01x12 - Hotel of Dreams

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x12 - Hotel of Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

What are you looking at?

We all die sometime or other.

Now take you.

l bet you didn`t smoke you died.

l smoked.

What did you die off?

l died of lung cancer.

Help help me! l`m drowning! Oh no.


l could have your job.

You wouldn`t want it trays are heavy.

This is a good spot.

All right, ladies and gentlemen.

Last stop.

Go forth and multiply.

They all ready knew that.


Come on

- get.

Go on billy goat you don`t want to be left behind.

l`m not sure any of them`s his mother Could be he was seperated from that last batch.

He`d last just one day and a night without her.


What are you doing here?

- Old man You wanna see you, Barry.

l drive it to town in a few days.

Today he want`s to see you.

He told me not to come back without you Barry so get in the chopper.


l must go, Mossy.

See you later.

Barry come on you not going to take that What is it anyway?

Sheep or something?

lt`s a goat, and l am his adoptive mother.

Either he goes with me or l stay with him which is it?

Get in.

Oh, nuts.

- Sorry.


l have been an hour.

l`ll make it up to you how`s that?


The castle.

Very cute cute.


Where are they?

What are you looking for?

- My cigarettes.

l thought you told me you`d quit.

l would try.

Here we go.

What are you looking at?

We all die sometime or other.

Now take you l bet you didn`t smoke you died.

l smoked.

You did?

l smoked.

Where did you die of?

Lung cancer.

Probably wouldn`t have started again if he had been waiting around here for three days.

lf we`re going to wait why can`t we wait in a nice hotel instead of a dump like this?

The wait`s over.

Pack up we`re checking out.

What the devil is that?

Look like bellboy suits You`re the one who wanted to stay in a better hotel.

Come in.

Hi, Dad Barry Barry Barry Barry About time, son.

How have you been?

Fine dad.

lt`s good to see you.

- lt`s been a long time.

Too long.

l almost forgot.


Come on in and meet your stepson.

You got married?

How many times is that now?

Six, seven.

Who keeps count.

What`s that?

A goat cute isn`t he?

Hi, Barry.

Your father`s told me all about you.

l`m sorry he hasn`t told me anything about you.

That`s okay it happened kind of sudden.

l was working at this sushi bar that your father bought.

Louella, no use going in to details.

Take the goat and pet him while Barry and l talk.

l just love animals.

Come on son let`s sit down.

l`ll get straight to the point l`ve been doing a lot of thinking.

l decided it`s time for you to settle down.

And make something of your life.

You`ve decided?

You`re my only child.

Who am l going to leave everything to when l pass on?


l want to make sure l`m passing it into good hands.

Dad l am making something of my life l`m doing something worthwhile.

You come walking in here looking like yesterday`s bad news with a goat in your arms.

You want me to believe you have a handle on life?

Son l want to be proud of you.

l want that too.

Hear me out.

l`m giving you this hotel.

Total ownership lt`s yours.

You`re giving me the Mayflower?

Dad this was your first hotel.

You`re my only son.

l want you to live here.

This penthouse is yours.

l want you to run the hotel, operated it, make it work, make me proud.

Dad, please l don`t.


l`m not going to live for ever.

l want to see my dream come true

- Dad are you sick?

No, but you can never be sure Please son for your father?

Dad l know l`ve been a disappointment to you.

l`ve horsed around alot.

And never finished anything l`d started.

l have never amounted to much of anything.

All right, Dad.

lf it makes you really happy, l do it.


l`m delirious you can move right in.

And get started right away.

Dad, wait.

l know nothing about hotels.

Sealy does he`s the general manager.

l`ve already told him what`s what he`s going to show you the ropes Sealy, get up here.

We start at the front desk.

Of course were totally computerised.

You there.

- Yes sir.

You`re new.

- l started today.

Barry Rudd.

Jonathan Smith, pleasure to meet you.


Nice uniform, Smith.

Your shoes should shine more.

Yes, sir.

Carry on.

l will show you how we make our registration

- Sure .

Hows it going l`m Barry Rudd?

l am the assistant manager Roberto, management trainee How long have you been training Robetto?

Five years, sir.

Roberto, who is that man?

He is a new bell man l just hired sir.

- Bellman! Talking to me?

- l certainly am.

l am the hotel manager And l hate facial hair.

Don`t worry.

A lot of people don`t look good in a beard.

l`m not talking about myself, but my employees.

Remove your beard if you want to continue working here.

You mean shave?

ls that really necessary?

l think he should keep it.

Fine, sir.

l`m certain you know best.

Carry on.

Thank you.

lt`s that Wells kid.

You! Don`t just stand there catch him.

Help me, l`m drowning.

Oh, no.

Don`t worry kid l`m coming.

l always cry when l see this movie.

Wasn`t Darrell Palmore devilishly good looking?

And you You were so beautiful Helen.

Everytime he took you in his arms and said Hi Ya Kid.

l just turned to water.

He was romantic.

This never happens that way in real life?

What do you mean dear?

Girl meets boy of her dreams.

They fall in love.

Dance across the floor .


And live happily ever after.

lt happens.

lt will happen to you.

Give it time.


Look what time it is.

l got to go to work.

Thank you for watching my old movies with me.

- There no fun to watch alone.

Nothing is much fun alone.

- lt`s going to happen.

One day you look up, and there he`ll be.

l`ll dream about it.

Oh, l`m sorry.

- You should be.

Be more careful next time.

There`s no need to shout at her lt was no ones fault lt was my fault.

No really if anything it was my fault.

l should have watched where l was going Shall we continue?


Mr Rudd, have you given any thought to upgrading your wardrobe?

No, Mr.


l have not Jeans and flannel.

The lady, who is she?

Allison Rutledge from New York.

For her high scool reunion Reunion?

Yes, James Madison High School.

Class of 70.

Well l`ll be Elena, you do something for me?

Take this to Mr.

Rudd`s room.

Thank you.

Come in, it`s open.

Oh yes, the bottle.

Thank you.

Just leave it anywhere.

You are Mr.

Rudd, the new owner?

You`re the girl l almost tackled in the hall today.

Hopefully Mr.

Sealy didn`t give you a hard time No.

How old is your baby?


Oh no, the bottle.

l`m not married.

lt is for Billy.

ln the box over there.

A baby goat.

May l feed him?

Sure, if you want.

My goodness, you`re a hungry one.

He was separated from his mother Somehow when we were transplanting him out in the desert transplanting them?

There this herd of five hundred goats on an island off the coast.

The Spanish explorers brought them over there maybe 400 hundred years ago The island is too small for that many goats.

The state wanted to k*ll half of them off.

But l was able Transplant them over to the main land lt sounds like important work.

Yes, l thought so too.

He`s finished already l could get him another bottle.

No, that`s enough.

Put him but on the floor.

He`s going to want to go.

Well good night then.

- Good night.

Allison Rutledge.

The flowers are beautiful.

- They`re from the owner, Mr Rudd.

He is such a darling.

That might be him.

Get that please.

ls Miss Rutledge here?

- Yes, she is ls that you Mr.


l`m Allison Rutledge.

Miss Rutledge?

l`m Barry Rudd, owner of the Mayflower.

Well Mr Rudd do come in.

Your flowers are lovely.

Just what a lonely girl needs to lift her spirits in a strange city.

May l offer you a drink?

- lf it`s no trouble.

So you are stranger in our city?

Not really.

l grew up here, but left years ago You should talk with my friend Donny.

l want to see your mother or father or who ever is in charge of you.

- Nobodies here l`m alone Your alone don`t hand me that.

Where is your mum?

- l don`t have a mother.

She died when l was a kid.

Your Father?

- He`s at work, he`s always at work.

He leaves you alone all day?

What`s it to you?

Place looks like a toy store.

- My dad bought me all this He love`s me so he buys anything l want.

- Do you want to stay?

l`ve got some new video games.

No, l can`t.

We can make a puzzle or play cards.

- Anything you want.

Sorry, l must get back to work.

Yeah well good l didn`t want you to stay anyway.

l`ll see you later.

Sorry, l did not know anyone was in here

- Maybe you could come back l`ve a problem with Billy.

ls he not feeling well?

l do not know.

He does not eat and is weak.

l`m afraid he`s going to die.

My grandfather bred goats.

l have seen him nurse animals back who are much worse than this.

Do you have any oatmeal and syrup?

- Maybe in the kitchen.

l`ll be right back.

Hello, Allison l`m sorry can l have a rain cheque for tonight?

Afriend of mine is very sick.

Yes, there is someone here.

l can`t leave him.

He`s just a kid.

He`s a latch key kid.

He`s all alone.

His father is working all the time.

His mother not living there`s nobody to look after the boy l can`t believe his father hasn`t hired somebody to look after him According to Roberto there`s been two dozen but they all quit two days later.

l blame `t them.

No, l blame the old man.

The kid looks for trouble so he gets some attention from his father.

Could be.

- What have you done with my hair?

Madam l don`t know how this could happen.

You`re incompetent that`s how.

The solutions must have got mixed.

This has never happened before.

You`re going to pay dearly for this l`m going straight to the manager.

Madam, please.

She looks like one of those punk rockers.

There`s your friend.


Turn that thing off.

What do you want?

You`re not as smart as you think.

l know you`re the one that caused that ladies hair to turn green.

Oh yeah.

Prove it.

What are you going to do.

Tell my dad?

He`s not here.

l didn`t come to talk to your dad l came to talk to you.

There`s a hairdresser downstairs who might lose his job because of what you did.

So what?

- So what?

Your father has a lot of money.

You don`t have to worry about paying the rent But the guy downstairs does.

Why don`t you just turn me in?

Because l shouldn`t have to that`s why Okay, l`ll go tell them l did it.

l bought this little sailing ship.

Do you know anyone who could help me put it together?

You mean it?

- Sure l mean it.

l`ll be right back.

Sorry to wake you, but it`s almost nine o`clock.

Nine o`clock?

ln the morning?

Yes, in the morning.

You fell asleep.

l didn`t have the heart to wake you.

l gotta go l`m late Mr.

Sealy will fire me.

He can`t fire you l own the joint.

l forgot.

Yeah, so did l for a while.

Stay for some coffee it`s already All right.

How do you take it?

Black, please.

Billy looks better.

- He should.


He had all the oatmeal and slept in your arms like a baby.

l was jealous.

You have a way with animals.

They can sense a good person.

You have a way with animals too.


There is a dance tomorrow night it`s my high school reunion.

Would you go with me?


But l thought you and l didn`t ask what you thought.

l asked if you would go.


Yes, l will go.

Yes l gotta go.

Why not worry about Sealy.

l have so much to do.

Dress, shoes lt`s just a dance.

No, it is much more.

Good night.

Did you forget something?

l do not think so.

Did you?

- Allison, come in.

l thought you were going to call?


l know you were taking care of a little friend.

How is he?

See for yourself.


But you said l said a kid.


Barry, you`re funny.

Look you owe me one for last night.

How would you like to take me to my class reunioun on Friday?

l can`t l have a date already for the dance.

You do not understand.

lt is my high school reunion.

Mine too.

You really don`t remember do you?

Barry Rudd.

We went through four years of high school together.

No l don`t.

l don`t believe it.

Your Rudd the dud?

Well you just never know.

You knew who l was.

Why didn`t you say something?

l`m not sure l guess l wanted to prove something.

l`d show you and everyone else a thing or two about the irony of life.

Rudd the dud was going to escort Miss Allison Rutledge to the high school reunioun.

l see.

Why not?

l mean it doesn`t matter what you were then.

lt`s what you are now.

You mean rich?

Sorry for all this.

lt wasn`t fair for me to fool you.

You`re right it wasn`t.

Your date?

The little chambermaid?


l will look in to it immediately, l will You, Elena.

Come here.

Where are you going?


l don`t start until two today.

You`re not going anywhere.

l just recieved a call from Miss Allison Rutledge.

There is a ruby ring missing from her room.

Mr Sealy l don`t know any

- Give me your bag.

Give me your bag.

All right where is it?

Mr sealy l didn`t take it.

You were the only maid in her room since last night.

Come along we`ll have a look in your locker.



- What?

l coudn`t help but over hear what you were saying.

Should l go as a witness?

Always good policy.

All right, Smith.

Good idea.

We`ll stop at Miss Rutledge along the way.

Come along.

Yes the sum of the rooms are 85 percent occupied How much do you screen your help in this hotel?

What`s going on?

This maid has stolen a ring from Miss Rutledge.

l didn`t l swear l have never stolen anything That`s all right.

Did you find the ring?

No, we`re going to search her locker now.

Then you`re not sure.

Allison, you could have missed placed it.

No l couldn`t.

lt was on my night stand.

ln plain sight.

l didn`t do it.

l believe you.

You are not going to take this girls word over Miss Rutledge?

What is wrong with her word?

Well, she is a Shes what?

Nothing sir.

Look why don`t we search her locker and find out who`s right.

After you.

There! Nothing.

lt must be there.

Nobody else was in my room.

- Miss Rutledge?


Was it an expensive ruby ring?

- Yes.

l think it`s on your finger.

Don`t be embarrassed about it.

l had a friend who always lost his eye glasses.

He`d look for them for hours and they`d be on his face the whole time.

l believe an apology is in order.

l`m sorry.


Yes, of course.

l apologize.


- Miss Rutledge.


lf l were you, l would check on your jeweler.

What are you talking about?

lf he told you that was a genuine ruby ring.

He`s a crook that`s glass That`s ridiculous.

You can go down the loby and check it out there`s a jeweler down there.

l could have your job.

You wouldn`t want it the trays are heavy.



- Yes, Mr.


You seen Donny?

Well no ls he missing?

He`s not in his room Have security check around.

- Yes Sir.

- Mr.



Are you looking for Donny by any chance?

He`s in the garden with a friend of mine l`d be happy to show you.

He sails great.

- You did a good job making it.

You helped.

- Not that much.

That`s the first thing l`ve ever built

- No you`re kidding me.

No l`m not

- How come?

lt`s no fun building stuff alone.

lt will keep you out of trouble.

How come you do bad stuff all the time?

l don`t know.

As a child l did that too.

So l got attention from my parents.

Even if they were mad it was better than nothing.

Yes, but my dad is never around enough to get mad at me.

He`s been away ever since mum died.

Maybe he blames me somehow.

l don`t think so.

Maybe he works so hard so he doesn`t have to think about her.

He has a lot of pain inside, he doesn`t want to deal with.

Do you think so?

Sure l do.

l wish l could help him somehow.

l love him a lot you know.

Yeah, l know.



Why are you home already?

l don`t know.

lt`s was such a nice day.

We can go to the park and play ball or something.

You and me?

- Yes, you and me.


l got to go Mark with my dad.

You have a good time

- You bet.


- Yes, ma`am.

There are no wash cloths in my room.

l`m sorry.


l don`t carry towels.

That`s your job.

Yes, ma`am.

Come in.


You wanted to see me sir?

Yes, l`ve had some complaints about guests paying under the table for perferred suites.

O no.

- Oh yes.

lt doesn`t surprise me sir.

They are hard to train, and hard to trust.




We`re talking about Roberto?

l mean He is a Mexican.


Of course.

l knew you`d understand.

l wasn`t accusing him sealy.

l was calling him.

Roberto! Roberto brought me a few letters They appear to be addressed to you.

Guests quoting how much they paid you before.

How much they are willing to pay you now.

l already called and checked.

- Guests were very cooperative These letters are forged.

l burned them.

You`re fired, Sealy.

Roberto will be managing the hotel from now on.

As you wish.

Do me a favour, Roberto.

Thank Jonathan for finding those letters.

Oh l will, sir.

This is the dress we altered for Miss Rutledge.

lt`s a four

- What can l tell you now she wants a size eight.

Absurd, she`s a beanpoll.

You want to tell her that?

Maybe l have the dress in an eight.

Here it is.

- That`s fine One other thing, she`d like her shoes a size six.

Size six?

But she takes a nine.

What`s she going to do put them on her babie doll?

Look friend l`m just following orders.

All right l`ll get you the six shoes.

Might l suggest you deliver the other dress and shoes.

Just to be on the safe side?

l was going to suggest the same thing.

Oh Elane are you sure you won`t change your mind we can find you something to wear.

No, l have nothing.

lt`s too late.

There will be other dances.

Not for me.

l felt like Cinderella.


Why does this have to happen?

A delivery for Elena.

- What happened what`s going on?

The iron burnt her dress she can`t go to the ball.

That explains it then.

- What?

The dress and the shoes that l`ve just picked up Mr.

Rudd must have found out.

But l didn`t tell him Well he must have found out somehow.

l have a size eight dress, and size six shoes.

That`s me Here you are me.

But it`s so late.

The dance has started.

You start getting ready.

l`ll go tell Mr Rudd you meet him there.

Go on start getting ready.

Buy me a drink?


Looks like we`re both without a date.

Mine`s just a little late.

Of course.

You know Barry.

You really misjudged me the other day.


- Yeah.

l said it`s about what you are now, and you said: You mean rich.

l told you l was sorry about that.

Yeah l know.

l just want you to know money means nothing to me.

l have done very well.

This dress is an original.

So you see money isn`t what l`m after.

Like my clothes.

l look for one of a kind.

Well l don`t think you`ve found one.

Oh l think you are.

l didn`t mean me.

l meant your dress.

lf you`ll excuse me.

Hi you kid.

Darrell Palmore?

l wandered if it is you My driver said you were here.

Your driver?

l was on my way to my hotel, and he recognized me.

He said that my favorite leading lady was here.

You haven`t changed.

Neither have you.

Shall we?

We weren`t invited.

We crashed the dance in Love Song didn`t we?


- Son how`s it going?

Fine, l tried to reach you.

We`ve been shopping for a few weeks.

Elena, this is my father.

Dad, my wife.

You got married?

Yes, thought it was my turn.

l love you, Dad.

We gotta run.


- Where you going?

To save the goats.

- lt`s what l want.

What about the hotel?

Do not worry.

Just go to Roberto.

He is the new manager.

lt looks so much like you.

He`s so impetuous.

We have to get in because the stores close at six
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