01x18 - A Child of God

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x18 - A Child of God

Post by bunniefuu »

Why did you come back here?

l thought it was time to end all this To try and be like a father and daughter.

l have no daughter.

Mummy everything all right?

We got worried.

Everything is wonderful.

What about grandfather?

All worked out.

l told you everything was going to be ok.

lf you want to help my daughter.

l suggest you pray for her soul.

lt`s more important reverent that l pray for yours.

Excuse me.

All set Kitty?

Mum, you should see the stuff in this book.

lt`s so gross.

lt shows people with their whole insides sticking out.

Don`t tell me.

l could never be a doctor.

l don`t know how they can look at all that stuff without barfing! What did the doctor say?

You know doctors.

They`re all so confusing.

He must have said something.

- l`ll tell you over a hot dog.

l`m starved.

- Me too.

The doctor thought it would be good to get away for a while.

A change, you know.

You mean like a vacation?

No, more permanent.

Would we move?


But all my friends are here.

And what about your job?

- l`m going to give notice today.

Mum, do we have to?

l like my school.

Yes we have to! l`m so sorry, you see that`s why l have to get away.

- l need a rest, do you understand?

lf it will make you better, do whatever you want.

But where will we go?

California, to see your grandparents.

- But you said l know what l said, but it`s been years and people change.

l`ve changed.

l`m sure my fathers changed.

lt`s not right that he hasn`t seen his own grand


Honey l know it`s all of a sudden, it`s for the best, believe me.

You upset?

Yeah You mad?


You get over it?



l do not believe it.

l don`t believe it! That`s the fourth thing you haven`t believed in the newspaper in the last 1 0 minutes.

This one takes the cake.


This guy kills two people.

A psychiatrist says he is sick.

They treat him for a few years until The psychiatrist says he`s all right.

After two days he kills a child.

l do not believe it.

The expert knows nothing.

You know what they ought to do?

lf that expert is sure that this guy is healed.

They should to make the guy stay in the psychiatrist`s house For one year with the wife and kids.

Then we`ll know if he`s all right.

What`s a psychiatrist doing in a courtroom anyway?

Did you see One Flew over a Cuckoo Nest?

Those guys fooled me and they were actors! l bet a guy could act pretty crazy if it was going to save his neck.

Well, here we are.

- Where?

Our new home for the next few days.

We stay here for a while.


Moving around gets tough.

lt`s not so bad when you consider the results.

How long you been doing this?

- Doing what?

This angel


- About thirty years?

You`re kidding.

And you`re still on probation?

An awful long time don`t you think.

Not to God.

The manager is 305.

ltis just a one bedroom apartment, but the sofa opens up it`s comfortable.

Nice kitchen, Mark.

lt`s fine.

l insist on a year`s lease.

First and last month in advance.

And a cleaning deposit.

We were just planning to stay in for one month.

Sorry, a year`s lease or nothing.

l`m afraid itis just not going to work out.

Old Charlie Dern told us things would be different in California.

Charlie Dern?

Heis an old friend from back home.

We are going to find something else.

Thank you.

Where are you from?

- lowa.

Maryton l don`t believe it.

- l do.

l`m from Maryton.

You won`t believe it.

Yes l am.

l used to date Charlie Dern.

No! Oh come on a tall, red headed guy?

That`s him! Wait, you are not Betty?

Better known as Betty Booth to Charlie?

Has Charlie talked about me?

He talks about you all the time.

l think he`s still carrying a torch.

What a small world.

True enough.

- Forget what l said about the lease.

You can stay as long as you want.

That`s very nice.

Mrs Hardy, all the power is off in my apartment.

Did you try your fuse box?

Yes, l pushed the breaker but it clicked right off.

lt must be short or something.

l can`t get an electrician out today, its Sunday.

They`re going to charge me an arm and a leg.

l`d be happy to take a look at it.

-l`m a Jack of all trades.

l`d appreciate it.

No problem at all.

l`ll be back in a few minutes.

l just can`t get over it.

You two know my Charlie.

What a shock!

- Yes, it was to me too.

The fuse box is right over there on the wall.

Let me take a look.

Let`s see.

How did you do that?

l tried for ten minutes.

Ah ha it is magic.

- Mummy! lt`s fixed! l know thanks to Mr

- Jonathan Smith.

l am Marsha Stearns.

This is my daughter Amy.

Amy, how you doing?

- Fine.

l hope l get a change to return the favour.

lt was nothing.

l`d better get back and get settled in.

Good seeing you Amy.

l`ve got one question.


l want to go to Church this morning ls there one in the neighborhood somewhere?

Yes and in fact we`re going too

- Maybe we can ride together?

lt`s all right.

l understand.

We`ll see you there.



- Yes?

We shall be there at 9.


lt is ten minutes by car.

All right, let`s play it safe, l`ll meet you out front at 9.


All right.

- See you then.


- Are you nervous?

Of course not.


Nine years.

lt`s a long time.

A long time.

What should we do with the less fortunate in our midst?

Shall we say they didn`t try hard enough?

They do not want to work?

All they want is a handout?

lt is easy to say that.

And pass them by.

lt is easy because we don`t have to make the effort to help them.

That`s right the effort lt takes doing.

Doing for others, but what rewards! What a gift we receive when we open our hearts to our fellow man.

Ask yourself these questions What can l do?

How can l help?

What am l not doing that must what am l not doing that must be done to help?

Ask yourself these questions.

Each and everyone of you.

And you will find.

A new purpose to life.

- Wonderful sermon Reverend Fred, see you Wednesday.


This is Amy your granddaughter.

How`s Mom?

She`s well.

That`s good.

You look wonderful.

You haven`t changed.

No No l haven`t changed at all.

l wondered if we could talk?

We have nothing to talk about.

We haven`t had for years.

Amy go wait with Jonathan for a minute.

She is a wonderful child.

Why did you come back here?

l thought it was time end all this.

To try and be a father and daughter.

l have no daughter.

She died nine years ago.

Whoever you are, please go.

l always like to pray under the stars.



How did you know l was praying?

Wishing, praying just a guess.

l haven`t prayed for a long time.

Shame, you the daughter of a minister.

l heard you call to him today.

- l have not seen him for so long.

l could tell.

- You could?

People who have been close and then separated for some reason.

Always seem to have a very strange kind of uncomfortableness, Silly word, but it suits.

Yes it does.

l guess you could tell it didn`t go very well today.

lt`s silly how we kid ourselves.

l thought we could come back to things and they would be as before.

- Before what?

Before l got pregnant and became imperfect Why am l talking to you like this?

Because lim a stranger, And a very imperfect human being.

There`s a lot of us out there.

Not my father he`s perfect.

- Come on, you don`t believe that.

He does, that`s the important thing.

Makes you angry does it?


Damn it.

But he is my father and And?

And he is my father.

My father the Minister.

Do you know what it`s like growing up?

Growing up with a perfect father that everyone revers?

Not not just a person He`s got an inside track on God.

When he tells you you`ve sinned, you HAVE sinned.

and have you?

l have a child and no husband.

That`s a sin, isn`t it?

Not giving a child love is a sin.

l love her more than anything in the world Then where`s the sin?

How can he me feel so guilty?

People who judge others rely on guilt.

lt`s keeps them from having to deal with their own feelings.

l`m going to let you get back to your praying.

God bless you.


- Hello, mother.



Your father told me about today.

- Sarah, who is that?

lt`s Mrs.

Angus about the bazaar.

- Does she want to talk to me?


lt`s okay, l take care of it.

l have missed you so.

- Can l see you tomorrow?

Of course.

Your father will be gone by nine.

Do you understand?


l`ll see you then.

Marsh And the child?

- l`ll bring her.

Good night, Mom.

- Good night, darling.

lt was Marsha, wasn`t it?

- No, l told you lt was Marsha.


She wants to see me.

- Sarah, l told you today David, she is my daughter.

That little girl is our grand


What happened, happened.

lt`s nine years ago.

l know how long ago it was.

l have tried to black it out from my mind but l will not allow her to come back seeking forgiveness.


She comes tomorrow.

l want to see her.

Then we will put an end to it tomorrow.

Reverend Stearns?

Sorry to startle you.

l didn`t hear you come in.

Do l know you?

l`m not a member of the congregation l did your Sermon today was very good.

Thank you, Mr.

Jonathan Smith.

- Mr Smith.

l hate to bother you now but could l ask your advice?

Of course.

Sit down.

Thank you.

l have a friend who`s fallen out with her family.

She wants to get back with them because she loves them very much.

Her father just won`t bend.

l was wondering if there was any chance of you getting them together?

To talk to them, councelling.

- Of Course.

l can at least try.

Why don`t l give you my card they can call me anytime.

We can meet here or my house if that would be more comfortable for them.

The problem is going to be to get the father to come.

The daughter is willing.

Perhaps l can talk with him.

Where can l reach him?

- Right here.


The father l am speaking of Reverend is you.

What is this?

Did my daughter put you up to this?

Your daughter does not know l`m here.

My relationship with my daughter has nothing to do with you.

l never said it did, l`m only asking if you`ll speak to her.

We have said everything that can be said to each other.

You`re willing to sit down with two strangers but you can`t do the same thing for your own child.

My daughter is an Adulteress.

Did she tell you that?

- No.

l didn`t think so.

Should it make a difference?

Even someone on Death Row has a man of the cloth to talk to.

Do you consider you daughter worse than a m*rder*r?

They are asking for forgiveness.

She never asked for my forgiveness.

She wasn`t sorry for it then and she`s not now.

She has a wonderful child.

Should she be sorry for her existence?

This discussion is over, Mr.


lf you want to help my daughter, pray for her soul.

lt`s more important that l pray for yours There`s lots to see around here, Disney Land, Magic Mountain.

- You like rides?

l`ve never been on any big ones.

They`ll scare the pants off you but they`re great.


Can we go sometime Mom?

Sure, l`ll bring an air sickness bag.

lt`s a right at the next corner.

The fourth house on the right.


Amy, this is your grandmother.

Hello, Amy.

Hello grandmother.

l`m sorry.

You must think l`m a silly old lady.

l`ve waited so long, to hear hello grandmother.

l don`t think you`re silly.


Your father is here.

He knew you were on the phone.

l tried to talk to him last night but

- you know how he can be.

Yes l know.

Do you think itis better if l come with you?

No, it`s all right.

l want to speak to you both.

Jonathan, can Amy stay with you for an hour?

l`ve got some things to straighten out.

No problem.

- l`ll see you in an hour.

We`ll get some ice cream.

Nothing like ice cream for breakfast.

Why doesn`t grandfather like me?

l told you sweetie, it has nothing to do with you.

lt`s between your grandfather and me, we`re both kinda stubborn.

Everything will work out, now go on.

Hello again, father.

Your mother said you were comming.

l wanted you to be sure you understood what l told you yesterday.

David! lt`s okay, mom.

l understood it perfectly.

l not expecting to be welcomed back with open arms.

l came to talk about your granddaughter.

Can we sit down?

l`m at a crossroads in my life.

l have done well in advertising And l can also be a partner in the firm.

But it means constant traveling.

That`s impossible with a child.

You can stop right there l see what`s coming.

First the child stays here for a while, then you visit.

l`m not going to let you use your daughter Will you shut up for once and listen! My daughter needs a family, not a mother who`ll be gone all the time.

What l am asking is will you take your grand

-daughter and raise her in this house?

Until it`s convenient for you to come back for her?


For good.

Marsh, you can`t do that.

l do what is best for the child.

l know how you feel about me, but Amy is your grand


She`s all the family you have and she had nothing to do with what happened.

She`s a loving child who needs you.

You would give up your own daughter for a job?

Yes, it shouldn`t surprise you.

You know the way l am.

Suppose we say yes, how do we know you won`t change your mind and come back for her?

You have my word.

l am a sinner not a liar.

- That is not enough.

l`ll have any legal papers made out you want.

Marsh, think about what you`re doing.

Have you said any of this to the child?

Not yet but l will.

l wanted her to be with you for a while, learn to feel safe.

Then l can tell her.

Mother please, l know what l am doing.

l`ll leave at the end of the week.

l`ll tell her it`s a business trip for a few months.

lt will give you time.


All right.

l will go then.

Love her.

Mom, is everything all right?

l got worried.

Everything is wonderful.

ltis such a nice day l decided to go for a walk.

What about grandfather?

- All worked out.


l told you everything was going to be ok.

l`ll tell you all about it later.

Now l want to do something.

Can we go to the amusement park?

Mark said he would take us.

- Do you really want to go?

There you go again.

We asked didn`t we?

Then let`s go.

Are you sure you don`t want to go on?

l`m sure.

lf l got on that thing even my beard would turn green.

Ok scardy cats, we`re going to go it alone.

l can`t believe the difference in that girl.

l`m glad she got things worked out with her Dad.

lt`s an act.


lt`s an act.

Are you sure?

Yeah, l`m sure.

But why do you have to be gone for so long?

Maybe it won`t be that long.

lt l can get my work done sooner l will.

- Promise?


Now you`re going to have fun.

Grandparents love to spoil children, so don`t take advantage.

Maybe a little bit?

- All right.

Now you get some sleep.

You and l are going to be very busy these next few days.

What are we going to do?

- We will do everything.

The beach, the theatre.

You name it, we`ll do it.

Oh mum.

l love you.

- l love you too.

Now sleep.

Yes, ma`am.


Leave the hall light on, okay.

- Okay.

See you in the morning.

Now what do you think you`re doing?

- l thought l was doing dishes.

l can do that.

- So can l, here you dry.

Mark said goodnight.

l noticed he was having trouble keeping his eyes open.

You`re sure full of energy.

- l`m hyper.

lt`s probably from getting everything straightened out with your father.

lt is.

lt`s like a weight being lifted off me.

Guess what l did today?

- Run around an amusement park?

Before that.

- Can`t guess.

l went and saw Amy`s father.

Thought you just bumped into him.

- No, l went by where he worked.

l wasn`t sure he`d still be there, but he was.

Did you talk to him?

- No.

l just looked.

Silly, huh?

No, l don`t think that`s silly.

He doesn`t even know about Amy.

Why didn`t you tell him?

- Because he was married.

Why do l always tell you everything?

lt`s like l said, sometimes it`s easy to talk to strangers.

You don`t seem like a stranger to me.

You seem like an old friend.

l`m glad.

Amy wasn`t a mistake you know.

lt`s hard to explain l loved him so much, but l knew that he would never leave his family.

l wanted to have his baby.

Did you ever tell your father?

Lord no.

He wouldn`t have listened.

And if he had, he would never have understood.

How did you change his mind today?

l guess he`s just mellowing with age.

Are you all right?

- Yeah, the day is catching up to me.

l`ll get out of your hair.

Thanks again for dinner.

Thank you for being a friend.

You`ve got a lot more of them than you know.



What`s wrong?

You`ve been pacing since you came in.

l don`t know.

l sense something.

- About Marsha?

Are you bothered because she straightened things out with her father and you couldn`t?

Come on, Mark.

- She looked awful happy tonight.


Amy, whats wrong?

- Mum.

She fell in the bathroom and l can`t get her up.

l`m coming.

Mark, call the ambulance.

Try to reach her folks.

Come on! Sarah, where is David?

- He wouldn`t come.

How`s Marsh?

- This is Dr.


You`re daughter`s resting.

She`s conscious.

She just over did today.

Thank God.

Will she have to stay in the hospital long?


We can release her in a day or so.

lf she wants to stretch the time that she has left we must ensure she does not weaken herself.

The time she has left?



-l certainly thought you`d know.

Know what?

Your daughter is terminally ill.

l contacted her doctor in New York.

l`m so sorry.

l thought you knew.

Time left?

ls that final?

- Yes.

Six months.

lf she takes it easy.

The child.

- She knows.

May l see her?

- Of course.

Come with me.

How did you get in here?

- That does not matter.

Your daughter needs you now

- l know she is in hospital that is an act.

She wants us to feel sorry for her.

That will not work.

l told her we would raise that child if she went away and never came back.

She said she would.

Now she wants her pity so we will take her in.

The answer is no.

You can tell her that from me.

Your daughter will keep her promise about not coming back.

She is dying, Reverend.

- That`s a lie.


She`s known for some time.

That`s why she came back here.

You`re lying.

She would have told me.

- She didn`t tell you because she wanted you to take her out of love not out of pity.

She wanted her daughter to feel secure with your love before she had to face her mother dying.

She carried that all by herself for her loved ones.

Amazing, isn`t it?

After everything you`ve done your daughter still loves you.

And you call that child of God a sinner.

My wife has taken the car.

May l go with you?


l won`t cry any more.

- That`s okay.

Crying is supposed to be good for us.

- My mum wasn`t crying.

Well, she`s passed that now, but l bet she did at first.


Do you believe in Heaven?

- Sure l do.

l wonder what it`s like?

- You`ll find out one day.

lt`s supposed to be a beautiful place.

- lt`s the best Why do people cry when someone goes there?

The same reason people cry at airports and bus stations.

Somebody we love is going on a long trip and we`re going to miss them.

Then we`re really crying for ourselves, aren`t we?

Yeah, but its alright.

lts alright.


Things didn`t work out quite the way l planned.

l thought about telling you.

- l understand.

l wanted to hurt you the way you hurt me.

The longer we`ve been apart the more l wanted to forget you.

Can you ever forgive me?

Forgive you?

l don`t want you to go away.

l want you to stay with us.

We have so much to say and so little time.

Please don`t go.

Please don`t, don`t go.

He loves me, Momma.

He loves me.

Before l start my sermon today, l would like to introduce two very important people in my life.

My daughter Marsha and my grand

-daughter, Amy.

We speak often of how much children can learn from their parents.

l`d like to talk about what l learned about from my child.

lt deals with judging others.

We all do it.

You do it.

Your minister does it.

We read about it in a newspaper and we judge them.

We judge our friends.

We judge our loved ones.

ln so doing we play God.

Although not the type of God we worship here.

For He is the last to judge.

Why then should we take it upon ourselves to do so?

We even judge someone else for worshiping in a different manner than we do.

ln doing so we create prejudice.

A man asked me once: lf l had a choice, would l rather face an Atheist with a g*n or a Christian with a g*n?

Of course l told him l would rather face neither.

He suggested because one man was a Christian, he was automatically better than the Atheist.

ls that true, or is that just a judgement?

You cannot go to Heaven if you do not believe in God.

ls that true?

Or am l merely judging by saying yes.

Am l supposed to believe that someone who has led a good life and helped others will be condemned by God because he does not believe?

l don`t think so.

l do not believe that God looks so much for recognition as He does for the good in each and every one of us.

Spend your time on the Earth loving.

Not judging.

Then we will truly be the children of God.
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