01x09 - Catch a Falling Star

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x09 - Catch a Falling Star

Post by bunniefuu »

My son better be all right.

Your son will be very surprised to hear that you cared.

What are you talking about?

l feel very sorry for you Mr Gaylord.

You`re a hero to strangers, and a stranger to your own children.

Now come on, you need help.

Give me the g*n.

l warned you man.

That`s a no no.

Whats the matter?

l`d like to get my hands on the guy who invented the tie.

Come on, it`s not that bad.

lf it`s not that bad, how come they call a hanging a necktie party?

How come we gotta be so fancy to take care of a couple of kids?

Because they`re Lance Gaylord`s kids, that`s why.

Big deal, a movie star.

This is one job at like to pass on.

Those kids are brats.

Are you judging people again?

You know what l mean.

No, l don`t.

People always have a pre

-conceived notion of others.

All right, all right, wait



Look at that sweet old lady.

l would much rather help her.

lt`s a red light, stupid.

You going to a fire or something?

You see what l mean about pre

-conceived notions?

Probably a loan car.

You`re sitting in my chair.

My chair.

lt has my name on it.

- Sorry l didn`t notice, there`s so many empty chairs.

We worked hard to get to the point of having our own chair.

l hope you will respect that from now on?

Yes, ma`am.

Catch that action?


Boy, is he going to grow up to be a doozy.

Lance, l can change it any way you want.

l told you what l wanted yesterday.

And l changed it.

- You call that a change?

l`m talking a major rewrite here.

l just wanted to do what l thought you wanted.

You were wrong.

Why don`t you get to work and stop wasting time arguing about your mistakes.

Yeah, okay.

- l`ll get on it right now.

l`ll be in my room, when you`re ready.

Mr Gaylord?

- l don`t sign autographs while l`m working.

Oh no, we`re not here for that.

We`re from the Darwin Agency.

You weren`t supposed to be here 'til 12:30.

lt was hard to judge the traffic on the freeway.

We`ll wait if you like.

No come on, let`s get it over with.

Nothing to sh**t 'til it gets written anyway.

We`ll talk in here.

Sit down.

- Okay.

Can l see your references?

- Yeah Mark, where are yours?

Says here you`re an ex cop?

- Yeah.

Got a license to carry a g*n?


We can handle anything that comes along.

My friend can handle anything that comes along.

l`m not paranoid, you know.

But a man in my position can`t help but worry.

l mean, it`s a lot different for my kids.

We understand that.

Okay, kids will fly in by private jet on Friday.

All the information is in here.

The arrival time, the address in BH.


Beverly Hills.

Your main duties will be to see the kids have a good time.

Take them wherever they want to go.


This is the first visit they`ve had since the divorce.

So l want them to have a good time.

Sounds easy enough.

- Just keep an eye on them.

Happens all the time.

l pay well.

l expect good service.

You`ll get it.



Yes, sir.

Bring the car up to stage.

These two will be taking it.

You got it, boss.

Hoosh will bring the limo.

You will be driving.

Any questions?

Just one, we`re wondering about our hours?

When you`re needed, you work.

You see, our boss likes us to take one day a week of rest.

Well, give me his number.

l`ll have my secretary call him.

lt`s all right.

He`s hard to reach by phone.

We`ll work any time you need us.

All right, l have to get out there.

l`ll see you Friday at the house.

Well that was short and sweet.

You`d think he`d want to know more about the people taking care of his kids.

Like he said, he pays a lot of money.

He expects the best.

How much longer?

You asked me that five minutes ago.

What did you say?

Twenty minutes.

Now or then?


Twenty minutes now, or twenty minutes five minutes ago?


l can`t wait to see him.

Karen, Brock, my name is Jonathan.

Mark and l are here to pick you up.

- Where`s my father?

Well he`s real sorry, he had to work today.

What did you expect?

Are you kids hungry?

We can stop and get something to eat?

We`re fine.

ls my father at the house?

lt`s pretty early, he`s probably still at work.

Sure you don`t want to stop and get something to eat?

We`re sure.

How long have you worked for my father?

- lt`s our first day.

He hired you to take care of us, didn`t he?

Just to look after you while he`s working.

To take us wherever we want and make sure we have a good time.

- Yeah, that`s about it.

My father is very good at that.

At what?

Finding friends for us.

You haven`t touched your dinner.

lt`s the time change Ms Bowles, it`s hard to be hungry.

All right.

What time is it?

Just a little after eight.

Did my father say how late he`d have to work?

No, he didn`t.

l`m sure he`ll be here soon.

Maybe that`s him.

He always loses his keys.

Daddy, daddy, l missed you so Hi, l`m Hoosh.

You must be Karen.

ls my father with you?

No, he had a meeting tonight.

He`s going to be kind of late.

He`s really sorry, but look here, he asked me to pick up a load of presents for you.

l`m a pretty good toy picker, if l do say so myself.

Well, l`ll just leave them here.

Hope you like them.

l`m sure l will, thank you.

- You bet.

Well, l`ll see you around.

Hey come on, what are we waiting for?

l can`t stand waiting to open presents.

Let`s get these upstairs and play.

Will you play with us?

Of course, as long as you promise to share and let me open one of the presents.


- All right, let`s go.

Come on, Brock.

Hey, here we go l got it.

See, l`m winning.

l haven`t had my turn yet.

That`s right, that`s probably why l`m winning, go ahead.

How many sh*ts do l get?

- Five, the same as me.

But l`m little.

l`m a grown

-up, l don`t have to be fair.

Okay, l`m going to win anyways.

Brock, you ought to try this.

lt`s a great game.

Got it.

You sure got that one, all right.

Take another shot.

Five sh*ts, right?

- Five, go.

l got it.

- Annie Oakley here.

Brock, stop it now.

Stop it, that`s enough, come on.

l hate the toys.

l don`t want them.

l don`t want any of them.

Mr Gaylord?

You didn`t have to stay.

Ms Bowles could watch the children.

l wasn`t sure.

Kids get their toys?

Yes, they got 'em.

l think they were more anxious to see you.

Well that`s the nature of the business.

lt`s not nine



They`ll be here a month.

There`s plenty of time.

That`s true.

Children are asleep.

Be here tomorrow at nine.

You can take the children somewhere for the day.

Tomorrow is Saturday.

l`m well aware of what day it is.

l just thought you might want to spend Saturday with the kids.

l spend Saturdays in the cutting room.

Like l told you, it`s not nine



We`ll be here at nine.



lf you`d seen that kid tonight.

He just went nuts.

Can you blame him?

No, l don`t blame the kid.

l just don`t understand the father.

What does he do, spend all of his time with his friends?

l`m not sure he lets himself have any.

- What are you talking about?

ln his position, maybe it`s hard to have a friend.

He`s afraid people only want to be his friend because he`s a celebrity and earns lots of money.

l don`t buy that.

l mean, fame and money shouldn`t change anybody.

You pull up to that market over there?

l`m starving.

That food tonight was a little too fancy for me.


l`ll be right back.

Hey Jack.


l`ve got a g*n.

l want your cash now.

You kidding?

l`m counting on my fingers to pay for these cold cuts.

Don`t give me that.

You got driven up here in the limo man.

l`m telling you, l want your bucks now.

Hey friend, can l help you?

Don`t you move, man.

Come on.

Do what he says Jonathan.

He`s a junkie.

He`ll k*ll you.

Come on, you need help.

Give me the g*n.

Man, l told you not to move.

l warned you, man.

That`s a no


What the hell is going on here?

Hold it

- Don`t sh**t.

Drop it.

Spread them.

He`s a junkie, all right.

Where are those two guys?

l don`t know.

They must have run out.

Had to have been scared to death.


Okay, let`s go.


l shot the guy, and he caught the b*llet with his own two fingers.

And he said it was a no


l`m never doing dr*gs again.

You all right?

l can`t wait to get back to driving my own car.

Ms Bowles.

Will you get me a cup of coffee to take in the car, l`m late?

Hey, you two.

How about a hug?

Hi daddy.

- Hi darling.

Look at the size of you.

How could you grow so much, so soon?

- l missed you.

l missed you too.

Hey, my boy.

What am l, Topper?

Where`s my hug?

Done your share of growing too.

Yeah, l guess so.

l`m sorry l missed you last night.

Couldn`t be helped.

Do you like the toys?

Yes, we played with all of them.


Where are you going?

l`ve got to get some cutting done today.

We`re on a tight schedule.

But if l get it all done today, we`ll have all day tomorrow together.

Could we go to work with you?

We`d be quiet.

Sugar, when l`m working, l don`t like anybody around, understand?

We wouldn`t say a word.

Karen, l`m late already.

Jonathan and Mark will be here at nine.

You`ll have more fun with them.

They`re nice to you, aren`t they?


Just tell them what you want to do.

And, here.

Get yourselves a little surprise.

l`ve got to run.

l`ll see you later.

Here you are.

- Thank you.

lf l get any important calls, l`ll be in cutting room 23.

l told you, son.

l have to go.

- But you promised you`d stay.

l know l did, but l had no choice.

l`m the sheriff and l have a job to do.

Then let me go with you.

l can`t do that.

You lied to me, you lied to me.

l hate you, l hate you.

Hold it there Phil.

Run that back.

How far?

Just where the boy starts to back up.

l want to see if we can intercut that with my reaction.

Kid`s real good there.

lt`s going to be tough to cut away on that line.

You lied to me, you lied to me.

l hate you, l hate you.

You`re right, he is good there.

Have to be objective with that kid Still acting like a snot nose?

Kids got a head out to here, thanks to his mother.

There ought to be a rule, you can`t be a child actor unless you`re an orphan.

Let`s keep going.

Got to try and get through ten reels today.

We`ll never make that.

We`ve got some big problems in reels eight and nine.

lt`s going to take time.

lf we don`t make it, we`ll work Sunday.

Mr Gordon, did you see?

l went half way.

Sure did.

Why don`t you see if you can go the whole way?

l can, you just watch.

You don`t want to toss a ball around?

l`m sure.

Can`t be much fun sat in here.

Anything you want to do while we`re here?

Mr Gordon?

Now wait a minute, it`s Mark.

Well Mark, don`t take this the wrong way, but it`s hard to have fun with people who are paid to play with you.

Know what l mean?

Yeah, l guess l do.

Hey, come on.

l`m buckling my sandal.

Well do it somewhere else.

That`s rude, it`s my turn.

Hey Brock, somebody`s picking on your sister.

What happened?

- He pushed me out of my turn.

What`s the idea?

You want to push, let`s push.


Wasn`t that the kid with the chair?

Yeah, that`s the kid.

How dare you pick on my son?

He pushed my sister, didn`t he?

He most certainly did not.

would you like me to call the police?

That won`t be necessary, will it?

Just a couple of kids having an argument.

ls this your child?

No, just a friend of mine.

Well, you should keep a better eye on him.

My son is an actor in the middle of a very big picture.

He could`ve been injured by this ruffian.

l know your son is an actor.

He`s working on the Lance Gaylord picture?

Yes, he is.

Thank you for recognising him.

l saw him on Friday when l was talking to Mr Gaylord about taking care of his two children here.

These are

- Yeah, his kids.

Well, boys will be boys.

Tom, these are Mr Gaylord`s children.

lf we`d known who they were, this never would have happened.

l just thought You thought what?

l just didn`t know they were Mr Gaylord`s children.

You understand.

Oh yes.

Very well.

Yes well, you all have fun.

Come Tom.

Boy what a phoney.

Kid needs to be taught a lesson or two.

That`s my feeling exactly.

Just a minute, run that back.

What time is it?

Six thirty.




Oh, come on.

Are they sure?

Yeah, how bad?

l don`t give a damn about that.

How bad have they got him?

Can it be photographed?

No, l can`t shut down.

We`ll have to recast.

Yeah tomorrow.

Tell Julie in casting.

Start as early as she can in the morning.

l know it`s Sunday.

We are sh**ting Monday.


Phil, go back to reel one.

We`ll see what we can save without the kid.

What are you talking about?

Sweet little Tom has got chickenpox.

My God.


l`m sorry, my my You know, in Texas they give the death penalty by injection.

This guy gets that penalty and his attorney gets him out of it because the injection is not approved by the Federal Drug Administration.

l mean, what are they worried about?

Side effects?

You all right?

Yeah, l`m fine.

Been awful quiet.

l was just thinking.

What about?

About those kids.

About how we can get their father too spend more time with them.

l don`t want to sound like beating a dead horse.

All that man thinks about himself and his business.

He`s got all the bucks in the world.

Why doesn`t he just relax and spend some time with his children?

l don`t know.

Maybe he doesn`t know how.

You don`t really believe that?

Would an angel lie to you?

- No, l don`t think you`d lie.

but l don`t know what you think you accomplished yesterday.

You gave that kid chickenpox, didn`t you?

No, l didn`t.

lt was just a suggestion Which the boss took.

Well, apparently the kid`s got chickenpox.

What did you accomplish?

Now the father has to work on Sunday?

What did you accomplish?

lf the mountain won`t come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain.

What does that mean?

lt means after we pick up the kids, we take them to the studio.

My father is not going to like this.

He doesn`t want us here while he`s working.

You don`t have much choice if you want to see him.

He`s always working.

That`s all he cares about.

- lt`s because it`s all he`s ever known.

He was working when he was ten years old.

Never known what it`s like to be a kid.

But he doesn`t have to work all the time now.

He`s got plenty of money.

l know that.

We`ve got to get him to know it.

Good luck.

Danny, are you ready?

- Yes, Miss Cohen.

Do you wanna come in?

- Excuse me.

Here`s the script.

He will be reading page 32 to 34, okay?

We were just wondering where Lance Gaylord was.

Mr Gaylord will be here when l`m finished with all the boys.

What`s your name, son?


- All right, Brock.

Why don`t you have a look at it.

lt will be about half an hour.

Miss Cohen.

What you think of them apples?

They think he`s an actor.

Come on, let`s go.

We shouldn`t have come here anyway.

You know what?

l think you ought to read for that part.

What for?

l`m not an actor.

Well, neither was your father until he got his first job.

He was about your age too.

Come on, that`s being silly.

lf you`re scared, that`s one thing.

l`m not scared.

l think your father will get a kick out of it.

That`s because you don`t know my father.

Well, you know what?

That makes two of us, doesn`t it?

Come on, what do you have to lose?

The worst thing that could happen is you end up spending some time with your father.

That`s what you want, isn`t it?

But l`m not an actor.

You mean to tell me you never fibbed to get out of being punished?

You never stood in front of your folks with those big tears running down your cheeks saying 'l didn`t do it, believe me, honest`.

You never did that?

Sure, l did.

Did it with my mum lots of times.

- Did she believe you?


- Then you`re an actor.

Come on, give it a try.

Come on, what do you say?

All right, but it`s a waste of time.

All right, lets take a look at those scenes.

We can save all this footage.

We`ll just sh**t the reverses on the kid.

lt`ll save a lot of bucks.

- Lance?

How did the readings go?

Well, l thought we had a dry hole until the last kid.

He`s a knockout.

What did Harry say?

- He loves him.

The kid was nervous at first, Harry gave a few directions then bingo.

He`s a natural.

- We`ll go over there and read him.

Phil, pull the sh*ts of the kid and l`ll be back.

Hope the kid`s good.

You`re not alone.

This is it.

They`re coming down the hall.

Right, hold the script in front of your face so he can`t see us.

He`s waiting in here.

Brock, this is Mr Gaylord.

ls this some kind ofjoke?

- What?

That`s my son.

What are you doing here?

We just came here to see you but they thought l was an actor.

lt was my idea, Mr Gaylord.

l thought the boy might have some fun with it.

l hired you keep an eye on the children not be their agent.

l know that.

- Then l advise you to get on with your work.

But he`s so good Lance.

You really should hear him read.

Miss Cohen, stay out of it.

Brock, l`ll see you at home.

l said, l`ll see you at home.

We`ll sh**t around the boy tomorrow.

Get it cast.

What are you doing?

Just reading.

Want to go to the movies?

Mark will take us.

No, you go ahead.

l don`t want to go without you.

l did good today.

Should have let me do it for him.

You know why he wouldn`t let me?

Cause he was afraid he`d have to spend time with me.

He doesn`t want us here.

That`s not true.

Yes, it is.

He hasn`t spent five minutes with us since we`ve been here.

lt`s not his fault.

That boy has chickenpox.

lt`s just another excuse to be away.

He doesn`t love us.

Don`t say that.

Why not, it`s true.

l don`t know him and he doesn`t know me.

l wish we`d never come here.

l hate him.

Brock! Go on, go to the movies.

Maybe you can find one our father`s in.

That`s the only way you`ll get to see him.

Go on, go.

l`m sorry about what happened.

lt wasn`t your fault.

l should have known better.

You finished reading that whole thing already?

Yeah How is it?

lt`s all right.

l like that scene you were studying.

The one where the boy runs away.

Yeah, that`s what l feel like doing right now.

You should tell your father how you feel.

A lot of good it`d do.

You don`t know unless you try.

- l can`t talk to him.

Why not?

- Because, it`s hard to explain.

Well try.

- l don`t know.

- Ever since l can remember everybody`s made a fuss over him.

- Saying how lucky l was to have Lance Gaylord for a dad.

l grew up thinking he was some kind of God.

And it`s hard to talk to a God.

l don`t know about that.

He just doesn`t care about me.

All he can think about is his job.

lt`s like the father in the script.

Well, they got together in the end, didn`t they?

Sure, after the boy runs away.

- Then they must have talked it out.


Good, l always like a happy ending.

Look, we`re going to take in a movie.


- No, thanks.


- Mr Smith?


l wish l could talk to my father the way l do to you.

So do l son.

Hey, how did the father find the boy in the end?

He didn`t run far off.

He was hiding in town.

He wanted him to find him?

Sure he did.

Sounds to me like that part was made for you.

l`ll see you later.

Where are the kids?

Karen`s upstairs.

Where is Brock?

He`s gone.

What do you mean, he`s gone?

We took Karen to the movies today, when we got back he was gone.

l told you to keep an eye on those children every minute.

He was upset he didn`t want to come.

Then you should have stayed with him.

lf anything has happened to my son, you`re going to pay.

Who are you calling?

The police, who do you think.

What`s the matter with this phone?

He`s all right.

l think l know where he is.

What do you mean, you know?

l found this in the yard.

lt`s the script he was rehearsing.

l think he`s run away.

Run away?

That`s right.

Why don`t we take a ride?

My son had better be all right.

Your son will be very surprised to hear that you cared.

What are you talking about?

lf you stop worrying about being successful for five minutes you`d know what l was talking about.

You broke his heart today.

Come on.

That wouldn`t have happened if it wasn`t for you filling his head with ideas of being a big star.

You think he wanted that part for the glory?

He wanted that part because he wanted to be with his father.

You`re crazy.

l feel very sorry for you Mr Gaylord.

You are a hero to strangers and a stranger to your children.


Are you in here?

How can you be so sure he`s here?

Because l think l know him better than you do.

Brock, are you there?

Thank God, you`re all right.

You had me scared half to death.

What did you run off for?

All you care about is being the sheriff, pa.

Brock, what are you talking about?

The script, do the lines from the script.

You`re talking nonsense, son.

Come on home now and we`ll talk.

l don`t know how to talk to you.

What do you mean?

We`ve never done it.

We`ve never really talked.

l`m afraid to tell you how l feel.

That`s silly, there`s no reason to be afraid.

Please, help me then.

How Son?

Do the lines.

Do them.

l`ve been looking all over for you, boy.

What are you doing in here?

l work here, pa.

What are you talking about?

You get on home right now, you hear me.

l hear you plain, but l`m not going.

You`ll do as l say.

No, l won`t.

Not any more.

You want to wear that badge, and get yourself k*lled, you go ahead.

But l`m not going to be there to see you die.

l love you, pa.

That`s why l can`t go to sleep every night wondering if l`ll see you the next morning.

The next week or never.

Go do what you have to, pa.

But l`m not going to be any part of it.

No more.

Goodbye, Pa.

What can l do, Brock?

How can l change?

l`m really so tired of playing this part.

l`ve been this hero, this symbol for so long.

l guess l`m afraid to have anybody really know me.

Even my own son.

That l love.

You are crying, dad?


lt`s ok dad.

lt`s all right.

Welcome to the real world, Lance.

Have a good lunch girls.

Can l help you?

Mr Gaylord was going to leave a pass for Gordon and Smith.

Let`s see, Mr Gaylord Don`t see your names down here.

Are you looking under Lance Gaylord?

- Yeah.

Try looking under Brock Gaylord.

Oh yeah, drive straight ahead.

They`re on the Western Street.

Thank you very much.

- Thank you.

All right, let`s see you top that.

Come on Brock.

You can do it.

l don`t mind you stealing a scene but don`t you go beating the hero at his own game.

l saw that.

- Figured you would.

We just wanted to say goodbye.

l thought you were going to go fishing with us tomorrow?

lt`s only a half day boat.

We`d like to, but we`ve got another job.

Come on, l`ll cover another day`s pay.

That`s very kind of you, but it wouldn`t be fair to my boss.

You must have quite a boss.

l`d like to meet him someday.

l`m sure you will.

lt`s goodbye guys.

Thank you, Mr Smith.

l`ll see you in the movies, huh.

Lance, we are losing the light.

There`s no way we`ll finish tonight.

We`ll pick up in the morning.

l know it`s Saturday.

Hold it, Harry.

We`re fishing tomorrow.

You have to carry everybody if you want to take tomorrow off.

Then we will carry everybody.

l promised my kid.

You got it.

Gentlemen, that`s a wrap.
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