care more about animals than they do people?

Because they don`t like themselves.

Where will they send us?

Wherever there is a room.

They don`t care.

Now wait a minute, wait a minute.

There still might be something we can do.

Let me talk to Mr Haskins tomorrow.

What can you do?

lt`s money here, profit that`s what we`re talking about.

lf they make more by selling, they sell.

He`s right.

We`ll never see each other again.

What do you care?

You don`t have to worry.

Your family want you.

You`ll have a good home.

They don`t want me.

All l have is you.

You people here.

My daughter isn`t in Europe.

l wanted you to believe it and l wanted to believe it.

She said l`d be better off, happier.

She said it was for my own good.

That l was a nuisance and a bother to her.

She had no right to send me here! She has room, lots of it and she doesn`t have to work, she doesn`t have to do anything and l hate her for throwing me away.

Oh why can`t she remember, when l held her to my breast?

Look, selling this place wasn`t my idea, l just work here.

This is no picnic for me l`m out of a job.

What about those old people out there?

What about them?

They`re not my problem.

They`re not yours either.

lf l were you, l`d worry about finding myself another job.

You`re out of work too, you know.

l want to speak to the owner.

Old man Sinclair?

He`s not going to see you.

l`ve only seen him once in all the years l`ve been here.

Where can l find him?

You`re wasting your time.

l got plenty of time.

Suit yourself As l said, you`re wasting your time.

Thank you Excuse me What are you doing in here?

l`m sorry to bother you Mr Sin Don`t be sorry, just get out.

How did you get in here?

l got a buzzer lock on that door.

Well it must be out of order.

l`ll have that fixed.

Now go on and just get out.

lt`s very important that l talk to you.

All right l`ve ask you nicely, now l`ll have you thrown out.

lt`s a matter of life and death Cubby.


Where did you get that from?

Afriend of mine.

l haven`t heard that name since l left high school.

Alison Drake used to call me that.

l know, my friend told me.

Boy, it`s a small world, isn`t it?

Very small.

We were going to get married but her parents were against it.

lt was hers really, l l didn`t have a dime.

That`s when l went out in the world to make my fortune.

And l see you did.

Do you know where she is now?

She passed away a few years ago.

Oh, l see.

So um what`s this matter of life and death?

You`re selling Havencrest.

That`s right, l`ve got the papers right here on my desk.

lf that home is sold, those old people will be split up, sent who knows where.

And for some of them, that`s the only family they`ve got.

They need each other Mr Sinclair.

And l`m sorry about it, but it`s business.

Aren`t there some things that are more important than business?

For me?


There used to be, a long time ago, when my nickname was Cubby but not any more Mr umm?


Well Mr Smith, you may think l`m very cold about this but it`s a cold world.

People make it that way.

That may be true but l didn`t get to the top floor of this building by being sentimental.

l worked for it seven days a week.

That is how you become a success in this world.

l`m glad to know that.

The offer l received was for, let me see lt was a hundred and sixteen thousand dollars.

l`ll sell it to you or anybody else for the same price.

Those old people don`t have that kind of money and you know it.

Then l`m sorry.

How much time do l have to come up with the money?

l was going to close the deal today.

l`ll give you to six tomorrow.

Thank you for your time.

Mr Smith Do you know?

Did Alison get married?

No No, she waited for you l guess you were busy.

lt`s open.

How did it go with Sinclair today?

You get in to see him?

Oh yeah.


And he spent most of the time telling me how he became a success.

lt always amazes me how people that are so lonely, so devoid of love in their lives, still consider themselves successful.

Why don`t you do something?

Like what?

l don`t know.

lf, you know, you are what you say you are, why don`t you just make things right?

Because it doesn`t work that way.

l`m just an employee.

l do what he lets me do.

What does he want you to do?

l told you, l don`t know.

l can`t believe l`m talking like this Are you really, are you really, you know What you say you are?

Cause l`m going to feel awful stupid if this is some sort of trick.

lt`s not a trick.

Then why doesn`t he do something?

Maybe he`s busy or maybe he`s waiting for me to do something, l just don`t know.

Well you just can`t sit there and let these old people down.

Look l`m doing the best l can.

At least l got Sinclair to wait until six o`clock tomorrow before he sells.

lt will take a miracle.

Very well put.

Somewhere, somehow, we`re going to have to come up with $11 6,000.

Got any suggestions?

Yeah how about we rob a bank?

That`s very good.

How about a long shot?

Like what?

Like l said, a long shot, a horse.

Oh no, he wouldn`t like that.

Besides, it wouldn`t be fair.

l can tell who`s going to win.

You can what?

l can tell who`s going to win.

Well then you got to do it.

lt`s a 1 00% sure thing.

lt`s not 100%/% sure thing if he doesn`t like it and he`s not going to like it because it`s gambling.

Come on, what`s worse?

A little gambling or seeing those old people thrown out on the street ?

Listen, they even play bingo in church if it`s for a good cause.

Now all you`ve got to do is go out to that track.

He`ll either let you win or he won`t.

At least it`s a chance.

We`d still have to come up with the money to bet.

They have got their monthly cheques and Leslie and l can come up with a few hundred.

And if they lose?

Jonathan, they are going to lose the sure if you don`t try.

l have a feeling l`m going to regret this.

So the decision is yours lf we get lucky, you can own this place.

lf we`re not, you`re going to be right back where you started.

Minus a few dollars.

That`s right Sid.

And you say you`re pretty good at this?

Picking the ponies?

Oh he`s real good at it.

Well l, for one, say nothing ventured nothing gained.

How about the rest?

Well what are we waiting for ?

Let`s cash our cheques and get to the track.

ln today`s fifth race, there is a late scratch.

ln the fifth race, branch number five, Billy Joyce.

Number five, Billy Joyce, has been scratched from the fifth race.

See anything you like?

See anything you like?

Would you wait a minute.

This number three looks like a runaway Look at those odds six to five Maybe you should wait and pick something in the next race Would you be quite.

l`m just trying to pick a horse.


He`s the one.

You sure?

You want to pick the horses?

l was just asking?

He`s the one, let`s go.

All right Sid number five.

Number five?

Right, everything on number five on the nose.

On the nose?

To win! Of course to win.

You think l bet to lose?

Sidney, maybe l`d better go with you?

My friend, don`t worry about the thing.

l used to be an accountant.


-timer, are you all right?

l`m fine.

Just praying.

Did it go all right?

As they say, the fat is in the fire.

Come on 5! Come on 5! Hey, what`s our horse`s name anyway?

Devil`s Lad l know you feel bad, but you tried.

We thank you for that.

lt`s a foul.

lf it`s on Number Seven he gets setback Number Five will win.

Oy vey! 7 won it! We might as well go home.

l still can`t believe it, a nose.

That`s how close.

$4400 out the window on Number 7.

Number 5.

Number wait a minute! This doesn`t say Look at it.

Let me see that.

lt`s 7! l asked him for a 5 and he gave me a 7! lt is a 7.

We won! What?

We won! We won! We won! Jonathan, we won! What are you talking about?

Look at this ticket?

Sidney got number 7 by mistake.

Number 7?

Number Seven paid $62 that`s more than enough money.

Let`s get this ticket cashed.

We`ve got some business to take care of.


Yes officer, yes.

No, l`ve no idea where they are.

That`s why l reported it! No No, they have never done anything like this before! They`re not allowed Wait a minute, they, they may be back.

Yes l will! Miss Gordon?

Would you mind telling me where you`ve been?

l`ve been worried sick! You know our rules.

Mr Haskins From now on, we have new rules.

Our rules.

We`ll meet and decide what they are.

l wasn`t speaking to you Mr Gould.

l know this but as one of the new owners of this establishment, l`m speaking to you.


lt`s a long story Mr Haskins, but it`s true.

They bought the building.

And we will be very happy to keep you on as long as you cooperate And that means we can have pets.

And go on outings.

And barbecues.

Don`t forget the barbecues.

You think about it.

Right now we have to get ready for a party! Mrs Wicks Estelle You look very beautiful tonight.

Thank you, and you look very handsome.

Handsome, l don`t know but loving you, l do.

Look at your blush, like a young girl.

May l ask you a question?

Go ahead Would you give me a kiss?

l haven`t kissed a man since my husband died.

lt would be an honour to have the first and the last.

You are missing one heck of a party in there.

Leslie sent me to look for you, l think ls something wrong?

l have to go.


Tonight my work`s done here.

Can`t you just stay on a while?

l wish l could but it`s not up to me.

Where are you going to go?

Not sure yet.

He`ll let me know.

lt`s the only hard part of this job.

You meet people you care about and then you have to move on.

lt gets lonely sometimes.

Are you going to tell Leslie?


No, there would be a lot of questions.

lt`s better this way.

She is going to take it awful hard.

Oh no, she`s going to be fine believe me.

As long as you give her a chance.


Yeah, you.

She`s spent these past years worrying about you instead of living her own life.

You can`t let her do that anymore.

l`m all she`s got.

Oh no, she is all you`ve got.

You know l`m right, don`t you?

Yeah Yeah Well, time for me to ride off into the sunset.

l couldn`t have done that before l met you.

The world doesn`t stink.

There is more than the six o`clock news.

Thank you.

So long, Happy.

So long, Kimosabe.

Couldn`t you find him?

Yeah l found him.

Well, where is he?

He`s gone He had to go.

What do you mean?

Just what l said.

He`s moving on.

You mean now?


But he can`t, he can`t go.

Jonathan! Excuse me, is Jonathan in?

l don`t know any Jonathan.

l just moved in here tonight.

He`s gone already?

l`m afraid so.

The apartment just came up for rent and l grabbed it.

Oh l see.

Well, l`m sorry to disturb you.

Oh you didn`t Miss um Gordon, Leslie Gordon.

Gary Johnson Again l`m sorry.

You live around here?

Yeah right here, next door.

Well l guess that means l`ll be seeing you around huh?

Sure l`ll be seeing you Need a lift?

What are you doing out here?

You told me to give Leslie a chance.

That`s what l`m doing.

l told her l`d keep in touch.

You didn`t waste any time.

l couldn`t if l`m going to go with you.

Wait a minute, l can`t do that.

Come on, you said yourself last night, it`s a lonely job.

Look l know what l said l already know everything about you.

l want to help you help people.

You can do that without me, Mark.

Please, give me a chance.

lf it doesn`t work out you can always send me back.

lt`s not my decision to make.

l`m sorry.

You`re telling me no then?

Goodbye, friend.

See anything you like?
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