01x15 - One-Winged Angels

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x15 - One-Winged Angels

Post by bunniefuu »

You married?


Where you been?

Believe it or not.

We danced.

She must have liked that.

You being an angle and all.

Must be light on your feet.

l`ve asked you not to do.

You too.


Max, l`m going to smack you bald headed lf you keep disturbing the guests.

Max, please don`t do that.

Come on, Max.


Boy when we get to that lake your going to loose me for a whole week.

Mark l already told you, you do is sit back and relax enjoy yourself.

l`ll handle this little assignment on my own.

Sounds great to me, a whole week of fishing.

Come on there you go with a cigarette again.

Come on will you leave me alone.

lt`s my vacation it`s a beautiful day let me enjoy myself.

Thanks a lot.

l didn`t do it.

Do you mean You know that he must really care about me, the way he worries about me.

Could be What you mean could be why else would he put my cigarette out like that?

Maybe he`s not so anxious to have you up there.

Can l help you, Mr Glidden?

- Yes, we`re going today.

Right now.

l`m sorry to hear that, anything wrong?


Your grandson.

By that bouncing and skateboarding at all hours We`re beginning to feel like we`re interrupting his vacation.

lts best if we check out l apologise for the inconvenience.

l`ll be happy to refund the balance.

Thank you.

Just send me the bill.

Again l`m sorry.

Libby we`re going to have to do something with Max we cannot have him driving customers away.

l know, mother.

Kids go through phases, boy knows you did.

But not like this.

Libby, lf this continues you`re going to have to send him to military school or something No mother that is not an alternative, he`s had enough upheavals in his life.

His grandfather dies, his father takes off like a big bird after some dream.

He needs love and to be around us.

Not military school.

l hope you`re right dear.

Aren`t you coming in?

l think l`ll take a little walk to dry off.

See you in a little while.

Excuse me

- l`m sorry.

No problem l`m Jonathan Smith l made a reservation Oh yes, would you fill it out please Mr Smith.


Pleasure to meet you Libby.

Mother, this is Jonathan Smith.

Jonathan, my mother Louise.

How are you?

You have a beautiful daughter.


How long will you stay with us, Mr.


Well that all depends on the fishing, l promised my partner vacation.

Hey Jonathan, l was talking to this guy Earl across the street at the gas station and he told me about the spot where they`re taking four pounders all week long.

Mark, that are Libby and Louise.

- How are you?

Let`s go.

ls my master`s voice pick up the keys later.

First thing you could do when you get into a place like this is you have to get in.

Tight with the locals they know where all the good fishing spots are.

Earl l almost had to drag him it out of him.

He was so shy.

- Yes, l know.

What you mean you know?

Libby and Earl that`s the couple l`m supposed to get together Why didn`t you tell me?

You`re on vacation?

That`s right.

Why don`t you reach down in there and get me one of those nice juicy night crawlers.

Here you better do it.

A little squeamish huh.

No l just don`t want to be part of k*lling one of his creatures.

l`ll think l`ll use a lure.

- Any luck?

Not even a nibble l`m afraid my friends a little bitter.

How about a cup of coffee it`s the least l can do.

That sounds good.

You two go ahead l`m going to talk to Earl about his great fishing spot.

Look l want to clean up first, how about l meet you in a restaurant in a few minutes.

Sure you don`t want some coffee?

- No you go ahead.

l`ll see you later.

l do not want coffee.

l want fish.


No Mark`s the fishermen l just go along for the ride.

l must say l do like it out on the boat though it`s so very calm and peaceful.

You`re lucky to live here.

lt is lovely, occasionally l find myself taking it for granted.

Something l thought l`d never do moving back from the city.

Taylor, my ex

-husband, preferred city life.

One of the many reasons we`re not together.

Are you married?


ls lunch ready Louise?

- Certainly.

l gives it for you.

He is only worried he will not catch a fish, he`ll throw himself off a bridge.

Hey Earl how you doing?


How you guys?

- We`re just fine.

Hey l think l better warn you.

My friend Mark is going to be hounding you some more fishing information He`s a man possessed

- l know the feeling.

Hey l apologise if he`s inconvenienced you.

Don`t worry about that How are you doing, Libby?

Good, Earl.

That that shower rod in room six stay put?

Earl, the way you fix things around here that rod will be up long after we`re all gone.

Earl! Here you go.

That`s my order.

l`ll see you later.

You take care of yourself.

He seems very nice.

Yeah, he is a sweet guy.

ls he your boyfriend?


No, he`s like a brother.

lt looks a pretty nice day out, what you say we go for a boat ride?

ln the name of not to take our environment for granted.


What happened with you you`ve never let me down before, l`ll show you l`ll use a surface lure.

As a matter of fact he did invite all of us, but it`s your night to watch the office.

And after Max`s recent behaviour l don`t think he deserves the reward of a dinner out.

Well you just met the man, l don`t trust him.

Why are you so suspicious?

lt`s just a dinner.

He`s nice.

He`s too flattering.

What`s wrong with flattering?

l kind of like it.

Max, dinner will be ready in 20 minutes.

Pretty dressy.

- Libby said it`s a pretty nice place.

What do you mean argh huh?

Well l mean you`re a guy, well you used to be.

l still am And you`re good

-looking and the ladies go for you, and er And?


Do you ever think about settling down in one place?

You know and getting married, enjoying the fitter flutter of little wings around the house.

Come on Mark that`s impossible and you know it.

What are you doing?

l mean l saw you out on the lake today.

Now it`s dinner for two.

lt`s part of my job.

Look l`ll make Earl jealous and then he`ll step forward, that will be the end of it.

Come on.

Libby is just a friend.


Whatever you say.

See you later.


Go in and have your dinner.

Bedtime is 9.

30 and mind your grandma.

Ok Ma.

See you later Max.

So between the office and taking turns in the kitchen l manage to keep it busy.

- Sounds like it.

What do you do Jonathan?

Me well l guess you could call it human resource development.

lt sounds important.

We like to think it is.

l bet your boy loves it up here in the country?

Max! Hard to tell he`s going through a rebellious period, challenging everybody.

Maybe he misses his father.

Not his father so much as a father figure l think.

Mum and l do our best but But you find it very hard to throw a football over Exactly.

l think he`s got a good mum.

How would you like to dance?

l have not danced in years.

Believe me, Libby.

Neither have l.

Come on mama time for me to step on your toes.

Where have you been?

- Sorry.

l did not want to wake up.

You did.

Boy, for someone who doesn`t eat you spend a long time at dinner.

We talked for a while.

What did you do the rest of the while?

Believe it or not we danced.

You danced, she must`ve liked that.

You being an angel and all.

You must be light on your feet Cute.

l`ll tell you something that Earl is a lucky man.

Yeah if it works out.

Come on why wouldn`t it work out?

Why are you asking me?

You`re the angel?

See you tomorrow.

l`ll see you in the morning.

Can l help you?

- You bet fill her up with you Earl?

- You bet.

l almost ran out of gas last night.

Would have been pretty embarrassing with Libby in the car.

She would probably would have figured it was one of those teenage tricks you know.

We stopped by here but you were closed.

We stay open till midnight.

Libby and l were dancing until way after one.

Oh sorry.

She`s quite a woman that Libby isn`t she?

Known her long?

Quite some time.

Ever make a move on her?

A move?

Yeah a move.

She`s a nice looking woman living right down the road.

All Libby just thinks of me is some kind of friend.

How do you know have you ever asked her out?

Yeah l took her and her mum out to dinner a couple of times.

Her and her mum.

Are you sure this is going to workout?


l said l like working out.

Feel like throwing a football around later?

Max would like it.

l`m not very good at that kind of stuff how do you know you might surprise yourself?

Besides, the kid doesn`t like me anyway 24 even.

- How`d you know he doesn`t like you?

He`s always sassing me.

- You know how kids are.

- He just wants some attention.

- Maybe he is doing it to see if anybody cares enough to say no.

Suppose so.

Here you go.


Hey if you change your mind about throwing a football around Libby and l ought to be back from horse back riding about four o`clock.

You have a nice day Earl.

Hey do you want to throw it around now?

- Hey l told you four o`clock, remember.

Can l ask you something?

- Course.

About the tyre?

- How do you know?

lntuition l guess.

lt was flat l saw it.

You not only saw it, you did it didn`t you?

Come on didn`t you?

Yeah it won`t work on those, their a*t*matic inflatables.

Newest thing.

- Gosh they must be.

l never heard of them.

l bet you even Earl doesn`t know about them.

There`s a lot of things Earl hasn`t heard about.

There`s something weird, when you drove out all the air just went poof in my football.

You`re kidding me.

lsn`t that weird.

Do you know do unto others as you`d have them do unto you works both ways good and bad.

Never mind is probably just coincidence.

Yeah, had to be.

l`ll see you at four.

You got it.

- Hi, Mark.

How you doing?

Well, how did it go with Earl?

Not too well yet, this job will take me a little longer than l thought.

That shouldn`t bother you.

You`re welcome to go horseback riding with us if you want.

Me on a horse no l don`t think so.

l`m going to be out on the boat pulling in five pounders.

lt`s my vacation, remember?

l`ll see you later.

Good luck.

Argh come on it`s been an hour in the premo spot on the lake and nothing.

Why me, God?

That`s why.

All right l quit.

lt`s a pretty spot.

l used to come here all the time when l was a kid.

Last time l was here was years ago.

Taylor and l bought Max up here when he was about three or four.

He promptly sat down on an ant hill and screamed like the dickens.

l should bring him back up.

What happened with you and Taylor?

We married too young.

Here l always felt at home.

When we moved to the city Taylor was as happy as a child.

More options money and different people.

He never wanted to come back, seems like he didn`t even want to look back.

l think he was embarrassed about being a small town boy.

Even in the city this is who l was.

Sometimes love will stretch so far l guess.

You`re a lot like him you know.

l don`t think so.

He wasn`t all bad Oh in that case it`s all right.

What l meant was your fun to be with.

So are you.

l will miss you when you go.

Who knows when that`s going to be, l can`t leave until my friend Mark catches a fish.

l think we ought to get back, l promised Max we throw the ball around.

You`re right.

We better go.

l really meant what l said about missing you.

Hi are you ready to play?

- Yeah sure.

Let me get out there, toss me one

- Are you going to watch ma?

Okay just for a little while.

Hey Earl how you doing?

- l thought l`d just come over.


There you go.

Come on Earl throw it.

Hey nice toss.

You were right.

l surprise myself.

l told you?

Come on, Max.

Throw me one.

l did not know you played football, Earl.

- lt was years ago.

Come on Jonathan throw it to me.

Holy cow wow, what the b*llet.

Are you okay, Earl?

- Yes, l`m fine.

What are you pro or something, that was an NLF Ball.

Are you sure you`re all right?

Yeah sure, l`ve got to get back to the station.

Could be some late traffic coming through.

Come on, Max.

Throw me one.

l don`t want to talk about it right now okay.

Talk about what?

Come on don`t play Mickey the dunce with me, you know what l`m talking about.

l couldn`t believe myself today.

l saw Earl coming over and l said to myself, it`s working out, everything is going to be fine.

Even gave him the stuff.

Then l looked at Libby l wanted to be a big man.

When l saw that happened today l was disappointed in you.

l don`t blame you.

Let me finish.

l said l was disappointed in you.

Then l got to thinking about it, what right do l have to judge you.

l mean you always talking about judging people.

Don`t we all have the right to make mistakes, even angels.

No l`m here to help people, not here to worry about my own feelings.

Probably you are right.

Last thing the boss wants down here is somebody who would fall in love or get jealous.

l mean this ls no place to act like a human being.

Have you thought about that Jonathan?

You know the boss had a choice you know could have filled this whole place up with R2 D2`s But he did not do that.

He sent you.

Maybe this is for you.

Yes, maybe it`s good for you.

Maybe the boss wanted you to the touched so you wouldn`t lose touch.

May be falling in love with Libby was your vacation.

A refresher course in being a human being.

You`re just an angel, Jonathan.

You`re not God.

l had forgotten how hard it was To fall in love.

l know.

How do l get through, friend?

You find a way.

lt will not be easy but you can find a way.

Morning, Earl.


l didn`t think you open on Sundays?

l`m not, l`m just cleaning the place up a little.

Do you want to do some fishing lt`s a beautiful morning?

No, thank you.

Come on.

Why not?

Not in the mood.

Do you know what l do when l`m feeling down?

l like to get out and do something, get my mind off my troubles.

Come Earl, what do you say?

Dollar bet on the biggest fish?

Ok you`re on.

l`ve got another one.

Boy are they sure biting today.

Well l sure wouldn`t know l can`t believe it, l quit smoking and still can`t catch a fish.

What`s smoking got to do with it?

That`s a long story.

Where is your friend today?

- No idea.

He does not like fish.

So l noticed.

lt seems serious between him and Libby.

- He can cope well with women.

We hardly go anywhere where he doesn`t wind up with one No, l mean he seems real serious about Libby.

That`s all part of the act, sincerity.

l do not know how he does it, he gets then eating right out of his hand.

You mean he`s playing some sort of a game?

Stringing her along.

- That`s right That`s cruel.

Are you serious?

Well sure l am, why do you think he`s out there playing with the kid?

He doesn`t even like kids, but it makes points with Libby, see That guy is an operator.

Does that bother you?

Hanging around with a guy like that?

Oh yeah sure it does sometimes, but then let`s face it none of us are perfect.

l mean when not angels.

l have bite.

This is a big one.

Give me the net.

Get your dollar ready Earl.

All right that`s it, that`s it l`m buying a pack of cigarettes.

Hey Earl, come on in l thought you were fishing with Mark where is he?

He`ll be right along, l want to talk to you.

Sure go


What are your intentions with Libby?

You heard me.

Hey Earl l think you`re getting a little personal aren`t you?

l`ve known Libby a long time, She`s a wonderful girl.

l don`t want to see her get hurt.

Hey Earl l`m not hurting anybody, just having a little fun that`s all.

Maybe you are, she isn`t Libby isn`t that kind of girl.


How do you know?

Because l know her.

l warn you.

lf you hurt her you have to deal with me.

Let me tell you something well if you`re so stuck on her why don`t you do something about it?

That`s my business.

And what l do is my business.

Just remember what l said.

Louise will you give me is change the cigarette machine?


Any luck today?

- Oh yeah, l called a sole ln this lake?

- Just a little humour.

Oh, here you go Thanks a lot Cute real cute.


- Morning.

ls Jonathan up yet?

Yeah, he`s up in the room

- Thanks, good luck Hi do you want to throw the ball around?

l`ve been working on my spiral Not now, Max.

- And later?

l`m not in the mood.

What are you doing?

- l`m packing, were checking out later today But you could stay a while.

l know what l said But l changed my mind.

l`m getting bored l feel like moving on.

ls it me?

Are you mad at me?

lt`s not you and l`m not angry at you.

Let me finish packing.

See you pal.

Max don`t even think about.

Max look l told you to stop now you`re gonna.

l`ve had it l`m sick of it you`re not going get away with this any more.

From now on if you want the soda pop you pay for it or you asked me politely You got it Max?

Yeah, l got it.

What`s wrong you anyway?

lt`s Jonathan, He`s leaving just like that.

He`s leaving?



Just like my dad.


Look l`ll make a deal with you.

l`ll give you a job working here, a couple of hours a day until school starts.

That way you`ll earn a little spending money.

Then maybe l can close up early we`ll both go and play ball.

Do you really mean it?

- Yeah, l mean it.

A real job?

Like a man.

Like a man.

What do you say?

Let`s get to work.


- How you doing?

l was just coming inside so you could get our bill ready.

You`re leaving?


Marks trying his luck on the lake one more time he should be back any minute.

l hope so he get`s something.

So do l.

Look l told Max l was going.

He got kind of upset, the way kids are.


Anyway he`s over at Earl`s in case you wondered where he was.


Well it`s been fun Yeah it has.

Stop by any time you`re in the neighbourhood.

l will l`ll do that.

Take care of yourself.

You to.

l guess were going uh?

- Yeah we`re going.

Yeah l thought so, l just caught an eight pounder didn`t have the heart to keep it.

l`ll go pack up.

Thank you, come again.

Have you seen Max?

- Yes.

Take a look hey Max.

Your mums here.

Hi, Mum.

Once l`m done me and Earl will play football.

l gave him a job.

l hope you don`t mind The kid needs responsibility, it`d be good for him.

l`m sure it will.

Oh my manners, l came to thank you for the flowers.


Yes, and the note.

That was very sweet.

l meant it.

l mean l mean it.

Look is about time l told you something.

A long time ago you broke my heart you didn`t know it but you did.

The first time l saw you l said to myself So l said something to Taylor, he hadn`t noticed you until l said something.

Well l never had a chance, l knew you two were a couple.

l was the old sidekick, so be it.

l`ve always been in love with you.

l never felt l could do or say anything About it because that would jeopardise our friendship.

So that`s off my chest.

This isn`t going to foul anything up is it?

Our being friends.

l don`t know this is all new to me too.

Do you think you could ever think of me.


Someone other than a brother?

l think so.

Well, l`d like to treat you to dinner.


Without your mum.

That would be nice, Earl.

Would seven o`clock be okay?


Well er, l`d better get this work done so we can go and play ball.

Er, l`ll help to and then we can all play.

All right.

Let`s go.
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